The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, December 05, 1914, Page 8, Image 8

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THE TOURING CAR, $875.00 |
Also 600 Used Cars
Gorson's Automobile Exchange j
238-240 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
I Send for Bargain Bulletin orE fl to n ° a " Agente Wanted j
wmmwmamseaam msa&namssaßKa mmmkb)
1 Prompt Attention to Repairs
Automobile Painting, Rubber Tiring, etc.; Auto
Tops, Bodies, Springs of all makes manufactured
and repaired. Quality is our motto.
The C. A. Fair Carriage & Auto Works |
East End Mulberry Street Bridge
When in trouble on the road, phone us Bell
Phone 1710—and we will tow you in free of charge.
We Repair and Remodel Automobiles of every make. All work guar
anteed. Let us estimate on your repairs.
Auto Transportation
Machine Shop
No. 5 North Cameron St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Dime Savings Bank President Tells of
the Permanent Solidity of the
Market for Machines
Commodore William Livingstone,
president of t'lie Dime Savings bank of
Detroit, well presented the permanent
solidity of the automobile market in
his address to the American Bankers'
Association at Richmond.
"It is worthy to note," said ho,
"that at no time in twelve years has
the industry as a whole taken a back
ward step, the records showing that,
each year an increasing number of cars
lias been ma le and sold. From less than
a thousand cars in 1902, when the
business may really be said to have be
gun, to 435,0u0 cars during the fiscal
year of June 150, 1914, the latter hav
ing a total valuation of aboiit $425,-
000,000. Coupled with these figures are
of the parts and accessory
ijMakers, with sales during the past
twelve months running into big figures.
Attention at this point is called to tho
fact that 47 per cent, of the cost of an
.automobile is in the labor.
"While in the early days, the auto-
*■ -
mobile was a luxury, it is now a neces- I
| sitv for a large proportion of owners, I
| and has taken i'ts place among other ;
'utilities like the telephone ami tele-j
' graph, with a broadening field because
of the increasing demand for commer
cial or freight-carrying lower-driven '
vehicles. It must lie appreciated that
to the farmers, doctors and business !
men generally, the automobile is noiv |
: a dependent | art of their equipment j
for doing business."
Two thousand two hundred and fifty
miles in 102 hours. That's the time
. inade by Captain Edward Laviolette
in a recent motorcycle trip from Chi
cago to New York. Laviodette is plan
| ning a motorcycle trip to the Panaana
I , exposition next year.
; The Schenectady, N. Y., Motorcycle i
Club will have a series of educational \
'j meetings during the -winter. A*com- j
i nrittee has been appointed to arrange '
'' for lecturers.
, ! A novel club of motorcyclists has I
j been formed at Bothel], Washington.!
j called the "Chuckhole Club." Each
j member of this organization pledges
1 j himself to boost the good roads move- j
I ment in every possible way. Also each !
j motorcyclist agrees to personally see j
■that at least one chuckhole is filled up
| each month. The emblem of this unique '
. club is a miniature spade.
At aji average sipeed of practically j
sixty miles a.n hour, bee Taylor, of i
Mid diet own, Ohio, flashed around the |
Grand Prize automobile course, a.t Ha- '
vtannali, (la., and succeeded in captur
ing the second annual 300-m.i'le motor
cycle classic. His time was five hours,!
two minutes and thirty-two seconds.
This smashed last year's Tecord, male
by Bob Perry, bv twenty minutes. At!
the last lap, Joe Wolters, of Chicago, j
was leading the field when he blew |
out a tire and was forced to ride the [
lart five miles on the rim. He finished j
secondh and Irving Janke, of Milwau
kee, Wis., was third. The event proved I
an exciting one, nine of the thirty-!
two machines entered crossing the tape
within eighteen minutes.
Bible Class Will Elect Officers on Tues
day Night at 7.45
| The men's Bible class of "the Lu
j theran Church of the Redeemer will
j hold their semi-annual election of offi-
I cers of the class op Tuesday at 7.45
jp. m. All members are requested to be |
The Jeffery Chesterfield Six Shows a
Surprising Result in An Official
Test Made by the Chicago Automo
bile Club
An operating cost of than halt
a cent a mile lor gasoline was the sur
prising result of an official! tc*it made
by the Chica'o Automobile club with
-a six-cylinder Jetfery. The car with its
passengers weighed no leas th«n 4.100
pound's. The fuel consumption, ac
cording to Qhairitnaii F. E. Edwards
and Harry A. Tarantous, of the tech
nicail coiiuiWittee of the club, was 28.Y
•miles to the (American) gallon of
garoline, which is the equivalent of
34.4 miles to the British or '' imper
ial" gallon.
Such wonderful operating economy
has never "before ibeen attained with
any, except nairs much annaller in size.
Indeed, there are few, if any, small
iiars of less than one-lhaJf the weight
t'hait ran consistently equal this rec
ord. Previously it has been tactit'v
assumed that soK'h (jua-liit-ies as distinc
tion, class, comfort and luxury, the at
tributes of the mare pretentious cars,
were alwav* associated with high in
itial cost and almosit prohibitive oper
ating expense. But here was such a
car, costing only $1,650, with the fuel
economy of a miniature automobile.
The test was made without the
knowledge of the manufacturer of t'he
car. Instead, it was conducted in the
•interesit of the maker of the Strom
berg carburetor, which was used in the
demonstration. Besides fuel economy,
the accelerating power, flexibility and
hil'l climbing ability of the machiine
were also determined by the demon
Good roads were chosen for the fuel
test, 58 test gasoline beinig used, the
fan kept running and tlhe clutch being
slipped only when traffic miade it neces
sary. The dash adjustment oif the car
buretor was disconnected throughout
the run. Only one, gallon of gasoline
Was used, the automobile being kept
running until all of the fuel was ex
hausted. In the acceleration test the
car was driven from a standing start
to 30 miles an hour in 12 4-5 sec
onds. The flexibility of the machine
was demonstrated by speeding it from
4 to 4 4 miles an hour on the high gear.
Traffic conditions j>revented greater
speed than this. Up Hubbard's Hill the
cur progressed from a standing start
at the bottom to 15 miles an hour at
the top, on high gear. With a flying
start this was increased to 18 miles an
These phenomenal results were ob
tained with the 1915 model of the
.leffery Chesterfield Six, in which was
followed the European practice of us
ing a comparatively small, though
highly efficient long-stroke motor. The
.Tefferv mix-cylinder motor has a 3-inch
bore and a 5-inch stroke. It is a French
type improved by the ingenuity of
American mechanics and designers. Its
wonderful economy and power as
shown by this test are a triumph for
the Jeffery engineers. Sdlvertown cord
tires were used in the demonstration,
while the mileage was recorded by a
Stewart speedometer.
1914 Demonstrating Car. Hun
1,600 miles; in perfect condition anil
fully guaranteed. Car .sells at $2,250;
will be sold for $1,700. Equipment,
'-"Cell Kxide battery. Mohair top
and curtains, Stewart Speedometei
Skid Chains. Klaxon horn, etc. This
ear will make the run from Phila
delphia tn Harrisburg shortlv. Kor
an appointment to inspect' same
write or wire
ui.'-icii \. ar.m st.
Auto Gloves
$1.50 TO $5.00
Rear 1417, 19 and 21
North Front Street
GEO. B. BENTLEY, Proprietor
A modern brick structure, central
location for storage with
Practical Mechanical Service
Harrisburg Agents for
Correct in design, construction
and price.
Demonstration by Appointment
Bell Phone 3781 B
Expert Work Only
1451 Zarker Street
Sterling Auto Tire Co.
Glance at Agricultural Market Shows
That Possibilities Are Hardly
Scratched—Machines That Have
Gone to the Scrap Heap
Nearly one and a half million auto
mobiles have been sold in the United
States since 1902 when the business
may bp said really to hav e begun.
The number of these machines that
have gone to the scrap heap is as yet
negligible for commercial reckoning.
The oldest is only twelve or thirteen
years old. You see the quaint old timers
in service every dav.
Next year, according to the forecast
of the trade, nearly a half million .more
cars will be sold. These facts cause
many to wonder where these hundreds
of thousands of cars will go next year
—and the years after that.
Thus far the number of automobiles
owned by farmers is only about 10 per
cent, of the total number of farms. The
manufacturers would have to produce
over five million more cars to fill the
farm market alone.
The coqiing of the automobile has
made remarkable changes in farm con
ditions. It is carrying the farmer far
and wide over the countryside and
bringing him into close touch with all
the great improvements in agriculture.
To-day it is no uncommon thing in
any of the middle western states to see
anywhere from 50 to 33 automobiles
grouped about a field where a plowing
contest, is going on, or Standing about
the stable where there is a sale of line
cattle. These automobiles come from
distances of 10, 20 and even 30 miles.
They bring the farmer to these centers
of interest quickly and without agreat
waste of time.
The automobile on the farm is a pay
ing investment in many ways. On many
farms the car does service both as a
pleasure car and a truck. By removing
the body the car is converted into a
truck on which farm produsts are
quickly taken to market at little ex
In the oil days if a member of the
family, or a valuable horse fell ill or
was hurt, or a machine broke down in
the midst of harvesting, the farmer had
no choice but to take the consequences.
He would drive off to town for help,
but it was a long, slow drive over bail
roads and help almost always arrived
late. The car gives him the quick serv
ice he needs.
When it comes to the boys on the
farjn, no one can doubt the influence
of the automobile in making the farm
attractive. Both the bovs and giris of
the farm drive the car and take care of
it, an;! you may be sure that, the young
men or women on the farm where
there is an automobile spe to it that the
car is kept in good shape. There is a
marked decrease in the desire on the
part of the young to get away from the
farm, and the automobile is one of the
most important influences to bring
about this change.
The automobile has promoted the
good roads movement all through Amer
ica. This is decreasing the cost of
transporting agricultural products to
market. And so important an Item is
this that it could almost be said that
the improvements in roads alone would
more than pay a big interest on the
amount the farmer has invested in au
Even now, road improvements have
made it possible in many places to use
the car every month of the year.
These are factors of tile growing
business of tho local automobile dealer
| —for on the local dealer the farmer
I depends for his cars. It accounts for
! the fact that from now right on
through the winter months the factories
will lie busy turning out cars to meet
the spring demand. The high point of
production is reached about the middle
of February. The local dealer buys
leffery 4, $1450
j Jeffery Chesterfield Light C, . . .SIOSO
I Jeffery Big 6, S2JOO
.1 efiery Trucks Chassis,
81800 to SIOSO
leffery 4-Wheel Drive Trucks, . .$2750
• i m 1 O'lU-lb. iVu \ orv ranging from
SOBS to $725
All Prices F. O. B. Factory
Bentz Landis Auto Co.,
1808 LOGAN ST.
iHtlter Sires
1451 Zarker Street
Sterling Auto Tire Co.
j Si J
Hcflnhlied with I!-Auto-\ if-niMh,
$ 10. tH) and upward** Mnde to
Look Mke New In IS Hours.
j Harrisburg Auto Reflnishing &
Repair Co.
Main Oilier, .101 Kunklr llulldlnc
T. A. Jrnaen A. M. l.evrrln*
Manager Male* Manager
cars in advance and stores them until
the opening of the spring season so he
can make, prompt deliveries when the
rush comes.
Taken From Marine Designs, Declares
George a. McTarland, of Harrisburg
Auto Co., Distributors for Haynes
Car In This Territory
"The term 'stream line' as applied
to automobile bodies has been taken
from maiine designs," declares George
G. McFarland, of the Harrisburg Auto
€o., distributors, in this territory for
the Haynes, America's First Car. "A
boat must have 'stream lines' to offer
as little resistance to the motion of the
boat as possible. In order to reduce
the friction between the water and the
surface of the boat hull, such curves
and lines must be embodied in the boat
as would be continuous from the bow
to the stern. If there is the slightest
curve outward in the reverse direction
from the general curvature, there is the
tendency to set up little whirlpools and
"This is really the true test of per
fect stream lines and it can be applied
to automobile bodies as well as to boats,
by imagining the body is a swiftly mov
ing current of watef. If the curves
at any point, especially between the
hoo.l and cowl and the front partion of
the body have the slightest tendency to
throw the imaginary current away from
the body, it is not 'stream line." Any
curve, whieb if continued, would lead
the eye out from the body, violates the
stream line conception.
"Just because a cowl has replaced
the antiquated straight dash, there is
no license to call the body 'stream
line.' Stream line bodies have a smooth
tapering curve that starts at the front
of the radiator and sweeps to the ex
treme rear in continuous, pleasing
lines. Any abrupt curve at the cowl
is distracting.
"Thie stream line body represents
the ideal body toward which the ten
dency has been for past three years,
and the Haynes engineers have kept
this thought in the foreground in de
signing the Haynes 'light six.' Every
thing that can be desired in a body is
had in the stream line design. The
lines are simple and refined. The body
is low and consistent with safety. Tha
true stream line car has a dignity all
of its own. The stream line car has a
permanent distinguishing style that is
not affected by the changing fashions
of fancy. It is on this account that
a car possessing a true stream line
body represents the best automobile in
"It is the appearance of a car that
causes its depreciation in the years
following its purchase. A car that has
the stream line type of body is one
that will be recognized universally in
the coming years as being of accepted
design. Inhere will not be the contrast
two or three years from now, as there
is now with the cars built a few years
ago. Consequently, the depreciation will
be less marked."
Officials of the Paige Motor Car Com
pany Jubilant Over Perform
ance of Their Entries
The seventh annual Cactus Derby,
run recently from Los Angeles, Cal
ifornia, to Phoenix, Arizona, is still
a fruitful twpic of conversation in the
automobile industry because of tihe ter
rific nature of the grind and the sen
sational events which accompanied it.
When a dozen powerful and 'high-priced
cars strow their wreckage along the
route of a road rai'e it is apparent
that the event is far from being a
joy ride.
Officials of the Paige .Motor Oar
Company are not only ju'bilant over the
fact that 'their two entries finis<hed sec
ond and third respectively, but they
believe that the performance of these
cars demonstrates tlheir merits in the
most convincing and spectacular man
■Several features in connection with
the Paige cars stand out and can be
'briefly summarized.
The Paige entries hail seen consid
erable service before t'he great race.
One had 'been a demonstrator in Los
Angeles ami tho other had 'been used
as a i>a'thfinder in mapping ouit the
now rou'te for tthis year's (.'actus Derby.
Ou the other 'hand, t'he Stutz car that
won first place in the ral?e by only
34 minutes was one that hail 'been es
pecially manufactured for the Indian
apolis 500-mile speed race. Twenty
ears started; only eight finished.
But the most significant fact of all
was tho ferfotunance of t'he Paige en
tries ou t'he last day of tflie rave. This
was the worst day—worse by far in the
vile nature of the roads covered and in
the character of the weather encounter
ed. Yet the Paige cars, in spite of
tihese conditions and the severity of
tihe work already done, made their best
Eihowiug on this day—l>ntter tthan that,
of any other entries —and made tho
fastest time of all contestants 'between
Prescott and Phoenix. The third day's
''bowing, therefore, is regarded as an
Increastd Efficiency
L)o you dread the coming
of cold weather?
If you have Kellev's Coal
in your bins you shouldn't
worry about the advent of
Krllet/'x Coal will increase
the efficiency of your heating
system and keep youcomfortable.
Whatever size and kind of
fuel your furnace needs for
best results Kelley will sup
ply you. This is fine weather
for making deliveries.
1 N. Third Street
Tenth and State Streets
I Selected By J. HOWARD WERT
No Sl °- "Roll on Silver Moon"
AH I strayed from my eot at the close of the rtav,
Mid the ravishing beauties of June;
Neath the .jesamine shade I espied a fair maid.
And she sadly complained to the moon:
Roll on, silver moon, guide the traveler on his way.
While the nightingale's song is in tune;
Oh, I never, never more, with my true love shall stray,
By thy bright silver light of'the moon?
Like the Hart on the mountain, my lover was brave,
So handsome, so manly and clever;
So kind and sincere, and he loved me so dear,
Oh, Edwin thine equal was never.
His grave I'll seek out until morning appears,
And weep o'er my love so brave;
I'll embrace the cold turf, and bathe with my tears.
The flowers that bloom o'er his grave.
The Sea
By Bryan Waller Proctor ("Barry Cornwall")
The sea! the sea; the open sea!
The blue, the fresh, the ever free!
Without a mark, without a bound,
It runneth the earth's wide regions
It plays with the clouds; it mocks the
Or like a cradled creature lies.
I'm on the sen! I'm on the sea!
1 am where I would ever be;
With the blue above, and the blue be
And silence wheresoe'er I go;
If a storm should come, and awake the
What matter? I shall ride and sleep.
especially convincing demonstration of
the -ar's stamina, staunchness and re
In view of the facts just related and
that the event was not a one-day
'but a grind of 70 6 miles over the most
difficult and dangerous of mountain
roads, it is apparent that second anil
third positions in this race was an
achievement of wihic'h any manufacturer
hasa license to feel proud.
Chandler Export Manager in Venezuela,
After Taking in Porto Rico and the
West Indies—Rapid Work Is Sign
ing Up Caracas Dealer
With glaring headlines in every
trade and newspaper advising American
business firms to Wi Uo After South
American Business," the Chandler Mo
tor (Jar Company, through the foresight
edness of its export manager, W. S. M.
.Mead, has alreaity commenced an active
campaign of sales in the southern half
of tne Hemisphere.
Mr. Mead, who is one of the oldest
and most experienced export men in
the automobile business, had planned a
Kuiopean trip for this fall, but the out
break of hostilities in the continent
early in July caused the postponement
of the journey. nick to realize tho
possible benefits from the severing of
trade relations between South Amer
ican countries and Europe, Mr. Mead
immediately arranged a trip to South
America by way of the West Indies.
The export manager later left for
South America and has spent a good
purtiou of the past month in Venezuela.
"I have established at least one rec
ord on my trip to South America that
is only rarely duplicated in the
States," writes Mr. Mead. "That is
the signing up of the Caracas sales
rights for the Chandler, delivery of the
demonstrating car and the retail sale
of s>ame, all within the short space of
twelve hours. Our dealer in Caracas,
Fernando Marquis, 0., is one of the liv
est wires in South America and certain
ly understands the Latin temperament
as connected with the sale of motor
cars. His headquarters, the Garage
Central, from which Chandler owners
in the capital of Venezuela will be
served, constitute the most up-to-date
motor establishment in the city.
"The importation of motor ears in
Venezuela has been comparatively lim
ited, there being only 250 cars in use
in and aibout Caracas, the capital. Prac
tically all of these, with the exception
of a few foreign cars, sell at a very
low price. Through the efforts of for
mer President Gomez, a very good
■stone road has been built from La
Guavra, the seaport, to Caracas, a dis
tance of about thirty miles. The road
reaches an altitude of 3,000 feet near
the city of Caracas. This road and two
others are the main automobile thor
oughfares of the county. With the ad
dition of more good roads, which are
alreadv promised, the sale of motor
cars will undoubtedly increase."
They Surpass the Product of Italy's
Famous Quarries
The greatest marble producing indus
try in the world is no longer to be
found in tho famous Carrara district
of Italy, but in Vermont, where one of
the richest veins in the world stretches
in an irregular line across th© state.
So great is the production of marble
in this section that the inhabitants
have lost much of their appreciation
of its value and use it for such humble
and utilitarian purposes as paving, un
derpinning for barns, hitching posts,
stepping stones and drinking troughs
for horses. This vein is about fifty
seven miles long, from 1,600 to 2,200
feet in width and runs from 375 to
850 feet in depth, and from it is being
taken in enormous quantities white
marble that is equal to the finest Ital
ian marble as well a« an endless va
riety of blue, yellow, green and jet
black marbles.
For quarrying and finishing the mar
ble the most up to dlate methods and
equipment are used, no part of the
work being done by hand that can
possibly be done by machinery. Hand
methods of drilling, still in vogue in
Italy, have been entirely supersedied
by power driven drills and channeling
machines. The blocks as they come
from the quarry are handled by der
ricks and are conveyed in most cases
by an inclined railway or a ropeway
to the mills, where they are sawed anil
shaped by power driven machines, only
the last delicate stage of polishing be- j
ing done by hand l . —Popular Mechanical
I love (oh! how I love) to ride
On the fierce, foaming, bursting tidfr,
When every mad wave drowns the
Or whistles aloft his tempest tune,
And tells how goetli the world below.
And why the southwest blasts do blow.
1 never was on the dull and tame shore
But I loved the gTeat sea more and
And backward flew to her billowy
Like a bird that seeketh its mother's
And a mother she was and is to me.
For I was born on the open sea!
This Expert Makes It a Rather Com
plicated Operation
Kow men can roll up an umbrella
! nicely. Here is the method ] was
' taught. It is not very pretty, but it is
' effective. Vou begin bv folding up a
I sheet of newspaper to form a little pad;
| otherwise you are apt to spoil your wall
| paper. Now for the rest.
Hold the umbrella horizontally. Hold
the pad of ; aper against the wall, pros*
i the end of the um>breU'a against the
j paper and the handle of the umbrella
against your own body. This leaves the
hands free for the delicate task of roll-
S ing up the umbrella. Find the button.
Bring the fold with the button on it to
j your left anil let it hang down. Then
pull out each fold and pass it over the
tirst. Throw the lot loosely around
I the umbrella without disturbing the
creases of the folds. Grip the tops of
( the ribs with the right hand. Put your
| left hand around the other end and
wind tilie um'brella through the left
j hand witih a screwing motion.
j Do not let go of the tops of the riba
lof the utWbrella. When you have to
i move the hand slide it around. If you
I lot go you will find that the ribs get
| out of plaice, and then the folds of the
I umbrella will follow suit. When the
umbrella is rolled up grip it tightly un
til you have fastened it. If you fail
in that detail you will get an unsightly
bulge in the center of the umbrella.—-
London Globe.
<«olf, Ten n Im, llontiiiit, lluthiiiu,
»n<l ( JTIIHK
! Tonrn Inc. Motrin. Shore Kxcuralons,
j Lowest KatfN.
Screw S. S. "BERMUDIAr^Snt.
I I'nKtenl, nrrnfil unil only ntrniiirr Intnl
: Inn iillNNt-iiKPrN Ht the dock in llrrnuirin
I nitlimit trnnMfrr by tender.
j S. S. Guiana and other Steamers
] every fortnight for St. Thomas, St.
i t'roix, St. Kitts, Antiqua, Guadeloupe,
| Dominica, Martinique, St. Lucia, Bar
j bados, and Demerara.
. For full Information apply to A. K.
OlTlHlHillM.i; & t 0., \mntn diiclHH*
S. S. Co., Ltd., 29 Hrondway, New York,
or any Ticket Agent.
Winter Trips
and Cruises
Interesting and restful, because of
the fascinating charms of tropical
life and clirrate. F.xrell<*nt
Sailings from New York each
I Thursday and Saturday. Through
rates to Isle of Pines, Santiago,
In the Bahamaa, olen many attraction?
k a* a Winter Resort.
Balmy climate, charming aocial life,
golf, bathing, boating, tennia, polo, motor
ing, etc.
Other mttrwthue thmrl tript mnd cmlm
at low rain. W/He far kaokki.
(Ward Liae)
General Officea, Pier 14, E.R., New York
Or any Railroad Ticket Office or
Authorized Tourist Agency
I 1 * T " MODERN |
II 13 T LBERT. Sts
p 2 Minutes from PENNSYL
|j 2.50 JscautUuf Oxit4i(ic
I and
i . jf'iCivTTtq 3c# Cdtzior-
I V J£.OO anc) up.
| tPopu/ar Ga fe,
I and U&tfiurarit. rj