8 SUMS KIBE DAY Germans for the First Time Since Outbreak of War Are Deprived of Newspapers JUBILANT OVER RUSSIAN DEFEATS Details of the Capture of Valievo, Ser via, by the Austrians, Given by a Press Correspondent—Over H.OOO Servians Taken Prisoners Berlin. Nov. 19. via The Hague and London, 6 A. 'M, —For the first time rince the outbreak of the war the Ger nans Spent the day without their news papers. the publication of which was nispended because o ftlie religious Day »f Repentance. The daily report from *ar headquarters appeared as usual, but tfhere was no means of circulating it sxcept through 'bulletins posted in shop windows and 'by means of a telegraphic extract displayed in the postoffice down town. The streets o:f 'Berlin to day were frowded with the customary throng, the rrisp aufciiiiiii 'having brought out n host, promenaders. The crowds were scarce fcv different from those seen in ordinary Pears and there seemed to be almost as [riany men as usual. The spirit of the promenaders was confident as a result Df the Russian defeats reported yester lay. The "Xeue TVeie Press" corre upohdent gives details of the rapture of Valievo, Servia. The Austrian? ad vanced in five columns, three of which • rrived withir cannon range early Hun lav tout the attack was delayed because »f the slow (progress of the other col <mns over a difficult terrain. The attaick began at 11 o'clock. The (kustrinns, despite vigorous resistance, "nveloped the Servian left wing and Srove it in. The right wing was small »nd only threatened by an outflanking movement from Roulatoara and a de rastating artillery fire completed the Jiscomfiture of the Servians who. by 5 »"clock in the afternoon, were in full retirement on Arandielovatz, abandon ing fortifications on which they had worked for years and which were con sidered impregnable. It is doubtful irhether the Servians will make a stand |t Arandielovatz. The Servians had no time to bring >ff or to destroy their guns or supplies, treat quantities of which fell into the hands of the Austrians. Over 6,000 Servians were taken prisoners. RUSSIAN FLEET FI T TO ROUT WITH TURKS IN HOT FI RSULT j Berlin, Xov. 19 (By Wireless to the Associated Press) —A Turkish fleet has ; fngaged a Russian squadron composed.! »f two 'battleships and five cruisers of! Sevastopol, according to an official re- j port reaching Berlin from Coustanti- j lioiple to-day. One oif the Russian battleships was | piously damaged, and the other ves- | lels, with the Turkish t-'hips in pursuit, I led to .Sevastopol. Governor of Metz Is D'-'.d London, Xov. 19, 4.43 A. M.—Gen- ' ival Von Winterfeldt, the governor of Metz, die<l at Weisbaden after a short illness, according to an Amsterdam dis patch to the Reuter's Telegram Coin pany. BUILDS BRIDGES HIMSELF Supervisor Messner Tells His Plan For Saving the Money of the County Taxpayers Forty members to-day attended the; annual convention of the Dauphin! County Supervisors' Association which was held in the Grand Jury room of i the court house. Half a dozen address-' es were made during the morning ses-[ sion, all dealing with road and bridge | building and maintenance. The officers all were re-elected by' acclamation as follows: President, K. I iD. Messner, Upper Paxton township; i first vice president, .1. K. Zoll, Berry i township; second vice president, C. F.I Harman. Wayne township; secretary, 1. F. Bogner, Middle Paxton township;' treasurer, George Aungst, Lower Pax-; ton township. Chairmen Messner, who reminded ihio fellow supervisors that "I am a talkative Dutchman," delighted the, assemblage with chatty talks on his' experience as a supervisor in the up-) per end of the county. One way to; learn whether the roads are bail or! good, he said, is to accept an invita-1 tion to ride in an automobile owned and driven by a man "who is always) ki kin? for better roads." .Mr. Mess ner had the experience, he said, and ! he had his ups and downs—not pleas j ant ones —when he went over the j ■breakers. The chairman said he was elected to J « six-year term as supervisor by a' margin of but ten votes and he added: ] "The next thing I knew everybody: was asking me about the good roads; I advocated.'' He added that he jumped into the work and hustled and refused to let j contractors make n profit on bridges j that had to be built in his district,! *'bv doing the work myself." Three bridges were constructed for less than j SI,OOO through that method, he said, and he declared they would have cost j much more if a contractor built them. | after bidding on the .jobs. John C. Nissley, an attorney and Assemblyman-elect from the Second! district, said: "I will do all in my power to have your wants satisfied." | F. D. Bosch, president of the Har-j risburg Motor Club, talked on "flood Roads." Other speakers were X. J. O. | Riland, of Reed township; I. K. Zoll,, of Perry, and .1. W. Hunter, first dep- 1 litv to the State Highway Commission ! er I USE DYNAMITE TO STOP FIRE One Man Dead and 9230.000 Worth of Property Destroyed in Blaze at OirardviUe Pottsville, Pa., Nov. 19.—Fire which caused the death of one man and the loss of $250,000 worth of property and stock, was finally got un der control at Oirardville this morning by the use of dynamite and the inter vention of a large brick building after the water supply of that drought-affect ed section had become exhausted. In all fourteen buildings, used as store rooms and residences combined, were completely destroyed. The tire' companies from a half dozen surround-1 ing towns sent assistance and water | was pumped from the black coal dirt J creek which flows through the town. One man is believed to have had his back broken. Several dead may be un der the ruins, one having thus far been | recovered burned to a crisp and his identity not established. $40,000 Fire At MiUheim Bellefonte, Nov. 19. —A big part of) the business section of the borough of i Millheim was destroyed by a fire to | day, the second time within a few | years. The fire broke out at 3 a. m. au.l ; burned until 8, destroying ten busi- j ness places and residences and dam-1 aging several others. The loss is estimated at from $30,-! 000 to $40,000, partially covered by I insurance. The postoftice was among! the buildings burned. CONVICi TO HjJ THTTRAIL At Stough Service in Jail This Morn ing Man Promises to Go to Tabernacle The first of a series of weekly j services to be held by Stough campaign : workers at the Dauphin County jail I was held there at 9 o'clock this morn-j ing. After addresses had been made, I prayers offered, and hymns sung, oue j of the prisoners drew" a member of j the party to him and said, "I'll be: out of this jail in several days, and j then I'm coming up to hit the trail."! Other prisoners were stirred by the ! service, some of them sobbing audibly, i No converts were called for, but iuvi-J tations may later be extended for the | convicts to" profess Christianity. The service this morning consisted I of addresses by Miss Sara Palmer ami | H. K. W. Patterson, vocal solos by I Professor D. L. Spooner anil Mrs. C.! E. Hillis, and chorus singing by seven ty-vo members of the tabernacle j choir, men and women. W. \Y. Shan non led in prayer. INSURANCE AGAINST ACCIDENT; Isaac Miller Harrisburg Representative of Great Corporation The story of the General Accident j Corporation, is one of a successful en- 1 aagement covering a period of at least; 35 years. Isaac Miller, with offices at Second and Walnut streets, fourteen years ago, became the Harrisburg representa tive ot" this great corporation. Many of our residents have been covered with protection, year after year by its policies. The local list of patrons in-1 elude the best and most conservative I risks in Central Pennsylvania. This corporation and the Harris burg agency has won continued favor j from its patrons on account of its fair ness and promptness in dealings with | them. The magnitude of protection given i in Pennsylvania alone is enormous. ! The numerous letters received by' Mr. Miller from many of the patrons to whom during this period he has paid j indemnity, express assurances of high! commendation and esteem and are the j best kind of local endorsement. — WANTS TO RELOCATE HOTEL Patrick T. Sullivan Again Files Request i to Move From Park Zone With his hotel at 727-729 State! streejt. within the zone soon to be taiken j over by the State for the new Capitol I Park, Patrick T. Sullivan to-day filed wit'h tfhe Prothonotary an application for the transfer of his re.tail liquor li cense to ISI9 Noryi Third street, in Eleventh ward. The Court will pass on the application on December 8. Sullivan's proposed new location is the building to which B. Leslie Potiter, early in 1913. sought in vain to remove his hostelry from 528 State street, in the Eighth ward. Last year Sullivan, too. made an unsuccessful effort to re locate his 'hotel, at that time planning to go to 554 South Cameron street. CHAUFFEUR FINED sls Joseph Alberts Charged With Reckless Running on Biver Bridge •loseph Alberts, cihauffeur of a Pack aid car. who is charged with speeding across the Market stieet bridge last evening and striking a buggy on the Cumberland side of the bridge, was fined sls by Mayor Royal in police court this afternoon After the acci dent the (Packard was chased by Robert H. Irons in another machine. Frank Wingard and William Funk were in the buggy. They reported at the police station after "the accident, saying that they were almost thrown ! over the rail of the bridge into the j water. A wheel was torn from the! buggy. Alberts paid the fine. AUTO CATCHES ON FIRE Wasliie Driver Makes Short Work of It With Hand Extinguisher A clutch on a touring car belong ing to Clayton Wagner, of Derry Church, caught lire this morning at 8 o'clock while the machine was standing at Second ai.d Chestnut streets. George Pratt, driver for the Washing ton Hose Con.pany. saw the smoke from uiidei the hood of the car and, taking a hand extinguisher, made short work of the Idaze, which had already caught the dashboard and was going toward the gasoline tank. The ma-! chine was not damaged much. Fire at Dauphin Last Night (Special to the Star-Jndependerit.) Dauphin, Nov. 19.—A small'building on Canal street, used 'by a numiber of boys as a "den," caught fire last even ami and was entirely destroyed. It Is supposed t hat the 'bla/.e was "caused hy an overheated stove. The Dauphin Fire Company respouded to the alarm. Artistic Printing at Star-Independent. I 3ARRISBURQ STAR-INDEPENDENT,. THURSDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 19. 1914. ■HPS UN 111 VILLA 2,000 Voluntarily Sur render as Latter Cap ture Leon and Other Garrisons Along Line MARCHING ON TO MEXICO CAPITAL American Consular Agent Carothers, With Villa, Reports There Has Been No Fighting Since Southern Move ment Began and Predicts None Hii Associated Press, Washington, Nov. 19. —Two thou sand Carranza troops voluntarily sur rendered to General Villa when he took Leon and other garrisons all along the line are changing allegiance to the Northern chief, as he marches on to ward Mexico City. American Consular Agent Carothers, with Villa, reported there had beeu no fighting since the southward movement began and ventured his opinion that there would be no hostilities becm°e the rank and file of the Constitution alist army seemed to favor Villa. Leon was taken yesterday without the firing of a shot and other reports tell of tiie occupation of Irapuato, and Guanajuato, also without resistance. No report was received here of the allege! interruption by Villa of the telegraphic conferences between Gen eral Gutierrez and General Gonzales but it was thought in official quarters that Villa had ordered ali telegraphic communication with the troops south of him to cease so that the enemy would be unable to learn of the on coming of his forces. The general expectation in official circles to-day was that General Villa would reach Mexico City without much difficulty, fighting perhaps one battle as his troops clashed with those of Obre gon or Gonzales near the capital. Mexico City, Nov*. 19. It is report ed hero that General Carranza has de clared Onizaba, the new capital of the new republic. Mexico City despite the dispatch of troops to the north to meet the forces of General Villa, is quiet, but a feeling of tenseness prevails. No train arrived here from Vera Cruz last n'rght. It is reported that railroad traffic has been stopped at Esperanza hut the reason for it is not known here. Laredo, Tex., Nov. 19. — Discovery of an alleged filibustering plot against Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, was announced here to-dav Pour Mexicans were ar rested here late yesterday and another was arrested in San Antonio. They were said to be former Villa men. They were charged with recruiting on Ameri can soil. MISSING LINKsTN IURKLB INCIDENT Continued I'rovu l'ntze. Some naval officers have urged that the ci niseis lie withdrawn. Officials believed, however, that mis sionary interests for which the cruis ers were dispatched to Turkish waters might insist the vessels be retained as a moral force making for the protection of the American missions and interests. Ambassador Morgenthau hail been directed to inquire i.f ,iie Turkish gov ernment why laud forces had fired on the Tennessee's launch as it steamed from Vourlah to Smyrna to investigate conditions at the American coysulate and the commanders of the Tennessee and her sister ship. North Carolina, in neartbv waters, had instructions to make no nnve that might embarrass the Washington government. President Wilson was determined that the I nited States should not. be come involved in trouble with Turkey and confidence was expressed that if the Turkish officers had acted without authority of their government or the firing was unjustified by naval proce dure that the Porte would apologize. May Have Been Friendly Warning Secretary Daniels summed up his view of the incident by declaring he believed detailed reports would show that the firing was intended as a friendly warning to prevent the launch from entering mined waters. The Tennessee to-day was at Chios harbor. Protection and friendship for Amer ican citizens in Turkey frequently have been pledged by the Porte, but since that time the United States has as sumed charge of diplomatic interests of the allies, with whom Turkey is now at war, resulting in conditions marked by delicate responsibility. Activities b'v some Mohammedan leaders caused ap prehension on the part of the Ameri cans, as well as French and British sub .jects, and that was reported by the United States Consul at Smyrna to Am bassador Morgenthau. When an investigation of conditions at the consulate was determined upon the Tennessee stood off at Vourlah and sent a launch on the way to Smyrna. Under navy regulations, it was said, Captain Decker would have been .justi fied in attempting to enter the harbor and inquire into affairs at the consulate, regardless of whether Smyrna port was closed or not. Apparently, however, he did .lot con tinue on his way lo Smyrna, but belief was expressed that had the consulate beon in imminent danger the Tennessee would not have left the vicinity. To Select Eagl«s' Meeting Place Howard O. Holstein, president of the State Aerie of Eagles, will attend a •meeting of the State board of officers next Monday at Altoona to select the place for the next meeting of the State Aerie. V'ork, Allentown and Al toona are bidding for the honor. Three Suffer Fines Thomas Henderson, colored, who runs a restaurant at 11 2 Short street; F. B. Rose and Harry Handshaw were fined $3 bv .Mayor It-oyal in police court this afternoon They were arretted under a disorderly practice charge. HIGH SCHOOLS WILL CIVE YELLS AT THE TABERNACLE Central and Tech Students to March From Their Buildings to Services in Big Street Demonstration To-mor row Night lo morrow night will perhaps be the biggest night of the week at the Wtough tabernacle. It will be high school night. There will be high school yells, high school pennants and, no doubt, high school trail-hitters. A football game won't be in it with to-morrow r.ight s demonstration, according to the plans of Musiiai Director Spooner, who, with Miss Saxman, has the event in charge. Invitations to high school students ot both Central and Tech to attend the meeting were extended by Prof. 'Spooner yesterday. lie was not granted permission to address the stu dents during school hours, but spoke at the Tabernacle Baptist church, across the street from the Central High school building, to students of both morning and afternoon sessions at, Cen tral, and in the To.-li auditorium after the dismissal of school there. A thousand students, boys and girls, are expected to turn out to-morrow night. Those from Central will meet iu front of their building, and those from Tech in front of theirs. Prof. Spooner. in an automobile, will start both parades. The students will march to the tabernacle singiug school songs, uiving school yells, blowing horns and dying pennants—anything to attract attention. . Central will enter on one iflde of the tabernacle and Tech on the other. Seats will be reserved for the marchers in the front of the 'building. After they enter they will be in charge of the meeting for a short time, giving their songs and their yells. Many of the Technical High school students aided in covering the roof of the tabernacle, and boys and girls from Central High school have taken a con siderable part in campaign activities. 33 CENTS CAUSE AUDITORS WORRY i uiiHfliiril From Firnt I'niie. part of two days in a successful search for the errors. Only after a complete examination of something like 2,500 accounts, and n't least two revisions of t'hose same items, did they obtain fig ures that coincide with the treasurer 's balances. The Hunt for :{;{ Cents In one instance the record differed from the amount of a voucher bv six cents; another showed a loss of twenty five cents and in two other cases the difference was but one cent. Other itemß which the auditors re ferred to as "bungling" were record charges of one amount while the vouch er, issued under tiie same date and num ber, exceeded tiiat amount bv $2. These errors occurred principally in j the books of the Department of the Poor, so an auditor said. While a for mer clerk to the Poor Board, now dead, was in office according to the auditor, the record shows that the vouchers were not entered either in chronological or numerical order. In two instances I vouchers—the largest one calling for $52.75 —were not entered in the rec ord. This so-called "slipup," according to an auditor, not only showed that the amount of cash in the 'outstanding war rant fund" differed from that indi cated by the official records, but caused the auditors days of worry and work. In at least four instances —the auditors say there arc even more—the records show that relief vouchers for $2 were granted to individuals by the Directors of the Poor in 1913 and that the vouch ers bearing the corresponding numbers indicated that $4 was allowed. On the other hand, according to the auditors, perrons received $2 relief or ders and the record indicated they received $4. These were said to be errors ma le in transcribing. No Evidence of Fraud Errors iu recording the numbers and I amounts of \ouchers also occurred I while William A. Mcllhenuy was clerk to the Poor Board, the auditors said. Mr. Mcllhennj this morning explained to the auditors that it was due to the antique system which was in vogue in 1913. lie said the vouchers were signed by the Boaed and some were handed out before proper entry was made in the official record. Notations were made, he said, and errors were made in the transcribing. However, with all the errors, the auditors' balances, they said, will not show anything that would cause sits picion of fraud. They added that, j while some of the accounts do not ap- j pear in the proper order, they have I been discovered and the report should ■ ultimately correspond with the County | Treasurer's figures. The auditors now are working on the dog tax reports, in which discrepancies; ha\e been discovered. Hutchison to Attend Convention j Chief of Police Hutchison, colonel of the Eighth regiment, National Guard, I will attend the State National Guard I convention in Pittsburgh which lasts for two days, starting to-morrow. He j will leave for Pittsburgh this evening. \ t > tWant Your Good Will You will be buying your under wear soon. Most men want under- j wear comfort. Do not want it. Get ! it. You will, get it by wearing Superior, the union suit that can't gap in the seat—can't bind in the crotch—that always fits you "all ways." Prices from SI.OO to $5.00 Third Near 1 rUnlll 0 Walnut St. L 1 TENEMENTS MUST CO, SAYS DIXON Conllnurd From Flr»« Pace. vania being represented. Many promi nent labor officials were on hand. The Welfare Sectiou of the confer ence held its session in the House cau cus room this morning, the big room being crowded to hear Dr. Samuel G. Dixon. Commissioner of Health, make an address on "Housing Condition." This is a subject to which Dr. Dixon has devoted a great deal of study. Dr. Dixon said in part: "The term ' Housirg Conditions,' must have been a broad definition. If our lalbors are to be thorough we must follow the man, woman and child throug'h the twenty four hours of t'he day, where they sleep, where they eat, where t'hey play, in the school room, in the church, in the work room and in tflie hospitals. All Need Health Education "I have found little wooden shacks loosely constructed with plenty of knot, holes and furnished with large sashes that have been more sanitary than some of the large houses. Our people in all circles of life want to 'be educated in health measures, lu the last few years small houses have been muvli improved in appearance, w'hich has us moral ef fect, yet, these small dwellings are too often heated with direct steam or hot water plants. 'Phe old sharks w'hen kept clean were often more healthful. Some of the foreigners who come to this coun try for a short time with the idea of saving all they make so that they mav return home with their little fortunes, wiJl have to be deprived of the miser able tenement house accommodations as tilley are breeders of disease. In some of' 'these places fhe mattresses never get cold as one shift flollows close on the heels of the other. Such housing wiil have to 'be 'broken up and 'better homes built. "In facing this broad ■problem, one of our greatest aids is education. Peo ple must ibe taught to use the homes Which they have to tlhe best possible ad vautage and they must in turn 'become missionaries to teach others. "TJiis is a great work and the efforts of the State must not be too paternad. It will not do to say that the people must build a certain type of house. We can. however, say that certain things must be avoided Which would injure the health of the individual in the com munity. Individuals, municipalities and nations must be their 'Brothers' keep ers.' It is a mistake to discourage initiative. Permit everyone to 'build with only the limitation of that which will directly or indirectly reflect upon some one efse. Housing Problems of the Poor "Our tuberculosis nurses working in every community in t'he State have be come familiar with the housing prob lems and needs of the poor people. The work of our health officers in tile rural districts and boroughs lead them to those places where there is a need for improvement. Our school inipe tors have under their supervision t'he struc tures in which our chidren spend so large :i portion of their time. "The work of the Housing Bureau has dovetailed in with the other work which is 'being done 'by our little army of workers throughout the State. Un der t'his growing system it offers an economical and effective method of handling t'he work with practically the same overhead 'charges and saves du plication of machinery and the over lapping of responsibilities." The safety section of the confer ence met in the Senate Chamber, 0. L. Close, of the United States Steel Cor poration, presiding, and the following program was carried out: Discuss Safety Topics "Uniform Boiler Code," Thomas Durban, Erie City Iron Works, Erie; Milton Snellings, vice president Inter national Union of Steam and Operating Engineers; discussion, C. F. Jotter, su pervising inspector, Hartford Steam Boiler Insurance Company; .lames A. Moyer, professor of Mechanical En gineering, Pennsylvania State College, "Suggested Regulations for Blast Fur nace Operation," F. H. Willcox, Unit ed States Bureau of Mines, Washing ton, 0. C. Discussion, L. H. Burnett, Carnegie Steel Company. Pittsburgh; " Proposal Klectrical Code." I>r. E. B. liosa, Bureau of Standards, Washing ton, I). C.; F. .1. Mc.Vulty, president International Brotherhood of Klectric al Workers; discussion, Duncan Camp bell, manager Scranton Electric Com pany; Charles 1.. Kinsloe, professor of electrical engineering, Pennsylvania State College; "The Safe Use of Ex plosives," Harrison Souder, superin tendent Cornwall Ore Banks Company, Cornwall, Pa.; discussion, H. G. Has kell, Dupont Powder Company, Wil mington, Del.; .Elton D. Walker, pro fessor of hydraulic and sanitary engin eering, Pennsylvania State College. The hygiene section met in the hall 7c * Day for Thisa I | The Watch and the Price Defy All Competition Women's and Men's Open face or Hunting case. These watches fully guaranteed, Elgin or Waltham movement, ex pansion balance, polished regu lator, display winding works, pat ent self-locking setting device, anil rust-proof case guaranteed for 25 years. Perfect in every respect. Only $14.00 50c a Week—Can You But II? Full Line of Xmas Goods Now on Display American Watch & Diamond Company Now Location Cor. Fourth and Chestnut Sts. Harrisburg ■■ mi «■ rrm "The Quality Store" EXTRA VALUES FOR FRIDAY ONLY EXCEPTIONAL We wish to announce a continuance of our sensational ONE-HALF PRICE SUIT SALE. Any Ladies' or Misses' Suit in the store will be sold at just ONE-HALF its original price. Every late and fashionable model—all the popular fabrics in Black, Navy Blue, Brown and Green are here for your choosing. They are real bargains. Ladies' heavy all wool Winter 18x54-inch Buffet and Dresser Skirts in beautiful plaid effects. Scarfs, hemstitched and embroid Special for Friday— ered, also laco and insertion; 50c ss.(to values at $2.49 vahle - Special for Friday at, each, s:i.so values at $1.98 A broken lot of Middy Blouses— . Skirt Patterns, large full Bonie with Blue and Red collars and Sl .? e ' aU B ° od , tolor combinations and cuffs, others pure white. Regularly o pui i e , Wo< iL". ® e ßular price if! 1.00. SI.OO. Special for Friday at Special for Friday at 79^ worth T washed and bleached— wor t h . Mc . worth ~»c. Special foi Friday at, Special for Friday at, per yard, each. .. ———J / ' Couch Covers in beautiful Oriental Feather Pillows filled with guar designs and colorings—<lo inches anteed odorless and dustless sani wide and :t yards long. A $5.00 tary feathers, covered with splendid value. Special for Friday at quality of art ticking. Regular price $2.50 $2.00. Special for Friday at, each, .'{O-inch Curtain Swiss in a variety of good designs—worth 12 and Ladies' medium weight ribbed 15c. Special for Friday at, per Union Suits—high neck, long yard \ O-, sleeves and ankle length in size? 4 to ». A regular SI.OO value. Spe cial for Friday at, per suit, $2.00 Ecru Lace Curtains—all ' new and up-to-date designs—all per- T .. ~ ' feet—:t yards long. Special for Fri- Ladies Crepe Night Gowns nicely day at, per pair, c*"i ACI made and trimmed with lace and em- broidery—a very good value at About one dozen all wool Smyrna Rugs—sizes from l8x:«J to 36x72 Lm of Ladies . Cotto „ Ribb d all good patterns reversible. Pants in sizp I nnlv PRICE f ° r Frlday at ONE HALF 50c. Special for Friday at . <2s^. Gray Woolen Blankets, double „ f" 01 Ladies' Neckwear in flat bed size, made of good clean yarns and 1011 collars in white with col and heavy weight—attractive bor- ° l ,® e " ' o e '' s '' . R e gular 2ric and ders—sell regularly for $3.00. Spe- '' „ c h values - Special for Friday at, cial for Friday at, per pair, ' 10^ $2 49 * Ladies' Black Cotton Hose—a Large size heavy weight Turkish regularl ? jr ,c ' Towels, full bleached, hemmed ready Special for Friday, per pair, for use—worth 33c. Special for Fri- par or ' day at, each -t Qj, J -°V 50c Beads in red and amber. Special for Friday at «4-inch mercerized table Damask, extra fine weave, and beautiful pat- * Beads at terns—SOc value. Special for Fri- day at, per yard 29<? Regular SI.OO size Teddy Bears. Special for Friday at, each, Large double bed size Comfort- ables filled with clean white cotton Men's SI.OO stiff bosom Shirts in and covered both sides with pretty white with neat figures and stripes chintz—worth $1.25. Special for —cuffs detached, sizes 14, 10, !«}£. Friday at, each 9Sf s P ecial for Friday at, each, Special prices on "LOCKWOOD" Small lot of Men's 50c Jap Silk and "MOHAWK" bleached sheets J nitla l Handkerchiefs, hemstitched for Friday only— initials, A, T, N. K. P only. Spe- Size 03x90 for ° ial f ° r Frlday at ' each 29<^ Size 72x00 for 25c Silk Initials in B > D . T, P, K. Worth 10c a piece more. Special for Frida y at ' each . 17^ L. W. COOK of the House, Dv. Alice Hamilton, of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, presid ing, anil the following program was ob served : "Lead Poisoning," the chairman; James J. B'reil, president Stereotypers and Electrotypers International Union; "Correction of Lead Poisouing," Dr. Francis IX Patterson, director of De partment of Sanitation and Accident Prevention, Harrison Brothers & Com pany, Inc., Electric Storage Battery Company, and the J. G. Brill Company, Philadelphia; James J. Ereil, president Stereotypers and Elestrotypers Interna tional Union; discussion, Abel Wethcr ill, Wetlierill 4c Brothers, Philadelphia; "Brass Foundry Poisoning," Dr. Ran i dull Zimmerman, Westinghouse Air ! Brake Company, Wilxnerding; discug ! sion, Charles R. Witham, business agent International Molders' Union of I North America; M. Griswold, Jr., man ager General Electric Company, Erie. At Chestnut Street Hall The "safety first'* show in Chestnut : street hall is increasing in popularity, j 1,700 persons having been admitted yes i terday. It was the greatest single I day's crowd since the show opened and | managers are hoping for record-Urea Iv ors the remaining two dajs. Some manufacturing firms thai could not get space in this year's show are so pleased with visits here that they are eager to engage spare for next year. Some of the present exhibitors are eager to increase their space for the next show. The managers used every available inch of space for this exhibi tion and cannot figure on a bigger one j for next year because of lack of space ! for exhibition purposes. But eighty five exhibitors could be accommodated this year, as against 125 last year. Special concerts are given each aft ernoon and evening by Uudegrove's or chestra. The Harrisiburg Light & Power Com jpany's exhibit is attracting much at j tention. The method of lighting* the i company's booth is unusual in that il | lumination is furnished by every type lof incandescent, lamp from a woe 2- I candlepowcr bulo to a great 1,000-watt new type "C" high efficiency light, j Next, to the illumination, the electrical ! appliance demonstrations arouse most j interest. Most any household duty I from ironing and washing to toasting j bread and boiling coffee is demonstrate | ed and the methods whereby these lit- J tie trials and tribulations of the house wife may be made easier by use of elec tricity are shown in practical ways. To Demonstrate Fire Extinguisher To-morrow afternoon a demonstration i of a patent fire extinguisher will be giv en at the rear of the Capitol, close to L'he Mt. Vernon (Hook and Ladder < 0111 ] pany's quarters, under t'he supervision 1 of the Wtato IFire Marshal, Joseph L. 'Baldwin. The demonstration is being I given to show to business men the i 111 - I portance of having some relia'ble lire ex tinguisher in their places of business. I The public is invited to attend. COURT HOUSt I'REPAUINUTRJAI. I,IST Criminal Causes Being Compiled Now for Special Courl Term By Saturday District Attorney \|. E. Stroup expects to have ready tii • trial list for the continued term e; September Quarter Sossious which lie 4,' ins November 30. Nearly a hundred cases will be listed, included three mur der trials. The argument list will bo completed tomorrow and argument court will be held Tuesday, November 24. Will Probated The will of 11. M. Holstein was pro bated to-day and letters on the estate were issued to his son, Howard (J. Holstein. Power Company Buys Land Kealty transactions to-day included tire recording of transfers of live prop erlies on the eastern shore of the Sus quehanna, near Middletown, to the York Haven Power Company. This tran saction, it is expected, will make un necessary future litigation over the question of water rights anil the pos sible ill effects that may result from damage to meadow and farm lands by the York Haven <lam. The owners aud the sums for which they sold were: S. C. Collins, $100; Edward G. Gingrich, $400; M. F. Metzger, $000; S. VV. Gingrich, S4OO, and M. B. Metzger S4OO. Building Permits A. E. Drougli, six two story bricks, 1 922 to 1922 Bellcvue Road, $9,600; 11. E. Hershey, remodeling Dauphin ho tel, SSOO. Marriage Licenses Frank S. Seiders, Steelton, and Olive E. Stine, Swatara township. Elmer T. Hefflefinger, city,-and Per , tha F. Fortney, Siddonsburg. Ardrel S. Light, Middletown, an I Emma M. Wit man, Kiimbethtown. W. C. T. U. in Seattle in 1015 Atlanta. Ga., Nov. 19.—Seattle to. day was selected by the executive com mittee as Che place for the 1915 con vention of the Women's Christian Tem perance Union. Take Care of Your Eyes And They'll Take Care of You For advice, consult Willi ri. C. Cißfter, SMIIK Morsel Street
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