The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, November 27, 1914, Page 14, Image 14

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t(jv rv q Gift Items for Men in Gift Etoxes (JV r\ q
———^»l——— i T 9 Boxed combination sets 85c to 92.00
Boxed "Phoenix mufflers 50c to $4.50
Silk neckwear, 25c to 91.00
4 <= ~~~ — v 1 A
M t *>- *>. m-
ChristmasHandkerchiefstromManySources Women's An Important Clearance Begins To-morrow
One of the most popular gift things are handkerchiefs, and the beautiful display of dainty cot- ineXpenSlVe rIOSG Pall art A Winter Sllitc in A V#^
ton, linen and silk squares in plain hemmed, lace trimmed and embroidered effects, shows how Special Value: I Air * * i r r» i c "r l^ AC;;s
early and how well we planned for supplies from the countries that are now in the grasp of war. 3 Pair for SI.OO At V erV Milch LeSS Than Regular PriCeS
WOMEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS | trimmed handkerchiefs, 10c, | MEN'S HANDKEECHIEFS Fast black cotton seamless There are scores of styles to choose from in lengths that
Plain hemstitched linen handker- ,-^c ' loC « a ° c - 50c » Plain hemstitched linen liandker- hose, with spliced heels and vary from the jaunty short coats to the long modes, and the
chiefs, % and % inchhems, sc, Daintv handkerchiefs with touch chiefs, % and %inch hem, 10c, double soles, ............17f materials are the season's most favored qualities of broad- ir^terT^-JuZJpSM
f ?«c, .c, - c color in corner or colored border, !2Hc, 15c, 17c, 25c and 50c ast black lisle fashioned cloth, gabardine and poplin.
Linen handkerchiefs, plain and 10 Ci
fancy imt.als, - a V y se e . etlon t0 morrow will be prontaDle to the woman
Hemstitched handkerchiefs, ein- daintv hemstitched edges in all the j l liiwh er>lii>»H 1IPP1« hiw! Who IS seeking uncommon values. JbßMbßk
broidered in one corner, of pure wanted shades 25c CHILDREN'S HANDKERCHIEFS , ' , B Sp „.
linen, at 10c, 18He, 15c, 85c, 35c, Madeira hand embroidered hand- . ... * double soles. Pair, Black and brown fancy weave suits u sizes 40 and 42; made with
50c, 75c, SI.OO, $1.25 and 91.50 kerchiefs, 50c, 75c, SI.OO, $1.50, , P " ln , an * faney ( ' olore<l bordcr 37%#, 3 pair, SI.OO deep cut rever and small belt of Hercules braid—a style that Is par
„f Kr lOr and t2Uc Si 7% and «-2 no handkerchiefs, n«»™ n™. ticularly good on a woman of large figure $12.50
Linen handkerchiefs with seal- Fancy boxed handkerchiefs, 3* or sc, 10c, 12He, 15c and 25c A ls«vv hos,. tW bovs who navy and black fine quaUty Berge sults; In sizes 40 and 12.
loped edges and embroidered in one 6in box, 85c, :{Hc, 50c, 75c, 89c, Fancy boxed handkerchiefs, 3in : ' , front is straight cut and is finished with a broad belt of serge J |r, iSi
comer, . . .85c, 50c, 75c and SI.OO SI.OO, $1.85 and $1.50 box 10c, 15c and 25c romp and play after school. and bands of velvet. Reduced to $14.50 j M
n . D „ Pair 121/,/* Regular $18.50 suits of fine quality poplin in navy blue, green and , fll 81 I'llimfaammmmiMlmfr.
™ Dlves ' Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. 1 air, / 2 f black with a touch of velvet on cuffß back trimn f ed with a double I
belt of self material; collar is of military style trimmed with velvet; I J'JtJ /fjW l ,! I 'lflßMwl
Q,lx/'P*!" j\Jl tIPC in sizes !16 to 40. Reduced to $10.50 I jv iilllßl I |
1 ' 1 TP 11 | • * t wllvoi 1 lUVCIIICo Chiffon broadcloth suits in navy blue, brown, black and green, trim- 1 (p/M 1 ' JSjl
OITIDIP V jrOCftrifiS flflu I BnlP I Ot L CL r*' • w med with a broad belt of velvet finished with velvet covered buttons; If 1 I
- ||l \| ■ Maflllifs !^^}j
Quality Moderately Priced In This Inviting Grocery .J lIJ4WI
forks, sugar shells and butter buttons; velvet belt self colored. The coat is made in a style that / 11
With each purchase of SI.OO to-morrow, 7 lbs. of granulated sugar will lie sold for 37£. t n :J, nnw r( , n ilv amontr the effects the short coat mode. This garment has-been one of the best £ lUSffB
* „ Knives IS now reaay among me styles of the season and is now reduced to $25.00
" F s w A eel Can C iwUS f" Silver pieces on the street floor. Long and short models representing new arrivals this week, in navy
I CXjARA PRUNES; 2 lbs., Fancy white GRAPES; lbs., ".. .25c Heinz APPI.K BUTTER; crock Price in each group is 10<*. blue, brown, green and black. The models include fine quality broad
2«c 35c Silver plated picture frames, pin cloth, gabardine and velvet and each style is an exact reproduction
j New California PEACHES; 3 lbs» Faney new MIXRD NUTS; lb., 82c trays, bonbon dishes and fern of the garments that were higher in prico SpeciaUyprlced at
! Mooroark APRICOTS; lb 33c; ITALIAN CHESTNUTS; lb 12c Richardson & Robbin's PLUM dishes 10c to 2oC 9-Ja.OO, JfIJIO.OO and $35.00 '—"
I Dried Tartarian CHERRIES; U>„ New; FILBERTS; lb 17c PUDDING; No. 1 cans 24c Rogors silver plated orange spoons,
211 c . Choice BRAZIL NUTS; lb 15c Heinz MINCE MEAT; iarge Jars; lz iln/en 7»c
I PAPER SHELL ALMONDS; ib„ each 7. .. .BOc % (10/.en, ............. JHC ■ \ • m /- v W * H-t '
2i»c C. & B. Crystallized GINGER Gold top beauty pins, set, ... 2.c |i . I g A l \/I I I T
"FLAG" TOMATOES; solid packed In California WALNUTS; lb 25c CHIPS. Box 24c Silver coin and vanity cases, 50c I ' 1 Ci II I CI O | \/l "t II "t \ T
iarge cans. Can, 15c| dozen, *1.70 "WALDOJIF" PORK AND BEANS; A V_/ dJL Cll Iv/O f I I I I I | | y> J_ \r
Fancy HEAD RICE; 3 lbs 25c , regular 10c cans 25c - - 5 v T T * T ./
Pearl TAPIOCA; 3. lbs 25c Pennsylvania APPLES; peck, ...11>c Fancy new pack CORN; 3 for 25c Mp« c HfICIPrV ,_ , . . _ _ „ _ _
»00, ®l- 9 - Trimmed Hats Reduced to 49c and 98c
Fancv seeded RAISINS: package, thickness; lb 2Sc "BANQUET" COFFEE; a very deiic- black and oxford hose. Pair, We must surrender half the millinery floor space to the Christmas Picture Gallery, which
. amto. 'v c LKHANON BOLO G NA; lb . ;' f BO 'lwA'.io'' 1 30,> 12>A$ necessitates an absolute clearance to-morrow of certain lots of trimmed and untrimnied hats. The
New cleaned CURRANTS; pack- Swifts Premium supar cured hams; 'FLORIDA" ORANGES; large size: u i i 111
age averape 10 lbs., lb 20c dozen 29c Men s tast black cashmere reduced goods includes:
g^E CI AN?3 N; LEM6N • PEE?.; '^3 r E t^ R I. CHEEBE: . , the . fln 4 e oc . F seamless hose. Pair, ~...250 Tab|e of untrimme d felt velvet hats i A 4Q
vaica pitted DATES' package PINEAPPLE OHEESE; each 4Rc Extra large FIX3RIDA GRAPE Men s extra heavy blue wool at JLvfl/ Black velvet trimmefl hats at ~r*/C
Valca pitted DAI bs, pacKage KAISER LIMBURGER; lb 2Nc FRUIT 10c; 3 for 25c hose 250 _. ,
Dromedary DATES; package, ,oc 4 cr oWn F IGS; i b ,„c .Vhm's fast black fashioned Table ofready-to-woar and children s QQp
FuU cream New York State fancy pulled FIGS; lb 21c i. ns „ * lats at | Black velvet trimmed hats at J/Ov
| "PINEAPPLE" CASABAS; each,. .Rsc CHEESE; lb 2.1 c "PURITY" COFFEE; the very finest "'i' V ' '' ' .',' i , floor-ivino r\f monn o+TTIqo nf Panniao of 1
"OLD MISSION" CASABAS; each. 45c B-J COFFEE; lb 20c t 5 lbs., !WV to be had; l lb. cans .. . 40c Men S fast black Silk lisle UlearaHCe OI Hlftny StyleS Ot JianCieS at 10^
I3T Dives, Poineroy & Stewart, Basement. hose, 250 I i3T Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Millinery, Second Floor, Front—Three Elevators.
| See Our Christmas Stock of Winter Underwear for Toyland Is a Place of a Thousand Delights
Men's Bath Robes Men and Women For Boys and Girls
i Ti) j i i „ i (b„h,dj i,„j Bring the children to Toyland to-morrow and let them enjoy the many toys that have been
It s the largest stock of Bat \ s a Values of a special character are offered in this new designed by Santa for this Christmas.
i and noteworthy for its many distinctive patterns. vaiuts 01 a special cnaiacter aic oneieci m uus ntw wool ANIMALS T
> . . . _ . showing ot V\ inter underwear. Dogs, sheep, goate, lions, beara and monkeys,
A leader for the gift season from this section is a Bath Robe _ I# J> jr ' v - joe » 70,5 *° * 4 - nN ... ™
! and slippers in matching pattern at, ?4.39. Attractive Jacquard Men s heavy natural wool slurts, .75c to .sa.oo special jointed dolls at »i.2.\ 25 inches high,
t u rr v B 1 n 1 J - , , Men s heavy Hcarlet wool shirts and drawers; fast dye. bach, .. . .$1.25 narted win sleonlne eves with eyelashes shoes and JbSr
weaves in grey, blue, tan and 1 ftcked in neat box. Men's heavy grey cotton ribbed union suits; fleere lined, SI.OO .stockings, jointed wrist and elbow. Just the dearest g
Men's blanket bath robes—a special value at $5.00 Men's $1.50 velvet cotton ribbed union suits; slight imperfections, Ijil.ll) dol r- a i I i J \ l 'i t i l s ®l! rl in ei » Sa «i nw thlß pr ' ce • . JH
Scores of other styles at 52.98, $3.98, $5.00, $5.98 to Men's heavy Egyptian cotton ribbed union suits; fleece lined $1.50 Character duHs, 2n'c to »s.i>B. A •
SIB.OO. including the always popular Navajo Indian robes in gr ®^ 8 eotton ri,,bofl liniou BuUs ; fleeto line<l iu BgypUan DPumßi 10p to s3>no . TOVS
plain, plaid and figured designs. Women's white cottoir ribbed vests; fleece lined and silk trimmed; drawers ve?ocfpe f 1 es r wfth'"'rut.ber*?ires, »2.0S to *14.00. '
tsr Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Store, Street Floor. to match. Each, 50c
Express wagons, 7J»c to s4.i)s. y
Women's white cotton ribbed union suits: fleece lined, 75c Wheelbarrows, 2.* - to sl.lO. —, , J
Women's white cotton ribbed union suits of medium weight, SI.OO t°Ki l ' nK M hi i il «< lo * a-WN * ,
-i , , . , " Tables. 2n*. to sl.»s.
• , n1 " L A 11 Children s cotton ribbed union suits; peeler or grey, 50c Hair rocking horses, *2.ns to fU.US. iKI
Christmas Oiippers lOr All ''hi'dre"' B wool union suits in white or grey 75c
*■ A W Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. Pianos, 25c t«» SO.9H.
Members of the Family , . T T A ni . j ir) /
ivs"* k "t* •" ""*• "* More or 1 hose rlanclsome rlaid-DacK oalinacaans
Women's Comfy felt slii>pers in j Men's TComco slippers in black
all popular colors, . .ijil.OO to 81.50 and tan kidskin, ... .81.00 to $2.50 A \ {J* 1 C I A 1 1 XT /"
At Jblo.UU and 4>lb.oU Kushed to Us tor oaturday
| Women's felt Everett slippers j Men's slippers, black and
, I / — "N mm Garments That' Were Made to Sell at S2O $22.50
j bon trimmed, SI.OO to $1.50 leather soles SI.OO and $1.25
! women's kidskin boudoir slippers. Men's grey felt Comfy slippers, r^'le iese l leav .Y weight Balmacaaiis went on sale last Saturday and so many of
lea chi!dre°n's s ' felt' jniio'ts," ie'JtiJS j elk ßoys" Romeo'slippers 'in'ta.f S f 'WT>/:/ them were sold that we decided to duplicate the order, if possible, for this week-end. Well, men,
soles, 75c to $1.25 skin SI.OO to $1.50 f fff ' b I t \\'P were successful in getting another lot equally as good as the first, and we are pleased to an
ei^soies!" 8 felt . . f . 0 .65c to'si!(Kj | skin° yS E y ercU shpper3 . l . n ta si!oo ' |vy v nounce a second opportunity to buy regular $20.00 and $22.50 heavy weight plaid back
Children's hand knit slippers in i Boys' imitation alligator slippers, \ \ Balmacaans Saturday at $15.00 and $16.50
pink, blue and red, . . .65c to SI.OO , 50c J j^yA'X. : ! ''vjltTl''
«r Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, street rioor, Heav. , ojs}sL-j/ Hand-tailoring distinguishes these Balmacaans which are cut over generous lines.
_ oil • l v ■ \ .tf These rich fabrics at your service:—
Complete bhowing or Olft Kimonos Iri' )• Grey and Blue Chinchillas Brown and black Boucle Dark Grey Cheviot
and Bath Robes: Ready To-morrow . Y l. Heavy Storm Worsted Dark Blue Kersey Grey Scotch Mixtures
The most diversified style pathering that it has been our I rI"A ' Sizes from 33 to 40. Of course the garments are all Cravenetted quarter vene
pleasure to show in any gift season will be ready to-morrow. I tian lined with convertible collars.
Long flannelette kimonos in Per- | Plain colored crepe kimonos, with 'i
sian or floral patterns; self 01 satin clastic waist band; sailor collar and f ' ' ' \
—i*—-J. Here's a Lot of $lB Balmacaans at 9C
terns; embroidered scallop or satin Albatross kimonos in light bluo, 'if} GreV Scotch mixtures, green OVOrplaid Dattem lL I / W■ ■
trimming; in grey, navy, rose, Copen- navy, Copenhagen, pink and lav- B 45rVY l< m, „j n-.i, I ■ E
hagen, lavender and tan, ender, $2.05 il Tartan check worsted —Dark grey cheviot and cassimere 1A ■ ■ll
SI.OO to $2.95 Solid co)or and figured gUk ki . il Blue grey, cheviot—Brown Scotch mixtures #1 V I AKf/1 V
58-&KJ2TS WmmH, Heavy weight-convertible collars-patch and slashed V lv,vv
gold, olive, rose, purple. American , Crepe de chine or brocaded crepe f 'iMfflmffl " pOC'kets—sizes 33 to 40.
beauty, Copenhagen, wistaria or j kimonos with embroidered chiffon or /ft fr T - raw 1
black $0.05 I lace trimmed collar $5.00 I*slff Ik j flmVTOT '' I ,m : K- j
A Voile Blouse of Special Value lliffi $30.00 Heavy Chinchilla f Good Suit 'Srores of Classv'
Voile blouses with an all-over embroidery front, organdie vestee and col- : 1 IpJl+i \ Overcoats at VJUUU OUll V dIUCb! OL/UICS U1 V-xiaaa.y
lar; finished with pearl buttons and tur-back puffs. A special value for SI.OO Iff M#|BWH VF't-Pi\TlU±fv\ ■ —• _ 0i.,1 „ *
The Scofield Reference B.ble 'Mlßli *2250 T. Be Sure • Slyte jjSmj
1 lie OOUIIdU IVtJierenCe DlDie F.ffiZT/] II TO ■Rlha A special lot just received from a Tartan checks in worsted and
Hundreds of these Bibles will be distributed by gift givers, and if vou FTi- II HHISS'I '\VyCI Wl\ UlI maker whose clothing is top-notch rassimere:—
are ifttero9ted we should like to lay one aside for you to-morrow. [ *II I tl ii\\\\l\!i BrOWll— m style, tailoring and service. These combinations —
Various styles and prices. Fine grnin cloth, round comers, red edges, fM W // W\l «WJT- Jl S, "J™'™ w "SSj ii taj &S3 M '
List Our'* // ill UuHUI T at n— t better quality. But you need pay Black and white
French Morocco, divinity circuit, round corners, red Price. Price. // I 1'! WuMIW Fa.npy miYt.lirPH— only Chalk stripes, too, in blue and
under gold edges $4.00 $8.85 's■« I It i uA\\\l\ « , ~ Al/> p»A
Alaska seal, divinity circuit, leather lined to edge; silk I'MTsfei'A /{ Hi M\\ So yOU See We have these (CIK KI I Blue serges.
sewn; red under gold edges, ...... 5.00 4.85
'"° "• mm a M wanted shades. striped buck worsted conservative cut sacks
ners, red under gold edges 1 8.00 0.75 ® | | I »\V\\\ Shawl collar and belted back! casßiinereß with patch and regular
££..r*pi!S , BfisST' 1 52K t J!r.^ i ™ I ?"rf'S ML Ml (>■« »»°J "T"? lin l d or ,T.t-button sock, pockets.
Text Bible, French Morocco binding, j'gr, / \ hC 1 P lald l>ack w,th satln y» ke - with soft roll lapels. Sizes 34 to 42. Sizes 33 to 42.
Self pronunciug pictorial Bible, . . . .' if/ '
'* Dive8 ' Pomeroy & stcwart. Book Section. 1 jIL Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Clothing, Second Floor, Rear—Three Elevators.