NEWS OF S BICHSPIRE FIREMEN'S FAIR IS ATTRACTING CROWDS Liberty Band, of Steelton, Will Be Present To-night Under Bandmaster Zala—Same Named Band of Middle town Announces Program for Friday The fourth aunual fair of the Citi zens' Fire Company, -of Hignspire, is continuing to attract large crowds each evening. The Highspire band was pres ent last evening and played a fine pro gram. The Liberty band, of Steelton, under direction of Bandmaster Zala. will 'be present fhis evening with thirty men, when a varied program will bo rendered. Friday evening the Liberty band, of -Middletown, will furnish the music as per program appended: ' March, "International Aviator,'" M. A. Althouse; "A Xight in Berlin.'' •lohn Hartmann; "Forget-Ode-Not," in- termezzo, Allan Mavbetli; "ißeminis of Verdi," A. ileinicke; Kilauea, '"Hawaiian Patrol." G. Stewart; "Indian War Dance." Herman Bell stedt, Jr.; "Alita," (wild flower) Mor ccan, T\ H. Losey. The fair will close Saturday evening, and the attraction will be the presence of the Lemoyne band of thirty pieces. FUNERAL OF MRS. THUMMA The fuueral services of Mrs. 'Bar bara Tim mm a wore conducted vesterday afternoon at the home of her sou, Harrv Thumma, in Highland, by the Kev. C. K. 'Boughter. Burial was at Highspire. STEELTON NOTES Division No. 1, Ancient Order of Hi bernians, will give a masquerade ball this evening iu honor ctf women of the division's auxiliary in the hall of the Benton Club on North Front street. Employes in the frog and switch de partment of the steel works. Steelton, •have requested Che reservation of 3,000 seats for the Friday night service at the labern&ele. Steelton Lodge No. 111. Knights of Pythians, will confer the third degree upon a class of candidates this evening. A social will follow the degree work. In celebration of the event of his becoming a grandfather. W. H. White broad. secretary- to Steelton C'airip No. •".GS9, M. \\ . of A., will tender a smoker to the members of his camp to-morrow evening. The smoker will follow an im portant meeting of the camp, during which officers will be nominated. PERSONAL Mr?. Teai'l Gable,.after spending sev eral days with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Charles Holdiman. North Front street, has returned to her home in Hegins. W. M. Good and daughter, Miss Emma Kate, after spending one week, with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Good, 305 South Second street, have returned to their home. Princeton, W. Va. Mr. anil Mrs. Harrv E. Wooleot, 268 North Front street, left this morning on a trip to New York City. Mi«s Wilcox, the. visiting nurse en ployed br the Steelton Civic Club, wiU be in her office from 8 a. m. to 9 a. m.. from 12.30 p. m. to 1.30 p. m. Skull Fractured in Curve Overturn Ashland, Pa., Nov. 19.—'Rounding a curve at I>avelle, near Oiere, on his way home to Valley View from M't. Carmel, Jacob Harner, aged 50, was thrown out upon his head When his automobile over turned. The man was rushed to the Fountain Springs hospital, where he lies in a critical condition a frac tured skull. HOW I CURED MY CATARRH TOID IN A SIMPLE WAY Without Apparatus, Inhalers, Salves, Lotions, Harmful Drugs, Smoke or Electricity HEALS DAY AND NIGHT Tt is a new way. It is sornethinsr ab solutely different. No lotions, sprays or sickly smelling* salves or creams. Xo atomizer, or any apparatus of any kind. Nothing to smoke or Inhale. >• o steaming: or rubbing or injections. No electricity or vibration or massage. No powder; no plasters: no keeping in the house. No;:-,in? of that kind at all. "! tiling delightful and healthful, some thing instantly successful. You do not have to wait, and linger and pay out a lot of money. You can stop it over night—and I will gladly how— FREE, I am not a doctor and this is not a so-called doctor's prescription— but I am cured and my friends are cured, and you can be cured. Your suffering will stop at once like magic. I AM FREE—YOU CAN BE FREE My catarrh was filthy and loathsome. It made me ill. It dulled my mind. It undermined my health and was weak ening my (will. Tho hawking, cough ing, spitting made me obnoxious to all, and my foul Wreath and disgusting habits made even my loved ones avoid mo secretly. My delight in life was dulled and my faculties impaired. I knew that in time it would bring me to an untimely grave, because every moment of the day and night it was slowly yet surely sapping my vitality. But I found a cure, and I am ready to tell you about It KRBK Write me promptly. RISK JUST ONE CENT Send no money. Just vour name and address on a postal card. Say, "Dear Sam ICatz: Please tell me how you cured your catarrh and how I can cure mine." That's all you need to sav, f will understand and I will write' to you with complete information, FRJSE, at once. Do not delay. .Send postal card or write me a letter to-day. Don't think of turning this page until you have asked for this wonderful treat ment that can do for you what it has done for me. SAM K.VI'Z. Suite Room TONS 4325 Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111, R AKKliSts U KU- ST Aif / 7K.NT, THURSDAY EVttiMMl, JNUV EMBER 19, 1914. BESSEMER MILL RESUMED TO-DAY ON MAYARI STEEL Western Tier of Mills Are All in Oper ation Except Slab Mill—Both 12- Inch Roll Trains of Merchant Mill Department Working Tho Bessemer mill of the local pliant of t'he Pennsylvania Steel Contj>any re sumed operations this morning after an idleness since September 1. Tho prod uct, Mayari steel, made by the deplex system, will be used bv several of the local mills which had been using open Hearth steel exclusively, t'he former metal 'being needed to complete a num ber of small orders received lately by the steel company. Of the tier of mills in tlhe western end of the 'works, only the slab mil'l is shut down. 'Both Xo. 1 and No. 2 bloom ing mills are running and the new 44- inch mill, forming one of the chain of new mills, will shortly be fired up and a test run will be made. In the merchant mill department, both No. 1 and No. 2, twenty-inch roll [ trains, art\in operation. The'frog shop ; is working on a fifty per cent, basis at | ipresent and there has been slight in crease in tfhe working hours at the bridge and construction department. SPAT OF ENLIVENS COURT Continued From First Fife. paring the width of Front street as shown on the map with that of other streets concerning the widths of which he had positive information. Counsel for the plaintiffs immediate ly figured they had discovered a loop hole for gaining a point and produced a map of their own, on which also no 6cale was indicated. They sought to have the engineer tell how he deter mined the width ol' streets on that map. The plaintiff's map had not been admitted as evidence and City Solici tor Seitz moved to strike out the testi mony concerning it. which was intended to be offered as a part of the cross examination. "That is not cross-examination, and [ move to have it all stricken from the record," said the City Solicitor. Lawyers in Fresh Spat "I have just as much right to cross examine a witness as you," snapped Mr. Haiii. "You are snapping and snarling all the time, trying to prevent my making progress." Judge Johnson interrupted by ruling out the testimony relating to the plain tiffs' map. Mr. Seitz weut right ahead with the argument with couusel. "Is that so?'' he asked of Mr. Hain. "Do you think so. ehtf" "Yes, and if we wanted to do that we it, too." ''Well, you will limit yourself to proper cross-examination and the Court has stricken out your testimony and out she goes." The wrangling ended with Judge Johnston rwntM'kiiig: - "You fellows are fighting without being mad, 1 assume." A moment later the lawyers were whispering to oach other, presumably for the purpose of laying plans for making better progress, as suggested by the trial Judge. The property owners claim title to strips of ground on flie west side of Front street, approximately 135 feet long, and extending from the old line of Front street, n-ear Couoy, to tJiie low water mark. The City contends the property owners have title only to the ground as far as the high water mark. Estimates Are Called for Also the City contends that in tak ing the ground for the reopening of South Front street, it did not infringe on the rights of the plaintiffs, anil that even if a small part of the individual owners' ground had been taken, the rest of their property will be benefited by improvements the City contemplates —such as planting shrubbery, making fills and protecting the embankment with a retaining wall. The witnesses who were called yes terday were asked to estimate the mar ket value of the plaintiffs' property before and after the taking of the ground and the street opening. In each instance the City Solititor asked the witnesses to assume, when making es timates, that the city will carry out its plans for beautifying the South Harris burg river front. "I o'bje.'t to that,"' said the oppos ing counsel. "That is mere guess work. You can't assume what the City will do. They say they will do this aud that, 'but will it be done?" Judge Johnson overruled t'be objec tion and directed the witness to go on. Mr. 'Hain again objected, this time mak ing a'more extensive argument. "I don't want to express an opin ion," began Judge Johnson." but I have driven along the river front sev eral times. Is there any doubt in yoiir mind, iMr. Hain, that the City will carry out its improvement plan just as it lias done and we are toUl it will dot" "Well, I don't, know about that," tho attorney replied. Witness Thinks .S6OO .Fair In obtaining from witnesses informa tion that deals directly with the ques tion of damages, the City Solicitor ask ed for opinions as to losses or 'benefits, based upon the assumption that the plaintiffs are without a legal right to construct, a permanent building on tarn, part of the ground to which they claim title, situated between the'high and low water marks. I.VBany of the witnesses, however,-pre ferred not to make such an assumption. One said he thought that since the plaintiffs paid for their ground they fhould be given ample return for what t'hoy lost. Besides, t'he witness said, lie icould not understand that 'there is any existing legislation that will not permit a man to do with his property "just as he feels like." The witness said finally, that tine strip of ground (belonging to each plain tiff between the line of the high water mark and the low water mark is worth not less than S6OO. He said 'he would not offer a reason for fixing'that amount save that it is Ibased on what the own ers ,fwid for it. That amount is S4OO less than claimed by each plaintiff. Gift Bear Came High in Fine Kane, Nov. 19.—A bear given as a present to E. G. Moore, a Buffalo hotel mail, cost him $112.30 in fine and costs, when he shipped the carcass to Buffalo, not knowing he was violating the game laws of Pennsylvania, U need a Biscuit Nourishment—fine fla vor—purity—crispness —wholesomeness. All for 5 cents, in the moisture-proofpackage. GRAHAM CRACKERS A food for every day. Crisp, delicious and strengthening. Fresh baked and fresh de livered. xo cents. SKAPAROOHS A delightful ntew bis cuit, with a rich and delicious cocoanut fla vor. Crisp and always fresh, xo cents. Buy biscuit baked by NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Always look for that Name V ) BELATED BADGES ARRIVE Those Meant for Firemen's Convention Just Received From Manufacturers The final report of the finance com mittee of the Harrisburg Firemen's I'n iou, covering the expenditures for the State firemen's convention held here last October, will be made at a meet ing of the Union Deenn'ber 8. How ard O. Holstcin, chairman of the finance committee, saya that after S3OO sub scribed by hotel men. waich has not as j»t 'been paid, is received there will be enough money in the treasury to meet all bills contracted for the State con vention. The 500 delegates' badges which were ordered, but did not ariivc in time for the convention, reached 'War riaburg yesterday and the work of mailing them to the various companies has been started. A meeting will be held on Thanks giving Day in Norristowu to decide on the city for the next convention. Sev eral cities that were mentioned have turned down the proposition on account of the large expense connected with it. At the next convention a standard badge will be adopted. Each delegate will receive one. which he will be ex pected to wear at all conventions thereafter. This will eliminate an ex pense item of about $1,400 a year. CHURCH RECOGNIZES WOMEN Episcopal Provincial s'jard Hereafter to Contain Two Pittsburgh, Xov. 19.—Women for the first time in the history of the Protes tant Kpis'eopal Ohurc'h were yesterday recognized on one of the eight boards of that denomination when the Synod of the Third Province, *i a session here, decided that the Provincial Board of Social! Servi.e shall hereafter be com- posed of one 'bishop, f&ur presbyters four laymen and two women. The question of giving the B.vnod a name resulted in it being finally de cided in favor of Washington Ci'ty, wit'h the province being known as the Province of Washington. The synod also decided to elect the presiding fcisflvop for three years, eligible to suc ceed himself. MISSOURI MEN CHERISH VOTE Jefferson City, Mo., Xov. 19. — Woman suffrage was defeated by 140,- 206 votes at tho Missouri election on November 3, according to official re turns given out by the Secretary of State yesterday. The vote in round numbers, on that and the full train crew amendment, was: Full train crew, ves, 159,0 00; no, 324,000; negative plurality, 164,000. Woman suffrage, yes. 182,000; no, 322,000; negative plurality, 140,000. BELL PAINLESS DENTISTS 10 North Market Square Harrisburg We do the best dental work that can possibly be done and we do it at charges that are most moderate. Painless extraction free when plates are ordered. Largest and most com plete offices in the city; sanitary throughout. Lady attendant. Hours: 8 a. m. to 9 p. m. Sundayt,, 10 a. m. to 1 p. in. LATE WAR NEWS SUMMARY Continued Fro* First Pace. Russian advance guard are now in re treat. Violent fighting has been resumed within a two hour motor ride of the gates of Paris. At Tracey-le-Val, where the main battle line from the north swings to the eastward at the point nearest Paris, a German advance led to a violent encounter. The Germans at tempted to recapture the town, won by the allies a few days ago, but accord ing to the French war office statement to-day they were repulsed with heavy losses. In Flanders the artillery duel, de scribed during the last few days as of furious intensity, has become still more violent, on the part of the Germans at least, but here, »s elsewhere, the op posing forces are holding fast to their main positions. An offfcial German communication states that heavy fighting has been re sumed in th e Argonne forest around which some of the most severe encount ers of the war have raged from time to time during the last two months. A heavy loss, it is said, was inflicted on the enomy. In a battle between two squadrons of aeroplanes, it is said, one airship of the allies and one of the Ger mans were lost. Turkey's explanation of her act in firing on the American flag at Smyrna has not been submitted nor has the Navy Department at Washington re ceived a detailed report from Captain Decker of the cruiser Tennessee, one of whose launches was under fire. The Washington authorities were confident, however, that satisfactory amends would be made by Turkey and that no complications would result. Austria is calling for more soldiers. The older men of the Landsturm of 1870 to 18110 have been summoned to the colors. Austria apparently has the upper hand in her war with Servla. Reports from Vienna state that the pursuit of the enemy is being carried further, and that the Servian retreat at places is attended with heavy losses. Unofficial German advices stated that Russia had sent troops to assist the Servians, but the authenticity of this report was in doubt since such a movement of forces would involve a long sea voyage around the continent of Europe or the invasion of Bulgaria or Rumania, neutral coun tries. WEST FLANDERS CUT OFF FROM REST OF BELGIUM BY DESTROYED BRIDGES The Hague, Via Loudon. Nov. 19, 3.30 A. Ji.—Advices received here from 'i'hielt, Belgium* which were brcugiit by way of San Van Gent 'by messenger and are Jated Monday, No vember 16, state that west Planden, the scene of incessant military opera tions. remains an island cut off from the rest of Belgium through the blow ing' up of most of the bridges leading thereto. Peasants are obliged to make emergency bridges from plan Its and crawl along on these to escape from r.lie danger /.one. The Gentians have declared the territory west of the rail road running from Antwerp to Brus sels and thence to Mons on official war area, where nobody, including even Germans, is allowed to travel without a special military passport. Dixmudc Entirely Ruined It is difficult to obtain reliable news of the situation in the war /.one, as the bedraggled men and women who man age to escape' are too miserable through colli and hunger to give an account of their experiences. Their only definite recollection seems to be the continued cannon tiVe and the endless processions of wounded filling their villages. It was learned from some of them, however, that Dixmude, the scene of such severe lighting, is entirely ruined. Nieuport. also suffered severely. In Vpres the Cloth llall, which was one of the few ancient buildings saved from the English siege in the year 1833, is severely damaged by shrapnel fire. In Termonde Uw Germans have or dered the schools reopened, but since the 10,000 inhabitants have been re duced to a hundred there are no pupils and, besides, as four-fifths of the town is 111 ruins, there are no schools. The bridges here are lightly guarded by men of the Bavarian lamlwehr. Many German Wounded in Ghent Ghent is deserted by its population, but is overflowing with German wound ed. Zeebrugge, according to reports, has been maiie a station for submarines iiy the Germans. At .Most the popula tion is beginning to return. The peoiple are establishing thenlselves 111 shacks and in the ruins of their old homes. From the entire province of Flan dors. where the roads are full of aim lessly drifting people, come creditable reports of cver-increading suffering and privation. Food is exceedingly scarce and many persons are suffering from hunger. The peasants are cutting down the old line of trees at the coun try places for fuel. Brussels is quiet. About one-third of the papulation there is supported by public charity. A similar situation ex ists in Malines. IMPENDING GERMAN RETREAT IN WEST FLANDERS REPORTED Loudou, Nov.» 19, 4.13 a. m.—The correspondent of the "Times" in West Flanders relates further indications of an impending German retreat from the line they are now holding. Their transports, lie says, have been moved A NOVEL INTRODUCTION Dr. Howard Co. Makes a Special Price The Dr. Howard Company have en tered into nil arrangement with H. C, Kennedy's drug store, by which a spe cial introductory offer will be made of 25 cents on the 50-cent size of their celebrated specific for the cure of con stipation and dyspepsia. Headaches, coated tongue, dizziness, gas on the stomach, specks before the eyes, constipation and all forms of ma laria and liver trouble are soon cured by this scientific medicine. H. C. Kennedy has been able to se cure only a limited ic > I«sc and 25c Table Damask, Lunch 1,8 r S c assortment plain aud fancy w mii _-t t,. Ribbons, also Velvet, in black and Dishware, Plates, Platters. Veg- Clotns, Doilies, Etc colors, 10c to 25c etable Dishes, Cups. Saucers, etc.. Extra Heavy Mercerized Table J®welxy In the newest and latest ?,^ in and decorated, from 5c to Damask. 25c novelties. -•" e Hemmed Mercerized Napkins. 5c Ladies' and Children's Hosiery, all Glassware, special values including Hemmed Mercerized Napkins, 7c; Mze ® colors, !<>c to 35e complete stock of Celery Trays, 4 for 25c A' 6 Uned Underwear, Ladies, olive Dishes. Salad and Fruit Hemmed Mercerized Napkins, Oc; Kisses and OhUar«n. Bowls, Vinegar Cruets, Butter 3 for 25c MunUn Underwear for Ladies, Misses Plates , Sugar Bowls, Spoon Hold Lunch Cloths, 25c _ Children, complete, 10c to 25c ers, Bon Bon and Cake Plates. Doilies in square, oval, round, also £®?f T^ 8 'Cream Pitchers, Water Pitchers with embroidered scallops, 1»c r! 1 Ho ° d ®' — ,c , and Classes, in all sizes, plain and and 25c Babieß' Shoes and Moccasins, white decorated, 5c to 25c Sideboard Covers in plain embroid- o_ u _ D . , ered and openwork. 25c Infant Blbs ' 3c - 10c - *sc. »»= and Salt and Pepper Shakers, 5c and 10c Table Matting or Silence Cloth, 54 T ®JS _ . or 'n.fhlT i£^ e %M h £ rbCt ?' B o lry inches 25c Infant Socks, 25c Dishes, Candle Sticks, etc. Spe- A . „ Infant Sacques and Kimonos. 25c cial Prices. Wearing Apparel lor Complete Stock Ladies' White Tea Tea and Coffee Pots, 25c Women and Children Aprons and Maid Aprons, 25c Serving Trays, loc and 25c New Neckwear, Vestees, Guimpes, CANDY Double Roastinc Pans alie large Linen Collar and Cuff Sets. T« I. -CI New Organdie Embroidery Sets, r Ur6 SIIQ H resn iii Very Single Boasting Pans, 15c, 19c and Soft Rolling Collars, Now Choke Week ~' sc Collars, Tango Cords, Plain and . _ .. _ Square and Oblontr Jellv Cak« Paim Roman Stripes, New Net and Or- After-dinner Mints, Chocolate Drops., - >c an ,j jq c ' ' zandie Frilling. Hard Candy, Fudge, Marshmal- _ . ; Ladies' and Misses' Gloves, 25c i? ws ' P 13 " 1 and toasted; Peanut .Z' Tln aud Ellamel ' 5c and Ladies' and Children's Hand Bags, Bnttle, Peanut Spearmint and 33 C Chocolate Kisses, etc., 10c a lb. Tooth Picks, 3c and 5c I Ladies' and Chilldren's Belts, 25c Salted Virginia Jumbo Poanut3, 5c f - New Braid and French Shell Pins, glass "*= to 25c va?ie 20c U Tb WS ' goods ' 40c Basket Specials for i Special Demonstration I Mint, Cocoanut Cream, Italian j Friday and Saturday J i To ;™°. r i' ow „ „ csrv»rw i hS"a,™™'K »«k«. «u«. A demonstrator fiom the home nut clusters, etc., 2Dc lb. for fruit and flower baskets; demonstratio^of Ct * Chocolate and Jordan Almonds, 20c 25c values. 10c CO °VER_S OUTUNE Marachino Cherries. 20c « lb . One lot of Jap Jardiniere Bask- TJ. ° ld fashion Cocoanut aud Molasses ' value, 10c for china painting. These pat Strips. 20c lb v terns are transferable to. china, ' ' and save labor and time necessary lc to 25c Department Store White Jap and Austrian China for Hand Painting WHERE EVEftY DAY IS BARGAIN DAY presents many attractive pieces our popular prices. 215 Market gt re et Opp. Court House J TNWTWHI *III HI UMIMN— INN ■■■■■ R back several miles at different points j and the mining of roads lias been car- j ried out extensively in the past few | days. According to the correspondent the. arrival of the heavy British guns of j late has done much towards deniora- j lizing the Germans, whose guns arc be-! coming much the worse for heavy wear' from reckless use. American Corn Arrives at Liege London, Nov. 19, 3.2S A. M. —A dis patch from Amsterdam to the "Stand ard" states that forty wagon loads of American corn have arrived at Liege, j in charge of American consular officials. This is four days' simply for the popu lation in that province. RAILROADS^j fIOJfIARD 1 . IIARRISBURG SIDE Philadelphia Division —113 crew to j go first after 4 p. in.: 109, 101, 123,! 117, 120, 107, 122. ' j Engineers for 109. 111. 120, KIT. 1 Firemen for 113, 117, 120, 107. 1 Conductors for 109. 101, 125. i 22. Flagmen for 113, 107. B'rakemen for 107, 122. j Engineers up: Welsh, Goodwin, Sel-j lers, Brooks, Hennecke, Newcomer, \ Young, Madenford. Earhart, Snow. Firemen up: Martin, Ilouser, Her-j man, Huston, Kestroves. Shaffer. Hor-■ gaii, Everhart, Spring, Myers, Swank, Kegleman. Conductors up: Ford, Fraelich. j Flagmen up: Bruehl, Kochenour. j Brakemcn up: Stohman, Fergueson.j Ferron, Sweikert. Brown, Collins, Grif- j tie, Allen, -"Riley, Dengler, MoNaughton, Baltozer. Middle Division —2 2 crew to go, first after 1.30' p. m.: 25, 116, IS, 24. Conductor for 116. Flagman for 24. Brakeman for 25. Engineers up: Free, Simonton. Wiss ler, Minnick, llertzler, Moore, Havens,' Magill, Webster, Kugler. Firemen up: Zeiders, Reeder, Look,; Gross, Sheeslev, Fletcher, Liebau, Cox,; Schreffler, Buyer, Wright, Thomas,; Bornman, Weibley, Kuntz, Heagrist, Simmons. Conductor up: Bogner. Fireman up: Mamma. Brakemen up: Plaelc, Kipp, Reese,] Nearhood, Schoft'stall, Stahi, Bickert, 1 Peters, Myers, Spahr, Troy, Pipp, Roll-j er, Bell, Henderson, Mathias, Heck, j Me, Henry, Frank, Kieffer, Fleck, Kane, j Werner, Kilgor. Yard Crews —Engineers up: Stahi, Swab, Silks, Crist, Harvey, Saltsman,! Kuhn, Snyder, Pelton, Shaver, .Landis, Hoylcr, Hohenshelt, Breueman, Thom as, Rudy, Houser, Moals. Firemen up: Lackey, Maeyer, Sliolt er, Snell, Bartolett, Getty, Hart, liar key, Sheets, Bair, Kyde, Essig, Ney, Myers, Boyle, Shepley, Crow, Revie, Bostdorf, Scheiffer, Rauch, Weigle. Engineers for 707, 1831, 14, 1270. Firemen for 707, 1171, 1831, 118. THE HEADING P., H. and P.— After 11.30 a. m.: 3, 1, 23, 20, 24, 12, 16. 6, 10, 11. Eastbound —After 1.15 p. m.: 67, 51, 60, 64, 62, 70, 68, 53, 57, 71. Engineers up: Ti'frton, Wyre, Wire mau, Sassman, .Martin, Kottner. Firemen up: Aunspach. Brown, Biug- aman, Calm, Chronister. Hrakcmeu up: Crimes, Ensmiiigcr, I 'Taylor, Miles. I'a ye. ENOLA SIDE Philadelphia Division—242 ercw to j j;o first .Titer 3.45 p. ni.: 237, 206, 225, 226, 240, 203, 212, 216, 243. 220. Engineers for 242, 237, 206. Firemen for 242, 226. Conductors for 212 216, 227. Flagmen for 206, 216, 220, 226 Relief for Catarrh Sufferers Now FREE You Can Now Treat This Trouble in Your Own Home and Get Relief at Once. tHow the Remedy for Catarrh Was Discovered. By the new THIS terrible disease mtthod me .tost I has raged unchecked and throat are X , • ! U tmwd by an tor years simply bc 'temedy applied CaUSe V m P toms havC been directly to the treated while the cause of tranes. the trouble has been left to circulate in the blood, and bring the disease back as fast as local treatments could relieve it. C. E. Gauss, who experimented for years on a treatment for Catarrh, found that after perfecting a balm that relieved the nose and throat troubles quickly, he could not prevent the trouble beginning TV over again. Tmac"'°has h ' a on , te * CaSCS . COlll( j direct in/iuence completely remove all corn's membrane's signs of Catarrh frdninosc ' ai'ies i the dis- an< * t ' lruat > ut ' n ease by renwv- weeks they were back. ing the cause. Careful experiments and investigations have shown that as the troubles were expelled from the nose and throat, the real cause of fhe disease was overlooked and in a short time the Catarrh would return stronger than ever. Mr. Gauss has gone way ahead of the ordinary methods of treatment and has provided a remedy that Removes the Cause and Immediately Gives Re lief to the Nose and Throat Reese Jones, of ftcranton. Pcnti., says that after trying many other treatments, he used this new method and "My nose is now entirely clear aud free and I am not bothered by the disease any more. The New Combined Treatment is worth its weight in gold." Temporary relief from catarrh may be obtained in other ways, but the New Combined Treatment must inevitably be accepted for permanent results. Sarah J. Cape. Mount Pelia, Tenn.. says, "I suffered the pains and distress of catarrh for thirteen years and needless to state, tried nearly every method. But by your new method I was completely cured and you cannot imagine the joy that has come over me." Trial Treatment FREE This new method is so important to the wel fare of humanity, so vital to every person suffer ing from any form of catarrh, that the oppor tunity to actually Y est it and prove its results, will be gladly extended without one cent of cost, i A large trial treatment, with complete, mi nute directions, will be 6ent free to any catarrh sufTerer. \ Send no money, take no risks, make no promises. Simply clip, sign and mail the cou son5 on and the test package of thD New Combined reatment will be fully together Witli the valuable book on Cet&rrb. I Brakemen for 212. 225. Conductors up: Guudel, Jjogau, Ketr !er, Stanft'er. Brakenncn up: Carroll, Wertz. lor, liice, Sfa Jler, .Summy, Campbell, \lw- I Pbeargon, Long, Boyd" •Wolfe, Stinie- I ling, Myers. Middle Division—22s crew to ;;6 | tirst after 1.30 p. m.: 107, 10 1. 115: i 102, 112. i Engineer for 22. Fireman for 107. ißraikeman for 10 2. Goes tc the Root of Stopped-up nose 3 Constant "frog-in-the throat" Nasal discharges Hawking and ip'tting Snoring at night Bad breath Frequent colds Difficult breathing Smothering sensation in dreams Sudden fits of sneezing Dry mucus in nose and any of the other symp toms that indicate ap proaching or present catarrh I Send the Test Treatment I FREE I C. E. GAUSS, | 6303 Main Street, Marshall, Mick. a If your New Combined Treatment will 1 relieve my Catarrh and bring me health I and good spirits again, lam willing to B be shown. So, without cost or obligation | to me. send, fully prepaid, the Treat* . mcnt and Book. * Name | Address... ! j 7