Specials for Saturday Main Store—2o2 Walnut Annex—3ll Walnut New Garments Arriving Daily This keeps all Stocks up-to-date. x Special Suits ] M - $13.75, $15.00, $16.75 and $19.75 for $9.95 Special Suits $23.75 to $35.00 for $15.00 Special Suits $25.00 for $17.50 Special Suits I 1 f , $28.75, $29.75 and $35.00 for $19.75 Special Suits J $31.50, $35.00, $36.50, $38.50 to $42.50 for $25.00 ANNEX, 311 WALNUT STREET Wonderful Bargain Waist Sale Saturday and until closed out. 200 of the best Waists you ever Now navy, black serge and poplin bought. Voile, Lingerie, China Silk, Skirts with yoke trimming; regular etc., 95e to $1.98. Special for 50<* size, $2.50 and $3.50; extra size, Long or short sleeves. Such values $-.<5 and $3.75 will go out with a rush. House Dresses, ginghams, percales, Coats in new belted models with flare efc " 1(5 to 56 sizes '' •• S IOO to $ 165 skirt, in brown and green. Special, Silk jersey and messaline Petticoats, $6.75 colors and black.' The best values we New stvles of AVaists in white 'mil ha\c <'\ei had sl.' | pleasant delightfully irfiMK cooling to burning, itch ing, tortured skins. xwf'TQ Zemo goes to the very . root of eczema and other skin troubles and gets results every time. Doesn't show on skin or soil clothing as greasy salves do. Thousands have proved Zemo. Now, you can prove it free by sending your address aud 4 cents (actual postage) for trial bottle (in plain wrapper) to K. W. Hose Co. Laboratories, Dept. 38, St. Louis, Mo., or by purchasing a 25c bottle of Zemo from your druggist. Zemo is sold and guaranteed by drug gists everywhere, and in Harrisburg by Golden Seal Drug Store, E. Z. Gross, Kennedy's Medicine Store, Croll Keller, W. T. Thompson, C. M. Forney, and T. Prewell, Steelton, Pa. J. Nelson Clark Drug Co. Adv. LADIES' BAZAAR ■ . ™' 8 Ba ' e Ladies' Fall and Winter Apparol wo invite the most critical comparison of quality and prices. \\ e have no doubt that other stores may closely approximate either our values or our prices but i?o have no foar that any will meet us in both quality and price. So before you buy anywhere make comparisons and be sure you get the most for your money. WE know where you'll buy. New Coats Received for Saturday We received to day a large shipment of coats which include— Plush coats in a variety of models and lengths, some trimmed monkey fur, others in caracul and imitation fox, and still others without fur trimmings, linings are of Skinner's and other guaranteed satin, \alues $lB to (£ 1 fkO +n rkO S4O, in the sale to-morrow, .. . , *P IJL O • J'O Another lot of those Saltox Fur Arabian Wool Coats in black only, lined with guaranteed satin, shawl collar of self material, frog, worth $22.50, in this sale to-morrow < /\0 •t $14.y0 Saturday Special $3 Brocaded Silk Petti coats, $1.98 Brocaded silk petticoats in every conceivable shade, worth $3.00. Special Saturday j 9$ Saturday Skirt Spacial All wool serge basket weave, di agonal and other oloth skirts in a variety ot' shades and this season's models, worth $3 and £ | f|Q $4. Special Saturday, . *P 1 •>'o r»S" i w 10-12 S. Fourth Street ~vi «&\jx What We Say It Is, II Is Striking a Popular Chord That is certainly what the watch manufacturers did when they put out the Thin Model Watch. It put an end to the only valid excuse for not carry ing a watch —removed the only objection—bulkiness. The popularity of the Thin Model Watch has increas ed rapidly. It has proved the claim of absolute ac curacy made for it and demonstrated that it is a loug-life timepiece. We've a splendid assortment of Thin Model Watches iu solid gold and guaranteed i gold filled cases, j If you want to know what real Watch Convenience is, just Step into Diener's and have one of the Thin Model watches demon strated. Ask especially to see the Graen Veri Thin Watch, i Watches and other gifts | selected now will be laid ! away until Christinas on payment of a small de posit. That's a great aid in Christmas shopping. Try it. P. G. DIENER JEWELER 408 Market Street. i -< be born again. You say, fix him up with a little water and he'll be all right. I believe that baptism is an ordinance of God, and must be. But do you mean to tell me that you can put a little wa ter on a man outside and clean him up inside, holy water or any other kind of water? T don't care if you go clean under water, if you immerse. If some body would use big mops on you, some of you old rascals wouldn't clean up your souls. Don't. believe all that is said about baptism. Some qf those old Bible commentators were bug house. '' A man cannot be born again by "ducation, either. Some people say, give '"ctures on eugenics, like I'm doing for instance. **ut that won't do it. Old Doc Elliot, wnen was president of Harvard, spilled this the ory once, which sounded very nice, that what we need is more education. He said education would make saints out of sinners. Sertd 'em all to Harvard, he said. We'll fix 'em up so they'll be all right. Shortly after that, a Presby terian minister in New York asked Dr. Elliot from his pulpit to tell him why it was, if educaton would do every thing, that whenever Harvard came to New York to play football they had to put an extra force of policemen around the saloons, the gambling joints and the brothels. If they can't keep Har vard straight at football games, what can be expected of a lot of us common ordinary folks who've never been to .Hahvahd, as they pronounce it theret Lawyers Get Their Share "I tell you, you can study ail you want to, and be as big a crook as ever. If brains arc put into men who are wrong at heart, they are a curse to themselves and to others. What class of persons has robbed the people and done more criminal deeds in t'his country than any other* I'll tell you, the col lege anil university bred lawyers. They pre refined erooks. They have mixed their natural cussedness with brains. "Now, how can a man be 'born again! Christ said to Nicodemus, ' Nick, you need cleanin' up.' Some people say I'm irreverent calling these persons ■by nick-names. Why actually, same ■people have gone around and said that I called Abraham Abe, and Isaac Ike and Jeremia'h Jerry. I never called them that. I said the men of their day called tlhem that. They called theni worse Of bar Suits That Are Attracting Attention $12.08 Serge Suits, »H.OB SIH.OO Suits, StO.DB All wool sergo suits in navv . J" 1 ? 4 of «"*■"» sergofi, unfin , . , , . ' lahed worsteds, broailcloth«, and black, guaranteed satin , (askot , voavPSf Ptc „ puiranteed $6.98 ".l s "".. 510.98 SBS Cliiffon Broadcloth Suits, Sl