FORTHIS FREE MM J BOOK ON Perfect Man * Mml iII ]| Rupture holding bock it roally Is. If Ajpi'.i i l» 1 !. 1 1' 'Hi* \J» it does not prove all we claim after the M I 'l 1 ' 1 UußltMt* required t- st. it will not cost you a I |M j M llMrlll VB The Heal Secret of Healing Knptiirc Mill ! j lilllllil.® To successfully co-operate with Na- M || I ill lure in the work of healinir. the slip- ! ■ || I M l" 1 '■ porting device must he so constructed 111 j ||HL|.dU>A that the rupture-retainiiig part over-, 111 | BVI I .«\ laps and draws together the br-'acu-d HI l| |! | opening instead of pressing directly ! ill I|| I IIL xlhll The trusses of to-da> are sadly lack- ' /all: II I i lln'V II ing in this quality. They nearly all] |J||||l' I | j |B\I slve that direct pressure into the open- : I I' i ■\\\ VI N vhi l h • :iu not help but enlarge it. i \ I iMl\ Wr making it thai much harder to retain I |Bth\ t:le : '"Wel lat. r on. resulting in uncon- ! trollable rupture with serious compll- | * Tf The Sehulling Itupture l.oek was in- i DIIDTIIDT a , ■ vented to overcome just such faults. It Kill I Unt , „ > 1 ls made to comply with Nature's laws ■ Ilrl I Vlllb now \ and reach t'.ie objective point by the! * , er .<- I.' . „ i safest and shortest possible route. That -ever gets well of itself hi. gets worse j( h , ls „ un .,. e , wd u ' i, est , oW by the front time to lime. It »ill ( < entuali> thousands who are now singing its' iinflt you for work and lifes battles praises ;n every corner of our land. It positively grows d«Bgero.i.—think of Th|s ( , he Hup(urf . ~m . k that you ge , the hundreds of people that yearly sac- „ T , 8 , ritlce their lives to strangulation. ... , The past has proven that the old- Wr'te For Mr* re* ll"c.k «( Oner fashioned antiquated truss and appli- 't tells >ou all about getting rid of anee wont help you—it can't: its con- > ou ' rupture. It teems with interest-) struction Is all wrong. A new star of experiences of former rupture suf hope has arisen for the ruptured—a nat- »erers. It tells w y physicians are rec- . ural outcome from the deficiencies of ommendlng this Hnpiiire l.oek instead the past. There ls hope, jov and com- of advising dangerous operations. It fort awaiting you. ,ells > ol » why the I . S. «ar lVpart- The »Seh..lllßa Ktipiure l.oek" ■"«'>» orders this Rupture U>ok for the is a wonderful invention for rupture— gallant hoys of 61. It gives you milch the outcome of years of study, hard ?^ v, ce and many facts about rupture, work and diligent research. It is away t ' lHl > ou ,un '' r heard or read ii bo lit, from the old lines of truss construction, - vou " ow t0 or «*** the 30 Day* and holds the rupture exactly the wav ''v 11 * Nature intends, so that she may heal *\ en i me coupon, or, still easier, the opening: without interference. i u f. me a , po .? , v ar " >' our full address, and the book will be sent GUARANTEED TO HOLD VOU PROMPTLY B >' RETURN MAN. Stmt on 30 Day. Trial ' st 11 , II IX(; N In wearing m\ Rupture Ixick \ou 70."< K. Georgia St.. Indianapolis, have absolute protection at all tunes. Ind. "i ou may do any kind of work and get Send me \cur Free Book 011 Rup- 1 in any position under any condition. tare and Trial Offer. We will prove this, oy a3O DAY TRIAU * That's the length of time you should Name have. A few days trial can never bring out the merits of any article. Thlrtv street or R F I) days is the only fair way. That's whv we insist, to give it the full, real tes't Town s ■% mm *• you $63.75 One Dollar Deposited First W r eek. One Dollar Second Week <£ and so on for Fifty Weeks. wiU give you *p£U.UU Or you may begin with the highest amount and rechice vour pavments tor the 'ame amount each week so that vour last payment' at the end of V weeks will be lc. 2c or 51. We have added anothpr plan which is a separate payment of the same amount each week, 25c, 500 and $1 weekly, INTEREST WILL BE ADDED to all accounts j aid in full at the end of fiAv weeks— just in time for Christina?. I OPEN EVERY SATURDAY EVENING ' a , n .' all an,i °P pn - vour asertown, returned. Mrs. Sanuiei lx'ar spent Friday in ' lent the forepart of I the w,.ek in Harrisburg. Mrs. Mamie Hosener has accepted a position with W. H. Kissiujjer & Co. The colliery has worked three days this week. . ( Olwyn Blackway visited at the home of the Kev. E. E. and Mrs. Dilpoii re cent lj. Miss Anna V. Matter and sister.' .lenuie. of Ixjyaltou. spent Sunday ! with Mr. aml Mrs. Andrew Dodd. .lohn lxing. lnerchnut, is 011 the sick ! : list. Mrs. John Marks and Xjrs. Dollie | t'ole left 011 Thursday for I'hiladei | phia. where the former will have her j eyes treated. DILLSBURG Improved Order of Heptasophs Elects Officers for Coming Year Special Correspondence. Dilialwrg, Dee. 5.—-At the annual | election of the 1. O. H.. T>ill»burg Con • :i\e -Vo. 1106, the following officers were elected for the coming year: J. J. : Klugli, an aiou: M. Thumma. provosiJ; j C. K. But'.ley. treasurer; J. 8. Kapp, ti , nam-ieir; L. \V. Blackford, secretary; | Aug. D. Arnold, prelate; C. tiasswint. I 1 warden, and John Goivdy, sentinel. It 1 j was decided to sen,l 110 dt>'.eg.ite to the Supreme t onvlave uuHtiug to be held ' in Richmond, Ya., June, 1915. « Professor C. S. 8111 iMi and Professor H. M. Evans, 'both of tthis place, are! ; arranging to hold a nigbt school in j ; town three evenings each week to give j the young folks the benefit of a com mercial education without leaving home. The Ooover shirt factory is again in j operation after having been idle for a | few weeks. | The cattle an,l hogs belonging to | Jacob A. Miller on tire Me.-hanicsburg 1 road, a short distance north of town. ! were killed on Tuesday on account of | hoot and mouth disease. There were j thirteen head of at:ie. "I iiursdav for Bt. Petersburg. 'Florida, where he intends to remain during thej Ici ming winter. Mr. Arnold is inter- I esrted in some real estate in that place.] MARYSVILLE J. P. Lillejr Goes to Johnstown for Safety First Exhibition Special Correspondence. Marysville. Dec. 5. J. P. Lilley left Thursday for Johnstown, where he will : have charge of the safety tirst exhibi- j tion to be given in that place by the I State Department of Labor and Indus- i try. L. C. W' x spent Monday iu New ' Bloomfield. A. B. Donahue spent the beginning | of this week in New York. Miss Ruth Crozier is spending the ; wtek with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stee< in Harrisburg. \V. H. Wilson is spending two weeks < with his brother, (i. D. Wilson, at Axis. ' Alabama. Misses Stella and Anna Whitmyei are spending the week with tlieir j j brother. William, in East Waterford. Mrs. 0. s. Plickinger spent' Friday with her aunt, Mrs. Alice Barringer, in : Ilurrisburg ■ Miss Mary Mutch is spending the I week with Miss FJoJ\eilov at Kcyatonc. 1 t'arl Mcl'ann is spending the week | with Earl Broomliei! I at Keystone. Miss Monnn Myers ent the week end with Miss Lora Fortenbaugh at 1 Keystone'. HIGH SPIRE Class No. 1:$ of TT. B. Sunday School Is Entertained 1 f^nrres"i*>rrler •»> Highr.pire. Dec. s.—Olasu No. 13, of the lo al United Brethren -.niday school held it- monthly business me?t iu« at the home j-f Richard Albert, Second street. At the oncl ision of the business session a social time was en joyed after whicii refreshments were serve 1 ro the following: Rn'pii Audi, I Riehar l Albert, llirrv Diffenderfer. . John Dunborow. EEsworth Mitraner, I Ralph Shank and Edg'jj Hastings, | tea>4u*r of the class. The cluss will hold an eutertailMnent .Saturday even ' ing, January 2, 1913. at the home ot Ellsworth Nitraner, Peun strefc. Frank E. Chub'o has returned from Port Clinton, where he superintend ed the electrical l.ork 011 a steel lirklse I beinjj erected by the Pennsylvania, Steel Cojn;>any. Mrs. Kiziabeth Sides, Kjilroad street, lists returned from rftinbury. where she a!ttendeent Wednesday in Harrisburg.! Melvin Chubb, the steelworker in- j jui-e.l some time in a fali froan a i bridge at Chicago, his recovered and returned to the home oit his parents, j Mr. and Mrs. Adam Ohuibb, Second! ! street. Mrs. Clarence Thompson is ill at his | liMne on Market street. Mr. atid Mrs. H. J. Roop, Roop j street, have returned from Mawasas.' \ a., where they were guests of their son, Dr. Hervin W. president 0/ ! the Eastern College. Mrs. George WMliams is confined to' her home ou Market street, suffering with [.oison. Mrs. B. F. LXaughertv, Lebanon spent several d'jys this week with her parents, Mr. and' Mrs. H. J. Roop. Mrs. William Plouser has returned j to her home in Harrisbarg, after a short visit to friends in the borough. The Rev. S. F. Daugherty, of Ann vide, was entertained by friends) in the borough Tuesday. The f olio win j is the order of botv- , ices in the I'nited Brethren church for to-morrow, the Rev. H. F. Rhoad, pas tor: Morning service at 10.15. Theme, j 'J False Economy. " Evening service at ! 7.30. Theme, "Evidence of Faith.' | Sunday school at 1.30. Y. P. S. 0. E. ait 6.30. ENOLA Mr. and Mrs. William Myers Give Birth day Party for Son Special Correspondence. Enola. Dev. 5. —'Mr. and Mrs. Wil- I 1 iani Myers gave a birthday party at ; their home in honor of their son, 13d-1 ward. The evening was spent in play- ' ing g'ames and inu«i ■ and at a late hour supper was served to the following: Mrs. Brady, Mrs. Wagner, Mrs. Flick nig er, Miss Ruth Keiter, Miss Esther Keiter. Kabhrvn Weaver, Margaret Wagner, Huth Garret, Elizabeth Crane, ! Dorothy Hoke, Jennie Mi 1 lor, Sara j Wagner, Margaret Myers. Esther flyers, I !S«ra Myers, Mrs. J. Holland &nt»le, of Wormleysburg, was a business visitor here Monday. G. 1. Fisher visited in I'ntladelpthia j on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Q. Bruner and sou visited relatives iu Mifflin on Mon day. George Brown, of Tyrone, called on friends here Monday. Mr and Mrs. W. X.. Fisher visited relatives in Sihcrman»dale on Friday. .1. N. Dibeler has returned homo | from attending the funeral of his unele in Lancaster county. MILLERSTOWN Miss Clara Wingert Goes oil Visit to Washington Special Correspond >nce. Millerstown, Deo. 5. — Mrs. Hoyt Johnson and daughter and Mrs. Roland ' Harrison and two sons have returned to their home in Washington. They were accompanied by Miss Clara Win ger!, who will visit them for some time. William Kounsley, of Penbrook, and the Rev. S. F. Rounslev, of Knola, mo tored to this place on Thursday and visited relatives. Raymond Wagner, of l»eniovne. spent ' Sunday at his home in this place. Thomas Long, of Altoona, was in j town ou Tuesday. Mr. Ijong was a J former resident of this place. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Blsin and ehil ; dren. visited relatives in Lewistown 1 this week. MIDDLETOWN Meeting of the Past Presidents' Asso ciation of the P. O. S. of A. I .Special Cori espondence. Middletown. Dec. o.—The meeting of the Past Presidents' Association, No. 1. Dauphin-Southern Districts, Patriotic Order Sons of America, held in the hall of Washington Camp, No. 371. P. O. S. • of A., last evening, was largely attend ed. and proved to be a very interesting affair in every respect. ' Delegations were present from Harrisburg. Steel , ton. Highspire, Enhaut, Dauphin, Pen brook and Middletown. After adopting i a new set of rules, the following of . fleers were elected for the ensuing term: President. H. D. Shttmaker, Camp 371, Middletown; vice president, El mer Livingston, T'amp 5-2, Enhaut: secretary, Ira ( argill. Camp 102, Steel ton; treasurer, J. W. Bricker, Camp 102, Steelton. The next meeting of | the Association will be held in the | hall of Camp 500, Harrisburg. Friday ; evening. January 15, 1915. The object of the Association is to pay a fraternal visit once a month to the different Camps of the districts to discuss mat ters pertaining to the advancement of the P. O. S. of A. The annual horse sale of D. B. Kief ler was held yesterday and was largely attended. Charles Zorger nod son. of Vitaona. spent Wednesday and Thursday in town iie the guests of relatives. W. V. Luty. and daughter. Miss Ora, llave returned home fr-ni a several I days' trip to New York City. The car company has about twentv wagons at work hauling away the ground from the plot which they pur chased ou west »; !e of Lawrence street. T. O. Eekenrode. who bad been ill lor the past several days and had re turned to work, has been compelled to reman in the house again on account of illness. D. C. W. Stager, who was arrested for illegal hunting and taken to Har risburg, where he was given a hejriug before Alderman Murray on Thursday ■ evening, after paying the costs, amounting to SIS. was discharged. Miss Agnes Marklev has accepted a position in the jewelry store of P. G. Deiner at Harrisburg. Mis. Webster Weaver and mother, Mrs. Baxter, spent the day at Harris burg. Miss Ro«e Bowers returned to her home at Harrisburg, alter sheading • several days in town as the guest of . Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Bowers. Swstara street. Vuite a number of homes iu town have had whooping cough (jU«ran(ine cards placed on them. NEW CUMBERLAND Two Deaths Occurred in the Borough Yesterday Special Correiipoiiiience New Cutii'oerland. D&:. s.—Two ; deaths occurred here yesterday. In the , morning RalpJi, the infant son of Mr. j and MTS. Fioyd Walker, Hr.iige street, ; died aged 16 days. The funeral was : neld to-day. Last evening 'Mrs. Gross man died at tlie home of her son, Mer vin, Uearv avenue and Fourth street, of a com';lkation of diseases. Mrs. | Grossman's home was inlMarvsville and she was taken from there to the Har ii;burg hospital aboct three weeks ago. . Several days ago she was brought to the Take Care of Your Eyes and They 'll Take Care of You For advice, consult SOLD 12 D -" o '' ON THEIR 30 Doses 2oc MERITS A All Druggist. For Headache, Neuralgia Quick, Sure, Safe * yy?TTTTTTt V f y T? f>t T T ▼ ▼ V i r3 " < ' < : CALL £S&1&//lGMi40 > HARRIiIUP®'* POPULAR DEPARTMENT STORg « | Why Not Make This I i a Practical Christmas i ; ► < > Here in our great land of Peace, we are realizing how tnncli < greater friendship and unity are because we see the awful outcome of < hate and envy, 'midst the smoke and ruin of warring uations. We have < [ learned a new lesson in being practical. \ | y During the Christinas season we give to our friend a gift. Why < I not make it a gift that is truly practical and useful —one that shows < ; thoughtfiilness ? This sort of a gift will inspire both giver and re- < > ceiver with new friendship, and bring each into close harmony and < y bond with the other. < " This Great Christmas Store J > Is Overflowing With \ > Practical Gifts ,< > , < hvery department has a storv of it's own to tell about the splen- < ; did holiday assortments, each is clamoring for an attentive audience, < and everyone in turn, shall have an opportunity to present helpful < y gift suggestions in our daily announcements. < y Always At Your Service ' ► Improved shopping facilities enable us to bettor care for your •" ► wishes, and every possible attention will be given to make shopping < ► a pleasure. , <. ► New elevators and complete delivery service will render valu- i ► able assistance. i Wo solicit accounts among those having saving funds, whereby they may shop NOW and pay for same upon receipt of saving fund * ► checks. A special booth on the main floor will cash all saving fund y checks. ) Make this store your Christmas shopping headquarters until < 1 > (> P. M. Christmas Eve. 1 I !: - -—— : ; i v ¥ OOK for the Comiial Frenchman in the front window. He's the only j y | mechanical man that will talk to you. This amusing novelty drew such * crowds in New York that the police had it removed from the window. * ; l j- •, home of her son. Funeral will be an nounces! later. Mrs. Jahn Zimmerman chaperoned a party of hoys to the country yesterday. Constable Howard St-ine was iu IMid dletown on business yesterday. Mrs. A. C. Oren and daughter, Xorma, sjvent several days wit'h relatives in 'Heading. Miss Mary Goodyear spent several days this week with her aunt. Mrs. George Parks, in Steelton. Misses Caroline and Mary Straub, of Gamp IHill, spent Friday with Miss Laura Straub. 'Mrs. D. :H. Sweigert. daughters Paul ine and Loretta; Mrs. Harper Cook aud daughter, Verna, spent Thursday with friends in Bau abridge. Mrs. S. N. Straub, daughter Utura, and son. Norman, Jr., spent Thursday in Camp Hill. 'Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Berger, of Ne braska, are visiting Mrs. Harry 'Mosey, 'Mrs. dierger's sister. Tha New Market postoffice has been made a money order office. MPT. and 'Mrs. George Pry and son. Mrs. 'Hummel and son. of Philadelphia, spent several days with Mrs. Pry and daughter, Mary, of Water street. 'Miss Jean Sample, of Mechaniesburg, is a guest of her sister. Mis. A. P. Black. A number of New M?i rket boys, read ing of the discovery of money by two young men of Danville. Pa., were seized with the idea that they too might be lucky Lf they did some exploring, so equipping themselves with lanterns aud some weapons of defense, Thursday night visited the abandoned cave below New Market. The 'boys worked hard but were unsuccessful in their attempt to unearth money or treasure of any kind. WORLD COTTON CONSUMPTION Estimates Being Prepared by Treasury aud Commerce Departments By AstorinU d Pre*.*. Washington, Dei-. 5. —Bcrresentatives of the Treasury aud Commerce Depart ments continued to-day the work of pre paring estimates of tihe WOTM 's cotton consumption next year. The committee had before it for con sideraitioa cable reports furnishe*! by- American consuls and •commercial at taches giving estimates on the cotton consumption from various Euro[>ean and South American countries. The committee also is working out plans for the shi'pmeut of American cot ton to Germany ami Austria wihere there is a tremendous demand at prices rang ing from 14 to 18 cents. The principal difficulty at present is facilitating the movement of cotton to these and other European countries however, according to the apparently is the ques tion of the high rate of marine insur ance tihereon. When Congress convenes attempts will be made to amend the war risk law to provide government in surance on shipments to belligerent countries when these shipments include articles suHh as cotiton which have been declared non-contraband. The Harrisburg Polyclinic Dispensary will be open daily except Sunday at 3 p. m., at its new location, Front and Harris streets, for the free treatment of the worthy poor. , -"—J pTini ii Tiß-ii^^ r Adding tnd Subtracting Machint A COMPLETE statement of your financial transactions is furnished monthly, on any day requested. It is a typewritten statement, and is prepared without the customary surrender of your bank book. Our adding and subtracting machine does it, copying the ledger account. Customers will appreciate this service, espe cially those whose transactions are extensive, and who need such a ready reference t,o follow closely their deposits and payments. 213 Market Street . B Capital. Surplus, SH(H),(>OO □ □ i w "ic [HARRISBVRG LIGHT! 1 &pOWER,ffI 1 Make This An Electrical Christmas Don't fail to include Electrical gifts in your shop ping list. Visit our store room and see the many bargains we are offering during the month of December. Appli ances that are sure to please. Combination iron and ironing board for $3.00 ("ash. Latest improved Toaster Stove, $2.50 Cash. This is going to be a "Made in America" Christmas. SHOP EARLY 5