The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, December 05, 1914, Image 1

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Oetailrd Report. Page I j
VOL. 77—NO. 2.
DKf. «, IS7H.
Disaster Causes the
Severing of Commu
nication Between Ser
via and Rumania
Details of the Lodz Fighting Easily
Prove That East Poland Conflict
Has Been the Most Bloody Struggle
of the Entire War
Amsterdam, via London, Dec. 5. 9.5?
A. M.—The great tunnel near Tyeh
.etchair (Tekija) lias been blown up
by dynamite, thus severing communi
cation between Servia and Rumania,
according to advices from Xish, Ser
via. to the Rotterdam ''Courant.'' The
passage of Russian transports along th»
Danube, the dispatch states, has there
tore become impossible.
London, Dec. 5. 12.30 P. M.—While
reports continue to come into London
that the battle of lodz has ended in a
Russian victory, any official confirma
tion still is lacking and it is apparent
to British observers that conditions in
the nort.h of Poland are to-day virtually
tiie same as they were one week ago,
after the German army hail been saved
from over. helming defeat by the bril
liant o >er:>.' ion of General Mackenzen.
Details of the Lodz fighting are be
gi tilling to filter through, and they
easily prove it to nave been the ntost j
bloody struggle of the entire war. The j
(ermana are described as fighting their J
** ». v thrruga the Russian lines over the
"i:ia; ed-up i>odies of their comrades. Her
Li> claims heavy captures of prisoners
in this struggle, while from Kiev comes
the announcement tha.t the fortress
there is crowded with German pris
oners. Incidentally Kiev reports that
s nee the I eginning of the war 130,000 i
soldiers and 2.500 officers have passed
through Kiev a< prisoners of war. The'
sides ha\e ceaso»l claiming a tremend !
ous victory in Northern Poland but j
t ey do assert that the operations there'
have been a strategic defeat for Ger- j
many and a tacti al victory for Rus
Berne. Switzerland. Via Paris, Dec.
5, 3.15 A. M.—The sound of heavy
cannonading in I'pper Alsace has been
heard as far as Basel and other lo
calities near the Swiss frontier. The
main struggle between the French and
Germans, according to report reaching
the Swiss frontier, is around Altkireh
and Damerkirch.
The inmates of a large mad house
near Zennheim. more than 400 in num
ber. were so frightened by the roaring
of the guns that they became frantic !
end tried to break out of the asylum.
The German authorities were obliged to
convey a" of them to Mulhausen.
A newspaper dispatch states that
the Germans are mounting guns before
the City Hall aud church in Colmar
w-ith the object of forcing the French
to bombard the town in the hope that
the population will be thus turned 1
against the French.
The desperate character of the hand
to hand fighting in assaults on trenches
the use of hand grenades and bomb
throwing machines, are described in a
British official eye witness report is
sued to-day, which also discloses that
the allies are using tunnel boring ap
paratus for subterranean approach to
the German entrenchments. It is said
that subterranean life is the rule along
the firing line where defensive opera
tions have been brought to a state of
such efficiency that the Germans have
practically ceased to break through
the line of the enemy by assaults. Open
lighting consequently has almost dis
appeared and the contest has taken on
the nature of siege operations.
This report, however, covers the sit
uation only np to November 20, since
which time, as is shown by recent of
ficial statements, there have been heavy .
infantry engagements
To-day's announcements from the
French and German war offices con
tain claims of progress on both sides.
At one point north of the Lys, says
the French statement, an advance of
«"HK) yards—a noteworthy movement in
view of the character of the operations
—was made. The intense character of
the fighting is indicated by the fact
Coatlaaed on Fourtk Pace.
« N
«* Star- ItikjJettktti
i n ill!
As a result of the death by torture pf little Hartley Webb at Pregque
I.le.Me last June. Lo„U and Herbert Cote, boys of tha, town, have been
indicted for murder and will plead at the criminal tern, of the Su„reme~Court
r, n' 1 ,;' s "- T "" "<'»•>• iH" „ t
Ojt b ™ ,al "? has ever COme to n « ht 1,1 th " orln 'lnul annals of New England
•rLue lT lat n?* brolh, ' rs n,et the boy on the banks of the
esque Isle stream, rhey tortured the little chap and after tvlng a shoe
st itip almut his neck, it .s allesed. forced him into the water. When he nt
liisT, 'fen°u m ' biS Way l ° laUd ** WBS ' Uet "' ith blows ' Peath " last ended
Judge Johnson Tells Lawyers Who Ask
for Leniency for Clients That If He
Changes Penalties It Will Be to
Make Them Heavier
Judge Albert \V. Johnson, .of till'
linioe judicial circuit, presiding'
in court here this week, told attorneys
and court attendants thin morning he
wanted it understood that once he does !
show a disposition to lie lenient with i
defendants he does not want to be prod
ded for "further merev."
The remark eeme when Bessie Drew- !
et, Daisy Brown and Christ Gembe, in
mates, and Emina Stager and Walter
i rook, operators of a disorderly house,
were called for sentence. The Stager -
woman was given nine months and '
Crook got a year in the Dauphin county
jail. Fines of S2J and costs oulv were ■
imposed upon the inmates of the'house, i
-lames G. Hatz, representing the de
fendants, asked Judge Johnson to re
duce the amount o£ the fines imposed
on the inmates.
"I will not do that, and if you keep
ou arguing I will make it more,"
snapped Judge Johnson.
•J. E. Rice., convicted of embezzling
$750 from Francis Heck, got six
mouths, a fine of' $25 and was ordered!
to pay the costs
Morris Muff, convicted on a charge
of seduction, was given a similar sen- I
tence. \v. Justin Carter, hU counsel, I
then asked the Judge to consider re- '
ducing either the prison term or the
amount of the fine, saying that Muff
will be obliged to remain in jail three
months additional because he cannot
pay the fine.
"If I change that sentence I am
afraid I will have to give him more."
began the Judge. "You can tell your
client that he got off lucky. He ought
to have been given no less than one
year or more than three in the peni-;
tentiary. Xiue months is not too much |
for him."
British Cruiser Venus Badly Damaged
in Violent Storm That Is Sweep
ing Over England
London, Dee. 5, 3.36 P. M. —The
British cruiser Venus ran ashore in the
storm to-day, striking with her full
force. Her foremast and a portion of
the bridge were '-arried away by an
enormous sea. The warship was rim
ing for a port ?n the south of England
when the storm broke.
London, Dec. 5, 2.40 P. M.—The
Norwegian steamer Waterloo of 1,283
tons foundered off the Lizard at mid
night. Three persons were saved. The
remainder of the crew is missing.
London, Dec. 5, 2.40 P. M.—The
Booth Steamship Company's liner An
tony, bound from Liverpool for Para,
has been disabled by the storm now
sweeping over England and is in dis
tress fifty mites north of the Lizard..
Carranze Planning to Destroy Tunnels?
Washington, Dev. s.—Sir Cecil
iSprittg-dtWe, tfhe British ami'bassador,
informed the Htate Department to-day
oif a di<paU h from British Charge
Hohler in Mexico City, saying reports
were current that General Carranza
was planning to destroy the British
owned railroad between Vera Cruz
an<l Mexico City by blowing up certain
Ticket Sale Started by Dr. Samuel Z.
Shope, Wlio Disposes of
Seats in Last Twenty-four Hours,
i or One-Sixth of Available Number
" Ai} omptv solium the prpheum
• luring Rotary Out week, means au
i empty stomach and a colli body in Bel
gium on Christinas,'' is the" slogan
which is urging on the committee of
the Rotary Club in charge of the Or
! pheum on the week of December 14
for the raising of funds for the relief
of Belgians. The Belgians are not the
only ones who will profit by the under
taking of the club, but the poor of this
city will be benefitted as well.
The plans of the Rotary Club are, in
the first place, to spend all funds raised
by,means ol' Orpheum tickets, in this
; city. Material for clothing will be pur
| chased from local merchants, and then
unemployed women ami girls of the
city will be given the goods from which
to make garments, for wages commen
surate with their labor. The garments
will be made from patterns supplied bv
the Red Cross.
1 Tickets for Rotary Club week at the
Orphe-um are now on sale. Dr. Siunuel
Shope, a member ol the Rotary
< lub committee, lias started the Kale
by himself disposing of 2,01)0 tickets
within the past twenty-four hours.
He has already placed 1,600 of the
tickets and the "other 400 will be
placed this afternoon. These seats a!
ready sold, constitute a sixth of the
i capacity of the house for the week,
I'outiniirft (to Fourth l'ace.
All Interested in Work of the Emer
gency Aid Committee Invited to
Mrs. Olmsted's Home at 4.:lo
A meeting will be held at Mrs. Olm
sted's residence, 105 North Front
street, at 4.30 o'clock Monday after
noon, to receive the report of the or
ganization of the propose.! Emergency
Aid Committee for Harrisburg.
The aim of this committee is to draw
together all societies and individuals
interested in giving assistance to thou
sands of innocent victims in this season
of unprecedented suffering and hard
ship. The meeting is open to all in
terested in home and foreign relief
Many Prominent People Pay Last Trib
ute to Well-Known Citizen
Many relatives an 1 intimate friends
attended the funeral services of Jokn
Oram Kunkel, a lifelong resident of
Harrisburg, who died Thursday morn
ing at 6.30 o'clock. The services were
conducted in the home at 2 o'clock this
afternoon by the Rev. W. B. Cooke,
pastor of Market Square Presbyterian
Among the well-known people from
out of town who attended the funeral
were Mr. W. Heyward Myers, vice
president of the Pennsylvania Railroad,
and Mrs. Myers, Philadelphia; Mr. and
Mrs. J. D. Dixon, Philadelphia, and
Mrs. J. Gibson MeCall, also of Phila
delphia. Burial was made in the J. C.
Kuukel plot in the Harrisburg ceme
Large Sums of Money
Unlawfully Drawn
From State's Treas
ury, It's Charged
Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of
State and Eleven Others Connected
With the ill 13 Legislature Charged
With Wholesale Plundering
By .4»suciatod Preaa.
Indianapolis, Dee. 5. —V orv large
sums of monev were unlawfully drawn
out of the treasury of Indiana during
the session of rhe 1913 Legislature, ac
cording to the report made late last
night by the Marion county Graud
Jury, which indicted Lieutenant Gov
ernor' William P. O'Neill, Homer L.
Cook, Secretary of State, and eleven
others connected with the Legislature
in 1913, for tae alleged signing or
presentation of false claims which were
1 aid out of the Legislative funds. The
report continues:
"The total amount due to the 150
members of the Legislature for their
(■or diem and mileage was $60,903.60.
The total money drawn from the treas
urer as expenses of the Legislature was
? 160,000 phis, making SIOO,OOO of ex
pense outside the pay of members of
both bodies for their services.
"It is due to many members of the
General Assembly and perhaps to a
considerable majority of them to state
that they had no knowledge of the
vast sums of money that were being
paid out to so-called employes.
"The evidence iu this investigation
also discloses a situation that calls
aloud for penal legislation upon the sub
ject of what is called 'lobbying' about
the Legislature. It shows that men of
great political influence, on account of
their position in some instances and
their relation to party organisations, do
not hesitate to demand and receive
lurge sums of money, running iuto thou
sands of dollars, to influence and con
trol the legislation of the State. Meu
of different political parties under »o
--ralle.-i employment from tlre"Viiime Em
ployer demand am' receive large sums
of money for their effort to control or
influence legislation upon public bills.
Such conduct is inimical to the very
foundation of republican form of gov
ernment and ought to be prevented by
severe legislation so far as legislation
can effect it."
Serious Charge Made Against Midwife
as Result of Alarming Condition
of an Alleged Patient
A serious charge growing out a re
port of the condition of Mrs. Katie
Nickoloff, of Koyalton, made to County
Detective Walters by the Koyalton
woman's physician was lodged yester
day against Mrs. Bertha M. Winfleld,
60" North Sixth street, a midwife.
A warrant issued on information
made by County Detective Walters was
served on Mrs. Wintield last evening
at 5 o 'clock and she was held under
$3,000 bail for a hearing before Al
derman lloverter next Tuesday. Dr.
Louis C. Goldman, 710 North Sixth
street, entered that amount of bail in
behalf of the midwife, before Mayor
Rova! last evening.
The reported condition of the Roy
alton woman was such that County De
tective Walters went to her home yes
terday afternoon and took her state
ment. It was then feared she would
not outlive the night. Her condition
was very serious to-day and her phy
sician held out no hope for recovery.
William Mell Felled By Assailant at
Sixteenth and State Streets at
William Mell, 1911 Forster street,
was felled by a blow from an assail
ant who crept out of the bushes iu the
gross plot at Sixteenth and State
streets at midnight last night, and his
watch and a pocketbook containing
$7, were taken from him while he was
prostrate on the street.
Mell, who is an employe of the liar
risburg Railways Company, was on his
way home and crossed State street
near the grass plot when the assailant
juniiped out struck hiim across the rig>h£
cheek with a blunt instrument. He
was dazed for a minute ami on arising
from the street did not notice that he
had been robbed.
After cleaning the Wood-from the
wound in his face at home he found
his watch chain hanging from his vest
and then discovered the loss. He re
ported it to the police.
Boiling Mill Sale Postponed
The sale of the old "Lochiel Row"
of houses and the site of the old Har
risborg rolling miH, which was sched
uled to take place this afternoon at 'I
o'clock, WHS again postponed because
of the absence of bidders. The property
will be put up agiain at auction on
. Deccin/ber I#,
Many Banking Institu
tions Will Pay Out
Christmas Funds in
Coming Week
Depositors Who Have Learned to Save
in Small Amounts Are Rejoicing in
Prospect of Having Cash for the
In addition to tho large sum of
money which will be paid out by the
Union Trust Company's Christmas Sav
ing Fund many thousands of dollars
will be put iu circulation in the holi
day season by tho various other saving
funds throughout this city and Steel
D. W. Sohn, president of the Com
mercial Bank, announced that his in
stitution will pay between $25,000 and
$30,000 to its 1,500 club members.
This money will not be paid by check,
but in cash on the presentation by the
depositors of their cards. This, he
thinks, will be a help to the depositors
as it will do away with all lost cheek
The members ot' thie Security Trust |
! Company's Christmas Savings Club will!
! receive their checks in the hitter part
|of next week. While this club is only
| one year old the amount to be paid
out is very large, and a substantial
increase in membership is expected
1 next year. The officials of the bank
I consider the showing of this new club
I most gratifying and an official an
! nouncement of the distribution will be
j made to the members in a few days.
The Kast End Hank will make dis
tribution for several clubs organized
' in various industrial establishments in
j this city. This bank will start a
! Christmas Savings Club of its own on
I Pet-ember 21, the particulars of which
j will be announced later.
W. H. Nell, cashier of the People's
Bank, of Steelton, stated that at an
; early date it will distribute about
C'oßtlaurit on Klrventb Page.
Case of Patrolmen Scott, Accused of
Murder, Will Not Come Up in
Court Until Next Month
Robert P. Scott, the negro patrol
man who, it is charged, shot and killed .
Nathaniel Banks, also colored, at the
Banks home, 1119 Monroe street, on j
| the nigfht of August 1, last, will not
be placed on trial for the alleged irair- j
der until the next term of criminal i
court, beginning January 11, 1915.
The accused was brought into the
court room at 11 o'clock this morn
ing, just before the windup erf this
week's special term of criminal court,
and his counsel, W. Justin Carter and
Harry B. Saussanran, asked for a con- [
tinuance o<f the hearing. They said it
would be impossible to try the case
now unices the present temn of court
be continued into next week.
The District Attorney approved this
suggestion and Judge McGarrell per- '
mitted tjjie case to go over. Counsel for
the defense said no less than forty-five
witnesses will be called in Scott's be
half, most of whom will confine their
testimony to the character amd repu- j
tation of patrolman prior to the
alleged crime.
Scott appeared to be entirely sat
isfied with the continuance of the case
and willingly returned to the prison, '
accompanied by a deputy sheriff. Be- |
fore leaving the court room he con- j
versed with B. P. Burns, of Burns & ;
Company, witlh whom he had been em- I
ployed prior to taking the job on the J
police force.
Pennsylvania Railroad Employe Crush
ed in Paoli—His Father, Too,
Met Death on Railroad
Edward Getkin, 26 years old, 64 3 !
Harris street, this city, employed in the I
signal department of tlhe Pennsylvania !
Railroad Company, in Paoli, was almotft 1
instantly killed at 6 o'clock last even I
ing when he fell beneath the wheels of j
a passenger train'at the lartter place.!
The Getkin family moved to Harris- |
burg aibout two years ago, coining here
from Sun'bury some time after the
young man 'a father was killed on the
The body of Kdward Qetkiti was
brought to this city from Paoli this
afternoon. The man is believed to have
attempted to alight from the passenger
train when it was within a few blocks
of tlhe Paoli passenger station. His
mother, Mrs. Blla Oefekin, anW one
brother, survive htm.
•Samuel Greer, of Bryu Mawr, 42
years old, a Pennsylvania policeman, was
killed shortly after midnight. His
body was found near RoHemont and he
is believed to have been Btru(% by a
train wihile 'he was walking aJong "the
Invitations Are Sent to
250 To-day to Visit
Here Tuesday and
Watch Him in Action
Evangelist Serves Notice He Will Stay
in City Until He."Licks the Devil,"
But Continuation Is Not Yet Re
garded as Settled
Ministers from Lancaster, York,
Carlisle and other towns within a radius
of twenty-five miles from Harrisburg,
will 'be in this city next Tuesday to see
Evangelist Henry W. Stough in action,
and to witness the workings oif the lo
cal campaign. Invitations haw been
sent out to-day to at least 250 min
isters, regardless of denominations, by
the pastors of co-operating churches in
this city.
The letters of invitation state that
there will be a conference between the
visiting ministers and I>r. Stough at
i.Markut Square Presbyterian church at
10 o'clock in the moruing. In the aft
ernoon and in the evening at the taJber
nacJe, seats will be reserved for tho
preachers. Provisions will be made to
give tihem dinners and suppers free of
Campaign May Extend Six Weeks
At last night's meeting in tlhe taber
nacle, I)r. Stough, after ridiculing a
statement made on postcards purporting
to be addressed to business men of
the city tending to discourage n con
tinuation of the Stous'h cam|>aigu be
yond the six weeks, declared that he did
| not know whether he would "even quit
at the end of seven weeks."
"1 serve notice on the gang in this
town rig"ht now," he said, shaking his
fists,; "that I am going to stay right
here irrespective of anybody but you
if it's till next Fourth of July, but
I'll lick the devil in Harrisburg.
"I don't want to interfere with the
preacher. If they wajit to start up
their churches after the 9ix weeks they
can. I'll stay right here. I never wont
out of a town vet under fl<re. I have
always staved until I have licked or
got licked, and the liurt never happen
ed. God's been with me, and crowds
of folks like you have been with me.
I serve notice right now I 'll stay here
seven, eight, nine, ton or 'siteen weeks,
and clean up the gaaig. Show them you
want it right now."
Crowd Wants Him to Stay
Throughout his remarks Dr. Stough
was interrupted by laud applause, and
at his request for an expression of
opinion regarding a continuation ot
the cannpaifrn beyond the specified six
weeks, thousands of persons rose to
their feet, s'houting, "We're with you,
doc." and "Stay, stay."
Thus encouraged, the evangelist
Continued on Sixth I'nlr.
Beginning, Monday,
December 7,
2 Reserved Seat Tickets
to the Orp
| Every Day Until the Close of the Season
i We don.'t know who will get these tickets, but
! someone will get two every day.
Perhaps YOU will be one of the lucky ones.
Every week day a young lady, an employe of the 1
I Star-Independent, will be blindfolded. She will open
Boyd's Directory of Harrisburg and vicinity and will
1 make a mark on one of the pages. The person whose
1 name is nearest the mark will be given absolutely free
of charge two reserved seats, which will be good at
the Orpheum on a date which will be announced with
the name of the person to whom they are awarded.
The announcements will be hidden among the
Want, Lost, Found, For Rent, For Sale, etc., ads, but
will be so plain that any one can easily find them.
Start Monday. Read over the Classified Columns |
every evening. Perhaps your name will be there.
11 IS HE
His Lawyer Contends
He Cannot Be Sent
to An Institution for
Criminal Lunatics
The $2,827 Taken From the Youth at
Time of His Arrest on the Charge
of Murder Will Be Distributed
Among the Bush Heirs
After a special inquiry 'covering Ave
days tiho criminal court jury, selected
to pass on the mental condition of Ed-,
ward G. Sroith, accused of murdering
his grandfather, John E. Bush, at Ingle
nook, Deceniber 17, laat, brought into
tlhe court room at 6 o'clock last even
ing a verdict finding tlhe accused to be
insanu. Tiro jurors deliberated only
forty minutes and took but one ballot.
The decision acts as a bar to trying
tiho defendant on the charge of murder
ing the aged grandfather and the Court
soon will make an order directing that
Smith bo committed to a State insti
tution for the insane. Jothn Fox Weiss,
one of Smith's counsel, this morning
said ho will make an application next
week to have his client seat to the
Pennsylvania lunatic hospital, north of
tthis' city.
This motion is to be maide to raise
the question whether Smith slhould bo
sent to an ordinary State institution or
to a place for the criminal insane. Mr.
Weiss now contends that Smith is not
a criminal, that the law presumes him
to be innocent of the Bush murder so
long as he is not proven guiJty, and
that only such persons as have been
convicted of crime and then are found
to be insane are fit subjects for an in
stitution for the criminal insane.
Stroup to Oppose Motion
District Attornev M. E. Stroup this
morning said he will appose the Weiss
motion uaid will ask that Smith be com
mitted to the State hospital for the
criminal insane in Purview, Pa. The
county prosecutor said the matter will
be taken up with the court early nexc.
week, probably on Monday.
Alienists who testified during the
special inquiry declared that Smith's
j mental condition is such that he never
can be cured. However he will he
treated at the institution to which the
court commits him and if at any time
in future years his reason is restored
he will be brought I>ack to this county
and be compelled to stand trial for the
alleged murder.
William Bush, the eldest of the mur
dered man's sons, as administrator <*f
the deceased's estate, will receive tho
$2,827.15 now in the hands of the
county detective, which was taken
from Smith at the time of his arrest
on the murder charge and which tiio
Continued on Sixth l'age.