The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, November 25, 1914, Page 12, Image 12

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T T^^no^c^, ll Than^sgfvirig^Da^ ay
Store Will Open Friday Morning With Exceptional One-Day Bargains
No Friday Specials Women's Bath Robes 50c Linen Toweling, Women's Shoes Towels and Bath Mats Colored Dress Goods Ribbon Specials
cjoTif Pfi n nr Mail or $5.00 blanket bath robes 39 <£ | Women's $2.00 and $2.50 I I 25c bleached Turkish bath I I 50c granite cloth, 36 inches I I Satiji taffeta rihbons Ito I i
Bent U. U. D., or Mail or with border, self trimmed col- shoes, button and lace stvles, towels, hemmed. Special Fri- wide. Special Friday only, IVS. innhp* wide in liirht hlne
•Phone Orders Filled. l.r, rope girdl ; ,«.„. g?y or J' °w 7»i ß , s ?"»."» »«,*".At l ""' V Vird 35 < P™k"aZKw!
red. 5p«,.11.r,d.y only, Spe( . ial K riday.onlv yanl.' Special Fr,day only, *1.50 l 7c bleaehed Tnrkiah bath 85c aewe: 48 inchea wide. valuca to JOc. Speeial Fri-
* 39? t*r Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, I I towels; good size and heavy I I shade of navy. Special Fri- I I on b r , yard 5# I |
——————————— ti Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, „ Street Floor—Bear. > quality. Special Friday only, day only, vard 69£ .
Worrifin's Nflpkwfiflr Street Floor. Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart 12H? Plain and moire taffeta rib-
Street Floor, Hear. * " SI.OO crepe suiting, 50 bons, 4to 5 inches wide: in a
Women's fnnev pmhrnidpr- L————— 49c linen guest .towels; inches wide; all wool- best full range of colors, values to
ed collars in a large ranee of $1.39 Longcloth, hemstitched ends; size 15x24 shades. Special Friday only, 25c. Special Fridav onlv.
patterns and colors, values Muslin Gowns Covers and Center $1.39 English longcloth, 10 inches - Special Friday yard 69? yard, 15?
up to $1.50. Special Friday Muslin gowns, high or V- Pipnpo yards to a piece; 3.6 inches SI.OO navy serge, 50 inches **" Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
only, 49? shaped neck, bunch tucks .rieces wide. Special Friday only, $1.25 to $1.39 heavy bath wide; all wool. Special Fri- Street Floor.
Shadow lace pleatings val- trini - voke ' neat ruffle tri,ns 98c to $1.25 lace trimmed piece, , ...89< mats in a good range of col- day only, yard, 79?
ues up to 50c. Special Fri- neyk au <| sle « ves : . R^« lar stand covers and round cen- er Dives, Pomerov & Stewart onngsj slightly shelf-wonK $1.50 fan-y weave suiting-
day only, yard, 12U? S P ecial ter pieces 30 inches. Special street Floor'-Bea, Special * riday 0n1y,.... 89? 54 iScs wide; navy and Women's Union Suits
Women's erene de chine ' nday only, 49? _____________ Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, myrtle. Special Friday only, w , ..
Windsor ties in ombre shades, Po JT°- v ?. Street >' ard ' ** ribT™ fleecf Hned 'union 1
worth 39c. Special Friday " treet lloor ht>ar - 25c White Flaxon, $1.50 suiting; 54 inches suits, long sleeves or sleeve
only, ...25? _____ 12V f 4 ———————— wide; shades of navy, brown l p ss. Special Friday only,
fcr Dives Pomerov & Stewart, Cambric Skirts 15c Nainsook 1O- 1- *. Lace and Embroidery onil g van!' Speeial >f)c
Street Floor. IOC namSOOK, lUf? 2oc plain white flaxon; only, yard, yof ty Dives Pomerov & Stewart
brie ruffle, hemstitched hem incheß wi( f e . sheer for Friday only, yard, .. .12%* wide; shadow patterns; val- wide; a „ woo f. two Bty ,,. s<
Cotton Dress fi-nnrk ' ' P tua '' ca > underwear. Special . Friday Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, ues up to 2oc. .. pecia n- Special Friday only, yard,
Cotton Dress Goods only, 2o? ()nlv yard) 10< Street Floor. Bear. day only, yard 10? Q() Men , g and g Q
nr. i. i Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart ou j i ;
20c cotton crepe; solid Street Floor. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, . Shadow laces in white, -to $3.00 brown duvetvnc coat- 50c golf wool cans Sne
shades. Special Friday only, Street Floor, Bear. 3 inches wide; values up to ing; 54' inches wide' Snecial cial for Frirlnv nnlv vh*
yard 7\tf ZZHZZHZZIZIZ Women's Felt Juliets 10c. Special Friday only, Friday only, yard $1.45 '.
W 2 C percale, 36 inches 59c Table Damask, 39* ~~ , Women's SI.OO black felt SI.OO broadcloth, 50 inches "gfove^
wide; white ground With neat Women S Rubbers Juliets, black tur trimmed, Swiss camisole embroidery wide; all wool Special Fri- Sneeinl Fridav nnlv
stripes. Special Friday only," o9c bleached mercerized ta- hand turn soles. Special Fri- edges finished for ribbon dav onlv Tard fecial Friday 0n1y,.. .39^
yard, :....9V«< ble damask, 72 inches wide. Women s jOC rubbers with day only, 85< beading, values up to 25c. ' y ' V Sheen Vests
Special Friday only, yard, high and low heels. Special ' ' Special Friday only, vard, $2.00 navy wool corduroy,
59c silk and cotton crepe in 39< Friday only 38<> m Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart - Men's $2.25 sheep vests.
cream, self-colored figures. . ■ r.- T , „ „ • Street Floor—Bear. dftv nn i vnl .,i Snecial for Frirlnv nnlv
Special Fridav only, vard. Pomeroy & Stewart Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Swiss embroidery insertion, only, yard, ?1.69 pecial tor Friday oidy
25£ Street Floor, Bear. Street floor, Bear. 1 to 3 inches wide, values up Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, __
organdy, half ailk, ZZTZHZZZZZZI Men's Eomeos ;» a ;f • s P« ial "to *• """• Mcn ' s Neckwear
$£ n S' Whit. Lawn, 12*# B M,0'a«,.50 brown kid akin ' ~'»' s ,„ lrl fl
A - 615e and 17c checked dimity Black Dre SS Goods Kri,iay oniy S*
Mil gr'l'fS'neaTToV "o grey linen toweling for it™ »"t on\ s *1.25
, R ltn c ?': general use; heavv qualitv. *®" Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,* ' , 1
ored woven dots. Special Special Friday only, yard, street Floor, Bear. Odd Pairs Curtains only, yard, ; ....79<
J riday Only, yard CI/ t&' Dives. Pnmßrnv St.nwarr. .1.1 ~n i-i i r,» • - . .
«1 w .-11, t street Floor-Bear. ZZZHZZZZ=H SI.OO to $4.50 odd pairs Lace Curtain Samples
sl.-0 brocaded silk and cot- Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart _ . ————- , . muslin not and WJ dt. Special Friday v % T . . .
ton poplin, 36 inches wide; street Floor. Bear. Men's Sample Shoes c. 79? 7jC Jml » P ol ' ll a,ld
solid shades, self colored fig- sci in, slightly soiled, bpe- . 4 . sels lace curtain corners, one
ures. Special Friday onlv, Muslin Curtains Men's $4.00 sample shoes in cial Friday only, . $1.20 black broadcloth, o4 0 f a Special Friday
yard. . 45? tan and black calf skin and 50? to ?2.00 inches wide. Special Friday only, each 29?
- patent colt skin,.sizes 61/ 2 to erDives, Pomeroy & Stewart only, yard, 98? . Pomerov
tiac pillovf tubing, 45 inchea ™iv Third Floor Three Elevators. *1.25 1,1,ek aorgo; 54 inehea Third Flec-Th™ Elevator.,
" l. J pA. ;• ff, - . . Knd ": v 1
————■ ————— MDives, Pomeroy & Stewart Street Floor —Bear. ———————— T . . „
Voilp Rlf)ll«?P«i flt ""Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Third Floor—Three Elevators. I ! Drapery Remnants 11. 00 , b ' ack lJ co . at 1 in 8». 54 1 I Lining Specials
V one Diuuses dl DJ? Street Floor, Bear. ■ r J inches wide. Special Friday
t „ . , Remnants of 25c and 29c only, yard, ?1.00 black satme; 36 inches
1 hree styles ot voile ——Silk Specials drapery materials, scrim and . onn ,, , , wide. Special I 1 ridav only,
blouses, trimming of bunch Corset Specials $4 00 silk gabardine • black printed etamine. Special Fri- . $2.00 black corduroy coat- yard 121/.?
tucks and all over embroid- Women's Handkerchiefs . . , S4.OU silk gabardine, Diack, h ing . ;) 4 ine h es Wlt i e . spe
ery panels or embroidery . , so.oo corsets in suet well- the heaviest silk woven •44 J ' 1 ' " cial Friday only, yard, . J /^ c . black satme 30
scalloped edge. Special Fri- Fancy initial hemstitched known styles as Nemo, Red- inches wide. Special Friday t«Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart $1.69 inches wide. Special Friday
day only, .... . .. 69? handkerchiefs. Special Fri- fern and Rengo Belt. Spe- only, yard, $2.79 Third Floor—Tbrco Elevators. fcsDive? Pomerov & Stewart ou 'y, yard, 29?
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, only, (j for 25? cially priced for Friday, $3.50 navy and Copen- Street Floor. 50c black satine ;36 inches
Street Floor. Women's wide hem colored hagen moire suiting, 42 ————. ——^——>— wide. Special Friday only,
border handkerchiefs in lav- D. P. &S. SI.OO special inches wide. Speeial Friday * Men's Underwear - yard, 37%?
worth 10c. Special corsets. Special for Friday only, yard, $1.98 Women's Underwear «"Dives, Pomerov & Stewart
Friday only, 5? only 69<> 40nn Men's Egyptian cotton rib- street Floor.
Flannelette Skirts , _ . $2.00 puss.v willow in pur- shirts and drawers; Women's white wool audi ' I
c . , _ , 4t ~4 Women s hemstitched cot- 7.> c bust forms and shirt pe new blue, brown and broken lines, 39c and 50c silk and wool vests and pants,
Short, flannelette skirts, ton handkerchiefs, worth 3c. waist ruffles; slightly finger- black; 42 inches wide. Spe- quality; none exchanged. broken lines values up to „ „. ,
pink or blue stripe. Special Social Friday only, 6 for marked. Speeial Friday only, cial Friday only, yard. Special Fridav only, each, *l5O None exchanged Sne- No Fnday Specials
Friday only, 25? 13?
ur Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, *=cDives, Pomeroy & Stewart JHr Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Pomeroy & Stewart fcTDives, Pomeroy & Stowart t-irDivcs, Pomeroy & Stewart Or Mail Or Phone Orders
Street Floor. Street Floor. Second Floor—Three Elevators. Street Floor, Front. Street Floor. 'street Floor. Filled.
Tower Company Officials to Make Ad-'
dresses Tuesday Evening
Another "Booster Night" will be:
observed Tuesday evening of next week
by the hundred or more attaches of the
Harrisburg Light & Power Company at.
the offices, 22 North Second street. An
attractive program has been arranged
which will include talks by the depart
mental heads on various lines of effi
ciency, co-operation and the relation of;
the public utility to the public in pro-j
* 1 i <i«^y«l<^H>ii
| 6 Course Dinner I
jJP Thanksgiving Dinner I
1 Thursday, November 26, 1914 ~
1 At the Home of Good Cooking, 11 A. M. to 8 P. M., I
50 Cents |
« i Relishes— Celery Olives 1
' Cream Faibont S&up Turkey Broth a la Oriental
, Roast Turkey with dressing
J f Cranberry Sauce * *
,; Vegetables—Mashed Potatoes, Corn, Lima Beans or Peas 1
j, Coffee, Tea or Milk Sliced Cake or Pie 1
Rice or Tapioca Pudding j
The Busy Bee Restaurant
< f No. 9 North Fourth Street, Harrisburg, Pa. j >
■■■..■ Hi.i ■ ■«> ■ »l «| rftr-- V|» n ii jy-infyjg
| viding and insuring the proper and ef
| ficient service. The speakers will in
•: dude C. M. Kaltwasser, the general
manager; Robert W. Hoy, commercial
. manager; Li. L. Ferree, superintendent
! of construction, and H. VV. Stone, treas
i Announcement has been made by the!
company of the distribution of the elec-i
trie irons which were won in the con
tests held at the company's booth dur
ing the recent welfare and efficiency
; exhibit in Chestnut street auditorium.'
j The winners were D. S. Quickel, Mrs.
I A. W. Hartman, Miss Bessie Huber,
I Dr. G. A. Gorgas and Miss B. J.
Thompson, of i'almerton, Pa.
Held as Corporate Embezzlers
•Shamokin, T'a., Nov. 25.—lidward
B. Beaver, of this city, and F. H. Blake,
' of Boston, president and secretary r.f
the Kulpmont Manufacturing Company,
were placed under SI,OOO bail by a lo
cal Justice yesterday, charged bv Aaron
Berninger, of this place, with embezzle
! Strange Coincidence That This Num
ber Should Occur So Many
Times in the Bible
Have you ever noticed anything
peculiar about the number fortyf These
figures seem to have had an unusual
bearing on events, both' past and
We all know the story of the
"forty" thieves and the old verse of!
the "forty" fla?s. Then there are the
members of the French academy known
as the "forty" immortals; and the
slang for "going some"* was "going
like forty."
But the most interesting list of oc
currences in whieh this mysterious
"forty" is to be found is in the Bible,
as shown in the following:
The rain that produced the flood
fell for "forty" days and "forty"
nights and after it ceased it was
"forty" days before Noah opened the
ark. Moses was "forty" days on the
mountain fasting and the spies spent
"forty" days investigating matters
in Canaan before making their report.
Elijah fasted "forty" days in the
wilderness, and Jonah gave the people
of Ninevah "forty" days in which to
repent. The "forty" days' fast of
Jesus is known to all readers of the]
New Testament.
The Bible is always interesting, but
the one distributed by the Star-Inde
pendent has an added feature of in
terest in its magnificent illustrations.
Besides these which are printed with
the tert matter and which were pre
pared at an expense of $50,000 there
are numerous full page color plates
from the world famous Tissot collec
tion. All of these "ey<-teaching' pic
tures- have a direct reference to the
verse which they accompany, which
cannot be said of any other Bi'ole.
Read the educational certificate on
another page of this issue and Clip it
before somebody else gets ahead of
you. adv.
Francis Bushman, Photoplay, to-morrow
Darby Justice of the Peace Yields to
Upset Injuries
Chester, Pa., Nov. 25. J. Mordecai j
Shaw, a Justice of the Peace at Darby \
and sealer of weights and measures for j
Delaware county, died yesterday morn- i
ing at the University hospital, to which j
institution he was removed Wednesday i
afternoon of last week, when his auto-!
mobile upset in Yeadon after striking!
a fireplug. He was pinioned beneath ,
the car and suffered a fractured skull, j
concussion of the brain and other in-1
juries. . !
Trips and Is Rendered Unconscious as
Head Strikes Pavement
'Marietta, Nov. 25. —•George 11.
Strohin, a bricklayer and contractor, j
made a narrow escape from being
killed just as he wtfs albout to stop
work last evening on the new Marietta j
theatre, which is being erected 011 Mar I
kefr, street.
He was about fifteen feet in a tier !
j when he tripped and fell headforemost j
to the cement pavement below. He was I
rendered unconscious and after being j
picked up was removed to his home,
where the extent of his injuries ha.s ■
not yet 'been fully determined.
I —■—! -- t
j/> _ ==
The "Houston Club" Sk
IT'S the Derby
made an<i strikes the fancy of all
good dressers who know style and
demand "pep" iu a hat. High /§C" j^HIMR
tapered crown rod or green *" 'I"
eyelets, medium brim—alto- v^L
gether an ultra fashionable Derby. *"ss? C
I SN. Third St. 11 Wu .
11 LB Jl3l ■£■
2 Minutes from PENNSYLVANIA
200J3eaufe/ul fflut
<sidp J&oomj tditA
Jce Zdatefr,
*J2QP anc(/ opr.
Popular Cafe, oril I
and Restaurants
JAM&3C.WaIsh .'ffina^Gr
Artistic Printing at Star-Independent.
1 "
In A Hurry
When you arc in a
j. rush for lumber—
phone us.
We always have a
large supply on hand.
We also own 100
horses and many wag
ons-—that's why you
will get it quick.
Don't forget anv
| time you want some
thing quick, let us
United Ice & Coal Co.
Forster and Cowden Street*
Well-known Witness Tree Among Thoa
Treated Against Disease
Marietta, 2j,—l he trees sui
rounding the old Donegal Presbyleria
ahuroh, which is the oldest church i
the State, situated about two mile
north of this place, are being treat.e
against disease, among which is th
well-known witness tree, said to be th
oldest and largest oak in the count'
and stands as a witness to the oath o
allegiance to the American colonies, t;
ken on a Sunday morning in Juiu
1777, under its branches, where th
Presbyterian congregation gathered f
It is the desire of the patriots e
to-day that this tree should be pri
served for generations to come. Ft
these reasons the special treatment
being given.
Happy Hooligan, Photoplay, Friday.