6 fifty? (J&taNi*he ment house was burned so-called "Black-llauders" had threatened the lives of one of the sixteen fam ilies in the house. The police have little reason to doubt that the tire was the work of a band of blackmailers. Tiie comparatively frequent recurrence of hor rific crimes or liiis type automatically bring toanind in- question "Is anything the matter with the New York police?" The recent trials of Lieutenant Becker and the four gunmen brought to light some nasty conditions within the Police Department which undoubtedly were responsible for some graft and other criminality, but even with the appear ance of such fresh evidence of fiendish criminality a> the 1 wenty-ninth street fire of yesterday, it is , not fair to condemn the whole structure of the New York police department. 1 nfortunately New York is a world-center for criminals of the blackest type and the handling of them is one of the biggest problems confronting an American city to-day. Even when such horrible crimes as that of yesterday occur it is unjust to condemn as utterly rotten the whole rank aud file of Ihe 10,1)00 odd men who make up the police force. Instances of individual cowardice in that toree are so rare as to be the subject of wide pub licity when they occur, but instances of bravery,— like tha{, for example, of Patrolman Charles Kane, who savrtd the life of a tenant of the Twenty-ninth by hanging by his fpet from a fire escape,—are so frequent as to receive only passing comment. An organization made up of men of the admitted bravery of the average New York blue coat cannot be put down as altogether inefficient. WITH NO HOSTILE INTENT Even tragedies have their amusing sidelights, and without in any way seeking to belittle the impor- ' tance of the noble work that is being done to relieve the sufferers in the European war, we cannot let pass without a comment a bit of unconscious humor on the part of an Englishman who is allied with the work of the British \\ ar Relief Association, Inc., with headquarters in New York City. He has. in his own handwriting, sent an appeal to the Star- Independent to lend its aid in raising funds for the j association. After explaining that "what we need above all is anesthetics," the Engishman. evidently without i any hostile intent toward a diplomat high in the ! service of Uncle Sam, remarks; We have already sent five cases of chloroform to the ' American Ambassador in Paris and fuuds are required to continue the good work. We believe we can state with absolute assurance i (bat the American Ambassador in Paris is not in 1 danger of passing out by the cloroform route. But to get to the serious point of the eommunica- | RISBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT, MONDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 23, 1914. ! tion, the representative of the association writes; Owing to the scarcity of anesthetics, operations that occasion indescribable agony h#ve daily to be performed without their aid, and to mitigate the mvful suffering this : entp.il«, the British War Relief Association. Inc.. makes a I confident appeal to the liberality of every Rritisher and ! sympathizer to contribute the turn of at least one stalling : toward the purchase of chloroform and medical supplies, j Every shilling sent iu will receive a direct acknowledge j ment aud all supplies will be purchased in this country and shipped direct to fiance with the least possible delay. One ] shilling will buy 100 grammes of chloroform. " • I Shillings may be scut direct to th» headquarters of the j association, the British Imperial Club, 108 East Thirtieth | street, New York City. OUR NEUTRALITY 'S BEGINNING When foreign countries light the United States ; as a nation, is neutral. That has been the ease j from Washington to Wilson. Since the time when the first President and his advisers refused to yield l j to the solicitations of "Citizen Genet" and pro-j claimed the nation's neutrality, the United States ( j has on no occasion sided with European bellig-j | erents. When France asked for our assistance against | England, through its representative. Genet, thej mob assented but the government declined. The! sentiment of the people was strongly in favor of! ! France, which had been an American ally in the i Revolution and powerfully opposed to England ! with which one war had just closed and another was pending. The urgent appeals of France aroused 1 sympathy; the attitude of England, antipathy. Despite all this the young republic, under the guidance of him whom it learned to call "Father," maintained its neutrality. True, shots were ex changed by American and French ships, as the I result of the "X Y Z affair," when France and England were at war, and later, in 1812. the country went to war with England. In neither ease, how-1 i ever, was this nation taking sides with another. It I was fighting because of no grievances except its j i own. Our nation, since it became a nation, has never j gone to war in alliance with another country, nor | 1 has it ever opposed more than one enemy at one j time. The policy of observing strict neutrality is i assuredly a wise one. Yt'ashington established it, against the will of misled people: Wilson has ad hered to it, with the sanction of understanding j citizens. There is no Genet come to ask our aid in the ; present European conflict. The warring nations know our mind too well to seek to entangle us. We are now under no immediate obligations to any ' belligerent, as we were to France, or strongly an tagonistic to any, as we were to England. We. as a nation, are to-day happily fair, impartial, neutral,! I —at peace with the world. THE ROLLING-PIN MAY HAVE TO GO I Are new inventions to supplant all of the old ! j contrivances of domestic use? Are none of the! things of the kitchen which we have known and i become attached to, to be passed on to posterity? One after another the instruments which mother and grandmother used, have been giving way to patent devices. And now the rolling-pin, the fasci- i nating device associated with our childhood, is be-» ing threatened. An apparatus has been invented by somebody, j who is devoid of sentiment, which is intended to i do the work of rolling-pins. The housewives of the future will turn a iever, or push a button, or something, and their pie dough and cake dough will be ready for the pans. The old reliable rolling-pin will be a back number. Such a faithful servant cannot be given up with out sad regrets. In many a family there is a rolling pin which has been as much a household fixture as the stove or the dining room table. Besprinkled with flour and striped at times with adhering; dough, it has been a familiar article, often an indis pensible one. t ertain uses have been ascribed to the rolling-pin other than those directly connected with the malt-j ing ol pastry, but there has been much exaggera tion in this matter. Really dutiful and obedient iiß6bands will find no great satisfaction in the pass- 1 ing of the rolling-pin. Times cannot be so hard for all persons when 70,000 can attend one football game. Yale cot the worst licking in her history. Well, she was all season without the services of her Harrisburg coach. They are going to hang fourteen persons in one day iu Arizona. Perhaps the European war zone is a safer place to live. It seems certain that Villa will succeed in getting to Mexico City this time, but the question is how much of the city will be left there by Carranzaf Tech has developed a football team that is described by those who saw it in action on Saturday as one of wonderful ! strength. We presume some of the colleges will be seeking to draw upon it for material next year. TOLD IN LIGHTER VEIN BRAND WHITLOCK'S QUIET RETREAT Whit look accepted the appointment to be Minister to Belgium because he thought Brussels would be a pleasant, .peaceful place in which to write his new novel.—Collier's j Weekly. LIMITED IMPROVEMENTS The Germans have renamed a number of towns they have j ; taken in Belgium ami France, but so far no other local im ! provements have been reported.—Chicago Herald. VANITY Stranger—"Have you a match, sir!" Vain Individual—"No, I don't think so."—Boston Tran j script. HAS ITS ADVANTAGES Hicksville Stage Hand to member of visiting "Hamlet" j company)—"lt certainly can't be no fun havin' to play a j grave-digger night after night." Actor (cheerfully)—"Oh, the position is not to be sneered at when a hostile audience itarts a bombardment." I —Puck. With Turkey and Thanksgiving Sports— tff- % Balmacaans v-K Balmacaans with the sporty air— / V m vT\ THE, GLOBE kind—the out-of-the-common vy)/ \ u/ ; \v&-%~t /J place kind. Made of Donegal Tweeds and W \W*is' I rJ/A\s > Glengarry Rufshods in smart blends of color—also blue I. and gray Chinchillas. Wonderful values at j ,! WfMrw $ 1 s '■W V « m 15 - F~\ T PtMiThose $25 and S3O ■Li (\ \w- k\ n u ' ts Selling at $22.50 \JP( ( / Are a lively Thanksgiving special. A superb "Jig- 1 f|'" f( \ collection of imported and domestic fabrics— H H U v I everyone a Ready-to-Wear Custom Suit and tailored to «l Wm degree. There are sizes here for men of every Pi r^ v Some Sweaters— - College Mackinaws— [A Just think of getting a Shaker Wors- Wear one and let the wintrv winds U i d Skater with anew heavy weave blow . The Rrcateßt coat ever made fcr one-piece collar—silk reintorcmg strip +1 .. , . .. T , to prevent collar seam from ripping— ( out-01-doors man or bov. Wove u nvc , XT D _ v loose pockets—full fashioned —hand- beauties in plain and two-tone effects SJNArrY made buttonholes—all colors and green with big shawl collars. BALMACAANS Men>s S8 50 and $lO $7.50 and $lO Boys', $5 and $6.50 THE GLOBE PMIHiIWIWIWI IffffjjlMMl—MtoMMUftlil 111 II lllfllllllM— llMWHlllll *' 1 —TTiBJMMi [^Tongue-End Top ics | Wants to Succeed Critclifield Robert H. Thomas, Jr., who is an-, nouneed as a candidate for Secretary of Agriculture under Governor Brum baugh to succeed Secretary Critclifield. who will retire to his Somerset county! home, has for many years been identi-' lied with the publishing of a newspaper, the State Orange, the Grangers' picnic: at Williams' Grove and the Pennsylva- j nia State Editorial Association. He is] a son of the late Colonel K. H. Thomas, i publisher of the Mechanicsburg "Jour nal," for years a granger aud the founder of the big gathering at Wil liams' Grove. For many years the Col-1 onel was secretary of the Editorial As-j sociation, and when he died the son' succeeded him in his several positions, I in fact hud taken them over long be fore the father passed away and eon- j tinned their remarkable success. He isj one of the best posted men on agricul- j tural matters iu the State and knows most grangers of prominence. * 9 Saving the Masonic Records The fire iu the Masonic Temple on Saturday, which would have been very j serious to the Masonic fraternity of J the city if the historical records had j been destroyed, is the lirst one of thej kind in their collection of any Mason j iu the city. There is a tradition that; a fire occurrcj in the Wyeth building, Market and Court streets, many years j ago. but there does not appear to be a ! record ol' it anywhere. At one time, i when tiie records of Perseverance Lodge' could not be found for some time, it' was hinted that probably they had been' lost in a fire, and this gave rise to a story that there "probably" had been i a tire in a Ma-onic lodge room, but no bo. ly could tell anything about it. The Masonic records rescue 1 by Mayor Roy-; a' and City Electrician Piehl were kept in a safe, but rather thanj trust them to a safe, iu the event of j the fire reaching the upper stories,] these two men took the old documents out of the building. Sorry Judge Kimkol Lost Newspapers throughout the State,! without regard to party, are expressing regret over the fact that Judge Kunkel. of this city, was not elected fo the Su- YOUR Thanksgiving outfit will not be complete unless your shoes are right. Well CJO dressed men and women realize that SHORB SHOES combine correct style, positive quality ■ and satisfactory service to a w marked degree. Whether you need shoes for indoors or out, from the daintiest creation for -V the ball to the most dur- ,y able shoe for the street —they 're Jos. F. Shorb «... 300 A Market St ■ $2.50 to $5 prerne bench at the last election, and! iu their comments are paying high trib jute to Judge Ivunkel as :i man and a' l.iudge. The following, from the Clear ! ■ field '' Republican,'' a Democratic pa per, edited by John F. Short, for years! !;i legislative correspondent iu Harris | burg, is a fair sample of what is being [ said of Judge Kunkel and the result of j the election: '•Judge Ueorge Kunkel went to Alle gheny with a big majority of the Vot ers of the State behind his candidacy j for the Supreme bench, but Allegheny ; gave Judge Frazer such a majority .that Kunkel's big lead was overcome. There will be general regrej all over Pennsylvania that Judge Kunkel was defeated. He would grace the highest j court of the Commonwealth and re llect honor on the position, his friends ■ and himself. Judge Frazer is a very [able man, but his suceess was more the | result of political manipulation than the will of the people." PBOPLETJOLUMN' The Star Independent (toes not make itself responsible for opinion* expressed iu this column. 1 ' ! Thanks the Star-Independent ; The Editor, Star-Independent: Dear Sir: —The stall' of the Depart-' I incut of and Industry and my self personally, desire sincerely to j I rhank you for the active and effective j co-operation you gave us in the great | j work of holding a conference of em- j i plovers and of employes in Harrisburg 1 : this week. It was to a large extent by j | reason of this co-operation that the ; | conference will prove to have been of | i material and lasting value to the people] j of the Commonwealth. Again thanking; ! you cordially for all you have done for j | us, I beg to remain Yours faithfully, John Price Jackson. | Harrisburg, Pa., Nov. 20, 1914. WHAT IS GOOD ENGLISH? | Was the Cause of Spirited Discussion at Teachers' Institute ; Whether Abraham Lincoln would ! have been a greater man had he had a ! knowledge of Latin and Greek was I warmly discussed bv the speakers at j the institute for the teachers of Har risburg, held Saturday. Dr. O. T. Corson, editor of the ''Ohio Educational Monthly/' and Dr. Arthur HJ Harron, of Allegheny Col Shop Early IT PA YS RIGHT now is the best time to buy your Christ mas jewelry—the selections are at their best— the service is better —you have ample time to choose and the prices are lower than ever before. To .en courage early shopping we offer 10% OFF on all purchases made until December Ist. Every thing included. Every article is marked in plain , ' figures and the reduction is genuine. Select any article now—pay a small deposit and we'll hold same for you until Christmas. SHOP EARLY— it will pay YOU. • Jacob Tausig's Sons DIAMOND MERCHANTS AND JEWELERS Reliable since 1807. 42 q Market Street Ov™ Evenings. leg 1 ', differed widely in their speeches as to the needs of good English. Dr. Corson, the lirst speaker, lmd dwelt at length 011 Lincoln's clear die- i tion and the valuo placed on his Get.- j tvsburg address. He explained that j that address contained only 2GB words | and of these 143, more than half, con- 1 taiued only one syllable. There were, j he said, only 139 different words. When Dr. Harrop spoke he told of ! the value of a thorough knowledge of j Greek and Latin and regretted that j Lincoln did not have a working knowl edge of bese two tongues. THANKSGIVING DAY At this Thanksgiving Season ot' Peace aud Bounteous Crops we desire to express our ap preciation to our customers for their valued patronage, and wish them an increased meas ure of prosperity in the years to come. * lll 1 111 1 1 11 ' '' ass Big Funeral at Maytown Maytown, Nov. 23.—The funeral of Ernest Albright, at. Maytown Saturday afternoon, was one of the largest ever held in this section, maiiy attending from a distance. The secret societies to which he belonged, turned out in a body and had representatives for pall hearers. The children of the Reformed Sunday school, of which he was the superintendent, were present. The Rev. William K. Lowe, pastor, assisted by the Rev. E. Elmer Sensenig, of Alariet ta, officiated.