Quality ' S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Si!!!\S N°t SS CTAKE a dime on the is Premiums S: ° Camel Cigarettes, but ;2 3 5 don't look for premiums or S* coupons, as the cost of the | " tobaccos in them prohibits t Camel Cigarettes—2o for 10c —are a blend of choice quality Turkish and ■- domestic tobaccos. 1 hey ami do not leave that cigaretty SSI taste and cannot bite your J55 tongue or parch your You haven't money J™ enough to buy a more delightful cigarette. Sq| I l(*c for (Ml# put has* for a g na Me | curfon of ten pmck+got 200 cig m- | yj( | rtffn . poitego prrooiJ. Aftmr _ jus « inck&tn* on# pucAc(«, if \ou don't I ™ A XA n I frili CA.VIELS »ss r». | y/i /or ■ • " m 'J* f 4 '; nm * »'*•"» «" J >«a » v I Vff a ur« ;rr// rf'untf >wir monoy. | IQ C n » R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. '■ ST! Winston - Salem, N. C. • NEWS OF THE SPORTING WORLD SCHOOL TEAMS GET READY FOR HOLIDAY STRUGGLF Central High in Secret Practice in the "Ctunfeerlaad Valley"— Tech Has Workout on Island—Backers of Beth Elevens to Parade With tho < entral High school eleveu in the throes of so ret practice at some I'lace in the Cumberland Vallev ani Tech working out on the H. A. C. field the last touches are given to the eleven? which will be the factors in the l>:g Thanksgiving Day game at Island Tark. The game will be called at 2.30 o'clock. The Central High followers are jeal on; of the progress the team :s making «n u eold, 3 II I wet v eather, or a ASh S *0 W .hoe that is as I t\so VE HAVf THE fy \7cs7Z VERY SHOE FOR @^l YOU. laKaa Ktlue And it vill co»t you— m \V aa not $3.50 to $5.00 —but m W, only «a.»Oi Realise M \*\ HA that here yon BUY M \V m OF THE MAKER * \\ » DIRECT-not ■ M / \% f \ tb.uMrrofthoe M \ i 8 I tVi corifort and utia- M Ji rli»« *tt li. ! ! C,old» and Cushion Sole Shoe. A rrr©« lation of Comfort and Value. NEWARK SHOE STORES CO. HARRISBURG BRANCH * 315 MARKET ST., Near Dewberrv St Otber Ncw.rk S ,„rr, >r.rh„ > „, k . K..d. 86 . *l,oo„. B.ttl more. I.aat-astrr. «siii- MAU. ORDKRB PILLED BY PARCELS POST Open Saturday evenuigs nntU 10.30 to accommodate our custouieis "127 S|ore all the football that coaches can hand out. \ii : for t to perfectly good reason C a: they w-'sh to keep the Ceutral st iff troni getting over to Tech the team ha. •eon taken away for secret practice, t •ou p'ease. It is the first time 111 h: >tory of the meeting of the two teams tuat »j -H n . asures have been tat,en. •'lt \v..? :mp.-»sible to hold practice » tn.ni: a crowd of spectator's present on t . pub!- playgrounds.'' said the faculty atkletic a«lvi.-oi thi* moruiug iu explaining the move. The tea-ii left at 7.,'.© o'clock this nioruin. and got in a full day at prac tice and listening to football lectures. The i t he* will see to t that the mem bers of the team get a "good night's rest to night, the team returning at 1.10 o'clock to-morrow afternoon to be not at the station by the student bo iv. which has arranged to take the ; a rade to the station to meet the team, and escort it to the playing field. Coaches Smith an I Harris a . m panied the team. The following plav , ers took the trip. <-a 1 .am Byers. Manager Bingham. Bla- K. Snra.-ker. Winn. Hout . Lynch. Koth. Rote, Zeigier, l. nimer- TTA]\KISHl T H(i ST AR-IXDEPENDENT, WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 25, 1914. !n«n, Hall. Hilton, MrMantee. S»il hamor, Piffonbauyh, Doehiie ami Mar cus. Th*i» is every hope that Bote will get into the game to morrow. He has tieen practicing with the team and seems to be in fairly good shape. Ho. j st least, will start in hi* old position at i quarterback. His generalsjup will mean [ a jwotl bit to the team. The Maroon and Grey team got in its final licks at practice this afternoon ■ on the H. A. C. field. The players arc i .>ll in good shape for the coining stnig | gie and every man is striving his besr ; to be able to boat out the old school ' rivals for the first time. The barktield. j Beck. Harris, [teach and Britsch i< j workir.g smoothly, running over forma j tietis ot the scrubs m easy fashion. The practice today was mostly perfecting; signals. Preparations are beiuij made to han j die the greatest football crowd of a'! , time .it the g.irne. An advance ticket' sa'.o has been held, which indicates that i the game will attrait thousands. Koui i gates will be opened for admission of | spectators. three for those who have riot procuret tickets in advance an i one for those holding tiekets. Spaces tor the heer>ng sections ot -lio two s. hoo.s have been reserved at ! the grountls. the t eutra! High -chool on t the o.i-t and tiual arrangements "or' the parade were announced. The partici pants w ill meet at the s, hool house and inarch back of the (oininonvrenlt.l 'and to the Pennsylvania railroad sta tion to meet the members of th,- team, l'he students will then escort the team to Is and Park. At recti the parade will form hack' of the now famous Tech band and march to he grounds. The school's aliuiim iias l>o» 11 invited to paraoe. The >ra-i» wiil be immediately back of the band, the -lasses following in order. • 'oe. U-nder Snow will be chief mar sha ot the walk arouiut. The Philouian debating Societv will t head the iVutral Hiah school pantile. Vance < . M. Cormick. a stockholder in the Market Street Bridge Companv, has arranged that the parades will not be held up ou tiie river bri ige for toll, the marchers going through in line. EXEXMXE TO COACH INDIANS T orsier Carls-le SUr Will Succeed Warner as Football Mentor Wasnington. Pa.. Nov. I'j.—The Washington and Jefferton football men i • noil payed against Georgetown at Washington. D. C. iast Saturday.) l«rought a< v tuo report that A. A. Kxendir.e. the Georgetown coach, had ■en s gned to oaeh the Carlisle In iian eleven, sucoeet! ug i.,enn Warner. who wiil go to :ne Univeisitv of I'itis jurgh. Kxen line s a former Carlisle star and served his first year at Georgetown j tats >eason. His work there was j meritorious and attracted so much at tontion that iie was tne ti.-st man ou sidered when Warner announce,! tha he would leave the ludian school. Kxen ! il ne partly confirmed the rep— t ot his departure, but tae authorities at Geo-ge town were the iirs; to divulge the in teutou of tuo coach to go to Carlisle. ey trie.J to retain h :ii for another season, offering a ..r.ge increase in sal ary but according to their report, ho .referred to fane up the work at his alma mater. UNION AND CAR SHOPS WIN Middletown Basketball I.eassre Attracts Large Crowd The I'nion team won f om >ue l.ib frtv five by the s.-ore of o i to '.'j. and' the v ar Shop team won from the Tennis Llub bv the score of 13 .0 j in Middle town Basketball League last eieaing. More man a hyn Ired sputa tors saw the games. The lineips: 1" irst Uame „ V » ioD - Liberty. aril P Muskv F Gilbert! Seltzer C Kei-.e (Phillips) 1 | f" av t'- v « 'House- 1 i D°ut?l>e"y (• ... Shellenberger , * 'eld goals. Seltzer, t>: Bear-i, 5* 1 | Shellenberger, 4: Phillips, Mus\v" Suavely, t.ilbert, ' Kei;>er. Ko'ui goals. Shellenberger. 9; Beard. 7. j Keferee. Baumbaeh. Scorer. Rnby. Timer, Bleeher. Time of halves, 20 minutes. Second Game <- ar Shops. Tennis Club. i Hoffman P DetsveMei- ! ' P Campbell Baumbaeh C Me\ai' O ! .* Pe'crs j (Smith! ! Phillip* G E. Keiper Field goals. Hoffman, 7: Zell, ! Baunibach, 3: Detweiler. Foul goaN. Baumbaeh. 3; McXair, 3. Refer»e, Shellenberger. Scorer, Ruby. Timer] Spurrier. Time of halves. 20 minutes.' TO-MORROWS LOCAL GAMES Central High vs. Technical High on H. A. C. Grounds. Game called at 2.30 ! p. m. East End A. C. vs. Penbrook A. C.. at Nineteenth and Greenwood streets, (iame called at 10 a. m. Bressler A. C. vs. Moss Rose eleven.' at 10 a. m. Bressler A. C. vs. Enhaut i : High School at 3 p. m. L«emoyne High Sehool vs. Enola High; School, at Enola. Game called at 9 a. m. DR. KLUGH, Specialist Wyftdti «n4 2W Uilast Hariitbarc, Pi of womei aal men 1 viaeela!, private, •perlflr, arrroßa aad chroala disease*. General efllce nork. Coaial. tatloa free aa4 eaafldeatlal. Medietas famished. Work caaraateed. Chargca a oderste. 21 years* experience. DR. KLK.II, (be nrell-ltaona Special Ist j CHICHESTER S PILLS rill, im B*4 mTJu 8) r£i £r V = ~~— ■ Ci HQ 11 tad ARROW ?aCOLLAR a,.ti. * >*.'■.w. I NAVY'S HRI'ELINU DRILL Works to Break Up Army Plays and Practices New Ones Annapolis, Mil., No*. 25.—With their regimental comrades cheering them j and tiieir coachee drilling into them the taints they must do, and endeavoring to break them of some of the things which should uot lie, but which to a siiiall degree still arc being done, the i Navv football players had stiff prae- t tico yesterday afternoon. Considerable time was devoted to ' meetiug some of the Army formations | which had been observed during the game at West Point on last Saturday by Ensign Mcßeavy, of the local coach ing staff. There was further effort to j perfect some of the formations which have been designed especially for the Army, and which have not yet been ! used iu any game here. In this work each of the available backtield men had a turu, and all of most promising : candidates for line positions were giv en workouts in the varsity aggrega tiou. Although it is admitted bv many of the Navy supporters that, judged by : comparative performances. Army has The right to expect to duplicate its vie tory of last year, hope is not lead on the Severn shore. There have been up sets this season, and to these Navv rooters point with hopeful predictions. Manifesily there has been an in creasing growth of confidence among the midshipmen. The prevailing opinion is that the traditional football jinx is likely again to be overthrown, as it was in last year's game, when Navy, I with the best team in yearsr was put to rout by the . a.iets through a splen did mastery of the modern game. STIFF WORKOI T FOR ARMY Coaches Drive Cadets Through Hard Practice on Heavy Field West Point. N. Y., Nov. 25.—The Army eleven was worked at a stiff pace for tow hours yesterday atfernoon in further prepaartion for the contest with the Navy. A new field was laid | out near the hotel, and. although the goin- \\.is heavy, the caches drove the teams through a long preliminary drill, consisting of kicking, running down puts. a session at the blocking and tac-'ling machines and dummy scrim maging. endint; witb a tint and snappv signal practice lasting a ii.il-' hour. Two teams went throug'i the signal drill.; ' apt;?in Prichard driving one aud Oli chant the other. Bemlict. VanVleet and i'oiigs-on .vce tiie on the vanity, j while Coffin, Purd and Hoots made u; the second-string backfield. Orders were ; ssued yesterday concern ing the movements to Philadelphia. The te«ni will leave oil Friday morning and i ■ will take its last workout on Franklin ; filed during th« afternoon. Saturday j luoruing the battalion of cadets, baud > an 1 field musi.', and the officers of the 1 ta i : ai de artuier.t will go by special 1 tra.u over the West >.iore and Penn sylvania a: i,s. A second traiu will ! carry tee oil;.-e s of the post and their families and residents of the vicinity. ! SEASON ON THE WANE Patriot Duck Pin League Ends Next Week The Makeups won l'roni the Linos by \ -3 pins and the Admen won from the Steros by 52 | ins in the Patriot Duck! » in League scries on the Casino allpvt* yesterdii . The Makeups and Stero-. are tie for first place. The season ends next week. The scores: M\KKr:< Brown 109 90 111—310 lx)sh 92 9S 95 28"< jfry IDS 129 111—34S Totals .. . 309 31" 317 —94:; i LINOS Gotwalt .... lU3 110 98—311' Stigelnian .. 90 91 96—277 i Zeigler .... 9S 120 114—332 Totals ... 291 321 308—920 Second Match ADMEN Sohmer .... 97 96 57—280 Peiffer 94 90 105—289 j Herman .... 121 97 101—319: Totals ... 312 283 293 —888 STEROS Carpenter 116 138 94—348 Garman .... 96 140 95—331 Wagner .... 75 88 98—261| Totals ... 287 366 287—940 i Federals Top Bisons The Federals won two of the three ) games from the Bisons in the P. R. R. i Y. M. C. A. League last night by a ! margin of 70 pins. The score: FEDERALS 1 Leaman ... 150 189 192 531 | •Saul 158 155 125 — 138 Colestock .. 174 139 143 456 jC. E. Miller 124 155 165 — 444 Mendenhall. 142 160 168— 470 Totals .. 748 798 793—2339! BISONS Ford 153 175 217 545 j 'Crawford .. 122 137 166 425 ' Keller 143 135 143 421 | F. H. -Miller 142 12S 157 427 Hostetter . 143 156 152 451 : Totals .. 703 731 835—2263 Schedule for to-day: Giants vs. | Eagles. Alphas Top Sen.-.tors The Alphas won 'rom the (Senators by 322 pins :n last night's I match in the Casino Leagt;?. Knnis ' was high man. The s.'ore: SENATORS Ibach 188 150 IS9 527 i Rementer .. 145 200 152 137 , Stigelman . 139 153 159 — 4"1 ! Gourlev ... 147 151 14 5 413 ' | Montgomery 177 187 197 — 561 Totals .. 796 S4l 542—2t79 ALPHAS Knnis .... 205 236 190— 631 , Martz 197 195 13* - 526 Burger 188 156 149 493 Battorff ... 189 191 19.}— 573 Morrison .. 172 190 216 — 57 3 ' Totals .. 951 :»6S BSS—2BOI , ► w » * f f ? » v~w * > * »» T > t t w v * » * : CALL 1991-ANY "PHONE. MjuwzdfoZ ► MARRISBUR4* POPULAR DEPftfnTCMT STOftg < ' ► ' ► 5 ► < ► Store Closed Will Be All Day To-morrow * < THANKSGIVING DAY ; '~ ' ; A Christmas Policy That Will Benefit Everybody I 1 > _ '< ► To the smallest detail, has no effort been spared to make this a ,< ► Christmas Store of Service for your every convenience and desire. < y In striving for this goal, many obstacles had to be met. and over- * K come. New elevators have been installed; departments rearranged, < y affording greater convenience, and increased selling service will ren- f ► /ler shopping a pleasure. AN e invite you to use our free Telephone service; our complete i ► Mail Order department, and take advantage of the transfer system. < Among those having Christinas saving funds, wc solicit accounts, by " which you may do your shopping now and pay for same upon receipt < ► of your savings fund check. i " r And by doing your shopping now, von receive the benetit of un- .< broken assortments. < ► From a standpoint of efficiency, for the benefit of last-minute " y shoppers, we have decided to remain < ■: | ► Open Only Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Evenings Preceding Christmas ' ► . < " |4 ► < And by so doing, every day will find salespeople bright and fresh for new duties, and each will take an added interest in helping vou select gifts with care and discrimination. Adhering to our policv of last vear. we shall - : f , Close at 6 P. M. Christmas Eve. \ | ' \ y This movement which was heartily endorsed by the Civic Club, \ and by popular sentiinent last year, not only permits our large store \ y family to remain at home preparing for Christinas, but it also stimu-. \ ► lates early buying, and with shopping completed, the public can en- „ ► , jov being at home, on this greatest of all nights. Let us all spend < k Christmas Eve at home! : : ' : : ► f- 4 ► i : Friday Will Be Bargain ; 1 ; Day As Usual j ► Every department has contributed a number of •< i 1 ► very unusual bargains to make Friday a banner day, < I; ► and it will be to your advantage to visit the store and < ► in fact every department. Look for the green price < ► cards. < i: , V 1 •„ 1- ;► . J ASK FOR% \ Lancaster's Favorite Brew RIEKER'S BEER JNO. G. WALL, Agt. Harrisburg, Pa. Frank J. Rieker, Mgr. WHY JOHNSON WAS DROPPEI Washington Star Asked *IOO,OOO foi Five Yoars' Work Chicago, Nov. 25. —Pitcher Walter Johnson now firmly believes that he who hesitates is lost. The Nationals' star hurler hesitated over an offer of $60,000 for thre years' work from the Federal League and before he could make up his mind the outlaws with drew their offer. The result is Johnson ■ annot .join Gilmore's organization now if he awnts to. "No,' - said President Giimore yes terday when asked if the 9t. Louis club was still seeking the big pitcher. | "We've called it off. Fielder Jones offered him $20,000 a year for a three- 1 .-ear contract. He asked for time to consider it. Before he could make up lis inind Jones and the St. Louis club ■ailed it off. Furthermore, the Fed eral League decided to worry along without him."' From a statement made 'bv Fielder Jones, who carried on negotiations with Johnson some time ago, the big pitch ed demanded a five-year contract call ing for ?20,000 per season, and so framed that the money was assured Johnson. regardle«s of what might hap pen. He demanded that the entire amount of the contract 'be placed in bank, *ubje> > t to his order from time to time. To Vote on Mutuallzation Plan ' An announcement was made by E J resi o dent John R. Hegem&n, of the Metro, p politan Life Insurance Company, on b Thursday of last week relative to th» - proposed mutualization of that great, g corporation. It is proposed to submit the proposition to a vote of policy r holders at a meeting to be hold Decein ber 28, and should the vote approve - the plan mutualization will become of - fective on January 1, or as soon there -0 after as practical. The plan includes 1 absolute control of the management by policyholders, the safeguarding of the e company against schemes for obtaining 3 i stock control and for using such control e ! to exploit the assets and income of the J company, and the conversion of all non-participating policies, except those j excluded in accordance with provisions of law, into participating nolicies. 5