8 SUBURBAN 1 HUMMELSTOWN Bevord-breaking Crowd Bxpactad to At tend Fair This Evening *v>. o'.al Correspondence. Hunuiielstown. Nov. 21. A record breaking crowd is expected to attend C.k fair this evening beiug held by the V me band and the Chemical Fire Com :»anv in Hnmmelstown hall. The con • cits rendered each evening bv th» oai d are appreciated by the large uum ber of people in attendance and there w ill i>e much to interest and entertain the patrons this evening. The articles donated for the fair are rapidly being isposed of. The fair «ill continue duiling next week. The Rev. Dennis Reardon. the newly ;•( o iited rector, will conduct the serv :• es iu S:. I.ucy's church. Waltonville. tomorrow morning. Tiie first of a series of patrons' meet ius;s was held in the High school Thurs dny evening and was largely attended. An interesting program was rendered and Prof. F. K. Shambaugh, ounty su perintendent of schools, delivered an ai propriate address. The patrons' meetings will be held at intervals dur ng the school term . Miss Ha el Blackburn, a student tiurse at the Alleirtown hospital. spent several days this week with her par ent*. Mr. and Mrs. George Blackburn. Mrs. .T. I'rban Kilmer was a visitor in Mnrrisburg yesterday. There has been a large sale of tick ets for the play. - Farm Folks." to be given in Hnmmelstown hall on Friday evening. December 4. bv the I. T. I. Club. George F. Greenawalt returned yes 'o-day from Selinsgrove, where he spent 'he week. The ladies' Aid Society of Aion Lu : herau church held a chicken and waf fle supper in the parish house of the church this evening. The supper and :rar will also be held this evening. Home Mission Pay will be observed in the Reformed ehurer. at the Sunday < veiling service. The pastor, the Rev. Robert A. Bauseb. will preach on "Our New Home Missions." The third anni versary of the organisation of rhe ,iun or congregation will be observed at the morning service. The donation bags for the Harris j burg hospital were distributed to rest- i lents of the borough yesterday. The I bags will be collected on Monday and taken to the hospital. The donation j ass from town when filled usually re • mire a large wagon in which they are hauled to Harrisburg. NEW CUMBERLAND Methodist Sunday School Will Hold a Baiar in December Spec.a 1 Correspondence. New Cumberland. Nov. 21.—0n Thursda> evening the gentlemen who ! were so royally entertained a few weens ago by the Five Hundred Club at a Halloween party, returned the convpli- i ii cut by giving a party in Buttorff'sj nail. The evening was enjoyed in piav- , ing cards. George Hagerman was ca- ! terer. and covers were laid for 46 ! guests. Tne arrangements are aimost com-( pleied for the bazar to be held by the. J Methodist Sunday school the first week :u December. Each class has selected a color and the booth occupied by it j and all articles on sale will be made to j correspond to the color. Mrs. F.lizabeth Bixier and daughter, Joanna, and Mr. ana Mrs. Harry Bi«- .er attended the funeral of Jacoo Downs a. Lewisberry yesterday. Mrs. Samuel Noll, of Newport, is a guest of Dr. Ben Eby and wife. Miss Artalissa Bently, of New Wil-! ntington. Pa., visited Mrs. T. R. Nivin,' :« former pupil, yesterday. Mrs. Alma KJit,ck. of Mechanicsburg, . vas the guest of her sister. Mrs. Jesse , si)>e. yesterday. Mrs. John Fehl and daughter, Miss ] Stella. spent Thursday in Carlisle. Mrs. Brownawell. of Harrisburg. was | a guest of her mother. Mrs. Jacob Bent rtt. FViday. DILLSBURG All Business Places Will Be Closed on Thanksgiving Day st al Correspondence. Dillsburg, Nov. 21. —The Rev. Mr. iveler. pastor of the Lutheran caujvh, organized a catechetical class .n the -.ai iay school room of t.ie Lutherau aurch. Thursday evening. The Rev. U. G. Seirert will preach j * jr M.s. S. M. Ensmmger, of York -.et, has been spending a few days n 'h Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Kline, at Mt. Alto. Mrs. A. L. Heiges of South Baiti •i o-e street, and Mrs. W. G. Krall. of Highspire, are making a trip through :he West. K'ther Ben;/, has ieasei the J. H. j L> k room on Baltimore street, ad orning the postofii-e and will move •er milliner store from the A. G. Blackford building to the Dick room j a tew days. Carpenters are at work . urepariog the room. Miss Marietta Menear spent a few lays in Philadelphia during the week. I pn account of tne York County Teachers' Institute, the schools wiil be ioseJ next week. 1.. W. Bia-'ktord is at work repair ing the damage on his shop caused by the recent fire. The I'D HIGHSPIRE The K«T. Mr. Moyer WUI Preach At I Thaafcsgiviag Service Son;*l Correspondence. H.g;asp:re. Nov. 21.—Thirty mem bers of tbe Bowenna Church of God, I • haperoned by tbe Rfv. Mervin Man - uing. a former resident of Highspire. tendered a surprise partv to Mr. and j Mrs. .lame* Lane, at Rowenna, Mon day evening in honor of the fiftr-, «eventh birthday anniversary of Mr. i l.ane. On entering the Lane home the visitors sang "We_'re Marching to' Zion." A feature of the gathering! was the holding of prajw services ia which all present took part. The local V. C. T. U. held a meet in jT Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. H. F. Rhoad. The Rev. Frank Edward Mover, pastor of St. Peter's Uutheran church, will pretach the sermon at the union Thanksgiving service to be held in the local Church of God, Thanksgiving l>av. Percy Putt and daughter. Helen, ot Middletowu. spent Tuesday at the home of the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Putt, Second street. Mrs. H. McPanel spent Thursday with her sister, Mies Clara Backen stoe. in Harrisburg. Miss Lula Bingaman is spending a week with Harrisburg friends. Cyrus Durborow has returned to his borne in Falmouth, after a short visit to his son. H. R. Durborow. M iss Mildred Greaflf. of Market street. Pft Monday for Mt. Alto where she will make au extended visit. The following order of services w-.1l be observed in die borough churches on Sunday: United Brethren—The Rev. H. K. Rhond. pastor. Morning service at 10.4 5. Theme. "At the Temple Gates." Evening service at T. 30. Theme, " I'u eertaintv of Life." Sundav school at 9.50. Y.'P. S. C. E. at 6.30.* Church of God—The Rev. R. 1,. C. Raer, pastor. Morning service at 10.15. Theme. "The Crime of Many Chris tians." Evening service at T. 30. Theme. "The N'eed To-day-The Christianity ot" Christ." Sunday school at 1.45. Sunday school at chapel at 3 p. m. DAUPHIN Ladies' Aid Society of United Evan gelical Church Will Hold a Banquet SpeCia! Correspondence- Dauphin, Nov. 21.—The Ladies ' Aid Society of the Vnited Evangelical church held their annual banquet on Thursday evening in I. O. 0. F. Hall. The members of the Society had as their guests, the members of their fam ilies. and about fifty people were serve J with a delicious repast. After the banquet each member of the society related their experience of earning their Aid money luring the past year, a-nd many amusing incidents were told. F. C. Gerberieh spent Wednesday and Thursday at Philadelphia. .T. .T. Maurey. of Millersburg, was in town Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Powell. of Baltimore, are visiting the Rev. R. F. and Mrs. Stirling. Mrs. W. D. Kinter has gone to Tren ton. X. ,r. The Rev. F. .T. S. Morrow was in Philadelphia. Thursday. The Presbyterian Mite Society met nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nimrod Smith on Tuesday evening. After the regular business was transacted, refresh ments were served. Mrs. Mary Nagley and Mrs. Jennie) linker, of Millersburg. spent Wednes-1 day with Mrs. W. B. Sheetr. Mr. and Mrs Robert Glass and son.! of New Cumberland, spent several days' with Mrs. Catherine Jackson. Mrs. W. B. Sheet? and Mrs. H. I. Gerberich were guests of Mrs. Mary Shaffner, at New Cumberland, on Tues day. Word was received of the death of' Charles P. Treadwell, at Harrisburg. 1 Funeral services wer e held this morn ing at 11 o'clock at his late home and interment made in the Dauphia ceme tery. HALIFAX Wifiiam B. Schell Is Seriously 111 at Reading Special Correspondence Halifax. Nov. 21.—Wr. and Mrs. William Metigar. of Harrisburg, are; visiting the former's parents, Mr. and! Mrs. John W. Sfetzgar. Mrs. W. P. Birterman has returned! Nome after having spent a month at! the home of her sister, Mrs. Fred Scheetz. in Philadelphia. Mrs. Fred Glosser, of Harrisburg. was j the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Ben- i der. Mrs. Ella Kulp and granddaughter, of McAllisterviHe. spent a few davs with 'Mrs. Daniel 'Miller. Miss Ellen s»raiir entertained the! Priscilla club, Jr.. at her home on Sec-! ond street. Tuseday evening. Those pres- i ent were: Anuat'elle Genvberling, i Abigail Landis. Grace Pike. Martha' Zimmerman, Helen Helt. Mary Landis. ! Eilen Spahr and Mrs. AK>ert'Loomis. i William flilbert will move his fam- j ily to Snyrier county on Tuesday. M illiam R. Se.rell remains seriouslv il at Reading. His wife and daughter, Florence, are still at his bedside. MECHANICSBURG Pastors of Ministerial Association Will Exchange Pulpits To-morrow * i Special Correspondence. Mechanusburg, Nov. 21.—The Aid | Society of the Evangelical church 1 «erved dinner and supper to-day in the H. and L. Company building. The pastors of rhe Ministerial Asso ciation wi l make a general exchange of pulp.ts to-morrow, the onlv excep tion being the Rev. George Fulton. The latter will preach in his own church the 1 annual Thanksgiving sermon to Coun- . il No. 597, Independent Order of: Americans. Vt 1 o'clock to-morrow afternoon special services will be held in St. Luke's Episcopal church. Thev will be conducted by the Rev. Dr. Flovd Ap- j pier on. pastor of St. Paul's church, in' •Harrisburg. This is the first of a series : of special services that will be held on the fourth Sunday of each month. It is suggested that Mechanicsburg follow the example of some other towns and cities and have a public Christmas tree. "tMeirhanicsburg night" at Che Har- ■ risburg evangelistic meetings will be j December 1, instead of the date set at first. This change was made because ■ the first date. November 27. had been already selected as Sunday school day. Term examinations will begin on: Monday in our public schools. Mrs. Ross Seaman, of Harrisburg.) visited Mechanicsburg relatives vester-' dav. Mrs. Morris Pass" coLiin. wno has jeen her guest, has gone to ni(> home | in Leeds. England. For almost a vear he had been in the United States." but now felt that he must return to England to taKe up arms in the great European struggle. The public schools collected a large lot of vegetables this weeks for the Harmburg hospital. In some of the i rooms the teachers suggested that the pjpiis confine themselves to one cer tain vegetable, as potatoes. The result 1 is a number of bags of assorted veg letaoies. D. E. Kast and Miss Clara Kast were at *Mt. Olivet camp grounds this week. HARRISBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT. SATURDAY EVENING NOVEMBER 21, 1914. John Berkheimer, of Lemoyne. was a visitor here yesterday. Samuel Erb, of Shiremanajown. was a gjest recently of Samuel Martin, South Washington street. Some of our people are wearing but tons whicii bear an inseriiptiou as fol lows: ••Europe is devastated with war; our country is at peace: God bless Mr. Wilson.'» Mrs. Rhoades. of S;-ranton, is the guest of her cousin. 'Miss Lile George. South Market street. A: the meeting of the Woman's Club last evening Mrs. R. H. Tiiomas. Jr., the club's working delegate to the federation meeting, made her re port. Miss Catharine 11. Keefer, del egate to the Cumberland Vallev League fall meeting, also reported. The club voted a contribution of $lO to the Har risburg hospital. NEW BLOOMFIELD Ladies of the Lutheran Church Will Bold a Baiar Special 'Correspondence New Rloomtield. N"o\. 21.—The ladies ot" the Lutheran ehorvh will hold a bazar Tuesday and Wednesday after noons and evenings of institute week. Cnion Thanksgiving service will he held in iho Presbyterian vhurch on Thanksgiving at T p. m. The Rev. J. \\. W eeter will prea..i the sermon. t-. Potts, of Altooua, while in town oil business Tuesday. called on ht< friend, tiie Rev. G. W. Melllnay. P. R. Raker, of Wila, was in town at the beginning of the week. •1. K, Lupfer. ot \\ alnut Grove, w-a-» in town Monday attending court as s grand juror. Mrs. t harles O. Davis returned home on \\ ednesday from visiting in Cisna Run. Mrs. C. P. Dean and little son. of Rurnhain, are visiting .Mrs. Dean's mother. Mrs. C harles H. Smiley. Mrs. D. L Kluck and baby are visit ing Mrs. Kluck > parents. Mr. and .Mrs. Charles L. DePugh. Mrs. Daniel Briner is visitinjj rela tives in Harrisburg and i.Mt. Union. MARYSVILLE Stork Visited tie Home of Mr. anC Mrs. Johu Hummel cial Correspondence. Marvsville. Nov. 21. A. .1. Seidle h;>s lost four bogs from oholera since last week. The iMarysvilie orchestra was enter tained on Tuesday evening by 'Mr. and Mrs. \\ . Robinson and on Thursday evening by Mr. and (Mrs. W. R. Hen.-ii. Scott S. Lerby was in New nut on business Tuesdav. Charles F. Kass spent several days oi' tliis week with his son Jacob, at. Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. John Hummel announce the birth of a daughter ou November Earl Bare spent Wednesday with j friends in York. Miss Alda X arns. of Harrisburg. 'spent Tuesday with her sister, Mrs. ; A. F. Van Camp. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Tyson, of liar risburg. spent the week-e'u 1 with their daughter, Mrs. Soot; S. Leiov. Mrs. G. E. Strasbaugh. of York, spent i Wednesday with S. S. Leiby, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Bbersole. of North Baltimore. Obio, are visiting Mr. | and Mrs. Lueian Haas. WEST FAIRVIEW Birthday Social at Home of Andrew Gerhart in Honor of Son ! Special Corresponcience. West Fairview. Nov. 21.—Mr. and ; Mrs. Andrew Gerhart gave a birthday | social at their home in honor of their (son. Andrew, on h's 11th birthday. The party was ehaperoued by Mrs. B. S. j Boley and Mrs. Edna Spurrier. The I following persons were present to en |,ioy the occasion: Mr. and Mrs. Ed i ward Walters, tne Misses Mae and Blanche Reeser. Annie Hutton. Marga j ret- Irwin, Mabel Montgomery, Mr. aud j Mrs. Andrew Gerhart. Samuel S»ur ; rier. Miss Annie Enalev, Max At.-- Combs. Miss Jane Bolev. Mabel Givler 1 Fred Kokert. Hazel Givler, Anna'oelle Bo ey. Margaret Ganrber. Sophia Curry, j Arthur Spurrier. Norman Spurrier. Paul | vilessner. Jacob Wa.-htman. Fred Snatill. Howard Heiler, Benjamin Givler, Don j ajd Gerhart. AJbert Ivoppenheffer, Johu Kreitzer. Elizabeth Fisher and Mr. Ger hart's father.* , Miss Ida Koppenheffer. of Ehzabeth- I ville, and George Koppenheffer, o: iHar i n3 ®j lr ß- visited H. W. Koppenheft'er. Airs. Harry Ferner aud grandson. Harry Steeley. of Enola. were sraests of Mrs. B. 8. Bo ley. Amos Stiles, of Harrisburg. visited his parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. StiV-s ai-i Mr». D. W. Miller, of New Cumber land. Mrs. Johu (jpong. of Ha r-soarg vis ited George Himes. | -^ r - aCv ' Mrs. Paul Bender ami Mrs. | Dietz are ending a week at Philadei ; piua and Chester with friends. Miss Jennie Boley was guest of F. J- Riggs. of Enola. ' The official board of Grace U. B | church changed the Sundav school to i tie morning at 10 o'clock' during the Stougb cainiraign. A union meeting wlil ! be neld in the U. B. cbur-h Stin.iav at 10.30. when members of the stough party will be present to preach and i sing. There will be no union praver meet ' ing this month owing to the Stough meetings. The union Thanksgiving service will be held on Thursdav even ing in the Lutheran church, a'nd £b| ; Rev. S. B. Bidlack. pastor of the Meth odist church, will preach the sermon. HERSHEY The Rev. O. G. Komig Is Visiting Friends in Tower City Special Correspondence, Hershev, Nov. 21.—Miss Margaret Langworthy and Mrs. George Eppley attended the show for better babies at ] Philadelphia. Miss Esther Ebersole, of Mt. Jo v. , after spending a week here as the i guest of Miss Mary Painter, returned j to her home. Ebur Mays moved with his familv to Lebanon, i The Rev. O. G. Roinig is spending | a week at Tower City. Charles Stuckey and Gorman Ander son spent several days on a hunting I trip.. The former shot five rabbits and the latter seven. Will Address Central Club l-ee Francis Lyfoarger, a lyceum lec turer. a brother of Jesse J. Lybarger late Democratic candidate for' Asseni j My, will address the Central Democrat j ic Club at its rooms on Market square evening. Each club member is privileged tr, invite guests and the Dem jocratic City Committee has been in- I vited. [C. E. AUGHINBAUGH 1 THE UP-TO-DATE PRINTING PLANT I J. L. L. KUHN I Secretary -Treasurer I PRINTING and BINDING I ■ Now Located in Our New Modern Building I 46 and 48 N. Cameron Street, Near Market Street I I I BELL TELEPHONE 2012 : ■ Commercial Pr I We are prepared with the necessary equipment to take care of I any work you may want—cards, stationery, bill heads, letter I heads, programs, legal blanks and business forms of all kinds. ; I LINOTYPE COMPOSITION FOR THE TRADE. ■ Book Printing I With our equipment of five modern linotypes, working day and I night, we axe in splendid shape to take care of book printing— I either SINGLE VOLUMES or EDITION WORK. I Paper Books a Specialty I No matter how small or how large, the same will be produced on I short notice. H Ruling II Is one of our specialties. This department has been equipped with I the latest designed machinery. No blank is too intricate. Our I work in this line is unexcelled, clean and distinct lines, no blots or I bad lines—that is the kind of ruling that business men of to-day I demand. Ruling for the trade. H Book Binding I Our bindery can and does handle large edition work. Job Book I Binding of all kinds receives our careful attention. SPECIAL H INDEXING and PUNCHING ON SHORT NOTICE. We make ■ BLANK BOOKS THAT LAY FLAT AND STAY FLAT ■ WHEN OPEN. ■ Press Work I Our press room is one of the largest and most complete in this I section of the state, in addition to the automatic feed presses, we : H have two folders which give us the advantage of getting the work I out in exceedingly quick time. ■ To the Public I When in the market for Printing or Binding of any description, I see us before placing your order. We believe it will be to our j ; fl MUTUAL benefit. No trouble to give estimates or answer Sfl questions. I; ■ Remember I We give you what you want, the way you want it, when you fl want it. ■ E. AUGHINBAUGH II 46 and 48 N. Cameron Street I Near Market Street HARRISBURG, PA. I A Bell Telephone call will bring one of our solicitors. I