The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, November 23, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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    tr\ON'T look for premiums or
coupons, as the cost of choice
Turkish and domestic tobaccos
blended in Camels prohibits their
use. All the value . goes in\o the
cigarettes —you'll spot the difference
soon as you've whiffed just one
smooth, fragrant Camel. No cigarctty
aftertaste. Get that? Give Camels
a tryout. 20 for 10 cents.
If yomr dealer can't supply you, smnd 10c
for one package or SI.OO for a carton
" » Or of ten package* (200 cigarettes), post
± age prepaid. After smoking one pack
wage, it you don't find CAMELS ae repre
sented, return the other nine packages
and we will refund your money.
Quality R j RE ynoLDS TOBACCO CO.
Not Premiums Win.ton-S.lem, N. C.
Although Unsuccessful They Outplayed
Heavier Opponents With But One
Regular in the Backtield for Half
the Gaine
The Central High School football
eleven showed unexpected strengtii
against the heavier Wilkes-Barre team
at Wilkes-Barre Saturday and played
the Barons off their feet in more thau
half of the struggle. The prowess of!
Bobby Miller alone was responsible for |
the Wilkes-Barre victory by the score;
of 9 to 6, he having made a goal from
placement in the first period and later
scored a touchdown when but five min
utes remained to be played.
The great number of followers iul
this city have taken heart at the im-j
provement of Blue and Grey and Cen!
tral's chances against Tech on Thuru-I
day have been enhanced greatly. With
but two regulars in the backtield for
the first half of the game and but one
Tegular in the backtield during the last
half Central's work against a team that
decisively defeated Steeiton was re
Assuming the offensive at the start
of the game Central played the Wilkes-
Barre team iijto its own territory being
forced back over the center of the field
near the close of the first period. When ,
in danger of losing the ball on downs
Miller made a goal from placement.
' entral's advance took the ball to the
fifteen-yard line at the close of the
period. The next period was Central's
beyond a doubt and ground was gained 1
steadily on line plunges and short eu'i
runs. Snielt/er went over for a score
through the line. The goal failed.
Shortly after Snieltzer was knocked un
conscious and was forced to retire.
While the Blue and Grey gained
ground almost at will in the third pe
nod they lacked the power to force the
ball over, once having it within eight
yards of the Wilkes-Barre goal. The
bail see sawed about the center of the
tieid in the final period until Miller '
got awav for a fifty-yard run for a
touchdown in final few minutes ot' play.
The kick failed. The lineup and sum
wary: i
W ilke? Barre. Harrisburg. |
Kemper L K Houtz: '
Bradshaw I, T Winn!
Nhaetzel L, G Sniucker
1 roll C .... Diffenbaugh :
Burt it II Zehanuer
l'oland K E Lynch
Miller Q B Byers
llenny 1, (1 B Roth
Mendelsohn . . R II B Ziegler
Busb KB Smettzer
Touchdowns. Miller, Sineltzer. Field '
jsoal. Miller. Substitutions, Zi miner .
man for Moutz, Houtz for Winn, llil-!
ton for sineltzer. (.r ess ley for Brad ,
>liaw. Goodstein for Shaetzel, O'Doyle
for Bu3h, Kramer for O'Boyle, o'Boyle
for Kramer. Umpire, Doo.'au. Referee,
•- • , |
Wholesale Love Affairs in Retail Fur
niture Store in St. Louis
St. Louis, Xov. 23. —In the last .
three \ears twenty-three persons em
ployed at a furniture company in this
city have married. This applies^only 1
to the company's retail store and "does
not take into account the matrimonial :
records in the ranks of the factory em
Three of the marriages were culm*.- 1
nations of shop romances, while in;
each of the other cases only one of the 1
principals was from the store.
; i
DR. KLUGH, Specialist 1
PfcTftlrfnn nnd
OTtrrm: 20(1 Wnlunf t(„ 11 p.rrl*burr Pr j i
PIMr«M of rvonirti mid ment uprrlal, '
firlTßtf. ■ fieeiflc. nrrtoiin nnd rlrnntf < 1
dUexse*. General ofllre wnrk. Crdivl. *
tHfion free nnd coDfiilrntial. Mcdlcia« {
f iirnl%lifd. Work tnnnintccd. Cbaren t
ttioderntr. years* experience. <;
HK. Klil <;il. the well-known *peel«iliM (
relieved in ;
J j .
Bewareofcounterfeits , I
Fill® la |«4 ud nMMcvV#
ft f?' ***** Rifafco*.Xfjf '
ft j
SOU IV MUifiISTS EVEfftlfj?! i
Tech Shows Remarkable Team Play
Crushing Opposition by the Score
of 54 to O—Beck Runs 101 Yards
For Xouirhdown
After one perio>d of football Satur
day afternoon on Island Park, Steel
tou had no defense at all and what at
tivst looked to be a football game turn
ed out to be a forward march for
Tech, the lo al eleven handing Steeiton
the greatest trimming of its career by
the score of 54 to 0. It wouhl seem
from that result thjt Tech has a big
advantage for the Thanksgiving Day
Tech's team play was remarkable.
Generally speaking Tech made a tirst
down on every play in the tirst and
part of tlie second period after that a
touchdown on every play until the
final period when but three of the reg
ulars were left on the team. Here it
was that Steeiton became dangerous
and the Tech regulars were put back
in the game tu save tlie Tech goal.
Beck. Harris. Beach and Britsch
played together like a well-oiled and
perfect machine, running plays with
quickness and dispatch, always,giving
the runner/ whoever it migbt be, a
perfect interference that interfered.
Ma li runner was surrounded and tack
ier? were warded off until a clear field
was left for the man with the ball.
It was this interference that gave
Beck an opportunity to run eighty-five
yards and 101 yards for scores and
Britsch to make his long gains aut(
enabled Emanuel to score. This latter
was perhaps the most remarkable run
of the afternoon. The end started with
the pigskin on Tec-h's thirty-eight
yard line outdistancing his interfer
ence n a dash across the gridiron. He
seemed to be in trouble then vyth the
Steeiton secondary defense closing in
on him forcing him gradually off to
the sidelines. He eluded the hands of!
a tackier just inside tile boundary line
only to find another pair of aims which
lie was compelled to sidestep. He elud
ed tackier after tackier, finally reach
ing the goal line before being downed.
No local eleven in recent years has
shown the polish and perfection as
that shown by Tech. Most of the gains
were made from a shift play that took
all of the backfield men into play in
the same direction as tbe runner. Of
times the runner would be taken
around the end and occasionally
through the line outside tackle. Most
of Beck's gains were outside tackle,
particularly on his 100-yard run, when
a iiole through the line was made t>ig
enough for a wagon to go through.
Steeiton "s best game was in the
first period when she pushed the ball
to within striking distance of Tech's
goal. Here a penalty for being off
sides ma le the Steeiton team resort to
open play which lost ground. Lateral
passes were tried by the Steeiton team
but were of little avail against the
Tech rush line. Gardner, Dayhoff and 1
Xorris played best for Steeiton. The
line-up and summary:
Tech. Steeiton
Stiteler L. K Crowlev
Miller L. T Wren
Weir !*• G Morrett
rl «»B C Xorris,'
McKay R. G Levi fx '
Eutz . .K. T Crump i
"Emanuel iR. E Eckenrode
Britsch Q. B Rupp
Harris L. H. B Gardner i
Beach R. H. B Dayhoff i
B «ck F. B Wolf!
Touchdowns, Britsch. 3; Beck, 3;!
Emanuel. Harris. Goals from touch
downs. Kuf/., 4; Beck, Stiteler. Otti '
cials: referee. Hitchler, Dickinson.'
i'mpire. Johnson, Bueknell. Head lines-1
man, Mackert, Lebanon Valley. As :
sistant linesmen, Gaffnev, Steeiton; I
Challenger, Tech. Time of quarters,
two of 13 minutes, one of 12 -and one]
of 10. Substitutions, for Steeiton, i
< onkliu for Wolf, Hoffer for Morrett, j
Morrett for Xorris, Weschinski for
Eckenrode, Eckenrode for Davhoff,
Gardner for Conklin. Tech, Challenger:
for Beck. Conkiin for Emanuel, Fitz- i
Patrick tor McKay, McKac for Kutz,
Snyder for ('less, Frasch 'for Beach.
I -owe for Miller, Mell for Harris, Kill
iuger for Britsch, Kutz for McKay,
Harris for Era-id* Britsch for Kill
inger, Killinger for Britsch.
Church Steeple Dedicated
Myerstowu, Xov. 23.—The new j
steeple of Tuipehocken Reformed
church here was dedicated yesterday.
Addresses were made by the Rev. s.
A. Leiiibach. Reading; the Rev. I. Cal
vin Fisher, Lebanon, and the Rev. J.
Ivowis Flnck, of tJiis place.
Gettysburg Defeats Middletown A. C.,
83 to O— Penbrook Champs
Top Hershey
GETTYSBURG, NOT. 23.—1n a -low ami
uninteresting game Saturday Uettvs
burg defeated Middletown A. 3}
tn 0. Middletown made but one first
down during the game and failed to
stop the line plunges and end runs or'
the f»ett\\«l>urg backß. The lineup*
Gettysburg. Middletown.
, "? el I- G. HclTaetfer
j* B , rk '• T Vrnold
M" <T ' '' ( ' Kisenhurt
-Met ollougli ....(' Snyder
°'k . KG Tillotson
Scueffer B T Eisnian
Buehler If K u. Scheffer
!", ai 4 B Brandt
'fb- I- I' B Groupe
Hatch k H B Russell
Tlt ,f l KB Brier.
touchdowns Hoar, o; Krly, Titzel.
Huals from touchdowns. Seheflfer, :!.
Substitutions, Turnbull for Weigel, Gil
lilami for Turnbull. Webner for Polk,
Mercer for Webner. Stone v for Krlvj
'•one for Hoar, Strattou for Hatch,
Weiihei for Stoney, Kurtz for Arnold,
liittz for Russell, fieferee, Rardelnmn.
I mpire, Fortonbaugh. Head linesman.
Hall. Time of quartets, 0 minutes.
Penbrook, tl, Hershey, o
Hershev, Nov. 23.—-The Pewbrook A.
0. won from the Hershey Men's Hub
on the local grouuds here Saturday, t;
to t). Garman and Shearer played the
visitors' best games, while SI esse r and
Doai'olf starred for Hershev. The
'Penbrook. Hershev.
V- V ooli '• l '' Romig
Attu-ks 1. T Hollv
Favorite I. C Sullivan
' '""l' < Ijiismiuger
G*tuuf»hrey R G Black
•St. < lair Hi Zentmeve:-
•tiubert R E Brvson
/ « lle " s Q B \lagee
Sparer R H B Malouc
Sliuey I. H B S lesser
Garman- PL! Dearolf
I'mpire, Riuchart. Referee, Bold
tier. Touchdown. Uaiman.
Palmyra Defeats Mechanicsbttrg
Palmyra, Pa., Xov. 23.—The Me
chanic-, >urg \. f. lost its first footoull
game of the season here Saturday to
the Palmyra A 1..20 to G. I'he lineup:
I Palmyra. Meclianicsburg.
Dampmaii I. K K. Jacoba
Shearer L T ilostettcr
Ivomser Lfl Kunkel
Jlf "°l' 0 Mae key
1 oorrnau R G Howe
i H i . l , I , mau If T Koser
■'•tier R K Dinlev
I Brad > <,! B Ervsinge'r
> ullor E II B : . . Bowen
! Kreider RHP. \. .| a coos
| -lames F B Fishel
j Touchdowns. Kreider, 2; Toder, Frv
! singer. Goals from touchdowns, .lames.
|2. Referee. Kennedy, rime. 10 iniu
j ute quarters.
JBast Ena, 70; West Fairview, o
East End defeated the West Fair
view eleven, 70 to 0. on the East End
' field Saturday afternoon. The lineup:
West Fairvieiv Kast End.
A. MeCooinb-' . L E Fetrow
Books LT Blougii
Sineltzer I. G Hollands
I Dtirfbar c 091 . ar
i Brandt KG Sbieklev
Marshall U T Faga'n
j Boyer II |; Fnrmni:
. Armstrong .. . . B Campbell
• Rhoads RUB Hoppes
| Walters LHB Sheaffer
| C McCooiubs . F B Brelnn
Touchdowns. Fetrow, Cainvbell, Hoi
: i auds-, Staph. Blougii, Sheati'er, Furiuan,
I Hoppes. Brelim, Shi. kley. (Jsear. Goals
' from touchdowns. Brelim, I. S ostiru
tions. Tipped for Staph, Rider for Tip
' ped. Landis Tor Fagan.
Sycamore Defeats Penbrook
The Sycamore team defeatetl the
I'enbrook All-Scholastics on S'camore
i field Saturday. G tO. The lineup:
Penbfook. Sycamore.
Ceary |, | Robinson
i Xagle L T Goph s
Koones R G Blade
i Gumpher ( Coover
Koons I, t■ ... /.'iiniieriiiau
(■arman It r O ' onnoil
Garrick RE.... W. Rodgcrs
shields OB .... E. Rodgers
Bobbs I, 11 B Downev
i < ooper R H B Minie.'h
1 Xov inger I' B Sclvreck
Touchdown. K. Rodgers. Referee.
Tooinev. Empire. Head
linesman, Moore. Time of periods, 12
Academy Third Team Wins. ao-«
The third team of the Harrisburg
Academy v.ou from Cameron on Acade
my tieid Saturday morning, 20 to ti.
' The lineup:
Academy. Cameron.
Herman ....... R !•'. Moody
England R T Reinier
Roberts KG Hl'.iuger
Stroup C Rausch
i Hendrv EC Landis
Lescure I. I' Kampskv
Bailey EE Moody!
stone B Grauim
• aslells LH8.... S.-haeffner
Stewart RUB I.audis
Schveiner .... F B Beck j
Touchdowns. Schreiner, 2: Stone, I
Scliacffnei. Goals from tpuchdowus.
1 ostells, 2. Referee. Binguuiau. West
Virginia Head linesman, Jeft'ers, j
Linesmen, Morse and Galbiaitb. Sub
stitutions. Meyers for Lescure. Gal- j
braith for England.
Curtin Heights Ties Nationals
Curtin Heights tied with the Steeiton
Xationals Saturday afternoon, the
game ending in a score of 12 to 12.
Leads Opponents in Number of Points
Scored—W. and J. Second
Dartmouth is now far in the lead for J
the high scoriug iiouors among the large
college football teams, with a total of !
309 points registered in eight games,
against 2.i for her opponents. Washing
ton and Jefferson is second in the list, j
with a total of 315 points for nine
games, against 39 tor her opponents.
Itertmoutb completed her schedule with
Saturday's game against Syracuse,;
while W. and .1. lias two games remain-!
ing to 'be played.
Tufts annexes third place, with 264 !
points. Cornell, though idle on Sat !
01-day, is still fourth, with 235. Mich- ;
igan, also idle, is fifth, with 233. The '
Army advanced 'into si*th positiou. wit'll '
199. Pittsburgh follows in seventh I
ply e with 194. Harvard passed Yale J
and is now eighth with 18 7. Bueknell
is ninth, witn IS2: Yale, tenth, with
178;' the Xavy, eleventh, wibh 174,
and Lehigh twelfth, with 167.
Mahan. Parson and Wallace, of This
Season's Harvard Team, to Form
IttlS Nucleus
• 'ambridge, Mass., 'Nov. 23.—'With
the 1!>11 season closed successfully by
the victory over Yale Saturday, Har
vard football enthusiasts yesterdav sur
veyed the material for next season.
Head ( on.-h Percy I). .Haughton, in
his eighth year as mentor of the Crim
son 's football teams aud the last one
under his present contract, will lose
most of the men who worked for Har
vard's sin.ess at New Itaveu. Only
three of the eleven men who started
•he game will return to college. Fifteen
of the twenty-fix p players who won
their letter will he lost to the team.
I lie .'rack kicking and running half
back, Kdward \V. Mahan, is the prob
able choice of captain to succeed Charles
niivkle.v. Parson, who was impressed
from the crew squad to till left tackle,
rnii Wallace, placed at center late in
fhe season, are the other two regulars
remaining. Three members of last
year's winniug eleven, .1. 1.,. Gilman and
Ross t'owan. both linesmen who have
been prevented 'by fncultv restrictions
from playing recently, anil Soucy, who
limped onto the field for a moment
I Saturday, are expected to be available.
j Poughkcepsie Route Believed to Be
Too Long
By Associated Press.
Now oik, Nov, 23.—The Intercol
legiate Kowlug Regatta ou the Hudson
uoxt June will lie held over a S mile
course ajut not one ot' four miles as
heretofore, in the opinion ot" many
leading followers of the aquatic sport.
With th" football season drawing to a
j dose, consideration is being given by
! the stewards ot' the Intercollegiate
| Rowing Association to the question of
j shortening Ihe I'oughkeepsie route, i's
j desired by Cornell. The stewards haco
| not announced.their plan, but are said
|to favor ihe proposed change.
Princeton would be welcome as a
contestant on the Hudson in Wiscon
j sin's place and it is said that a Tiger
' crew might lie entered next year if the
i Hudson course were shortened. Prince
| ton cannot train ou Carnegie lake for
I ;i 4-mile race, but could do so for a
j shorter event. Columbia, with Comely
jis said to favor a 3-mile race. iPenu
| sylvania is said to be opposed.
! Highspire A. C. Finds One Touchdown
The Highspire A. C. wou from the
| Tech scrubs on island Park Saturday
; afternoon by the score of 6 to 3. Chal
| longer made Tech 's score on a field
; goal. The line-up and summary:
Tech. Highspire
j Melville 1.. E Wolfe
McFarlaud ....1.. T Thomson
S. Phillips .. . . \j. (_> lloak
j Snyder C Chubb
i Shelleirberger . . li. G S. Sides
1 Little K. T Sullivan
1 Cock li n R. E Wilson
| Killinger y. B Nelson
i Frasch L. H. B. .... .Wagner
j Yofl'o it. 11. B W. Sides
j Challenger l'\ B Daniels
Touchdowns, \V. sides, field go.ii,
j Challenger. Substitutions, Tech, Mel
j ville for Co.-klin, Sl,•Curdy for Mel
| vi lie, Ccwklin for Melville," Alell for
I Yoffe. Highspire, Hummel for Willson,
Willson for Daniels. Referee, llitzler.
I mpire, Urubb. Hea l linesman, Duu
: klo.
Harrisburg Pive Wins
The HaiTisburg basketball five de
feated the Parkesburg five iu the arm
| ory Saturday evening by the score oi
I 45 to 2S. The line-up and summary:
Harrisburg. Parkesburg
| MoCord !' Steen
j Buni'jaugh K Kalber
liaddow c Smith
Atticks (i. ... Moore
j Bovles li La'//»rus
Goals from field, Steen, 8; Brum
baug'n. 3; Atticks, I; Smith, 2; Krour.
2; Met oid, 2; Haddow, Bovles. Moore.
Foul goals, Me Cord, 15; .Stecn. 3;
' Smith, 1. Fouls committed, Harrisburg.
; 27; Parkesburg, 22. Referee, Geisel.
| Scorer, Kulp. Timer, Regan. Halves, 20
i minutes.
Cliurch Cornerstone Laid
"i ork, Nov. I'.'l.—'file cornerstone of
the Second Moravian church edifice in
tliis city, which is being extensively
rebuilt, was laid yesterdav afternoon
with appropriate services. The mission
was founded in 1 STO by the late Judge
David Kalis.
To Oppose License Transfer
The Rev. Harry Klaer, pastor of
Covenant Presbyterian church, will pre
side at a mass mee'ting to be held in
the Augsburg Lutheran ciiuivli at 7.t0
o'clock this evening, a: which clergy
men say. plans will be laid lor Obtain
ing signatures to petitions remonstrat
ing against the transfer of the Patrick
Sullivan lireuse from 7:17-729 State
street, to ISI9 North Third street. The
hotel man's property and business now
is located within the Capitol Park zone
and is destined to <•? razed within the
next few months.
t \
In A Hurry
When you are in a
lush for lumber—
phone us.
We always have a
large supply on hand.
Wo also own 100
horses*an<i many wag
ons —that's why you
will get it quick.
Don't forget any
time you want some
thing quick, let us
Idled Ice & Coal Co.
Foriter and Cowden Street*
: CALL 1991-ANY "PHONE. i
Ston rOUNDID 1871 01 Bkm
■ VUWU&Uj ~
I Looking Toward Winter—You'll ]\
Be Thinking of a Sweater
► Convenient and useful for the outdoor man and woman. Many styles and <
► weights are shown, 4
y For the Thanksgiving trip vou will find comfort in a good serviceable
► style, or while watching the "big game" on the island, you will appreciate the. i
► warmth a sweater will give.
J For Ifomen * For Men
y ; Visor Coat Sweaters—Men's $3.98; bovs\ <
► A variety ot' styles offer unlimited selec- \ «•> -a 4 - „„„ . „
i* 1 1 .1 1 3p«iS«OvF li<i( (1 can n6 orn A
y tion and whether a good quality at JjSl.Ho / \
or a splendid sweater at $5.00, there is a ' 111 111 different ways. 4
„ style for every taste. Wool Coat Sweaters-at $1.98, $2.50, J
y The "Travelo"—an original conception of $3.50, $3.98 and $4.98. All wanted
«n expert designer who ha.s retained all the styles in black, navy, oxford and maroon,
warmth unci convenience of the old-fashioned j ' ,
y sweater without its clumsy appearance. All Wool Coat Sweaters—al $2.98: value <
► Comes in dark green, navy aud Copenhagen, $3.50. In black or oxford. <
► 9 . 3 ;??,' ° D l h^fts eS are showu Heavy Coat Sweaters -at $1.19; value <
V At ftS « 1 M> i"\ ' 1 • $1.50. V-neck and shawl collar stvles; ox- <
At $2.98-Splendid wool sweaters in iwd onlv> - .
navy, red and tan; complete size range. *
► At $2.50 Shawl collar styles in all or ®°y s T
► sizes; red. oxford and navy. Wool Coat Sweaters—at SI.OO, $1.50, $1.7», <
► Excellent Assortment at $ 1.98 Byron and— in all the wanted styles. i
y collars and V-neck styles; red, navy and Wool Coat Sweaters —ai $1.50 Byron collars; 4
y tan; all sizes to 4-6. value $i.9S.
► Second Floor— BOWMA\'S. Boys' Sweaters 7; value $l.O0 —in maroon 4
only; sizes 28 to 34; with collar aud pockets;
Twelve Specials in se 0,1 ,s '
_/ * Heavy Coat Sweaters— at SOc —si/.es 28 to 34.
Dry Goods Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S.
► Rear of new elevators. 4
► loc Masonvillc Muslin; very fine qnalif»-; in one XTvtavtv «11 A
and two-yard lengths'. Vnrd, JCrfVCry V/HllQ Will
K 6Vic and 8c bleached Muslin, in remnants; *
1 Ic'slriped Shirting; full pieces; yard, TTET /J A T1 At" +VI A
12 Vic and loc. Ticking, remnants; in neat blue »▼ l> LU ijllkvl Liiv
► stripes and fancies; yard, SV«c < j
20c Tubiug; 42 inches wide; iu pillow lengths; M .
► Shaker or Canton Flannel, 27 inelies wide; good vOlltCSt
uap. Yard 7?ic |
25c 12-oz. cotton Duck; full pieces; yard, ..19c In the .Santa Clans postoffice (Basement), j
y :>oc grey wool Flannel, 3G inches wide. Special. | oach child can secure two sheets of drawing 4 j
► ' 51.26 all' wool skin'patterns; 40 inches'long! 80 ' P a P«' r 011 which 10 draw Sanla - j
Quilt Patches, pack ""isc Ail dr ? will K s will be exhibited after De- !
' 8c old-fashioned comfort ciiailies; all neat fij;- cember sth, and the public will vote for < |
► "res; yard <s*4c them. 10 drawings will be awarded prizes— 4
l'nbleached Sheeting; light weight; 40 inches the ten having Ihe highest number of votes. < \
wide; yard 5 C » » """ 1 !
Main FIoor —BOWMAN'S. Prizes are now being displayed in window,
► 4 !
Lancaster's Favorite Brew
JNO. G. WALL, Agt.
Harrisburg, Pa. Frank J. Rieker,
When Seat to House of Both Presents
Are Her's, Oourt Rules
KpringfieM, Mo., Nov. —Gifts
from husband to wife are the wife's 1
personal property when they are de-1
livereil to the house occupied bv both, j
the Court of Appeals held in an opin- j
ion in the suit of Mrs. Susan A. Aylor,
respondent, against Ben ( . Aylor, a|
wealthy mine operator.
On being divorced Mr. Aylor replev
ied certain household goods given to'
her by Aylor. He contested, but lost!
the suit and appealed. The judgment ]
of the lower court is affirmed.
Ninety-three Overpower Crew of
Freight in Mojava Desert
San Bernardino, Cal., Nov. 23. —
Ninety-three tramps ou their annual ;
winter tour westward are in jail here
charged with having stolen and oper- i
ated for their own benetit a San Pedro, i
Los Angeles and Salt Lake freight 1
train on the Mojave desert.
The tramps were hiking across the i
desert when the freight train entered |
Otis. Thov overpowered the crew. (
broke seals of . cars and after)
making themselves yomfortable, order
ed the engineer to i pull out for Los'
Angeles. When the train reached ban
Bernardino a posse was waiting for it,i
and all but ten ot the tramps were)
Daring Daylight Robbery Takes Place
ou Busiest Street Corner
Kaston, Ca., Nov. 23.—One of the
boldest robberies tlint has occurred ia
Kastou was discovered last night, when |
it wa> found that both safes iu Bush ;
& Hull's department store, which occu- I
pies the block from Centre square to
Bank street on Northampton street-,
had been 'blown open. It is estimated !
that $.">,000 was taken. M«nv checks
were left in the safe.
The Iburglai'H bored a small hole in
the safe knobs, put in dynamite and I
blew the tumblers through the back of'
tin- doors.
Policemen are on duty 24 hour* a >
day at the corner, which is the buSiest!
in Kastou, but the store's watchmen
aro off duty each ISundny from 6.30 a.
m. to b p. m. It was 'between these
hours that the robbery occurred, the!
police believe.
Lutherans Dedicate Church
York, Nov. 23.—Grace Lutheran ;
congregation. Red Lion, dedicated its
church building, which has been re-1
modeled and beautified during the past l
several months, at special services con ]
ducted yesterday. The Rev. Dr. H. H.l
Weber, general secretary of the Luth
eran Church Extension Board, deliver-1
ed the sermon. Th e Rev. U. E. Apple;
is the pastor of the congregation, which |
is havinif a remarkable growth.
Was Minister of Lutheran Church for
Fifty-two Yeajs
Stroudsburg, Nov. 23.—The Rev. H.
F. Apple, 82 years old, and for flftv
two years a Lutheran preacher, died
at his home here yesterday. Mr. Apple
was for thirty years the pastor of t»h»
Lutheran church at Bangor and Mount
Bethel and for twenty years served
the congregation of St. John's oi' this
place. At t'he time of his death he was
the pastor of a church at Xorth Water
Gap. During the years of his pastorate
he married 1,034 couples, baptised
2,212 persons, officiated at 1,229 fu
nerals and preached 6,13 4 sermons.
Death came after an illness of oulv
bhree weeks.
Road Builder Wins Wager Which
Costs His Life
Trenton, N. J., Nov. 23.—Isaac is.
Pierson, of C'larksville, a road builder,
bet a quart of whiskey on Harvard in
the Harvard-Vale game Saturday arid
is dead.
Following the announcement of tliß
result of the contest, the men met a
a saloon at Clarksville Saturday night
Pierson purchased the intoxicant anS
while the other bettor looked on. In
gulped down the contents of the bot
tle. In n minute or two lie fell dead.