THE WEATHER CLOUDY TO NIGHT AND TO-MORROW f>Matl«4 Krport. Haie • SkT** l w™ p VOL- 76—NO. 153. GERMANS FIGHTING FURIOUSLY Raiser's Troops Break Cordon Encircling Them in Poland—Re inforcements Appear RUSSIAN CLAIMS ARE PREMATURE The Complete Victory Formerly Claimed by Czar's Forces Has Yet to De velop, According to Reports Re ceived in London From Petrograd London, Dec. 1, 12.08 P. M—Though it seems clear now that the German armv in Russian Poland, or that part of it which the Russians surrounded i near Lodz, narrowly missed annihila tion the Germans fought with such fury that the cordon encircling them was) broken and as German reinforcements; are coming up the issue is not yet de- 1 cided. The British press, interpreting the i news dispatches from Petrograd, con-' tends that a Russian success on a colos-} sal scale still is possible, but in all quarters it is admitted that the recent claims of a complete Russian victory were premature. Kaiser on the Field Poland, with Emperor William on the field, will likely continue to overshadow all other war areas for some days to! come Even the London press is de-1 voting more space to the battles there than to the conflict in Flanders. This partly is due, of course, to the fact that there has been so little change in the western situation, conditions which may persist until some sharp turn oc curs in the eastern struggle. Throughout Belgium the Germans are remaining, generally speaking, on the defensive and immediate signs of a renewal of attempts to hack their, way to the French coast are lacking. King George's Visit to Front Some dispatches say the Germans al ready ha-ve begun to fall back from their rear entrenchments, but as the of ficial statements make no mention of this it is assumed it is only a guess of correspondents working on the theory that the Russian success has been over whelming and final. King George's visit to France seems greatly to appeal to the popular imagi nation. The newspapers are featuring His Majesty's trip, pointing out that it is the first time a reigning British monarch has been with his armies on j the field for 171 years, George II be ing the last predecessor to do so. VIOLENT FICHTINC ALONC YSER CANAUN PROGRESS London, Doc. 1, 1.46 P. M. —Violent fighting is in progress to-day.along the Vser canal, according to a telegram from Renter's correspondent at Sluis. The rooring of heavy guns has been hewrd all day and houses as far away as Sluis we shaken. Inhabitants of all villages within one hour's march of the Yser battle front' have been sent away. KAISER, ON* WAY TO FROM IN MOTOR CAR, AT INSTERBI'RG j Amsterdam, Via London, Dec. 1. 5.30 P- M.—Emperor William reached In 6terburg. East Prussia, yesterday. He continued on the way to the front, trav- ! eling by motor car. Insterburg is 16 miles northwest of Gumbinnen, the capture of which by ..the Russians was reported unofficially recently, although not subsequently con-1 firmed. The German War Office "state ment yesterday showed that the invad-' ing Russians had penetrated East Prus sia to a point ten miles southwest of Gumbinnen. Czar Starts for the Front Petrograd, Dec. 1. —Emperor Nich olas left Pertrograd this morning for the ! theatre of war. GERMAN' FRONT AT DIXMI'DE IS NOW RETREATING. IS REPORT London, Dee. 1, 12.20 P. M.—Tele- j graphing from Amsterdam, the corre spondent of the "Central News" says the German front before Dixmude has | bepun a general retirement. Von Hindenburg Man of the Hour Berlin, via Thtf Hague and London, I Dec. I.—That Field Marshal Paul Von Hindenburg i« considered the man of the hour in Germany is indicated by , an incident reported in the newspapers. It appears that a field post received a postal card directed simply to "The Most Popular Man in Germany." The card, it is stated, was delivered" to Von Hindenburg. Von Moltke Recovers Health Amsterdam, l>ec. 1, 'Via London, ■ 4.46 P. M.—Lieutenant General Count Von Moltke. says a Berlin dispatch to the "Telegraf," has recovered his ; health and is returning to the front. LATE WAR NEWS SUMMARY ' Unofficial reports that the Germans had undertaken another attack on Ypres. marking the beginning of a great battle, received no confirmation in to-day's communications from the French and German war office. The French statement, however, contains a vague reference to renewed German efforts in tho region in which they have been expected to make their onslaught in case they attempted again to break through to the English Channel, It is said that the enemy was showing "considerable activity'* to the north of Arras, a French town near the Bel gian border. In Belgium the artillery fire has become mora spirited, after a long lull. The German statement dis misses the situation In the west by saying that there Is nothing to report. Germany continues to view the mili tary situation in the east in a con fident way giving no intimation of a reversal at the hands of the Russians. To-day's announcement says that 0,300 more prisoners have been taken in Russian Poland in the engagements near the Vistula river, which were said yesterday in Berlin to have resulted favorably for the forces of Emperor William. Official Petrograd maintains its attitude of reserve. Such reports as are made by any of the three nations engaged in the east, deal only with particular phases of the campaign so that the picture as a whole is blurred. The fighting in the Balkans in Northern Turkey and the Caucasus, in Egypt and near the Red Sea seemed al most to have been lost sight of. Sel dom since the beginning of the report ed presence of German and British Continued on Second Pngr. GERMAN ARMY IN POLAND BROKEN INTO 3 CROUPS, STATES SPECIAL SCRIBE Paris, Dec. 1, 5.25 A. M.—The pres ent situation in Poland, according to Ludovic Xaudeau, the special repre sentative of the "Journal de Paris/' who is at the Russian headquarters in the field, is as follows: "General Mackenzin's Eighth Ger many armv is separated into three groups. The first, between Gombin to the north and Brzezinv to the south, is being attacked on three sides. There remains an opening on the western road toward Kutno which, however, will, be threatened by Russians ad vancing from Lodz. Part of this first group at Glowno and Strykow is al most entirely surrounded. The second group to the south, at RJ!£»t»w and Tuszvn, is to force its way through to the north, but is opposed by the Russians at Lodz and Brzezinv, and the western road is closed to it by the same Russian army which recently beat two German corps at Wielun. "The third group to the west is in a critical but not desperate position for, by a right flank at Zdunzka Wola on the Warta, it still holds the road to Kalisz, which could serve either for retreat or for reinforcements if Gen eral Von Hindenburg thinks it still possible to try to save his Eighth armv." FOHESTER BILL PUSSES.3 TO 2 City Commission Cre ates New Post Des pite Opposition of Royal and Gorgas CIVIC CLUB TURNED DOWN Lynch, Taylor and Bowman Ignore Plea of That Body and the Munici pal League for Establishment of Shade Tree Commission By a vote of 3 to 2—Mayor Roval and Commissioner Gorgas were in the minority—the City Commissioners this afternoon passed finally Commissioner Taylor's ordinance creating the office of City Forester. The Forester, the ordinance pro\ ides, shall receive not more than SI,OOO a year, and Mr. Tay lor said it is the plan to pay the maxi mum figure. The Republican members of the Com mission, Messrs. Bowman, Lynch and Taylor, who passed the ordinance final ly, all say they have not yet any one to suggest for the new office. Neither would they say when the appointment will be made, although it is generally believed that the name of the new For ester will be sent to the Commission at its meeting one week from to-dav. The adoption of the Forester ordi nance came after a long debate, in which all the Commissioners partici pated. The adoption of the ordinance will prevent the Mayor carrying out his plan to follow the suggestion of J. Hor ace McFarland, the Civic Club and the Municipai League, and introduce an or dinance providing that the City shall aci-ept the provisions of the act of 1907 under which municipalities are empowered to create tree commissions. Fought By Mayor and Gorgas The Mayor and Mr. Gorgas made a stiff fight in opposition to the ordi nance creating the post of forester, saying among other things that it loitliwd OB Seeoad I'agr, HARRISBURG, PA., TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 1, 1914—10 PAGES. TROUBLE IN SCARCITY OF WARSTAMPS Business Handicapped Here To-day Because Washington Hasn't Sent Enough TELEGRAMS GO WITHOUT THEM Offices Which Dispatch the Messages Compelled to Keep Records Separ ately—Druggists Inconvenienced— Stringency May End To-morrow The little internal revenue stamps which must by act of Congress, be used on designated articles in payment of the special war tax beginning to day, are harmless enough in them selves, but they causftd commotion and confusion in business circles in this city this morning and this afternoon such as is seldom experienced. The lack of sufficient quantities of some denom inations of the stamps caused most ot the trouble. There were not enough of the new stamps in this city to-day to meet the initial rush. Of some of the common est denominations of the proprietary set, there is not a single stamp in town. Proprietary stamps were ou sale at the revenue office iu the postoffice building, and documentary stamps at the Harrisburg National bank. As a consequence of the shortage, caused by delays in getting the stick ers from Washington, telegrams, with out stamps, are being dispatched at local offices, close record of them be ing kept, and druggists are selling perfumery, cosmetics and other articles subject to taxatiou without affixing the stamps, by keeping 'detailed accounts of all goods sold. These are the only possible arrange ments which can be made until the stamps become plentiful enough to meet all ueeds. It was said at the in- ternal revenue oflice in the post office building this moniiiig that a supply of the stamps is expected to morrow to relieve the stringency. Parts of the Law Contusing The workings of the new tax collect ting system are in so crude a stage on this, the first day, that taxpayers and even tax collectors do not know how to interpret many provisions of the act of Congress. In some departments on Capitol Hill, according to attaches, all work is tied up to-day because the meaning of various clauses in the act Contlnurd on Srt'nnil I'aur. WILL WIPE OUT LOCH IEL POW Shacks Well Known to Police to Be Sold at Auction The sale of Lochie 1 Row, which was to take phce yesterday, has beep post poned until' next Saturday. Lochiel Row is a group of tumble down frame house? in South Harrisburg and as a district is probably bettor known in police circles t'han any other portion of the city. Several riots, a couple of murders, innumerable beer parties, craps games and so 011, have hud their origin in that notorious section. The ground is the site of the old Harrisburg rolling mills, and when the mills quit business a few years ago, the bulk of the inhabitants was forced to look up other quarters. Now the majority of the inhabitants are for eigners. The ground will afford an excellent manufacturing site because of the railroad facilities, so in all probability the "How" will be wiped from the map of Harriaburg. 6-YEAR-OLI) BOY KIDNAPPED Stolen From His Home and Carried Away in Auto By Associated Press, Moberly, Mo., Dec. I.—Orviile Beach, Jr., 6 years old, was stolen from his home here to-day. His parents were in the house and heard a scuttling on the front porch. Prom a window thev ■aw the chila carried into an automobile and driven rapidly away. Both Beach and his wife said there was uo one with whom they had had trouble. Planning to Cut the Tax Rate The City Commissioners will hold a special meeting before t'he close of the week at which they will submit their estimates for preparation of the annual budget. The Commissioners all say it will take only a few days to prepare their estimates wbk-h will be on the basis of a nine-mill tax rate, one-half mill less than was charged last year. J. Borden Harriman Dies By Associated Press, Washington, Dec. I.—J. Borden Har riman, of New York, died here to-day after a lingering illness. New York, De<\ I.—J. Borden Har riman was a prominent New York banker. He was 51 years old. WILLIAM STROUSE RETIRES FROM THE "GLOBE" FIRIH Dissolution Effected by Mutual Consent Through Which Management of Old Market Street Business Is Under taken Solely by Ben. Strouse Formal announcement was made this morning that the firm of W. & B. Strouse, proprietors of the "Globe," has been dissolved by mutual consent, Mr. William Strouse retiring. The dis solution was a friendly one. The retirement of Mr. William Strouse, while regretted by those in- BEN. STROUSE Proprietor of the "Globe" Store Who Plans Big Improvements terested on account of his long associ ation with the firm and cordial rela tionship with every one connected with the store, will not change the business policy which, as heretofore, will con tinue along most progressive lines. Mr. William Strouse said this morn- WILLIAM STROUSE Announced To-day That He Retires From the "Globe" Firm ing that he has plans to establish a new commercial enterprise in this city concerning which he will soon make a public announcement. He said that as a result of the readjustment of his af fairs lie has become the sole owner of the building occupied by the Kresge o and 10 cent store, 326 Market street. The " Globe, w widely known as one of Harrisbtirg's "leading commercial firms was established in 1896 by a copartnership between William Strouse, who previously had established a suc- Contlnuril on .Moth t'aer. TWO WEN OlilT PENNSY SERVICE AFTER 49 YEARS William H Herman and Benjamin F. Pheneger Placed on "Honor Roll" To-day—Shuey. After :<:{ Years' Work, and Heller Also on Roll The Pennsylvania Railroad Company announced to-day the retirement to the "honor roll-" of three old employes liv ing in Harrisburg-—William H. Herman, 1312 Howard street; Benjamin F. Pheneger, 262 Herr street, and Wil liam R. Snuey, 266 Cumberland street —and George W. Heller, Oyster Point avenue, Camp Hill. Mr. Herman had been employed in the Harrisburg yards for the last 49 years and 7 months. When he started to work for the I'ennsy he first was employed on the old train that ran be tween Harrisburg and Dauphin. When he was retired he was conducting an engine in the upper yards. Mr. Her man was 9 years old when his parents moved to Harrisburg from Shippens burg. He has lived here ever since, having been at his present residence, 1312 Howard street, for the last 21 years. When he was retired his fellow workmen presented him with a fine easy-uhair, which he prizes very highly. Mr. Pheneger was retired after 49 years of active service. He was botn in Lancaster county October 4, 1844. For many years he was in charge of the round house in Columbia. In 1896 he came to Harrisburg as a machinist in round house No. 2. Mr. Pheneger is an active member of Grace Methodist church; William R. Shuey, a Civil war vet eran, had worked for 33 years in the Harrisburg shops, having been employed as machinist since October 10, 1881. When Mr. Shuey was 15 years old he started to work for the Harrisburg Car Company. When the Civil war broke out he tried to enlist, but was too TO RUN THE ORPH'M FOR BELGIANS Rotary Club Rents the Vaudeville House for One Week to Aid the War Sufferers FINE PROGRAM IS ASSURED Every Cent Over Expenses at Playhouse During Week of December M Will Go to Needy in Devastated Europe —Club Has Noon-day Luncheon • ——— At its first noon-day luncheon to-dav the Harrisiburg Rotary Club decided on a great concerted effort in behalf of the starving women aud children of Belgium. The club's plan is to rent the Or pheum theatre for the week of Decem ber 14 and every cent actually taken in at the box office of the vaudeville house over and above the expenses for run ning tht show that week will be turned over to tho destitute in Belgium. Whether the tickets are purchased from a member of the club or at the box office of the theatre, the money will go to the same good cause. The entertainment committee of the club has been authorized to prepare tickets for sale, which will be exchanged for seats at the theatre box office. There will be twelve performances at the theatre, as usual. The same prices will prevail, the same theatre em ployes will be in charge of the house and Manager Hopkins has assured the Rotary Club that a good vaudeville bill will be booked for that week. ''The Rotary Club hopes," said a member of the entertainment commit tee, "that in view of the small cost for an excellent entertainment that the patronage of the theatre will be much greater that week. Kverv ticket soi l will be a distinct aid for the needy in devastated Belgium." Paul Gendell, of the Pennsylvania Steel Company, was the speaker at the meeting held at noon in the Metropoli tan hotel. Mr. Gendell was director of exhibits at the recent "safety first" show in this city. He emphasized Hnr rit'burg's need of additional hotel ac commodations. The show boosted Har risburg, which .has now taken its place as a progressive industrial center, he said. 3 DEAD IN FIGHT WITH BANDITS Were Pushed From Freight Train In Running Battle With Robbers By Associated Press. Sandusky, 0., Dec. 1. —Three men are reported dead ami three others seriously injured as a result of having been pushed from a moving Lake Shore freight train during a running battle with three robbers avidentlv lasting more than an hour tho train sped between Toledo and Cleve land to-day. Dead bodies or injured men were found along the track for forty miles. Only one of the dead men was iden tified. He was William C. Gallagher, Cleveland teamster, found beside the track six miles west of Sandusky. Frank Diefs, said to be a tramp, was found badly injured a mile further aloug the track. Poliee say one dead body was found near Amherst ami another near Port Clinton. Two negroes and a white man are said to have rob bed the other men while all were stealing a ride and then threw them from the train. ANOTHER LORIMER ECHO Firm of Wholesale Druggists Goes to Wall in Chicago By Associated Press* Chicago, Dee. 1. —Financial troubles beset another enterprise in which C'. B. Munday, associated with former Sena tor Liorimer in the defunct L»a Salle Street Trust and Savings bank is inter ested, when an involuntary petition in bankruptcy wu filed in the Federal Court here to-day against Truax, Green & Co., wholesale druggists and dealers n surgical and hospital appliances. The liabilities are placed at $15,000 and assets at $30,000. Insolvency was denied by counsel for the firm and Judge Landis postponed hearing the mo tion for a receiver. Bucket Brigade Extinguishes Fire H age rut own, ; .Vl'd., Dec. I,—What might have been a most disastrous fire broke out in the general store of J. W. Remsburg, ('hewsville, yesterday morn ing, and before the people of the town, who formed themselves into a bucket brigade, succeeded in gettting the blaze under control, it had damaged the store to the extent of about SI,OOO. Police Cannot Deliver Telegram The police here are anxious to find Mrs. C. H. Doughty, to whom a tele gram has been sent by C. H. Doughty in Philadelphia. It asks her to return to that city. The woman is unknown to the police. 17. S. District Attorney Appointed By Associated Press. Washington, Dec. 1. —President Wil son to-day appointed John D. Lynn, of Rochester, to be United States Attor ney for the western district of New York., FRIENDLY SUIT TO DECIDE RIGHT TO FLEMING HOUSE Likely Court Action Will Be Taken to Determine Whether Civic Club, Un incorporated at Time of the Be i quest, Can Take the Property 1 An officer of the Harrisburg Civic ] Club said to-day that it is quite likely a friendly action will be set up ill the local courts in January, as between the club and the trust company of New York City which is executor of the es- I tate of Mrs. William Fleming, to estab : lish whether the club, which was unin corporated at the tinft l the bequest was ; made, has the legal right to take pos session of the beautiful Fleming home at 612 North Front street, left to the club iu her will by the generosity of Mrs. Fleming. "Legal affairs move slowly and sev ! eral unexpected points arose that had | to be settled," said the club's officer. "In the first place, at the time of Mrs. I Fleming's death, the Civic Club of Har ! risburg was not incorporated. In New York State an unincorporated body can j not inherit property. In Pennsylvania, however, the law is different, special : provisions being made for unincorpor ated bodies to which money is left and J which do philanthropic, educational or j religio'us work. The Pennsylvania law provides that in certaiu cases of this | kind a trustee may be appointed to look after the funds until articles of iucor j poration are taken out. The Civic Club | of Harrisburg acted promptly when the I fact of the bequest was made known, | and articles of incorporation were ta ken out at the earliest possible mo j ment " A representative of the trust com ! pany of New York, acting as executor ; of the estate, was in the city recently and asked former Judge M. W. Jacobs Ito look up the Pennsylvania law and give his opinion as to whether the Civic Club can legally inherit since it was not incorporated at the time of Mrs. Fleming's death. Judge Jacobs has re cently given his opinion on the question to John Fox Weiss, attorney for the Civic Club. Tt is understood that this ! opinion is favorable to the Club, hut : that it is thought best for the protec | tion of the Club and also of the trust j company to have the matter argued in {a friendly suit >" court at the January ' term. 431 MINERSJEET DEATH Terrible Mine Disaster Reported in Hokkaido, the Northernmost Main Island of Japan London. Dec. 1, 4.4r« A. M.-—A To kio dispatch to Renter's Telegram Company reports a serious mine disas ter iu Hokkaido, the northernmost of tho main islands of Japan. It is re ported that 4 ( u7 miners are dead. $70,000,000 U. S. Trade Balance Washington, Dec. 1. —A trade bal ance of approximately $70,000,000 in favor of the United States will be shown by the November export figures, according to an estimate exhibited by Secretary Redficld to day to the Cabi net. M BILL HE IF iim Vance C. McCormick Paid $350 to Organ ization in Harrisburg; Brother Gave $675 SIX WATCHERS HIRED IN CITY Judge Brumm, Bull Moose Candidate for Governor, Spent Nothing—Al len, Socialist Candidate for Same Office, Spent Less Than ss<) The Palmer-MeCormick League of Harrisburg, through its treasurer, George A. Warner, to-day filed its ac count of money received and exponded during the last campaign, showing that the receipts were $1,102.60, anil it was all ex-peuded. The contributors to 'he fund, as giv en in the filed account, included: Vance C. McCormiek, SIOO and $250 at two separate times, making $350 in all; his brother, Harrv B. Mc-Cormick, SIOO, $l5O, SIOO, $143, $l3O, $52.10, or $675.10 in all. Other contributors were Democratic State Committee, $63; Wil liam Collier, $1; William Corl, 50 cents; John Hinde, $1; George .YleWil liams, $5 and C. B. 'Mk-Coukey, $5. The expenditures cover a wide range of subjects, such as postage, rent, print ing, supplies, clerk hire, distributing documents and electric lights. Among the items was one of $3.75 for red fire. W. McCord got 50 cents for carry ing the flag. Boys .were paid $5 to carry banners. Autonwbile hire cost $5.50 and boys were paid S2OO to dis tribute literature. Jack Welsh, for' de tective services, got S3O, and ma«s meetings cost $229.41. Transportation was paid for twenty-nine voters, in amounts varying according to the rail road fare. Hired Six Watchers Rent in various amounts was paid for t)he various ward league meeting rooms Coßtlßiird on Secoad Fa«e. POSTSCRIPT PRICE, ONE CfcNT. SMITH FIRES REMARKS AT WITNESSES Court, in Sanity Test, Has* Difficulty in Suppressing Man Ac cused of Murder 20 TESTIFY BY NOON TO-DAY Practically All Agree That the Youth Accused of Slaying His Grandfather in Inglenook Is Not Now in His Bight Mind Edward G. Smith, indicted on a charge of murdering his grandfather, John E. Bush, at Inglenook, on Decerti ber 17, last, and whoso mental condi tion now is the subject of an inquiry by a special court jury persisted re lieate lly this morning before Judge Mr- Carroll, in interrupting the testimony and talking aloud to the witnesses. It is not likely that Smith will be put on the stand to testify in his own behalf. A score of witnesses by noon had tstified that in their opinion the accused man now is insane and unable to' pre pare a defense to the charge of homi cide. As each was sworn to testify, Smith was seen to mutter something. Twice he talked aloud. To I)r. W. T. James, the prison phy sician. Smith said: "Get off the stand. Get off. You are only perjuring yourself!" When J, Clinton Keigle, one of tho underkeepers at the prison, said thia morning he believes Smith ia now in sane, the accused said: How'd you like to tell the truth while your there?" Memory Good on Some Points Witnesses said they could not H