The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, November 30, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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Public Service Commission At Its
Meeting To-morrow Will Probably
Fix Date For Hearing of Those
Opposed to Increase
When the Publie Service Commis
sion meets to-morrow it is expected a
date will be set for a hearing in the
matter of the protest tbait has gone up
from all over the State ag-adnst the
raising of passenger rates, especially
those for commuters who use the 100
trip slips or round trip tickets, the
rates on which have been materially
advanced. The commission is expected
to disregard the pica of the railroad
companies for postponing the hearing
untiil January and may set an early
The railroads contend that they can
not prepare such statistical matter as
the commission may requiro within a
month at least, but this is denied by
the eommuters who ask that the rail
road companies be required to show
their books instead of charts and com
pilations. It is said that the commis
sion will hold its hearings in Philadel
phia as being most convenient for all
Edwin M. Abbott, attorney for the
combined committee of the United
Business Men's Association of Phila
delphia and Commuter's Association,
filed with the Public Service Commis
sion to-day a complaint against the
Philadelphia and Heading and the
Baltimore and Ohio, relative to the
proposed increase of rates. It is urged
that an early date be set for the hear
ing and that the respondents be asked
to produce their books showing all re
ceipts, etc., relative to the conduct of
their system between theiT various
terminals in Philadelphia and all other
points within the State affected by the
changes. The commission is also re
quested to suspend the rates and to
notify the companies to withhold the
advance until after the hearing.
Public Service Commission
The Public Service Commission will
resume its sittings in the Capiitol to
morrow wheal it is expected that one
of its first declarations will be 011
"Whether it lias the power to hold up the
proposed increased passenger rates filed
by the Pennsylvania, Philadelphia and
Reading and Northern Central railroad
convpaniies in this State.
Contracts for approval will come up
as follows: Northern Central Railway
Company and the borwigih of Snmbury ;
Northern Central Gas Company and
The approval of the sale of the Con
estoga Electric Light and Power Com
pany to the Edison Electric Company
will also be asked.
On Wednesday afternoon the ap
proval of the lease between the Bell
Telephone Company of Pennsylvania
and the Harrisburg Light ami Power
Company will come up for considera
On Thursday morning the complaint
of A 1 K. Thomas against the Harris
burg Gas Company that it refuses to
extend its main for his accommodation,
will be heard.
Charter With Governor
The charter of the 'Merchants' Ice
■ Company, of Harrisburg, was sent to
Governor Tener to-day, and it is ex
pected rtwrt he will approve of it aftoT
. Piscal Year Closes
This is the last day of the fiscal
year in the financial operations ot' the
State ami the clerks i n the State Treas
ury and Auditor General's Departments
■*ere busy all d«y arranging the totals.
Automobile Licenses
T p to the close of November, with
but one month left to issue licenses, the
State Highway Department gives' the
following figures of licenses issued for
' the first eleven months of the year:
Pneumatic tire machines, 1051327;
solid tire, 6,420; traction, 1,165;
'trailers, 166; motowvcles. 14,558;
drivers. 28,228; dealers,' 3.579; opera
tors, 24, 223.
About five thousand applications for
1915 licenses have been received ami
the department has been very busy get
,ting them ready for shipment. It is ex
'jwvted that by to morrow morning the
licenses and tags will be ready to be
■ •cnt out. The tags wilt be sent by
parcel post in the mail.
The Star-Independent does not
make itself responsible for opinion*
Mummers Have Surprise in Store
Editor, the Star-Independent:
Dear Hrr-—As chairman of the pub
licity c<*mmittee and chief marshal of
the Mummers' parade, I desire at this
early date to extend to your |m>per niv
*,ncere thanks for the active and effect
ive co-operation you are giving us in
our hard struggle to make the celebra
tion on New Year's Day a success, and
you can aid us still more by announcing
to the public through your paper that
there will be no necessity for their go
ing to Philadelphia to view the annual
parade this year, as I feel absolutely
sure, knowing the plans of the nnwiy
organizations who will participate in
ffur celebration, which, bv the rules of
the association, must be kept confiden
tial until the time of the parade,, that
a surprise awaits our people, and [ wish
you would urge them all to stav at
home on that day and lend their efforts
in making Harrisburg's demonstration
a grand success, which will be a boost
to our city, a benefit to our business men
and a pleasure to the citizens in gen
eral. Yours sincerely,
C. 0. Backenstoss,
.Chief Marshal.
November 30, 1914.
Dance at Elks' Home
A dance will be held at tlhe Elks'
home. 216 North Second street, to-mor
row, Tuesday eveuing. at 8.30 o'clock.
Loeser's orchestra wiW furnish the mu
William H. Keeseman
William H. Keeseman, 51 years old,
died Sunday morning at his home, 1238
Bailey street. Funeral services will bo
hold Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock
at the home.
Lieutenant General Put to Death for
Selling Offices Under Him and
Accepting " Squeeze '•
Correspondence of the Associated Press.
Pekin, Oct. 27. —'Wang Chih-Hsing,
the ex-prefect of Sbuntienfu, the met
ropolitan district in which Pekin is sit
uated, lias been executed by shooting
■because of bribery and corruption—for
selling offices under him and accepting
"squeeze." Wang Obih-Hsing held the
military rank of lieutenant general.
The caso has caused great excitement
in political circles in China, especially
because General Wang was a personal
friend of Yuan Shi'Kai. It is reported
that the President sent an emissary to
the family of the general informing
them of his regret at having to fulfil
the law in order to stamp out corrup
tion and of his intention to provide for
the maintenance of the family.
Many minor officials also have lost
their lives because of dishonesty and
opium smokers continue to die at the
hands of the soldiers. The governor
of the important province of Kansu
has ibeen dismissed from office because
he did not believe in the sincerity of
the President when, recently, orders
were issued that the time'lionored cus
tom of sending rich gifts to the Em
peror on the anniversary of his birth
day was not to be followed in the
case of the President.
Mrs. Mary Wingard Dies at Home on
Woodbine Street
Mrs. Mary M. Wingard, 6'2 years old,
wife of George H. Wingard. died yes
terday morning at 2.30 o'clock at her
home, 544 Woodbine street. Mr. Win
gard conducts a grocery store at Wood
bine and Peusinger streets. Stoe leaves
her husband, nine children, three lis
ters, two brothers and eight grandchil
dren: Following are t)he children: Mrs.
Benjamin Weaver, Mrs. John Hair and
ifrs. Charles C. Hall, of Harrisburg;
iMrs. Isaac liaflinger, Coxesfcoiwn; Har
ry, Charles, George and Prank, of Har
Funeral services will be held to-mor
row night at 7.30 o'el'ock at the home,
the Rev. G. W. Ilartman officiating. Tiie
body will be taken to M'illersbnrg by
Undertaker C. H. iMnuk Wednesday
morning art 11.45 o'clock where burial
will be made.
Miss Blanche E. Butler
Miss Blanche E. Butler, daughter of
Mrs. J. W. Butler, 1716 North Third
street, this city, died in New York
City on Saturday. Funeral services will
be held at 3 o'clock to-morrow after
noon at the home.
Mrs, Susan Brink
Mrs. Susan Brink, 38 years old, wife
of Edward Brink, died yesterday after
noon at her home, 317 IHiuiwnci street.
She is the wife of Edward Brink. Fu
neral services will be held Thursday
afternoon at 2 o'clock. Burial will be
in Paxtang 'cemetery.
Bobert Leo Stouffer
Robert Leo Stouffer, 1137 Derry
street, the 19-year-old son of Mr. and
Mrs. John P. Stouffer, and a member
of the Men s Bible Class of the Fourth
Street Church of God, died yesterday
morning. He leaves beside his parents,
four brothers, Samuel, George, John
and Earl, also one sister, Mary. Fu
neral services will be held at the homo
on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock,
the Rev. William N. Yates officiating.
Burial will be in th e Camp Hill ceme
Samuel Jones
Samuel Jones, 55 years old, 629
Mahautougo street, "night watchman
and elevator man at the "Telegraph"'
building, took suddenly ill at 12 o'clock
Saturday night and died at his home at
1 o 'clock Sunday morning. He leaves
his wife and two children, Edna and
Archibald. Funeral services will be held
Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, the
Rev. E. E. Snyder officiating. Burial
will be in the Harrisburg cemetery.
Mrs. Nettie Pryor
Mrs. Nettie Prvor, aged 37 years,
died yesterday at the Harrisburg* Hos
pital from cancer. The body was ta
ken to the home of her sister, Mrs. N.
E. Gotsliiall. 1020 South Cameron
street, where funeral services will be
held to-morrow evening at 7.30 o'clock.
Burial will be made Wednesday morn
ing in the Blain cemetery.
Couple From "Matrimonial City" Re
verse Usual Order of Things
Hagerstown, Md., far-famed as a
matrimonial center, turned the tables
on Pennsylvania last Saturday when a
couple from the city below the Mason-
Dixon line came to Oberlin, Dauphin
county, and were married.
The bridegroom was Ernest Sweeney,
a machinist, employed in the Western
Maryland railroad shops in Hagerstown,
and his bride was Miss Florence G.
Humerick, of the same city. The cere
mony was performed Saturday evening
at S o'clock at the parsonage of Salem
Lutheran church, Oberlin, by the Rev.
Daniel E. Ruploy, pastor.
After spending Sunday with Steel
ton friends, Mr. and Mrs. Sweeney left
this morning for Hageratown where
they will go to housekeeping.
United States Metal Products Company
a Bankrupt
New \ork, Nov. 30.—'A voluntary
■petition in bankruptcy was filed to-day
in the Federal Court iby the United
States Metal Products Company, a
'Massachusetts corporation with $7,-
000,000 outstanding stock. The liabili
ties were listed at $1,008,000 and the
assets at $3,700,000, consisting princi
pally of real estate and stock in trade.
Tecumseh Sherman, Albion D. Tur
ner and Thomas C. Qlark were appoint
ed receivers.
Lift Embargo on Wheat Shipments
Chicago, Nov. 30. —Officials of the
Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe railroad
announced to-day the envbargo on
wheat shipments over their road to Gal
veston, Texas, would be lifted to-night.
FOR SALE—Light delivery automobile,
with delivery body, top and back
seat, which converts car into a 5-pas
sengcr machine; Just completely over
hauled, almost new tires. First <IOO
takes this machine. If you are looking
for a real bargain, investigate at once.
C. E. TAYLOR, 814 N. Third street.
Francis Stank Brown Thought to B®
Probable Selection For Attorney
General-—Bigalow Is Likely to Re
main at Least Until June
Dr. Martin G. Brumbaugh, Govern
or-elect, is expected to reach his Phil
adelphia home from Florida, where he
has been restiug with his father since
the election, on Friday of this week,
when he will take up the matter of ap
pointment of the menubars of his of
ficial family and at least give some in
timation of who are to be the principal
officials in his cabinet.
It is said that Dr. Brumbaugh has
had before him the names of a large
number of men who have been recom
mended for appointment, bat has thus
far given no indication of whom he
proposes to select. The impression
still prevails, however, that Francis
Shunk Brown, of Philadelphia, who is
the personal choice of the Vare Broth
ers. will land the Attorney General
ship, but the friends of John S. Rill
ing, of Erie, a former Democratic State
chairman, who was associated with I>r.
Brumbaugh in the collating of the
school code; Jesse E. B. Cunningham,
of Westmoreland, present Deputy At
torney General, and Judge George 8.
Orladv, of Huntingdon, at present on
the Superior Court bench, are inclined
to believe that one of them will be the
new Governor's choice.
Of the names heard for Secretary of
the Commonwealth, that of the pres
ent Secretary, Robert McAfee, of Al
legheny, is foremost, and it is said
that Mr. McAfee can have the place if
he wants it. He was the leader moat
in conducting the campaign in Alle
gheny county which resulted in such
a big majority for Brumbaugh. It is
not anticipated that there will be any
immediate change in the Highway De
partment. as the commission of Com
missioner Bigelow will not expire un
til June.
Governor Tener is reported to have
intimated that he will appoint Walter
H. Gaither, his private secretary to the
vdcancy in the Public Service Cominis
sion, carrying out the custom of-Jrormer
Governors of providing a place for the
man closest to them during their ad
W hen the Legislature meets all of
the appointments made bv Governor
Ten«r during the recess, that require
confirmation by the Senate, will be
sent to that body, but the iSenate can
delay confirmation, if it chooses to do
so, and the new Governor can with
draw the appointments at any time be
fore action on confirmation is taken.
It is said that some of the appoint
ments will be held up in the Senate,
but no names are given.
Former Mayor of Lebanon Is a Candi
date to Succeed Critchfleld
(Special to the Star-Independent.)
Lebanon, Nov. 30.—Former Mayor
Edgar A. Weimer, of this city, ha* "an
nounced himself as a candidate for the
post of Secretary of the Department of
Agriculture in the new Cabinet to be
named by Governor-elect Brumbaugh.
There arc now at least four persons
seeking the post. Mr. Weimer for four
years lias been president of the Leba
non County Agricultural and Horticul
tural Society and for five 'Vears presi
dent of the Lebanon County Pigeon
and Poultry Association, lie has also
been president of the Pennsylvania
State Poultry Association and the Lob
anon County Fish and Game Protective
Association. He is the president of
the Weimer Machine Works and has
also been the president of the Perse
verance Fire Company, iftf t!iis city, lie
has served as vice president of the
following organizations: Pennsylvania
Slate Agricultural Federation, United
Sportsmen of Pennsylvania, Pennsylva
nia Poultry Breeders' Association. So
ciety for the Prevention of Cruelty to
Animals, Pennsylvania State Bee-Keep
ers' Association, American Society for
Fire Prevention, Board of Advisors,
New York City.
He is also prominently identified
with the following organisation.?:
State Board of Agriculture, National
Conservation Association, Pennsylvania
State Conservation Association, Penn
sylvania State Forestry Association,
American Poultry Association, Amer
ican Society for the Advancement of
Science, Franklin Institute, American
Institute for Mining Engineers, Nation
al Geographical Society, Civil Service
Association and'banon County His
torical Society.
Couples From Pennsylvania Married in
Maryland City
Hagerstown, Md., Nov. 30. —The
following Pennsylvania couples were
married here:
George W. Glesmer and Margaret M.
Evans, both of Harrisburg, at the par
sonage of the First Baptist church, by
the Rev. E. K. Thomas.
Charles L. Pittinger and Lena Mil
ler, both of "Harrisburg, at the parson
ago of the St. Paul's U. B. church, by
the Rev. Dr. A. B. Statton.
Wilmer F. Early and Grace McKen
ney, both of Waynesboro, at the par
sonage of the First Christian church,
by the Rev. G. B. I'ownsend.
Maurice E. Fernsler, Shot Twice in
Head, Denies Suicide Attempt
Maurice E. Fernsler, 610 Granite
street, who was taken to the hospital
in the police ambulance Saturday night
suffering with two revolver shot wounds
in his face and bead, is said to be slow
ly improving to-day. He has been giv
en tetanus antitoxin to guard against
that disease. One shot pierced his cheek
and another grazed his head.
Fernsler did not explain how he re
ceived the wounds but denied having
attempted suicide. A package of poison
was found in his pocket. This, he said,
he intended to use in killing rats.
37 Hunters Killed in Two States
Milwaukee, Wis., Nov. 30. —Thirty-
seven deaths from hunting accidents
in Northern Wisconsin and Michigan is
the toll in those districts so far as
known during the fall season ending at
midnight. Of this number 24 hunten
were slain in Wisconsin, 3 more than
were killed ,in 1913. In Michigan there
were 13 fatalities. It is estimated that
about 15,000 hunters were in the woods
of the upper peninsula of Michigan
Paris, Nov. 30.—The French For
eign Office to-day gave out a yellow
book which recites from the standpoint
of France the evonts which led up to
the iresent war. Thiis book reviews
at length the diplomatic exchanges
previous to tho declaration of war. An
abstract given out by the Foreign Of
fice lays emphasis upon the responsibil
ities of Austria as the primal cause of
the conflict and says that Germany
persistently avoided every opportunity
to adopt incisures of consiliation to
reach a settlement.
In its presentation of the case the
French Foreign Office places the re
sponsibility upon Austria and Germany
and relates that Great Britain, Russia
and France were ready to adopt means
of settlement but that the Teutonic
allies would not consent. Germany's
ultimatum to Russia is said to have
precipitated the rupture.
France, according to this yellow
book, exhausted even- possible avenue
of conciliation before she decided to
draw the sword to defend her very
Buenos Aires, Argentina, Nov. 30. —
Dispatehes received here from Monte
video insist that there is good reason to
believe that the German squadron
which has been opernting there in the
Pacific ocean is at present in the South
Atlantic. Neither the French nor the
British legation here has any informa
tion to confirm these reports; neverthe
less, private dispatches give them
credence. It is related, among other
things, that -several German steamers
are jueparing to leave Montevideo to
provision the German warships.
Reports that the German Pacific,
squadron had succeeded in making its
way to the Atlantic have been current
for two days. Under date of November
28, Montevideo reported that the Ger
man Bquadron had beeu sighted 600
miles north of Punta Pilar, Brazil,
heading northeast.
Berlin, Nov. 30, by Wireless to Say
| ville.—The official press bureau an
nounced to-day that it had received ad
vices from Rotterdam to the effect that
England was soon to send a part of her
new army to South Africa. The re
mainder of the British reinforcements,
it is said, are destined for the conti
The Turkish general staff, it is re
ported from Constantinople, denies that
the Turkish army operating against the
Russians is retreating on Erzerum.
The press bureau says that the Sul
tan of Turkey has received a pledge cf
allegiance subscribed to by Egyptian
Fund for Prisoners in Siberia
Pekin, Nov. 30. Dr. Paul Reinsc'h,
American 'Minister to China, cabled to
day to t'iie American embassy at Petro
grail a request that the Russian govern
ment permit two Americans to go to
Siberia with funds for Herman and Aus
trian prisoners there. These funds were
collected by Germans ami Austrians
throughout the ea«*t. It is estimated
that the number of German and Aus
trian prisoners already in Siberia is
No Action of Importance
Paris, Nov. 30, 3 50 A. M.—A dis
patch to the Havas Agency from Petro
grad contains a statement issued by the
general staff of the Russian army iu the
Caucasus. It says: "There was no
action of any importance ou November
McCusker Convicted of Murder Com
mitted Four Years Ago
Hagerstown, Md., Nov. 30.—"Guil
ty of murder in the second degree,"
was the verdict of the jury in the case
of Clan le McCusker for tlj*" killing .of
Justus Roman, near Hancock, on the
night of Decoration Day four years
ago, in Circuit Court Saturday night.
The jury deliberated for two hours and
twenty minutes. Although this trial is
the fourteenth murder ease here within
the past tea years, not for a long time
lias such a crowd witnessed any sort of
criminal proceedings as the one gath
ered in the Court House on Saturday.
A touching and pathetic scene mark
ed the close of th e ease. McCusker's
aged mother, who sat beside him
throughout tile trial and had given way
to tears several times during the argu
ments, was overcome with grief upon
hearing the verdict and fainted. As
soon as she revived she went to her
boy and with tears streaming down her
face kissed him good-bye. On the arm
of her daughter she went weeping bit
terly from the Court House and left for
the station to return to her home in
the mountains.
The penalty for second degree con
viction is 10 to 18 years in the peni
Successor to Charles A. Liudblad Not
Yet Chosen
Charles A. Liudblad, whose resigna
tion as superintendent of the Harris
buig hospital takes effect to-morrow,
will leave to-morrow morning for Pitts
burgh, where he will take up similar
work iji the Homeopathic hospital there.
The Homeopathic hospital is a general
institution and is twice as large as the
IHarrisburg hospital.
The selection of n successor to Mr.
Lindblad has been placed in the hands
of a special committee of the board of
managers of the institution, who will
recommend a man for the place. It is
believed that no name will be recom
mended until the January meeting, and
in the meantime Miss Annie D. Gem
mill, superintendent of nurses, will be
placed in charge.
Stock Yard Quarantine Lifted
Pittsburgh, Pa., Nov. 3(5. The
Herr's Island stock yards were oponed
to-day for trading in live stock after
having .been closed for four weeks by
the foot and mouth disease quarantine.
Receipts of cattle wore light., being
placed at 650, all of nn inferior grade
and selling at the top at $8.50. Nine
hundred and fifty hogs of all grades
made a market ranging from $8.25 to
to $8.60, while top Bheep brought $6.25
and top lambs $9.25,
Coßtlnnrd From First Pace.
congratulating the team on its victory
aud on the clean game it played. Foot
ball stars of former years and members
of tfhe faculty gave short talks congrat
ulating both the first and scrub teams
for their good work this season. Beck
was mentioned as one of the best cap
tains that Tech has ever had.
Cy Heckert, of Marks & Sons' cloth
ing store, presented Beck with a winter
jaekot for having made the first touch
down against Central. After the pre
sentation speech had been made, cries
of ''Beck, Speech!" "Beck, Speech!"
broke out and sould not he quieted un
til Beck went to the platform. lie
stood there for about three minutes,
while his admirers cheered themselves
red in the face. Beck then told them
not to give him the credit for the
touchdowns that he had scored, for bo
said the honor should go to ttie entire
team, as lie could have done nothing
had he uot received such splendid sup
port from his teammates.
The new captain of the team, Mar
tin Miller, made a speech, asking for
the support of the Freshmen and Soph
omores, who, he said, as a general thing,
are "too lazy to lift their feet." This
talk caused much cheering from the
upper classmen and long faces among
the '' fretfbies and sophs.''
This is to be ''Tech Nig'ht" ft.t the
Orpheum theatre and all Teeb support
ers intending to be present wore asked
to find seats on the right side of the
house, where there will be cheer lead
Special Term of Criminal Court Certain
to Be Busy One
The arrival in the city at noon to
day of Judge Albert W. Johnson, of the
Union-Snyder judicial circuit, to try
criminal causes in court here this week,
is looked upon bv county officials as an
indication that before the close of the
present term of criminal court, three
judges will"daily be busy disposing of
Two murder and two manslaughter
charges are among the fifty eases listed
for trial, and in addition to those there
are several other eases which it is be
liever) alone will consume two or more
days. Judge Johnson went on the bench
in Judge 'M'cCarrell's court this after
noon, while the additional laiw judge
was presiding at tihe hearing in the
Edward Smitih insanity inquiry, in the
main court room.
Admitted to Bar
James V. Murray, of Brookville, Jef
ferson county, formerly corporation
clerk in the Auditor General's Depart
ment, this morning was admitted to
practice at the Dauphin county bar. At
torney C. C. Stnvli moved for Mr. Mur
ray's admission.
Open Divorce Suits
Divorce suits begun to-day included
these: By Robert Stacker, Mary vs.
•lam o3 Armlt, desertion; bv W. justin
Carter, Merle vs. Mary Bitner, deser
tion; Mary vs. Harry Van Piper, cruel
and barbarous treatment.
Foot and Moutlu Disease Quarantine
Ends in Certain Sections of State
Tin) general quarantine proclaimed
by the State Live Stock Sanitary Board
011 November 10 against the foot and
mouth disease is superseded by the one
issued November 24, which will be
come effective to-morrow and be main
tained until officially reyoked by the
Board. All violations will be rigidly
piosecuted. The new quarantine order
releases a number of counties, and men
tions the counties affected as follows:
"The fact has been determined by
the State Live Stock Sanitary Board
and notice is hereby given that foot
and mouth disease, which has been and
is adjudged and proclaimed by the said
Board to bo of a transmissible charac
ter, exists in live stock in certain sec
tions of Pennsylvania, and it is deemed
advisable to release from quarantine all
of Pennsylvania, except the counties
of Adams, Allegheny, Armstrong,
Beaver, Berks, Blair, Bucks, Butler,
Cambria, Carbon, Chester, Clarion,
Clearfield, Columbia, Cumberland, Dau
phin, Delaware, Fayette, Franklin,
Greene, Indiana, Juniata, Lancaster,
Lawrence, Lebanon, Lehigh, Lycoming,
Meri'er, Mifflin, Montgomery, Montour,
Northampton, Northumberland, Perry,
Philadelphia, Schuylkill, Somerset, Sul
livan, Venango, Washington, West
moreland and York."
These represent 42 of the 67 «oun
ties; that is, 25 counties are released
from quarantine.
Must Obey Quarantine Law
]t)j Associated Press.
Washington, Nov. 30. —Receivers
of railroads must obey the federal Live
stock quarantine law although it does
not expressly mention them among
railroad offlcials subjected to punish
ment for violation. In so holding the
Supreme Court to-day reversed the fed
err.l district court for Western Mis
souri in a case involving the receivers
of the Frisco system.
New Method to Purify Water
11 y Associated Press.
Washington, Nov. 30.—Army sur
geons have developed a new method
of purifying drinking water for troops
in the field which has experimentally
given excellent results and is likely to
be adopted generally. Canvas baija so
closely woven as to be water proof are
used to carry the water and in each
bag is dropped a glassKube containing
fifteen grains of chloride of lime.
Must Answer for Contempt
By Associated Press.
Washington, Nov. 30. —The appeal
of George G. Henry, a New York bank
er, from the decision of the New York
courts, holding he must return to
Washington to answer to indictments
for contempt of Congress fo-r refusing
to givo information to the /Money Trust
Investigating committee, wan dismissed
to-day 'by the Supreme Court.
Kroider Spent $1,180.53
Aaroin S. Kre.wler, of AnnviHe, who
was re-eleetenl Republican Congressman
from this district, which includes Dau
phin, Lebanon and Cumberland counties,
spent $4,186.53 in the November elec
'tion, according to his ov,«nse account
■which has been filed. The majority of
the money wemt to Republican commit
tees of the three counties.
t, \ ~
iiLf W -*< * wtm
SHya V*»y , v
Captain Loufc Sorcho, deep sea diver and inventor of several wonderful
submarine contrivances, including a telephone, arrived in Harrisburg this morn
ing to fill a week's engagement at the Orpheum Theatre.
Not long- after the Captain arrived he heard that recently it was found
necessary to bring an expert. diver to Harrisburg to determine some conditions
about the river dam now being built. Learning that the dam is still far from
complete. Captain Soreho offered his services to the Harrisburg Board of Public
Works, saving he would go down in his diving suit at any time this week except
during the time that he is due for a performance at the Orpheum.—Adv. o **
Peaceful Entry of the Troops at Tarn
- pico Now Expected
By Associated Press,
Washington, Nov. 30. —Official dis
patches to-day confirmed earlier reports
that General Luis Caballero, Governor
of Tamaulipas, has joined tho Villa
forces. As lie is iu control of
pico, the peaceful entry of the troops
which have been marching eastward
from San I j.iis Potosi is now expected.
C'abaWeero lias been claimed by both the
Carran/.a and Villa factions. Caballero
has telegraplieid to Gutierrez his al
legiance to the Aguascalieutes conven
In a dispatch dated at Queretaro,
temporary capital of the convention
factions, Special Agent Sanova, of the
State Department, said a rumor way
current that General Pablo Gonzales,
one of the Carranza division comman
ders, Had proclaimed himself provision
al president and named a Cabinet. Sa
nova. was unable to confirm the rumor.
Officials here think it unlikely. Th 1
last dispatches, dated Saturday, sai 1
the city was quiet.
U. S. Tribunal Receives Motion in At
lanta Murder Case
Washington, Nov. 30.'—Leo M.
Frank's application for a review of his
conviction in Georgia courts for the
murder of Mary I'hagau, an Atlanta
factory girl, came before the entire
Supreme Court to-day after having been
previously denied by two individual
Justices, one of whom expressed the
opinion that Frank had not had due
process of law.
Chief Justice! White received the mo
tion, saving only that the Court would
take the papers. A decision may he
announced next Monday. Frank's at
torneys ootnend he did uot have a fair
trial because of the hostile demonstra
tions against him in Atlanta.
Steel Frog Crushes Foot
William P. Kemrer, 2552 Agate
street, a trucker at the Division street
transfer of the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company, was injured this afternoon at
i 2 o4lock when a steel frog fell on his
right foot. It was badly crushed an 1
the bones were fractured. He was ta
ken to the hospital in a box car hur
riedly hooked to a yard locomotive.
Increased Freight Rates Suspended
By Associated Press.
Washington, Nov. 30.—Proposed in
creases in freight rates extending
'throughout the 'Middle West and West
affecting many classes of freight were
suspended to-day by the Interstate Com
merce Commission pending investiga
Arbitrating Railroad Wage Dispute
Chicago, Nov. 30. —Arbitration of
the differences over wages and hours
of employment of 38 western railroads
and thoir 55.000 enginemen, began
here to-day before a board of arbi
trators appointed under the provisions
of the Newlands act.
Franchise Legally Repealed
tl}/ Associated Press,
Washington, Nov. 30.—Prolonged
litigation over conduit rights in New
York City culminated to-day in a deci
sion by the Supreme Court that the
franchises of the New York electric
lines company to lay telegraph and
telephone wires underground has been
legally repealed.
Cause for Apprehension
"I object to th.itt man on t)h6 jury,"
said the lawyer for the defense.
"On what grounds!" asked t/lic
"I was instrumental in geetring him
married.'' —Philadelphia Ledger.
Trouble in Dock Yards at Sydney May
Postpone Shackleton's Expedi
tion Until Next Year
London, Nov. 30, 7.19 A. M.—A dis
patch to Router's Telegram Company
from Sydney, N. S. W„ states that a
strike in the dock yards has delayed
the departure of the Antarctic ship
Aurora, which is to carry a section of
Sir Ernest Shackleton's Antarctic ex
pedition, and that the indications are
that Shackleton will not start on his
transantarctic journey until next year.
Sir Ernest Shackieton, with a section
of his expedition, left Buenos Aires for
the Antarctic, region on the ship En
durance on October 2fi last. It was
planned to have the expedition go-south
in two sections, one going on the Au
rora to the Ross sea, on the Now Zea
land side of the Antarctic, while that
headed by Sir Ernest, went by way of
South America. The two sections were
to meet April 15. or, at tho latest,
March, 191 G.
The expedition plans to traverse a
distance of 5,700 miles from the Wed
del sea to the Ross sea. After reach
ing the South Pole, Sir Ernest will
choose one of three routes to return, ei
ther the one by Scott, that taken by
Amundsen or a third crossing the great
Victoria chain of mountains.
Will Commemorate Ratification of
Ghent Treaty 100 Years Ago
Up Associated Press.
Washington, Nov. 30. —President
Wilson will unveil on Wednesday a
marble tablet at the Octagon House,
one of Washington's landmarks, com
memorating the ratification of the
treaty of Ghent there one hundred years
ago. The occasion will be the annual
convention of the American Institute if
Architects, which meets here this week.
The Octagon House was built in
1800 and was for 18 mouths the home
of .President and Mrs. Madison when
the White House was burned by the
British in 1814. It was notod as one
of the social centers in tho capital in,
the early days, but in 1850 it became
the tenement of negroes. In 1899 the
Institute of Architects bought the
building and has since made its head*
quarters there.
Chief Feature at Meeting of Mechan
ical Engineers' Society
By Associated Pvess,
New York, Nov. 30. —Public, service
questions will be the chief feature of
the annual meeting of the AmoricHii So
ciety of Mechanical Engineers which
opens here to-morrow. At the openiug
session to-morrow evening James Hart
ness will deliver the president's ad
dress, "the Human Element, the Key
to Economic Problems." The public
service sessions on Thursday will bo
opened by Mayor Mitohel. City Cham
berlain Brure, director of the National
Bureau of Municipal Research, will
read a paper on "The Future of the
Police Arms from an Engineering
The John Fritz modal will he award
ed on Wednesday evening to Professor
John E. Sweet, honorary member, and
past president of the society.
Proof Positive
Mrs. flmldy—So you don't believ®
mo, Mrs. Pert, when I tell you my
nose is kept to t'he grindstone! Mrs.
Pert—No, I don't, Mrs. Gaddy, for At
it was you couldn't have time"to k|!ep
poking it in everybody else's business,
—■Baltimore American.