6 ( Jhtahltthtd in 1879) Published b* TtiK STAR PRINTING COMPANY. ' f Star-lndaps-idant Building. W aO M South Third StrMt, Hcrrlaburf. Pa, t»«r» Kvnlng Exopt Sunday . OfHtrrt s Dlrtcfrt. SBHJAMIW r. M STIRS, Joax L. L. Kims. Prrlidant. WM. W. WALLOWM. _ . VIM Pr»ild«nt. * Mrt,u WM. K MITER*. Secretary and Treatnrer. WM. W WALLOWKR. WM N WARNER, V. HITMMIL BIROHAI'R. JR.. Business Mansgvr. Editar, All communications should ba addressed to STAR INDEPRMDIST, Business. Editorial. Job Printing or Clrrulatioa Department according to the .subject matter. CntereiKat tbe Post (ifflca in Harrisburg as second clasi matter. Benjamin k Kentnor Company. New York aad Chicago RepresaatatlTaa. Naw York Offlee, Brunswick Building. 225 Fifth ATSBB*. Chicago Ofica, People's Gas Building. Michigan Avenue. Delivered by carriers at • cents a week. Mailed to subscriber; tor Three Dollars a yest in advance. TMKSTAIt INDEPENDENT Tbe paper with the lAgesi Horn Circulation ia Harrisburg and Marby towns. Circulation Examine* by THE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN APVERTISBRS. TELEPHONES: SELL Private Branch Esohan**, - No. 3280 CUMBERLAND VALLEY PH»at» Branch E»ohanie. • No. »45-24t Wednesday, December 1914. DECEMBER Sun. Mon. Tucs. Wed. Thar. Frt. Sat. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 MOON'S PHASES— Full Moon, 2nd; Last Quarter, 10th; New Moon, lttth; First Quarter, 24th. | WEATHER FORECASTS P Harrisburg and vicinity: Continued i cloudy, probably rain to-night or Thurs day. Mild temperature. Eastern Pennsylvania: Cloudy L aSiV weather to night and Thursday. Light to moderate variable winds. YESTEEDAY'S TEMPERATURE IN HARRISBURG Highest, 54; lowest, 48; 8 a. ni., 48; 8 p. m., 52. THE LACK OF REVENUE STAMPS Although we are told the Bureau of Engraving and Printing in Washington is busy day and night with three eight-hour forces of workmen, yet it is not turning out the new internal revenue stamps which by law went into use yesterday, with enough rapidity to meet the great demand. There has resulted confusion throughout the country. Cities are sending urgent requisitions for the necessary labels to central revenue offices and these offices cannot get large enough stocks of stamps from the government bureau to meet the demands. We need not be so much concerned about the reason for the scarcity of the stamps. The printers are doing their best in Washington. As soon as Congress decided on the use of revenue stamps, to begin December 1, work began on engraving the dies and the printing presses of the bureau have since been busy turning out quantities of the stickers. What has been of the most concern has been the fact that the new law requires unconditionally the affixing of the proprietary and documentary stamps to proprietary articles and commercial papers, be ginning yesterday, and provides penalties of fifty per cent, of the tax for failures to use the stamps. Business men who have made honest efforts to get supplies of the labels and have been unable to obtain them have been anxious about the possible consequences of selling goods or of transferring commercial papers without the use of stamps. It seems that there is no cause for anxiety, how ever, for the government authorities have now ruled that in cases where documentary stamps can not' be had, the papers shall go their way after records are made of them, and in like manner, that where proprietary stamps are not available, articles shall be sold after being properly noted. When stamps become plentiful they can be bought to the required amounts and canceled, thus meeting all obligations. Ojrfe thing is made absolutely certain by the aythorities and that is that the government does not intend to prosecute individuals for not using the revenue stamps when unavailable, so long as they report to the revenue collectors and keep de tailed accounts of their obligations to the govern ment. WHEN IS A CHILD? A whole lot of trouble came about because a city ordinance provides that the Omaha Street Railway Company shall sell at reduced rates tick ets to be used by "children attending school." The trouble started when a number of university students of the city recenty boarded a street car and forced the conductor to take the reduced rate tickets in payment of their fares. In justification of their actions they appeared before the superin tendent of transportation and later before the city attorney and argued their case. 'I hat they were attending school the eitv attorney couid not dispute and that they were children he could not disprove; for the dictionary was against him. "A child," quoted the students # from the dic tionary, "is a son or a daughter, the immediate progeny of human parents." That they fulfilled that condition was self-evi dent. "A child is one who," they continued to quote, "shows signs of relationship to or the influence HAftFTSBTTRG ST A K-INDEPENDENT. WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 2, 1914. of another, as a disciple of • teacher, as a child of God, u child of the devil, a child of toil. ' "The children" asserted that they came uuder all of these definitions, whieh goes to show two things,—first that a city ordinance should be very specific in a college town, and second that the dic tionary should not be taken too seriously. DANGER IN HANGING TEN AT A TIME Arizona and the whole country is getting very much excited about the plans for the execution of ten criminals ou one day,—December 19, —in the state prison. Governor Hunt is daily receiving bushels of letters urging him to prevent the liang ings and one of his correspondents has gone so far as to threaten him with death if he fails to com mute the sentences to life imprisonment. The whole situation presents an interesting sub ject for psychological consideration. If the ten men were to have been put to death one at a time and with a few weeks' interval between exe cutions, no great outcry would have been raised. The people would have taken it as a matter o7 course in Arizona just as they do in other states where a murderer or two is put to death every once in a while; but when the unusual situation arises where ten men are to be hanged in one day, it gets on the people's nerves. They think about it so much that they begin first to ask themselves the question whether capital punishment is right, and then to convince themselves it is wrong. In the Arizona case the Governor. —although per haps he may have the legal right to grant pardons or commutations to the condemned, —cannot in any way be justly criticised for letting the law take its course, for a majority of the voters of the state decreed at the polls recently that the men be hanged. It might, however, be wise if the Governor were to lend his influence toward having the men put to death separately with sufficiently long in tervals between hangings to calm the inflamed minds of a large part of the Arizona populace. INSPIRED LINES FROM NUTLEY Mr. L. G. Edgar, of Nutley, N. J., writes to the New York "Sun" that it is an '"awful pity" the Washington administration is so strict in its ideas of neutrality as to ban the singing of the British soldiers' favorite song, "Tipperary," among the men of the United States Army and Navy. Mr. Kdgar takes the Washington edict very much to heart. Indeed he insists that Uncle Sam's lighting men be permitted at least to siug the ''Tip perary'' tune if not the "Tipperary" words, and he offers the following lines as a substitute for those of the original song: It's 8 long w»v to Chieago, And a long way to Now York, It's a long way to San Francisco, And I'd rather ride than walk; Good-bv to the Bowery, Good-by to Herald Square, It's a long, long distance down to Broadway And my heart's right there. Without commenting here on the meter or lack of meter in Mr. Edgar's lines, we cannot refrain from erpressing our admiration for the sentiment that inspired the Jersey song writer in penning them. We can understand fully his sympathetic fellow feeling for the men of our Armv and Xavy whose duty keeps them from Broadway; for living in Nutley must be more irksome even than life in an Army barracks. The women of the European war zone have decided to adopt "plain dress." Even war has some eomjiensations. Perhaps City Commissioner Taylor has former Park Superintendent Forrer in mind for the new post of City Forester. They have put a tax on telephone conversations. Too bad it could not have been put on some of the less useful form of loquacity. May be the submarine diver at a local theatre this week, who has volunteered to recover lost articles, can tell us where the Farnsworth Cup is. The population of the United States is about 100,000,000 and it ia proposed to raise $100,000,000 by the new war tax which went into effect yesterday. That makes one dollar the average tax on every citizen of the United States. If Harrisburg's population is placed at 75,000, the proportionate share of the tax that falls on the people of this city is $75,000. TOLD IN LIGHTER VEIN GLASS EATER'S TROUBLE "What's the matter with the glass eater!" "He ate a couple of windows last evening and I think he must have a pane in his stomach."—Baltimore Ameri can. HAD THE RIGHT DOPE Annt—"You've counted up to eight nicely, dear. But don't you know what comes after eight?" Elsie—"Bedtime."—Boston Transcript. CORRECT "What is the first thing a woman ought to learn about running an automobile!" "The telephone number of the repair shop."—Washing ton Star. V THE GUEST'S VIEW OF IT The Host —"It's beginning to rain; you'd better stay to dinner." The Guest —"Oh, thanks, very much; but it's not bad enough for that."—Vale Record. A PUZZLER "Pa, a man's wife is his better half, isn't she!" "We are told so, my son." "Their if a man marries twice there isn't anything left of him, is there!"— Boston Transcript. RETIRED Among the Monday morning culprits haled before a Baltimore police magistrate was a colored man with jo visible means of support. "What occupation have you here in Baltimore!" asked his honor. "Well, jedge," said the darkey, "I ain't doin' much at present—jest eireulatin' round, sub." His honor turned to the clerk of the court and said: "Please enter the fact that this gentleman has been retired from circulating for sixty days."—Green Bag. [Tongue-End Top icsl Wanamaker Suit Roc ailed Former Judge J. Sharpe Wilson, of Beaver, prominent in the Knights of Templar of Pennsylvania, was a visit or to Harrisburg this week and met a number of old friends. Since retiring from the bench Judge Wilson has de voted himself closely to his law prac tice. When on the bench Judge Wilson preside*! at tic trial of the celebrated libel suit brought by Thomas S. Rob inson, of Butler, former Superintendent of Public Printing anort that she is not able to stand trial at this time. State At torney mornings moved yesterday for trial next Tuesday. The defense ob jected that trial would be dangerous. Dr. Schavoir, representing the State, and Dr. J. H. Staui), representing Mrs. Angle, 'both of Stamford, were assign ed to examine her and will probably re port to Judge Schuttvway this week. The man who waits for opportunity, and when he sees it Hikes it, is not so gooj a man as he who does not wait, •but makes it. CHILDREN STRONG Some children catch one aihneat after another, Lave cold* after cold*, while other children are seldom sick If your children are pale or frail, " they catch cold* easily, lack an bition or are backward in school, thejr need SCOTT'S EMULSION which is rich in the food elements to create good blood to strengthen their bodies and brains—SCOTT'S EMULSION is free from ai- Ai cohol or habit forming druga. JNk CHILDREN RELISH IT. yW To My Friends and Patrons of THE GLOBE In assuming tUp sole ownership of u 'The Globe," I deeply feel the great obligation which I owe to my many friends and customers, and at this time wish to extend to you my heart felt thanks and sincere appreciation. It was your kind, loyal support which as sisted in building up "The (slobe" and mak ing it the foremost store of its character in Cen tral Pennsylvania, and which support I hope that I may at all times merit. It shall be my aim to make "The Globe" Har risburg's Greatest Clothing Store, greater in every respect. Sincerely yours, DR. STOUCH RAILS AT RUSSELLISM Cautioned From First I'aae. residential districts for example, that "God will not be any the less wise or just in the world to come, and -will not mix the good and the bad.'' "I don't want to go to Heaven," continued the evangelist, "if some of you people here in Harrisburg go there What would be the use of taking t'hem there? If these saloonkeepers arnd bar tenders would go to Heaven, they'd be dickering first thing with the angels trying to set up a beer saloon in some corner. The money grabbers would dig up the gold bricks from the pa vem tints of paradise and ho»k them. Why, some women would be unhappy in Heaven unless they could start a bridge whist cluib, and they'd want to dance the tango down the Market street of Heaven. Is Tired of Gang Here "I'm tired ej\ough of that gang down here, let alone going through eternity with them. I'm glad for the day when I'll get rid of the silly, sloppy sort of religionists that want everybody all mixed up in Heaven." That no man can believe iin the Bible anil at the sajne time disbelieve the existence ot' hell, was the evan gelist's next declaration, and he added | that "when you find a man who says he doesn't believe in hell, just pot it j down that he believes in hell more i than anybody. He's lying to himself. I had a doctor tell me onee that he didn't believe in hell but that he was mortally afraid he was, going there, and I told him that his head was lying to him and his heart was telling him the truth." Spiritualism Called Nonsense Spiritualism came in for some hard I knocks in l>r. Stough's next remarks. I He said that ''the idiocy of spiritual ] ism manifested itself because a spirit j froon the dead never came into a room ; where a spiritualist and her dupes were sitting and said a single new thing about the world -beyond the grave, proving that spiritualism is all tom foolery and nonsense." The preaoher asserted t.hat if per sons do not believe that there is a lake of fire and brimstone in a place of eternal torment, they must logically believe that hell is even worse than thait, since a figure of speech is always weaker than the thing for which it stands. That a quickened memory of sins committed on earth will be hell itself, the preacher asserted, on the assump tion that there is memory in eternity. Klaborating somewhat on this point he declared that all appetites, desires and passions of human beings, as well as memory, will pass with them to eter nity, since these things belong not to the body but to the self which goes on to "the great beyond" nfter death. Unsatisfied Desires Hell "In hell," he said, "there ig no cup for the drunkard to press to his lips to satisfy the appetite which he cultivat ed on earth. There is no prayer, no BUde, no song of praise, no love in hell. love turns to hatred there. I.iove is a reflection from God, for God is love. "Hell is, generally speaking, the place where God is not. The hundreds of persons in this city who do not love God, who hate Him and the church of Jesus Christ, who spurn the Bible and who turn from meetings like this one, would not be happy in Heaven where His glory is. There must be a place for them in eternity where they can have what they want. Character a Fixed Thing "We die as we live, and we live in the hereafter as we die. If you die a drunkard, you waken in eternity a drunkard. Death is but a door, from one room to another, and character is not changed by passing through it. Character is fixed. You cannot change your character even if you come down here and hit the trail to-night. You may change your choice of living, but character is the result of years and years of living. "God never sent a soul to hell," ho said in conclusion. "He never damned a soul. Hell was prepared for the Devil. If you go there, it is because God cannot keep you from it. If you go to Hell, you go over the pierced body of His Son;" Five of Family Hit Trail When the appeal for trail hitters was THE GLOBE THE GLOBE Yes! boys need overcoats too — And we got just the kind the boys want those good, warm, _ \>S» "comfy" Chinchillas with plaid worsted linings. Some button to neek XpfiOTj jb 'RL\ others have shawl collars—belted back •' —all sizes to 10 years—in blue, Oxford rWf JT gray and brown. Exceptional values at CJ mr 0 $5 v fj|jl "Globe Special" djC /hm Two Pants Suits © These are the suits that thrifty parents should buy for the chaps who are "so hard on their clothes"— there's double service in them—real economy. Gray and Tan Mixed Cheviots and Cnssimeres, Blue Serges and Cor duroys. Easily worth $6.50 elsewhere—they're wonderful values at . $5.00 An Ounce of Underwear Protection Is Better Than a "Pound of Cure for Colds" f There's hardly a worthy make of undergar ment that you can't find here—we carry every kind that's worthy—no other. PEERLESS UNION SUITS—The best made at SI.OO to $4.00 DUOFOLD—The double texture underwear, union suits and two-pieec garments, at SI.OO to $3.50 ROCKWOOD—NaturaI Australian Wool, as soft as down, at $1.50 JANEWAY Hygienic worsted shirts and drawers in every weight, at SI.OO and $1.50 Sweaters—of the Right Sort Heavy Shaker Knit Sweaters with loose pockets and deep shawl collars—maroon and navy—the kind the best sweater judges jvould brand as a good $4.50 value—a most unusual value at $3.50 THE GLOBE ' made, eighty persons came to the front, |an unusually large number of which | were young girls. Several married I couples were in the throng, and a fam , ilv consisting of a man and wife with ; two daughters and a son. One mau went into the audience for his wife and in another instance a woman eutne to the ; front to be bv the side of her husband. Turkish Inns \ To the traveler accustomed to the ■ luxury of up to date hotels a "Pin kish khan (inn) comes as a rude surprise. One finds oneself suddenly whisked from the twentieth to the tenth cen tury. Beneath a central archway one. passes into quadrangle, which, with its fountain, suggests university pre ■ cincts. The ground tloor of the build , ings forms the stables. Above are the ] guest rooms. The principal guest I room —the one above the entrance gate ' way —is allotted to travelers of note, jit is innocent of the appointments I proper to a European bedchamber, its | furniture consisting merely of a roll of I matting to spread on a low wooden | platform and an earthenware pipkin for water.—London Answers. Speedy Transportation of Gifts Genoa, via Borne, Dee. 2, 9.40 A. M. ! —Tile American Consul General, Dr. John Edward J ones, has made all ar j rangements with the proper authorities for the speedy transportation by rail of the American Christinas gifts to the orphans of Austria and Germany. Frank Admission "Do you regard politics in your state at all as a square deal?" "No," replied Senator Sorghum. "It is rather a question ctf who gets lost in the shuffle."—Washington Star. FINE FOR RHEUMATISM Musterole Loosens fJp Those Stiff Joints—Drives Out Pain You'll know why thousands use MUS TEROLE once you experience the glad relief it gives. Get a jar at once from the nearest drug store. It is a clean, white oint ment made with the oil of mustard. Better than a mustard plaster and does .not blister. Brings ease and comfort while it is being rubbed on! MUSTEROLE is recomended by doctors and nurses. Millions of jars are used annually for Bronchitis, Croup, Stiff Neck, Asthma, Neuralgia, Conges tion, Pleurisy, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Pains and Aches of the Back or Joints, Sprains, Sore Muscles, Bruises, Chil blains, Frosted Feet. Colds of the Chest (it often prevents Pneumonia). At your druggist's, in 25e and 50c jars, and a special large hospital size for $2.50. Be sure you get the genuine MUS TEROLE. Refuse imitations—get what you ask for. The Musterole Company, Cleveland, Ohio. MORTALITY FROM CANCER The Appalling Increase Is Subject of Address Before the American Pub lic Health Association B}f Associated Prrss, Jacksonville, Fla., Dec. 2. —The im portance of a nation-wide educational campaign for the control of cancer wa* emphasized by Frederick L. Hoffman, ■statistician of an insurance company, in an address before the American Pub lic Health Association here to-day. The subject of his address was '"The Ac curacy of American ( sneer Mortality Statistics." Mr. Hoffman said: "The truly enormous recorded in crease in the cancer death rate during the last twenty-live years, compared with the previous quarter-century, abso lutely precludes the possibility of this increase 'being exclusively the result of improved methods of medical diagnosis and death certification. "The burden of proof that cancer ist not on the increase rests with those who make the assertion that the in crease in the recorded cancer death rate is exclusively the result of improved methods of diagnosis and death certifi cation. The required evidence in sup port of this argument has not beeu forthcoming. "In contrast, the statistical evi dence of cancer increase throughout the civilized world is so overwhelming and so otbviously conclusive and so thor oughly in accordance with medical and surgical experience that perhaps no oth er fact in the vast domain of human mortality and disease is more complete ly etsablished at the present time. 'lt is, therefore, a rightful exercise of the critical method of reasoning that pub lic attention should be directed to what is obviously a serious menace to civili sation and" the importance of cancer control on the basis of a nation-wide educational campaign." Linear Measure The Frenchman and the American had gone a considerable distance in animated discussion concerning the merits of their respective countries. Neither would make any concessions.. "Of course," finally said the French man in desperation, "you will concede that there is only one Eiffel tower and that we have it." "Certainly," agreed the American, "and I am mighty glad, for it has giv en ns a means for measuring our sky scrapers. We now say in New York that a building is two eiffels high or three or four, as the case may be."— New York Post. Absentminded I went for a music lesson the other day and carried a basket with, me, as I intended to do some shopping on the way home. When I had finished' my lesson I left, but hadn't gone far when I suddenly remembered my basket. So back I went and asked the maid who opened the door to give it to me. I did feel somewhat ridiculous when she asked me if I had brought two bas kets, as I had one already hanging oa my arm.—London Telegraph.