The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, November 19, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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V S M // ■ FRIDAY, Our 3rd **j !
1 V Trimmed Hat Day f
" i: . We sold more Trimmed Hats last Friday than on any Fri
day since we have been in business.
Our Trimmed Hats are all marked in plain figures.
Six hundred, practically all New Winter Hats, go in this
k sale at gpj
* Friday's Special
Even Hat which has come from our workroom this week -
goes along with this sale.
Whether you want a small Tailored Hat—a Toque—a Tur- ,f : •
ban —a Hat for your little srirl —or one of those New Large jp. :
Picture Hats. No matter what the price—you buy it for less
money on Friday. .lust do as voir did last Friday—select your |||!
Hat at the price marked on the tag—then refer to our Friday K|-
IV special price list and get the reduction. JN|
Friday price schedules are prominently displayed in our IfW
Millinery Stiles Room and in our French Room. JJ
Mock Wedding a Feature of the Even-,
leg's Entertainment and Games,'
Music and Dancing Enjoyed—
Wedding Supper Was Served
A number of youag people spent a
pieasant time at the home of Mr. sua
Mrs. Paul Snyder, Penbrook. last even
log. A feature of tbe evening's en
tertainment was a raoek wedding, with
Miss Edith KUnepeter n# the bride ant
James Eddy as the bridegroom. The
maid of honor was Miss Gertrude Car
roll and the flower girls were Miss
Edna Wal lower and Miss Greta Egan.
The best man was Harry Puje and the
officiating clergyman was Johu Daugh
erty. Following the ceremony a wed
dine supper was served to the follow
ing guests: i
Misses Triil Wailower. Edna Wal- 1
lower, Anna Judd. Gertrude Carroll,!
Greta Egan. Marie Smith. Helen
Struck. Maui Valentine. Betty Bren-'
ron. K i th KUnepeter, Emma Cornian.'
Ruth F e. Lucille Snyder, Esther
Kltneyoung. ' harles Miller. Thomas
Richards. William MeGarvev. Johu'
Daughertv, Carl Rupp, Wtiliam Owen.j
Paul Brice, Harry Page. Buryn Romig. i
• : ames Eddy, ' arl Smith. Frank War
ren. Mr. Hartman. B. Snvder, Mr. and
Mrs. P. Snyder, of Penbrook.
Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman. Oldest Married
Couple in County. Celebrated Event
Marietta. Nov. 19.—Mr. am! Mrs.
Benjamin Hoffman, the oldest married
ouple in this section of the county, re
siding in Conoy township, were to-dav
married sixty-one years. Both are en
joying the bes- of health, and during!
the day many ailed to tender congrat
i fations.
The health of the aged eouple is re-!
marka.>le and Mr. Hoffman works about
the farm. They have resided in the
same nouse eve; since thev were mar*
' ed. Mr. Hoffman is S7 years old and
t.s wife 56 years of age. Tbev are
the parents of ten children, nine of!
v horn living. There a r e twenty
ine grandchildren and three great
grandchildren. Mr. Hoffman takes as
moeh interest in active life and busi
i <5 pursuit* as he did fifty vears ago.
Willing Workers' Bazar
Saturday from 9 o'clock a the
morning until 9 at night the Willing
Workers of the state -treet L". B. •
■ hurch w;il hold a ba<:ar in the store
room a: Fifteenth an i Regina streets.
Mrs. I. -haron McDonald,
North Fifteenth -erect. returned home
to-day f -o;n a several w?erts' visit with
relatives at Pittsburgh and Coreopolis.
' ' i
Aunt Sally's Advice
to Beauty Seekers
R>. ;I Nose. The noee is a more delicate
o'-g.. th.ip. nost people imagine. It
ilo be touched ;u« little as possible.
'or indue redness the treatment re< -
v:ii-n ended In t..e following paragraph
ul be found effective. Applv without
i i:>bing.
Mu id> Ski .. The sanest, sifesi and
- i -at method of giving a clear, healthv
transparent appearance to the com- i
I lexior IS to apply ordinary mercolizeil
wax every night for from ore to two
weeks. Tais wax. obtainable at any
drug store tone ounce is sufficient», ac
tual.*, takes off a bad complexion bv
and gradually absorbing the I
thin veil of surface skin. The new skin
then In evidence is as fres'n and velvety
as a young girl s. The wax is applied
.ik* cold cream and washed oft morn
Wrinkles A harmless lotion made
as follow* itas been found verv effect- •
ice in cases of wrinkles and crow s feet f
Powdered saxolite. 1 oi.. dissolved in 1
witch hazel. f * p;. Bathe the face in i
tnia daily for awhile.—Woman's Realm
i Many Guests Attend First Dance of 1
Season Given by Popular Club—
Music Furnished by Uie Updegrove
t ;
Members of the Kim Car.oe C.ub an I
tueir friends held a dance u Wmterdale
hal> last evening. The Lpdegrov e or
coesua furnished musi for the twenty
dance program and the dancers in-,
Miss Margate: -Myers. Miss H. Wolfe,
ss Man Siuiuk. Mi*# Hutu Neuinver. ;
Miis Sad. e Huniuiaker, Miss Jennie
fr ay. Mis# Bertha Bream. Miss Gertrude
arroil. Miss Olive Johnson, Miss E.
Mev.\. Mis# Catherine Bcrkhoider,'Miss
Ruth Hilton, Miss Celia Mou ut\ Miss
' Gilbert, 'Miss Mary Yo.ler. Miss EIIIM !
J Shope. Miss Lam Um, Miss Marie |
■ Perry, Miss Catherine Miss Be# '
j s.e Capin, Miss Helen Tettermer, Mis.- j
j Frances Sawyer, Miss Olive Singley.
: Miss Bditrii Stewart, itiss Ivy L. Jones, j
"Miss Daisy Kuhu. Miss Mary Crawford, i
Miss Lucy Burns, Miss Eva Tttev, Miss 1
Marie Moesleiu. Miss Marie Cramer. ,
Miss Ruth Suttor., 'Miss Ruth Weiger. •
, Miss Lillian Bemheiser, Miss Neva J
Rupp, Miss Sara Rupp, Miss Marsc'.i. |
Miss Marie Wolfarth. 'Miss R. Scott. ! Mary M Guire.Miss Sara McLaug'h- i
i iin. Miss Viola Laverty. Miss Pearl I
Wolf. 'Miss Daisy Hawkins, Miss L. j
Miss Marian Lingle. Johu j
arey, W. Gibson. William McGuire, E.
K. Bspensftade, Ray Levan. Kennetn i
Sho;>e. William Gardner. Hunt Barring
ton. Clair Rup . Alfonso Cashmau. Zea-1
■ner Detweiler. Early Swart/.. George
Ruby, Rodney Miller, J. C. Wolfarth.
I < ameron K. Mc ormiek, Ira Givler, I
; John Richards, H. O. Paul Krei- :
der. F. .1. Weils. M. Lingle. H. Berg- |
-tresser, Frank Blair, Harry Mclntyre, •
William Hoover. John Bless. Charles
j Mntzabaugh, Fred Nagle. Merle Beach. <
P. W. Murat. Harold Hi;>[ le. George,
Peters. John Daugherty. William t or
ish. L. Burns. M. Crawford, J. Randall
Kiernan. Frank F. War- •
ren. I. T. Ra hnian, Harry L. Page, B.
Harvey L'ngle. L. McGrath. Floyd E.
I - ischel. James Finn. Boder lxiw and
Harry Bamma.
Mr. and Mrs. Bubendall Give Party for
Miss Clara Kubendall
Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Rubeudall
entertained at their home, 611 Oxford
■ street, last evening in honor of tbeir
: little daughter, Clara, who yesterday
■ celebrated her seventh birthday anni
' versa-y. The children spent a merry
evening with games and contests after
whi h refreshments were served.
Those present were Edna Bubendall.
Laura Ort, Mary Young. Catherine Rah i
i ton. Beatrice Dibler, Helen Fritz. Hel
| en MeCurty. Anna Cless. Esther Luper.
Isabel Faust, Viola Faust, Evelyn •
Faust, Dorothy Kirk, Tressa Adams,
William Fritz. Charles Long. Mr. and
Mrs. Rubendall. Mrs. Charles Ralston.!
Mr«. Fritz and Mrs. W. B. Faust.
Members of Wednesday Card Club
Guests of Miss Dougherty
Miss Margaret Dougherty entertain-i
ed at tier home. 767 South Nineteenth
street, last evening the members of the!
Wednesday Five Hundred Club. Lunch-1
eon followed the cards.
I The guests included: Miss Martha.
Fox, Miss Anne Sweeney. Miss Agnes
Keaue, Miss Mary Toomey, Miss Nan !
McFa-iden. Miss Katherine Sweeney, I
Miss Nora Toomey, Miss Anne Keane, j
Miss Eina Mutzebaugh. Miss Evelyn j
j 1 Aldinger. Miss Sara We it/.el. Miss Ce- \
celia Joyce. Miss Mary Reagen, Miss !
j Nora Reagen and Miss Margaret Dough j
orty. '
Governor and Mrs. Johu K. Teuer
Amcug the Pvomiueut Guests Who
Attended Reception in Celebration
of the Event
M an J M.s, George A. Wool cele
t rated tue tweiir iit'tli auiiiversa. • of
their marriage ve-.erdrn and last
evening held a reception a their immo.'
—*M street. The rooms v.e e
beautifully decorated flpr.-cr.s. an
tuniu foliage and arranged m
• call silver \asos.
At the time ol hi - marriage rweutv
nve years ago M'\ Wood had c
j turned from a :our o the .voM -.s h
i member of the All-American team.
w iiieh toured i the Chi. Go'
| ernor Teuer, who ru oue oi the ch
icago team, attended tue re e, ion la#
J evening.
Mr. and Mrs. W u > i we e the recip
j ents of mam beautiful -it'-- of silve
cut glass, etc.
I Among the guests !a#t i'hm u
I Governor and M.s. J u hn K. Teuer. \l■
laud Mrs. George D. Tkora, M:. and
I A '• uiug. r. Mv. end Mrs. Cla
: eu. e A. Millc Mr. and Mr-. A ,-iii
I bald B. M: lar, \\ . J. Fleming, i.i r the
Department of Labor and Industry;
Howard Try. of the 11 igiiw« Depart
ment: Mr. and M #. Bwope, Mr?. Beulc
1 -Clement. Mi. atd Mr*. I" ed Siitman
: and daughters, Mrs. William Tavior.
Miss Ueino-he. Mix. Akeit.othe. *Mi<s
| Smith. Harry Krec#t 'ii and James L>e
laney. of the State Department.
Mr. Wooi. is marshal of tue Puol ■
Service Coinm.ssion, hacii-g prcvio.isi-.
Wen a clerk in the state Dc artment.
; and came liere from Pennsylvania.
Ceremouy Perfarmed in Ziou Raforme-i
Church at Marietta
Marietta. Nov. 19. This morn ng iu
/'•ion Reformed church the Rev. K. El
mer Sensenig. i astor. united iti marri
age Miss Hazel Ma - Morrow, daugh
ter of Airs. Sophia Morrow, and Floyd
V. Horst, of Stevens. The attendant
was V : s# Elizabeth Morrow, a sister of
the briuc.
immediately following the cerentonv i
a reception was held at tbe home of'
the bride's mother and they left on a
tour o the South. Upon their return
they will reside a; Stevens, where the
bridegroom is engaged in the cigar busi
It's Easy—lf You Know Dr. Edwards'
Olive Tablets
The secret of keeping young is to
feel young—to do this you must watch
; your liver and bowels —there's no need
of having a sallow complexion—dark
rings under your eyes—pimples—a bil- i
ious look in your face —-dull eyes with
| no sparkle.
A our doctor will tell you ninety per
••ent. of nil sickness comes from iuac
tive bowels aud liver
, Dr. Edwards, .a well-known physician
in Ohio, perfected a vegetable com
j pound mixed with olive oil to act on '
the liver and bowels, which he gave to
; his patients fcr years.
, Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the sub- i
i stitute for calomel, are gentle in their I
action, vet always effective.
They bring about that exuberance of '
I spirit, that natural buoyancy which j
j should be enjoyed by everyone, by ton-1
; ing up the liver and clearing the sys
j tem of impurities.
i You will know Dr. Edwards' Olive j
Tablets by their olive color. 10c aud i
[ 2oc per box. All druggists.
The Olive Tablet Compauv, Coluru-!
bus, O. ' Adv. '
! News of Persons
Who Come and Go
{ Mrs. Curl Brainier Ely'has returned
wil'h her family tu their home, 307
North Front street, from Brvn Mawr.
where they have been the guests of
Theodore ji, Bby.
Mr. ami Mrs. Francis Jordan Hall
have opened their town house at .Front
ami Harris streets, after spending some
, time at t" r teir country home near Bow
Miss Sara Fullertou Hastings. 119
State street, is home after having spent
some time in New York City and visit
j ing friends in Connecticut.
I Or. Daniel Duuott, of Baltimore, is
-ending several days iu this oity.
IMrs. Joseph Diuttflnan. 1003 North
;Six:h street, e;>ent yesterday iu Phila
| del hia.
The Kev. K. K. A. Bucke. of New
[berry, is visiting i.tuong Hanisburg
| friends this week.
' Ruth P!» X, 1101 Capital street,
I 'eft yesterday to s-x>nd the week cud in
Philadelphia and will attend a Masonic
' dauce to night.
Mrs. Sweigett. daughter Helen, and
' sous, dohn, K«ymoud and <. utiles, of
321 Peffer street, are home after a visit
to Oliambersburg and Shipj ensN.>urg.
Framis Hoyt Shreiuer, of New York
City, is the guest of his brother, lieoige
shreuer, Seventeenth and Forster
Mr. and Mis. Johu R. Sauter, 130
locust street, speut vesterdav at Car
Mr. and Mrp. B. ,\l. Karp. 1323 Derry
-treet, left last evening on a live weeks'
trip to Taeoma, Wash., where t'hev will
•be guests of the latter\s sister, Mrs. D.
W. King, and from there will go to
Sau Francis o. U«s Angeles, Cal„ Salt
lxike v ity. Portland. Ore., Denver and
St. Louis.
\l »s Fanny Hoy. 1015 Green street,
will spend the Thanksgiving holidays in
I'ittslui rgh.
~ Mrs. Huner, of C hambersburg, is the
guest ot Mr. ami Mrs. Walt Huber,
I'l3 South Niiiteenth street.
M -is \ irginin Burns and Miss tieueva
Burns, 317 Burchtield street, are home
from Mt. Carmel.
William Kennedy, of Philadelphia. -s
the guest of his parent-, Mr. and Mr*.
James Kenuedv, 336 South Thirteenth
Miss Pauline Ha lev has returned to
her home in Philadelphia after spoil,ling '
I a fortnight with her father at 125 o
i Swatara street.
Miss Alice Pa'themore. 221 Wood
■ne street; Miss Anne Nissley, 222
: Hnniiltou st:ctMis.-; Helen Rinken
•oa ii. 211> I'orster street, and Miss Kli
i no* ' opelin. Fourteenth and Yerbeke
. stieet. are home atter attending a
house party at the fraternity houses at
"tate College.
l-eorge has returned to
■ i>etty- >i>rg College after s.ieuding sev
eral dm w. ■ hi- Ms. Ilarrv i
' Thompson. 112 South Fourteenth street. '
Mrs. Hoorge llaus, 211 Yale street.:
- • 11 ding two weeks w ; th relatives in
Phr!adet aia.
Mr. and Mrs. John Knglis.i have i
eunued to taeir home in Philadelphia '
aiter a recont \ i>ii with Mrs. James!
Clu.U, 1732 vireeu street.
Kdwurd iH'iiu s, or Martiu><i>urg, W.
is s lending a fortnight with iiis 1
norm : . M s. A'.nie Dennis, 222 Kelker!
ila.oid iv, ~js returne i to State'
t .diegc a i .e • v:s ; w i.M nis --a rents, i
Mr. in..! M:s B. M. Gar p. 1323 Derrv ,
street. ' j
Ms< Kaliierine .Hn'gherty, e ">teel- |
on. s pending --everai days in Phila-!
del .iia.
ifober Coiga'.i nas re' .rued to his
• 1 l:| e ' '' ■■ 'tivg'i ai'tc: spending sev-
Facos As Fair
As An Orchid
Ave Possible When Stuart's Calcium
Wafeis Are Used After Meals to'. Up Skin Eruptions
aud Discoloratious
When a face is cover?.l with blotches, i
li\rr «;>o:s, pimples, blackheads, etc..
Stuait's Calcium Wafers will act like
"oiue magical .Harm. However, there
is nothing magi.-al about them. They i
are nature's own way of cleansing the
human blood and oreveuting it fiom i
tilling the surface "of the body—the,
skin —with pimples and tittle skin mup •
; tIOUS.
1 "With a Face as Fair as a Day in
The abolishing of all skin disorders!
! must begin with the blood. Lotions,
salves, cosmetics, etc., will do no ma- j
terial good. The trouble comes from j
within aud there the remedy must be '
• applied.
If you really desire quick action and
at the same time a common sense, nat- j
ural. harmless blood purifier, then
Stuart's Calcium Wafers is this remedy. '
The correct and best blood purifier '
1 known to science is—Calcium Sulphide. '
1 This great cleanser is contained in 1
proper quantities in Stuart's Calcium
Wafers and that is why all blood trou-'
j bles and skin blemishes rapidly disap- j
pear after their use.
An unsightly and pimply face due to
, impure blood is one of the most dis
gusting sights one can see, and yet all
about us, u|>on the streets, in the thea- !
tre, when traveling, etc., we see these j
j horrible results.
There is no need for this condition if ;
I you will take Stuart's Calcium Wafers
daily and keep all salves, lotions, cos
j metics and other harmful preparations
| from clogging the pores.
; Every first-class druggist in this
country carries Stuart's Calcium i
Wafers, which are pleasant to take. '
. harmless, and may be obtained for 50 j
j cents a box. A small sample package |
, will be mailed free by addressing F A. j
Stuart Co., 175 Stuart Bldg.. Mar-i
shall. Mich. Adv. '
. Yes indeed he does. At least many,
times the attention of "the one mau"
has been caught bv beautiful hair.
; Love stories all tell us of the heroine's s
beautiful hair because it is one of the
features which most attracts men. In
washing the hair it is not advisable
to use a makeshift, but always use a
i preparation made for shampooing only.
You can enjoy the best that is known
for about three cents a shampoo by
getting a package of cauthrox from
your druggist; dissolve a teaspoonful
in a cup of hot water and your sham
poo is ready. After its use the
hair dries rapidly with uniform
color. Dandruff, excess oil and dirt
are dissolved and entirely disappear.
Your hair will be so fluffy that it
will look much heavier than it is.
Its lustre and softness will also de
light you, while the stimulated scalp
gains the health which iusures hair
growth. Adv.
ersO days with Joseph Brady, at Greeen
and Kelker streets.
George A. Shreiner, Seventeenth and
Forster streets, has returned from a trip
to New York.
M's. Benajioin F. Burus. 213 State
street, and Miss Isabel Ann Shreiner,
Seventeenth and Forster streets, wvll go
to Meaversburg on Saturday to attend
the tield day celebration.
Mrs. Curtis Nesibit and daughter,
Mary, of Wellsville, have returned home
after visit at the home of Air. and
Mrs. Bovd Nesibit, 1111 Plum avenue.
Mrs. Henry F. Shearer, 130 Locust
street, left to-day for a visit with her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bauman,
of Irfx'k IHaveii.
Mrs. T. G. Shelow, of GurwensvlUe,
and 'Mrs. Margaret Cassidy. of Canton,
0., have returned Iwme after a visit
with Mr. and Mrs. John H. Curry, 2210
North Fifth street.
Mrs. 11. C. Shearer, of New Bloom
field, has returned home after a visit
with her son and wife, Mr. ami Mrs.
Henry E. Shearer, 130 locust street.
Former Harrisburger Will Tell of China
as He Has Seen It
A. Maxwell Paget, of Canton,;
China, wili deliver an illustrated talk j
on China ii> the Market Square Presby :
j teriau church «t 7.30 o'clock this even |
iug. Mr. Paget was formerly a resi (
dent of Harrisburg and is a member
of the firm of Paget & Paget, archi- i
tects. Canton, China, where he has re
sided for a number of years. His firm ■
is engaged extensively on public works j
throughout the republic and he has had j
ample opportunity to become well in ]
formed regarding the political, commer I
eial, social and religious conditions of
the old empire and new republic. Mr. !
Paget's talk will be illustrated with)
curios and pictures. A collection for
| missions will be taken. Mr. Paget will I
give another talk in the I'nited Breth
ren church. Wormleysburg, tomorrow, |
Friday, evening.
Given Miscellaneous Shower by Her |
1 ' Friends
A miscellaneous shower was given
: last evening complimentary to Mrs.,
: Frank Morrow;, ti3S Schuylkill street. 1
The room'- were prettily decorated and'
i the guests speut. a pleasant evening
, during which luncheon was served. The
! guest of honor received many beautiful I
i Those present were: Misses Mary j
DeHart. Yioia Steele, Ha.:el Webb. Flor-[
enee Stine. Pearl Hoover. Lena Seitz. I
Mrs. L Frank, Master Harry Frank i
aud Mr. ami Mrs. Frank Morrow.
Birth Announcements
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Och, 142-1
Swatara street, announce the birth ot
it son, John Thomas, Monday. Novem- :
ber 16. Mrs. Och was formerly Miss
Mary Egeureider prior to her mar
j riage. j
Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Peters. 2225 l
North Fourth street, announce the
birth of a daughter, Catherine Eliza
! beth, Wednesday. November IS. Mrs. 1
i Peters was Miss Lulu Gennperling prior j
; to her marriage.
Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Bender. 202S ;
. Derry street, announce the birth of a 1
daughter, Hattie French Bender, Tues
day, November 10.
Mr. anil Mrs. William Coulter Wan
j baiuli, 1517 Penn street, announce
the birth of a daughter. Wednesdav.
j November 18. Mrs. Wanbaugh was
Miss Lena Sebourn prior to her mar-j
I riage.
Home From Colorado
Miss Belle F. Sample, who has been
' spending six months in Colorado, lias
! returned to her home, 1506 Green
i street. Alexander M. Sample, who has
| resided in Pueblo, Colorado, for a nuni
i ber of years is spending the winter
| with his sisters, the Misses Sample.
To Hold Food Sale and Bazar *
The Servants of the King of Mar
ket Square Presbyteria. 'hutch will
hold their annual ba.:ar and food sale!
to-morrow afternoon and eveuiug in tile
store room on the first door of tho Ma
sonic Temple, Third and State streets.'
; The Sunday school class of Mrs. Her
j man P. Miller will hold their bazar at ]
i the same time, the Servants of the King
! will serve supper and Mrs. Miller's
I class luncheon. Cake, candy and fancy j
work will be on sale.
Dance at Country Club
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Bobbins, Jr.,
i will give a uance at the Country Club,
this evening, in compliment to Miss;
i Louise Carney. The Weber orchestra
, will play for the dancing.
Foot and Mouth Disease Appears iu
Blooded Stock
| Nov. 19.—State inspectors
yesterday slaughtered seven head ot
cattle for Harry C. Longeneeker and
ten head for Milton Longeneeker South
■ Anuville township, in an effort
! stamp out the foot and mouth disease,
j The disease yesterday made its ap
pearance among the fine Holstein herd ,
of Henry Kreider, a North Cornwall
township farmer, and all of the twen
ty-seven head have been condemned, i
Gives Bad Checks, Flees With Horse
York, Pa., Nov. 19.—Discovered iu I
j an alleged attempt to defraud Upper
' End farmers out of thousands of bush- I
j els of apples, a man who gave his name I
I as A. K. Fries and his home as Scran !
j ton, has disappeared with a horse and !
| hitggy hired from a Dillfburg livery !
'man. after passing worthless checks. '
Some New Coats Enter Our
Big Sale To-morrow
Here are some extraordinary itoms that will create interest iu our sal#
| of Ladies' Fall and Winter Apparel to-morrow:
New Coats for Friday Shoppers
A special purchase of Saltex Arabian Lamb (.'oats, full length. liningi :
of Skinner s satin, shawl collar and self material, £ j 4 J
black only, worth $22.30. Special sale price, *pI4.VO
Four Hindu l.ynx i'oats, plush collar, enflfs and belt, black onlv. and '
unusually pretty garment, worth $18.98. Special sale 1 AQ 1
priee llZ.yo ;
Silk Petticoat Special
$2 ami $2.60 Silk Mescaline Petticoats, in all shades. Ip < A(\
Special Friday only,
Attractions in Our Suit Stock
$12.98 Serge Suits, SIB.OO Suits, $10.98
on I'Ot of suits in serges, unfln -
•P*®.'*** ialied worsteds, broadcloths,
basket weaves, etc., guaranteed
All wool serge suits in uavy n«tin lining, all shades and mod
and black, guaranteed satiu lin els, worth slt> to # j a f\Q
iug, worth $12.98. AO $lB. Sole price, . J
Sale juice —— ———V
vJ t v 4
/ \ $35 Chiffon Broadcloth
$15.00 Eponge Suits, Suits, $18.98
S*B 98 High-grade imported chiffon
«pc».CFC> broadcloth suits in the wanted
All wool eponge suits iu shades, excellent workmanship,
brown, navy, black and (upen newest models silk liuings,
hrgen caracul collar, cuffs and worth $35. Sale <ll 1G Q&
trimmings, satin lined, skirt made price *P I O.jrO
with yoke and side pleats, short Other broadcloth suits, worth
coat, worth $15.00. f|o S4O. Sale <Cn fkC
Sale price, »DO.;/0 price *PZiJL
' i
Don't Forget If| 14 f JIL Bon't Foi R et
the Number lU~lfc «■ ■#■■■ Ola the Number
; -
To-morrow night, Hose Stahl in "A
Perfoct IJK.IV."
Mxiinlay, matinee and night.. Nov.
23, "The Shepherd of the Hills."
Weilne»ila\ evening, Nov. 25,
Fritzi-Si-heff in "Pretty Mrs.
Ever* afternoon anil evening, higli
I class vaudeville.
Daily continuous audeville aud pic
Rose Stahl
Miss Hose Stahl, who will appear iu
! a new play, "A Perfect Lady" at tbo
I Ma.jestie to-morrow evening has had a
j great opportunity to observe people ot
! the theatre in every phase ot' their ex
istence. In her new play, there is a)
| character, Bertie (Snyder, who is pre-j
>nmed to be n musical director of a
"fly-by-night" burlesque troupe, and |
having >pent some years iu the study ;
of music, imagines himself a creative!
genius. adv. J
• The Sliephard of the Hills"
"The Shepherd of the Hills" Har- j
old P>ell Wright's novel, which has j,
been accorded the largest sale in the i
history of publishing in America, has]
been made into a play by Mr. Wright ,
with the assistance of Klsburv W. Key- I
nolds. It will be presented at the Ma
jestic Monday, matinee and night. It I
tells a beautiful story of the Ozark
Mountains, a story that holds the audi-!
tor by its thrills from the beginning
to the end. It is unique in character
drawing, giving to the stage a some
what new atmosphere. The beauty of
the Ozark Mountain region lends itself
to »ome very effective st:ige pictures,
and Gaskill and MacVittv, tiie produe-1
ers. are said to have given the play au
exceptionally beautiful mounting.
"<fv. |
At the Orplieuni
Comedy is the keynote of the splen
did Keith bill at the Orplieuni this
week. Mirth in almost every shade
and hue is served up by comedians of
many types and they are so widely
different that they combine into a rat !
tiing variety bill. Nat Wills, of course,!
walks away with the big honors. The I
"Happy Tramp" is alone worth the!
price of admission for those who enjoy i
real comedy. The clever sketch "Mar
ried," being presented by Homer Ma-j
son-Marguerite Keeler and company,;
is another comedy gem. A sparkling
hodge podge of comedy and song is.
offered by a trio known as Cole, Bus
sel and Davis, a pretty girl and two
The girl appears as a fetching wait
ress in a scene representing a eafe.
The comedians represent "bums" and
try for a job. Rotii men are good i
comedians and their antics create many
laughs. The Berrens appear in a cork
ing musical novelty; Marie Fitzgi'b
bons is a pleasing entertainer in bright
stories, and there are several other
big Keith hits of almost equal im
portanee. adv. i
At the Colonial
The cream of the vaudeville bill
that comes to the Colonial to-dav will!
be a comedy classic, of typical Dixie |
land to be presented by John P. Wade
and company. The sketch is called
"Marsa Shelby's Chicken Dinner,'
and it is looked upon by vaudeville!
managers as one of the best character
sketches that travels the Keith circuit.:
The sketch combines comedy and i
pathos and is played by a company of
artists of marked ability. Three other;
; clever and varied turns round out the!
i vaudeville roster. "The Lure of the \
| Sawdust," an American feature film,
! will be the leading attraction in the j
1 way of "movies." Many local dancers!
i are making preparation to enter the j
Colonial's dancing contest that will be;
! a special added attraction to the Fri
! day night shows. Professor Alles and I
j his dancing partner, Miss .Smith, nf'i
Atlantic City, will start the contest
with a dancing exhibition, and they
will then conduct the contest, adv.
Qualifies Quickly When He Hoars
Whitman Wants Good Men
Albany, Nov. lU. —Patrick K. MtS
Cube, of Albany, was "sworn ih as State'
Conservation Commissioner vesterila*
before Deputy Secretarv of State .10-e
K. Pidgeon, and will assume his lu-.v
duties December 1.
"I was in doubt as to qualifying
until I read that Governor elect \\"lii. -
man said he wanted none but efficient
men." remarked Mr. McOabe. "I knew
at once he meant me and hastened lo
Mr. McCabe «ent iu yesterday li s
j resignation as clerk oi' tiie State Sen
ate, to take effect on November HO.
Says Merchant Picked Pocket
Hazleton, Nov. 19.—Nathan Gold,
a Freeland merchant, was charged ni.h
the theft of $K' from Philip Cow;s
hock, of Freeland, who claimed that
while buying a suit from Gold the
money.was abstracted from his pocket.
Gold denies the tale, and is lighting
the case iu court.
Women Suffer Terribly From Kidney
Around on her feet all day—no won
der a woman has backache, headache.
I stiff swollen joints, weariness, poor
I sleep and kidney trouble. Foley Kidne.v
i Pills give quick relief for these troii
! hies. They strengthen the kidnevs—■
take away the aches, pain and weari
ness. Make life worth living again.
They will absolutely drive out rheum i
tism, weak back and swollen aching
joints due to kidney and bladder trou
bie. Try Foley Kidney Pills* and sea
liow much better you feel. Geo. A.
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