The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, November 28, 1914, Page 11, Image 11

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    Death aad Obituary 1
IN MEMORY of Frank Winters, who
departed thla life November 19. 191 S.
Sleep on dear Francis sweet be your
reat, .j
We ml as you but God knoweth beat;
Gods will be done. He doeth well.
But ho*- we miss you no tongue can
Raal Estate
- — j
condition: practically new: large
porches, lot. #oxlso. pleasant location:
rranolithlc walks. Both for sale at
Store room and dwelling; la-ft- side
alley; good business location: sacrifice
price. MILLER BROS. * NEEFE. Fed- |
eral Square. !
FOR SALE—Stock and flxtures of gro- :
eery jtore at an exceptionally low i
figure to close out an estate; low rent; I
located In suburban town. BRINTON- j
PACKER CO.. Second and Walnut Sts.
FOR SALE—SS a.-rcs; one square from
trollev line; adjoins Enola on the I
north, frame buildings; running water,'
varletv of fruit; possession at once. ;
BRINTON-PACKER CO.. Second and j
Walnut Sts |
FOR SALE—I 9 acres, l's n-.lles from j
H:Khspire: frame buildings sand soil.
BRINTON - PACKER CO.. Second and ■
Walnut Sts. ____ ;
A GOOD INVESTMENT In this prop- j
erty: It has 7 rooms and improve
ments: rents for $13.00 and can be pur- I
chased for $1,500. H. G. FEDLOW. 110;
S. Thirteenth St.
FOR SALE—Those new 2-story bricks. I
at 1 S3S-»0-«:-44-4$ Thompson avenue: ;
£ rooms and bath; all improvements;
side entrance. -H. G. PEDLOW, 110 3. ;
Thirteenth St. j
THREE brick houses practically new,
for sale on easy terms—now vacant.
All modern improvements —porches.
Small cash payment required and
monthly payments at rent. BELLi
. REALTY CO. Bergner Building. ;
. SALE—II -jse No. 1 S3l N. Sixth St
it- nod-led throughout, all improve
-vents Apply GEORGE W. OKTH. 423
No. ITU Apricot St $15,00 1
:.31 Atlas St.. 14.0i> i
.'2" Atlas St 17.00 !
:5."•' N. Sixth St.. 17.V0
7 - .: V E:ghteenth St 21.00
Berryhill St 23.00
Paxtang—Rutherford S: 18.00
BELi. REALTY CO.. Bergner Building.
THREE rooms and bath, steam heat:!
5.;.-.ab!e for two persons. light house*-
kr»;-!".g. ."heap rent. Appiv Store.
ii : L * I
. RENT—Four S-roam houses: de- ,
sirable location, rent $17.50 per
rrortt- Apply to WIU.ENMYER Lum
ber Co.. 7th and Schuylkill Sts
TO SMAIJ„ FAMILY—I 323 Wallace St,
sl. water in kitchen: paved street;
good location. Inquire offi.-e. 429 Broad
'St or room 6. Phone 3415J1.
FOR RENT—32O Broad St.; $-story. 11
large rooms all improvements: suit- I
a:-ie for boardug or lodging hous\ j
•'all Pr ad S: . or 1431 N. Secooi
4-t Bell phone tilSJl.
FOB RENT—:*3T Aj pricoL grooms and 1
aatk. T r.wmV
bs'.h. $l».l v >; 72 N. Seventtenth, eight!
. s and bath. H. G PRDLOW. I
- Thirteenth St.
FOR Rl7NT—2l4ii N. St.. 3-story
,-..k v .o-JLSe. pvrcij front, side, i-.ack
J .i.-l with back porch enclosed eight
ms. Mtli, electric aitd g-asjigh:>. n
tact an up-t -date building, re:,;
c. S. WEAKLEY. IS2I N. Fourth St.
FOR RENT—237 Harristourg St.; 3-storr
h. use. all improvements. Apply . "«
Lincoln St. J. L J'ISHER.
FOR RENT—AII improve-'
lti!4 Catheripe £16.00
it'io Six tee 11 til $17.00.
534 8. Sixteenth $17.00
Apply Kulm iSc Hershey,
18* South Third street.
FOR KENT—♦!* Geary St.; SIS.O» per
month « rioini and bath; cemented
ce.;ar, with hot and cold water, aide
frost and ba.-a porches and balcor.v;
g.ano..:hic steps and pavements, vest'i
ouit and open stairway. Fine Dew
hou.e, Ap, .> Hi. Briggs street, or »-4
oeary street.
*JR RENT—Eight-roomed house. Sos
.suench street, all conveniences; pos-
Sesa-on at once inquire 1301 N. Sec
ond street.
DESK ia well-furnished offlce. with full 1
privileges of same, rent cheap. In- !
• 4 -' 3rcad St_ > to II a. m.
— 1 |
ONE of the Ke;»ter apartments Fifth'
apo iiar|r?t rooms and
bat.". Apply H. KEUSTER, ground
aixth St.. six rooms and private bath;
gas and steam heat, front and rear en
trance. Inquire 1»13 N. Sixth St.. or
1;' . r'enn at.
HOr?E3 FOR RFTST and IH-story
dwelling houses for sala. Elder R«&1
tn;rd Soor one front, one back
large, well lighted. Address or call 444
Hjainii street.
■! - ———mil
6 Miles East of City
Big Bargain For Cash
120 acres cultivated, 37 acre*
meadow and woodland.
Usual farm buildings.
\ou ean leave the baildingrs and
nineteen hundred and fifteen wheat
erop oat of consideration altogether
and the price well do business at is
a very low figure.
If jroo can raise money to buv a ,
bip bargain tbea call at our o&ce
•r tell m yon want one of our repre
sentatives to come to see you.
flit Imiwruee Swety B*a4a
t'ml aad Caail Streets
WANTED—LocaI representation tor one
of the largest manufacturing con
cerns In America, marketing high class
office necessity. To a man of unquaa
tionable responsibility and reputation
a liberal contract and training will bs
given. Do net answer tnls unless pre
pared to make small Investment. Bank
references required. Address 3994, cars
< (SO MONTHLY and expenaes to travel,
distribute samples and take orders or
appoint agents. permanent. Jap-Amer
| lean Co, Chicago.
$1,500 ANNUALLY—Co-operate with me
evenings at home; everything fur
nished. Don't worry about capital.
Boyd H. Brown. Omaha, Nebr.
MANAGERS —Capable, ambitious young
men wanted aa traveling and state
managers. $1,200 yearly salary and ex-
f 'enses, or cash and commission. Also
oca! representatives wanted; sl2 week
|ly salary and comniisaion. Goodwear
| Hosiery Mills. Dept. 9J, Trenton. N. J.
i I WILL start you earning $4 dally at
home, silvering mirrors; sond for
free instructive booklet, giving plana
jcf operation. G. F. REDMOND. Dept.
j 147. Boston. Mass.
1 MSN'—Sell guaranteed hosiery to
I friends, neighbors and general wear
er; TO per cent, prorlt; make $lO daily;
experience unnecessary. International
j Mills. West Philadelphia. Pa
j SEN for Sremen. brskemen, $120.00
: monthly. Send age. postage. Rall
way. care Star-Independent.
ough Instruction. $5.00. Returned If
! rot appointed Particulars free. Amer
i ican Civil Service School. Washington.
! D. C.
: The ol est. hest and most reliable au
| tomoblle school In the country. A full
course of practical Instructions for $35.
Including long driving and repairing
lessens. Hundreds of good-paying po
i sitions are open for competent men.
j Make application now. Easy payments
1 Open day and evenings 5 N. Cameron
1 St. Bell phone 1710.
TWO young men, 50 and 3; respec
tively, want positions as grocery
: clerks or work of any kind. Address
|or call MR. HARRY RALPH. West
j Fair view. Pa.
WANTED—Position s* janitor, porter
i or general housework. Address or
j call lis Laberty St.
WANTED—Cooking: short order. Ad
j r ess or call SiO Currant Ave,
jTOITNO MAN. IS years of age. wants
| work of any kind, experienced around
I horses. Call or address 1017 Wallace
j St.. City.
WANTED—Light work of any kind by
a married man. or night watchman.
Address A. D. F.. "543 Agste St.. City.
WANTED—By young man. 18 years of
work of any kind. Address E.
-"iS Agate St.. City.
MARRIED MAN wishes position of any
kind; not afraid of work and can
furnish good reference. Apply 1. R.
OAR WOOD. SO; s. River Ave.
YOUNG MAN who has left college be
cause of family reasons, de
sires an opportunity to learn a busi
ness Apply A. T. K. ISO South St.
I COLORED man wants position as wait
er or house man. Apply Liberty
i YOUNQ MAN with four years' experi
ence desires position as printer. Call
on or address KRED. KOENIG. JR,
Enhaut. Pa
WANTED—By a colored tar, 17 ysars,
fM. work o<'an* "kind; references'
give-.. Write or apply to E. 3, ltir 1
i Williams street
j WANTED—Position as clerk or hotel !
clerk: experienced in cigar business;
can furnish reference. Address FRED
C. SATTLER. General Delivery, Harris
burg; Ps.
WANTED—Jobbing in csrpenter work;
..Me ta do work of any kind to the
satisfaction of employer. Writs postal
>- ard to WM ARGEG A ST. ISii Vernon
AGENTS —New. mighty, money-making
marvel. World startled; new, mar
vel- >e clothes washing crystal. Clothes
wasUlng deas revolutionised; positive
ly abolishes rubbing. washboards
washing machines. Women astounded,
wild over it. Absolutely harrr.lss;
guarantee goes with it SSO to
S:;5 weekly: repeat order business
easy: exclusive territory; no experi
ence necessary: credit granted: masic
silver cl aner, polisher, no labor. Na
ture's mighty elements do the work.
Write to-dsy. get overwhelming proof
all free. Equitable Sties Corporation,
Desk IJJ. Manhattan Bldg., Chicago.
SHLA, chewing gum prize boxes: novel
gum and candy goods, steady repeat
ers: sample box assorted gums; can
dies mailed 'Sc; particulars free. Wal
ter. SS Murray St, New York.
1 AGENTS—European war book: right
I up-to-date. Big money maker. Out
i3t free. 10 per cent commission. Ad
: dress National Bible House, Pope Bldg,
! Chicago.
KOKO-WHEAT crisp. SIO.OO daily profit
—new confection. 5c package c~sts
ISc; can of samples 10c, particulars
I free: machine $7.60 prepaid. Corneau
I Co.. 511 N. Parkside, Chicago.
AGENTS make big money; the best line
of food flavors, perfumes, soaps and
toilet preparations etc_ ever offered.
Over 250 lightweight popular-priced,
quick-selling necessities: in big de
j mand: well advertised, easy sellers btg
: repeaters: 109 per cent, profit Com
plete outfits furnished free to workers.
Just a postal to-day. American Prod
ucts Co, 1542 American Bldg.. Cincin
nati. O.
' world-wide mail order business: op
• erate from your own home in spare
| time: no canvassing or peddling; ex
perience unnecessary. You should make
SSO weekly. Butler. 177 Factories To
ledo. O.
' AGENTS—Every Blackstone agent a
happy man. Why? He makes $S to
11* every day selling iow-priced water
power massage machine; new bus!: es*.'
new field, big profits in every
i home. Parker sold 5 first day, Marg"-
warth averaged sl9 dally. Write to-aay
for free particulars, big surprise awaits
you. Blackstone Mfg. Co., »72 Mere
dith Bldg.. Toledo. O.
AOENTS Electric sign. Flashes
changeable wording in radiant spark
j ling beams of colorec" electric light
Outselling everything at $lO. Valuable
exclusive territory. Sample free. Flash
trie Sign Works Chicago.
AGENTS—New g-ae generating coal oil
lamp; for homes stores lodges,
churches halls. Costs 1-1# cent per
I hour to operats Uv priced. $40.00
weekly easily earned. Big profits Spe
cial terms Sample free to hustlers.
KeroiSafe Lamp Co, 4471 Finch Ave,
Dayton. Ohio.
ACTIVE, permanent agents; men and
women, sell Clozane. the oxygen
clothes washing powder; sale In every
home. Write for special 100 per cent
offer. Sample 10c. Get territory now.
Ozene Co, Inc, S2l West 2Srd St. N. T.
AGENTS—SeII guaranteed hosiery; 70
per cent profit; make $lO daily. Or
lers repeat regularly; best agent's
seller in existence. International Mills
A'est Philadelphia. Pa.
The Harri«burg Polyclinic Diipensarv
I will be open daily except Sunday at
3 p. m., at ita new location. Front and
Harris streets, for the free treatment
(of the worthy poor.
Watts ]
WANTED—Calendar Mlumtn for 1315
In Harrlsburg and surrounding terri
tory: a nationally known calendar man
ufacturing company la increasing their I
sat»s force. Their line of cslundars
i creates a sensation when ahown. The j
j line sells a: sight la the atatement
I made by their salesmen. Capable men '
i with bis earning capacity wanted. State \
age, experience, references In appllca
-1 lion. Rare and big opportunity for the
I right man. Address Frank W. Lenhoff.
| Adv. Agency, Keener Bids.. Chicago.
neeesaary, easy work. big pay. Writs
: for large list or opsnlngs offering op
; portunltles to earn SIOO to sso# a month '
I while ycu learn. Address nearest office. I
< Dept. 345. National Salesmen's Training '
; Association, Chicago. New York. Kan* I
| saa City. San Francisco, .
SALESMEN —Christmas trade selling j
substitute for slot machines. 11.00 a i
card enormous. Carry 60 In suit case.
Try it. Ours sell themselves Parker,
S6_Perln Bldg.. Cincinnati.
j WILL PAY reliable man or woman
Ili.JO to distribute 100 free pkgs. per
fumed borax soap powder among
I friends. No money required. Ward
j Borax Co.. Hi Institute PI., Chicago.
BECOME Hallway Mall Clerks. $75.0#
! month, examinations coming, sam
ple questions free. Franklin Institute,
I N.
YOITNO colored man and wlfa wish
place together In private famllv;
handy at most anything. Call 5346R,
Bell phone. City.
WANTED —Competent white girl for
general homework and cooking; two
in family; no laundry; city reference re
quired. Call between 7 and » o'clock,
evenings. i.S Forster St.
DO you want another $2 daily? No
experience; constant spare time work
knitting hosiery; machines furnished
ion contract; we take product Help
: mg Hand Stores (Inc.), Chicago.
i LADIES can make »10 to 115 weekly
j copying, addressing and mailing sam
! plea Particulars for stamp. Rex Co.
' 75S Glenwood Ave.. Buffalo. N. Y.
IaADIES —Make shields at home; SIO.OO
| per 100. No canvassing required.
Send stamped-addressed envelope for
I full particulars. Eureka Co- Dept.
lII2D. Kalamazoo, Mich.
WANTED—toadies and girls, sew pen
nanta; experience unnecessary; plain
sawing material furnished; rare oppor
tunity-complete instructions 10c silver;
returned if dissatisfied. Wayne Studio,
Richmond. Ind.
LADIES—To sew at home, good pay.
Send stamp; work sent prepaid. King
Mfg. Co.. 1421 Broadway, New York
| WOMEN, young or middle-aged, want
ed as special representatives In home
town; $ll.OO weekly salary and (jomnils
sson. Also state and traveling mana
gers wanted: $1.29# yearly salary and
expenses. or cash aad commission.
Goodwear Hosiery Mills, Dept. 9S. Tren
ton. N. J.
WHITE GIRL tor general homework.
Apply 3003 Riverside Drive, next to
Academy. Good place for right party.
WANTED—Dining room girl, at Hod- !
man hotel, 441 Market St.
WANTED Girls 16 .
years"of age and over.
Apply Harrisburg Cigar
WAJfTKD —General housework, by col- |
ored lady. Address or call 1222 Cur
rant Ave.
COLORED GIRL would like to do gen
eral housework or dish wasting. Ad
dress 713 Cowden St.
WANTED —By a colored lady, general
housework. Address or call 331 Cal
der street.
WANTED—Colored woman wants work
as eook or general housework. Ap
ply 141: S. Seventh street.
WANTED—By a middle-aged lady,
truthful and honest; position as
housekeeper. Address P. O. Box It,
WANTED—Colored woman wants work
as dishwasher. Apply Mi N. Seventh
WHITE GIRL 1« years old. would like
piace to assist with general house
work. Address E- F.. Gen. L'el.. City.
YOUNG LADY wants work by the day.
Call 723 Showers Ave.
WANTED A middle-aged woman
wishes position as housekeeper or
general housework. Honest and reliable.
Address 329 Reily St.
SEAMSTRESS from Pittsburgh, ex
perienced in catting, fitting and de
signing. has worked with Pittsburgh's
best dressmakers; desires a few more
engagements. Phone 122SJ.
GENERAL housework or hotel work
wanted by colored woman. Address
or call 507 South St.
LAUNDRY WORK at home or out. Can
give reference. Send card, 152 Vj Ad
ams SU, Steelton.
WANTED—Washing and Ironing to do
at home. Call or address 2017 Wal
lace St.
A LADY wishes cleaning- by the day.
Call or write 927 Grand Si- City.
WANTED—Woman wishes washing
I and ironings to do at home. Call or
address H. 8., 1802 Wallace BL, City.
I WANTED —White xoaus wishes wash
ing and ironing to do at home. Call
j or address 1535 Logan Ave. City.
WANTED—Two young girls want work
at dishwashing or kitcbec help. Ad
dress 448 g. Tenth street.
YOUNG WOMAN of experience desires
position as companion or care of In
valid by hour or day. Address MISS
M. U. Gen. DeL, City.
WANTED—Washing and stretching
curtains. MRS. IXJRA DUGAN. 823
Myrtle Ave. City.
j Lost and Fond
FOUND—Don't go anv further, for the
right place Is at EGGERT'S Steam
Dyeing and French Cleaning Works.
114* Market St. We deliver and call
promptly. Both phonea
ONE 17-jewel Waltham watch, belong
ed to my deceased father. Initials
"P. M. T." Chain a graduation present.
No questions. Reward at tilt N. Fourth
(OopyHtht. 1114, by C. M. Ksys, Nsiw Tork.)
In thsss extrsmsly qulst days In Wall Strsst thera la plenty of
tima for coavaraatioa, and It Is quit® a usual thing to meet grojps ,
af brolsars and bankers who, contrary t« their normal custom, take
plenty of time for lunch. In one such group recently the conversa
tion turned upon the aVvsnture* of various cllenta with their money.
Thle topic prodvee* a flood of reminiscences from the personsl
experience of thoae who told them. Moat of the stories of course,
were tales of sudden acquirement of wealth, or wealth suddenly loat
through unfortunate speculation. Here and there, however. Inci
dents transpired that were worth consideration from the standpoint
of the real Investor.
One broker, the business of whose house Is largely investment,
told sn Incident to Illustrate the danger of allowing emotions to
play any large part In the making of Investments The Illustration
is almost an extreme one, hut It serves tt purpose very well. It Is
s common saying, and an accepted principle, that the business of
handling money should be purely a business and should not be dic
tated by sentiments fancies, fears or enthusluams.
'This story," said the old broker, "began In 1»01. One of my
customers who usually bought very conservative things like bonds
and standard preferred stocks, took tt Into his hesd that he was
going to speculate in I'nited Ststes Steel. It wis s new stock and
there was a groat deal of enthXislasm about it. He did not want to
buy very much, but whatever he did buy, he meant to sell again
when he saw a good sdrance In the price, snd then to lesve It slone.
The Intention wss quite a common one In those daye, even amongst
conservative Investors
"He bought it
gested to htm that he sell, because we do not generally make a habit
of advising about speculative commitments Anyway, he psld cssh
for It snd owned the stock, and we asw no particularly good reason
to disturb It. He held It until I»P4. He came In one day while the
general market was going all to pieces, and asld thst he had come
to the conclusion thst he had msde a mistake In buying Steel and
thst he wsnted to sell It. The manager of the offlce deplored the i I
aale at such a time: but he executed the order at IS. The Investor,
therefore, took a loss of ]S points, or on his 20 shares of stock.
"The next time that this atock occurred to this Investor was In
1906. >ust about a year later. At that time he came In and expressed
the opinion that he had made a mistake In selling It and wanted to
buy It again. He bought It at 45, A little more than two years later
he came back and sold It during the panic period of 1907 at to.
taking an additional losa of S4OO on his 30 shares of stock. I talked
to him personally st thst time snd commiserated with him on his I
bsd luck In speculstlon, ss compared with stesdy Income and com
parative Immunity from even sentimental disturbances thst he had
enjoyed In his other Investments. He took it philosophically, but It i
seemed to me that he had made up his mind that at some time or
snother he wss going to get his money back from United States
Steel stock.
"Sure enough, he tried It sgsln two years later. He bought Steel
common at $5. It went on up and touched 95. On that day, said the
broker, he called up on the telephone and wanted advice from one of
my men about selling. He put In an order to sell It at 95, hut the
, order was never executed, because the market did not hold. He gold
that stock nearly Ave years later at 55, taking an additional loss of
JO points, or 1400. So far as my offlce records are concerned, that
is the end of his adventures in Steel. The total losses, leaving out of
consideration any dividend he may have received, amounted to t1.500.
At no time did he have any more than 30 shares, so that his loss
may be figured at $75 a share. He did not actually buy at the top
!or sell at the bottom In any case, but cams*pretty close to It now snd
then. His method was. of course, the exact reverse of the successful
method in stock speculatian, I have often thought of this experience
and talked about it ta him as bsing the best Illustration I have
j (>er encountered of the way the public plays the stock msrket."
While it is extrems the experience of this Investor Is duplicated
in a lesser degree in the records of every house that deals In securi
! tiea Once in a long time one encounters a trader amongst the
people who reverses the process, buying low and selling high. Such
a man almost Invariably comes to the conclusion that he has In
vented a system to beat the game. About one out of ten such suc
cessful trsders carries It on year after year with perfect success.
The other nine let their initial success lead them into larger amounts
j and Anally comes a cropper in one fine spectacular smash. It is not
difficult to guess that a good many hundreds of men who thought
they knew all about the trading business found out in August, ir-14,
that there were still some things they did not know. Dosens of
instances of this sort have come under the observation of the writer,
and, of course, there are thousands of such instances all over the
The gist of the story is that the trading business is too hard and
cold a mathematical process for the ordinary man to carry on. If
a man Is succesefuL what he la supposed to do is to curb his enthu
siasm anf Iseep fitatrading within the same limits with which he
started. If he finds himself wrong, on the contrary, the successful
trader will either cut his losses very short or will await a favorable
moment and buy at the low prices instead of selling out, thus doubling
his commitments, but lowering hia average price. Such a process Is
far too cold for the average man. This average man. in fact, will
let hia fears, enthusiasm, thoughts, fancies snd whims dlctste his
j activities with the almost universal result that other men, who have
no enthusiasms no fancies, no whims and no fears, Anally get his
> money and he gets nothing but experience in return for It
furniture packino
Sixth street first clui pecker at fur
niture. china mod bricabrac. B«U phone
W, J. WENRICH. It* Hamilton street—
Furniture. chLna and piano packing.
Shipments looked after at both end*
Aleo ail kind* of liauling. Bell phone
STORAGE in 3-story brick building.
rear 408 Market St. Household goods
in clean, private rooms. Reasonable
rates. Apply to P. O. DIt.S'EK. Jeweler.
4us Market St.
new eight- story brick warehouses,
one absolutely fireproof, divided into >
flreproof private rooms of varloua
sizes for the storage of household
goods; the other warehouse of the moat
approved type of Sre retardant con*
struction for general merchandise. They
lie v!uipi>ed with two large electric
freight elevators and spiral chute for
the quick and safe handling of house
hold goods and all kinds of merchan
dise. Low storage rales. South Sacond
street, near Fa x ton, on tba tracks of
Pcnna. R. R.
LOANS— ti to 1-00 Voc Behest working
pe >plo without bank credit at lea*
thai, legal rales; payable tn Install
ments to suit borrowers' convenience
Loan ana Investment Co.
I>« Ch—taut at-
' LADIES—When delayed or Irregular,
use Triumph Pills; always depend
able. -Relief" and particulars free.
Write National Medical Institute, Mil
waukee, Wis.
all mm or hapliho
ALL kinds of hauling; large two-toa
truck; furniture, pianos, freight, la
the city and suburbs. Prices reason
aole. Picnic and pleasure irips. day or
• vening. WM. IdL DARE, lill Vernon
A knitting factory; all improve
ments; electric power; twe-steir
frame; steam heat, well Urn tea;
equipped with the latest knitting
and sewing machinery. Possession
given at once. We will rent If party
i would be intereatad in the manu
facturing of UdlesT garments.
| Information Wanted—Call Bell
| phone 74, Steelton. Pa., or
mb m. nun stwui
I _______
- ■ ■ ~-==3—t j
! >
Sale and Exchange
PRIVATE PARTY, forced to sell, will
sacrifice 40 shares International Ed
ucational Publishing Co. preferred ,
stock at *2O per s>hare. Also 10 shares
j common stock of the same company at
flO per share. Address 3995. care Star
j Independent.
C. W. H. LAKGLETZ. Lumber—We are i
overstocked with all kinds and
frades of lumber and we can offer you
ig bargains. It will pay you to see
us. Office Cameron and Mulberry Sts. j
AUTO—A Jackson 30-horsepower 3-
passenger, good condition; at a sac
rifice price If sold now. Cash or pay
ments. Call 214 Crescent St.
FOR SALE Cheap Addressograph
foot-power machine with cabinet.
I burg, Pa.
FOR SALE—Superb private collection
of V ictrola records at one-third off;
from November 27 to December 24, 23D '
W. Stale St.; hours 9 a. in. to S p. m.;
269 Red fleal records and 100 others.
All cash sales. Stock In tii Bt-class con
FOR SALE—At cost —$16 double-barrel
gun, |10; $3.75 rifle, §2.SO; 86c smoke
lees shells, 60c bo*. If you want any
of these bargains come In to-day.
FOR SALE—Two bicycles, |8 and 310
each; new paint, rebuilt, good condi
tion; good appearance. If you want
one of these bargains come to-day.
POR SALE—Boarding and rooming
house, opposits Pennsylvania station;
best location in city. Call at 418 Mar
ket street
FOR SALE—AI GABLE S. 113. lit and
HI 8. Second St, 8.090 gallons New
Era ready-mixed paint. Acme quahiy.
All lbs full litis of ths Acme make.
' FLAGS all nations; butterflies; baseball
playsrs; 30 flags all nations; 20 but
terflies, i#e—sc postage. ' Large Amer
ican flags, 12x1s Inches, lie—3c post
age. MITCHELL 441 Broad St, City.
STOVES—New and second band stoves
bought and sold. Heaters and ranges
of sll kinds complete with pipe and
fittings at low prices. S. GOLD. Hit
1 Market street Bell phone 1381 H.
FOR SALE—AT GABLE'S, 111-131 &
Sacond St, 5,000 sets new sash. Ixll
IS L primed and glased, at |Lli per
hare Money to Loan to honest
I working people.
Employees Discount Go.
Boom 2, 86 N. THIRD ST.
D. B. Kieffer
12th Annual Closi
for 1914 of
at 9.30 a. m. at
Hotel, M. Snyder, Proprietor
We will sell the following live stock:
100 Head of Fresh Shipped'.
Western Horses |
M. throve, who advises j
size, shape, bone, muscle and conformation to them- i
selves, and will mature into and make heavy drafters, f
all purpose horses, farm chunks, carriage horses and l
These colts range in age from 1 to 5 years and weigh tj
from 1000 to 1400 pounds each.
100 to 150 Head of Acclimated!
and Commission
and M
Consisting of good big finished draft horses, general a
business horses, farm chunks, single line leaders, all
purpose horses, carriage horses, livery horses, fancy
driver and speedsters.
Also a lot of High Dollar Horses—the 57 variety
kind of all classes. These horses range in age from 5
to 12 years and have them weighing up to 1(500 pounds
50 Head of Goo
Consisting of mated
single line leaders, work
commission horses and | j.
Sale to commence at v \
9.30 A. M. on Friday, g& & £%
December 4, 1914, when
conditions of sale will he made known by
Middletown, Pa. !!
———H———M— ■MKTrgaKiaM.AJJIJM ~JI IW> -f»n n»
, 1 1
Has ordered the immediate sale of a
choice cheap property—•facing trolley.
Main Street, Hlghsplre, and lius placed
a decided bargain price on name—B
- houwe, summer kttchen. Plot 44
ft. front, 200 ft. deep. Plenty of fruit,
good garden spot. Property will prove
a prompt renter. House can be re
modeled to double property and will
prove a safe and profitable investment.
Terms can be arranged. Price.. . »1M)0
Suburban Property Just Completed
Modern 3-story, 8-room combination
brick and frame dwelling; location 1904
L«ennox street, addition to Oloverly, one
I square from trolley. A snap for quick !
j buyer »»ioo
If you want real estate you don't 1
have and have real esta,te you don't |
want that you can offer at an attract- |
Ive bargain price, we can supply your
wants and sell your property. Positive
ly no charges unless deal is made. Have '
client for good farm, either in Dauphin 1
or Cumberland counties.
Th« Young HOISI aid
Home Company
Everything in Real Ratate
Trndewt* Headquarter*
Bell Phone 71XJ Open Kvenlns*
j Harrfaburgt Pa.
Prosperity Aheid
Bulletin 103 tells
Stock Exchange Securities
5 Share Lota Upward
48 Br—dwny. Haw T»rfc
Artistic Printing at Star-Independent.
■■UWHUa WIWH lilJTTKy^g?.-
TThe Best Guide
for Investors
at a time like this is to study
h the type of securities which
H has been the first to respond
■ to improved conditions. Funds
■ placed in such standard bonds
■ as are now being regarded
|J with increasing favor may be
|S considered as safely invested
J and later on can Nfc<diverted
(j into more profitable cStenels.
Ij Write for the timely sugjgps
n tions contained in our offering
■ No. M-103,
I A. B. Leach & Co.
fc Investment Securities
• I 149 Broadway, New York
Jf Chicago Philadelphia
- 1 BoatOD Baltimore London
r >
For Sale At a Sacrifice
2014 Green Street—li-story
brick house; all improvements,
j Now vacant—key at our office.
| Owner moved to Florida. Spe
i cial price to quick buyer.
Bergner Building
*■ 1