Pile Remedy Free Sample of Pyramid Pile Remedy mailed free for trial K ve« quick relief, »top< itchinn, bleodi • g or prolmdlnu piles, hemorrhoid and all recial troubles. 11l the priva y of yonr own home. M*c a box at U drac«t«U. Free •ample for trial with booklet mailed free in plain wrapper. FREE SAMPLE COUPON PYRAMID DRT'O COMPANY. 514 Pyramid B!dg.. Marshall, Mich. Kindly send me a Free snuip.e of Pyramid Pile Reaaedr. in plain wrapper. Name Street City State HA\ AND STR4W QUARANTINE Somewhat Modified Siuce Foot and Mouth Disease Broke Out Washington, U. C„ Nov. 19. —The provisions of the Federal quarantines declared on acco int of the foot aud mouth disease have been somewhat modified in so far as they apply to shipments of hav and straw. The new regulations provide that hay and straw out prior to August 1, 3914. and baled prior to October 1, 1914. may be shipped without disin ifection from any of the quarantined «reas, provided that it has been stored away from cattle, sheep or swine. Hith erto it was necessary that hay should not only have been cut before August 1. but that it should also have been baled beftre that date. TO BUILD TROLLEY LUTE Contract for Construction Work Grant ed to J. A. Vaadegrifj Co. Lebanon, Nov. 19.—The contract for the construction of a six and one-half mile street railway line from Kleiufel tersville to Womelsdorf. has been let I y the recently organized Lancaster and .Berks Street Rai wry Company. When this line is completed there wili be trac tion connections wit)h Lebanon, Reading and Lam-aster. The now railway will i-onnect wirh the Ephrata and Lebanon railway in Kleinfelteraville. The new railway is the missing link in connection between the Ephrata and J.ebanon and the Reading and Lan ster trolley companies. When it is in oper ation it will be possible to go from i>ebanon to either Lancaster or Bead ing by trolley. The contract for the construction work has been granted to the J. A. Yandegrift Co., of New York, Guilders of the Ephrata and Lebanon fctreet Railway Company. COUNTERFEIT MANY NOTES Slick Gang Is Working Through Pitts burgh's Big Stores Pittsburgh, Nov. 19. —United states Secret Service officials are engaged in « hunt here for a clever gang of coun terfe-iters. Daring the past two weeks several thousand dollars' worth of $2, $5. $lO j and S2O notes have been put in circula- j tion, mainly through the big department ! stores. Their workmanship is so per- j feot that even local bankers have been tie.-eived and have taken the notes over iiie .-ounter. This has been specially case with the counterfeit $i 1 note, ftuown as '"the Indian head" note.' I texture and other respects its an s vers to the genuine certificate. The local Federal authorities have succeeded in one of the prin- ; ouals. WILSON BEGINS MESSAGE Will Deliver It in Person When Con-' gress Meets in December Washington, D. C.. Nov. 19. — P:esl <itut Wilson yesterday began work on iiis annual message to Congress which ■ s> >vi': deliver in person at the opening tu't-H : cgularsession in December. While ■ie »,o--uge has not yet taken definite j-aape. the President is expected to dis- ! <• ,--< i Phili| ir.e independence, couser- i ' 'ion. tiic Mexican question, govern ! i, • at o'\nersii..i of merchant ships and t :t eff* t of the European war on the I D ted states. s>ia.*e the i.iourn:nent of Congress j the President has not conferred with lie leaders regarding the program for] ' JC next session, but will see them with ii: the next two weeks. HALTED ON OWN COFFIN Wagoninsker. However. Finished His Tombstone Ahead of Death Bioumsburg. Pa., Nov. 19.—Andrew < ■s-lev. a wagonmaker, who several \ oars ago made his own tombstone and expected to make his own coffin, only to '..e interrupted in the work by siek die , yesterday at the age of 82. TAKt SALTS TO FLUSH KIDNEYS Eat Less Meat If Vou Feel Backachy or Bladder Troubles You—Salts Is Fine for Kidneys Meat forms uric acid which excites sud overworks the kidneys in their ef forts to Alter it from the system. Regu lar eaters of meat must flush the kid neys You must relieve nem like you relieve your bowels: re-. moving all the a ids, waste and poison. ■■ ise you feel a dull misery in the kidney region, sharp pains in the back or sick j headache, your stomach sours, t ingue is coated and when the weather is bad you have rheumatic twinges. '!'BC urine is cloudy, full ot' sediment: j the channels often get irritated, oblig ng you to get up two or three times during the night. To neutralize these irritating acids and rtush ofl' the body's urinous waste ;.et about four ounces of Jad Salts. from any pharmacy; take a table spoonful in a glass of water before 1 breakfast for a few days and your kid- , ue.vs will theu act fine and bladder dis-1 orders disappear. This famous salts is ! made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has! been used for generations to clean and stimulate sluggish kidneys and stop bladder irritation. Jad Salts is inex- j pensive: harmless and makes a delight-' f rl effervescent lithia water drink ! «hich millions of men and women take now aud theu, thus avoiding serious j kidney and bladder diseases. Adv. B. R. T. LODGES AIL ACTIVE Sunbury No. 43 Elects Officers and key stone No. 48 Arranges Celebra tion of Thirtieth Anniversary || At a meeting; of Sunburv Lodge No. I 43. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, [' the following officers were elected: H. A. Derr, president; George Walthers. i vice president: J. W. Lyon, secretary: C. C. Bauman. treasurer; W. R. Youtz, j C. C. Bauman and Georgn Walthers. I trustees: C. H. Jase. Jr., agent for of- ! ficial publication. Keystone Lodge No. 42. of the | Brotherhood, has completed arrange-! i uients for the celebration of the thir-! j tieth anniversary on Friday niglit a: ! : headquarter?. Yerbeke and 'James i streets. An excellent literary program! j has been prepared. Refreshments will I be served, followed by dancing. The following is the committee that >' made all preparations for the big tele i brat ion: XV. H. Patrick, D. A. Smith, j! IJ. I>. Wilson, Walter John and A. C.j! ! Blair. TOOTHACHE NO EXCUSE Judge Sentences Prisoner to Have Ach ing Molar Removed New York. Nov. 19.—William \Ut>ii-i ! ligan was sentenced by Magistrate Ap- 11 pleton yesterday to have nis aching j [ tooth pulled. McGilligan appeared in i 'West Farms Court charged with iutox- < j | ication and bis excuse was that he had j 1 j taken a drop to help him forget his j i toothache. i "I'll sentence you to have it pulled,' i i | said rhe -Magistrate. .MuGilligan said he hsd no money j i out Patrolman Gibson took him to Ford ' iiatn hospital and removed the tooth ! and the excuse. HELD SHIP FOR PARASITES ! They Belong to a Professor Who Makes War on Fruit Flies San Francisco, Nov. 19.—The liner ] i ; Wilhelmina war held in the harbor fo j | several hours recently to await the ar | j rival of Prof. 1). T. Fullaway, who is j ' returning from Africa with a parasite . ! ! which, it is expected, will put a stop j | j to the ravages of the dreaded Mediter j, j ranean fruit flv in the plantations of j Hawaii. Prof. Fullaway arrived on the ; Overland late in the afternoon ami j climbed aboard the Wilhelmina in the I stream front a launch. Prof. Fullaway was a member of the ■ Silvestri expedition aud takes with \ him the parasites which the party di« j covered in the African wilds. ! "ONE SPOONFUL ENOUGH" SAYS DRUGGIST G. A. Gorgas. 16 North Third street 1 I aud Pennsylvania Railroad Station. ! states that the simple mixture of buck thorn bark, glycerine, etc.. kuown as I Adler-i-ka, is causing great surprise be | cause .iust ONE SPOONFUL relieves I constipation, sour or gassy stomach al- ! j j most IMMEDIATP.. It is so; j j thorough a bowel cleanser that it is. | I used successfully in appendicitis. Ad- : j • ler-i-ka acts on BOTH lower and upper , I bowels and the INSTANT effect is 1 1 astonishing. It never gripes aud is per | j fectlv safe to use. Adv. , . MADMAN INVADES SCHOOL Young Woman Teacher Faces Corn Knife to Save Pupils i Washington. Pa.. Nov. 19.—i Miss | I Grace Jones. Washington, teacher of j I a county *'hool near town, yesterday risked her life when Robert Dramer, a | young man of the neighborhood said to ! oe demented, rushed into the school I room, waving a corn knife, and deelar ng he was going to kill the teacher 1 j :tnd all the pupils. The girl after a terrible half hour i succeeded in forcing the youth front ; the room and locking the door upon him. . As a result of the experience the school was yesterday closed indefinitely. CHARGE HE HELD UP THREE John Heron. Aged Arrested as Al- ; toona Highwayman Altoona, Pa.. Nov. 19.—The thefr : of a revolver in a hardware store in Duncansville led to the arrest of John Heron, aged 26, on the charge of hold I , ing up three men at the point of a re | ; volver here Tuesday night. His allege ! I i victim? were Edward Marquette. Lu j ther Lafferty and Ralph Hummel. The ! latter gave battle and had his right ' thumb shattered by a bullet. Heron got 85 cents from Lafferty.' | When arrested yesterday he stated he | had been drinking and did not know j what he was doing Tuesdav night. :— KEPT FROM CURS. NOT THIEVES i Mean Somebody Robbed Shut-Ins of ; Illegally Killed Deer Lew stown. Pa.. Nov. 19.—Game wardens are searching for rhe meanest i ; man in Cfcristeudom, one who woul 1 ! stepl the meat from shut-ins at a char-1 'ta'ule institution. Finding a doe and fawn, evidently killed by the same bul let. in the mountains near here on Tues day, Dr. B. P. Steele dressed and hung the carcasses on a tree out of of dogs and other animals. When he returned to snip them to the local hospital, as directed by the State Game Commission, the fawn nad been stolen. TANGLJE OVEE DIVOECE Husband Says He Didn't Know of De cree for Seven Years Reading, Pa., Nov. 19.—That a man can live with his wife seven years with out knowing that she was divorced from him was a feature in the civil suit heard hero yesterday in the case of Charles Drumheiser against Anna Pen syl, formerly Annie F. Drumheiser. The husband declared he did not know that his wife was divorced from him in 1903 and said he lived with her until 1912. when he found the divorce in her bureair. He claims $1,63 4 bene fits from associations when he had both of his leg? cut off while in the employ of the Heading Railway Company. 111, Alone, in Borough Hall Watsontown. Pa.. Nov. 19.—James M>-' orinii k, a Watsontown Councilman, suffered a stroke of paralysis while ex amining records in the borough ball and lay helpless all day until he revived enough to drag himself to the telephone and summon help. Colliery Worker Killed Tamaqua. I'a.. Nov. 19.—George Kndy. a batterv-runner at the Coal and Navigation Company's Xo. H colliery, was caught by a rush of coal in a chtre yesterday which broke bis neck. He died instantly. HARRISRURU STAIMXDEPENDENT, THURSDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 19. 191*4. WVT V V T T WVTTVft**TTTT ¥"fV¥T T T W T T T '<f W W~*9 if'y" y m 'w' V : * i , ; For Men Underwear and ; I ««SI?!SKSS% Store Opens «k Store Close! Hosiery ► different patterns to select BAM lF W s'>o P M Women's Underwear at * [ Men's and Young Men's I|■i|«!!l' A cotton; uaturai and white ' Overcoats at ss.oo—value MEM - " 1101 = rihbed: medium and V *8.50; heavv warm overcoat* , ™ ,TCT nnirro CALL JtfynXwE ZSSJ . . \ u-ay weight vests and pants. [in five different models and LOA/EST PRICES JT\ FOUNDED 1871 9i LOOK j °?" inThmn I hmx ' Men's Mackinaw Coats at 0F THE FOR THE> woit?h 1 l , ; a,ul , eoi- ] ► S4.9s—value $8.50= warm WEEK "WWGREEN SIGNS ' I "" l1 PCHr ' bIU < ► and comfortable. Small lot - \ Children: A treat 1 Children: Be Sure bleached. j y B 1 AprOHS f or you to-morrow. p to read to-morrow S value 25e: plain black and I ► liam: with pocket. black cashmere. <! I ► While Aprons at 19c —— ——-TV /* j Children's Hose at 15C i ► value 25c; made of lawn and DrSSS vjOOCIS ——————————— pr.—value 19c: plaiu black i y barred dimity with lace and # i n .,« SHOES cotton, tine ribbed: double y embroidery trimming. ICIJ <111(1 SIIKS heels and iocs; all sizes. ► Bungalow Aprons at 39C ... . _ « . 4 <snprill at HI. ' value 50c: made of percale f\ tc f» Wool Dress Goods at 59c bpCCiai at < and gingham, bound in plain I I*sl ? <*. %:,lue : .>4 inches FOf KLgH i ' ► eokir ® 1 wide; crepe . ..pints, plain $1.98 CU BOW MAN'S second Floor. To no better service can poplms, serges and pin stripe Mens Union Suits at < „ this tinielv phrase be ap- mi ± m « 1,1 the lot ' thoroughly good SM.9B value : natural ► Phil/IrATJ 'c plied, than to our new ele- Storm Serge at 98c yd - *hoes for dressy young uool ; ribbed ; heavy wcght; o valors value sl.2a; .>2 inches wide; women, in patent colt, gun Hosed crotch. * ... navy, black and greeu. metal, tan Russia calf and s Sweaters at i I lnf Car 1 hey were installed that Flannelettes at 11c yd. cloth top gaiter boots: JS—.9B - value iM.oO: all i i ► , , D .. _ , 'we might give better serv- value 15c: 1,000 vards in the Goodyear welt oak soles: wool, plain black or oxford ; ► QW. T S A,® at ice to the public, but first i ot; floral kimono designs; smart styles; mostly every pockets . »»' value+! oO to of all. absolute safety was all shades ' size in the lot. Values Suspenders at !7<* pr. 'i made ot plain and figured to be considered. Percales at vd value S:S.OO and *:UO. I'olice and sus- < ► eiderdown, m pink, blue and • a , e ... i .. i,,,, peiiders: leather ends: patent < ► white: sizes 2to ti vears. We found many impor- !\\ ' lUl *' ieß wu 'f : \\ omen s kid I act slue. s ast off. ► Baby Caps at 25c—\ahif tant devices that could be 1.000 yards figured and plain v'Xes "'i Men's Half Hose at 10c , ► 50c to Toe: made of conic. employed in making them P'"«■<»'«•■ Pair pr—value 12' :; c: plaiu black >ilk. tnessaline and silk pop- a standard of modern safe- Black Mercenzed Satme at io »..w. cotton; double heels and " :ii. ri'hoti tr'miued ty. and the difference frotff 12 l i»C yd.—value 20c; :lti Women s o\cr toes: lieavv weight 4 : nst- .«>5, : ► value 25c to 50c : made of They are safe because «Id e 'xie and'Vu. tmmetf "soles up to GlOVftS ST ,n P ' Uk ' b,UC - m 8 S ° lid Printed Foulards at f; . «P 1« Gloves at 75c and 9 1.00 « S ; 69r yd.—value *1.50: 40 0() * blai * k sucd,> 1u,, ' (1 1i ' They are safe because inches wide; in taupe, brown .. Ai„„' T* c-- . i«i llf . i "Wrt+iAWf. they are equipped with the and wistaria. gaiters, al Gloves at <o<' anc, SI.OO ,r ► IN OXIOIIS most modern safety de- bowmax s xiaiu Ftoor. BOWMAN'S Third i toor. ivayscr s L-clasp leather Jjj loe, 20c and 25c amber, _ _ 'HAiUflcti r c grey. i y i oral an.; jade beads, _ do/... They are safe because FOl* BOVS 1/OIHCSIICS Children's Gauntlets at i v 5c they cannot leave the » _ , _ . White Flannel at 37' 50C -fleece lined. i ► :0c amethyst s'less beads, floor unless the doors are ,y s Overcoats at yd.—value 50c; 'M\ inches Children's Gloves at 50c 4 ► dozen 5c closed tight. This pre- —values s«..w and so.uo wide. fleece lined. M'C taiicy be:i.l<. .."►*■ vents anyone front falling loug overcoats ol heav"\ ens- Pillow Cases at I>3c—val r.ow.v.ws >ij»ji ~or. >('< bias seam iap ■ s'* into the shaft. simeies; sizes .12 to 11 vears. n,. otid tide: scalloped and ~~ >oe spool-holder 5c Boys' Mackinaw Coats at embroidered: made of tub- c* a a | * 5c pearl slides lc Tliey aie safe because $3.95--in grey, tan and ing: soiled from display; lint- ► BUWMANS Main Floor. wc employ only cotnpe- rod plaids: sizes Bto 17 ited quantity. Smyrna Rugs at 89c 4 ► tent operators. years. Sheets at 58c—value 75c; value $1.25: size :Jox6O inches v ChlUa ———————————— Boys' Knickerbockers at size 86x90 inches; unbleacli- floral and oriental designs; y QT%ocial -fr\f 39<^—value 50c: made of ed: 3-inch hems. can be used on either side. Salad or Berry Dishes at OptJCiai lOa heavy cassimere. Pillow Cases at 9<?—size Cocoa Fibre Doer Mats at i 29c—value 50e; decorated FriHllV Boys' Blue Serge Suits at 4 5^ !,i i'. u ' h, ' s ol , . 59c^—value 75c: extra fine •< porcelain; luster finish: as- X IxilCljr $3.50 double breasted Muslin at 3' jC yd. value quality, chain design: size 4 ► sorted decorations. Fancy Silk Girdles at 50c models; that were $4.95 and se: unbleached; 27 inches 14x34 inches: easy lo clean. < ► German China Cups and and sl.oo—all the desirable $ 5 - 95 - WI ™ - , t Velvet Rugs at 79c—val- ► Saucers at 85c doz.—value shades ——— ———— _ Flannelette at 6 t c yd. ne 98c; size 2<xo4 inches; ► $1.20; imported: gold band Leather Hand Bao S at <M pa t• a j v ? lue : t - r ° m br i? ht n ? w P attern i decorations Reamer nana Bags at CQ ToiritPd pieces; all new designs. Brussels Rugs at $5.98- i Porcelain Jardiniere at o9C-valuc S.CO; attractive JUIUICU Muslin Remnants at 6',C value $7.25: size 6x9 ft. ; just , n wide lo<:; ,lK ' right size for - 11 Wd dnoes• vervattra-tiv ti l v bleached; 3b inches wide. rooms. ► ed colors. ' P Cambric and Nainsook -J4 inches loug with fine Outing Flannel at 6U<? BOWMAN ? Fourth Floor. ► TTr.iV,.-oil., t„ ♦ os-« i« Drawers at 2oc open and curled wig, sleeping eves yd.—value 10c ; ail dark pat- ——————— vHh, " . v , 9 " closed styles: fine tucks and with lashes, shoes and stock- terns. T- m m i i i I ai : dark embroidery ruffle. ings. Ticking* at yd.—value J-/cIC6S y blended colors. Teddy Bears at 95c—resr- 12'oc and 15c; in blue and Oriental Lace Flouncing at / ► Table Tumblers at 40c Wlli + A flnn/lc ularly $1.98; slightlv soiled. white and fancy stripes;'rem- 35cyd. -value 39c :18 inches doz. value 60c; blown glass: ** lIILC UUUUo BOWMAN'S Third Vioor nant lengths. wide. ► —-I:-" 1 ' Mercerized batiste at Val. Edges and Insertions ' ; ~ In the Women's Section : Clearing; of terial for waists. ,ire " 8 clothe " and Fanc - V < Roval EnglishTnmrHnth at Are some verv unusual specials. Stylish gar- vv „ ■ , _ „ , Bicvcles sSC—value S9c; ill 10-yard merits for the fashionable and stable styles for eon- va^ c -^ on Laces at yd _ . 1 lengths. ' servative dressers. BOWMAN s Mam Floor. I sr)ace%t%ovs ha we n wni Salts Astrachan • All Wool Kersey Coats at —T ► close out all "bicycles for "RpdwPPr Coats at $8 98 $8.98—512.50 value. Cue RlbbOllS , men, boys and girls at the -BedWear of the latest and most desir- ■ Ribbons at 15* yd. -value < following prices: Marseilles Bed Soreads at value sl2.oO—lined through- ab)e mo( j e i g Flared skirls taffeta and moire rib- < y marseuies Bed spreads at o ut with yam-dved satin. | , , . , bona, 4to 6 inches wide; odd . ► At 817.50—from $21.00 sl.s9—value $1.95: full Full length with large plush j Wlth blg belt and vp,vet co 1" shades. y At SlS.7s—from $22.98 Sl *e: g'»od heavy quality; collars and cuffs. Fastens | lar - Black and navy only. Net Veilings at 9c yd. i At §2o.oo—from $25.98 hemmed ready for use. An with large silk and plush | All sizes. values 15c and 25c. At S27.so—from $35.00 assortment ol patterns to se- frogs. _ BOWMAN'S Main Floor. < : u Salts Arabian Lamb Some Odds and g f * ' 5i.36-vaiue $1.75: 80 in Coats at $9.98 Ends for Friday «.UU»CIUX y A/idpCliCb the lot. If perfect would sell , d „. nr . .. , , „„ . J HIShIHC r S y Curtain Material at 12i > for $2.00-in looking over the va ue SUOO-hned through- I heae garments are of ex- ' and 20c yd -" lue! IV to many cases of then, we have « ut with guaranteed satin, cedent quality. Some of them Brooms at 17^-value- Oc < 39c voile and " ol been abl «' any in.- Seven - eighth length with w bo . - made ol good quality < y 33L. luaiquiseue, \oitt ami ovl , u „. Q large plush collars, hastens , 6 , , broom corn, 4-tte; one, to a V senm. in White, bewe and P e "®"_":" *** with large plush frog. Salts ! ent : some were bought customer. } cream; plain and open work .'i „ ol label in every coat. ' last season, but the styles are Galvanized Tubs at SAp ' >or del s, _-210 4■. \ards in Marseiiitaßo,) c i * ctalta Arahinn Tamil i so similar to present season value 79e; good quality|S*itJ) * length - s M t^ SeiUe Bed .!? ) reads Salts Arabian Lamb a difference is «-»od liandle and wringer al- < Lace Curtains at 65c pr— S -19-value- $2.98; full Coats at $14.98 wf , tachment. ► values $1.25 and $1.50; white size; hemmed ready for use. hard to hud. Emerson Folding Stand at ; y and ecru; 2 1 o and, 3 yards perfect would sell for value S2O.CK lined through- , (Jne pure wool white bou- 59c*—value 98c: tor holding long; only one pair of a'kind. „ " ut n wUh guaranteed satin cOH( with Harlin check, 5 and ti-t't. ironing board. " Colored Border Scrims at o< f mß ' Blankets at *"« ' length \\t h deep saw S4.9B—value sl2 50 Universal Food Chopper at < " 17c yd.—value 25c and 38c: 29 C-in grey with pink and collars and turn-back enfls: , • K in 21., to 4 1 , yard lengths. blue boi 'ders. rogs. Staple style, wtth oue i litation Civet Cat I adjustable cutters; family J k Madras Remnants at 25c Bab V Blankets at 12c— ' al,s lalll ( ' ver - x (>oa j coat, at s9.9B—value $35.00 siz "- 4 ► yd.—value 30c to 40c; white, white with pink'and blue bor- Boucle Coats at $6.98 - ; American Girl Cedar Oil ► cream and Arab; 36 to 40 ders. SIO.OO and $12.50 values.; , A ' JOUt 'wenty-nve heavy Mcps at 39c—value 69c: for 1 ' inches wide. BOWMANS Main Floor About twenty-five coats in i«* Q! oc , ' polishing and dusting bard < *■ White Curtain Lace at several styles; some with half «q'qc' v „.' ~ .Zi n,Vi -ki/vt wood tloors. 4. U 10c yd.—value 18c: edges pf Q belts, others with full belts. ?noo ' nu ".ml Bath Room Mirror at 75f , j y slightly soiled: can be usetj HanQKerCllieiS All are new models and ex- j tlßm s2o '° o aud ; value $1.2.,: oval, lOxl.i 0 j y for curtains and scarfs. Handkerchiefs at 17c— cedent tailoring. In black, ' ' ' inches; brench ]>late glass; White Scrim at 18C yd. value 25c; colored border aud navy, green and brown. All . One Silver Beaver white enamel ft ante. , j ' value 25e •40 inches wide- ' a(;e handkerchiefs; sizes. Women's and misses' i fur fabric coat, fanev model Aluminum Dinner Pail at " with stripe: excellent q.tal- slightly soiled. sizes. lat $9.98-value $37.50. 98C-value $1.98: imported. J !► it v. Children's School Hand- BOWMAN'S second Floor. oval shape; l.m.ted quantity ► BOW MA-V3 Four.tb Floor. tochM,, 3 for 10r "» I ► * HELPING HAND NEEDS HELP Wants to Hold Special Services ou Thanksgiving Day The Helping Hau l lias entered Into the twenty-second year of its work for men, and as (lie cold and wintry weath er approaches, numbers of men seek the ! T icomfort of the rooms as well as the i privileges and hospitality displayed by j the management. This is the only place in (he city j were men find shelter when out of em- I ployment. Preparations are being made ; | to extend Thanksgiving greetings to many who may visit the room on that ; r day and also during the " inter and i holiday season. Frieniis are asked not | to he unmindful that gifts of provisions! and groceries will be highly appreciated! | if left at the rooms, 205 South street,j or will gladly he called for if the super j ' intendeut is informed. Acquitted of Murder Ijanoaster, Nov. 19.—Not guilty was the verdict in the trial of Tony Mastercerne, charged with being impli cated with iivp other men in the min der of Tony Collatta, a Lancaster fruit merchant, near Jjanc.aster. on the even | uig of October 31, 19115. Three have already been convicted of murder of the first degree. Domestic Dialogue Wife (icily)— You needn't speak up .me lor a month. Husband—Then vcy jex|>eet to bafe'JnilhiWl Miking. Uf 'tfca 1 time 1 t' I 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers