The Star-Independent's Great Bargain Educational Page | WE WILL PAY YOU TO READ THESE ADVERTISEMENTS I This page contains bargains—the very best of the season—offered by Harrisburg's reliable merchants. Tou cannot afford to miss them. Read every advertisement on this page and then tell ® us what bargain you find to be the best bargain and why. For the best letter the Star-Independent will pay $3.00 in Cash; for the second best, $2.00 and for the third best SI.OO. Address all letters jij to The Bargain Editor, The Star-Independent, and send them in not later than Monday noon of next week. Anyone can compete. We will publish the prize letters, with the names and addresses N | in our news columns. Letters not to contain more than 150 words. jjj J*COMBINATION* ORDER******************************** * $ 5 pounds Granulated Sugar, 35c ii ♦ Peck Pennsylvania Potatoes, 20c 4. 5, Can Fancy Corn 8c <• ♦ Pound Marvel Coffee 30c J + *4 pound Primrose Tea, 15c J 3 bars Ivory Soap 18c ♦ Package Cream of Wheat 14c ♦ Package Shredded Wheat 10c <• 4. Bottle of 25c Olives 15c *! A # I 4> 5 SI.BO |S. S. POMEROYj ♦ MARKET SQUARE GROCER £ ** \| Place Your 1 Dependence on our store, for we carry every- 1 thing any drug store handles, besides many unusual articles, for health, | comfort, convenience or for the sick ] room or nursery. FORNEY'S DRUG STORE 42fi MARKET STREET / \ ! Our Special Bargain for this week is a large $6.00 Imported Ladies' Cameo Brooch for $3.50 L. A. FAUNCE , ~ Eye Specialist and Jeweler 1314 North Third Street F. E. RIDENOUR, 1221 N. Third St. Fresh Cut Flowers Always on Hand Funeral Designs a Specialty H. SCHAMPAN Custom Tailor Cleaning and Pressing at Reasonable Prices 300 EErLY ST., HARRISBURG. PA. •i 'i *!• 'l* ♦!' V •!* •!» ■ * % BF J Reason No. 7 * •> faj- 4% — Take home a box of cigars packed J J ii« — ~ ry~ jg| in wooden boxes, and at the same .{. ' : ' |M Q time take an ❖ ! S»it j « rytei i V| * I '•-—~- | 411 humidor form. Compare them !> v "*■ when half smoked; you will know for <• * iSK\ .'^r^ i J yourself. "? S J C. E. BAIB & SONS, Makers * Good Pies and Cakes Start something. If they don't serve them. Made by Atticks & Atticks 217 Broad Street f \ On account of a ship ment of all enamel roast ers arriving after Thanks giving, we will offer them at a. special bargain of 39c i \ Bigar Hardware Company 1316 N. Third Street Near Broad Street Market Open Evenings > * I ♦**4>*++«+«>4«++++*«+»+*+*+*+«+*+*+*«*+*«+++«*+»+*+++*4 ! French Ivory Comb and Brush, | Special for Thursday Only, ! | $1.50 I \ GOLDEN SEAL j | 11 S. Market Square ! Peiples Bakery 557 Woodbine Street Our goods and prices are alway; right. TITZELL SAFETY FIEST BRO-GOR Truck Chains insure against , SKIDDING. Produces a sure and cer tain grip, which pulls you out under ALL, CONDITIONS AND MOST OF ALL ! less wear and tear on your Tires than | any other non-skid device. j SHAFFER SALES CO., Bt-88 S. CAMERON ST. OVERHOLT* RYE Whiskey BOTTLED IN BOND SI.OO FULL QUARTS JOHN J. FINN Both Phones. 424 MARKET ST. ( V* J I / J Fancy Baking Try Our Pies and Cakes Always a Bargain J. M. Sheaffer 905 N. Third St. v A.V A .V AAA A A AAA AAAAAAA AAA A A A ! Bronchial Lozenges 10c box Friday, ... 3 boxes for 25£ GRUNDEN'S Drug Store Sixth and Boas Streets / N! JT is possible for you at this time to use Electric Lights by calling at WEBB'S Electric Store and have I him give you an estimate on wiring. See His Fine Electric and Gas Domes Repair Work a Specialty I C. E. WEBB 234 S. Thirteenth St. \ Oily or Dry Hair BIBBEST and other Scalp fs and Hair Trou * b ' e iracc « SßfuU y y / mae:s I Second Floor • * HARRISBURG STAK-IN DEPENDENT, WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 2, 1914. PHOTOGRAPHS! Fir Christmas Presents No dark days at the MUSSER STUDIO, rain or shine, early or late, we < can make you first-class work. 16 N. THIRD STREET »■ * Beautiful Electric Art Glass Dome, J with chain, hung anywhere in Harris burg for .... $6.00 Dauphin Electrical Supplies Company John S. Musser, President 434 Market Btreet, Harrisburg, Pa. ; A Pair of SOROSIS SHOES Makes an ideal Christmas gift for the i whole family. CREGO, 15 N ™ rd 8t | The Best Standing Rib Roast, 17c HULL BROS. 1718 NORTH THIRD STREET CHRISTMAS TOYS We have just received a full line of wonderful high-grade electric and mechanical toys and motors. Elec tric toys outlast the other kind and the child as well as grownups can obtain great pleasure and instruction from them. We have them at all prices. The Columbia Electric Co. 13th and Market Sts. v National Cash Registers I Total adders S4O and up. Sold on : easy payments. Call at show room, Xo. 105 Market street, and get demonstration of our • Money and Labor-saving Machines. ! N. R. Black, Sales Agent Both Phones pHOTO CALENDARS for Xmas. Prints from YOUR films. , J. A. KEPPLE Amateur Finishing Room 10. 29 N. SECOND STREET HARRISBURG, PA. $2.00 Set Rings for SI.OO H. G. SEIBERT, Jeweler 1902 North Sixth Street Christmas Decorations for sale at Central Book Store 329 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa. Bell Phone 2195 BARGAINS FOR THURSDAY I 1 qt. Best Saurkraut, 5^ 10 rolls Toilet Paper, 25£ Granulated Sugar, a pound 5y 2 j Not-a-Seed Raisins, pound, 10^ 8.8. DRUM, 1801-03 N. 6ih St. : \ i pOB this winter's snows and rains you will need one of my fine quality RAIN COATS 912 up Made to your measure N. Zimmerman Allison Tailor 7 N. THIBTEENTH STREET v * REN GET BARGAINS CONTEST PRIZES Caitiiurd From Flrirt Pace. \ I This is an institution of whieh not enough young girls and boys avail them selves. " i Only recently I read in this very pa per an article, probably published by the U. S. government, t'bat the Civil Service Commission of the U. S. cannot secure enoug'h applications of stenog raphers to supply the demand of the government. A government position is surely a mighty fine jot>, and most men and women who bold lucrative and re sponsible positions to-day started their - careers wirh a stenographer's job. With the facilities which this city offers for 1 such an education it IB surprising that SPECIAL NOTICE: The names signed to all prize winning letters must be published in fall. ' "» Read Our Bargains And Gat Ono ar All 4 per cent, paid on Sav- j ings. Certificates of de- i posit issued for 4 months j at 3 per cent. Boxes in our safety vault ; for small rent per year. Be ready to join our j 1915 Holiday Savings j ' Club, which starts Decern- j | ber 26th. SECURITY TRUST CO. OF HARRISBURG | 3 j Better Clothes—Less Money rm lriTUTi i" I / t' WHY LEAVE VOIR HOME AND FRIEN DS WHEN" SICK f Why take a long, expensive and exhausting journey for that which you can get at or near your home? IT WILL. COST YOU NOTHING and it will be a satisfaction to you and a great pleasure to us to dem | onstrate to you our complete equip j ment, and give you any information j as to the various systems we use ! in the treatment of disease. We invite inspection of our treat ment room*, which are open dully except Sunday. The Shope Sanitarium .>o 17(10 Second Street HARHIsBI llt»» PA. | v j S4OO Poole Piano for $285 Used only six months. Full size, mahogany finish. Terms, $lO cash, $8 monthly. i. H.Troup Music Hiusi 15 So. Market Sq. ' 1 Y . * vi Mahogany Library Table AN IDEAL CHRISTMAS PRESENT $22.00 Value Reduced to $15.00 For This Week Only Buttorff & Co. NEW CUMBERLAND, PA. 1 J I lonly a few young people appreciate the I advantage thereof. Yours truly, Charles L. Gerdes, 536 Forrest Street. Second Prize Winner Bargain Editor: I Dear Sir— i The advertisement of Pollock's gro cery store offering eggs for 29c per dozen is without a doubt the best bar j gain offered in to-day's paper, not only on account of the low price for which the efrgs are offered, but also, for the fact that the whole truth is told a>bout tfee eggs. Nearly all eggs I ever bought were always strictly fresh, although many a time tlhe hen who laid the egg . must have died of old age long before the egg turned up in some store as a strictly frosh product. The merchant who tells the whole truth about goods \ ♦ Baby Shoes f We have just the cutest aid * daintiest little Baby Shoes you ever | saw. 4 The Best in Town ♦ are none too good for your Baby, so * j don't pass us when selecting your a j Baby Shoes. Prices, ROc to $1.25. * LAPPLEY'S, ! ♦ Fourth and Kelker Sts. t J * i OUR MOTTO IS I !; SATISFACTION i; |<; Long arguments are;! i < I not needed to convince ; > K you of our good work. ]> K It argues for itself. J> i; Arcade Laundry j; I; Logan & Granite Aves. ;! < ► Both Phones <' Gray Bannat 5c Cigar has made a hit. 25 box, 91.15 50 box, $2.25 CHAS. H. KOCH 35 N. Second Street J / V Appropriate Xmas Gifts Full line of sachet novelties; all 1 colors. Prom 25£ up. La Perle ■ SPECIALTY SHOP ! 204 Locust Street, Next to Orpheum j v | WHEN IT COMES TO COFFEE 1 The Best Te»« in in the Cup—Try our J 23c, 2(le aud 30c Coffee i and i>e convinced that every pound is a bargain. J. Q. SCHAEFER . THE HOME OF GOOD COFFEE -j 4 S. Thirteenth St: Bell phone lU3S J I HOERNER'S j Black petticoats. Spe- ; cial at 25•»■><•<••> ******************************* ********* *z* -j j ♦ I You Must Have Monty to Buy Bargains | i LET ! [ THE COMMERCIAL BANK j | 1222 and 1224 North Third Street, Harrisburg, Pa., £ | Savi Your Monoy and Pay You 4% Interest f fx********************** * \ Special Bargain For This Space We offer a large size $425.00 Shaw Upright Pi ano like new for $265.00 Terms easy. Chas. M. Stieff! 24 N. Second Street v FOR Pure Wine, Liquors and Beer SEE JOHN G. WALL Cor. Sixth and Cumberland Sts. Both Phones Auto Delivery C. T. FERNBAUGH Fine Cakes Insist on your Groceryman furnish ing them. Retail and wholesale. 1631 N. Sixth Street •!« A A A v •> A A A »!« »> A A A A A A A AAAAAAAA | SPECIAL | % 1 can Cannon Delaware Tomatoes 13c * •> 1 can Preferred Stock "Maine Corn Ijc * ? 1 can Riverside Telephhone Peas 15c .j. ' •> * Val "* 45c | % Special, 3 cans for the price of 2, 30<* | I POLLECK'S GROCE * WHERE QUALITY COUNTS % ' t Harrisburg and Steelton * «> <"g» *><«<> {«»>►>*♦><'»> <«■}« fr .fr»;« < i \ Horlacher's Allentown Beer Is Nine Months Old HANLEN BROS. BOTH PHONES v ——— —— I / "N[ Liquid Veneer Dust Cloth Free I every Friday in Decern- | ! ber with a 50c bottle of I LIQUID VENEER Ryder's Brighten-Up Stores 44 N. Third St. Broad St. 3Q2 v ' All Kinds of Safety Razor Blades RESHARPENED 25c per dozen, at I FORNEY'S DRU3 STORE ! A BARGAIN FOR ALL HILL PEOPLE I | Save Your Car Fare | ♦ We will start our * | CHRISTMAS SAVINGS FUND I ♦ December 29, 1914 | ♦ You can join any time after that. Open every Saturday evening. + I The East End Bank j % Thirteenth and Howard Streets t ♦ ♦ *************************** We Nickelplate Stove Parts The Nuss Mfg. Co. 11TH and MULBERRY STREETS A Full Line of Xmas Toys and Bicycles. | Chester B. Smith 1815 N. Third Street THURSDAY SPECIAL $05.00 Diamond Rings, in La -1 dies' Tiffany or Gents' Belcher set tings. Special, $58.00 i RINKf WBACH (JEWELER &ESIGHTSPECIALIST 1215 N. THIRD ST. «■ Buy the Best for the Money | Yingling's Celebrated Pcltsville Beer and Porter Bottled by CHAS. S. BUX Both Phones 818-820 Market St. i A line of Jewelry of the best quality I at the lowest prices, considering that I quality is always a big bargain at W. R. ATKINSON Jeweler 1423 N. THIRD STREET SPECIAL THIS WEEK s Mirrai' ICE-CREAM WALKER SMESSIMER 411 N. Second St. Families and Parties Supplied on Short No tice. 9