* THE YELLOW TICKET" STATUS OP THE JEW IN RUSSIA ■H HttMH- » A plav containing a particular appeal to the Jewish race, and especially o Russians is "The Yellow Ticket," which Manager A. H. Woods (who produced 'Within the Law") will bring to the Majestic on Saturday, matinee and night, is a drama of life in St. Petersburg to-day, setting forth without prejudice he status of the Jew in the Kingdom of the Czar. "The Yellow Ticket" is in taree acts, the first of which takes place in the Hotel d'Europe; the second oc urs in the home of Haron Stephen Audrey, the chief of the "Okrana"—secret olice of Russia. Act third occurs in tho bureau of the "Okrana." Miss Zala 'elmzart will appear in the role of the young Russian Jewish girl, Mayra farenka, who is forced to ask for a Yellow Ticket. See "The Yellow Ticket" and find out to what tragic purpose Marva farenka turned the refusal of the police to permit her to live decently. Every ewish man and woman in Harrisburg will want to see "The Yellow Ticket." Ir. A. 11. Woods will produce "The Yellow Ticket" here frith an excellent cast. Adv. *** AMUSEMENTS MAJESTIC To-night, Fritzi Scheff in "Pretrv Mrs. Smith." Friday afternoon and evening, Nov. 27, "The Garden of Girls," Bur -1 lesque. Saturday afternoon and evening, Nov. 28, "The Yellow Ticket." Tuesday evening, December 1. "The Dummy." ORPHEUM Every afternoon and evening, high 1 class vaudeville. COLONIAL Daily continuous vaudeville and pic tures. mm—mmmmrnmmmm— Fritzi Scheff Fritzi Scheff will be seen at the Ma 88tic this evening in th? comedy en vied "Pretty Mrs. Smitu, ' direct rom her success at the Casino theatre, few York. The captivating prima pnna will be surrounded by a great ompany, including the former big kvorites at the Winter Garden in New [ork, Charlotte Greenwood and Sydney Irani, also George Anlersou. Mr. has also provided ner w.th the rettiest production of i musical offer ng that has visited \ Harrisburg in lany a year. Miss Scheff's vehicle »is season is something niw in the wav !' light nrtisical entertainment It i'o reality a straight com >rl v, border g upon farcical lines, which requires iftness of touch and individual abil y to give it the required verve, lentf of music is worked into its ree acts, but it is made a relative part the story, rather than a spries of iu rpolations that have nrth'.n.T what ,-er to do with the plot. Upon this ructnre the authors and th,' producer ive built an evening's entertainment lat is decided] v worth while. Adv.*** "The Garden of Girls" "The Garden of Girls," with Snitr. oore and George B. Scanlon, is the lrlesque, attraction at the Maiestic ridav, afternoon' and evening. This ttle musical comedv ic two acts lould be called a revue of musical miedy and burlesque of mod>rn times. contains bits from sverything and ■erywhere. It is unpretentious, light id airy, however, and is light fare r theatregoers. Judging from the (inion of the press in New York Cftv, here the show had its premiere, t is ident that "The Garden of Girls" ill prove one of the most popular and tertaining shows seen h;te this sea n. Adv.*"* "The Yellow Ticket" At the box office of the Mijes&c to jrrow, Thanksgiving, morning, the »t sale for "The Yellow Ticket" will fen. This is the sensational Jrauiu "f 'e in modern Russia, which A. H. oods produced at the "Clting-e thea s, New York, and which ra i for more an a year following 'he successful gagement at the same theatre of Within the Law." "The Yellow cket" was written by Michael Mor n, the English playwright, who is at known in this country for his amatization of Tolstoi's ''Resurrec >»." There are three acts in tli-3 iv, which deals with race or?jurlice ill issia and the adventurer of a young <1 beautiful Jewess, who is forced to ply for "The Yellow T'cket," Rus l s official license to full m worn".!, in ior to leave the "Pab of Settle int." to whivh she -3 restricted be -j use of her faith. How she endoav- i « to rejnain a respectable girl, al sugh hounded by the Russian «ecret lice, furnishes the dramatie material which Mr. Morton has mar'e his play. Adv.*** "The Dummy" "The' Dummy," fresh from its New rk triumph at the Hudson theatre, I ere it lias beeu plnyug sir.ee last I i*on, is coming to the Mijeiti; nest J I | Tuesday evening with the same splendid 1 cast that has been delighHpg tho New j York public. "The Dummv'' is too I well known to require an iiiircduciion ! to audiences, for this famo:n detc -tivo comedy is one of the successes of tho year that 'tx'.hau kdburg on Sunday. Mr. Wehler, of lowa, who cg;ne to I'ennsvlyania t« spend the >vi-.ter with his parents at Newville, called on Mr. and Mrs. W. VV. Hraught Sunday. Mrs. C. M. Howell and Mrs. Ted Howell, of Northumberland; Mrs. Her bert W. Cunnings, of Sunbury, and Mrs. W. L. Gutelius, of Washington, D. C., are visiting Mrs. J. W. Sheets. Mrs. Ising, of Altoona, was the week end guest ait the home of C. H. Ising the last week. Mrs. Lowe, of Harrisburg, wis the guest of her daughter, F. E. Wefcer. Miss Jennie Stevens was the guest of Mrs. Harry Hodge in Harrifcburg. WEST FAIR VIEW Schools Close for Thauksgiving and County Institute Special Correspondence. West Fairview, Nov. 25—The nub ile schools will be closed after to-day for the balance of this week for Thanksgiving and all of ner.t week for the county institute. Tfcoy will not open again until December 7. The Stough prayer meeting at the home of George Ma>iu yesterday morning was attended by 24 persons. * Mrs. Franees Van Sciver, of Spring field, Ohio, was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shultz for several days. The Rev. G. W. Strine, of Spiy, called at the U. B. parsonage veste'r iiay. Miss Nora Gallagher was brought home frotp the HarrisSurg hospital Monday and is recovering ni;ely from the reqent operation. The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Laitz, of Dau phin, were guests of their son, llany Lutz, over Sunday. John MeCann, Third street, is enter taining his daughter, MM. ithel Ander son, of Muskogee, Okla., .'or several weeks. The union thanksgiving service will be held iu St. Mark's Lutheran church to-morrow evening. The lie v. A. G. Wolf will preside and the Rov. S. B Bidlack will preach the annua! sermon DILLSBURG Corn Crop, Unusually Large, Nearly All Harvested Special Correspondence. Dillsburg, Nov. 25. —The corn crop has been an unusually large one in this section and is now nearly all harvested. R. S. Clark reports about four thousand bushels of corn ears on eighteen and one-half acres. Some other farmers re port from one hundred and forty to one hundred and fifty bushels of corn ears per acre. The directors of the Farmers and Merchants' Bank on Saturday present ed to Mr. and Mrs. John A. Goudy a set of silver knives, forks and spoons. Mr. Goudy has beea the bookkeeper in the bank for the past four years and had been married only recently. Mrs. Elizabeth Porter, of this place, is spending the week in Harrisburg as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Scott Shef fer. Mrs. William B. Kunkle and Mr. and 1 Mrs. James Kunkle and daughter, of Philadelphia, were the guests of Mr. Coover and family, Saturday and Sun day. Evangelist Goff. of Philadelphia, ar rived Saturday ami has taken charge of i the Union meeting in the M. E. church. | He brought with him Professor Myers, j who has taken charge of the music. Mrs. W. S. Shelter and Mrs. J. J. : Klugh attended the Stough meeting in Harrisburg Saturday afternoon. Mrs. John Williams, a well known resident of Carroll township, celebrat ed her ninety-first birthday Saturday. Mrs. George W. Baker and Miss Bes sie Baker, of Mechanicsburg, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Spath Saturday. William Bull, Seeond and York streets, has purchased a home in 1* ranklintown. After making some .re pairs ho intends to move fro«i this place to his newly-purchased home. | The Rev. Mr. Goff has consented to preach the Thanksgiving sermon to-mor row morning instead of the Rev. Mr Krenz. MIFFLINTOWN Chester Fasick Has Right Cheek Bone Broken While Playing Football Special Correspondence. Mifflintown, Nov. 25.-—The Rev. J. C. Ely, of Pittsburgh, filled the pulpit of the Westminster Presbyterian church Sunday, morning and evening. Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Crawford and daughter, Helen, will spend Thanksgiv ing with Dr. E. D. and Mrs. Crawford in Philadelphia. Miss Mary Earnest is spending the week with her sister, Miss Alma, in Harristmrg. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bartley, of Pitta burgh, are visiting their daughter, Miss Sara, at the home of W. H. Zeiders. Misses Helen and Edith Pannebaker are spending the weel: at the home of John Panncfbaker in Harrisburg. Dr. Norman Eabright was a Sundav visitor iu Harrisburg. The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Aurand were guests of the Misses Grace and Alma Seiber Friday. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Berry and Mrs. Dickersheid spent Thursday in Lewis town. Mr. and Mrs. Culp spent the first part of the week with their daughter, Mrs. Paul Heinmaoh, in Philadelphia. Mrs. Miller McDonald, ot Altoona, is a visitor at the Sterrett home. Mrs. D. M. Crawford and daughter, Anna, are visiting in Lancaster city. Chester Fasick had his right cheek bone broken while playing football at Lewistown Saturday. R. L. Cramer spent Sunday in Phila delphia. He was accompanied home by his ilaughter, Mrs. Flora Trout, who recently underwent an operation at the Polyclinic hospital there. 'Herman Earnest, of Harrisburg, spent Sunday with his mother. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Bmngarduer ard daughter, Joyce, of Reedsville, were visitors ait the home of Mrs. Bumgard ner's sister, Mrs. Samuel Long. Mr. and Mrs. Wotzler and son, Leroy, of Thompsontown, spent Sunday in town. Mrs. Owen, of Dnncannon. visited her mother, Mrs. Minick, for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Trout and two chil dren spent Wednesday in Philade'.nhia. Mrs. A. J. Kelly and daughter, Anna, spent Friday in Altooaa. H. J. Lepley and sou, Erma; Mrs. Saltfcman and daughter, Florence, of lieaver Springs, were recent visitors at the home of Mrs. Saltr.m&nsister, Mrs. Ambrosia I)epew. A deer weighing 126 pounds was re cently shot at the upepr end of Lick ing Creek Valley by Harry Miller, of Makawana. The. Ford touring car owned by Eliz abeth Dnnn, of Cuba Mills, Fermanagh township, anil driven by D. Banks Stouffcr went down a 15-foot embank ment at Montgomery's Ferry, about seven miles below Liverpool along the Susquehanna river, last Monday morn ing. In the car were Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Dunn and daughter, Kather ine: D. Banks Stouffer and little son, Wilbur, Veturning from a trip to Adams county. Thar? escaped injury, with f he exception of a few> slight bruises afcout the face and body. Miss Sal lie Mover has returned from a week's visit in Philadelphia. Mrs. Jerome Seiber is home after a two weeks' visit in.Johnstown. Miss Anna Mayer is visiting in Pitts burgh at the home of her uncle, Guy Wilson. Miss Patton, of Lewistown, is visit ing her sister, Mrs. Wilbur Schnayer. Mrs. William Gundy and Mrs. S. I. Housel, of Lewisburg, are visiting their brother, Henry Penney, Third street. Miss Mary iHoope was it Harrisburg Friday. Mrs. Guy Auker is visiting iu Phila delphia. Miss Caroline Strawinsk, of Yovk, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Albert Baker. Charles Allison, of New York City, is visiting in this place, after an ab sence of fourteen years. LIN GrLESTO WN Program to Be Reudorad by Public I Schools To-morrow Evening Special Correspondence. Linglostoivn, Nov. 25.—The program for the Thanksgiving entertainment by the schools of Linglestown to be held in tho chapel to-morrow evening is as fol lows: Thanksgiving hymn, schools; Thanksgiving verses, seven pupils; " What Grandma Said," Fanny Lenker; "Pop Corn Song," sixteen children; "The Kind of a Boy to Be," Clare Haas; "The Pilgrims," six children; "Thanksgiving Dinner in Alphabet," 27 children; 'The Best Way," Sibyl He lie h: "What I'd Do," Orpha Shrin er and Harry Pitt man; "Grandma's Spectacles," Helen Hocker; "Friends House," Bertha Keiscr; "Thanksgiv iug Fmi," Ruth Cassal; "Helps in Sowing,'' Carrie Hooker, Vesta Koons, Kathryn Xjsley; "Thanksgiving Song," school; " I'he Best Way," Lillie Fau ber; Corn Drill, six boys; "Who Made the Speech," Fav Hocker; pantomime, "My Faith Loota Up to Thee," six girls. The ISni'broidery Club was reorganized at the home of Mrs. J. F. Hicks on Mon day evening with the election of these otlicers: Mrs. Gertrude Nissley, presi dent; Mrs. J. F. Hicks, treasurer, and Miss Jane Care, secretary. The mem bers are Mrs. ,T. F. Hicks, Mrs. O. B. Leese, Mrs. Monroe Kile, Mrs. Gertrude Nissley. Miss Jessie linker, Miss Min nie -laker, Miss Annie Schaner, Miss Jane Care, Miss EJiza Buck and Miss Katlieryn Nissley. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hicks and son, Harry, of Penbrook, 'on Sunday were the guests of Mrs. Annie Smith." Mrs. Joseph Miller and son, Robert, of Penbrook, spent Sunday as the guests of Mrs. Sovilla Longenecker aud fam ily. Miss Anna Mehring, of Harrisburg, was the guests of the Misses Shriner on Sunday. The Rev. George Sigler spent Mon day with frjends at York. Mrs. Charles McGarvey and daughter, Jennie, of Penbrook, on Monday visited friends' here. Mrs. Helen Frantz and daughter, Emma, spent Monday with friends at Httris'hurg. Mr. and Mrs. John 0. Hetrich on Sunday visited friends at Harrisburg. The Misses Emma and Edna Gray bill. of R«t ii Held, are spending this week as the guests of C. C. Graybill and family. Mrs. John Fox on Tuesday visited friends at Hafrisiburg. Mrs. John Farley, of Hainton. on Tuesday was the guest of her daughter. Mrs. William Feeser. Mr. and 'Mrs. Samuel Witmer, of! Union Deposit, spent £undav as the guests of E. O. Hassler aud family. FISHERVILLE The Rev. J. F. Stabley to Administer Communion at Lutheran Church Special Correspondence. Fishervile, Nov. 25.—Mrs, 8 J. bearing was visiting in Harrisburg sev eral days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Brady, of Harrisburg, visited at the homo of J. Gipple on Sunday. % Mrs. Eliza Zearing went to Harrim burg to spend the winter with her sou, H. B. bearing. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Gouder an nounced the birth of a daughter, No vember 18. L. X. aud C. 8. Keefer sold the prop erty of Mrs. Amelia Keefer, deceased, oil Saturday at public sale to Mrs. Bordner, of near Carsonville. W. H. Miller was near Dauphin re cently, attending a sale. Mr. and Mrs. F. Loudermilch were at Harrisburg one day last week. Preaching next Sunday evening iu the U. B. church. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Straw, of Mata moras, spent Sunday at the homo of S F. Bowman. Communion services will be JieM on Sunday at 10 a. m. in the Lutheran church by the pastor, the Rev J. P. Staibley. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kocber and Mrs. Peter Keiter and grandson mo tored to Harrisburg on Sunday. James D. of Deatrich, am.) Thomas Miller, of Elizabethville, wore town callers on Sunday. L. N. aud C. S. Keefer and 8. P. BoWrnan were at Millersiburg on Satur day. HALIFAX Union Thanksgiving Services in the United Brethren Church Spwlal Correspondence. Halifax, Nov. 26.—Mrs. W. L Smith, a representative of the Parent- Teachers' Association, met the people of Halifax in the Auditorium of the school building on Tuesday evening for the purpose of explaining the objects of that Association. Union Thanksgiving services will be held in the United Brethren church to morrow morning at 10.30 o'cloek. The sermon will be preached by the Rev, A. F. Coltom, pastor of the M. E. church. Mrs. Alfred Bowman was the guest of relatives at Highspire the past week. Mrs. Johanna F&irchilds has return ed from Harrisburg, where she visited her daughter, Mrs. Irvine E. Deppen. Mrs. J. B. Alter, of Port Royal, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Per ciyal Hill, Third street. Mrs. Clifford A. Funk did shopping at Harrisburg to-day. HUMMELSTOWN Son of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Rhoads HI With Diphtheria Spwtal Cor"»srionder ? Hummclstown, Nov. 25.—Large crowds of people still continue to at tend the fair being held by the Acme band and Chemical Fire Company in Hummelstown hall. There are still many articles to be disposed of and those in charge are anxious to sell all the goods until Tuesday evening when the fair will close. The band renders an interesting musical program each evening. Mrs. George Hocker and son, Walt er, of Paxtang, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Wolf on Monday evening. Mrs. Albert Cockley, of Chamber Hill, spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Wolf. The 6-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Rhoads, who reside on the com mons in the northeast section of the town, is ill with diphtheria and the home has been quarantined. The Rev. Herbert 8. Games spent yesterday afternoon in Harrisburg. Mrs. Charles Laub and children, Al ma.aud Walton, left yesterday to spend several days with relatives at Balti more. ' A special meeting of the consistory of the Reformed church, will be held at the homo of John J. Nissley, this evening. The postoffice will be open to-mor row from 7 to 8 o'clock a. m. and from 7 to 8 o 'clock p. ni. Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Wolf left this morning fof Pennington, N. .1., where thoy will spend several days with their son, Prof. H. Ray Wolf. MILLERSTOWN Foster Bollinger Home From Cornell for Thanksgiving Special Correspondence. Millers town, Nov. 25.—Mrs. John Crocker, of Houtzdale, is visiting her nephews, William and James Rounsley. Mrs. Hoyt Johnson and daughter, of Ballston, Va., are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. D. Wingert. Mr. and Mrs. Charleß ljahr, of New port, were recent visitors in town. Foster Bollinger, a student of Cor nell College, Ithaca, N. Y., is spending his Thanksgiving vacation at his homo in this place. Miss Olivia Rauch, of Thompson town, visited her friend, Miss Ruth Shenlt, this week. Mrs. John Rebok has gone to Wal tersburg, Fayette county, to visit her son, Dr. E. H. Rebok. FALMOUTH^ Special Thanksgiving Services in the M. E. Church Special Correspondence Falmouth, Nov. 25.—A special Thanksgiving program will be rendered in the M. E. church at Bainbridge Thanksgiving evening at 7.30 o'clock. Tho program consists of special music, singing, an anthem by the united choirs and solo work by Mrs. John W. Edel, a soloist and leading singer of Harford Avenue M. E. church, Baltimore, and mother of the pastor, the Rev. W. W. Edol. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Lewis left Tues day for an extended visit to Port De posit, Maryland. Miss Lillian Hippie, of Marietta, teacher of Lincoln school, Conoy town j ship, with eighteen pupils visited Miss ! Mary V. Bruiser, teacher of the Fal i month school. Cyrus Durborow aud granddaughter, Edith Summers, is spending some time with friends in Reading. John Trayer, of Harrisburg, was a visitor here recently. S. J. Bierly, of Harrisburg, was here on business several days ago. Tlie Rev. William Wilcox Edel, the M. E. pastor of this place and a senior j member of Dickinson College, Carlisle, j was entertained over Sunday by Mr. land Mrs. George W. Walton. Mrs. Catherine Bierbower is spend j ing some time with Jacob Zook aud j family, of Donegal. Miss Mary V. Brinser spent the | week-end with her classmate at Millers ! ville State Normal. Mrs. Harry Millar and son, Walter, w(*re guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bryans, returning to Harrisburg Tuesday. Joseph Dibeler, Jr., of Royalton, vis ited last week with his graudparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Dibeler. ' Mr. and Mrs. George W. Walton spent Sunday with friends in Harris burg. G. W. Orendorf is engaged in digging a cellar, and expects to erect a house in the near future. Charles Smith and family, Miss Mar tha Horst and Roy Keck, of Harris burg, were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. John Horst. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bryans returned home from a visit to Oaklvn, N. J., the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wiiliam Link. Mrs. John Dahner and two children, of Enola, was the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Brinser. M. J. Derick and 0. P. Baker, of Harrisburg, repaired th c M. E. church organ in this place Monday. Ira Dibeler has been ill for some time. MIDDLETOWN To-morrow All Business Places Will Be Closed Special Correspondence. Middletown, Nov. 25.—The car shop basketball team defeated the Tennis Club team last evening on the M. A. C. floor by the score of 2 9 to 5, and the Union team defeated the Liberty lire Company by the score of 37 to 25. A large crowd was present. The cantata entitled, '"Nazarene," given by the M. E. Choir last evening, proved a success. After the program was rendered the Sunday school class taught by H. J. Wickey served refresh ments to those who took part. Ed. Hollis moved his household goods to Philadelphia yesterday, whero he has secured work. The public schools will close this evening until Monday mornin» and the various schools had appropriate pro grams arranged for this afternoon. Charles Force, who had been visiting relatives in town for the past week, re turned to his home at Pittsburgh yes terday. The meetings being holt! in the Sa maritan Free Mission, Market and 1/aw-rence streets, are largely attended. Tho meetings are in chargo of Colouel Bertron. Esther and Helen Hippie, the two daughters of Mrs. Grace Hip|>Je, South Union street, will enter the Loysville Orphan IHome aikl will be taken there in about three weeks. H. 8. Roth transacted business at Philadelphia on Tuesday. Macedonians from Kqvalton went to Steetoon in four motor cars yesterday, where they attended the wedding of | one of their countrymen. Tho ears were | decorated with flags and bunting and ; were quite an attraction as they passed through town and returned in the aft ernoon. All (business places in town will be closed to-morrow. Thanksgiving Day. The M. A. C. football team will play tho Lebanon Valley team on the fair grounds to-morrow afternoon. D. B. Zorger and N. C. Fuhrman will spend Thursday at Strinestown, York country, as the guests of the former's sister. Melvin Leonard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Leonard, Swatara street, was taken to 'Philadelphia yesterday by Dr. H. H. Rhodes, where the lad received treatment for his injured spine. He will have to use crutches for some time. Miss Margaret Palmer found the purse lost by Arthur Britiser on Satur day and returned the same to the owner. The Junior League oK the M, E. church and their teacher ■will attend the Sltough meeting at Harrisburg to morrow afternoon and several friends will accompany them. NEWVILLE , Union Thanksgiving Service in United Presbyterian Church Special Correspondence. Newville, Nov. 25.—The Rev. Haynes H. Lippincott, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church, will preach the ser mon at the union Thanksgiving service to be held in tho United Presbyterian church to-morrow morning at 10.30 o 'clock. The offering will be placed in the funds of the Ladies' 'Benevolent Society. The funeral of George Washington Hideout was held from his late home in the South ward on Sunday afternoon. He was 81 years old and had lived here over fifty years. One daughter, Mrs. Serina Banks, of Carlisle, sur vives. (Mr. Rideout was a meiniber of the Second Church fit God. Mrs. W. 11. MeCrea arrived liome on Monday from Cedar Falls, lowa, where she attended the funeral of her sister, Mrs. Mary Wiest Collar; At a meeting in the lecture room of the 'Big Spring Presbyterian church on Monday ovening the executive commit tee of the Belgian relief organization reported its plans, which are that on Sunday, December li, offerings will be received in the various churches and contribution boxes will be placed in the business houses. Ladies from this place will 'bring the situation before many of the schools in tho rural district* and contribution boxes will 'be distributed through these sections. The Rev. George N. Lauffer, for four years the pastor of Ziou Lutheran church of this place, lias received the ' unanimous vote of the congregation of ! St. John's Lutheran church of Steeiton to 'become its pastor. iMr. I'eager, of Allentowu, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Clyde Ma thias. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Drayer, of Perry county, and Mr. and Mrs. AlllO.l Zim merman, of Eberly's Mills, spent Sun day with Miss Mary Drayer. Mr. and Mrs. John Eby, of East Han over, spont Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Atland. Mr. and Mrs. James Smith, of Hazle ton, are guests of Mrs. Smith's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Wear, Third street. Miss Marion HelTleman spent the week-end with her sister, Miss Ruth, at Lebanon Valley College. Miss Fairy Zin'n, of near Lewisberry, is visiting Frank Hoover's family, at Bellavista. WICONISCO Mrs. I. W. Holland on Visit to Rela tives in Wilkes-Barre Special Correspondence. Wiconisco, Nov. 25.—Mrs. I. W. Holland is visiting relatives in Wilkes- Barre. Mrs. Sara Miller, of Williamstown, is visiting her daughter. Dr. J. S. Prout is visiting in Maucb Chunk. Irvan Hatten, of Philadelphia, was a visitor in town lately. Miss Mary Davis and Miss Annie Isles are visiting in Minersville. Mr. and Mrs. John Pontius are vis iting in Harrisburg. Miss Dora Shadel is spending some time in Harrisburg. Roy Long spent the week-end in Loyal ton. Puzzled Parke—la your house insured against ■flref Lane—l don't know. I've just beeu reading over the insurance policy, j —'Life. 9 C. V. NB WS HOME DESTROYED DY FIRE AS FAMILY WORSHIPPED Both House and Barn Were Consumed Before Keller C. Carbaugh, the Owner Returned From Attending Church Services Gettysburg, Nov. 25. —While the owner was attending revival services at the Church of God at Jerusalem oil Monday evening, the house and stable on the farm of Keller C. Carbaugh, a mile and a quarter east of Edgeniout, were destroyed by Are. Neither Mr. Carbaugh nor his wife, knew anything of the tire until several hours after it had burned itself out. The blaze, which is believed to have been of ihcondi'ary origin, was discov ered in the stable by Jacob Fleagle, a neighbor. Another blaze was found raging in the house, which was only about fifty yards away. CITY OFFICIALS ARE JAILED Court Refuses New Trial to Men Con victed in Conspiracy Cases and Passed Judgment Cumberland, Md., Nov. 25.—Judge Keedy yesterday afternoon overruled the motion for a new trial in the Ham melshime-Eichelberger conspiracy caso and sentenced Dr. T. K. Hummefehima and Ward L. Eichelberger each to pay fines of S2OO and one-third of the costs and to serve three mouths in the Alle gheny county jail. H. Bruce Hummel shime was fined SIOO and one-third of the costs and sentenced to sixty days in the county jail. Counsel for the de fense filed a notice to take the case to the Court of Appeals and tho de fendants were . released under bail. Dr. Hummeilshime is police commis sioner and Ward L. Eichelberger is finance commissioner. They, together, with young Hummelshime, were found guilty of conspiracy to receive a bribe to pass a measure through the City Council. Believe Cattle Disease Checked Carlisle, Nov. 25. —While an addi tional herd of cattle in the county have been reported to be affected with the foot and mouth disease, it is believed that the disease in this county has al most reached an end. There are at pres ent seven cases in the county accord ing to report of Dr. E. M. O. Mortte, representative of the State Live Stock Sanitary Board. STUDENT HUKT IN AUTO CRASH Struck by Machine As It Swerved and . Struck Fence Gettysburg, Nov. 25. —Th lives of a number of Mt. Saint Mary's students were endangered when two automobile's collided on the pike along the athletic field of the Emmitsburg college. One member of the party, Charles Eck, a third-year Seminarian, was struck by a machine and his left leg was broken in three places and his face badly cut. He was removed to St. Joseph's hos- Baltimore. An Overland touring car belonging to Mrs. .1. Ijedlie Gloninger, which was driven by her son, Sydney, was passing a Ford runabout, belonging to Meade Patterson, of Emmitsburg, which was ■driven by Howard Johnson, colored, The larger car swerved to the right of the road and crashed into tho fence. Mr. Eck, was about to get over the ' fence to tha athletic field at the time I of the collision. A colored woman wm in the Poril machine with Johnson. ! The two were not thrown out of the auto as it plunged through five panels of rail fence, but both were cut and bruised. The colored woman sustained several bad cuts. Bishop Rockwell Is Dead Chambersburg, Nov. 25.—Without regaining consciousness after he had been made ill by escaping coal gas, Bishop Rockwell died at his home in Mercefsburg yesterday morning. At his 'bedside were his wife, who returned to her home from the Chambersburg hospital, and his only daughter, Mrs. Blanche Zeger, of Upton. Mr. Rockwell, who was living alone in his home, was taken ill late Satur day night or early Sunday morning, after he had been to Chambersburg to visit his wife at the hospital. On SUH [ day afternoon his daughter went to the Rockwell home and found hint in an unconscious condition from which he I never recovered. . Must Suppctt His Widow Hagerstown, Nov. 25.—-Bv the death of Burt .1. Cole, the young man who was injured at the plant of the Secur ity Cement and Lime Company, Mon day, Washington county has had its* first death, following an accident since the Workmen's Compensatidn v lav* went into effect. The law provides kiat there shall be paid to the widow J>r her support and that of her childmtb 50 per cent, of the weekly wage re- V ceived by her husband to be paid for a period of eight years and the total amount paid is not to be more than $4,250 nor less than SI,OOO. Mr. Cole was a skilled mechanic and consequent ly drew good wages so that the amount to be paid his widow will be about the maximum. To Hold Charity Ball Carlisle, Nov. 25.—The charity ball the first of its kind ever seen here wiTl be held in the National Guard Armory next Monday evening as a benefit for the Carlisle hospital. It is expected that over 300 persons will attend, not only from Carlisle, but from nearby cities and townsalso. Music will be furnished by the Eighth Regiment band. Dancing will begin at 8.30 and will continue until 2 o'clock. Single admission tickets for the event will bo $2. War of the Three Petticoats A slighting reference by Frederick the Great to Mme. Pompadour, who was the ruliug power in France for a score of years in the days of Louis • XV., was one of the chief causes of the Seven Years' war, called by a witty Frenchman the "war of the three pet ticoats" from the fact that Mme. Pom padour of France, Maria Theresa of Austria and Catherine If, of Russia, were on the samo side in it. IT PATS TO USE STAB INDEPENDENT WANT ADS.