The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, November 20, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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    - "iii ; /"IYI~
, c •» Saturday Hours: Open at do you realize CA !^ 9 rcsX^lJS E "2*^ t ''*' '
: JSjOUrinCMld **• M. Closes 9P. M n * daya :
HAMHMUM* popular Mxumsß *TCM I _ I JLF. ;
CMdren! Read What's in Store for You To-morrow
► , <
; The Choice of the Entire Stock Grand Opening nf Why Shiver for Saturday Specials :
of Women's and Misses' High Toy Town To- Want of a Good in Shoes
\ Class Suits At $25.00 .. morrow Overcoat ;i
: m - &gmsm ! 01 B<dmaCiUUl •
1 W St«-k (velvets aud fur fabrics oscevu.d) bis ToyTWo full .r , v kind of t»v, 1 ' '
y f ni . eoe (ui ft, * -i> >!■•>- iui for good little girls and boys now awaits lilt II will be laugh- w <
tol w5.00. Smtfe that were so 2. )U. f»o.OO. VOII ing river breezes to < Women s Shoes at $ 1.98 values $3.00
/'* * A *37.50. $42.50. $45.00 and $50.00. Includes ' To-morrow is the day. Every child . seorn. as they Step vJL I!d Sih^^»J!i! Ul a ai, H 1 ' button <
everything in cloth suits, broadcloths, gab- w , IH xv » tlt 10 '-ome to this wonderful briskly down the dowtaPik Wmn«n«i mqs' 1 1
t ardines, poplins and novelties. SuTAm toTj'X'ILItJTS't ~reM displaying MWk ..JW-00-to, ,»t,nt coil, jn.'Z'.il'd f
L I j \ I \ this vear 0 latest tin Russian oalf, and walking boots. Ex. i
L ( J v \ $20.00 and $25.00 Women's and Misses' Suits There'll be lots of fun for evervoue, models in Raima- celient values. <
L , Aj at St Iqc j diq no and especially the children are invited caaus. km* ; BjJ« Women 8 Colonials at sl.49—values <
£ 'iL jr J ' ' to come and have'a glorious time. The The Men's Cloth- milm- * ~ffii3Vr\ $3.00 and s3.oo—tine patent colt, heavy
L / \|\ f \| / / Styles that are up to the minute. Materials are the shoot-the-chutes will attract the atten- j n g Department is '"w"*'' S °!' « 4
Mlv 1 X/h/ most wanted kinds in fashionable colors. Lonar or short tion of many. and unless Santa disap- showing a fine as- lani\ Women s Overgartars at 25*-value 50c ,
it A 1J 5 / . oats-plain, plaited or circular skirts. And all sizes poin s 11S ,i ier e wi Ibe a letter trom him sortment of sm !t Women s Overgaitera at 69C-value :
r . / bnt not all sizes of anv one stvie. to all the little folks, at the Santa Claus sortment ot smalt fflJCgHg' 1 ' sl-00. <
j i | i " postofrice in the basement. Styles tne kind Third FIoor—BOWMAN'S. •<
k \ k\ \\\ $17.50 and $18.50 Suits at $12.50 .. Dr - F , I I XO ' U „^ B the man who cures the I j that dressy men Wff j J
f \ \ \ \\ » • dollies and ho will be glnd to Wflllt Sud ftl'so mod- « 1 j /\XX • *
{ \ V .\\ . I'op i ins. crepe poplins, cheviots and serges—and a receive all patients needing attention. plsfu'vtli.w.nnc n.,-,, sR w&XUr(l£ly UlierillCS
l« ——<\ \ \\\ ew got»d broadcloths. In black, navy, dark brown and See the wonderful displav of mechan- , fIW , ®
\ \\ green. ieal toys. Many new ones this season dresser. 1U iQC BflSftTTlPTlf. i
< \ \ „ are shown, and also in games, wild and Balmacaans ill all , ~ ~ „ <
\ sl2-50 and $15.00 Suits at $9.98 woolly stuffed animals dollsi and every- the latest mixtures and tones arc inches : shade 17V 2 Brit- r
« > J j ( i'oviots, poplins, cords and serges. Properly tailored Tov* au lua H tom " part ot a very fortunate purchase tenia non-corrodible metal; finished in an-
'i. i ,/ A aud in correct models. 1 ' ! that brought these COatS to US at an tique brass: green and gold, or gold; fili- 4
V \ f /I A • i 1 unusual price reduction. And many gree overshade. Priced ?7.50 <
\ \ ArriveQ mis Jfloriling j from our regular assortment will ten -P' e « e Guernsey earthenware i
L \ ! , <• »- - Hud t'jivor baking set; set consists of 7-inch casserole \
\ : /{ i\tv-fne extremely smart suits from two of the \ \ I . with cover, mixing bowl, pudding dish and
| 1 / j 'Uiriiest I'tass New \ ork makers. Blaek and colored m , m \ PriCGS St3-Ft H-t .oO six custard cups. Set, 69f
I j "roadcloths. gabardines, poplins and novelties. Most \ ! $1.26 serving trays, size 10x16 inches; ?
A > are tur trimmed—some are trimmed with fur tg ( , j A£ I „ _ _i_ mahogany finished'frame; glass center.
j, |\ j .i'ncs and braids. Many military effects are among fJT fHIQO FT gjf tl C P IViced at <
L 1 S ! Ut ° n ' -% ot ,nan . v styles—and of none are •»'">- / ■ $1.30 Wearever aluminum Windsor ket- <
-m s nere more tnan two or three. The prices are about W \ J Leather Novelties tie, with cover; 4-qt. size. Priced at 95* „
•*' * iA oue-tourth less than regular. They will be sold to- \ L \ J w !i ,7 , , $1.15 and $1.25 nickel-plated copper tea L
« morrow at \ \ ) / omen s and children 8 patent leather kettles; tinned inside throughout; flat bot- '
, spo " tiNo ' 7 3siz "' J.
( ' TVlfPf* Ilt*H nrr i t ttt «■% Leather hand bags in all styles, contain- Soap Specials i
{■ TTr» "ICC cdlUlUdy I illlclrcil! Would ing vanity supplies, at .SI.OO to 86.00 io cakes Soft's Pride Soap, ..... a»c ?'
L omne £<m up Cillr AAA " VUIU Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. I 10 cakes Ivory Soap . ..38c .<
1 . % OIXK specials T T T* I J « 10 cakes P. 4G. N apt ha SBo L
" f'.WeJ to v hoe * V All T llrfli f A 10 cakes Pels Naptha Soap ..38c |
> , ~ ' a\ ; .VuW-'s'.'.-V. «i 'n'"i°be a ' 7 51.50 40inch Cascadue Silk at 97'..#* XUU LIAC IU Laces 10 rolls crepe toilet paper .asc <
k. «here rfce -an eujo' i :v t); v. fd.—in beautiful, perfect shades of Sev- TTT • TJ * (V , , ~, . <No phone or C. O. D. orders taken for soap.>, A
rvnt t ;,,,- .vs. Copenhagen. navy»iR US .sian. wistaria. Will PriZfi Oriental lace flouncings. 18 toJ7 inches Basement BOWMAN'S.
V J black and tete de negre. . Wldei in whlte and — >
1-50 36-inch Silk Crepe de Chine at SB<» an> to give cverv r „ ... , r „ . to $2.50 f)
: Eeducuo.sonKid.nd TJOStVgitSt i Jf "-lL !
: Fabric Oloves , jKsaKMsw syCwSSftJ— >'-■»»" • • f >
All are perfect and guaranteed. A Pirt.irc „f'ci s „ ( „ ria „. Oonty, in blank,, bromi nnd white, y. '5,
A SiuraeatiOß for the Gift " ~Z : A Picture oi Santa Clans iuei. to 2 innhen wide, v.rd. 25« io 7ie f~l .• f
I- ...... Saturday Off erin anf . ..".Jren between the ages ot > 1 Ermine, 1 and 2 inches wide. Yard. ff 'lf
[ loves hick and greyj f T rfltr TTat'r and each will be allowed to make one Chinchilla. 2 inches wide. Yard. »1!35 V, \
legalar .>l> » value, at Sl.oO vjray Hail UOOQS drawing of Santa Ilaus, either in pen- Russian mink, 1 and 2 inches wide I „ • II a ' a lj •
l ownes 1-clasp pique linger gloves in Switches and transformations from pur- '' "1 "I°'"7" 1 Yard ; SI.OO and $1.75 11 ~ '
' tan; our regular est white to the shade matching hair just The Public Will Decide Monkey Fur; yard. SI.OO and $1.75 |f\ » f
u SI.OO , beginning to grey are included in this sale the Winners Marabou, in black, natural, pink, white I i
Ha. mo 1-clasp cape skin gloves, spear | All are extra good quality and wavy. All drawings will be displayed on the and light blue ; yard. ... 250 and 50< I » 7"
: ! s?£Eft=asia;ss=::as ;;r I. :
: j «! IWwt snsnrCs: m.,.h---—--id •:
ua! ana >\illte. our regular sl.iO \aliu'. j Grey Transformations, fn-morrow £2.15 titled to one vote, with each visit. You 4
[ at $1.50 Transformations To-morrow 8«.« S can help get votes for your drawing, bv DaifltV StvleS 111 Gift Neckwear '
Baemo undressed kid gloves in tan and ! 1 K«. r a«ee a e niat ,. h askin{r v„ Ur friends to vote for your ' Y U neCHWear . . .
► «»ui' k: our regular $1.75 value. Special at 1 1 (>or * uumber. A full assortment lends aid in selecting ' his s—o Colonial Dl'esscr cl^"
► 81.50 ""
I Tpri Will H I f ' le s t>'le. and it is none too early. $17.75 1 ,j
k 2-cLsp overseam kid gloves in all shades 1 IZcS W 111 i3c Dainty collar and cuff sets in orgnudie, i - <
► and sizes; our regular SI.OO gloves: sells 25<? to $2.00 Olt OCX TVI ntr'fo <
y in many store? at $1.15. Special at 79r j. "WaiUCu \ estees in lace and organdie, DCvCIUOC lIiCY XC a
, Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S 1 /.'■ . Five tO l»OVS aH(I ti\'f To ffil'ls. — ,O $2.00 _ __ ,
. . ; whoße drawiiigrs receive the high- m.i. rioo,-BowMAN- S . SampleS ManV
Hosiery for Women i ! boys ' 'girls Bedding Hints Pieces of
and Children ' IS WdTwtl7eT Can I lst pnze ' $5 White wool blankets with 2-inch taffeta *J. TT <
► O.HVA VIXJ.XUICII J Worth 15, j ... nr . p !!°p. binding; weigh about 5 pounds; full bed FUfllltlire HaVC 4
y Burson seamless hose for women: plain \ J/j/ j Coaster Ir ' sh " Worth $4! size; $7.50 value. Pair, . .$5.00 4
► !,|a . ,-K aDtl > l' l,t feet; medium and heavy ''worth $4.25. 3rd prize, Doll Coach. Satin messaline covered comforts in pat- I Dnnf) Ck 4*l TT 4
y weight: cotton and lisle thread: regular 1 ' :^rti P rize ' Express Worth 13.25. terns made especially for comforts; bor- JJCvil VJlCullj
and extra sizes. Pair 25 c w-dgon. __ 4th prize, Writinp dered all around: in rose and old blue, at .
► ; X V'r^ a " ,hia ;- k " o,t " n i,oS % d ° ,f - A 4th prize! Tool Che'st; | Worth $2.50. $15.00 RCutICCU. ..
e heels and toes, wide garter tops. Pair. jk / ")ll llCtriCJl Worth $2.25. 6th nrir.e. Set of Ma.n FIoor—BOWMAN'S. j , , ,
► 12'..c, 17<r and 25* " w VAI sth prize. Drum. Dishes. Furniture that has been used as display 4
► Women's black cashmere hose, double *%4- tfO 1C T« Worth $1.50 Worth $1.50. Inlaid Linoleum SDedallv pieces on our sales floor and in most cases ,
► soles: pair 25c. 35<> and 50c ±llllll6 8i t fJ.Zj IS Conditions Linuieum specially only one of a pattern. All in perfect con- <
y Women's 25c hose, plain black and col- . All drawiugs must be on paper furnished Priced Tomorrow l* ition , .. i\
iir< lipht weight, r.nttnn a n,t Hal. 1 A Af-f j-. -- A. • by us. Each boy and girl mav call at the Dressers and Cniffoniers
.iiiithl -<->1 s «-i Vo All Unerine to Santa Claus Post Office (Basement) nnd re- The linoleum on which the patterns can- I Mahogany, Circassian walnut, quartered
double soles, wide garter tops: pair. 17c o ,eive two sheets of drawing paper, and some not wear off. Prices include laving: I oak and bird's-eye maple. <
Or, 3 pairs. 50C Po Pictures of Santa to help in the draw- Ist grade at $1.14 sq. ' yd.; extra SIB.OO mahogany chiffonier $9.75 <
nbi.". ~ D .• ' cotton nose, tine 0V V/OHSIQ6IT6CI Only one drawing from each child may be heavy: regularly $1.35. SIB.OO quartered oak chiffonier, $11.50 4
' Sl es ' P a " 12 , . , entered. This you must bring to the Store 2nd 98C so v«l exirn hmw. .00 bird's-eye maple chiffonier, $12.75 .
Children's hose, silk lisle, in black and i A . b , U 2 f r eal fort,lDe brings this very not later than Do,ember sth. rceulaHv il*2o ' $+2.00 Circassian walnut dresser. $20.00 '
colors: pair 25c to 'Vu'.t J'i-'vf Voting Begins December sth ' rour ' th F ] oor _BOWMAn-s $ 1 5.00 quartered oak dresser $9.95 "
Infants'cashmere hose, black and white. I and ev«rv one reflp t» th l T an< ] At which time the public is invited to call 1 _ " $19.98 mahogany dresser $12.75 i
Pair 15c nd 25c * n ,w!7 their favorue drawing Voting T ,a Brass Beds I
~ v . furled and uncurled and look « uite ». continue until December lath, and pnzes Men AIQ LOOkin? After continuous post brans bed. 811.75 4
Main Floor BOWMAN S. smart with.the large velvet hats. Besides. be .warded before Christmas. __ __ WMUg AHCi *M.nO«h m«t. hr™ h«,l 519.00
(— —— would make an a<, eeptable Christmas —J TheiT Underwear Needs $32.00 21/2-inch continuous post bed, \
A Little Fact About Shades are ail desirable and the range S&tUXdciy OfferillCrS Men's SI.OO and $1.50 union suits, me- ! (tinno v I tl II
_ includes black and white. • tt 1.1 x dium and heavy weight. cotton ribbed, • ■ 4
Oriental Rmr«s m Upholstery i..«v» n..«
vnemai xtugs The MUlmary Department v.,„. M.„'. *I.OO h..v.v ».,„i .hi <
; h 522 all th. latest foature. from time j ,J£ .nJ <«««>», rflk Bnl.h, p.arl s . lurd „ v , » 2 .25 each.
of any coming in for a long time. ° ,lme ' all( .' " OW show ' m «ny new models Striped Voile, blue and tan, and yellow and Men's $1 r >o natural wool nmWwear. O J.J. *
«e suggest to those desiring a rug of this that are ri K h t-up tO-the-minute in stvie, white stripes—for waists or curtains: 45e qual- ' vtar, Q«_g q— - MattrfiSS 4
k.nd for a . hri.tmas gift to make selection neluding a large selection of jaunty hats llyi • v,,r,l ~ ... a»c medium weight shins und drawers, at , UICW
early, as our present assortments mav soon at 84.95 ' Matting covered boxes, with bamboo trim 98C
v r ° ken „ U Ke black velvet „ntr'.nm«l 1.... . m ' nRB ' fee L»'™ . Men's heavy cotton ribbed shirts and oatlUUajf '
will be interested in the very special , " untr »mmed hats aru »J. 7«, »4.7f1, &A...0 and drawersi ecru ami silver color HI .nOC °u' regular SR.9B felt mattress at «».».% 4
pr.ces, now a feature. here in many novelty shapes; priced at bolM ' p'«»" «"«» brass trimmed) nicely ~ a . re ' u ecl " flB 1 811 er eolor ' Ht Our No, :t $7.00 roll edge felt mattress, «n.»« .
Fourth Floor BOWM »vs $1.95 Pushed 1 witn nud withont travs, B t 1 111011 B»ita at ,SI.OO , ]0 so whlte , ay „ f „, t mattro „ s7 . os
Ji.A-N ■ . „_„ >w WOO te $ 17.00 , Men a heavy natural wool underwear at $15.00 Imperial edge felt nmttress «n.7« <
Second rleo, BOW MAN 8. fourth Floer-BOWMAN'S. 81-50, $1.75 and $2.50 Kifth Ploor-BOWMA N"8. <