The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, November 30, 1914, Image 1

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(totalled Report, rase •
VOL. 76—NO. 152.
DEC. 4, IST*.
Report That Russians
With Their Heavy
Guns Are Now Bom
barding the Forts
Berlin Officially Reports a Surprise At
tack Made by Russians on the Ou
tran Fortifications East of DarkAh
men as Having Failed
Milan, V ?> London. Nov. 30, S.lO A.
W.—The of I'rneou fuvts begi.",
according to a correspondent of the
newspaper "Corriere Delia Sera who
is with the Muscovite arniv. He wires
that the Russians are bombarding the
forts with their heavy siege guns and
that one of the suburbs of the city is
reported to be in flames.
Russian Surprise Attack Fails
Berlin, Nov. 30. bv Wireless to Lon
don. 3.05 P. M. —The following official
statement was given out at military
headquarters to-day:
' There is nothing of note to report
from the western theatre of war.
"On the Kast Prussian frontier an
attempt by strong* Russian forces to
in: ke a surprise attack on the German
fortifications east of Darkehmen failed
with heavy losses to the enemy, ©f
whem we captured a few officers an 1
£OO men.
•'South of the Weiehsel Vistula riv
er) the counter attacks which we men
tioned yesterday led to satisfatcorv re
sults. Eighteen cannon and more than
4.500 prisoners fell into our hands.
"Nothing of note has occurred in
southern Poiand. *'
Queen of Belgium Is 111
Rotterdam. Via London, Nov. 30,
10.OS A. M.—The newspaper " Maas
bode"' learns that Queen Klizabeth of
Belgium is ill and -onfined to her bed.
Her illness is due to overwork in the
Red Gross service.
Nov. 30, via London. 2
P. M.—Six hundred prisoners, seven
guns and many wounded fell into Rus
sian hands •in yesterday's fighting in
the west of Lowicz, where the Russians
took ten miles of German trenches be
tween Glovno and Sobota. according
to information received to-day through
trustworthy sources.
Glovno is 16 mcles northeast of
Lodz and Sobota is 12 miles north of
Giovno. The trenches were protected
by triple earthwork and wire defenses.
It is semi-officiallv announced that
the Germans have received reinforce
ments in the shape of two infantry di
visions and one cavalry division.
Paris. Nov. 30, 2.50 P. M. —The
French official communication given
out in Paris this afternoon is as fol
"In Belgium the enemy is remain
ing on the defensive. The artillery fire
ias been feeble, an<l we have made
progress at certain points. In the vicin
ity of Fay we hold securely the posi
tions we occupied November 28. *
"In the region of Seissons there has
been an intermittent artillery fire di
rected against the town. In the Argon
ne several at4acks in the town of bag
atelle were repulsed by our troops.
There has been a heavy fog on the
heights on the Meuse.
"In the Woevre district the enemy
itombarded the forest of A prom on t,
but without result. There is nothing to
report in the Vosges."
9 < 9.000 A IST RO HIXGA RIA X
Petrojrad, Nov. 30, via London, 2
P. M. —On the basis of reports receiv
ed in Petrograd from Hungary it is
stated here to-day that the Austro-
Hungarian cnsualties to date amount
to 900,000 men and 19,000 oflicore.
t Sitftepenfrent
ft J- $:, i—4
The IW Cross in Berlin bu enlisted the services of a K oo,l uatured do*
wbo has proven a valnsble aid to their cause As a collector of funds this pet
canine sits with a box iu his mouth soliciting contributions to the noble cause
aDd rather seems to know aud enjoy the work in which ho has been employed.
Germany acknowledged that the Rus
sian northern army has penetrated into
East Prussia to a distance of 15 miles
southwest of Gumbiunen, which is about
20 miles west of the German border.
In Belgium, says the French officirl
statement, it is the allies and not *:hc
Germans who are now on the offensive.
These two points stood out in to-day's
news from the battlefield of Europe.
The German official statement says
that strong Russian forces attempted a
surprise attack on the fortifications of
Darkehmen. In East Prussia, and that
they were repulsed. Semi-official infor
mation from Petrograd is that opera
tions along the Prussian front are turn
ing to the advantage of the Russians
and that the Germans are retiring in
disorder. Meanwhile the great battle
in Russian Poland, between the Vistula
and Warrta rivers, continues without
definite result. The German War Office
states that the Russians were defeated
in a battle south of the Vistula and
that 4,." tH) men were captured. Fur
ther south, in Galicia, the Russians are
said to have reached Cracow and to
have begun the siege of the city.
According to the French official
statement, the German forces in Bel
gium are on the defensive and the al
lies have made progress "at certain
points.'' Fighting continues in the Ar
gonne. where, the French statement ar
serts, German attacks were repulsed.
The whereabouts of the German
Pacific fleet, of which little has been
heard since it sank the British cruisers
Good Hope and Monmouth off the coast
of Chile nearly a month ago. has be
come one of the mysteries of the war.
Dispatches from Montevideo again re
port that this fleet is now in the South
Atlantic, although it was said last week
to have remained off the Chilean coast.
British and Japanese naval squadrons
Continued on \lnth I'agf.
Petrograd, via London. Nov. 30. —
Fighting on the Russo-Prussian front
is turning advantageously for ourside."
telegraphs a correspondent of the
"Army Messenger." "Our cavalry has
disi'ersed the enemy who, in retiring,
is abandoning his munitions of war. The
energetic pursuit of our foTces prevents
the Germans from taking up the posi
tions which they had prepared for their
use in the event of a retreat.''
Referring to the operations in Galivia.
the "Army Messenger" says:
"All of our operations iu Galicia are
ending successfully for us. We con
tinue to push the Austrian army in the
direction of Cracow. In spite of the
intense cold, which is delaying our of
fensive, we are advancing victoriously.
"Several of our contingents already
are abreast of Cracow, the defenders of
whitfh are being turned on the south
side. The morale of our troops is ex
cellent. ''
Washington, Nov. 30.—Secretary
Daniels to-day expressed approval of
the action of Lieutenant Commander
F. T. Evans, commanding the naval
training station at Newport, K. 1., in
forbidding the singing of "It's a Long
Way to Tipperarv," by naval appren
Secretary Daniels said as "Tipper
arv'' was the marching song of the
British forces, it ought not to be eung
or played by American sailors any
more than should the " Marseillaise
or "Wacht Am Rhein."
Kaiser Confers Order of Merit
lxHidou, Nov. 30, 5.03 P. M. —A
news dispatch received here from Dan
zig, in West Prussia, savs that Emperor
William, in a telegram 'to General Mac
kenzen expressed his great satisfaction
with the successes achieved by the gen
eial's army in Poland. His Majesty
conferred on General Mackenzeii the
Order of Merit.
Students. Back After Holidays. Pass
Whole Morning Cheering Captain
Beck and the Members of His Team
—Faculty Joins in the Fun
There were "high jinks" at the
Technical High school this morning, on
rhe resumption of studies following the
Thanksgiving vacation, and the stu
dents. faculty and friends of Tech spent
the time celebrating the victory of tfco
football team over Central High school
last. Thursdav.
Beck, Tech's star fullback, whose in-
I dividual work liiil muck toward win
! ning the game, received much praise,
as, in fact, did the whole team. Beck's
erfh-ance to the auditorium was the sig
] nal t'or which the students had been
waiting. He appeared at the door,
j when a terrific damping ami cheering
;>roke out. Beck blushed like a school
j girl an 1 quickly took his seat, but the
cheering continued, the entire student
j body seeming to have forgotten all else
for the time.
After a while, when the students had
cheered themselves hoarse and order
was restored. Dr. < harles B. Fager, dr.,
principal of the school, announced t!
j time would be given this morning for a
"jubilee." This started the cheering
j again, but this time Dr. Fager. the fac
ulty and all the members of the team
! came in for their share.
The devotional exercises were con
ducted by the Rev. S. \\'. Herman. I'e
also gave a lively and interesting talk,
Continued on Fourth I'UKC.
! sought jieal from copper
Mike Quinn Made Serious Mistake ird
Lands in Jail
| Mike Quinn made a fatal mistake
| when he wont to the rear door of 1907
| "Mvatara street, yesterday morning to
1 beg a meal. Little did lie realize that
[ the man who came to the door in an
swer to his knock was that of Police
j man Hicks. Poliremen are taught that
begging is a thing to stop ami he short
-1 ly informed the netrgar that he could
get no meal there.
M-tke made the fatal mistake of
saying uncomplimentary things about
the residents in thai neighborhood and
j Policeman Hicks decided that he would
keep others from getting any abuse of
• that kind and placed the man under ar-
I rest on his back porch. He called the
patro! and Mike was landed in jail for
| over Sunday. The arrest occurred at
j 9.25 so ljuinn missed his breakfast, but
| he was in plenty of time for dinner.
Slippery Rails Cause of Accident at
State and Filbert Streets
A delivery wagon owned by the Ital
• ian-American bakery and driven by the
j proprietor. E. Intrv, was struck at State
' and Filbert streets this morning about
j S o'clock by a trolley car operating on
the line between Progress and Harris
i burg.
Intrv was thrown from the wagon
and the horse was knocked to the
ground; however, neither man nor beast
was injured. Due to the slippery rails,
the motorman could not stop his car
i when the bakery wagon ran in front
of the car.
Physician Expects Paul Erb to Be on
Crutches in Three Weeks
After a second skin grafting oper
ation in which his burned hip was cov
ered with cuticle taken from the leg of
Steward G. Forney, little Paul Erb, 236
Charles street, is brighter to-day, al
though suffering a great deal of pain.
The operation was successful and
his physician believes that in three
I weeks he will be able to be about on
j crutches. He has not been out of bed
since duly 3 when he was burned with
I fireworks on a farm near Enterline.
None on Hand Either
in the Postoffice or
Local Office of the
Revenue Collector
Law Requires That Stickers Be Used ou
December I and Provides Heavy
Penalty—Blame Is Placed on Wash
Albhougjl the law goes into effect to
morrow requiring the use of United
States interna] revenue stumps in pay
ment of the emergency revenue or war
tax, none of the required stamps axe
as yet in the city, ami the probability
is t'hat there will be none here to meet
the demand when it begins tomorrow
"The'reason that we cannot get the
stamps, ' said the internal revenue
collector at the Federal building this
afternoon, "is because of a delay in
manufacture at the Bureau of Engrav
ing and Printing at Washington. The
government cannot supply all of its of
fices in time for the opening of the
stamp sale."
The law provides a heavy penalty for
failures to comply with the |vrovisions
of the a t requiring the use of the new
stamps. an 1 no exceptions are made. If
persons who are require ! by law to use
! the stamjvg to morrow do not do so. be
! cause there are no stamps here to sup
' plv them, some interesting complica
j tions may develop.
! The Pennsylvania railroad in an an
nouncement it issued on Saturday, said
that tiie revenue stamps would be on
sale at all postoffices, and that, for con
voniemce „f pwtrons, Hie railroads 's
agents would also handle the sth'kers.
| It appears. u|*>n inquiry at the local
postoffioe, that this statement was the
first word Post matter Sites had re
ceived that he was to have a supply of
the stamps on hand, and he at once
wrote to Washington for instructions.
He has not yet received a reply, and
there will be no revenue stamps on sale
at Ihe | ostottice to-morrow.
The Pennsylvania railroad has not as
yet received a supply of the stickers
and, although every bill of lading, man
ifest and evidence of receipt which it
handles to-morrow must, by law, bear
, a revenue stamp, neither its agents nor
patrons, it seems, will be in a position
to comply with the law.
At the Internal Revenue office in the
Federal building this afternoon the in
formation was given out that the new
stamps would be handled at that office
—when they arrive. Xo supply is as
yet available there, however, due to
: the limited supplv in Washington, and
it is thought unlikely that any of the
stamps will be on hand there to-morrow.
The tax receivers are of the opinion
that if t'hey have no stamps they will
have to devise some provisional scheme
of their own for receipting tax pay
ments until the government "s official
labels arrive.
Emergency Bill to Raise 9100,000,000
in Full Effect
By Associated Press.
Washington, Nov. 30.—The emer
gency war tax bill to raise $100,000,-
000 in revenue will go into full effeet
to-morrow. The provisions of the meas
ure levying taxes on tobacco, beer and
wine went into effect on November 1
and the remaining provisions become
effective to-morrow.
The latter include taxes on bankers,
pawnbrokers, brokers, proprietors of
theatres, including motion picture
houses, owners of circuses and other
slo\vs, perfume, cosmetics, chewing gtini
and similar articles: commercial paper
of all descriptions, steamship tickets,
parlor car seats and sleeping car berths
and telephone and telegraph messages
where the charge exceeds fifteen cents.
Stamps in denominations of from $5 to
one cent are to be affixed to these ar
Congressman's Machine Is Wrecked but
He and His Companions in Car
Escape Injury
An automobile accident occurred at
Second and Penn streets, Reading, on
Saturday night, in which Congressman
A. S. Kreiiler's car was badly damaged,
but nobody was hurt.
In company with Senator D. P. Ger
berich. of Lebanon; David H. Meyer, an
Annville flour mill operator, and several
other friends, Congressman Kreider
was moving slowly eastwanl, according
to the policeman who saw the affair,
when another car going west made a
short turn and struck the Annville
man's machine, jamming the front axel
and otherwise injuring it.
None of the occupants of pither car
was injured, but the Congressman and
friends had to take another conveytnee
to get home.
President Names Com
mission in Efforts to
Adjust Future Colo
rado Mine Troubles
Efforts to Bring About a Settlement of
Strike Now on in Colorado Fields
Will Be Continued by tlie Federal
By Associated Press.
Washington. Nov. 30. — Another ef j
fort at settlement of the Colorado coal ;
strike troubles moved forward to-day j
with President Wilson's appointment i
of a commission to attempt to bring the j
operators and miners together. The com
mission is composed of Seth Low of
New Vork; Charles W. Mills, of Phila
delphia, and Patrick liildav, of Clear
field, Fa. Ail of them have boon identi-'
tied with the settlement of labor trou- I
The commission will not deal with '
the present differences between the
operators and miners in the Colorado !
coal fields, but will attempt to settle i
similar disputes in the future. Efforts
to bring about a settlement of the [ires- \
ent strike by an agreement between the
operators and miners, it is announced,
will be continued by the federal medi
ators who have been endeavoring for i
some time to adjust the controversy.
They are Hvwel Davies and W. ii.
The President in a statement an ]
nouneing the appointment of the com
mission reviewed in detail the various!
steps taken by the federal government
to bring about a settlement of the pres- j
| ent trouble. He expressed the hope that
the parries to t)*e controversy will make 1
use of the commission as an instrument
of peace.
President Wilson's plan for a tem
porary settlement of the strike, which
lie suggested some time ago, contem
plated appointment of a commission
, similar to the one he has just named.
| The plan was accepted by the miners,
but rejected by the operators, their
principal objection b»-i yifj to a conyiiiu
Wm. Rockefeller, Standard Oil Million
aire, and Other New Haven Direc
tors Make Application to Court
New Vork, Nov. 30. —William Kocke
feller. Standard Oil millionaire, be
sought to-day permission of the Fed
eral Court to change his plea to the in
dictment charging him and twenty oth
j er former directors of the New York,
j New Haven and Hartford Railroad
Company with criminal violation of the
anti-trust law. Mr. Rockefeller filed a
; plea in abatement last Monday. Mr.
Rockefeller was joined in his applica
j tion by Robert W. Taft, Charles A.
i Brooker, William Skinner and James S.
j Klton.
In their application to Judge Ses
sions, the defendants did not indicate
; the nature of the plea they had in
■ mind but simply asserted their desire
j to file a substitute plea.
Under the plea in abatement, they
I sought to have the indictment dismissed
!on the grounds that it was defective.
I The alleged defection consisted of the
! fact that one of the court officials con
nected with drafting the indictment
was a resident of New Jersey instead
of New Vork.
Applications for permission to change
their pleas were made also by I). New
i ton Barney, Frederick E. Brewster, llen
j ry K. McHarg and George F. Baker.
A vigorous argument against the
granting of such permission was made
| by Assistant Attorney General Swacker.
| Judge Sessions granted permission to
! all nine men to change their pleas. Sub
i stitute pleas were not offered at once,
however, and argument proceeded on
the original pleas in abatement.
Crazed Negro Fractures Leg at Harris
burg Hospital
Frank Hodge, a big negro who has
j been in the Harrislwrg hospital since
j Friday suffering from epilepsy, dashed
| from his bed in the medical ward at
| 1.40 o'clock this morning, brushed
aside two orderlies who tried to restrain
; him and jumped from the second story
: window to the lawn at the Mulberry
street side of the hoßpital building,
fracturing his left leg.
Hodge imagined that seventy per
sons were after him and in his frenzy
following his drop he fought hard
against being taken back into the hos
pital. He had to be restrained by a
straightj&cket. He narrowly missed
dropping into a lightwell at ihe side
of the hospital, which is as deep as the
Watery Grave for Old Sea Captain
By Associated Press.
Now Orleans, Nov. 30. J. S. Boyd,
captain of ttie Southern Pacific steam
ship Manilla, was lost at sea some time
during Sunday night it became known
when the boat arrive*! here to-day from
New Vork. He was missed at 3 o'clock
.Sunday morning and passengers assum
ed he fell overboard. He was one of the
oldest captains in the New York-Now
Orleans passenger service.
America Could Lead the
World in Temperance
Miss Palmer Tells
2,500 Women
Men Embrace and Kiss Their Wives on
the Front Benchos at Last Night's
After-meeting at the Tabernacle—
Evangelist's Wife Sings
Evangelist Stough gave the fourth
lecture iu his series to men only at tho
tabernacle yesterday afternoon before
a crowded tabernacle, as usual. His
subject was ''The Scarlet Man," in the
treatment of which lie placed particular
emphasis on the responsibilities of fa
"I am next Sunday going to give
the gang in t his town another ('.leaning
up, if my life is spared, hast Sunday
afternoon the gang started a plot
against me. 1 know, because 1 have
connections with the underworld the
same as they have. I know what 's go
ing on 111 some of your gambling holes,
your saloons and your brothels.
"They tell me there never was a
time when there was less booze sold in
Harrisburg than in the last three weeks.
My subject next Sunday will be "Vam
pires and Bloodsuckers.' The liquor
gang has sworn to get me here or at
Altoona. I'm after them again next
Sunday, God help me. I 'll show you
how we're electing them trustees in
our churches, and Sunday school super
intendents and everything else. I'll tell
you how they're reaching up and
throttling the life of the church. I'm
going after the gang, too, that rents
property for saloons and brothels.
"I have addresses, if the chief of
police wants them, where sporting wom
en are plying their business in this city.
1 have not had the list verified as vet,
but I am willing lo pass it over to the
> chief of police and let liiin do with it
as he thinks best.''
Beginning his sermon, the preacher
"This is the age of tiie thorough
(ontlnnril on Seventh Pelt
Keen Competition Springs Up at Stough
Tabernacle During the Contrib
uting Yesterday
Between $5,000 and $5,500 was
raised in the Stough tabernacle yester
day, morning, afternoon and evening,
toward the wiping out of the $19,000
budget. The entire morning was de
vote i to the receiving of contributions,
anil special efforts were made to re
ceive large collections at the other
meetings of the day. Since the total
amount of money needed lias not been
raised, it will be necessary to take col
lections this week, according to Dr.
A spirit of competition began at the
evening meeting while contributions
were being received, when the ushers
and door-keepers sent to the platform
a purse of nearly two hundred dollars.
The choir, jealous of its reputation in
the matter of liberal giving, promptly
pledged two hundred dollars and pro
eeeded to raise the amount. The ushers
then raised their sum, in consequence
of which the choir announced through
its chieftain, Professor Spooner, that it
would give $250.
Other joint contributions came from
the policemen on duty at the taber
nacle, from the orchestra and from the
Fewer Arrests This Month
Many persons are interested in the
morals of the city in view of the evan
! gelisti'.- campaign being carried on in
Harrisburg by Dr. Henry W. Stough.
The campaign is now a month old. The
l docket at police headquarters shows
| that until noon to-day thirty less ar
rests had bee>n made in November this
I year than in the same month last year.
One-fifth of the Owners Have Placed
Values on Their Property
" Hardscrabble'' property owners
have until December 10 in which to file
, with City Solicitor I). S. Seit7. their es
; timates of damages they will sustain by
i reason of the City taking over their
1 ground and properties to facilitate this
j reopening of North Front street be
; tween Herr and Calder.
Already ten of the fifty or more
property owners have sent in their .■=-
timates. These are now being consid
ered. The Cty's legal adviser to da; -
said it would not be advisable at this
time to say whether the values are
satisfactory to the City.
No action will he taken by the City
until after the expiration of the time
in which to file the damage claims, then
the City's course as to acceptanee or
rejection of the estimates will be de
cided by the City Commissioners.
Fractures Leg in Fall From Wheel
Harrison Frank, 2219 Jefferson
street, a messenger boy for the West
ern Union, fell from his bicycle at Mar
ket and Court streets yesterday after
noon, fracturing his right leg. He was
His condition is much improved to-day.
admitted to the Harrisburg hospital.
Twelve Men Chosen
This Morning to Pass
on Sanity of Alleged
Believed That if Prisoner Is Found of
Unsound Mind Ho Will Bo Sent to
an Asylum and That There Will Be
No Murder Trial
The present mental condition of Kd
w-ard G. Smith, indicted on a charge of
murdering his grandfather, John I'.
Bush, whose shot anil burned body was
found in the ashes of a cottage in Ingle
nook, on December 17, last, will be
passed upon by a jury of twelve men
selected this morning at the opening of
the continued term of criminal court.
If Smith is held by this jury to be
insane now. Hie Court in all probability
will make an order sending (he accused
man to a State institution for the in
sane, and lie will not be compelled to
make a defense to the murder charge.
Judge S. J. M. McCarrell is presiding
at the trial and Judge Albert W. John
son, of the Union Snyder judicial cir
cuit, will conduct trials in other crin.i
nal cases of a less serious nature in
court room No. 2. Judge Kunkel, who
was on the bench with Judge McCarrell
this morning, will remain in chambers
and devote his time and attention to
other legal matters.
The Smith case was taken up immedi
ately after court organization at If
o'clock and all of the morning was do
voted to the preliminaries and the selec
tion of the jurors who will say whether
or not Smith now is sane. In event of
a trial on the murder charge a new
jury will be picked. The jury chosen
this morning is as follows:
Harry B. Utter, clerk, Middletown.
George B. Kmbig, laborer, Seventh
ward, city.
Daniel Rrvans, laborer, Rovalton.
Charles L. Andrews, rodman, Eighth
ward, city.
William B. Gray, gentleman, Halifax.
John Gibb, Jr., clerk, first ward,
Albert Potteiger, farmer, West Han
over township.
Frank B. Balmer, stonemason, Cone
wago township.
Edward L. Forney, blacksmith, Elev
enth ward, citv.
George L. Fisher, farmer. Swat afa
William Bowers, laborer, Thirteenth
ward, city.
Harry Mattis, laborer, Kovalton.
Smith's Appearance Untidy
Smith's clothes looked rather shabby
when he entered the court room at
10.38 o'clock on the arm of a deputy
sheriff. He had an air of nonchalance.
There was a noted lack of tidiness in
his dress. His long uncombed hair pro
truded from beneath his blue cap,
; which apparently had been carelessly
! placed on the sid« of his head, and ho
. moved confidently and speedily to his
! place near the counsel table. There he
was joined by his legal advisers, John
Fox \Veiss, formerly District Attorney,
and William 11. Earnest.
The accused's father and mother.
Constable and Mrs. Charles Smith, who
I are the son-in-law and daughter, re
; spcctively, of the murdered man,' also
were at the counsel table. They re
|ma ned silent as the son approacheTr
I So far as could be noticed the parents
| did not speak to young Smith while lie
\ was in the court room.
When the Prothonotary, at the direc
tion of Judge McCarrell, called to the
I defendant to stand up to be arraigned
| on the murder charge, Smith remained
Continued on .Mnlh I'mr.
Oulf Storm Causes General Precipitation
in the Bast
i Cloudy weather with occasional rain
accompanied by a temperature slightly
above normal is the weather indication
j for to-day and to-morrow. The per
\ sistence with which a high pressure
area hung over the Northern States
| has caused a depression from the gulf
I to fill up to such a strength that it will
j control the weather in the eastern part
j of the country for two days.
There will lie slight changes in
temperature, the minimum fixed for to
night by local officers of the Weather
Bureau being fifty degrees. East
night's lowest temperature was 42.
Follows Sweetheart in Death
Decatur, 111., Nov. 30. —Despondent
over the death of her sweetheart,
(•'rank Summers, who was killed when
his automobile overturned last niyht,
Miss lira Scott, a prominent young
Clinton woman, committed suicide to
ittty by taking poioon. Summers was
hurrying to keep a theatre engagement
with Miss Scott when he met with th«