10 SKW) A New Lot of Men's Balmacaans J j That Are Exceptional Values at $lO Tl,e De " ,ar " nent Ts located for the Holidays in the inner section, or A&. Ovprrnntc r*f Sslfi OO cmrl the Green Room, where trimmed and untrimmed hats wvercoars or .MO.yu ana are on disp]ay in caseg and on tableß jhL SrX $15.50 Quality A score of new styles in Pur Trimmed and white j j Mgmmk The makers accepted a sacrifice price to clean- effects have been added to the display of Trimmed iHSIHBk i- 0 ' t ii 1 •„ Hats, bringing this showing rurht up to the minute MM #391 ip hl , s stock room for the season —he is now in Btyle i mp0 rtance-?4.95 and 86.50. M*w4& r&ira w launched on Spring styles and this particular lot fl cannot be duplicated once the Balmacaans are ~ Th . e new f ""trimmed hats m large sailor M 'ill sold effects are shown at $1.49 and 91,95. Wmk ' "* he lot includes stylos for men and young men " Divw ' Pomero^eeXvaior 8 . econd Floor ' Pront in oxford cassimeres and cheviots, grey Scotch IglSfl «! I mixtures and brown mixtures. Every garment Wnß® has been cravenetted and is therefore rainproof. ' " leZWXv Sizes 33 to 40. Quarter satin or Venetian lined. Tv A .• T% m . ton ni CIC Demonstration Bear A! : JKHS 1 Men s S2O Balmacaans at sls A\r Heavy grey checked mixtures, plain grey worsteds, 01*3.11(1 I STIIS ! I]} • ™ »3jf] brown worsteds, Scotch mixtures and blue chinchillas; ■ i sizes ;J3 to 38; slashed or patch pockets. A competent teacher is in attendance to give free lessons to q ' Q 1 Purchasers of Bear Brand yarns. There is also on display DOVS oaimacaans ? beautiful assortment of knitted and erochetted garments, R „, < j t, , . . including many new models and novelties. and tan bcoteh mix t«re Balmacaans, rainproof, sizes 7to 18 years, $7.50 value at We will be pleased to have you see the display and profit by ?5.00 the instructions. j or Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor, Rear—Three Elevators. n . . D . a . . Q . . _ Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor, near new elevators. Our Grocery Department Makes Prompt emo y a ' of Corset Depart p... . ... D ment on the Street Floor Deliveries to All I SrtS Ol rlflrnsburcf! The Dp P artnient of inexpensive corsets on the street floor has o* been moved to the second floor, in order that more room might O • 1 a ~ . • /-*-\ be provided for the many gift items that are clamoring to be opecial Attractions 1 o-morrow presented t© you . If you arc unable to come to the store, an order written on a postal card, or given over the 1 L T7' i• . • telephone will bring to you just what you want at the time you want it. 010V6S Ol rlflGSt VJllfllltlP^ t A combination sale of groceries for to-morrow includes sugar at 5e a pound. i frfiSSKT. It From Trefousse and Perrin: 1 can fancy new co™ _W<. $1.75 tO $2.25 Total so«i 3 lb., choice California , Queen Olives; qt jars. 35c Sugar Cured'slcon■" "" v , Fl'Olll Sllcll reUOWUed glove houses 3S TrefoilSSe and "TUT fancy sknta ciara Kancy Head R,ce; 3 •& ea U&„on BoioWna' \b ~ 'S b Pernn come the gloves that have made so splendid a Tartarian Cherries' ( New Pear! l-apioca; 3 10a. Catsup; new tk- 'New' * * Seeded''' Raising f()1 ' GlOVe Department. Olllv tllC finest * b "ijew" Moorpark Apricots' stuffed om S;: ' hV«eVadisi" pi Ne^cieaned' curran'^• grades of skins procurable are used and the workman 'b "DeV Monte" Coiossai tmnb,er ""raTin Fkrd Dates; sl "P ,fi « f tlle kind that Stamps each glove with a mark Fu " Crean ' ch»* of P erfec V on .- Various embroidery styles are used, it 't arfct Roacdaie Bakin, choc?! s ome employing self and some contrasting stitching. Tomatoes; large can, ISc Imported Roquefort; lb., j New Mixed Nuts';' ii.','22c Abs^uteiy C nure il'a'voHnS 1 fotOUSS(> Ulld Poi'l'in gloves ai'O sllOWn 110W at CH Ph 1 > »..v 1 ph 1 a CrefmC extra, ,s: al ' % s: ..d Jo $1.75 to $2.25 packages. . S.V j D?fed Beef; co'u'ntVy cm- 1 " Pe ' c ra nberrles; qt HiUabi-ry _ Flour; 2-claSp kid gIoVCS witll Self 01' black enibroidei'V ; ill ed ta «> K™y, white and black. Pair, $1.50 substitute "for " hi. k'.n° in Rln| d ßo^ni;''.i.;!! la^T^fe 8 ' I&SiEMV Sundry 2-daSp kid gIoVCS ill tail and grey. Pair, . . $1.25 3isS bi a 2 ek! asp lamb skil ! gloves : * . wk ! te :. tan : .^ssi t-w Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement. »• r. r o» Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. == V SUBURBAN MECHANICSBURG Big Crowd to Attend Stough Meeting at Harrisburg Special Correspondetc.-. Mechaniesburg, Dec. I.—Last even ing a tine lecture on Palestine was giv en by the Rev. T. C. Billheimer, D. D., of Gettysburg. The lecture was illus trated with stereopticon views. It was given under the auspices of the brotherhood of the churcn. This town will be largely represented in the Stough tabernacle services this evening. Yesterday about the hour of closing the register for reserved seats there were 324 registered and it is very probable that many will go who have not registered for reserved seats. The party will go on special cars leav ing the square at 6.37. A band will aecompanv the party. A number of our young people who are attending school and college away from home and were home for Thanks giving vacation returned to school and college duties yesterday. Among them were William Dougherty, who returned to State College; Charles Shriver, to Franklin and Marshall; John Bowman, to Lehigh, and Harold Wriglitstone, to Lebanon Valley. J. K. pinkie is on a business trip to j geveraj».een made on account of the bazar in the (Methodist church, which will foe held on Thursday and Fridav evenin'gs December 3 and 4. The Christian Endeavor social of trinity United Brethren church will 'be 'held at the home of Edward Shelly on Market street this evening Mrs. Wis (Becker, of 'Beliavista. has returned from a visit to Philadelphia where she met with an accident. She went with some friends to the citv 'hall, where she made a misstep, falling down the stairs and breaking her left) wrist and spraining her ankle. 'Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Zimmerman, of tjeary avenue, entertained lM!r. and Mrs SunTay ° f Enola ' at dniner The members of MTS. William Ma thaw Sunday school class of Trinitv united Brethren church will hold a meeting this evening at the home of their teacher at New /Market. Alt members are requested to be present 'MTS. J. Bitterman and Mrs. Cohnan, of Harrisburg, were guests of Miss I hemie MOyer yesterday. Lester Oline, of Baltimore, spent several days with his 'parents, (Mr. ami Mrs. J. L. Cline, at 'Bcllavista. IMr. and Mrs. Oliver March and son of Dover, visited (Mrs. Ellen ZeHer and other friends here several days /Mrs. Joseph Weatherly, Third street, has had the interior of her home re modeled and repaipered. (Mrs. Mary Burns, Miss Reba Barnes and LMiss Ad&mts, of Mechanh 1 al>ur« r were gueSts of .Mr, and Mrs. W. s! 'Burns, .Ninth and Brid'ge streets,on Sun day. (Mr. and Mrs. 'David Kebaugh visited Mr. and Mrs. Kuhns at Camp Hiil on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wentz, of Se«- ond street, spent Sunday with friends in Mechanicsburg. John Wire and sons, Ed'gar and Ralph, have returned from a hunting trip of several weeks. Miss Margaret Eslinger, of Harris burg, was a week-end guest of Mis* Esther Fisher. Elopers Use Disguises Altoona, Pa., Dec. I.—Disguises aid ed Anthony Kimmel and Edna St. Clair, lover and sweetheart of ten years, to outwit relatives who sought to prevent their elopement and marriage, it was learned yesterday. The railroad polic • at both Altoona and Cumberland had been furnished with photographs of the young people. Kimmel borrowed a suit of clothes from a friend. His bride wore the wig of a woman of middle age, and they journeyed to Cumberland on separate trains. k NEW First Glass Up-to-Date BARBER SHOP j NO. 208 STRAWBERRY AVE. Bear of Bolton House The patronage of the j general public as well as ! my friends and former ' 1 patrons is respectfully ; solicited. Chas. F. Kuhn i ! Proprietor '