The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, November 27, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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    Witmer, Bair & Wifmer | Witmer, Bair & Witmer
Specials for Saturday
® latest craze—arrived this morning. Come
- Be first to wear one as we ,
mentioned th « 11 . . and
to day. are tne urst to snow tnem. WAISTS
From the Cheap Ones to the Natural Mink tor JIOO per Set
$1.50 Waists, voile, lingerie, etc.; 95c trimmed, new circular skirt; $25.00.
to $1.98. Special, 50£ Special $17.50
Special Black Velvet Over Jacket, jet Corduroy Coats in plain and snow
trimmed $1.50 'lake, with or without fur trimming, all I
Special for Saturday—One lot of newest models and shades, $1&.75,
Waists in chiffon, laces, crepe de chine $25.00, $26.50, $27.50
and messaline; $2.95, $3.50, $3.95, $4.75, A new lot of the desirable Wool
$5.50, $5.75 to $7.50. Now $1.95 Eponge Coats in new models, in navy.
Lingerie Waists in voile, crepe, ba- Russian green, brown and black. The
tiste—long sleeves, some lace trimmed, dressy coat combined with service.
also plain, Special $25.00
Suit—copy of imported model in new belted models. Special, . .$21.50
brown chiffon broadcloth, deep collar Misses'and Ladies' Coats in all latest
of Sable squirrel; $45.M. Special, models and materials, $8.75, SIO.OO,
$39.75 $11.50, $12.50, $13.75 to $20.00
Suits of navy blue, wide wale serge Satin Dresses in blue, black and wis
and gabardine belted model, suitable for taria, button trimmed; $29.75. Special,
misses' wear; new circular skirt. Spe- sl9 75
cial. $28.50 Radinar College Dress of navy blue I
Up-to-the-minute models in all new- serge, white collars and cuffs. Special
est shades and materials; plain or fur at $15.00 1
trimmed. Special $25.00 Serge Dresses'in uavv, brown and
Suits of broadcloth in navy, brown, black, white collars and cuffs. Special,
green and black, guaranteed lining, fur $6.50
Witmer, Bair & Witmer
Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William K.
Meyers Will Be Formally (Intro
duced at a Tea to Be Followed By
a Dinner and Dance
Miss Mary Elizabeth Meyers, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. William K. Mey
ers, will be formally introduced to so
ciety by her parents at their home, 213
North Front street, from 4 to 6
o'clock this afternoou. Masses of flow
ers in dainty baskets and silver vases
and bouquets of many descriptions liU
the drawing rooms, hall, library and
parlors with Southern smilax and need
le pine as a background. In the dining
room a color scheme of pink prevails
with KiHarney roses and softly shaded
can I flabra.
Miss Meyers will wear a dainty
t'ro.-k of white charmeuse, with trim
mings ot' margot thread lace and ir
r i - ent sequence, and carry an old-
T ashioned bouquet of white and pink
flowers. Mrs. Meyers will wear a gown
ot' embroidered white satin with over
. ra;.cries ot' white chiffon, embroider
ed in gold and pearls.
Ki'.-eiving with Mr. and Mrs. Mevers
and Miss Meyers will be Miss Louis©
1 arney. Miss Dora Wickersham Coe,
Miss Katherino Ktter, Miss Eleanor
Neal < iark and Miss Constance Ferri
• •ay. Mrs. (ieorge Kunkel and Mrs.
William B. McCaleb will pour tea and
Mi<- Jennie Dull and Mrs. B. F. Africa*
wi'd preside at the chocolate urn. Those
who will assist are Mrs. George Ross,
of Philadelphia; Mrs. ,1. Austin
Brandt. Mrs. Meade D. Detweiler aud
Mrs. Kllis Lewis Mum ma, of Roberts
ville, Miss Audrey Allen, of
Warren, in a gown of accordian pleated
green chiffon with touches of rare old
—does much to make the
difference between success
and failure.
And the food a person
eats goes a long way
toward deciding the dif
—with its delicious flavour
and ricli in the concen
trated. nourishing ele
ments of whole wheat and
malted barley, is the fa
vorite breakfast cereal of
thousands of successful
men and women—
"There's a Reason"
—sold I>\- (ii'oecrs.
lace and gold; Miss Eleanor Smith, of
Charlestown, W. Va., in yellow inessa
line with touches of burnt orange and
old lace; Miss Jeanette Sheatt'er, ot
Wayne, in a gown of white satin with
chiffon and pearl trimmings; Miss Em
maline Scull, in pink satin with touches
of pink panne velvet and chiffon;
Miss Mary Mitchell, Miss Minster,
Miss Caroline Weiss, Miss Myrrvinne
Leason, Miss Eleanor Darlington, Miss
Margaret McLain, Miss Frances Mor
rison, Miss Helen Hammond, Miss
Eijiilv Bailey, Miss Frances Bailev,
Miss Sara Hastings. Miss Marv Eliza
beth Detweiler, Miss Janet Sawver,
Miss Mary Hopkins. Miss Christine
Hopkins and Miss Virginia Stair, of
Guests at Dinner and Dance
A dinner and dance will follow the
tc>a. with the following guests iu at
tendance: Mioses I«ouise Carney. Kath
"'"iie Etter, Eleanor i'lark, Constance
Ferriday. Dora Wi' kersham Coe, Elea
nor Darlington, I.Vlyrviune Leason, Jean
ette Sheaffer. Mary Mitchell. Audrey
Allen, Eleanor Smith, Christine Hop
kins, I.Mary Hopkins, Emily Bailev,
Frances (Bailey, Sarah Hastings, Mar
garet McClai-n, Janet Sawyer, Mary
Elizabeth Detweiler, Margaret Sftack
pole, 1" ranees Morrison, Margaretta
Fleming, Virginia Stair, Sarah Thomas,
of Whit-ford, Pa.; 'Mary Williamson,
Margaret \\ illiamson. Katherine Lip
pincott, of Overbrook; Helen Hammond,
\ irginia King, Levitt Wickersham,
Martha Bailev and Emmaline Scull, of
John I.enhart, 'Lewis Xandemuth.
John Kno son. William Wright, of
Cleveland; Edwin Bevan, .Tames Bedus,
I Dr. George R, Moffitt, William Me
! Creat'h, Robert MK'reath, George Shot-
J well, George Kunkel, Daniel Kunkel,
i Hrenton Wallace, of Philadelphia; Gil
bert Darlington, Elliott Darlington, of
> New \ork; the Rev. <H. V. B. Darling-
J ton. of Belvedere, N. J.; Williard
, Smith, of New York; Clarence (Funk,
i Henry M. Gross, Albert Sfcackpole,
| Meade Dt-tweiler, Hoffer Detweiler, Her
| bert Wallower, William Cal'der, John
R 1 A-rai.ibald Knisely, Ehruwui
I"• - -pnklin Utter, B. P.
Africa. Arthur Kunkel, William Wood,
,of Baltimore; Pelhain Darlington, of
! New York: Boone Abbott, Robert Dull
| Klder, Leadville, Col.; Richard Knibloe,
I John Magoun, Frank Bradv, Vance C.
'McCormirk. ,T. J. GifTord, F'. R. Lowell,
David Fleming, 3d., Thomas William
son, Thomas Bald-win.
'Mr. anil Mrs. Joseph DeFree Warren,
Dr. and .Mrs. OeoTge Ross. Philadelphia;
Judge and Mrs. George Kunkel, (Mr.
i ami Mrs. .T. Austin Brandt. Miss Caro
line Weiss. Mr. and Mrs. Kllis Lewis
j Muntma, Mrs. B. P. Africa. Miss Jennie
Dull, Mrs. 'Meade D. Detweiler. 'Mr.
| and Mrs. Samuel C. Todd, Miss Min
ster, Miss Sarah Wilhelm and Mips
j Isabella Wilhelm.
An informal dinner was given last
I evening by Bishop and Mrs. James
j Henry Darlington, 321 North Front
| street, in honor of theiT house guests,
I John Drexel, of New York; George
I Burgess, of Garden City, L. I.; Miss
I Thompson and Misa Powell, of New
jYork, and the house guests of Miss
| Mary Elizabeth Meyers, Mi9s Audrey
I Allen, Miss Florence' Smith. Miss Jeari
; ette and Miss Scull, of Somer
! set. Pa.
A color scheme of yellow and green
was carried out in the table appoint
. ments. Covers were laid for sixteen
j guests. Later a number of young people
; came in for an informal dance.
Dinner at Commonwealth
: Miss Ivie May Rahter Cook, 935
North Second street, gave a dinner at
I the Commonwealth hotel yesterdpy at 1
jo clock. Tie fable appointments were
lin yellow, with chrysanthemums an l
j yellow-capped candelabra carrying out
the color scheme. For each guest there
l was a corsage bouquet of chrysanthe
| mums. Following the dinner the guests
: enjoyed the show at the Orpheuni, with
'luncheon at Rose's.
Young People Chaperoned by Mr. and
Mrs. Cooper and Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. an.l Mrs. David Cooler and Mr.
and .Mrs. Samuel Finkehriein chaperoned
the following young people at a dance
at Han?haw s hall Wednesday evening:
Misses Sara Bara'oanell, Lillian Sher
man, Minerva Sherman. Rose Sherman,
•Jean Potts, of Heading; Messrs. (diaries
Brenner, Harry K. Fuhxmau, Charles
Cooper. Charles H. C>hen, Joseph Cop
linskv, Kphraini 'Brenner, Lou Williams,
IJOu is Crthen, Joseph Cohen, William
IMiUer, Mitchell Wolf, Herman Na>than,
lack Cohen. Hess Kline, David Plet
tett, Henry Brennen, Samuel Brenner,
Henry Cohen, J. D. Sherman, 11. A.
Cooper, Harry P. Michaels. Nathan
I-saacman. Sidney Kraus. Philip Shul
man, Barney Shearer, of Lancaster;
Oharlps Cohen. Jr.. Martin Kay, Wif-.
liam Luria, of York; S. Carlton Jason.
Jacob Fiiedberg, 11 any Freidiberg, Ren
ben Saul, Isaae Morris. Cvrns Heckert,
Samuel Heckert, Mr. and Mrs. David
Mollie Piuss, of York; Goldie Moll,
Helen Silbert, Gertrude Keupon, Pauiine
Brenner, Anna Ban, Cayde < ohen, Goldie
Roth, Bessie Berson." Anne Garoiuik,
Edna Garon/.ik, Helen Bacurin, Mae
Wind eld, Etta Kline, Refba Cohen, Re
betca Fiddler, of Reading; Rose Cohen,
Sara Rachman. Anna Michaels, Dora
SSil'berman, of Lebanon; Celia Shulman,
Anna Shulman. Rebecca Shulman, Dora
Cohen, Minnie Jason, of Lebanon; Anna
Cohen, Mary Cohen, both of Lancaster;
Frances Freedman, Mollie Freedman,
Rebecca <*ross.
Entertained FriendF in Celebration of
Their Fifteenth Wedding Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Neeter, 4224
Wyalusing avenue. Philadelphia, for
mer residents of this city, entertained
a number of friends at their home yes
terday in celebration of their fifteenth
wedding anniversary. M-usic, games
and dancing were features of the enter
tainment and supper was served.
The guests included Mr. and Mrs. W.
L. Neeter, Mr. and Mrs. Hiney, Mr. and
Mrs. Ward, Mr. and Mrs. Poole, Mr.
and Mrs. Roath, Mr. and Mrs. Robin
son, Mrs. Phillips, Mrs. Furev, Mrs.
Walsh, Mrs. Redman, Miss Neeter, Miss
Ward. Miss Phillips, Mr. Redman, S'„
Mr. Kepner, Mr. Phillips, Jr., all of
Philadelphia; Mrs. G. F. Neeter, of
Downington. and A. D. Shoop, of Har
risburg. Mr. and Mrs. Neeter were fhe
recipients of many beautiful gifts.
It's Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets
For You!
Beware of the habit of constipation.
It develops from just a few constipated
days, unless you take yourself in hand.
Coax the jaded bowel muscles back to
normal action with Dr. Edwards' Olive
Tablets, the substitute for calomel.
Don't force them to unnatural action
with severe medicines or by merely
flushing out the intestines with nasty,
sickening cathartics.
Dr. Edwards believes in gentleness,
persistency and Nature's assistance.
Dr. Kdwards' Olive Tablets open the
bowels; their action is gentle, yet posi
tive. There is never any pain or grip
ing when Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets
are used. Just the kind of treatment
old persons should have.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are a veg
etable compound mixed with olive oil,
you will know them by their olive color.
Take one or two occasionally and have
no trouble with yonr liver, bowels or
stomach. 10c and 25c per box. All
The Olive Tablet Company, Colum
bus, O. " Adv.
Ceremony Performed by the Key. Thom
as Reisch, Pastor of Christ
Lutheran Church
The wedding of Miss Alice Marks,
of this city, and Marion Hill, of Steu
bensville, Ohio, was a pretty event of
last evening, taking place at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin R. Beckley, 30
South Seventeenth streot, the Rev.
Thomas Reisch, pastor of Christ Luth
eran church, officiating.
The bride wore a pretty gown of
white messaline. over white silk, with
trimmings of chiffon and shadow lace.
She carried a sheaf of white chrysan
Miss Alice Miller as maul of honor,
wore mauve silk and MUs Ethel Esther
Peace, as bridesmaid wore pink char
mouse with shadow lace and chiffon
.('caperies. Mrs. Irvin Be.'kley played
the wedding marches.
Following the ceremony a wedding
dinner was served after which Mr. and
Mrs. Hill left for a wedding trip to
Washington, I), t'„ New York and Phila
dolphin. They will reside in Stoubens
vi lit*, Ohio.
The wedding of Miss Mary Esther
Knisely to Paul Garfield Smith was
solemnized last evening at the home of
the bride's mother, Mrs. Archibald G.
Knisely, Front and Maelav streets.
Promptly at 6 o'clock, to the strains
of the Lohengrin wedding march, play
ed by the Looser orchestra, the bridal
party moved down the corridor to the
altar of lilies and palms, in the draw
ing room where the ceremony was per
formed by the Rev. Dr. John D. .Fox,
pastor of (.'.race M. E. church.
Ihe bride, who was given in mar
riage by her brother, Archibald G.
Kniselv. Jr., wore a gown of Japanese
crepe over white satin with touches of
tulip and pearls on the bodice, and full
court train. Her wedding veil which
tell to the hem of her gown, was caught
up with orange blossoms, and she car
ried a shower of valley lilies and or
chid?. "«
Miss Elizabeth Kniselv, sister of the
bride, was maid of honor. Mrs. Har
ry Reily, of San Antonio, Texas, as
matron of honor and the bridesmaids
were Miss Helen Delaney, of Washing
ton. D. C.; Miss Jessie Nicholls, of New
York; Miss Janet Sawver and Miss
Margaret Stackpole, of 'this city.
Doland R. McCain, son of Colonel
lieorge Nox McCain, a classmate of the
bridegroom at Bucknell University, was
best man, and the ushers were Dr.
Harvey F. Smith, Silas 11. Srhoch of
Selinsgrove: John 11. Lenhart 'and
lharles K. Boas.
A reception and dance, which was at
tended by 250 guests, followed the
ceremony after which Mr. and Mrs.
Smith left for a southern trip. On
their return they will be "at home" to
their friends after January 1 at 2420
North Second stroot.
Well-known Young People of West End
Married Yesterday
\ Kil t, V ' Barnhard, daughter of
c: i S * ! '■ Barubard and Warren Y
• charadin, of this ciV\ were married
yesterday morning at 10.30 o'clock 'it
the home of the bride, 306 Reily street
The ecrvmouy was performed bv the
Kev. Harry Nelson Bassler, pastor of
«"I1 StVon ' l Reformed church. Mrs
. ' Rich wine played the wed din.'
musu- and Miss Hmilv Watts sane
'' Eden's Wedding .Day.
The bride wore a ' gown of white
crepe de chine with touches of pearls
and lace. She carried a shower of
'bride roses and lilies of the \allcv.
Miss Anna Swigle, as bridesmaid, wore
a gown of pink crepe de chine and car
ried pink chrysanthemums. Edwin H.
Scharadin was best man.
A wedding dinner was served after
the ceremony to the members of the
family and a few friends. Mr. and
Mrs. Scharadin left for a trip to Balti
more, Washington and New York. On
their return they will reside in this
Guests of Friends in Lancaster
Mrs. Emma Commings, Miss Mary
Commings, Miss Ella W. Commings and
Frank Wilson spent Thanksgiving Day
with Mrs. William Commings at Lan
Week-end in Philadelphia
Miss Margaret Madden, 1718 North
Fifth street, is spending the week-end
with friends in Philadelphia.
A Victrola
The Choice of
Santa Claus
if you are a Victrola Saul a
Clans this year—it will be
the greatest source of pleas
ure that you could possibly
conceive for your family.
If you are undecided: better
drop into our Victrola rooms
and allow us to demonstrate
why one of them would be
the ideal gift for your family
at Christmas time.
C A\ Sl&ler*
ZZ. v3O Nortk 2n*St~ZT
To Ward Off Winter
Complexion Ills
To keep the face smooth, white and
beautiful all winter, there's nothing
quite so good a.s ordinary mercollied
wax. Hough, chapped or discolored
skin, inevitable in this weather, la
gently absorbed by the wax and re
placed by the newer, fresher skin be
neath. The face exhibits no trace of
the wax, the latter being applied at
bedtime and washed off mornings.
Creams, powders and rouges, on the
other hand, are apt to appear conspicu
ous at tills season, because of alternat
ing expansion and contraction of the
skin, due to changing temperatures. 1
advise you to try this simple treatment.
Get an ounce of mercolized wax at any
drug store and use like cold cream.
This will help any skin at once, and in
a week or so the complexion will look
remarkably youthful and healthy.
Winds and flying dust often cause
squinting and other contortions which
make wrinkles. You ran quickly get
rid of every wrinkle, however produc
ed, by using a harmless face bath made
by dissolving 1 oz. powdered saxolite
in pint witch hazel, adv.
Ceremony Performed at Home of Offici
ating Minister, the Rev. Mr. Shoop
The-weakling of Miss .loan E. IMoore,
.laughter of Mr. and Mrs. 1. K. Arm
strong, ami 'H. S. Parthemore, 712
North Third street, was solemnized on
Wednesday evening at S o'clock at the
home of the officiating clergyman, the
Rev. D. 8. Shoop, 1 704 Green street.
There were no attendants.
The 'bride wore a traveling suit of
'blue gaberdine cloth with touches of fur
and hat to harmonize and corsage of
violets. Mr. and Mrs. Parthemore are
"at home" to their friends at 213
Harris street.
News of Persons
Who Come and Go
iMr. and ,Mrs. KUis Lewis Mumma, of
Robertsdale, Ala., are the guests of Mrs.
Mumma's father, the Hon. B. F. Mov
ers, North Front street.
Miss Martha Rimer Fleming, 901
'North Front street, left to-dav for
East Orange. N. J., where she will
spend the week-end.
-Miss Anna Margaret Miller, 2117
North Third strvet. who is taking a
course in domestic science at Drexefln
stitute, is the guest of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Herman Potts Miller.
Arthur Eugene Fox. who is teach
ing in the Gilman Country School, Bal
timore. is spending Thanksgiving with
his parents, Dr. and Mrs. John D. Fox,
212 Pine street.
John Harold Fox, a student at
IPrinceton University, i s the guest of
his parents, Dr. and Mrs. John D. Fox,
212 Pine street.
William Crawford Dunlap, a Senior
at Princeton University, is spending'
the Thanksgiving vacation with his pa"
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Dunlap
1507 North Second street.
Mrs. A. S. Hubley, of the Hubley
apartments, North Third street, and
Miss Mary Louise Hubley, 202 Herr
street, are spending the week-end with
Walter V\ . Hubley at Columbia.
Kirk Patrick Galbraith, 111 North
street, a student at the Yeates School,
1 Lancaster, is spending Thanksgiving at
his home.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McKelvy and
Miss Margaret Lee McKelvy, of Titus
vi'lle, Pa., are guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Henrv C. Ort-h, 223 Sta<te street.
Edwin Curzon Pager, a student, at
Princeton University, is the guest of
his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Martin W.
Fager, 133 State street.
The Rev. and Mrs. Horace E. Olute,
of New York, are guests of Mrs. H. E.
Clute, 313 North Second street.
James Spencer Ross, a student at
(Princeton University, is visiting his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry G'. Ross,
219 Pine street.
Miss Mary Irwin, a student at Leb
anon \ College, Anneville, is vis
iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Irwin,
223 Herr street.
The Rev. Harry Ulrich, who is at
tending Princeton University, is spend
ing the Thanksgiving season with his
wife at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Pastor, 1609 Green
Miss Mary Lutz, a student at the
Philadelphia Art School, is spending
several days with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Lutz, 214 1 North Second street.
Curtis Dun tap, 214 North Second
street, spent Thanksgiving at his home
at York.
Miss Alma (Lutz and Miss Ethel
Lutz, of Liverpool, are guests of Mr.
and Mrs. C. E. Williams, 1501% North
Sixth street.
Mrs. Charles Has*, of York, has re
turned after a visit to Mrs. George A.
Ewing, 214 North Second street.
Wilson Dunmire, 234 Woodbine
street, is the guest, of relatives at Lew
istown and MeVevtown.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Hartnian, 24G
Emerald street, returned from a visit
to Lewistown.
Miss Mabel Wareheim. of Washing
ton, D. C., is the guest of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Warpheim, 1620
North Third street.
Mrs. Elizabeth U. Laird and Mrs. J.
B. Updegraff, of Lewisberry, who speut
several days with the Misses Bratten,
308 North street, will return home to
Miss Margaret Ford, of Fairmount,
Md., iH a guest at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. W. T. Parks, 1342 North Sixth
Mrs. Thomas Lourimer and son,
Thomas Lourimer, 510 Reijv street,
spent yesterday in Carlisle.
Miss Bessie MaTch, 410 South Thir
teenth street, is spending the Thanks
giving season at Hood's College, Fred
erick, Md.
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Zeigler. 2307
North Sixth street, are spending the
week-end in Pittsburgh.
Miss Eleanor Trafford, 1920 Wood
avenue, is home from a severaJ months'
visit to Williaimsport.
Miss Agnes Hilgardner, of Carlisle,
spent yesterday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. John U. Knisely, 232 South
Fourteenth street.
Miss Ada K. Hartzell, 54 6 Forrest
street, is visiting at State College.
IHarry Sites, of Philadelphia, spent
Thanksgiving at the home of his fa
ther, A. W. Sites, 1003 North Sixth
IMr. and Mrs. Bernard Knisely and
son, Mahlon, of Reading, are guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. John U.
Knisely, 232 South Fourteenth street.
Mr. and Mrs. John Snyder, of Kirk
wood, N. J., are guc-sts of Mr. and Mrs.
Jacob MeCorkle, 2035 Penn street.
Miss Olga Meloy, 909 North Fif
teenth street, is spending the week-end
at Philadelphia and Norristown.
M rs. H. M. Oeiger, of Northumber
land, is a guest at the home of Mra.
Unusual Interest is Being Taken in
Our Sale of Ladies' Outer Garments
Lvery day of our salt> of Ladies' and Misses' Kali and Winter
ear has been marked by active buying. Little wonder, for |
never have we attempted so early in the season such a vital cut I
in prices. An inspection will convince you as it has hundreds I
of others. Come to-morrow.
Exceptional Values in Suits
We still have a few of those new suits made of beautiful cloth. In
11 <-° Pen, black and brown. The coats are the new short model.
: with "ninKs ol guaranteed satin, and monkey fitr collar and cuffs.
The skirt is also ol the most stylish design, with side pleats. *4: QQ
The values are $12.98. To-morrow 011 sale at ®0.70
$12.98 Serge Suits, $6.98 SIB.OO Suits, $10.98
and'black';' R it ar a n teed "saUn "fl n - ed''worJt« l | US » 1 " "Tf'n
ing, worth $12.98. Sale no 0,1 "°' s teds, broadcloths, basket
price 3»D."0 weaves, etc., guaranteed satin
__lining; all shades and models;
_ _ worth $ 1 6.00 to JIK.OO (1(1 QQ
$35.00 Chiffon Broadcloth Sa,e price ♦lll.Vo
Suits, $18.98
11rondel o th" "sulta"'l n°'the SISOO Suits, $8.98
shades; excellent workmanship. All wool eponge suits In '
newest models, silk linings: brown, navy, black and t'open
wo'-tll, $30.00. Sale Jig Oft luigen. caracul collar, cuffs and
pr ' c '• , ■ trimmings; satin lined, skirt
• .?n2 u V oadcloth SUI I S - niade with yoke and side pleats;
price , P $22.93 SnleVHce.' W .°. r . th $ .'. 5 .'. $8.98
Serge Dress Special
All wool serge dresses, recllngote model, navv and black Ilk
girdle, box pleated skirts; sizes ;!S to 46; regular $7..">0 value £1 no
Special 50.V0
Some Attractive Coats at Easy Prices
New Hindu lynx coats In navy, green, black and brown, Co no
I Plusii collar, cuffs and belt: regular slo.oo value. Special 9".?0 I
All wool mixtures, light and dark shades, tiir'e-iiuarter C 7 (to fl
lengths, wide belt, pleated front and back: worth o>/.70 J
An extensive line of plush coats ill a tarioly of models, including \
. s f 4o r o , o': lmml . nKS '. . w .°. nh . . n . Bu r..v. $12.98 to $29.98 ■
Extra Special for Saturday
Lot of nine coats in heavy all wool mixtures, including: stripes. *
(liiccks and plaids, one and two of a kind, worth $7.50. Oft
Special Saturday only, /O
10-12 South Fourth Street
i ml
See these large values and save money. Your choice on Saturday of a
Child's Rocker, Child's Large Pencil Set, Child's Large Xmas Book, Large
Double Roaster or Aluminum Pudding Pau and one pound of FA
Baking Powder
Martha J. Hartzell, 1 ~>oll/ 2 North Sixth
Mr. and Mrs. I. Henry Parnham and
son, Charles Henrv. of York, are spend
ing the Thanksgiving season at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Smith,
1315 North Second street.
Miss Grace Wonders, 1620 North
Third street, is spending the Thanksgiv
iug season at < hanibera'burg.
Miss liile Nebinger, of Lancaster,
is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Harry
Towsen, 266 North street.
Emil Stuntz, of Cleveland, 0., is
the guest of his brother, Ned Stunt/.,
North Second street.
Albert Drake, of Altoona, spent
Thanksgiving with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Benjamin Drake, 1422 State
Mrs. Walter G. Tracy, of Atlantic
City, is the guest of Miss Sara Sharpe,
306 North street.
Emory Lutz, of York, spent yester
day with his mother, Mrs. H. B. Cun
ningham. 310 Hummel street.
Miss Reba Fid'ler, of Reading, is the
guest of Miss Rose Cohen, 314 Calder
Lawrence Skank, of Atlantic City,
is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Arbogast,
1324 Vernon street.
Miss Dora Silberman, of ljebanon, is
the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Silberman,
320 South Fourteenth street.
Roy Demming, of Coudersport, is
r \
What IfVe Say It Is, It Is
The war has stopped Dia
mond imports and regardless
of its outcome conditions in
the Diamond industry will not
be on a normal footing for !
some time thereafter.
We were fortunate in hav
ing a well selected stock of
Diamonds on hand. Prices
were established before the
war began and we have made
no price changes since, al
though importers have made
two sharp advances.
You can buy a Diamond of
the first water a flawless
stone perfectly cut —for S2O.
Larger stones are priced up
to $450.
You can buy now at
Diener's fine Diamonds for
less than prevailing market
prices. This is a rare Christ
inas present opportunity.
Diamonds and other gifts se- I
lected now will be held until
Christmas on payment of a
small deposit.
The Jeweler
408 Market Street
*- '
spending a few days with his parenta
Colonel Henry C. and Mrs. Demming,
1152 Mulberry street.
Miss Mary Middour a»d Miss Ann*
Middour, of Waynesboro, are guests ol
Miss .lean Allen and Miss Mary Roth,
South Thirteenth street.
George Schillinger, of Gettysburg
College, is spending the week-end with
his aunt, Mrs. Harry Thompson, 112
South Fourteenth street.
E. Pierce Shope, of Dickinson Col
lege, is spending the week-end with hit
parents, Dr. and Mrs. Shope, 610 Nortb
Third street.
Paul Laubenstein, of Dickinson Col' *
lege, is spending the week-end with hi*
parents, 328 South Sixteenth street.
Paul Richards, of State College, ii
spending the week-end with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Richards, 1333 Der
ry street.
Miss Mollie Pruss, of York, is th«
guest of Miss Gertrude Kerson, 309
Kelker street.
Mrs. Sylvan Felter and daughter,
Margaret, of Washington, D. C., wer«
guests at Thanksgiving dinner yoster- y
day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Maty'
vin Perree, 1417 Market street.
.lames Boyd, 124 Pine street, re
turned from a month's visit to Nen
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Blanchard, ol
Bellcfonte, are guests of Mrs. A. Wil
son Norris, 207 South Front street.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Walters, 1217,
North Third street, spent Thanksgiving
Ray with Mr. and Mrs. Mowrey, Boil
ing Springs.
Winter iiips
and Cruised
Interesting and restful, because of
the fascinating charms of tropica!
life and climate. Excellent hotels.
Sailing* from New York each Thuraday
and Saturday at noon. Through ratea to
lale of Pine*. Santiago, etc.
In the Bahaniaa, offers many attraction-)
aa a Winter Resort.
Balmy climate, charming aocial life,
golf, battling, boating, tennis, polo, motor
ing, etc.
Other attraction short trips and rrultes
at low rates. Write for booklet.
(Wnrd Line)
General Offices, Pier 14, E.R., NewYor!'
Or any Railroad Ticket Office or .J
Authorized Tourist Agency
Tbcaie ChurmlQK lalnnil* Are Now
•1 Their Beat
holds the record—4o hours—l, tha'
newest and only twin-screw steams
ship sailing to Bermuda, and th»-
only one landing passengers at the"
dock at Hamilton without transfer"
by tender.
Hound Trip with meals *lc.ind
and stateroom berth QmO up
For full particulars apply to A. H.
OtTKRUHIUUI: X CO., Agents Uh.
bee S. S. Co.. 1.14., 2!» tiroadnay, r *v
Yarki P. l.oltMO 11/MJIKI,, lU3 Mar.
ket St., Harrtsburac. or aay Tick,
el Agrat.