The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, December 01, 1914, Page 9, Image 9

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    Real Estate
condition; practically new; large
porches; lot, 60x150; pleasant location;
granolithic walks. Both for eale at
33,300. BELL REALTY CO.. Bergner
Store room and dwelling; 15-ft. side
alley; good business location; sacrifice
price. MILLER BROS. & NEEFE. Fed
eral Square.
FOR SALE—House No. 1831 N. Sixth St.
Remodeled throughout; all Improve
ments. Apply GEORGE W. OHTH. 423
s-'i-p s:.
FOR RENT—No. 1443 Berryhtll St.,
$22.50. Dwelling, store room and
stable; together or separately; No. 2021
N. Cameron St. JOHN H. MALONEY,
No. 161H Green St.
FOR RENT—House lwth 7 rooms; water
In house; rent 310.00 month. Inquire
31 S. Front St., Steelton. Pa.
FOR RENT—Four 8-room houses; de
sirable location; rent 317.60 per
month. Apply to WITTENMYER Lum
ber Co., 7th and Schuylkill Sts.
FOR RENT—3JO Broad St.; 3-story, 11
large rooms, all improvements; suit
able for boarding or lodging lious™.
Call 429 Broad St., or 1631 N. Second
(St. Bell phone 3613J1.
No. 1711 Apricot St. 315.00
2231 Atlas St., 16.00
2233 Atlas St. 17.00
2551 N. Sixth St 17.00
715 N. Eighteenth St 21.00
1210 Berryliill SL 23.00
Paxtang—Rutherford St 18.00
BELL REALTY CO.. Bergner Building.
THREE rooms and bath, steam heat;
suitable for two persons, light house
keeping. Cheap rent. Apply Store,
1117 N. Third St. '
FOR RENT—AII improve
-1614 Catherine, $16.00
535 S. Sixteenth, $17.00
534 S. Sixteenth, ... .$17.00
Apply Knhn & Hershey,
18 South Third street.
FOR RENT—6IB Qeiyy St; 318.00 per
month; 8 rooms and bath; cemented
cellar, with hot and cold water; wide
front and back porches and balcony:
granolithic steps and pavements, vesti
bule and open stairway. Fine new
home. Apply 660 Briggs street or 6SO
Geary street
ONE of the Kelster apartments. Fifth
and Market streets; five rooms and
bath. Apply H. KEISTER, ground
HOUSES FOR RENT and 2%-story
dwelling houses for sale. Elder Real
Estate Co.. 24th and Perry Sts.
DESK in well-furnished office, with full
privileges of same; rent cheap. In
quire 429 Broad St, 9 to 11 a. m.
Phone 3613J1.
FOR RENT—Furnished room for gen
tleman; all conveniences; use of Bell
phone. Call 1089 L, Bell phone.
NICELY furnished rooms, suitable for
light housekeeping. Apply at 1221
Market street.
third floor; one front, one back;
large, well lighted. Address or call 414
Hummel street.
——— —
Sala and Exchange
____ FOR SALE.
C. W. H. LAH6LETZ, Lumber-We are
overstocked with all kinds and
grades of lumber and we can offer you
big bargains. It will pay you to see
us. Office Cameron and Mulberry Sts.
FOR SALE—Light delivery automobile.
with delivery body, top and back
seat, which converts car into a 5-pas
senger machine; just completely over
hauled, almost new tires. First 3100
takes this machine. If you ar« looking
for a real bargain, investigate at once.
C. E. TAYU)R, 814 N. Third street.
FOR SALE—Ladies' diamond ring, about
% karat; pric'e very reasonable. Ad
dress No. 3997, care Star-Independent.
PRIVATE PARTY, forced to sell, will
sacrifice 40 shares International Ed
ucational Publishing Co. preferred
stock at 320 per share. Also 40 shares
common stock of the same company at
310 per share. Address 3995, care Star-
AUTO—A Jackson 30-horsepower 5-
passenger, good condition; at a sac
rifice price if sold now. Cash or pay
ments. Call 214 Crescent St.
I'OK SALE Cheap Addressograph
foot-power machine with cabinet
fa urg, Pa.
FOR SALE—Boarding and rooming
house, opposite Pennsylvania station
best location in city. Call at 418 Mar
ket street.
F S?, A * GABLE'S, 113, 115 and I
11< a Second St, 5,000 gallons New
Vn a .i; ea^ y ,"> n> , 1 . Ked P aln '. Acme quality.
All the full line of the Acme make.
FLAGS all nations; butterflies; baseball
players; 30 flags all nations; 20 but
terilies. 50c—5c postage. Large Amer
ican liags, 12x18 inches, 15c—3c post
age. MITCHELL* 441 Broad St. City
<— - ■ -
Houses For Rent;
022 Aah Ave., 2V4 *. f„ « #lO
30 S. Honey Ave ft 10
1802 Hoax St., 2 a, b., « r I !#lo
1008 Lireenwood St., a a. f *ll I
ioi»vi s. ai'/s st., m a. t st 2 I
035 lIriKKN St., 2\<i a. f„ U #l2
2152 X. 7tl« St., 3a. b., Hr. b sl3
1.-.03 S. Cameron St., 2% a. b., 8 r., *lB 1
*l4B X. 7th St., 3 a. b„ 8 r. b *l3 1
1804 X. tftll St., 2V4 a. t *l4
302 llalay Ave., 2a. f.. Hr. A b.. #14.50
027 BrlKga St., 3 a. b„ 8 r., *l4
1501 Alllaou St., 2Vfe It. b. f ... #ls
1538 S. 13tb St., 3 a. b., 8 .#!«
•SOO Emerald St., 3 a. b., 8 r #l7 I
1820 1 Jerry St., 2% a. f„ 7 r. b. « ir., *lB 1
21<S Vale St., 2a. b., 7r. b... .. . #2O
2202 X. sth St., 3 a. b., #32
1400 X. Otli St., 3 a. b *35 I
1025 Market St., 3 a. b., 10 r *4O I
1503 N. 2<l St., 3 a. b.. 10 r. b. v. h„ *45
2230 X. 2<l St., 3 a. b., 10 r. b *SO
200 S. I'ront St., 3 a. b., 10 r. 2 b., *75
23 S. Froat St., furnlahed, 4 a. b., 14
r., 2 b.
Mlddletoun IMke (lllithaiilre),. .#5.00
WEfiT FAIRVIBW (Mala St.) #7
I'KMIKOOK— 2030 I'urttn St., .. . .#lO
I.t'CKNOW—Fortce l.nnr #25
XBW ft IHT—( Marahall property) *OO
Mulberry A- < hrlatltm Sta.. garage. #5
APARTMENT— 138 Walnut St.,'. *25
APARTMENT—I 3X. 4th St... .. , ;*25
Fire Insurance Surety Doada
I.ovuat and Coart Streeta
Wants |
I HAVE a position for six good hus
tlers; salary and commission. Address
WALTER K. KEATH, Palmyra, Pa.
WANTED—A colored man as house
man and useful man around store.
Must understand steam plant. Good
wages; steady position to reliable
party. Reference required. Apply Mon
day. Tuesday, Wednesday evenings, 7.30
to 9.00 o'clock. 218 Pine street
The oldest, best and most reliable au
tomobile school in the country. A lull
course of practical Instructions for 335,
lncludlfts long driving and repairing
lessons. Hundreds of good-paying po
sitions are open for competent men.
Make application now. Easy payments.
Open day and evenings. 5 N. Cameron
St Bell pfrone 1710.
WANTED—General housework or wait
er in private family, or Janitor at
hotel or club house. Apply 4J35 Bailey
St, Steelton, Pa.
WANTED —Work of any kind. Address
WM. BRESSLER, 1224 Market St..
WANTED—By strong, husky young
man, work of any kind; willing to
work for small salary to get a start
Address "Hustler," 3988, care Star-In
WANTED—German boy, 18 years of
age, wants work in a restaurant Can
speak English. Address 1236 Herr St.
A MIDDLE-AGED MAN desires a po
sition as stationary engineer or any
kind of electrical work or pipe fitting;
30 years experience. Call or address
1629 Swatara St., City.
TWO youog men, 20 and 22 respec
tively, want positions as grocery
clerks or work of any kind. Address
or call MR. HARRY RALPH. West
Fairview, Pa.
WANTED—Position as janitor, porter
or general housework. Address or
call 123 Liberty St
WANTED—Cooking; short order. Ad
dress or Vail 310 Currant Ave.
YOUNG MAN, 18 years of age, wants
work of any kind; experienced around
horses. Call or address 2017 Wallace
St.. City.
WANTED—Light work of any kind by
a married man, or night watchman.
Addresß A. D. F„ 2543 Agate St, City.
WANTED—By young man, 18 years of
age; work of any kind. Address E.
M. F., 2543 Agate St, City.
MARRIED MAN wishes position of any
kind; not afraid of work and can
furnish good reference. Apply L B.
GARWOOD, 302 S. River Ave.
YOUNG MAN who has left college be
cause of family financial reasons, de
sires an opportunity to learn a busi
ness. Apply A. T. K„ 120 South St
COLORED man wants position as wait
er or house man. Apply 116% Liberty
YOUNG MAN with four years' experi
ence desires position as printer. Call
on or address FRED. KOENIG. Jit,
Enhaut, Pa.
WANTED—A woman for matron at the
Children's Industrial Home; only
those with experience in industrial
work need apply. Apply at 266 Brlggs
St, Harrisburg, Pa.
WANTED—'PupiI nurses. Apply Wash
ington Heights Hospital. 552-554 West
166 th St., N. Y. CI. Supt
WANTED—Competent white girl for
general housework and cooking; two
in family; no laundry; city reference re
quired. Call between 7 and 8 o'clock,
evenings. 229 Forster St.
WANTED Girls 16
years of age and over.
Apply Harrisburg Cigar
WANTED —Washing: and ironing to do
at home. Call 2971J, or 1320 Hunter
COLORED WOMAN" wishes day's work
or offices to clean. Call or address
A. Z., 107 Filbert street.
MIDDLE-AGED woman desires work of
any kind by the day. Call or ad
dress 346 Muench St., sceond floor, rear.
WANTED—General housework, by a
young colored lady. Apply 1308 N.
Seventh street.
LADY wants washing to do at home,
or day's work. Call at 1617 Wallace
WANTED—General housework, by col
ored lady. Address or call 1222 Cur
rant Ave.
COLORED GIRL would like to do gen
eral housework or dish washing. Ad
dress 713 Cowden St.
WANTED—By a colored lady, general
housework. Address or call 311 Cal
der street.
WANTED—Colored woman wants work
as cook or general housework. Ap
ply 1412 N. Seventh street.
WANTED—By a middle-aged lady,
truthful and honest; position as
housekeeper. Address P. O. Box 7t>,
WANTED—Colored woman wants work
dishwasher. Apply 'J42 N. Seventh
WHITE GIRL* 18 years old, would like
place to assist with general house-
Address E. F„ Gen. Del., City.
YOUNG LADY wants work by the day.
Call 723 Showers Ave.
a ?TED A middle-aged woman
wishes position as housekeeper or
general housework. Honest and reliable.
Address 339 Reily St
GENERAL housework or hotel work
wanted by colored woman. Address
or call 507 South St.
LAUNDRY WORK at home or out. Can
give reference. Send card. 152' A Ad
ams St., Steelton.
WANTED—Washing and Ironing to do
at home. Call or address 2017 Wal
lace St.
Lost, and Found
FOUND—Don't go anv further, for the
right place Is at EGGERT'S Steam
Dyeing and French Cleaning Works.
1245 Market St. We deliver and call
promptly. Both phones.
LOST—A pocketbook containing a sum
of money, on road between Hlghsplre
and Rockville. Reward if returned to
GEORGE RUDY, Brelsford Packing and
Storage Co.
Police Detail Changes
The police detail was changed at
noon to-day, this being the first of tho
month. Sergeant Page will be in j
charge of the day detail, Sergeants
£isenberger and Drabenstadt at night. I
Offerings Were Again in Small Lots,
tbe Largest Transaction in the
First Ten Minutes Being (20,000
in St. Paul 4y s B
By Associated Press.
New York, Dec. I.—t/ight dealings
marked to-day's opening of the market
for bonds ou the Stock Exchange. Of
ferings were again in• snvill lots, the
largest transaction in the flret ten min
utes being the sale of $20,004 of tit.
Paul convertible 4 l-2» at a decline of
1-4. Other issues which showed frac
tional recessions in the early trading
included Southern Pacific 4s and ss,
and Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific
si. Public Service of Now Jersey 5s
broke 1 3-4. Minor gains were made
by Union Pacific convertible 4s, Inte>r
borough 41-2s and United States
Steel, 59.
Prices continued to sag, witfh dentines
of 2 to 4 points in Burlington general
4s, Burlington, Illinois division 3V4s,
Illinois Central refunding 4s, Delaware
ami Hudson refunding 4s and Colorado
Southern 4Vis. New York City 4%«
of 1957 lost 3 fointg with a break of
1% in New York State 4 l / t s.
Philadelphia Quotations
Philadelphia, Dec. 1, 2 P. M.—Stocks
steady. Cambria Steel. 40; Nav
igation, 72; P. R. R.. 52%; Phlla. Elec
tric, 23; Phlla. Rapid 'Transit, 11; Phlla,
Traction, 78V4; Heading, 69%; Reading
Gen. Mortgage, 92%; Union Traction,
39Vfe ; United Gas Improvement Co., 80V4.
PhtlnrtelDhla Produce Market
Philadelphia, Dec. I.—Wheat higher;
No. 2 red spot, export, 113 %<& 116% ; No.
1 northern, Duluth export, 125®]28.
Corn steady; No. i yellow, local, 81®
Oats steady; No. 2 white, 54954%.
Bran firm; winter, epr ton, $26.50®
27.00; spring, per ton, $25.50@26.00.
Refined sugar firm; powdered, 5.20;
fine granulated, 5.10; Confectioners' A,
Butter lower; western creamery, ex
tra, 34; nearby prints, fancy, 37.
Eggs firm; nearby Brsts, free case,
110.80; current receipts, free case, 39.90
©10.20; western extra Arete, free case.
H0.80; firsts, free case. 39.90® 10.220.
Live poultry weaker; fowls, 124D11;
old roosters, 10@ 11; chickens, 11® 13;
turkeys, 13@ 16; ducks, 12©>13; -geese,
13 @ 14.
Dressed poultry weaker; turkeys, fan
cy spring, 21 @22; do., average, 18® 20;
fowls, heavy, 18019; do., average,
15@17; do., small, 13®14; old roosters,
13; broiling chickens, nearby, 16®22;
western, 14020; roasting chickens,
western, 13@17; ducks, 13@15; geese.
Flour steady; winter straight, 5.00©
5.25; spring straight, 5.30(§5.60; do.,
patent, 5.65®6.50.
Hay weak; Timothy hay. No. 1 large
bales, 18.00®18.50; No. 1 medium bales,
17.50018.00; No. 2 do.. 15.50016.50; No.
3 do., 14.00015.00; sample, 13.00014.00;
no grade, 13.00. Clover mixed
hay, llfrht mixed, 17.00® 17.50; No. 1 do.,
16.00016.50; No. 2 do., 14.50015.50.
Potatoes steady; Pennsylvania, per
bushel, 58062; New York, 45052; Jer
sey, per basket, 35040.
Chicago Livestock Ma ket
Chicago, Dec, l.—Hogs—Receipts,
4r»,000; dull. Bulk, light, 6.65
<&'7.20; mixed, rt.907.35; heavy, 6.90®
7.35; rough, 6.9U4/-7.U5; pigs, 4.00@ti.25.
Cattle—-Keceipts, 8,000; weak. Native
steers, western, 5.358.75;
cows and heifers, ,M0®9.00; calves, S.UO
Sheep—Receipts, 25,000; slow. Sheep,
5.3506.45; yearlings, 6.40<®7.80; lambs.
Chicago Board of Trade
Chicago, Dec. I.—Close:
Wheat—December, 114%; May, 120%.
Corn—'December, 63%; May, 69.
Oats—December, 48 V«; May, 52%.
Pork—January. 18.05; May, IR.2S.
L/ard—January, 9.50; May, 9.77.
Itlbs —January, 9.55; May, 9.80.
Death and Obituary
BRINK—On Sunday, November 29, 1914,
at 10.40 p. m., Mrs. Susan Brink, wife
of Edward Brink, aged 28 years, 6
months and 19 days.
Relatives and friends are invited to
attend the funeral services on Thursday
afternoon at 2 o'clock, from her late
residence. No. 317 Hummel street. Inter
ment private at Paxtang cemetery.
IN CONSTANT and loving remembrance
of our dear mother, Mrs. Catherine
Delhi, who fell asleep December 1,
Sleep on, dear mother, sweet be your
We need you but God knoweth best;
God's will be done, He doeth well.
But how we miss you no tongue can
Sixth street, first class packer of fur
jiVw*' Cklna and bncabrac. Bell phone
"u,''' WENRICH, 339 Hamilton street—
Furniture, china and piano packing,
shipments looked after at both end*
of hau " ng - B *" P h »"»
painted from 12.00 up. Old furniture
done over cheap. Address MU. JAM ICS
B. PATTERSON, 119 Hanna St., Har
risburg. Pa.
STORAGE In 3-story brick building.
rear 408 Market 8U Household goods
In clean, private rooms. Reasonable
rates. Aitply to P. G. LUENER. Jeweler.
4US Market St.
new elght-atory brick warehouses
one absolutely fireproof. divided Into
nreproof private rooms of various
sizes for tne storage of household
goods; the other warehouse of the most
approved type of Are retardant con
struction for general merchandise. They
aie equipped with two large electric
freight elevators and spiral chute for
the quick and safe handling of house
hold goods and all kinds of merchan
dise. Low storage rates. South Second
Penna a j^ Paxton * on thß tracks of
LiOANS— -^s~Z»~|aoo — lni~ aonssT~workTna
people without bank credit at less
than legal rates; payable In install
ments to suit borrowers' convenlenca
Loan and- Investment Cot.
ALL kinds of hauling; largo two-toa
truck; furniture, pianos, freight, la
the city and suburbs, prices reason
able. Picnic and pleasure trips, day or
evening. WM. H. DARE, Hit Vernon
bt. Bell yhone 1517 J.
Invest your money in »
(or Rooklot I*l.
Moyse & Holme*
Members New York A New Orleans Cotton
Exchanteii New York Stock Exchange
Tel. 5M7 ITMJ. 2t hw St, N. T
An Unlucky Ring
Cynicus—l once knew a fellow who
a girl an engagement ring of
opals. Sillious—Gracious! Wasn't it
D. B. Kieffer & Co.'s
12th Annual Closing Out Sale
for 1914 of
at 9.30 a. m. at the Farmers'
Hotel, M. Snyder, Proprietor
We will sell the following live stock:
100 Head of Fresh Shipped
Western Horses and Colts
Shipped direct by W.
ove ' who advises
' car ®' & |
the kind that have the ■
size, shape, bone, muscle and conformation to them- |
selves, and will mature into and make heavy drafters, I
all purpose horses, farm chunks, carriage horses and
These colts range in age from 1 to 5 years and weigh
from 1000 to 1400 pounds each.
fOO to 150 Head of Acclimated
and Comm ssion Horses
and Mules I
Consisting of good big finished draft horses, general I
business horses, farm chunks, single line leaders, all
purpose horses, carriage horses, livery horses, fancy
driver and speedsters.
Also a lot of High Dollar Horses—the 57 varietv
kind of all classes. These horses range in age from 5
to 12 years and have them weighing up to 1600 pounds
50 Head of Goo
Consisting of mated
commission horses and
Sale to commence at pf TV 1
} 9.30 A. M. on Friday, m # p
December 4, 1914, when |
conditions of sale will be made known by
Middletown. Pa. mmmmmmmaJ}
Mixed Pea Coal
Sometimes Nut Coal is too large for your range.
It makes no difference how you have it mixed the
stove doesn't want to keep a good, regular fire. One
time it is too hot and the next time you have no fire
at all.
Before you condemn the stove try some of our
Mixed Pea Coal at $5.35.
We make this mixture out of one-half Wilkes-
Barre Pea and one-half Lykens Valley Pea.
Besides the big difference in price it may be that
the smaller size is just the kind of coal your stove
Remember every dealer's coal is "not alike and if
you want good results we advise you to send us your
United Ice & Coal Co.
Forster ft Gowden Third ft Bou
15th & Chestnut Hummel & Mulberry
——— j
Prosperity Here
Bulletin 104 tatta of
Annr. Sugar Refining Co.
Bethlehem Steel Corp.
Central Leather Co.
5 Shtre Lots Upward
« Broadway, Now Tnk
unlucky f Cynicus—You bet it was!
She married Uni.—Judge.
C*a«liu4 From First Pas*.
to me. Suddenly he jumped from his
cot, grabbed a piece of broom stick
said: 'l'll beat hell out of you.' "
The warden said the information he
lias about Smith principally is what he
was told by other prison attochos.
Thereupon Judge McCarrell sought to
know from John Fox Weiss, of Smith's
counsel, why witnesses who are better
informed as to Smith's alleged pecu
liarities "are not being called firstt"
"We believe in putting the worst
foot forward first," replied Mr. WeißS.
'' Evidently, t'hen, you do not be
lieve in "The worst is yet to come,' "
added the court.
Tells of Smith's Actions in Jail
A witness who said he did nine
months in prison and as a "runner"
looked after Smith's wants, declared
he had trouble "getting Smith to take'
a bath;" that Smith would not use
cutlery at meal time, preferring to
reach into his soup with his fingers;
that he sat in one position upon the
bunk for hours at a time; that he
would not hold a conversation; took
nothing from the runners unless he
could re-ach it without getting off his
bod and that frequently he stood in
a corner with his face to the wall as
if playing "hide and seek."
Later the witness said: "I frequent
ly asked him what he was in for, and
'he always replied 'for shooting old
(man Bush.' Then I would ask him
whether he did shoot the old man and
his reply would be 'that's for them
to find out.' Once I succeeded in get
ting Smith to the bathroom. He did
not want to leave," the runner added.
"If he started washing his ami he
would keep that up until I told him
to stop or until I would pull his arm
away," ho continued. "The only way
we could attract his attention to any
particular thing or object was to yell
at him just as vo<u would to a dog."
Dr. Jwmes was on the stand for an
hour yesterday afternoon. The physi
cian was directed to be ready to sub
mit himself for cross examination to
Continued From First Page.
cessful clothing business at 14 North
Third street, and his brother, Ben.
Strouse. The new firm started in a
modest way at 322-324 Market street,
where it has successfully continued
since that time, growing larger year
after year.
As the business increased the store
was enlarged from time to time until
the entire building, four stories high,
extending from Market street to Straw
berry street, was occupied.
On Christmas eve in 1911 the entire
building and contents were destroyed
by fire. With characteristic enterprise
the Messrs. Strouse proceeded at once
to rebuild and in a remarkably short
time a new and much finer building
and a larger and better store took the
place of those destroyed bv the flames.
While tho enterprising members of the
firm were building up a big business
they were just as successful in winning
the confidence and respect of the public.
Both have taken an active part in mat
ters for the betterment of the city.
They have a wide circle of personal
friends and are popular in business and
social circles.
Mr. Ben. Strouse, who is now the
owner and proprietor, is one of the
city's enterprising business men. He is
a member of a number of fraternal and
social organizations among which are
the Chamber of Commerce; Harrisburg
Lodge, No. 629, I\ & A. M.; Harris
burg Consistory; Zembo Temple, A. A.
O. N. M. S.; Perseverance Chapter No.
21, Koyal Arch Mason; Harrisburg
Council, No. 7, B. & 8. M.; Harrisburg
Ixnlge, No. 12, B. P. O. E.; Harrisburg
Camp, No. 5250, M. W. A.; Harrisburg
Council, No. 4 99, Boyal Arcanum, and
Harrisburg Motor Club.
The change in the firm will in no
way affect any of the employes, many
of whom have been connected with the
"Globe" for many years, an<l all of
whom have excellent records. The only
changes contemplated are such as will
improve the store service and benefit
the buying public.
Mr. Ben. Strouse stated this morn
ing that a number of improvements will
be made to the interior of the store and
that he will spare neither pains nor ex
pense in his aim to make the "Globe"
larger and more popular than ever.
Wilson Will Withdrawn Them When
State Resumes Control
Washington, Dec. I.—President Wil
son will withdraw federal troops from
the Colorado strike zone as soon as he
receives'word from Governor Amnions
that t'he State is ready to resume con
The President reiterated to-day that
the commission namod by him Sunday
wouhl have nothing to do with t'he pres
ent strike -but was appointed to be of
service in settling differences which
might arise in the future.
A knitting factory; all Improve
ments; electric power; two-story
frame; (team heat, well lighted;
equipped with the latest knitting
and sewing machinery. Possession
given at once. We will rent if party
would be interested In the manu
facturing of ladles' garments.
Information Wanted—Call Bell
phone 74. Steelton, Pa., or
V—— —— i '
The farm known as the "Isaac
Mumma Farm," situated near the
Highspire cemetery, Highspire, Pa.,
owned by Frank Armstrong, of
Steelton, will be sold at
Thursday, Dec. 10,1914
At 2.30 P. M.
President Wilson Says
Many Persons Dis
seminate False Re
ports About Situation
Former Rebel Bandit Restores Confis
cated Tram Oar Properties and Also
Property of an American Taken by
Constitutionalists , •'
By Associate)t Press,
Washington, Dec. I.—President Wil
son spoke a word of warning to the pub
lic to-day regarding reports of tho sit
uation in Mexico. At his weekly con
ference with the Washington corres
pondents the President declared there
were many persons in Mexico as well as
the United States who found it to their
advantage to have trouble in the south
ern republic and were interested in giv
ing out false reports of the situation.
Dispatches to-day from American
Consul Silliman in Mexico City report
ed tho arrival in person of General Za
pata Sunday. The general at once re
stored the tram car properties, config;
cated by th© constitutionalists, to the
owning corporation and restored prop
erty of an American named Hill which
also had been taken.
General Angeles arrived that same
day with the advance guard of Villa's
army and later Zapata left for Puebla.
The city was quiet and orderly, Mr.
Silliman reported, and the diplomatic
corps was being consulted on measuros
of safety.
Communication between the capital
and Vera Cruz was restored late yester
day. American Consular Agent Carotli
ers, reporting under date of Sunday
from Tula, a short distance north of
Mexico City, where he was with Villa,
said preparations were making for an
attack on General Gonzales, a Carranza
chief who was reported to be at Pa
General Zapata has assured the Unit
ed States government through Amer
ican Consul Silliman that foreigners
will be given every protection and that
his troops will continue to preserve or
The killing of four Spaniards upon
the entry of the Zapata forces was also
reported to-day. Zapata lias conferred
with the Spanish Minister and, it is
said, gave assurances that full protec
tion will be accorded Spaniards in the
The only serious disturbance was the
firing of several shots by Zapata's sol
diers at a fire engine which wont charg
ing down one of the principal streets.
Zapata explained to Mr. Silliman that
his men mistook it for an assault of
the enemy and he regretted thalt some
of the firemen wero killed by the acci
So States Melbourne Paper in Referring
to Views Recently Expressed by
Former President Taft
Melbourne, Australia, Dec. 1, Via
London, 1.30 P. M.—The Melbourne
"Age," referring to the views of for
mer President Taft concerning the Mon
roe Doctrine expressed recently at
Montclair, N. J., and particularly hit
statement that the United States would
not be compelled by the terms of the
doctrine to intervene if Canada should
be attacked by Germany, baa this to
'' If this interpretation represents
the views of the government of the
United States, an event of first rate
importance to the entire civilized world
has taken place. If the Wilson govern
ment shares Mr. Taft's opinion, it is
very clear that Monroeism is a thing
of the past and that the United States
has abdicated the position she has been
jealously guarding for a period extend
ing upwards of 80 years."
In his address at Montclaiir, N. J.,
last Friday nighit, Ex-President Taft
said that while the landing of troops
in Canada by eneanics of Great Britain
would not constitute a violation of the
Monroe Doctrine, any effect to estab
lish a new form of government in case
of victory would violate Jftiat policy.
Mr. Taft said: V
"All that the Monroe ~"i)octrine|
would consistently require of lis woul-j
be to insist that when the war is AyeM
if Germany were successful, she
not take over the territory of Canada
and overthrow her government and es
tablish her own there, or take any op
pressive measures whidh would have a
similar effect. But we would not ob
ject to her exacting an indemnity jf
she were the victor."
Seventh Triennial Session of National
Council in New Orleans
By Associated Press,
New Orleans, Dec. I.—Representa
tive Jewish women from all sections of
the United States were here at the
opening to-day of tho seventh triennial
convention of the National Council of
Jewish Women.
The morning program called for the
reports of chairmen and officers, while
the reports of sections was the order
of business for the afternoon session.
To-night the formal welcome exercises
will take place and the report of tho
executive secretary will be read.
Left S3OO to Sylvan Orphanage
(Special to the Star-Independent.)
Elizabethtown, Dec. t. —The follow
ing bequests were made in tho will of
the late Mary F. Ferry, probated to
day: SSOO for masses in St. Peter's
church; a sum not to exceed $3,000
i for a marble alter as a memorial to her
father, mother and self; SSOO to the
Sylvan Orphanage, and SSOO for the
Paradise Protectory for Boys. She was
a lifelong member of St. Peter'•
I church, this place.