The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, December 04, 1914, Page 5, Image 5
k* » y t't't ▼ t v— ~ ------ i i&k Me ™ s c » m p |ete UMMK „« iS\; ■: §!SS§I JQffiffih&tif Store T—r Sfcifghg ■«»<<■«• jRA/vS^A Sfrfl ffPS%| • u |rem«ijiw ™ ters Until 6p. m. Christmas Eve. —— i Your Last || " T f"^ er / Timely Sugges- Shoes Area ~ Pe[li „. sl2 .„„ GlOTes ' : rh»nr^t n p„t«r Halr Swltcl > tlons for Infants Practical Gift 5Sc .id 75c : k i 11 sa , h .n" U,Ual - J&S&Sk 2,nd Children And with special price inducements on sev- Women's tfloves in tan fllP TlriHWina a! TJa 11 a V« her Jm tni lotß department will be a busy Paris point-in two-elasp. <lo»- ► tne i/luWlQc a,t ll - a, '^ s ,0 ' nr o)rafi»ißß Infants * and children's sweaters in white corner. nine Perrill do mure oirilitv < ' - appearauoe and is a £f ami colors; sizes li months to 5 years, at Women's Shoes at 98*—values $->.OO t | lat ro flilx <>vm-vu l> ► Contest source of much joy and 77. jjjr to $3.98. and $2.30 —a collection of short lots and *'>()<) i+t l \n i ► WUUUCOW pleasure for many, W 7 Infants and chddren s legging draw. odds and ends of excellent shoes. T ™ 1 s l )otte «- All per .... . , manv months. V e, ' s » white and colors, at 50c* to toctly ni«i(t(\ ► Every chdd must know that to- We offer for to-mor- f • » Children's Sweater Sets, consisting of Women's Shoes at $1.98 — values M.OO Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. ► roorrow is the last day to enter banta row a limited number of A J leggings, sweater, cap and gloves, in white, and $3.50 —patent colt gun metal and tan < (. laus drawings. Those whose draw- j natural wavv 'i *J? tan. red and grev. Priced at $3.98 to Russian calf lace and button shoes and ' ■ * < mgs are finished can mail them or .1. ' • , t .< Q r <R7 ' . iraiter bnnto ► l • .u . o . m « . »witcnes at the very special price of S4.VS ?<.•>"• / gaiter uoois. < I Tie™ Thol X have no? • The lengths range f™» 2b to M inches Fur eiderdown, knit and crocheted Women'. Shoes at 82.98 values *:\so received blanks had better hustle. ' °" 'll*7™?' '.TnS " 087 OO " a,ul W-00-button and lace dress shoes, in regularly at from $7.00 to SIO.OO. to 57.00. all leathers and styles, including grey ami < Voting Starts aofOn d ribbon" and 1 lace'T.mmed, at" 25*' to fawn cloth top gaiter boots; smart styles. \ , ► Q a^.llt .J a _. . __ ~ . $3.50. Men's Shoes at $2.90 values and gp"',-. ? \ \ < , OdLUTUdy Ally M&n W Otlld Accept Children's plush and velvet bonnets, $4.00 —gun metal calf, patent colt, yiei kid w''i"'''"Zl < When you are in this store be sure rs j Yir "D 4-U trimmed with ribbon, fur aud flowers, at and tan Russia calf, button and lace, Good- 3''' A l/dtfvi w * to visit the fourth floor, where a &. vJOOQ 3.1*111 Dcltll 50r to $5.00. j year welt shoes; all the wanted styles. \ y < Robe or House Coat ««-« «•»»• *»•»» -•«! . have b r „ drawn h.v the I'hiKtren of Ba.h Robe, With S Upper S Match- **«'» »«»•?»• „ „ ami hhieher We J * { ► Hamsburg and vicinity, between the pnt up in boxes suitable for holidav gifts. hildren s coats in plush, \elvet, cor- shoes that will wear well k ages of o and 14 years of age. In ji a dp of Terry cloth and blankets, with i d\<roy. sibelme and broadcloth, trimmed TJ i,i '£ A. T * jl i order to decide the wnhners for the convertible and shawl collars and cord gir- I with velvet, braid and fur: sizes Lto - Girls' Shoes at SI.OO. $1.25 and XjL6£l(l LllC Ijltt -L/ISL ten handsome prizes offered, we in-• die; various patterns. At $2.65 to $6.98 years. Priced at $2.25 to S7.WB. $1.49 —according to size; gun metal, pat- < j vite the public vote for their fa- Smoking Jackets and House Coats Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. eut colt and vici kid button shoes with oak O TT O tn/I ► vorite drawing. Every visitor to the made of plain black cloth, plain color out- ! ~ soles. Wltll d XXdliU" [► Carpet Department i where drawings side j n brown, blue, grev and maroon; I [""377 I A I I ► are exhibited) will be entitled to one neatly finished with cord and frog fasten- Christmas bllpperS SOHI6 .P ICLUT£ < vote with each visit In other words. ings; sires 34 to 46. At $2.98, $4.50 Men's, women's and children's felt, kid n ... . ' * , , you may vote as often as you choose, . to $8.50. and cloth slippers in almost endless assort- j Our holiday stock is very complete and , but only one vote with each visit, ! 1 ments at prices varying from 25* to $2 i emprises almost everything popular < with no obligation on your part to .. , W priced pictures, including comic, land* ► buy. Handsome Blankets Third Floor BOW MANS. scape, marine, religious, fruit, game and ► Come and vote, and help the chil- for Bathrof)PS : ctures f° r every room in the house. 4 y dren who have been working hard, to I . MulfWWO ( ) _ _ , You will be surprised at the fine ««sort- i ► win a prize. Prizes will be awarded Come ill delight-fill patterns aud A ... ■' n ~ QoP lJvlll RllV "fllP inent at 25* to 50c. And up to the gen- < before Christmas. Now on display warm colorings; finished with ('ord. X\.ICH XxlHtirlCa.ll nine oil paintings at $1.69 to $6.00. i first floor. l > ri('»> - _ T A A lfll • tho Carpet Section, Fourth Floor. ► J Main FIoor— BOWMAN'S. Cllt GIdSS Latest MiUlllCry 7"/ ie Carpet Department, < * / Always popular and appropriate for TTara Also Suggests j| .... ! t Th °. l U ?' e !^' Ul "TV" onape—Xiere Bigelow Hectra Axmimtw Rugs-in a ' * _ / A<- - t \'' ' on sa'lc' in *oui° Cut' large and varied assortment of fine beautiful line of floral and Orienhil de * W&zTdw \sk K- yj Basement ) ' silk velvet, silk plush and Lyons velvet signs, size 27x60 inches'; regularly $2.75. ► ' ' '' ;, $4.r,0 and 85.n0 sh «P*' s - . 1 Bissell's Carpet Sweepers a 1 ways a x ► J&Sm I - \Jr * Vinegar Cruets, at n .. ~ , , welcome gift. Prices are $1.98, $2.50, < 'JSS ''■ ( t »1.80, *1.73. *2.r,0 and 82.08 Ordiuanl.v you would pav pe-haps as $2.75 and $3.25. < >v '' 1 V "ills. ami S | Ostrich Plumes at $3.25 ' ii™v si^!'°s™eii?rß9<.' >4 ,m ' heß; r " KU " < ► (Wi V \MSSfm A |\ / I /I \ Footed l omports. at st.tis, 82.»s and «4.0« | Values up to $6.50. Large and fu'l— The National Vacuum Cleaner itid brush < ► i ¥/. A WMbm =i I i.\ ill /A- & \ laiin "it -w »«« «. anrt «- 4M . come in black, white and desired shades. | sweeper combined; requires no el; tricity 4 ► r JL i IhHHv / | /' y J- «'-on' Trays, at ....... and #i!im Ostrich Bands at 98* —large, full white to run it—just push like a Bissel sweeper; i \ *'l-"i *- i T~ S-pint Water -hip#, at * bands in the new lobster shape; heavy if gets the dirt—does not scatter it like a . V^V ' a* \ j i i $2.90. »;j.94i. *4.50 to $7.30 flues. A good $2.00 value. broom; nickel-plated finish. Price, $7.00 ► TP"W^4 J! W TSU '' T, 'r£::-HvE" f ""™' -i r ,l<l , . ! Special Prices Are < ' * n V I Many Will Select a Gas or r . : * Acceptable Gifts fSg?- WashFabricltems : ► /J \ \U \ . I nvll /BBragS Bl 'ft/ If A r ttt $3.98, $5.08, tMi.."so and up to 913.30 J9c yard-wide Dobbie Seco Tussah silk, 4 11 rjl ; r \ ' lOr Women Kie,tri,. Portable u mp9 . Nt in navy, Russian Copenhagen, brown, tan, , ► J IJI I 54.50, $5.00, $5.00 and up to $22.50 black, white, Nile, hgld blue, k I W * 'y $l!sO and $2.00. '' H xes ' at / fifty shades to select from, plain colors. < ► i Kayser's Italian'silk hose, black and " .// // ' Ya f s d ' .15* < ► V;\ f 1} ' colors. $1.50 pair. '// / - -3 \ Bc Serpentine Crepe—tloral designs A \ V Women's plain black hose, thread silk XX" "1 h Sure 9 ; all shades; beautifid ki- , !► . , boots, black and colors, at 50* pair. ; L J Ttl I "T ....12'/ ; * : In the Women's Ready-to-Wear Section • i ; : J soles, high spliced heels, wide garter tops, , Penang yard-wide Percale Dress Pat- < ► A 1 d»ir AA black only: 2 pairs in box. ~ 89* ! terns put up in a beautiful Christinas , ► AFC TS L ear HP /IT I «■■> Women's cotton hose, medium and / | >o *- i°iff! n '- u y iV I' r\ 1W JUIIJ WlWUlllli: a I tpLtj.VV heavv weight, at 12U*, 17* and 25* JHfi , 2OC silk finish poplin—nearly forty plain * pa j r * t shades to select from. Yard, 19* ; Reductions Are Unusual-Nearing Half Jr ,T*&? p h r " d K ' - ' i»Xdi? f ' ; „ S P a f dws no ; P e ™i< » detailed description of these splendid siiits. phin Uwk. at ] I ; lls 1,000 ya>* life Bataa Drn. «iJSIam ' Suffice it to say, they are the season's favored models in velvet, fur ' Main 'rw Rmwuvs =» A V in checks, stripes, bars and plaids, all tip fabric, and broadcloth; also combinations. °~ ° MAN s ' "W-* new styles. Yard 9%* ' » j m • g% a « Jl # m W m Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Before this sale, you would have paid $35.00 or $37.50 and some- Everythingf Or the A CflV Of TOVS J , ► times as much as $45.00 or $50.00. 7 TL . , r , 7 StrilriTlO- PpHlir ► tv T?nv fltlH Qnmp At On the Third Floor OlilJling HeuUC ► Hundreds of Coats to Select From—at SIO.OO • • I Large in proportion and most tIOIIS ill J . Mixed elotb coats in fox trot, military, raglan. ulster, college, red- I Tempting PnCeS | ] ingote. basque, flared, belted, cossack and all the other new models Boys' Winter Overcoats in all wool Never before has Toy Town wllj£S * ► that were made to sell at $12.50 to *17.50. " i fane . y cbeviots, stylish .-oats, made for presented such an attractive :joc 32 .inch Striped Wash Silks-stripes ' / -./Xrt . a i as well as good hard service; sizes appearance—all the toys are of perfect shades in white. Yard, ...39* < U 200 Coats at $lO. $12.50 sl3 98 sls ATlHftl7*n 1 « ears i Regulftr s3ao antl $3 98 classified, and each have their SI.OO 36-iVh Wash Ilabutai—all shades <« at. fXU, #lO ana va^. s » ,e, 'i a :' "•••■• $2.98 own individual section. This of stripes in white; elegant for waists , They re herefrom E. J. Wile. New York's greatest coat authority, and are his ! stri pJ S an d finJSJckS newest co7ora a,SO niakeS selection less diffi- and men's shirts. Yard, .69* , , best models. Broadcloths, plushes. libelines. Hindu Lynx, kerseys, velours, vicunas Mad'e ?nd bUl Cllt. d^ h ► aiK .i. fat.rns. Reproduction ot $15.00 to coats. sewed on belts; sizes 6to 18 years. At "Cnnnt tlm + • 4-t I " 40 inch Cascade Silk crenv w.-n.. 4 . ' «o «o OS aq>rn .ooe nllH Count the stars m the skv w - incn cascade Silk crepj weaxe : fT.95. ' ' ' ?3 8 and was the way the first Indian sllk; . ™ Copenhagen, ► Daintv Nrrkfirinnc I • D . LL . For the Little Lad—fine all wool brown who visited Europe described ' a " ' Wls aria ' ,ou 11 M „ g Luxurious Ribbons for or blue serge suits, made in Oliver Twist, the number of people he saw Yard-wide' Satin Messalines—nearlv a . Make Dainty Gifts The Made-Up Gift Russian or Middy blouse style, licel.v I there, to his comrades. I hundred perfect shades. Yard, .. .81.00 jj « a , „ trimmed and extremely handsome suits for 85c Chenev Bros Shnwpmrnftf ftmliinlo 4 I ► Sr "lt la^ ,o,, r? , ''f, ct , 0 !!' on A »»ortment of satin ribbons in almort $2.98 and 83.50 This might apply to the amount, of in navv Cooenh mm J Organdie collar and cuff sets, . . .25c to 91.00 €verv shade, ranying in widths frnm tho ~ t .l •« j • 1 1 7 i... B j t* r n * "®vt v-OponnageD, rtUSSIfID, UFOWn, tttll, " , ; ► yueen Elizabeth collars 25c and 50c j baby ribbons to the wide ribbons just the rib i s balmaraans in greys, browns . und ill Toy Town, tor black, taupe and wistaria; set figures with < ► v " ,p<,s asc to : bous you will want for your fancy work. Price, ! a,ul blue B,ze s 2V 2 to 8 years. At the numberless toys would a |, the beautiful color combinations Yard < u range from ac to SOc rd. ?2.98 be like counting stars. ' »*rsian and fancy ribbons for baos ■ . • a n • ■ .. . ,i- i • » «*n ri i r . > ► Crepe de chine scarfs ,n a beautiful line of B . and 9 inohe9 wide ? At Special ?T!C ?S /ITC , Bl ? n » the children to-morrow and . s {-^ J yard-wide Silk ( repe do Chines < ► shades, ranging in price from .. .si.oo to i>2.9.» yd ". ' r >Oc \bout twentv-five hovs' lon® ovpronats let them see this wonderful display. in Russian, wistaria, navy, Copenhagen < hristmas postal cards, booklets, seals etc v Rorr ; a ° ® trl P e "bbons, 4to 6 inches wide, in a li ? , jti "°y ß long overcoats y . , and Royal. Yard 88^ ' from lc to asc each I,ne of regularly 50c yd. with belted backs and convertible collars; Santa is here, also a great big 40-inch silk Crepe de Chine-fine qual- < Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Main F.oor-BOWMAVS ** 12 to 17 years. V alues to-UoU. Bpe- . ity; in wistaria, navy, sevres. Russian, ► ..... I (iai at l , taupe and brown. Yard, $1.50 * AAA AA A A A A A A. A * a » , , , . 4 - TIARRISBURC, STAR-INDEPENDENT, FT? 1 DAY EVENING, DECEMBER 4. 1914. 5