The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, December 07, 1914, Image 1
THE WEATHER RAIN TO-NIGHT AND TO MORROW Detailed Hrport, I'asf 8 S&WSP® VOL. 77—NO. 3. GERMANS IN LODZAGAIN NOW BELIEF Reoccupy City From Which They Were Driven in First Re treat From Warsaw | LATTER PLACE IS AGAIN MENACED; But 3emi ofllcial Statement From Pet rograd Declares the Russians Are Strong Enough to Hold the In vaders in Northern Poland London, Dec. 7, 11.35 A. M. —A eomparison of the reports from Berlin and Petrograd leads to the conclusion that the Germans again occupy Lodz from which city they were driven on their first retreat from Warsaw. Ber-1 lin makes positive announcement that Lodz is in their hands, while Petrograd 1 admits that the situation there is des- i perate. If the fall of the city is a fact, it! indicates.that communication with War- 1 saw again is seriously menaced, but a i ■enii-oificial statement from Betr.jgrad I declares that toe Russians are strung! euough to hold the invaders in North- j em Polnud and will content themselves' with doing this while devoting their j jnain energies to the reduction of Cra cow and the invasion of Hungary. Hungary, according to reports from the Russian capital, is the weak point in the armor of the Teuton allies. These | messages from Petrograd say that even as early as at the time of'the fall of j Lemherg, Austria asked Russia fori terms of peace. The negotiations to this end, if any really took place, a:i parently proved abortive. The str.ry' is again revived in Petrograd in thej form of a report that the Hungarian 1 prime minister, on a recent vigir t u ! Empe-or William, demanded better; military protection for Hungary, lack 1 of which would cause the loas of the kingdom. The latest French official communi cation declares there is nothing to re- j port oil the western front and, with the ! exception of a special dispatch to th# effect that Ostend is burning, nothing lias been received in Ijondon to dispute t the accuracy of this laconic statement. BRITISH STEAMER IS SUNK BY THE GERMANS IN CHILE Valparaiso, Chile, Dec. 7.—The Brit-1 iah steamer Charcas, from New York, <>eto>ber 1, has been sunk at sea off Port , < orral. <*hile, bv the German transport Prinz Bit el Frederick. The crew of the j Charcas have been landed forty miles I north of Valparaiso. New York. Dec. 7.—The Charcas was in the service of the New Y'ork and | Pacific Steamship Company. W. K. Grace & Co., local agents of the line, said to-day that the ship carried no pas- ! Hngers and that she probably had dis- \ • barged the greater part of her cargo ! before meeting the Prinz Eitel Fred- i eric'h. FRENCH ATM GERMAN TRENCHES ONJf'SER CANAL Paris, Dec. 7, 2.45 P. M.—The 1 French war office gave out an official communication this afternoon as fol-1 lows: "In the region of the Yser we con-j tinue to attack the few intrenchments ! still held by the enemy on the left j bank of the canal. '"ln the region of Armentiers and i of Arras as well as in Ttie Oise terri tory in the Aisne region and in the Argonne there is nothing to report, except to refer in general terms to the superiority of our offensive. •'ln Chaiikpagme our heavy artillery, on several different occasions, has shown market superiority over that ot the enemy. "There is nothing new on the east-I em front ot' our line, where the posi tions of preceding du-ys have been maintained." LATE WARIEWS SUMMARY! In Russian Poland, where more than anywhere else the fortunes of battle have been unevenly distributed there apparently has been another of the swift changes which have made the situation a confused one since the he ginning of the war. The success with which the Germans succeeded in rally ing their forces and renewing the of- 1 fensive after escaping from the Russian enveloping movement, ie indicated by the Berlin announcement which has not been contradicted in Petrograd, that the important polish city of Lodz has again been captured by the Germans. From Lodz the road leads to Warsaw, the objective in the two previous Ger man advances. Official statements concerning the fighting in the west still are confined to references to detached engagements, Cwttiie* •» Ktckt* Pace. j &I)C fftor- Ittkycnikttf- SNAPSHOT OF KAISER'S SON STARTING FOR THE FRONT o^fc Prince EITEL FR.IEDR»CH of PRUSSIA WEARIN6 the, IRON CROSS of the -FIRST CLASS. READY &? START for " the, FIRING LIME" -» •* LESS NEEDED 18 11 WATER DEFT. Bowman Says His Bud get Will Show Mater ial Reductions When Offered To-morrow MORE CUTS IN WATER RATES Small Manufacturing Plants Will Be Benefited by Proposed Reductions in Certain Charges—Safety Commis sioner Wants SI,OOO Car Further reductions in the city water rates and a decrease in the annual ex penditures of the Water Department are planned by Harry F. Bowman, City Commissioner of Public Safety, so he announced to-day. .Mr. Bowman said that at the regular meeting of the City Commissioners to-morrow he will pre sent his annual appropriation bill, in which he asks for $124,177.48 to run his department during the twelve month fiscal year 1915. That amount exceeds by SB,OOO what was appropriated to the same depart ment for tile present nine-month fiscal "year," but it is less by SII,OOO than the amount that was allowed during the full fiscal year 1913. The new appro priation bill, if approved by the Com mission. w ill, according to Mr. Bowman, contain an entirely new fund, one of $17,500 out of which he expects to buy a department automobile for sl,- 000 and pay cash for water meters, water pipe and water pipe construction. Thruigh»the abolition of the "credit system" of buying pipe and meters, Mr. Bowman declares, several hundred dollars "discount" can be saved. Prac tically all of the $17,500 appropri ation, excepting, of course, the cost of the auto, will revert back into the treasury through assessments which are levied against property owners and wa ter consumers for pipe line construction and to cover the cost of the water me ters. Says He Will Save $27,500 These assessments usually are paid within three months after "the water mains and the meters are constructed, although the contractor will not be com pelled, under Mr. Bowman's latest plan, to wait for his money and the department will be able to take ad- Continueil on Kiithtli Pa Ke . TESTIFY IN POISON' CASE Dozen Witnesses Tell of Illness Suf fered by IS Persons—Hear ing Is Again Postponed No report yet being received from the chemist regarding the analysis of pewder taken, from sauerkraut in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Pollicic, 1101 South Ninth street, which is al leged to have been placed there by An drew 'Meloctwick, accused of poisoning 18 persons, the preliminary trial in the case was postponed by Alderman Nich olas on Saturday night until a report can be made A dozen witnesses were heard toy the Alderman and the defendant himself ditl some talking, in which he admitted putting epsom salts in the pot of food. He denied using poison. Something alleged to have been in the sauerkraut made the members of the Pollicic family and the boarders, to the total number of eighteen, very ill, so they testified. Paul Itaditz, 1409 North Cameron street, acted as iuter perter. HARRISBURG, PA., MONDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 7, 1914—12 PAGES. n USES Fll THRQRT OF MSI ID LIFE SPED Frederick Miiler, Eight Months Oid, Is Back From Pittsburgh Cooing and Well PARENTS RACED WITH DEATH Got Youngster in Hands of Dr. Jack- j son, Famous Surgeon, Just in Time j —He Never Before Operated on So Young a Patient Rejoicing in having saved the life of their baby boy, eight months old, in whose oesophagus an open safety pin had lodged, Mr aud Mrs. Newton Mil ler, 1221 Market street, returned yes terday from Pittsburgh where Dr. Jack son, the famous surgeon, removed the piu in a delicate operation in the Pres byterian Hospital on Saturday after noon. The little patient, Frederick, is en- 1 tirely well now save for slight sore-1 ness of the throat, all danger of in fection having beeu removed. Dr. Jackson, whose specialty is child siir-l gerv, never before operated on a pa-1 tient so young. It was a veritable race with death that the parents began on last Friday night, a little before midnight, when they started with the child in a Penn sylvania Railroad'flyer to go to Pitts-j burgh to receive the attention of the 1 noted expert.. Last Wednesday the baby began to show evidence of discomfort in his throat and on Friday he was placed be neath the X-Ray in the Harrisburg Hos- IODIIIUHMI on Eiaclitli I'nlte. BURGLARS WiT CALLS Twice in 2-1 Hours Invade Store in Carlisle Business Section and Get Much Loot (Special to the .Star-Independent.) | Carlisle, Pa.. Dec. 7. —Twice within twenty-four hours thieves entered the second hand store of W. H. Stonesifer, in the he:irt of the business section, and got away with much loot. Jewelry, revolvers, knives and clothing ' was stolen. By breaking the glass in the rear door, entrance was gained to the'place' Saturday night. The business (lace was a wreck when the clerk went there yesterday afternoon. Mr. Stonesifer has been confined to his bed by illness for several weeks and the clerk has ( been managing the business. A man with a searchlight was seen j prowling around the store last mid- [ night by Stonesifer's wife. She called j the police but before they arrived tfo.i intruder had made his escape over the back fence. Cash for the Belgian Fund The Star-Independent acknowledges the receipt of $1 cash for the Belgian relief fund, which 'has been forwarded to the proper persons to revive the money. German Belief Fund Social Tiie women of the Harrisburg Maen nertfhoir will hold a box social in maen neruhoir hall, North ami Chure.h streets, this evening, for the -benefit of tihe Ger man relief fund. LIST SESSISI i 631 CONGRESS Legislators Reassemble at Noon To-day for the Third and Final Meeting JOINT SESSION TO HEAR MESSAGE President WUBOU Will Deliver His| Annual Address in Person From the Rostrum in the Hall of the House | To-morrow Noon 811 Associated Press. Washington, Dec. 7.—The Sixty third Congress reassembled to-day for its third and concluding session. Presi dent Wilson will deliver his annual ad dress, in person, to-morrow from the rostrum in the hall of the House be ■ fore a joint session, outlining the ad ministration program. Until that is fully disclosed, the work wnich will be undertaken during the comparative ly few remaining days in the life of this Congress, which dies at 110011 March 4, remains undefined, except 1 that the usual appropriation bills aro 1 likely to receive first ami chief atten tion. Whether the Sixty-fourth Con gress, chosen at the November elec ■ lions will be called in special session I or will not assemble before another i year, no one can predict with cer tainty. Appropriation Bills Paramount After six weeks of respite from leg -1 islativc grinding, during which many participated in the political campaign, | members of both Houses assembled pre pared to go 011 with the unfinished business loft over from the last ses sion. That the general appropriation bills would be difficult to complote be fore March 4, if much other legislation were to intervene, was the consensus of opinion among leaders of both dom inant parties. What circumstances \ may arise from the European war or changed conditions in Mexico, may bo 1 the deciding influence in the meeting j time of the next Congress with its new j host of Republicans in the House. Many Relegated to Private Life With the falling of the gavels in I both Houses to-day many legislators, ! some of them prominent figures for 1 years in the political life of the na tion, turn their toward private life, for this session of Congress is their last unless changing fortunes re ; turn them. Senators Root, of New York; Rur ! ton, of Ohio; Perkins, of California; liristow, of Kansas; Crawford, et South Dak/ota; Stephenson, of Wis consin—'all Republicans—and Thorn ton, of Louisiana, and White of Ala i bama, Democrats, will go out of office ' at the end oif the session. In the House, Representative Un- Continued on Sixth I'affe. Says Germans Destroyed Monastery I'aris, Dec. 7. —A dispatch from I'e trograd says: "The Germans have de stroyed the monastery of Lenozyca, about 15 miles northwest, of Lodz, which hns been in existence for a thou j send years, 011 the pretext that the ringing of the angelus was a signal to the Russians. A priest and two monks were killed.'' Two Swedish Steamers Sunk London, Dec. 7. —A dispatch from Stockholm states that two Swedish steamers struck mines off the Finnish coast and that both sank. The crew of one was saved, but all seamen of the other, except one man, were loot. no BE IN WATER FBI JORDAN STREAM Eli Nissley He rs he y and Wife Brought It in a Flask From the Holylands HE KEPT IT 1 FOR A YEAR Used Yesterday in Service by Which Couple Were Received Into Mem bership of the Stevens Memorial Methodist Church Water which EH Nissley iHersihey, of 1032 Kolleston street, 'brought about a year ago from t'iic River Jordan during a tour of the Holylands, was yester day morning used in Stevens Memorial I Met'hodist cliureh to baptize him and his | wife, who were received into church I membership. The Rev. Dr. Clayton Albert Smurk 'er officiated at the 'baptism. He also | made use of tihe waiter from the Holy lands in baptizing .Muss 'Blanche Dress, who was admitted into tihe church at the same time as Mr. and 'Mrs. Her «hey. 'Mir. Hershev is manager of the Hor - shey Creamery Conrpany, 409 Sout'h Cameron street. lie married several years ago and subsequently made a tour of Palestine. He brought back with j him a small quantity of the water of I the River .Jordan in a little flask as a ! remem'branee of the trip, and had eare fully guarded it until yesterday when he had the clergyman use it to baptize himself and wife. SEEK TO SAVEJORGBNTBfIU Friends of Man Condemned to Die in Chair Flan to Carry Case to the Supreme Court i (Special to the Star-Independent.) Carlisle, Pa.. Dec. 7.—Friends of Morgenthau, the Harrisburg man who murdered John Rupp, a Shiremanstown farmer and who Judge Wilbur F. Sad ler, of the Cumbe'land county courts, has decided is guilty of murder in the tirst degree and must die in the elec j trie chair, have interested themselves | in the condemned man's case and to | day announced an appeal will be taken in his behalf to the Supreme Court of | the State, if necessary. J The defendant several weeks ago pleaded guilty to the general charge of murder. Testimony was taken by the Court without a jury and the judge fixed the degree of the offense. To-morrow is the last day on which counsel for the condemned man may file objections to tho decision of Judge Sadler and the lawyers to-day said that such objections will be filed. Judge Sadler, when he read his decision fix ing the crime as first degree murder, intimated that the appeal would be in vain so far as bis court is concerned. Friends of the condemned man have been in conference with prominent Harrisburg iHebrews and it is said that a plan now is on foot to raise money by subscription with which to finance the appeal to the State's highest trib unal. DISCORD IN SCRAMBLE FOR THE COLLECIORSHIP At Least Five Democratic Workers Want the Post, Including Warren Van Dyke, T. K. Van Dyke, H. M. Jones, Geo. Harris, Dr. Dougherty , The restoration of the old Bcranton | internal revenue district b.v Congress | has tossed an apple of discord into , the rauks of the Democrats of this vi- i cinit.v and there threatens to be a real j disturbance over it. When the Scranton district was con solidated with that having its headquar- j tors in Lancaster, Harry L. 'Hershev, of i Harrisaboirg, continued as collector until | his successor, Fred W. Kirkendall, the Wilkes ißarre editor, succeeded*him. Mr. Kirkendall hesitated quite a while be fore accepting the appointment, it be ing represented to 'him that the old district would be restored be- j fore he consented to take charge, in | which event ho would be removed to i Srranton to take charge of that olHee, and a nev collector a.p|>ointed for t/hia : district, with headquarters in Utncas ter. During the regular session of Con i gress, jngressntan A. Mitchell Palmer j succeeded in having the Sernnton dis- I trict restoi and in a short time Col lector Kirkendall will remove his office i to that city. This leaves a vacancy in 1 the collectorsihip of this district, and j the problem of filling the office is the Continued ou Klfflith Pnge. THIEF NEXT STOUGH HOME Enters the House of the Misses Lett, 218 Pine Street, by Putting Ladder to Window j The home of the iMisses Lett, 218 Pine j j street, was entered by a second-story I ! thief some time between 7 and 9 i I o'clock last evening, bureau drawers on i the second floor being ransacked, but j ! nothing of value taken, according to j ! members of the family, who made an ] I inventory following the discovery of j j the presence of tlie thief last nig'ht. The i J Lett home contains many apartments | occupied bv well-to-do perso-ns. This house is next to the residence | i of Dr. Henry W. Stough, now oonduet | ing a revival in this city. The thief gained entrance to the rear of the sec | ond story by means of a stepladder j while members of the family were on ! the first floor, according to the police. i 1\ R. R. TAKES ON BRAKEMEN Work Again For Score of Employes j Who Were Placed on Furlough During the last few weeks the j ! Pennsylvania has taken on for work as | brakeinven a number o<f those who were j laid off some time ago because lack | of work. Ten men were reinstated at the Enola yards, anil ten more will be given work within the next week. This increase, as explained at head ! quarters in Harrisbaing, is not because of increajK- of business, but. because j the tonnage of trains is cut down in I the winter months, making necessary I the use of a smaller numlber of cars to a train, and consequently more traiius, i requiring more men. All of t'he men taken on are old em ployes and no new men are being em ployed. The men given work have • been on furlough for some time. LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! Beginning, To-day, December 7, THE STAR-INDEPENDENT WILL GIVE AWAY 2 Reserved Seat Tickets \ to the Orp Every Day Until the Close I We don't know who will pet these tickets, but someone will pet two i every (lay. Perhaps YOU will be one of the lucky ones. / HERE IS THE PLAN Every week (lav a young lady, an employe of tlie Star Independent, will be blindfolded. She will open Boyd's Directory of Harris burp ami vicinity and will make a mark on one of the pages. The person whose name is nearest the mark will be given absolutely free of charge two reserved seats, which will be good at the Orpheuin on a date which will be announced with the name of the person to whom they are awarded. The announcements will be HIDDEN among the Want, l,ost, Pound. For Bent, For Sale, etc., ads, but will be so plain that any one can easily find them. . LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! Btart to-day. Bead over the Classified Columns every evening. Perhaps your name will be there. Someone was awarded two tickets to-day. Kind out who got them. If you were not lucky this time, perhaps your turn will come next. It will be a lot of fun following up the winners. IF YOL'B NAME is announced don't hesitate to call for tho tickets. The Star-Independent wants you to enjoy them. Special Notice —Tickets must be called for before 8 o'clock the evening of the next day after the announcement is made or they will be forfeited. ■■ - - - I. ,J POSTSCIPT PRICE, ONE CENT. TROUBLE AS RAIN TURNS INTU SNOW There Is Prospect of Ice Crippling Traffic in City Late This Aft ernoon or To-night WIRE SERVICE SUFFERS MUCH Trunk Lines Are Down in All Direc tions Outside of Hi.rvisiburg—Dif ficulty in Getting Telegraphic News —Through Trains on Time Although rain was all Harrisburg got this morning of the storm which has caused much damage to shipping along the Atlantic coast and lias made endless trouble for telegraph companies on ev ery hand except in the Northwest, there was much apprehension felt this afternoon w'hen tiie nain turned into sleet an<i later into a heavy, wot snow, lest transportation will be crippled to night. Ice on the tracks and wires was what was feared most. By reason of the storm elsewhere, telegraphic com munication with outHido citios was so riously crippled all day long and at times entirely demoralized. E R. Remain, local weather forecast er, could make no positive forecast for the conditions about Harrisburg for the next twenty-four hours because his weather reports-, which generally arrive in this city before 10 o'clo' k in the morning, were more than half missing iat 12.30 o'clock. The messages were j delayed on account of wire trouble, which seems to be general throughout the East, .South aiu 1 Southwest. From his meagre reports, however, Mr. Demain judged that the disasterous storm was central off the Virginia capes and that as it moved northward and out into the ocean it would induce i northeasterly winds, shifting to north- I west. ''lt is rarely ever,'' he said, "that winds of that character give sleet in l this vicinity and, should the tempera ture drop, snow will more than likely result." Mr. Domain's statement is verified ! by the report from the Washington of fice of the Weather Bureau, whose forecast for Eastern Pennsylvania reads: Snow Predicted for To-night "Snow or rain to-night, northeast gales shifting to northwest and dimin ishing." There is little likelihood of any im mediate material change in the weather Contlnnril on ElpTrnth I'm*.