The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, November 23, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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Opening of Fine Furs
By a New York Furrier
To-day and To-morrow (Tuesday)
Main Store
New Suits, Coats, Waists, etc.
W., B. & W. Annex, 311 Walnut Street —Great val
ues in Coats, $5.75, $6.75 to $7.50
The Best Waists you ever saw, 95c to $1.98, for 50f
Wedding Solemnized at Home of Mr.
and Mrs. James Boggs, 1837
North Street
The wedding of Miss Martha J.
Herckleroath. of Marietta, and Floyd
B. Bender, of Lititz, was solemnized at
I lie home of Mr. and Airs. James Bogg?.
I S3T North street, Saturday evening
nt S o'clock. The ceremony was per
loaned by the Rev. Lewis C. Manges.
p::stoi of Memorial Lutheran church,
i« the presence of a number of relatives
and friends.
The bride was attended by Miss Lulu
Lehr and Jack Daley was best man.
Following the ceremony a wedding sup
per was served and a reception held,
with the following siiests in attend
Mr. and Mrs. Rowe, Mrs. 1\ R. Shott
nnd daughter, Mary; Mrs. F. O. Do-
I'ugh, Miss Cora Morrison, Mr. and Airs.
John J. Roitz, Mr. and Mrs. Miles B.
Morrison. Miss Katie M. Morrison,
Thomas Mcßride. Mrs. George Charters.
Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Erich, Mrs. Wil
liam Mcßride and daughter, Beatrice:
Mr. and Mrs. James Boggs, Mr. and
Mrs. John B. Hoilnian, Miss Lulu
Lehr, Jack Daley, Miss Esther Lehr,
\rthur Wvnn, Mr. and Mrs. Polliek
and daughter, Gertrude, and Miss Joiee
K ing.
Mr. and Mrs. Sollenberger Entertain in
Honor of Their Daughters,
Esther and Anna
Mr. and Mrs. Morris A. Sollenberg
er entertained at their home, 2337
North Fourth street, Saturday afternoon
in celebration of the 'birthday anniver
sary of their daughters, Esther and
Anna, the former celebrating her tenth
anniversary and the latter the eighth.
The children spent a merry afternoou
with games, music and contests, after
which a birthday luncheon was Served.
Those present were Edith Bobbs.
Dorothy Thrush. Helen Lydic, Gladys
Peiffcr, Harriet Arnold. Virginia Ar
nold, Katherine Reoser. Esther Jones,
Elizabeth Walton, iPearl Walton, Esther
Sollenberger, Anna Sollenberger, Laura
Arnold. Mrs. Arnold. Mrs. Joues. Mrs.
Keeser and Mrs. Sollenberger.
Ceremony Performed at Parsonage of
St. Peter's Lutheran Church
Eiizabethtown, Nov. 23. A prettv
wedding was solemui/.ed Saturday night
at the parsonage of St. Peter's Luther
an church, when the pastor, the Rev.
.1. K. -.ichol, united in marriage Miss
Emma Witman. daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. George Witman, of this place,
:ml Adel'l Light, of Middletown. The
ring ceremony was used, and they were
Announce Birth of Daughter
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dintaman,
1112 Penn street, announce the birth
jif a daughter. Kathryn Mae, Saturday.
November 14 Mrs. Dintaman was
Miss Esther Seiders, of Breeder, prior
to her marriage.
Bad Food and Good Health Won't Mix
The human stomach stands much
abuse but it won't return good health
' it' you give it bad food.
if you feed right yon should feel
right, for proper food ami a good mind
is the sure road to health.
"A year ago I became much alarmed
about my health for 1 began to suffer
after each meal no matter how little I
ate," says a Denver woman.
"I lost my appetite and the very
thought of food grew distasteful, with
the result that I was not nourished and
got weak and thin.
"My home cares were very heavy,
for besides a large family of my own I
hare also to look out for an aged
mother. There was no one to shoulder
my household burdens, and come what
might I must bear them, and this
rhought nearly drove me frantic when
1 realized that my health was breaking
"I read an article in the paper about
some one with trouble lU%e mine be
ing helped by Grape-Nuts food and
acting on this suggestion 1 gave Grape
N'uts a trial. The first dish of this de
licious food proved that 1 had struck
the right thing.
"My uncomfortable feelings in stom
ach disappeared as if by magic and
in an incredibly short space of time
T was again myself. Since then I have
gained 12 pounds in weight through a
summer of hard work and realize I am
V very different woman, all due to the
splendid food, Grape-Nuts." Name
tfiven by Postum Co., Battle Creek.
Read the famous little book, "The
Road to Wellville," in pkgs. "There's
a Reason."
Ever read the above letter? A new
one appears from time to time. They
aro genuine, true, and full of human
Wedding of Miss Knisely With At
tendant Entertainments and Re
ceptions for Debutantes—Miss
Sawyer Gives Luncheon To-day
The present week will be by far the
gayest of the present social seasou in
Harrisburg, up to the present time.
There is not a day for which one or
move affairs in honor of the season's
debutantes have not been arranged and
hostesses have had to be very careful
to avoid conflicts in dates. Several
more of the debutantes will make their
formal bows, although as is customary,
all of them have been attending the
various functions that haye already
been held.
Thanksgiving week will find many
young folks home from colleges and
seminaries to participate in the gay
eties. They will, of course, be the
usual number of family dinners of a
private nature. Many of the young
men and young womeu who will come
home for the Thanksgiving holiday
will bring guests with them.
Several weddings are scheduled for
the week and the most elaborate, per
haps, will be that on the evening of
Thanksgiving Day when Miss Mary
Esther Knisely will become the bride
of Paul G, Smith, in the beautiful
Knisely home at Front and Maclay
streets. Many of the entertainments
of the week will be in honor of Miss
Knisely and the members of her bridal
The h'rst of these was a luncheon at
1.30 o'clock this afternoon given by
Miss Janet Sawyer, 309 North Front
street, for Miss Knisely and Smith-
Knisely bridal party.
Mrs. Harry Riley, of San Antonio,
Texas, will be Miss Knisely's matron
of honor; Miss Elizabeth Knisely,
maid of honor; Miss Jessie Nichols, of
New York City; Miss Helen Delaney,
of Washington, D. C„ and Miss Mar
garet Stackpole and Miss Janet Saw
yer. both of Harrisburg, will be brides
To-morrow Mrs. Harry Taylor Neale
will give a luncheon at her home, North
Front street, in compliment to Miss
Knisely, and from four to six. Miss
Nancy Etter will jriv e a tea at the
Country Club at which her niece. Miss
Katherine Etter. will be introduced to
On Wednesday Miss Margaret Stack
pole will give a luncheon at her ome,
1825 North Front street, for Miss
Knisely and her bridal party, and in
the evening Miss Knisely will give a
dance at the Country Club for the mem
bers of her bridal party and others of
the younger set.
On Thursday ther e will be the usual
number of Thanksgiving weddings.
That of Miss Knisely and Mr. Smith
will take place in the evening at the
home of the bride. The Rev. Dr. John
D. Fox, pastor of Grace M. E. church,
will officiate. Following the ceremony
there will be an elaborate reception anil
dance in the Knisely home.
Bishop and Mrs. .James Henry Dar
lington have issued cards for an -'at
home" for Thanksgiving evening.
On Friday Mr. and Airs. William K.
Meyers will give a tea, followed bv u
dinner and dance at their home, 210
North Front street, to introduce their
daughter, Miss Mary Elizabeth Meyers.
An afternoon dance at the Country
Club, Saturday, with Judge and Mrs.
George Kunkel as hosts will wind up
the week's gaveties.
Motored Here From Maryland
Mr. and Mrs. John Snook, Carl
Snook and Fern Snook, of Rockey
Ridge, Md.; Morris Dotrow, Cord
Weant, Rine Motter and Mrs. Valen
tine, of Taneytown, Md., motored to
the home of Mr. and Charles W.
Favorite, Front street, Wormlevsburg,
where they spent the week-end, return
ing to their homes via Carlisle and
Mrs. Stough WIU Arrive Wednesday
Mrs. Henry W. Stough, wife of the
'Rev. Dr. Henry W. Stough, and Mrs.
D. L. Spooner, wife of Prof. D. L.
wpoonor. musical director of the Stough
pa.rtv. will arrive Wednesday to spend
a part of the last two weeks of the
campaign with their husbands.
Party for Rachel Crabbe
Mrs. Charles F. Crabbe, 116 South
Second street, entertained a number of
little folks at her home in honor of
her little daughter, Rachel. The chil
dren present included Marjorie Jane
Fairlamb, Catherine Myers, Catherine
( rabbe, Rachel Craibbe, Kenneth Kipp,
Frederick Morganthaler, Joseph Fair
lamb and Gardner Crabbe.
Songs by Local Author
Mr*. Edna Groff Diehl, of Old Or
chard, well known as a writer of chil
dren 'g stories, has two very pretty
songs, one a Christmas earoi, entitled
"There's a Song in the Air," and the
other one, a lullaby, entitled "Good
Night" in the December number of
th»> "Mother's Magazine."
News of Persons
Who Come and Go
■Miiss Pearl EHenberger, 2039 North
Fourth street, left Saturday to upend a
week as the guest of Dr. and Mrs.
Harry L. Menrs, Richmond, Va.
-Miss Minnie Kreider, of Palmyra,
spent the week-end with her cousin,
Mass Kdna E. Erb, 1924 State street.
Miss Floss Bennett, 1919 Park
street, has returned from a week-end
visit with friends in Carlisle.
Miss Annie Moore, Brings street, has
returned from n week-end visit with
friends< in Philadelphia.
Miss Alice Gordon, 1214 Woodbine
street, has returned from a week end
visit with friends in Gettysburg.
Mrs. J. R. Givlei has returned to
her home in Lancaster after a visit
with her sisters, Mrs. J. E. Schroeder,
520 South Fifteenth street, and Mrs.
G. W. Geistwhite, 1841 Market street.
Mrs. Florence «ji. Baxter, 213 Pine
street, returned from Philadelphia.
('. D. Hench, 235 Woodbine street,
returned from a trip to New York.
Mi?s Florence Carroll, 705 North
Second street, returned from a trip to
Norfolk. New York and Boston.
Miss Grace Bame. of Bellevnue Park,
and Miss Hat tie Ensminger have goue
to'Haddou Hall, Atlantic City, to sipend
a month.
Mr. and Mrs. Bhnei Town send and
daughter, Marjorie, 228 'Ma clay street,
spent the week-end in Philadelphia.
Palmer Ix>wry, of Downingtown, has
returned 'home after a visit of several
days to the home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Dennis, 230 Mac-lav street.
Mrs. Charles Krecher, of Buffalo, is
the guest of her sister, iMrs. L. R. BairJ,
1118 Capital street.
Mrs. C. D. Koch, 1224 North Third
street, will leave to-morrow to spend
Thanksgiving at Curwensville.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Dunmire, 234
Woodbine street, spent Saturday at Ty
Mrs. Clarence Henc-h. 235 Wood-bine
street, returned home from a visit to
Mrs. Roy Bignall, of the Belvidere
apartments, ihas returned from a trip
to Boston, New York and Norfolk.
.Vlrs. Frank Bell, 231 North Second
Street, spent several days in Philadel
Mrs. Lilla A. Peav. 9 South Front
street, returned from a visit of several
days in Philadelphia.
Adam Rohrer, of Downingtown, was
a recent guest at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. John W. Dennis, 230 'Maclay
'Mr. and 'Mrs.- Wilson Dunmire, 234
VVoodibino street, will spend to-morrow
at Lewistown.
Mr. and Mrs. Powell, of Virgiuia.
are guests of Mrs. Robert Fulton Stirl
ing at Dauphin,
Mr. and Mrs. Koss Anderson Hiekok,
119 State street, left this morning for
New York where they will spend sev
eral da vs.
Nathan ißrenner aiid Philip ißrode. of
Baltimore, arc spending ten days with
Mr. and 'Mrs. Simon Cooper, 600 North
Karl Waidlich. 1329 Kittatinny
street, returned from Mercersourg,
where lie was the guest of bis 'parents.
Mas. W. 'Leighton, of Riverside, is
the guest of her sou, E, Leighton, 1341
Vernon street.
Miss Romaine Prawbaugk, 1813
North street, returned from 'Mecnanica
Mrs. Carl Davish returned to her
home at Erie, al'te a visit with Jier
sister, Miss llouier Shreiuer, 1624 bar
ker street.
Mrs. A. Snyder, 222 Kelker street
is the guest of friends in Newport.
Miss Carrie Beers, of Newport, i:
the guest of Miss Clara Book. 336 Hum
mel street.
_ Augustus H. Kreidler, Miss Annie
Kreidler ami 'Miss t lara Kreidler, 809
Capital street, are in New York.
Mrs. Henry Dodson and Mr. and
'Mrs. H. Dodson motored here from
York. They were week-end guests of
Mr. and Mrs. .1. 11. Walla/-.'., 34 South
Seventeenth street.
Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Reed, of Fay
ettesville, are guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Kulin, 134S Vernon street.
John Rose, 713 North Third street,
has returned from Reading, where he
spent the week-end with relatives.
Joseph Brady, 1732 Green street,'
ha« returned from Philadelphia, where;
he was the guest of relatives.
Miss Mary Beers, of Port Royal, is
the guest of her sister, Mrs. Howard j
Hartman, at Steelton.
R. Randall Kieruan, 420 Hummel
street, will spend the Thanksgiving
holiday in Philadelphia.
Edward Dennis returned to his home I
:== - n T byllslnq |
Exclusively !
ally. They succeed when others
fail. Nothing better at any price.
Samples Free by Mall
soap ud Ointment said throufhout tfc*
world. Übnl or wch mall»d tree, with 32-p. i
b«e*. Addrm "Cutlsur*," I>«pt. 23H, Bono*.
at Martinsburg, W. Va., aft«r spending
some time with his mother, Mrs. Annie
Dennis, 222 Kelker street.
Mr. and Mrs. David Kagen, of York, I
will spend Thanksgiving with the lat
ter '» parents. Mr. and Mrs. Simon !
Cooper, 600 North street.
Mrs. Katherine Tit/.el has returned i
Co her home at Mechanicsburg, lifter (
h visit to Mrs. R. K. Spieer, 313 Wal-!
nut street.
Mr. and Mrs. John McFadden, 1331 I
North street, arrived home from Tor-'
rington, C'onn., after spending two j
months with their daughter, Mrs. P. M.
Freeman. '
Mr. and Mrs. John Kennedy return
ed to Columbia, after spending several!
days with James Brady, Gre«n and Kel
kcr streets.
Mrs. Wilson B. Zerbe, 1642 Market'
street, find Mis. Samuel Weidenmyer,j
32 South Seventeenth street, are home
after a visit to Ne>vberry and Sunbury. I
They were aceompaniel home by the
latter's sister, Mrs. Brosius, and son,
llenry, of Suuburv, who will remain |
several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wyun and fam j
iJ.v, 22 North Sixteenth street, are vis
iting relatives at Shamokiu.
Miss Elizabeth Eby, of Philadelphia,
is the guest of her auut, Miss Fannie!
Eby, 6)3 North Front street.
David Rittenhouse Shotwell, a stu-l
(lent at Princeton L'niversity, arrives i
Tuesday to be the guest of his father,!
Melancthou 8. Shotwell, 1618 North'
Front street, over the Thanksgiving!
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Fairfax Pow
ell, of Virginia, arc guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Fulton Stirling, of Dau
Mrs. J. R. Magee. of Jamison, is the
guest of Mrs. Albert S. Quiglev, Green
and Briggs streets.
Meade David Detweiler and John
Hoffer Detweiler, students at Mercers
burg Academy, arrived Friday to visit
their mother, Mrs. Meade D. Detweiler,
'■Hi South .Front street.
Miss Elizabeth North, of Mifflin,
will spend Thanksgiving with Miss
Isabel Anne Shreiner, Seventeenth and
Forster streets.
Mrs. George Wolfe Reily, Jr., 1501
North Front street, returned from a
trip to Philadelphia.
Mrs. Laura -Vesbit and her uaugh
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Nes
bit, 1111 Plum avenue.
Mrs. Harry Crist. 1506 Penn street,
spent the week-end in Xew York with
her daughter, Eleanor Day.
Tuberculosis Society Aims to Break
Record in State This Year
(Special to the Star-Independent.)
Philadelphia, Nov. 23.—Great en
thusiasm and interest throughout the
State in the campaign for the sale of
Red Cross Christmas seals is reported
in a statement given out to-day 'bv the
Pennsylvania Society for the Preven
tion of Tuberculosis, which acts as
agent for the American Red Cross for
the saie of seals in this State.
The Pennsylvania Society is endeav-
after the Christina's dinner.
j All of the family together for the l|
I joys of the day. Ami after thi
ll dinner, a eoncfrt of all that is
;| be3t in tiie world's music.
(j It tlie "Mulshing touch ' for the
j| family gathering-.
'! Select t'.;e Victrola now that >ou
will felve the family ro: Chr'lst
j mas. The assortment is complete,
!: and we will be glad to reserve
j any instrument fbr you,
I Or with our convenient payment
| plan you ean have the instrument
a i onre.
C A\ vSlMer"
e VC& V Trt/NMUS/pAL
|l ZOZm 30 Norfk 2nd. St "tT" |
7c a Day for Thasa
The Watch and the Price Defy
All Competition
Women's and Men's
Open face or Hunting ease.
These watches fully guaranteed,
Elgin or Wnltham movement, ex
pansion balance, polished regu
lator, display winding works, pat- '
ent self-locking setting device,
and rust-proof ease guaranteed
for 25 yearß. Perfect in every
Only $14.00
50c a Week— CM YOU But It?
Full Line of Xmas Goods Now
on Display
Amarican Watch &
Oiamond Company
New Location
Cor. Fourth and Cheitnut Its.
JpURNITURE for the home especially for the dining
room —a new dinner set—a stove that will make the house
comfortable. All these you will find in our large stock, and
they'll add to the pleasure of the holiday.
Our prices are always as low as goods of equal quality
can be sold.
Beautiful Colonial Buffet;
p| Genuine quartered oak, highly polished, has
JIB J ,#•/"//' J/ f ■ large linen drawer, also small drawer for table
', over 01 >ac '' beautiful e * $35 QQ
Your Stove Wants Can Be Easily Filled Here
Whether it is a range or heater. Kverv stove you buy liore is fully guaranteed. fBMEPHPskf&dI
We set u)> all stoves and furnish necessary pipe without extra charge. j
The Park Oak —A Single Heater— to sls
The Vale Oak—A Double Heater—s2B to $35 uL> ? f
The Ringgold—A Double Heater—s33 to $45
— ' J
oring to organize a local committee for
the sale at' the seals in every town of
7,000 or more population. Already
most of the cities and towns in the
(astern and central parts of the State
have 'been organized and numerous
active and enthusiastic local committees
are at work. In the western counties,
where the chief work of organisation is
l.ow going on, the reports are even more
Requests will be made to club tvomeu
a oil to professional and business men
in every community to assist in dispos
ing of the seals. These are to be sent
to every village and hamlet in the Com
By these methods it is planued great
ly to increase the sale over former
years. The (Pennsylvania Society for
the Prevention of Tuberculosis is mak
ing every effort to make a reieord sale
for the State this year of 5,000,000
seals, as against 3,165,000 sold in
1913. .
Prize contest every Tuesday even
ing. Instructions in dancing every aft
ernoon and evening by Mr. Wilson and
associates of New York City. The old
dances as well as the new every Tues
day, Thursday and Saturday evenings.
Novel by Former Curate Pleads Elo
fluently for the Poor
Father W. W. Wlialen, until recently
; curate at St. Patrick's Cathedral, has
1 another new book to his credit, under
! the title, ''The Ex-Seminarian." His
j characters, good and bad, are always
I gripping and interest-compelling. In
j this new book he has a perfect gallery,
| of portraits.
He has taken the obscure humdrum
I existence of one village, picked out uu
| usual types, put them under the mi
! croscope, and then written down the
; story of their lives, their noble deeds,
j their mistakes. There is an abundance"
| of humorous touches, some real comedy,
I and he is ever dramatic. The opening
l story of the volume, "The Mine Fore
| man's Dream." has furnished him with
the theme of his new four-act play,
"The Dupe." Many of the tales are
j condensed novels. He believes in ■
| crystallization.
The book is written from the view j
' point of neither capitalist nor laborer. I
I yot it pleads for the poor with a sim-i
| pie eloquence.
Dies in Philadelphia Hospital
! Lebanon, Nov. 23.—-Miss Harriet'
j Krause, of this city, died in a hospital
lat (Philadelphia on Saturday at'tor a
i long illness. She was a daughter of'
j the late Mr. and 'Mrs. John I) Krause j
| and was also a sister of Mrs. Mary |
| Heinoehl and Joseph Krause. She was j
I an aunt of <J«Orge S. Reinoehl. mana- \
ger of the Harrisibur# division for the j
| Bell Telephone Company.
Home for Friendless Society
The forty-sixth annual meeting of I
the Society of the Home for the j
i Friendless will be beld at 3 o 'clock to-1
j morrow afternoon in the directors'!
; room, Young Men's Christian Associ-I
; ation building, Second and Locust!
| streets. The public is cordially invited.
ChHd~Frigh~tfuliy Scalded
Muddy Creek, Nov. 2". —Richard
! Burkholder, aged three years, is in a I
(critical condition from falling into a
; bucket of scalding water which his '
i mother had removed from the stove to,
take outside, when he ran and fell into
( it. The skin came off in shreds.
Cold Fatal to Aged Woman
j Lancaster, Nov. 23.—Mrs. Ellen A.I
' Shertzer, 78 years old, died Saturday j
; from pneumonia and hoart disease, con i
'• tracting a cold last Sunday while go- j
; ing to attend church services. She j
' was a member of the Church of the
| Brethren and leaves two sons.
' Talked to Central Democratic Club I
; Lee Francis Lybarger addressed tho j
! Central Democratic club on Saturday
! nig>ht on the tariff and the lessons of
I the recent campaign, paying a high
I tribute to the Democratic leaders.
/ ■
Little Talks on Health and Hygiene
By Samuel G. Dixon, M. D„ LL.
D., Commissioner of Health
1 •
Some one said that "man is a crea
ture of habit," permitting us to draw
our own conclusions. Wc are perfectly
familiar with bad habits. Even if we
were not liberally supplied with con
science, teachers and moralists have
said enough to familiarize ue with this
side of the question. Fortunately bhere
are good habits and they are often a
blessing thinly disguised. Our general
health and well-being depends largely
upon the character of our habits.
Regularity partakes something of
virtue. This is especially true when it
pertains to eating, sleeping, labor and
recreation which covers the daily pro
gram of the majority of mankind, in
the primitive state it was impossible
for our a-ncestors to e&t regularly. The
hunter might be successful and again
he might not. Periods of enforced fast
ing were followed by corresponding
overindulgence when the chase was
successful. The demand for food at
regular intervals was the iirst stimulus
to civilization. We have achieved a
state where three meals a day are
possible to the most of us. In gratitude
we should strive for moderation know
ing that in i. few hours more food will
be forthcoming.
Sleep is the great restorer of both
body and brain, irregular hours of rest
result in an excessive strain upon the
nervous system which in turn reacts
unfavorably upon the human economy.
Regularity in the periods of rest make
for even temper and physical stabil
Labor to achieve worthy accomplish
ment must be steady and persevering.
The habit of work is a necessity for
one who would realize his ambitions.
Even in our recreations the major
ity of us are better for a certain de
gree of system for otherwise it is apt
— \
Who Makes Your Gowns
I snot nearly as important a question as
A - What Corset
/'Do You Wear
~y-\ yfl /'
" v -.* A' ' / Among-our New
/ Fall Styles you will
find the latest Mod
fjljJl lsiu|Krv*| els in the
m\ ififM
r ,#; i • L! 11 ;• ' u Mme I rene
ISii> i The Successo
' | The Bien Julie
|^lllJ J Greciau Trico and
IwWrM ie (that
Laces in front)
The Corset and Hosiery Shop
IVL & R* KEEFE* 107 a N, Second St.
k .
| to become a case of over or under in
l diligence.
It is the same with our bodily fu'nc
| tione —temperance and regularity are
I conducive to obtaining the maximum
! 01 efficiency for the longest period ol
i time. Excessive friction and rust are
! equally hard upon machinery.
The formation of good habits in the
, rare of the teeth, bathing, daily eva
; (-nations, eating, sleeping, exercise and
| living in fresh air will go far toward
I making the doctor's visit less fre
! queut.
Exhibition of Modern Dances
Mr. J. R. Stn'binsky has arranged
I with Xew Vork's premier. Prof. 1. V.
Wilson and i.Mis* Maud Raymond, direct
) from the '' Dnnse de Roses.'' New York,
| to show their new dances at the Hill
Dancing Academy, Thirteenth and Mai
ket streets, Wednesday evening, No
vember 25. IJ' you are interested in a
treat don't fail to attend as this is the
rarest opportunity for you to learn the
newest dances. Prof. Wilson and his
partner have given numerous exhibi
tions for society in Xew York, %ut this
j is the only change to sec them in 'Har
risiburg. Adv.
Sues for for Injury
Lebanon. Nov. 23.—Bassler Bover,
as attorney for Asa I>. Sands, an elec
; trie, lineman, lately in tlie employ ot
j the Edison Electric Illuminating Com
| panv, of this city, on Saturday instil
| tuted a damage suit for $ 15,000
j against the Edison Company. Tli«
j plaintiff charges that the company's
j negligence in supplying impropet
j working instruments was responsible
! for a serious injury to his ankle.
Largest Lancaster County Pumpkin!
Marietta, Nov. 23.—The largest
pumpkin grown in Lancaster county iii
| many years is in the possession of W.
Bay, proprietor of the Collins Hotel,
which weighs nearly tour hundred
i pounds. It is perfect in shape, and ii
i attracting considerable attention. I{
| was grown in the lot back of the hotel}