The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, December 03, 1914, Page 12, Image 12

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Friday Specials Have a Message of Economy for Early Christmas Shoppers
No Friday Specials Clearance Fine Dress Black and Colored Silks $1.25 Linen Pillow 12V 2 C Scalloped Doilies, I | Brassieres at 25c Black Dress Good
Sent C. 0. D., or Mail or Shapes Friday at
'Phone Orders Filled. Ula.k and ivhil. piirpls "n\J]ya"!l!\'.. b . linen pillow cases: 45 121,Jc scalloped doilies, all
all aud purple «U0 oa».v N. and brown 26**35 tEh Sr. 7. "*
turbans and small sailors in crepe de chine; 40 inches pair 95V I /riday only, 5? I V ~ I ''lack serge; 50 inches I
Corsets for Friday velvet and plush, formerlv wide. Special Friday only, fjrr ,. T . , , **Dives, Pomerov & Stewart wide. Special Friday onlv,
0 ,, ... , *2.95 and $3.95. Special Fri- yard sl.lO —Dives Pomeroy & Stewart C*"Divoe, Pomerov & Stewart Second Floor—Three Elevators. yard 75?
Redfern and Mine. Lyra dav onJ 1 . 9<i Street Floor. Street Floor. ————-
corsets will be offered at a $3.00 black bengaliue for * I—_________ ————————— $1.25 black unfinished wor
special saving. Reduced to t«" Dive*, Pomerov & Stewart. coats, 30 inches wide. Spe- ————sted; 54 inches wide. Special
$2.50 Second Floor, Front. cial Friday only, vd., $2.29 A „ «. ~ nl . . _ Friday only, yard, ....89?
imprii'nn T ndv and n p Three Elevators $2.50 Bed Spreads, SI.OO Damask Linen, Marcella Skirt Drawers
American Lad> and I). t\ _______s2.oo pussy willow in navy, r ' ' $1.50 black waffle checks,
&S. corsets, slightly counter brown, paon, wistaria and $1.89 89<* Marcella skirt drawer, em- I 150 inches wide. Special Fri- I
soiled. Special tor rrula\ _________________ black: 40 inches wide. Spe- 41 __ .. broidery trimmed, slightly day only, yard, 69?
anlv o9c Clparanrp Qnlp nf cial Friday onlv. vard. $-- 50 fine satin -Marseilles SI.OO linen bleached table counter soiled: '
Brassieres of net with SI 79 spreads, good size and damask; 70 inches wide. Spe- $-.00 black broadcloth, 54
shields' and trimmed with Fancies Fridav quality. Special Friday only, vial Friday only, yard,.. 89* Regular SI.OO values. Spe- inches wide. Special Friday
shields ana trimmect witn r <uiue* r naay «■ Dives, Pomeroy k Stewart. SI 89 „ n . cial Friday onlv, 75? only, yard, $1.69
embroidery. Special Friday , . rl " Pomerov & Stewart * ■
only 25c 1 - —Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Street Floor. Regular $1.25 values. Spe- $2.00 black coating, 54
tir Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Pridav onlv Street Floor. cial Friday only, inches wide. Special Fridav
Seeond Floor —Three Elevators. •' C . ———., , ... _ only, yard, SI.OO
Cotton Dress Goods Colored Dress Goods
x A cial FViday only, 49c 50c silk and cotton poplin, White Goods serge, 36 inches wide; wDives, Pomeroy & Stewart street lioor.
Basement Attractions .. , _ |Ul . dark grounds and neat tig- best shades. Special Fridav Second Floor—Three Elevators.
42c nickel-plated n»t crack- m««y Sylos and Specia! Friday only, .W* English nainsook 38 only, yard 35? i
ers. Special for Friday only, meriypriced to $2.98. Spe- ' ° underwear 6 ' Special' ridav . 50c Rom »» stripes, 3(i Children's Handker
*oC cial Friday only, 25c oOc crepe; white and col- only, yard 9? inches wide. Special Friday $2.50 Net Curtains, chiefs
25c cork screws. Special MDives, Pomeroy & Stewart ored grounds; neat embroid- only, yard, 39?
for Fridav onlv 19r Second Floor, Front. ored figures. Special Friday lor and 19c mercerized .. „ > hildren s hemstitched cot-
Tliree Elevators only, yard 19c I I madras and .checked dimity. I I. <'i'cpc suiting, 54 I I I I ton handkerchiefs. Spe-ial I
25c wood mallets. Special _____________ . n . ' Special Frittay onlv, vard, inc les wide, all wool, in $2.50 ecru net curtains, Friday onlv, 6 for ... IOC
for Fridav onlv 15c sl.2a poplin, silk and cot- ' ' 8< i shades of navy and brown. yards long, braid trimmed
— ton. 3b inches wide, good Special Friday only, yard, edge. Special Friday onlv, ** wives. Pomeroy & Stewart
75c oak bath tub seats. Men's Ovjrcoats shades. Special Friday only, $1.39 English longcloth, 36 69<* pair 51.98 street Floor.
with adjustable hangers. ' yard 45c inches wide; 10 yards to a ... _ '
Special for Friday only, 49c , Fridav at $5.00 1-1-1 , , , i- piece. Special Friday onlv, • , *an waffle checks, 50 *" Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
I'c Eden cloth, large line piece 95C inches wide; all wool. Spe- Third Floor—Three Elevators.
$3.50 vacuum washing ma- Men's shadow striped grey of styles, neat stripes; looks ' cial Friday only, yard, 69? ' 50c Cushions, 39^
chines. Special for Friday cassiniere and cheviot, over- and feels like wool flannel. WDives. Pomeroy & Stewart . _ /t „
only, 39c coats. 49 inches lone con- Special Fridav only, yard. Street Floor, Rear. serge: aO and 54 Moss hi led cushions in
$1.29 lipped aluminum vertible collar, belted back ' — "ill f V 0 ° I L 75c to 98c Muslin Cur- and green pmk and lav
sauce pans. Special for Fri- size 42 inc Its formerlv ~v n tc . - a J' only, yard,. .95? ender. Special Friday only,
' , lormerij ti'Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart tain« ftQsl
•' k pecial Friday ouly. Street Floor. Towel Specia s I I s '" { poplin; fancy! I ains, I I
98e granite trays for drain- so.oo weaves. Special Friday only, 75c to 98e muslin curtains, Pomeroy & Stewart
ing dishes; large size. Spe- Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. . 25c hemmed heavy bleach- 95C plain center, ruffled or plain " n <l(ir 1 lireo Elev ators.
cial for Fridav 0n1v,...49c Men's clothing, 2nd Floor, Rear. • N T • m T OJ. l>( ' Turkish towels, large size II 5/) hrnn<L«.lnth ~11 edge and some colored bor- ————————
• . Three Elevator,. LOc Linen Toweling, 8? and quality. Special Friday beJI ? ! i ders in yellow and pink. Spe-
$1 50 <reen mat iai-Hi , , r utsl snaues. special rriday • , IT, - j . 1 . oi»J.
nieres. Special for Friday l?e brown linen toweling, on >, each 17? only, yard $1.19 ual triday only, pair,. .69? Women's Handkerchiefs
onlv $1 1Q »inches wide. Special P ri- • J7c blue border Turkish fwi i? i cyDives, Pomerov & Stewart
$20.00 Overcoats day only, yard, 8C bath towels large size Siic ■ _. (! ! ui, ' ug ' lam '. v <lc- Third Floor—Three Elevators. Fancy initial handker
98c decorated chocolate „. , . Tv „ fCf eirt l Kri.lav' onlv each > T W ', d, '». ti styles. Special Fri
sets. Special for Friday only. Friday at $9.75 sSeTFloor IJ2' :,? only, yd.. SI.OO day only, ti for 25?
Men's brown cheviot.'ffrev . ?l1 , ~ ~ . S2.(X) navy French serge, TRnvcs' "Wnvfnlb- CSin'fn t*"Dives, Pomeroy t Stewart
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart worsted and grev diagonal ————— ———— , ' • )l .^ uei, t towels; all linen; ;>4 inches wide. Special Fri- Boys Norfolk Suits, Street Floor.
Basement. ! j 1 - v u,B K°»ai hemstitched ends. Special t l a v onlv vard «1 oo
worsted overcoats, some have 50c Doily Sets, Fridav onlv, each ,25C da -V only, yard, $1.49 $2.95
velvet collars, sizes 33. 34, 35 ... Duvetvne brown 54 . , •
~~—^————— and 36, belted back, 42 to 45 50c doily sets, consisting of 12M»c bleached Turkish inches wide Sne'cial Fridav S Suits in
Voile Blouses 690 inchps lon ?- *12.00 value. 7 pieces, all boxed. Special bath towels; good size and onlv vard'.. SI «9 grey worsted, patch pockets, 25c Curtain Scrim, 15«^
Special Friday ouly, $9.75 Friday only, set, 25? hemmed ready for use. Spe- " ' broken sizes, 9 to lfi years, ....
Three stvles voile blouses ' cial Fridav onlv 3 for 25C tr ®' ves - Pomerov & Stewart, $5.00 value. Special Friday ' ' ' ain scrim in white and
tuck and 'em broiderv trim- P n om Tl r. stew " rt ' t-r Dives Pomerov & Stewart. * Street^ Floor. only, $2.95 ecru; fine quality; slightly
med. Special Fridav'onlv. Th«/ , Fr„v„ t !l 00r ' Hear ' street floor. Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart damaged. Special Friday
(jq _______________ Street Floor—Rear. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, only, yard 15?
R ' ■ . T • • Men's Clothing, 2nd Floor, Rear.
vr Dives, Pomerov & Stewart , „ . . Lining Specials Three Elevators. r-tTDives, Pomeroy k Stewart
Second Floor—Three Elevators. T « Ribbon Specials " . Third Floor—Three Elevators.
Lace Specials Fmhrnirlprv Rnonialc 30c moire, 2< inches wide;
r, . , , taffeta and moire rib- navy and black. Special Fri- ——
Camisole lace, 14 inches bons in a full range of col- Swiss camisole embroidery day only, yard 25? SI.OO Umbrellas,
Trimmed Hats v.hL "!, n ?oI P « tterns . ors. 4to 5 inches wide; val- 14 inches wide; values up to' 40c twilled satine- black ' $1.25 Crepe Kimonos,
Friday at 25c Friday only, yard, .'..'.'lOC o'n^'va.V'^'^^" 1 " 15c vard Sl, '"' ial Frida - V "» 1^ : Special Friday only, American taffeta umbrellas, 95 ?
y <j«. xot \aiu, 14U? yard, 29? waterproof; styles for women •
Small lot of trimmed and Shadow lace edges. 3 inches silk taffeta and satin taf- Swiss cross-bar corset eov- ">o,. Pm-m ~•• »• ,iaVe ' ian . f "^ s ot P' u * n a . Crepe kimonos, plain col
readv-to-wear hats. Special wide, in white, values up to feta ribbons, Ito1 1 . inches er embroiderv \iu-U*b in i,. 'i U S m Sa i ,le: > carved mission and ebonoid; ors, lace trimmed lingerie
Friday only 25c 10 <*- S P peiill only. wide, values „p ,o I.V, Spe- 'u va ie' S ,l.i/i K i Wi!l Ivl'" ' a ° k °? ly " styles for men have handles collar and cuffs. Regular
to . n . >ard 5C cial Friday only, vard,.. .5? a onh van P ".v only, yanl of boxwood. SI.OO values. price $1.25. Special Friday
" tte trZZr"' -Dives, Popieroy 4 Slewart t ,Dives. Pomerov 4 Stewart Dives' Pomero' ' n . , "nly, 95?
Three Elevators. Street Floor. Street Floor. Street Floor IVes ' Pon, "°- v &vßtewart - »"Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Dives, Pomerov & Stewart,
° r ' Street Floor. Street Floor. Second Floor—Three Elevators.
The accompanying photograph shows M[ ss Bertha Bates, of St. Lonis,
v.-ho received $250,000 from the estate of her fiance. William R. Donaldson. Jr.
She is a descendant of one of the first families of Missouri and is a graud
cliild of Edward Bates. Attorney General of the United States in President
Lincoln's Cabinet, and lives with her mother. Mrs. Charles W. Bates, a widow. |
Jhe family was prominent in St. Louis during the days of the civil war. Mr.
Donaldson was burned while cleaning' his automobile after taking Miss Bates
home from an outing on October 12. He died soon afterward. Miss Bates
hurried to his bedside and fainted when she saw his condition. It was ar- !
ranged for them to marry that night, but the deathbed wedding was postponed
until the following day, when it was thought Mr. Donaldson would be stronger, j
He died that day.
Court to Decide Whether They Should
Increase Together
Newark, N. .1 , t Dev. 3.—Because of!
her in tease in weight Mrs. Eva Beck, ■
>•' Arlington. was in Vi -e < fran.-ellor
Eernry's court yesterday on the return j
nf a role to show cause why her hus- |
'Hand, John E. P. Beck, of New York,
should not be ordered to in Tease her i
There ha« never been a more
beautiful combination for dia
mond settings t'or Rings, Scarf
Pins, Brooches, Pendants, etc., :
than the new Enamel and Plat
inum designs, which we are mak- j
ing up in our own shop. If you
have any diamond .jewelry that j
you would like to have recon
structed in a Hew design accord
ing to your own ideas we can
make just what you want or we !
will have our designer submit
drawings. While we carry a large
stock of these goods on hand, and
can supply almost anything you
want at any time, at very reason
able prices, we will consider it a
favor if you will place vour order
for special work as early as pos
Gems, Jewels and Silverware
302 Market Street
I alimony of $5 weekly, which he lias
j been faying for the last twenty years,
i Decision was reserved.
The Bc*ks parte I a year after thev
i were married. Mrs. Bock went to work
j in a department tJtore and got along so J
I comfortably ar ;ber parents* home on j
her salary and alimony that she kept j
j growing heavier. Her parents died and i
>he nows tips the scales ait 225 joundfi. I
she says Mho can no longer work behind
j the counter.
Mr. Beck testified that he has SIOO
j in the bank and a salary of $1,620 a
i year as a freight agent for the New
I \ ork, Ontario and Western railroad.
Cortland! Parker. Jr., his counsel, saM
| Mr. Beck had paid $5,200 alimony in
I twenty years and it would go a hardship
; for him to increase the payments.
Jury Could Not Decide Who Should
Bear Expense of Trial
After acquitting Mrs. John Miller,
. of iMiiddletown, on a charge of inain
j taining a disorderly house, a jury in
; Judge Johnson's side of the "continued
criminal sessions failed to agree as to
who should pay the costs.
Pour of the twelve men wanted the
' defendant tD pay the costs, a like num
ber thought the county should bear tho
ex[>enf9e ahd the remainder were willing
jto make a decision either way. Anv
-1 way the foreman said the jurymen were
| hopelessly divided on the question of
j costs and Judge Johnson discharged the
| venire, saying that the county will be
i liable through default.
A Poor Place
I "And you say you almost starved to
| death it your last position!" said the
kind housewife. "What position was
"I was treasurer of a poet's union,
mum, - ' replied the dusty wayfarer,
wit'h a deep sigh.—Exchange.
t N
Fountain Pans
| 10 N. Third St. and Penna. Station
Henry Prime, Believed to Be Wealthy,
I«eft Only $30,002
Minenla, L. 1., D«\ 3.—Although be
j lieved to be worth more than $1,000,-
i 000, (Henry Prime, son of Edward
j Prime, who years ago was known as
the "Lion of Wall Street," left only
$36,002.84 w'hen he died in Hemp
stead last February'. The transfer tax
appraisal was filed yesterday. He in
herited a large fortune from his father
and mother.
NLr. Prime gathered a remarkable col
lection of shells, traveling to remote
parts of the world to get them. The
collection, whiiih is said to have been j
the hvrgest in the world, numbered more ,
than 2,000,0-00 specimens. In later
years he gave many of them awav and
t'hose that he retained were appraised at
Mr. Prime never married. He died
at t!he age of 57. The will gives to his
sister-in-law, Anna Rhode® Prime, of
Manhattan, a life estate in his property.
After her death the estate goes to his
niece, Charlotte Hoff-Benjamin, of Gar
Hoof and Mouth Disease on Wane
Marietta, Dec. 3. —The hoof and
mouth disease in Lancaster countv is on
the wane, much to the satisfaction of
the farmers and dealers. The last cases
to be discovored were near Elizabet'h
town. State and national government
men are still searching for the disease,
in the hope of stamping it out com
pletely. In some sections the price of
meat has advanced.
Lebanon Woman Dies in Hospital
Lebanon, Dec. 3.—Mrs. Mary C.
Erb, widow of the late Samuel Erb,
of this city, died yesterday in the
Hahnemann Hospital, Philadelphia, fol
lowing an operation. She was 4 8
years of age. Death was due to a blood
clot forming in the valve of the heart.
She was a daughter of the late Mr.
and Mrs. George Krause.
Waiting Up for Him
"Oh, mamma, will you tell me a fairy
tale, please*"
"Oh, wait until your father comes
home; he'll tell us both owe."—Yon-
Aers .Statesman.
Toys During the French Revolution
The toys of the French revolution |
period were characteristic of t'hat. ter
rible time. There are tops whose shad- j
ows cast the 'profile ;or traits of Iconise |
XVr. ami Marie Antoinette. These are J
turned in boxwood and are indeed in
teresting reminisce-iwes of toys with
the impress of history. The children of
the revolution had their tiny Phrygian
onps and danced the horrible carmag
noles in their play. Little models of the
guillotine were made to "work," and j
HlKh Clans Vaudeville* 2.15 and N. 15 Vaudeville and Picture*, 2.15, 7 A ft
ra dt cad nun * >wl,lll T °- d,,y
la His Deep Nea Diving Exhibition Mended Dy
Pair in Mvilirilt A Kp'mdld >l"«l<al oirrrln*. Free
I DHDCIDK l.ewion* Friday Afternoon
A Wonderful Aet ol llltinion nod nnd Otni'lnK Context Friday Even-
Macle Surronndrd by a Big Shotr in«.
TO-MORROW—Hat. and Night
Beef Trust Billy |
Watson's Orientals
The Joy Line of Rurlenque With
Kuta Kuta Koo tilrl*
PRICES—Mat., ar.r, 35c, Mr. Eve.,
15c, 25c, 35c. 50c, 75c.
V '
"Your husband, madam, is suffering j
from voluntary inertia."
,'Poor fellow! And here I've been j
telling him he's just lazy."—Baltimore j
American. j
the bodies of pigs with heads of 1-iouis
I XVI, were decapitated. 'Models of the
j Bastille were popular. Playing cards
with figures of revolutionary heroes
| were made when kings, queens and aris
j torratic knaves were taboo.—(From
"Toys of Other Days" by Mrs. I'.
Xevill Jackson.
Miss "Fluff—MT. Deepthought., DO yon
think marriage is a failure? MT. Deep
thought.—Well, the bride never gets
the best man.—Judge.
r \
Photoplay Ta-day
What Could She Do
:t Reels, Edison
Featuring Gertrude McCoy
The Means and The End
2 Reels, Essanay
Uncle Bill
Vitagraph Broadway Star
Featuring Anita Stewart
Alice Joyce, 'J Reels, Kalem Drama
Theft of the Crown Jewels