The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, November 27, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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    " w w » » * » ▼ ▼ ▼ T T ▼ t ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ » » t ▼ yr T «r T T y ▼ T ▼ » » » T T T T r ▼ ▼
! CALL 1991-ANY "it" ~fr - . ~. 3 7 7| .. I ', ~ ~ P CALL 190)-ANY "PHONE "ißr "&"-*■ '
iO F ' OUN -°' o ><>7i 9 j Saturday Hours: Open at Shop Early: Store Closes at foundio isti , t •
; AXXKCffIICWId 9 A.M. Closes 9 P. M6P.M. on Christmas Eve. '
hamubumv mpuur hrummt »tom v_ ) , «A«»i».un.a Mmojw ]
Xmas Is Just Around the Corner: Start Shopping To-morrow;
Y r— ———————— —\ V ■
► There Is Always I j Over 350 New and Beautiful Models Have Arrived for This
! WO w„rth the Extraordinary Disposal of Women's Coats j
► ... . ~ j , , , , , Twas not a wee bit of good fortune that brought us these three hundred and fifty coats of the very latest
I Although this adage has been handed lEyy \ stvles. • 4
| * from great grandmother to grandmoth- wnK?*!aU? 'ayUW .. ' <
! ► er, and on down through the years, it TfiMjWp'fJ.W'^.J ' But the story is simple. <
► still holds true to-day, and particularly -1M -'.IV
► during the Christmas season. ?Vj * A leading New York manufacturer of coats—a creator of styles—discovered that he had 011 hand a quan
► During the next few weeks we shall % A tity of imported coatings that could not he duplicated, aud of which he had insufficient yardage of each to
y take on extra help in almost every de- yl,'/wL*\iJ§y\T accept orders. " *
partment, to insure prompt service to US^iAI ' \ 4
1 our patrons, and invite young men and wy ?'' (l ordered the entire lot to be made up into smart coats, aud these lie divided among three of his best i
j ► women to apply to the superintendent. WMpI j customers—and we got our share. <
► We prefer young married women who 1\ '[here is uot the least doubt that had they been made up earlier, the retail prices would have been -$15.00
► have had experience in store work in A« I "3rs-> to $35.00.
L the past. *§s3»§sll f) Wfomr , 4
' To-morrow the entire lot will be on sale at <
: Showing the New $9.93, $10.98, $11.98, $12.98, $13.98, $15.98 and $16.98 i
► Panne Velvet Jg jk Important Facts Concerning <
► Top Hats cr e) 1 ■ j These Splendid Coats <
And Offering Them Very If XoWard COHlfOrt —They are made of materials usually found in coats ff|[j s' <
Specia, it $2.98 _ costing nearly twice the special prices. -4v( IriL ' 4
These smart, new hats are the last word Y Qii A t-0 Striving. —They are right up to the minute in design V tlllik 1 4
1 * in millinery modes. This particular as- v v 0> ~ „ .. /., > i j i
► sortment is truly a $5.00 value. They 1 Many are new Creations. ' -JL - / \
:► come in the large popular shapes. Kll V 3. Kfl ! tfl C.f\ flTi —ln manv of the lots, only one of each model. I + / /
y Ti^cbT r i mm edH r -- $ 5.00-a, th, _Qf others there are two and three. j | 1
. present time you have for selection a coin- Men can do their Christmas shopping , i Ar / \ (
plete assemblage of the latest ideas. to a ■eater satisfaction, knowing that —Ot none are there many duplicates. ,1 /"M \ |[\ yn \\ i\
Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. their winter needs have been attended to. — The season'S favored shades predominate. tti f\l \* V ' I\. \ \
\ c . , U 1 -None will be scat on approval to-morrow. MM 1 hf\l Ux
► aur ay pecia s The House of Plush Coats Y Wm' A <
y Wp/\pQ shown in a variety of smart patterns. r %i > t nf h -ft \\\fc^ e
wIIUCO Loose, swagger lines give them an air „ . . fcA**!l \ iI) \ V-\ 4
Women's patent vamp black Cloth top of distinction, that most men appreciate in Remarkable how a certain style or fabric can gain favor so \ r\ ,
' K gaiter boots, with leather Louis Cuban ! «»ter apparel, and the fact that they will «|Ulckly, almost overnight. \\ / Y** \ \ <
I * heels; $3.50 value. Pair 51.98 render satisfactory service is a strong Sometime ago, 110 Olie gave plush a second thought, but to-dav ,/ */ 1 \ WifiML 4
1 Women sgunmetal, patent colt and tan P °Tt i'in on 'mT«l2 on i- . >n u n ,iia the store that can show a fine assortment of plush coats, is the fsHmr ■ 1 \ \ 4
! ► Russian calf button street and dress boots ■ At SIO.OO and is a splendid | ll( .i. v \
► smart styles that were $3.00 and $3.50: i assortment of these coats, and we mvite iuck\ bioit. . \ \ WMp 4
I y pair SI.9S every man to see this showiug. A\ e are showing plush coats in an almost endless array—uiany | " > \ 4
Men's patent colt and gun metal button PI OXTOr *„_ ,1 -rv»-__ r have big fur collars,, including ermine imitation ermine, skunk, «• ' ~ * 4
and lace shoes; a clean-up ot $2.50. $3.00 vICVCr Are XHB JN CW olioSSUin, beaver, civet cat, aild moufflon. ' - 4
. »w«
► Special Sale of Rubbers at 29c Mct ot „i.ra I,ami $35.00. <
y Jlen s and women s rubber overshoes; 1 nounced this new model very distinctive The eoats at $15.00 aid $17.50 arc Salts' Plushes. All U Jf j} I
elearan! at '° ' Vol ' *"?> * xtr *™ Ay others arc Salts' Sealettc which is the finest plush made—the
quick clearance. Come in nobby patterns, to conform .m.wntM nf niiolitv .AkScL.JU-Z- " 4
Third FIoor—BOWMAN'S. with the tastes of smart dressers. 1 • *
K Priced at §IO.OO and $12.50 <
: Cold Weather That New Suit You've ;
: Needs for Men Promised Yourself T , ..lur c , , „ . „ TTT , :
► ' Men a working gloves, lined and unlin- ! ' s here waiting for you. Most likely i, (Jt IntereSl 10 Men OatUiaaV BrmfifS EVefV Wanted
U ed: pair 50c, SI.OO and 51,50 is a clu>it ' e tartau check, over plaid, or J O J <
; #i.»o, »aoo nd .,J!irto st "frict" e Er,gi iß h. .ithougi, oo.. K rv.uv« —This Complete Welcome Offerings Grade in Women's 1
§4.50 models are prominent. 0 « • <
!► ' othen'at sis
Men 'n hlf li 1 and SO< j Third Hnar bow max To-mori'ow will see a large army of r TTll P k V\XTf k i\ 1*
" Mens half hose; heavy and medium " ~ ~ ' -> men lining up for a complete change of _ \ U IlUcrWCdl
* " ! <°"° a an w£ m 7 s *Z r j so* l i ir S',. a s " , ' opu " ««r," *<***;hnv-tt--
Sew neckwear at and 50< ! able to fill your wants to yoftr satirfac | W I and pinta; white and peeler color, at 25*
► Men'suspenders, sinde boxes-nair I -fr\ <t"| AH tlo , D .' 1 1 j a- \ ir>v I Women's heavy and medium weight ""
v , wugie nosra, pair OUC tO Men s natural wool underwear, medium ' JX ¥ 1 lOT 1 vests aud Dants • bleached • silk finish «t <
" 2or and oOe I Z weight, at spi.OO, $1.50, 51.75 and ' ' *ai .
► ~~ n Men's heavy natural wool mixed shirts • ' Ij! OiffS omen s 50c union suits; bleaidied, ■*
► All, ART)ADH and drawers, silk finish, pearl buttons; j Uff —Sn. flefece lined; seconds, at 39f> 4
I ► n IA \ s P ee ' a l
, for fke Men's all wool scarlet underwear at t¥in( , , . , and pants, at ...75?, SI.OO and $1.50 J
rrrxy .oonpp, 91.00 I S2O 0 ° tuna mahogany princess dresser at Athpua union s „ its medium an( , heavy
L__ M . JI7rLtTV' OUOn fleeee liUCd 50? i SIB.OO mahogany chiffonier at . Jioloo We, « ht ' W ° ol and ( ' otton ' at * l - 00 ,
*■ ( A $ Men's heavy cotton fleece lined union 1 J1 «"rin quai f eie j " l ' r . ess, ' r a J • -$9.75 Women's 50c underwear, medium ""
► v jUL ~n 4 suits at 91-50, $2.00, $2.50 and j .. 10nB , v , Children's heavy cotton fleece lined <
JfSk J, » $3.50. : {19.98 mahogany dtesaeirat ..$12.75 vests and pants 25? ,
i ! SS rr ed i ; , ?; 9 ? at K Children's heavy cotton fleeee lined ,
* jl>\ HIQ lL % / 1 $29.00 fumed oak buffets at ... .$<50.00 Hl - fa „ r u; t „ „ _ . _ „■ v 1
eST/ Wv Unusual Silk and s 3 !>-00 quartered oak buffets at $32.00 SO? ; '
► i r\ HHKa nv Mattresses Munsing union suits for boys and girls, 4
* J IXf Si T1 $5.98 felt fibre mattrosscß, at S*. lt>
► I "J\ \I H \ \ wUU $7.0il roll felt mattresses, at .... Boys' heavy cotton fleece lined shirts 4
/ / 111 |) 1 I \ IT . $10.50 white felt mattresses, at 57.75 | and drawers at 25? a
' L/ v i _ ok I a 1 n $15.00 Imperial roll edge felt mattress, $11.75 w
, asJ bL* 03 © OUv viCtlw 100 per cent, pure silk floss mattress —the mat- Main Moor—BOWMAN'S. i
| tress De Luxe, at $14.9.> I J
y ** 2,000 yards Silk and Cotton Material at Fifth Floor—bow ma N'S. . __
; All the Youngsters Go Marching to Toy- ■ah, silk dobbies, awo silent ailk. in beau* i tll6 J
: Town—the Merriest Place in Harrisburg Along Come These g for '
the lassr:,? ,mvD of i°/r d ,r de 'r nt ' ™ br " wn ' ma °' wbt,ri * Blanket Specials Hero f n , in „, v -
: have never shown before. " " > k '> »» *' i «S, When Most Needed Son"'* M ,
► Ue think to look at the wonderful displav, that it inieht take trous silk fahrie in shades of navy, Co- Boys' Dubble-wear Suits at $3.95 and <
from now until Christmas to tell of everything that i.s here 1 I )enhf, g en ' Sevres, Tete de Negre, black. Wool nap blankets—in tan; it would be s4.9s—the guaranteed kind; the kind <
L e chanical tovs are here in unusuallv lflrj/P nsisnrtmontc Russian and wistaria. hard to find the imperfections in them ; that gives entire satisfaction in looks and
ner-tion with these ire th • 1 i« • assortments, and in eon- Broadcloth at $2.00 yd. —vahe $3.00; j regularly $2.50. Pair, $1.95 wear; 2 pair lined trouseis; sizes ti to 18
-pv ,i ... i ? popular trains in numerous styles. j 52 inches wide; satin finish; in taupe, black Wool nap blankets—in grey and white, | years, 4
A y°i u°* are Y° lt ,V s P^ la l mention, since an entire section is and Russian. and blue and white plaid; regularly $3.00. Boys' Cassimere Suits at $2.98 and <
► devoted to them. And everything that makes a complete toy store will Storm Serge at 98? yd.—value $1.25; Pair. .$2.59 , $3.50 iea-y quality; in newest model 1
be found. ' 52 inches wide; in navy, Russian and White wool blankets—with pink and Norfolk style; sizes 6 to 18 years.
► TU» n • /• , a .black. bine border: 2-inch taffeta binding; weigh Boys' Cheviot Overcoats at and 4
trie Drawing Loniesf Great bargains in Dress Goods Rem- 5 pounds; regularly $7.50. Pair, ..$5,00—newest models and colors- sizes i
has attracted hundreds of little folks but tlicro is nlrnrv nf +- rt v nants, 42 to 56 jiacbes wide; wool. White Marseilles bed spread—full size, 2% to 17 years. i
► Others. Drawings need not he in inti l ll i 1 .?/• f - hai < 0 ',° Cloakings heavy quality; hemmed ready for Boys' Chinchilla Overcoats at $4.45, '
► from Santa Claus Post Office «et drawing blanks , 3 00 b ,. rt Nllb rloak » , 204> use: -light imperfections: beautiful pa,. $4.95, $5.95 and $7,95-gooJheav.v
► A 1 •<! ■ , (1 H. ement). oo bi»ek Camel's Hair Cloaking, yd., . »2.00 ! terns to select from; regularly $2.00. Spe- garments in grey and blue; some have hats *
». A1! " 0 aRK 1T tnere is a letter tor you from Santa. $4.00 navy chinchilla cloaking, yd.'. $2.50 1 cial, $1.95 to match : sizes 2y 2 to 17 years. 4
Main Floor BOWMAN'S. ! Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Third Floor BOWMAN'S. 4