6 (Ettahiuhfd i* IS7S) PuMWirt »• TH* STAN PRINTING COMPANY. ' r •Ur-lndawndtnl Bunting, ' IMO-U South TWN Straat, Harriokwr*. Pa. BT Kv—lm M S OfHctrt .- DnwMn. Bauaim r. Mirm. l, K KVM. President W*. W. Wallow**, ... VIM President, * * MWTWMO WM. K MtTKKS, Secretary and Tmnrtr. Wu. W W ALLOW**. WM IT WAIMR. V. Hummel Bikomabs. J*., Punneu Uuttw Editor. All eomaunlca'-ioit* should be to Stab-Imdbtmimmt, Buiioru. lUitorial, Job Printing 1 Circulation DaporUMßt according to the subject matter Cntered at the Post Office la BUcrisburg ai aecead clu* matter. Banjamt* A Kentaor Company. New York and Chicago Rapraoeatatlraa Maw York OSee. Brunswick Building. 225 Fifth ATOM*. Chicago Offlce, People's Gas Building, Michigan Avenue, Delivered by carriers at • ccata « week. Mailed to euheeribM-r far Three Dollar* a /eat in advance. THE ST A R-IN DIPSN DENT The paper with the largest Home Circulation ia tiarrlabarg and Marby town*. Circulation Exaaalaco by THE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN APVBTIS3WS. TCLSRNONBS BKU. " Private Sranoh liekania No. StIO CUMBBMLANO VALLEY Wvste Branch Eiommf. .... No. Tuesday, December 1, 1914. IU Hill 111 ill am DECEMBER Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 MOON S PHASES— Full Moon, 2nd; Last Quarter, 10th; New Moon, 10th; First Quarter, 24th. j f M WEATHER FORECASTS Harrisburg and vicinity: Continued & cloudy weather with mfld temperature is indicated for to-night and Wednes- Eastern Pennsylvania: Cloudy Wk weather and moderate temperature to i night and Wednesday. Light to mod erate variable winds. YESTERDAY'S TEMPERATURE IN HARRISBURG Highest, 48; lowest. 43; 9 a. m., 43; 8 p. m., 48. WAE'S EFFECT ON LITERATURE Not for the tirst time, William Dean Howells. our country's noted novelist, recently declared that war can inspire nothing worthy in art or letters, but that war kills literature. He once made such a statement, rather incidentally, in the course of a criticism of the much criticised Kipling, and he now reaffirms it with particular reference to pres ent conditions in Europe. The contention of the dean of American letters is that there is nothing in warfare to inspire last ing poetry or prose. He admits that the Civil War in this country called forth loads of volumes, but he knows of but one or two of these works which are read to-day. The present war is. of course, inspiring glowing newspaper stories written by graphic journalists, and in the newspapers of the fighting nations stir ring calls to the front are appearing. All this may be ephemeral matter, however, —literature for a day; not for all time. Thus far, the great war of the nations has in spired no literature which promises to be lasting, so far as lias yet come to light. We are told "False is the war no poet sings," yet we cannot quite ac cept that as the explanation. War, perhaps, has lost its glory, its romanticism. That may be what is the matter. No modern Horatius stands at the bridge across the Vistula. Our poets can get no inspirations. The only literature certain to survive this war will be the literature of the historians. Poets may sing for a while and press writers may rave on oc casion but their works may never reach posterity. Records of events, cold, uneolored facts about the conflict, will without question be handed down to future generations, and this will constitute the great permanent part of the literature of the great war. TENNYSON CALLS TO ARMS There tf'a new poem now getting wide circula tion in flfreat Britain which promises to live and be loved the war has passed, despite the eonten- Jioa that wartime literature has little chance to survive the times which inspire it. The poem is new only in the sense that it is becoming public property for the first time. It was written many, many years ago, hence was not inspired by thia particular war anyway, and cannot be considered a product of it. There is something uncanny about this poem. It is one of Tennyson's whieh had been discarded. For an unknown reason, —perhaps because of some what faulty technique,—the former poet laureate had not published it. The manuscript was found recently by his son and it has now a wide distribu tion in print. "A Call to Arms" is the title as well as the substance of the lyric. A voice from the grave has furnished England with its first contemporary war poem. Tennyson, whose poem "Britons Guard Tor • Own,'' exerted a great influence in recruiting soldiers for the Brit ish army in the Crimean war. has by his "Call to Arms served to arouse British patriotism anew in the present European conflict. The spirit of the dead Tennyson, a mysterious but thrilling foree, is to-day urging Englishmen to fight, impelling them as Kipling, \\ atson and Bridges have failed to do. It was an indirect inspiration that brought forth Tennyson's "A Call to Arms." The words fit a present condition which the author could not have HARRISBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT, TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 1, 1914. foreseen, a condition to which be did not mean his appeal particularly to apply. .' It may be a question whether, if Lord Tennyson were poet laureate of Great Britain to-day, he would issue a call to arms such as that whieh is now circulating under his honored name. TILYOU, FUK-MAKER, PASSES The death in his Brooklyn home yesterday of George C. Tilyou, 53 years old, took from America another of her famous showmen. While Tilyou'« methods of entertaining the people were far differ ent from those of the late P. T. Barnum, they con tained many features of originality that will recall his name to the fun-loving public for years to eonif. The circus was not the medium through which Tilyou amused the multitudes but it is a safe asser tion that the form of entertainment he did provide reached almost as many persons as the peerless Barnum reached. Anybody who ever has gone to the distinctly original "Steeplechase Park" in Coney Island, or the more recently established "Steeplechases" in other big eastern resorts, will connect the name of Tilyou with the thrills he has received through the medium of the "Human Bowl," "Razzle Dazzle," "Mystic Maze," "Down and Out." and scores of other devices that have given real "sensations" to pleasure-seekers. Tilyou's "Steeplechase Park," of course, pro vides only a part of the fun of the great play grounds at Coney Island, but any one of the mil lions of persons who have gone to the park will not fail to recall the riotous merriment created when he suddenly saw the hats torn from the heads of a score or more of men and women and hurled seaward by a concealed artificial breeze produced by a Tilyou device, or by the intensely amusing spectacle of scores of people struggling valiantly to walk on a floor oscillating in three or four direc tions almost at the same time. Tilyou made and lout several fortunes in the amusement game, but he is reported to have died a rich man. He was the inventor of many fun giving machines that will live after him. That part of the great American public that has red blood in its veins cannot but experience a feeling of regret at the passing of this man who has done so much to drive dull care away. FOOTBALL AGAIN AT COLUMBIA? The New York "World" says to-day that the Columbia University students will meet to-morrow to discuss the reinstatement of football at the Morningside Heights institution where the game has been banned for a number of years, largely, it is understood, because of the opposition of Presi dent Nicholas Murray Butler. President Butler is to attend the meeting and from tkia the "World" concludes that he will yield to the pressing de mand of the students and let them resume the grid iron sport. It will be rather remarkahle if Dr. Butler weak ens iu the determined attitude he has maintained against football, but it is not surprising that the students are so eager for the reinstatement of the game. Football as played to-day is not as dan gerous as in years gone by when almost everything was massed plays, and perhaps the greater element of safety that the new rules provide gives Dr. But ler an excuse to yield gracefully. And then, too, perhaps Dr. Butler has come to see that the advertising football brings a college is not to be sneezed at. He could never be accused j of failing to take advantage of any medium for bringing to Columbia that desirable sort of public ity that swells the university's treasury balance. It will soon be too late to do your Christmas shopping early. The war tas is all right when the other fellow has to pay it. The kind of peace that Mexico is having reminds us of the Democratic party in Pennsylvania since the "Re organieers" took hold. The president of the Newark, X. J., Board of Education wants to put the school teachers in uniforms. Another indication of the growth of militarism in this country f "Fire Companies Up in the Air," reads a headline in the Frederick (Md.) "Post." This suggests the possibil ity of aeroplane fire engines in the near future. And why not? TOLD IN LIGHTER VEIN NO CO OPERATION Co-operation apparently is not only essential to progress, but a test of humanity. At least that seems to be the con tention of S. B. Moxley, a Shelby villa fir© insurance man, who attended a recent conference of local agents in Louis ville. A visitor at an insane asylum, he said, wanted to know of a husky guard if he were not 'afraid of being at tacked by some of the more violent inmates. "I should say not.' answered the solf-eonfHent indi vidual. "I can handle any man in the institution with ease." But suppose they should co-operateV suggested the visitor. "If they could co-operate," airly answered the guard, "they would not be here."—Louisville Times. LIBERAL DIVORCE LAWS "And are the divorce laws so very liberal in your sec tion f" "Liberal! Say! They are so liberal that nobody ever heard of a woman crying at a wedding out there." —Detroit Journal. SAVING GRACE "Pa, what is meant by the saving grace of humorf" "It means quite often, my son, that when a raeeal gets caught in some devilment he can escape punishment by making a joke out of it."—Birmingham Age-Herald. WELL DEFINED He —"You understand what a margin in stocks is. don't you!" She —"Oh, yes. That's the money you put up and loose." —Boston Transcript. FINDING HTM Fond Mother—"Little hoy, have yea seen Peter Vman 1" Hey, Brickt up, your mother wants youf"— Life. (Tongue-End Topics] Omm for 70S Oapitol Clocks There are seven hundred clocks be-" neoth the Oapitol roof Mid ia other (builifings occupied by State depart ments and bureaus in the city, and'each one must 'be woium! frequently, for they are not eight-day docks and require constant attention. This ia given to them by Joseph Pyne, of Wewt Fair view, the official clock repairman ait the Capitol. It takes an average of four day* eawh week t« wind the clocks and give them that attention that will in sure their keeping perfect time, and Mr. Prne i* on the jo*> all the time. l'V«*n the Clocks in the basement to the clocks on the flfth floor, including those carried by the night watchmen, all come under his care. The task may seem to the unii itiated to be an easy i one, bat it involves traveling over the entire tmilding, and * vi*H to each room, no matter where located, at least once & week, ind an inspection of the official time piece. The blocks are reg ulated and se< to Washington time, ami they are generaJly correct to the sec ond. • . * To Avoid Crowding Oapitol \\ hat is worrying Superintendent Rainbo. of the Board of Public Build ing and tj round*, is where to put h number of divisions and bureaus front the <>ig departments doing business un der the Capitol roof when the Legisla ture meets. At? present almoct every committee room is occ ilfied by these sub-divisions, and *hey must move to make room for the legislator* who are very jealous of tUieir prerogatives and demand every accommodation, as they have a perfect right to do, t>trt to make room for the legislative com miftees re quires that there shall be room secured elsewhere. The Public Service Commis sion ami the Department of La'bor ami Industry both at present occupy quar ters thai arc very much crowded, and some of the workers are in committee rooms. Superintendent Rantoo says Hiat a hunt for office room in the city has resultevl in his tindiug but one build ing containing suitable apartments for the people who will have to go outside jof the Capitol until t'he adjournment ; of the Legislature. j "Of course," said Superintendent j lU.mbo. '-we must have offices with : modern oonv»nie*ees. Any old thing will not do. and we want the best we I can get. I have hopes of being suc cessful in my hunt." Finger Prints Never Fail That finger prints are an unfailiug means of identification was demon strated again when City Detective Joseph W. loach recently "mugged" a prisoner for the second time. The first time the prisoner went through Mie or deal he was but a boy 17 years old aud now. two years later, he has grown to be a man's size. Every physical iixfiisurraufnt exvept the length of the cht hs« vhauged rn those twu years hirt the finger prints are identical. At t'he time of the second "mugging" the prisoner had jjrown bigger and broader and is now above the average as to weight and height, but at his former appearance in the private oflice of tho df teetives he was what might 'be called a small boy. 'His hands have increased ia »ize, but the lineal mtrkiap of the finger tips have noD changed an iota. Kvery "loop" .in the various finger prir'ts is the same and even to the un praIV /**-» I 8 O "THE PHANTOM DETECTIVE" CLKOROE A _ . O'DONXIU BROS. A Thr **-"* 1 VMlwr. 10c, I3e, Me| Eva., lite. Mais.. 3e * Met E»«., 10c A lOe ■*' "«• CHANCE or BILL THLHSDAY * C. V. NE W S MORGENTHAI) SAYS BE IS READY TO GIVE BIS LIFE Murderer of John Rupp la Optimistic and Telia Friends "I Harvn't Long to Live Anyway"—Suffered Attack of Indigestion Carlisle, Dec. I.—Apparently resign ed to the decision in tt»« ease, although maintaining that he shot John Rupp ia •elf-defense. Max Morgenthiw sentenced to die iu the electric chair at the new State "Death House," through an ap plication for a new trial hss yet one chance of hi* life beiug spared. '"I am old tnan and haven't long to live anyway so I guess it don't mat ter,the condemned man said in dis cussing the case yesterday, lie seems to take an optimistic view of the niat ter and apparently is ready to die. He i has asked that he be not locked up all of the while but he allowed to be out in the tnain corridors. "I won't do any harm to myself or try to get out," he told the sheriff. Morgenthau was under the care of n physician yesterday. Ho ate some dainties given him by friends and suf fered an attauic of indigestion. ROLLED BYIUTO, UNHURT Waynesboro Man Smiled After Wheels of Machine Passed Over His Head and Chest Waynesboro, Dec. I.—George W. ("Sherd") Cressler, north of town, was practically unhurt in an accident, that probably no other wan in this com munity would have gone through with out serious injuries. He was rolled around three or four times under an automobile. Two wheels of the machine, in which were three peopde. passed over him and when the rear had cleared bini he arose to |>is feet smiling and unharmed except for some minor bruises. Cressler started across Main street in front of !». J. Weikert's .jewelry store and had gone only a few feet when he saw a Ford taxi, driven by Boy Gonder, approaching. He endeavored to turn and hurry bock to the sidewalk when he slipped. i SAVINGS AMOUNT TO $37,000 Banks Soon Will Distribute Funds to Its Many Depositors Gettysburg, Pec. I,—Within the next two weeks more than |37,000 will be distributed among Gettysburgers by lo cal banks, as the result of savings of the past twelve months. This is over fifty per cent, more than was distributed last year in the same way and almost twice as many persons are taking advantage of this means of saving money for their holi day shopping, ljast December the two institutions distributed $23,000 among 850 persons. This year it is to be $37,000 among 1,600 persons. With anything but prosperity and thrift in and about the town this would be an impossibility. CUMBERLAND INSTITUTE Teachers Gather at Carlisle for Sixty first Annual Session Carlisle, Pa., Dec. I.—The sixty-first annual sessions of the Cumberland County Teachers' Institute opened hero in the Opera House yesterday under the presidency of J. Kelso Green, of Carlisle. Clara M. Kast. of Mechanics burg. is secretary and Professor Jerry March, of Philadielphda, director of mu sic. The leading instructors at the insti tute twill be I>rs. Pavson Smith, late State Superintendent of Schools, Maine; Arthur Holmes, dean of State College; Ambrose L. Snhrie, West Chester State Normal School; Ezra Ijehmon, Cumber land Valley Normal Sehool, and David J. Carver, of Dickinson College. Former Postmaster Dead Gettysburg, Dec. I.—Edwin G. Eck ert, former Hanover postmaster, promi nent in Masonic circles, and well known in this plaee, died at midnight Sunday at his home in Hanover from uraemic convulsions, aged 58 years. He was the son of Dr. E. C. Eokert, Free Treatment Dm* Piles Bamnit treatment of Pyramid Pile Remedy mailed tree for trial alves quick rehef. stops Itching, bleeding or protrudlnK pile", hemorrhoids mul all reotal trouble*. In tb« privacy of your own liouie. Pyramid Pile Remedy la for tale at all druggists, 00c a box. Mail this Coupon to the PYRAMID DRtTO COMPANY. 6IS Pyramid Hid*.. Martball, Mich., with your full name and address on a slip of paper, and aample treat ment of the great Pyramid Pile Remedy, will then bo sent you at once by mniL FREE, In plnlu wrapper. who for a number of years was a prac ticing physician iu llanover. When a young man Mr. Eckert was employed in the Snivel} - drug store and there* be came specially interested in the flavor ing extract business, which lie lator de veloped. At the time of lids death he was proprietor of th e Acme Extract and Chemical Works, Hanover. Pastor in a Sanatorium Chambershurg, Doc. I.—The Rev. George A. McAlister, pastor of Central Presbyterian church since last April, was taken to a sanatorium near Phila delphia yesterday. His congregation gave him three months' furlough. Studying to win several college degrees is blamed for his mental collapse. His wife goes to her home in Galena, 111. They were married early this year. Gets Call From Church j Chambersburg, Dec. I.—The Rev. Henry W. Snyder, of Mercersburg, has been extended a call to become pastor ot the Shippensburg Memorial Luth eran church. SEEKS CHILD AFTER 48 YEARS Wisconsin Man Became Embittered When Wife Died I Menominee, Wis., Dec. I. When , Baby .Moore was born 48 years ago his , mother died. Embittered bv the death I of his young wife, the husband, Peter j Moore, placed the baby in his sister's i arms and resolutely walked awav. Prom that day to this he has not seen his child. He is now 74 years oM, and is known as "The Hermit of Menomi nee " Por years the old man has buried i himself in the woods. He spent his time I hunting and trapping. For months at a ! time he did not see a human being. I Often as he sat staring at his camp fire he dreamed of the little daughter ha deserted so many years ago. He won j dered what kind of a woman she had grown to be. His heart softened by the passage of time, and he determined | to find his little one and make up for I years of neglect. With this in view the old man stalk ed into Menominee, his pack containing his belongings on his back. So far he has been unable to find a trace of her. All he knows is that some of his rel atives moved to Detroit, and there he has gone in geareli of the daughter now nearly 50 years old. Masons Elect and Have Banquet Marietta. Dec. I.—