The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, December 01, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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Coatlnued From First I'aftr.
is not understood. Work cannot pro
ceed until interpretations of the law
come from the office of the Attorney
General in Washington, through the
State Attorney General's office at the
Even copies of the provisions of the
act itself, given in briefest form, are
not generally available to the public,
because a large enough supply has not
been received here from Washington.
All the provisions of the stamp tax act
cannot be fully understood and en
forced until more complete information
comes from the federal government au
thorities, according to the local tax col
Realizing the difficulty which private
shippers would encounter in trying to
get revenue stamps to carry on trade
to-day express companies laid in a sup
ply of some kinds of the stamps and
these were sold to patrons of the com
pany. - Express companies are not re
quired to do this by law. Stamp sup
plies were laid iu merely as an accom
Express Companies Give Aid
There would have been many disap
pointed persons to-day ap milk and
bread shipments are maae out of Har
risburg at all hours during the night,
and after midnight the new revenue
stamps had to be used. Private ship
pers, under the law, are supposed to
get the stamps from th 0 revenue offices
which could not supply them. The ex
press companies placed themselves in a
position to help shippers.
The American Express Company had
on hand a supply sufficient to car e for
the business going out of the Harris-1
burg office to-day and an order for moro,
stamps for use to-morrow was for
warded to Washington. The Adams
Express Company supply came through I
the superintendent of ' this district,!
from Lancaster, according to the cash- i
ier of the local offioe this morning.
When asked if concerns other than j
those that use the express made appli- ■
cation to the Adams Express Company i
for stamps an employe in the cashier's
office said:
'"Several of the banks received sup
plies from this company this morning.
Of course, they are shippers, but to a
very small extent, and the stamps will \
be used for other purposes."
The revenue office has been one of!
busiest places in the city for the i
last forty-eight hours. There are but j
three men in charge, and they combined >
yesterday and last night to care for the |
needs of more than a thousand anxious J
tax pavers, continuing their efforts to- j
uay to meet the requirements of hun- j
d/els of men and women. They did I
not leave the office until 2 o'clock this j
morning and expect to work until after I
midnight to-night. Additional electric ;
lights have been put in for the strenu-1
ous workers.
Deputy Bricker Rushed
The whole routine of tne revenue of-1
lice has been upset. The regular work,
such as collecting the ordinary tax on i
< igars and tobacco, can be done only at
hastily snatched intervals. The bulk 1
of the business to-day of Deputy Col
lector Bricker, who has gotten not a i
moment's rest, has been to deal out j
quantities of stamps worth fractions of <
a cent, keeping a record of all sales, in- j
finding the names of purchasers. He
lias been giving out a steady stream of
information on misunderstood points of j
the stamp tax act, and not least of his 1
duties has been to make change for
purchases of all odd amounts imagin- j
able. The revenue office has become'
over night a combination stamp empor-1
ium. information bureau and bank.
The revenue office has 'been selling
what stamps it has in stock, but that
supply is limited. It has only proprie
. tarv stamps, or stamps to be used on }
perfumery .and like articles, and only j
some of the denominations of those. It J
has been called upon constantly all day
for documentary stamps, and has sent !
all applicants to the liarrisburg Nation
al bank, which has gotten several thou
sand dollars worth of the stickers di- \
rect from Lancaster, the distributing
point of this district. Otrtier banks in ,
the city have barely enough of the doc- i
umeutarv stamps for use on their own i
documents and have not put the stick-1
ers on sale to the public.
Telephone Company's Troubles
At the local postoffice little is known j
about the revenue stamps and it is
thought unlikely there that the stamps !
will be placed on sale over the postof
fi.-e counters, although that plan was I
followed during the Spanish-American j
war, when a similar stamp tax was lev-!
ied by law.
As for the tax on telephone messages,
S. B. Watts, local manager of the Bell
Company, this morning told how the
company had prepared to eollect the
"The preparation for the collection
of the one cent tax on all messages of
15 cents or over has been a big job for
the telephone company," said Mr.i
Watts. "A special piece of mechanism
had to be devised and placed on many
coin box telephones. This meant chang
ing thousands of coin box telephones in,
the sy.»f' in. a tremendous job in itself.i
• Thtv'fax of one cent is to be inserted)
a«/flirected by the operator in the quar
i t/r slot of the coin box by the person
niio sends the message.
"Special preparations for billing
Tegular subscribers correctly for the
tax imposed on their messages of 15 j
cents and over also had to be made.)
New collection routines had to be pre-)
pared and new systems of accounting!
worked out. The telephone company has
advised all telephone users of the new
law and the methods put into effect!
for collecting th e tax. Notices giving;
full directions have been placed on all j '
public telephones and all subscribers:
have been advised by means of a cir-1
cular enclosed with their monthly bills. |
This circular explains the method of!
making the charge for the tax and!
gives a digest of the law reiating to
Despite the temporary inconvenience,
von- little apprehension is felt on Capi-'
tol Hill among the departments as to
work being hel l up or retarded for anv
grcat period by the now war tax re-;
quirements. All of the department* are ;
awaiting a proper understanding of the j '
law and then it will be lived up to to;'
the letter.
Insurance Companies Must Pay 1 ,
At the Insurance Department, Com-|,
missioner Johnson said that his depart- t
nient is required to use the war tax|i
stamps on the licenses issued to agents, <
but this far had not been called upon.|
"In the matter of insurance policies,]
which have to be stamped," said Com
missioner Johnson, "the companies is-)]
suing the policy must pay for the i 1
stamps. There is nothing in the law to it
prevent the insurance companies from I
collecting from the applicants the
amount of tax required"
Under the state law the insurance
broker is forbidden to pay the tax out
of his commission, and this compels the
party taking out the policy to pay it,
should the company decide upon that
! At the State Department all papers
1 and bonds must be stamped, but the
people who file them must pay. Tho
i department will pay for the stamps
I when it issues copies of certified pa
| pers. All applications for charters
must be stampel. The first application
! containing a stamp was file.l this morn
- ing by a Stroudsburg automobile com
i paoy. The deportment will furnish the
' stamps for its express packages and so
At the Adjutant and other
departments where bills of»lading for
shipment of goods, telegrams and tele
j phone calls are in use every day, the
: State will pay. General Stewart tried
| to get stamps yesterday but could not
j and to-day sent S2O to Collector Kirk
endaJl in Lancaster asking for "S2O
| worth of war tax stamps."
The warrants issued by the Auditor
General and the checks issued by the
State Treasury are not required to be
Extra Police for Stamp Buyers
By .Immt iatnl Press.
New York, Dec. 1. —A throng of
more than 10.0 M persons stormed the
United States Internal Revenue offices
j in this city to-day endeavoring to buy
the new war tax stamps that have to
| be affixed to many documents and pro
j prietarv articles. Thousands who had
: to wait in line for an hour or more be
j came so demonstrative that extra police
: were called to keep them quiet.
I Collector Anderson estimated that
! 20,000 persons will have received the
, stamps before night.
Tne crowd of applicants seemed j
1 greater in the afternoon than in
] the forenoon and Collector Anderson
' summoned assistance from Washington.
: Because of the inability of his clerical
| force to handle the throng he issued a |
! statnrent announcing a stay in the war j
tax penalties "until such time as the 1
office is able to handle applicants
I proimpitiy.''
Eight Thousand New York Women
Workers Received Less Than That
Sum Last Year
By Associated Press.
New York, Dec. 1. —During the busy
season last year, of 16,000 women
workers in this city, 8,000 received]
less than $6.50 a week's wages, accord-j
ing to Howard B. Woolston, director'
of the Wage Investigation of the State,
Factory Investigating Committee, who l
to-dav summed up the findings on
wages in New York City at the first of j
the preliminary hearings of the com-!
mission to be held here.
"Half the wage earners throughout 1
the State investigated by the State
Factory Commission get less than $8 a
week,'' said Mr. Woolston. '' Out of a
total of 104,000 persons, one-eighth
earn less than $5, one-third less than
$7, two-thirds received $lO or less,
and only one-sixth make sls or more. I
"It is difficult to see how a girl;
manages to live properly on $6 or $7 :
a week. A typical weekly budget shows j
how near the ragged edge many exist:'
Clothes. $1.50; room, $2; food, $2.50;'
car fare, 30 cents; incidentals, 20 ]
j "Our figures show that at a mature
j age aiul after years of experience in
j the business, half the women do not
■ attain $lO nor do the majority of men
reach SIS."
Missouri Supreme Court Pronouncoe
Consolidation Valid
By Associated Press.
j Jefferson City, Mo.. Dee. I.—-The
consolidation of the Presby'erian church
(Xortb) and the Cumberland Presbv
! terian church is valid, according to a
j decision of the Missouri Supreme Court)
to-day. The property of the Cumber-j
! land church at Marshall, Mo., under
j the decision of the court becomes the
! property of the Presbyterian church, re
gardless of the fact that it was paid for
jby members of the old Cumberland
| church. All the .judges concurred ex-j
! cept Judge Graves.
The decision was on a case appealed
I from the Circuit Court at Marshall in;
| which the Cumberland church sought
j recovery of its old property and claim
ed that the consolidation of the two'
branches of the Presbyterian church
was illegal.
The Supreme Court ruled that civil ;
courts have no right to interfere with
th-e decision of the highest tribunal of
the ehurch in purely ecclesiastical af
Under this decision Missouri Valley
College at Marshall will become the
property of the Presbyterian church.
Angry Depositors Storm Three of His
Brooklyn Offices
By Associated Press,
Now York, Dee. 1. —<An involuntarily |
petition in bankruptcy was filed to-day !
against Abraham L" Kass, a private!
| banker \vit'h three offices in Brooklyn, j
His liabilities are placed at $1,000,000
! and his assets ait $7-50,000.
Angry depositors in force stormexl
Kass' three banks during the day. Kass
was hooted and jeered as he entered one j
of tbe institutions under a strong police j
Wilson and Cabinet Discuss Message
Washington, Dec. I.—President Wil-|
son went over his forthcoming annual
address to Congress with the Cabinet
to-day. It is short and deals with the j
legislative program already known in 1
general terms; the conservation bills,;
the bill for a government owned mer-;
c hant marine, the Philippines bill and ,
the regular appropriation measures. It!
does not urge the immigration bill.
Indictement Againat O. B. B. of N. J.
By Associated Press,
Trenton, N. J., Dec. I.—United States
District Attorney Davis to-day confirm
ed the report that the Federal Grand
Jury has returned an indictment against
tire Central Railroad of New Jersev for
alleged rebating to dealers in anthra
cite coal.
Married at Linglestown
Ira Lee Thomas Purdy and Amanda
Margaret Reeae, both residing near
Progress, were married yesterday «t
the Church of Qod parsonage, Lingles
town, by the Rev. George Sigler.
Paris, Dec. 1, 2.50 P. M.—The
French official communication given out
in Paris this afternoon says yesterday
the enemy showed considerable activitv
north of Arras. In Belgium there was
a lively exchange of artillery, but no
infantry attacks. The text of the com-
I munication follows:
I "In Belgium there was a rather
spirited artillery fire during the day of
November 30, but no attack was made
jby the German infantry. The enemy
continued to show considerable activity
to the north of Arras.
! "In the region of the Aisne there
was intermittent artillery fire along all
I the front. In the Argoune the fighting
I continues, but without bringing anv
<*ange in the situation. In the Woevro
district and in the Vosges there is noth
ing to report."
Berlin, Dec. 1, by Wireless to Lon
don.—The following official announce
ment was given out in Berlin to-day:
I "There is no news to band from
the western arena of the war. In East
j Prussia and in Southern Poland it was
generally quiet yesterday. In Nothern
Poland, south of the Vistula, our war
j booty wa sincreased still further as a
result of the successes announced yes
| "The number of prisoners taken by
I us has been increased by about 9,500
men, and we have taken 19 more can
non. In addition 26 machine guns and
numerous ammunition carts fell into
our hands."
Continued From Flr»« Pace.
fleets in close proximity in the South
Atlantic presented the pdfcslbillty of
another naval battle, but in this case,
too, there was nothing to Indicate that
new developments have occurred.
A general retirement of the Germans
before the Belgian town of Dixmude
was reported unofficially to-day. The
Germans recently captured from the
allies this town, which lies in '.he heart
of the contested section of Belgium,
where uncounted thousands have died
as a result of the German effort to
force a way to the English channel.
There was no official confirmation of
the withdrawal, which could not be
reconciled with reports late last night 1
that a great battle was in progress be
tween the Yser canal and the river Lys.
It was stated that 120,000 Germans
had been brought up before Yypres to
make a "last effort" to capture the
Latest information concerning the
situation in the east indicated that the
Germans, whose position has been de
scribed as a desperate one, were under
taking vigorous offensive movements on
some of the scattered battlefields of
Russian Poland. In East Prussia the
Russians have succeeded In penetrating
about thirty miles beyond the border
and in Galltia it is reported that the
Austrians have been swept back to the
gates of Cracow. In all these regions,
however, the issue still hangs in the
Washington, Dec. I.—(Establishment
of neutral zones for shipping in the
V\ estern Hemisphere, as pro|H>sed by
■ several South American countries, must
be entirely voluntary on the part of the
European belligerents in the view of
President \\ ilson. He told callers to
day he had discussed tthe question
1 briefly with Secretary Bryan and Act
ing Secretary Lansing, of 'the State De
partment, but no conclusion had been
| reached.
The American countries naturally
would have no control of the water's
outside of the three-mile limit, border
! ing on their territory, the President
said, and could place no restrictions on
tho o 1 ; orations of the fleets of other na
tions except within the three-inile limit.
Praises Good Spirit of German Army
Berlin, Dec. 1, Via London, 4.55 I'.
M.-—Addressing a committee of the
Reichstag to-day, Dr. Von Bethmann
(Uollwege, the Imperial Chancellor,
spoke in praise of the good spirit
shown by the German army and navy
and t>he unity of the German people in
the present struggle. The Reichstag
meets to morrow morning. Tho Chan
cellor will then express, before a full
sitting of the body, his views on the
general political situation.
U. S. Relief Committee Nails Lie
London, Dec. 1, 4.25 P. M. —The
American Belgian relief committee to
day characterized as wholly without
foundation the statement published in
the "Echo Beige'' November 29 that
the German authorities in Belgium were
taxing flour sent from the United States
for the starving people of the country
at t>he rate of 2.60 per 100 hUograms.
This statement came to London by way
of Amsterdam and was cabled" from
London to the United States.
New York, Dee. I.—L. W. Bates,
vice chairman of the American commis
sion for Belgian relief, received the fol
lowing cablegram to-day from H. V.
Hoover, chairman of the commission, in
London: "Absolutely no truth in re
ports of duty or tax put on any food
stuffs sent into Belgium by this com
No Peace Message From Qneen
WaAington, Dec. I.—President
Wilson said to-day that as far as he,
knew, Henry Van Dyke, Minister to
the Netherlands, who will call at the
White House to-morrow, does not bring
any peace message from the Queen of
Holland. He added he did not think i
,Mr.- Van Dyke's visit had any special
Arranging Exchange of Prisoners
Berne, via Paris, Dec. 1, 6.25 A. M.
—Gustave Ador, the chief of the
Geneva agency for prisoners of war,
is arranging with the belligerent gov
ernments for an exchange of prisoners
who are seriously wounded or so crip
pled as to render them unfit for fur
ther military service.
Shipload of Supplies for War Zone
St. Louis, Dec. 1. —A shipload of
food, clothing and toys will be sent by
residents of Missouri to the sufferers
in the European war. The committee
in charge decided to ask the governor
to issue a second proclamation declar
ing December 19, "Ohaxity Day."
W. O. T. U. Members Will Facade on
Streets To-night—Delegation Will
Be Here From Lebanon—Disorder
Prevalent at Last Night's Meeting
The taking of collections will con
tinue this week at the H tough taber
naclo, because of the failure of Sun
day 's congregations completely Do wipe
out the $19,000 budget. There is ft
balance of about $3,000 still to be
raised. If this amount is to 'be mado
up before the end of the week, tlhe col
lections at the tabernacle will have to
be larger than the average has 'been
on ordinary occasions so far.
It had been the wish of Evangelist
Stough to wipe out the budget prompt
ly,'and then take offerings for the Bel
gians, anil for local charitable pur-
I>oses. It may now be impossible to
taka such offerings.
W. C. T. U. Members March To-night
This will be W. C. T. U. night ait the
tabernacle. Members of the women's
temperance organization will meet at
the Market Square Presbyterian <<hurch
and,..headed by the choir, will march to
the tabernacle, singing hymns.
There will also be present at the
tabernacle to-night a delegation from
Lebanon, Aunville and Palmyra, coining
here on a special train on the Phila
delphia ami Reading railway. At least
a hundred persons are expected to be
in the delegation. Announcement from
Lebanon says that "the movement is
entirely non-sectarian, even though un
der the auspices of the Lebanon County
Ministerial Association.*'
Excitement at Prayer Meeting
About two hundred persons attended
the prayer meeting at the tabernacle
last night. Mr. Gregory and Mr. Hean
were in charge. At several times in the
evening the meeting got beyond their
control. A number of men and women
shouted lobdly, and worked themselves
into frenzies. Women disheveled their
hair, ami men gave way to violent emo
tions. A number of persons left the
tabernacle while the meeting was in
progress. lit continued until a late hour.
Shop meetings were held at noon to
day at the Division street, Maelav
street and Marysville sho; s, addressed
respectively bv the Rev. E. K. Curtis,
the Rev. C. E.'Hillis and TI. K. W. Pat
terson. The schedule for the other
meetings of the week follows:
Shop Meetings of the Week
To-morrow—Suiumerdale P. R. R.
shop, the Rev. C. E, Billis; Enola round
house, the Rev. J. T. Spangler; Luck
now P. R. R. shop, the Rev. W. N.
Yates; Enola P. R. R. round house, H.
K. W. Patterson.
Thursday*—Elliott-Fisher Typewriter
■Co., Miss Sara C. Palmer; bridge shop,
Sitcelton Steel Company, H. K. W. Pat
terson; package and storage company,
the Rev. George F. Schaum; Enola car
shop, P. R. R„ the Rev. C. E. Hillis;
Dauphin county jail, 9.30 a. m., H. K.
W. Patterson and members of the party.
Friday—Division street, P. R. R.
shop, the Rev. A. J. (Ireen; Reily street,
P. R. R. shop, the Rev. E. E. Curtis;
Rutherford street r. R. R. shop, H. K.
W. Patterson; Division street P. R. R.
shop, the Rev. W. N. Yates.
Saturday—'Harris-lmrg railway car
shop, H. K. W. Patterson.
$1,102 BILL HERE
Contluard From Klrnt Pace.
throughout the city. Advertising in t)he
; "Patriot" to the extent of 300 inches
cost $lO5. There were only six watch
ers employed by the league on election
day at the following rates: G. A.
Geisel, $3; W. J. Horning, $3; H. b!
Shaner and assistant, $6; H. Hutchin
son, $2.50; Samuel Sourbier, $2.
The itemized report covered five
typewritten pages, and accompanying
the report were all of the vouchors,
making a bulky package, all duly at
i tested.
Other expense accounts filed to-da'-
were as follows:
William H. Brennan, treasurer Sec
ond Ward Palmer-JlcCormick League,
Philadelphia, received $55 and paid 15
watchers $2.50 each, the rest goin- to
j pay for printing, etc.
Joseph B. Allen, Socialist candidate
for Governor, spent less than SSO.
Judge Brumm Spent Nothing
Judge Charles W. Brumm. of Potts
ville, Bull Moose candidate for Govern
or, says he- got nothing and spent
nothing, to all of which he swears.
George Hart, Prohibition candidate
for Oongressman-at-large, spent less
than SSO.
Bernard Coimalian, treasurer of the
Thirty-eighth Ward Palmer-McCormick
League, Philadelphia, got $l5O from
James Gillespie, and paid it all out for
watchers '"to see that the election was
properly conducted."
James Gillespie, treasurer of the Pal
mer-McCormick League of Philadelphia,
received $4,671 from the Democratic
State Committee, and paid it to a long
list, of ward league treasurers for
watchers, rent, postage, light, etc.
Fire Prevention Inspection
Fire Chief John C. Kimller and Ciity
Electrician Clark E. l>iehl are making
their annual inspection of business
places, ordering rubbish removed pre
paratory to the ■Christmas 'business rush,
which a!'way a makes more or less rub
bish and waste paper.
The Chief Justice
"There are very few people who
know the pro|>er designation of the
man who presides over the supreme
court," said the secretary of the sen
"Generally he is referred to as the
chief justice of the United States su
preme court. In fact, he is the chief
justice. That's his official title. Most
of our presidents in nominating men
for this office have fallen into the er
ror of giving him the long title. When
George Washington nominated Oliver
Ellsworth of Connecticut for thus post
he described it as chief justice of the
supreme court of the United States.
Andrew Jackson made the same error
in nominating Roger B. Taney. So
did Abraham Lincoln when he appoint
ed Salmon P. Chase. Grover Cleve
land was the first president to give the
correct designation. When he appoint
ed Melville W. Puller he nominated
him to be chief justice and nothing
else."—Washington Star.
Fiction and Fact
"Charlie got his ideas of married
life from the comic papers."
"He says after he got married he
was agreeably surprised to find that his
wife could get a satisfactory hat for!
ss.—Louisville Courier-Journal. I
CMtlaaH Prom First Pagt,
"Wild be establishing a precedent, for
n ° other city has selected a forester'
without creating the tree commission.
They also claimed that in the many
cities in which tree oommiMioM have
cheated the plan is working splend
idly awl that to adopt the Taylor
ordinance wouki merely be experiment.
(ommissioner Taylor and his Re
publican colleagues argued, however,
that the power of governing the trim
ming and planting of shade trees should
remain with the Oitv Commission; that
powers which rightfully should be in
the hands of the City Commissioners
woukl be taken from them if the Tree
Commission plan were adopted; that
the citizens individually would be com-
P 6 to pay for the planting of trees
under the tree commission plan whereas
the Taylor ordinance provides that all
incidentaJ expenses shall be borne by
the city out of its general revenues.
It was argued further that a tree
commission would have to employ a
forester, such as is intended by the
Taylor ordinance; that the City Com
mission is equally competent "to em
play such an official; that the tree
commissiiofi would receive revenues
o\ er which the City Commissioners
would uever gain control and that if
the tree commission act of 1907 once
were accepted by the city it would be
accepted for all time.
Hold Lively Debate
during the controversy Commission
er Taylor said it was his plan original
ly I°, " Ulke the salar y of the Forester
*1,500. Later he reduced it to $1,200
and eventually cut it to SI,OOO.
The Mayor asked Mr. Taylor wheth
er his opposition to the Tree Commis
sion measure was not du e to the "prob
ably personnel af the commission."
To that Mr. Taylor said: "I have
nothing to do, individually, with the
appointment of the Commission. It
would be up to this body. But I did
say that if a Commission were created,
I would feel that its members should
Oe competent men."
The Mayor mentioned the fact that
K 0 ™;; McFarlnn*, former president
of the Horrisburg Park Commission, is
opposed to the ordinance creating the
post of Forester and "has said that it
■will give too much power to ou e man"
and the Mayor added that Harriaburg
really has been successful with its com
"That may be true, but I am going
to right here," began Mr. Tavlor,
tiiat the 1 ark Department has been
run just as well if not better this year
U was formerly when we had a park
board. That i s a pretty broad state
ment but I will be prepared to show it
at the end of the year."
Mr. Taylor said'he thinks "it is
pretty small for any one to sa v that
certain members of the City Commission
e playing politics in that thev now
ar e attempting to create another post ''
and Mr. Bowman added;
f„, YM ; ° ne news P*P®r has gone so
far as to accuse this body of plavine
to corporations. That is not fair'"
Mayor's Idea of It
'', o h'" b . p Pa" the Mayor, "I don't
think that is the fact. I take it that
the newspaper meant it would be pos
"Thev are attempting to pollute the
J?'"/ 1 »7 ith thin K 8 which are not
Thi«* w<v,md "P Mr. Tt,vlor.
Ihe 1 omnussioners then proceeded to
! „„ v f e on the ordinance. It passed
vote 3 t" 2 reading by the Bamo
A " ordinance exonerating the Sixth
* treet Tinted Brethren church from the
payment of a Seneca street paving as
sessment was offered by Commissioner
J-iynch and passed first reading.
The ( ivic Club, of Harrisburg, sent
a communication to the Commission
urging the passage of an ordinance pro
viding for creating a tree commission.
To City Solicitor Seitz was referred
a complaint of the Second Baptist
church, Cameron street, between Mar
ket and State, to the effect that it is
without adequate fire protection. Men
tion was made of the inability to get
insurance on the church property as a
result of conditions in the neighbor
Plan to Redeem $22,000 Bonds
A resolution providing for the re
demption of $22,000 of paving bonds
given to contractors when the paving
of Front street between Maclay and
Division streets was completed was of
fejed by Mr. Gorgas. This measure |
will have no effect whatever on the i
suits now pending in court by which the
question of whether property owners
will be compelled to pay certain parts
of paving assessments will be deter
Despite the Low Temperatures of Early
4 Days, an Excess Is Shown
in the Totals
Warm weather toward the close of
Novenrtier more than overcame the de
ficiency in temperature as a result of
the extreme cold days in the early part
of the mo-nth, and November will go
down in Weather Bureau history with
an accumulated excess in temjierature
of forty degrees. The last day of the
month added eight degrees to this total.
Twice cold weather records were
•broken during the month, and with but
one exception the cold weather records
for twenty-six years were smashed. The
last ten days of the month have been
extremely warm and Thanksgiving Day
came close to 'breaking the maximum
records for the month.
The entire year so far has shown
an excess in temperature of 167 de
crees and the last month starts with a
temperature abovo normal. The regres
sion responsible for the clouds and rain
has shown no indication to depart and
mild temperatures with overcast skies
is tfbe weather forecast for to-night and
bo-morrow. The temperaiture showed
a remarkable similarity yesterday awl
last night, due to the overcast skies.
The highest temperature yesterday, the
lowest temperature last night ami the
8 o'clock temperature this morning
were all 48 degrees.
School Board Meeting
The regular meeting of the Harris
burg School Board will be held Friday
evening. The Finance committee of
the Hoard will meet Thursday evening.
Routine business will be discussed.
Budapest Moratorium Prolonged
Budapest, via London, Dec. 1, 5.55
A. M.—The "Official Gazette" pub
lishes a decree prolonging the mora
torium,. with some alterations, until
January 31.
Dr. Charles V. Ohapin In P»p«r Scores
Untruthful and Unscientific State
ments In Bulletin Issued by State
Departments of Haalth
By Associated Press.
Jacksonville, Fla., Dw. 1. —Problems
of sanitation as applied to cities and
towns were discussed here to-(la_v at the
forty-second annual convention of the
■American Public Health Association. A
joint, session wus held with the .so
ciological section at whicli sanitary ex
ports explained in detail the work ac
complished in a number of cities for the
prevention of disease.
To-day's program- included a paper
on "Health in Publicity" by Dr.
Charles V. Cliapin, health superintend
ent of Providence, H. 1., and in an ad
dress on '' The Marriage Certificate''
"by T)r. Oscar Dowling, president of the
Louisiana Board of Health.
Untruthful and unscientific state -
menta in bulletins issued by State De
partments 0 f lh>att'h were severely
criticised 'by I)r. Chopin. "For the
sake of those who come after stop fill
ing your columns wHtli tommy re*., hot air
and dope, ' he said. "Do not be al
ways seeking novelty. Most that is now
is bad. There are plenty of ohl truths
w>luoh all of our 100,000,000 people
have not vat horned.''
■Among the fallacies being spread to
the detriment of real public health
work, Dr. Chapin cited what he called
the " old heresy about the all-impor
tance or dirt in the causatiou of dis
ease." iHe said that it is doubtless true
tlhat whatever encourages cleanliness
tends to discourage the habits which
favor infection, but he believed thai
"to fight all kinds of dirt instead of
limiting attacks to dangerous dirt is
misleading and futile."
Dr. Chaplin especially criticised much
of the publicity on tho relation of air
to disease. Ho stated that the old
theory of exhaled |>oiwns had been de
molished; that germs rarely floated in
the air; that' we are still in profound
ignorance as to t'he relation of humid
ity to disease; that most of the sup
posed effects of foul, unventilated voom>
have been shown to be duo to tempera
ture and odors.
' 'Food adulteration, except in a few
instances," he said, "is an economic,
not a health problem. As to partially
decayed foods we know nothing atHwt
their relation to health. The clean
handling of foods is most desirable from
a sanitary standpoint, but real cleanli
ness is most difficult of attainment.
■Much that appears is carelessly written
and the emphasis is placed on the wrong
thing, as when dust absorbs all the at
tention and nothing is said about dirty
The Two Detention Cells at Police
Headquarters Are Crowded With
Wanderers Nightly
The coming of cold, inclement weath
er is bringing the gentlemon of the
road from exposed places to police
headquarters for night's lodgings and
two detention cells are frequently call
ed on to house as many as thirty men
at a time. Some of the haunts of the
wanderers are becoming uncomfortable
on account of the cold and inclement
weather while other favorite places are
being too well guarded.
The grand stand on the Tri-State
grounds at Island Park was a favorite
place as long as the wind did not howl
and then the open hearth at the Central
Iron and Steel Company would be the
place frequently sought, but sleeping
at the latter place has been made un
conformable by special policemen and
the men apply at police Headquarters.
Last night twenty-six homeless men
were kept at headquarters.
It is becoming more and more a
problem. In cubic feet of breathing
space the cfclls, now being -used for this
purpose, would house about four men
comfortably, but it is an unusual night
when this number is not trebled. The
desknian at police headquarters has a
book in which he keeps a record of the
"lodgers" and it is filling more rapid
ly thai the docket, in which is kept
the number of arrests.
The lockup under the court house,
which was a favorite haunt of the
homeless men, was closed by the citv
Board of Health.
j Has Narrow Escape When Troop Trains
Collide and Thirty-two Prsons
Are Killed
Mexico City, Nov. 30, via El. Paso,
Dec. I.—General Villa entered the caip
i'tal to-day at the head of about 25,-
000 troops. He arrived during the aft
ernoon in the suburbs, wbete he remain
ed d-uring the evening, receiving dele
gations ami foreign eon&uk. Vi 1 hi. will
not enter the capital part of the city
until tihe arrival of Provisional Presi
dent Gutierrez.
General Villa issued the following
statement to the Associated Press:
'' My only mission is to restore or
der in Mexico and not to take personal
revenge on any one. I promise that
order will be restored at once. I am
acting as the subordinate of Provision
al President Gueterrios and the Na
tional convention.
'' The provisional president is now
th supreme power in Mexico and I am
merely acting as field commander of
tihe armies. All foreigners ami foreign
property will be protected."
General Vitla had a narrow esca«po
from death just before his entry into
the city. His train collided with the
train of General Oliao above Tula.
Thirty-two persons were killed and
forty injured. One inile below the
scene of the wreck six mines were
fouud connected with a battery con
coaled in a ravine. The general's train
passed over these mines, which were
not discovered until the next morn
Coroner's Inquest in Cunning Fatality
By Associated Press.
Hagerstown, AM., Dec. I.—This aft
ernoon testimony was taken before Cor
oner JoOin Ankeney in the inquest as
the rewiH of the death of Max Howard,
15-yoar-old boy, who was killed by a
gun in t>he hands of Prank Norris, a boy
companion, on Thanksgiving Day.
Continued From First Pace.
young. However, he enlisted when he
was 17 years old. He was made a pris
oner in a charge at Gravel Run when
he attempted to capturo a Confederate
battle flag. Ho served under Captain
John-R. Miller in Company H of the
210 th Pennsylvania infantry. After
the close of the wai he returned to his
position with the Harrisburg Car Com
pany and it was with the company that
ho learned liis trade. Leaving the car
company 33 voars ago, he took a posi
tion with the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company and had been with it ever
since. The men with whom he worked
recently gave him a flue leather cover-.-d
rocking chair and a silk umbrella as a
token of their high esteem for him.
Mr. Heller has been employed as a
clerk in tho general office for the last
11 years.
Legislative Bills, Calendars and Old
Department Reports Sold Un
der the Hammer
A sale of junk paper, no longer of
use, old white and pin* legislative bills,
valeircifl rs an<tl old dopaftmeut reports
was held at tho Capitol to-day bv Su
perintendent of Printing Pomeroy, Tho
successful bidders were: Ledger paper,
IM. A. Abraham so n, $1.15 p,. r hundred
weight; printed billy i„„j calendars.
Max Cohen & Son, 82% cents per bun!
dred; Capital City Junk Co., white bills,
»oc; Legislative Journals, 80'/.c; .print
ed books, 77% c. All of the stuff sol*
had ucciimulated during tlhe year, and
its sale is authorized under tOi'o law re
biting to the disposal of old documents
ami waste.
State Timber Burned
During the recent forest fires, accord
ing to reports received at t.he State
forestry Department, State property to
the amount of 1325,791 was burned
and 5,929 acres of State land were
burned over. The loss to State and pri
vate property by State fires this year
it is estimated will reach half a 'mil
liou dollars.
Peiirose's Certificate
The certificate of election of Boies
Penrose as United StntQs Senator was
made out at the State Department to
day, and will be forwarded to tlhe Sena
tor to be presented to the President of
t'he United States Senate. It is on
parchment, is all typewritten and is
signed by Governor' Tener and Secre
tary MriAfee.
New Justices
i Governor Tener to-day appointed the
following justices of the peace: Cyrus
Raub, Freeman.-burg, Northampton
county; John W. Wilbelm, Dunbar,
Fayette county; W. O. Winslow, Jav
townsfliip, Fayette county.
Leave for Columbus
Chauncey Rodger, of the Auditor Gen
eral's Department; 'Harry P. McDevirr
of tho Economy and Efficiency Commis
sion, and Representative-elect James s.
Woodward, of Alleghcmy countv, left
for Columbus, Ohio, to-dav, at the in
sitiince of Auditor General" Powell, to
j study the Ohio system of payment of
expenses for the care and treatment of
j indigent insane.
Charged With Impersonating A. Mitch
ell Palmer With Intent to De
fraud Two Corporations
I New York Dec. I—David Lamar,
charged in three indictments with im
j personating pfficers of the United states
i with intent to defraud Wall street
! bankers and companies, was placed on
trial here to-day in the Federal Dis
trict Court.
At the opening of proceedings Dis
trict Attorney Marshall announced that
Lamar would be prosecuted only on one
indictment—the one charging him with
impersonating Representative A. Mitch
ell Palmer with the intent to defraud
J. P. Morgan & Company and the Unit
led States Steel Corporation. It is
j charged that Lamar, in telephone mes
sages, represented himself as being Mr.
Palmer and sought improperly to have
] the Morgan firm and the steel corpora
| tion employ Edward Lauterbach, a law
The second indictment, a superseding
i one, contained the additional aceusa
j tion, that Lamar, while talking over the
| telephone with Lewis Cass Ledyard,
| represented himself as Mr. Palmer and
| said he was talking with the authority
|of Speaker Champ Clark. The third in
dictment charged Lamar with conspir
ing with Lauterbach. District Attorney
Marshall announced that Lauterbach
would be tiled separately.
Loss of «0O Worth in Home of W. H.
Sellers When Bed Bums
An overturned oil stove on the sec
ond floor of the home of William H.
Sellers, 224 South Fifteenth street, yes
terday afternoon set fire to a bed on
j Which "Mrs. Sellers had laid out many
■ of her Christinas gifts and completely
destroyed them, together with the bed
clothing, causing damage to tho ex
tent of SSO, according to a report turn
ed in to Fire Chief Kindler this niorn
An alarm was turned in from box
No. 34, Fifteenth and Derry streets, and
district companies responded.
At the Photoplay
Jacques anil Pierro Roques, brothers,
have a 'bitter quarrel over the distribu
tion of the family will. Pierre, fearful
for 'his life, goes to America taking his
daughter, Beth. Henry Leeds, a young
bachelor, utterly opposed to marriage, is
one night bantered by his fellow-club
men and signs a wager that he will
marry wrthin twenty-four hours. In the
morning, sobered up, he realizes tho
folly of bis wager and takes an auto
ride. As he passes the Pierre Roques'
ir.ansiou, a slipper is thrown from a
window and falls into the auto. It con
tains a note stating that Beth is a pris
oner in her room. Beth is a beautiful
girl and Leeds, remembering his wager,
1 roposes to her. His heroism inspires
the girl to give a quick acceptance and
Leeds reports to tho club that he has
won t'he wager. Adv.***
Artistic Printing at Star-Indopendent.