The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, November 19, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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Better Than Calomel.
Oil or Salts for
Liver, Bowels
and Stomach
Mother, < and the children can
nlwtys keep feeiing fine by taking thi?
delicious fruit laxative as occasion de
mand<. Nothing else cleanses the
stomach, liver ami bowels so thoroughlyj
without griping.
V»u take a li«le at night and in the
morning all the foul, constipated waste,
sour bile and tormenting food, delayed
Man on Trial GJoes Free. But Brother
Must Walt Turn
P»tt«ville, Pa.. Nov. 19.—The mur
de' of Alex. Zukofskie. of t*henanrtoah.
who was found *itb a knife phuipisl
through his iunps, may always reinaiu a
mystery. Judge Wilhelm yesterday, in
the ease of Anthony Cheroot ski. who'
was charged with the murder, ordered
a verdict of not gwJty. Although the
defendant was in a brawl with the dead
man. it was not shown that he nad a
knife so commit the deed nor that he
uid it or consented to it.
Tlv defendant's brother, who 's ai«o
oharged with the niurdvr. was remanded
to prison, no: having been on trial, but
Anthony was given his liberty.
Oily Ba&s «nd Auger Holes in Floor
Looked Too Suspicious
Pottsville. Pa.. \ov. 19.—Charles
Godius. of Frnckville. was last evening
convicted of setting fire to his own ho- j
tel on July S last. Sentence was sus- j
pendod until next Monday.
Firemen discovered oil-soaked rag?
about the hotel, which was partly de-J
stroyed. and auger holes were found
bore-i through the floors to give a ; r ta'
the flames. The furniture had beer. re-'
moved, it is alleged, and the cash regis
ter was found in the yard.
The prosecation was brought by Dep
uty State Fire Marshal William F.!
Wilkins. Goditss has S4OO insurance!
•b his fnrniture in the hotel.
Coiored Girl Confesses Attempt to Step
Ones by Death
Norristown. Nov. 19.—Because
Edna Towns, a colored girl, put car
bolic acid in a nursing bottle and gave
the mil's and poison to a baby in the
home of a family named Wright, in
Ambler, she is in the house of deten
tion here. The baby's cries brought her
"mother, who tasted the milk, found
wrhat; it contained and accused the
The girl confessed, saying she pvt
t>e acid in the milk because tae babv
had awakened her at night.
9 f
—if you find coffee is hurting you!
C offee, on account of its drag, caffeine, dues hint
iots of people—causes headache, heart flutter,
nervousness, sleeplessness and other ills.
Thousands of coffee users, discovering the cause
<»f their discomfort, have switched to
—and found relief.
"There's a Reason"
Po*tum—a pure food-drink—contains no caf
feine or other drag or harmful substance. It does
contain the nutriment of prime wheat aud whole
some molasses from which it is made.
Postuiu comes in two foims:
, Regular Postum—must be boiled. 15c and S)c
Instant Postum—ne**ds uo boiling. A tea spoon
ful of the soluble powder stirred in a <Tip with hot
water makes a delightful beverage instantly. 80c
and 50c tins.
Cost per cup of both kinds \f about the same.
'There's a Reason" for POSTUM
in the bowels gently moves out of the
system. When von* awaken all head
ache. indigestion, sourness, foul taste,
bad breath, fever and diminess is gone;
your stomach is sweet, liver and bowels
clean, and you feel graud.
"California Syrup of Figs" i» a fam
ily laxative. Everyone from grandpa to
baby can safely take it and no one is
ever disappointed in its pleasant action.
Millions of mothers know that it is the
ideal Inxative to give cross, siek, fever
ish ehildren. But get the genuine. Ask
vour druggist for * 50-cent bottb of
"California Symp of Figs." which has
directions for babies, children of all
ages and for grown-ups on each bottle.
Refuse with contempt the cheaper Fig
Syrups and counterfeits. See that it
bear* the name —"California Fig Syrup
Company." Adv.
Speaker Street's Ex-Secretary to Be
Deputy State Secretary
Albany. Nov. 19.—Francis M.
Hv.go, of Watertown. secretary ot'
State-elect, conferred with tSeoretary
of State Mitchell May yesterday about
' the workings of rhe office,
i Before leaving Albany he announced
the appointment of AdJfison B. Parker,
of Watertown. as Deputy Secretary ot
State to succeed Matthew T. Meagher,
of Brooklyn. The >alarv < $5,000 a
?esr. Mr."Parker is a newspaper man
of Northern New York, who has served
as index clerk of the Sta:e Senate ani
as sevretarv to Speaker C.
Sweet, of tee Assembly.
Follow Mall Man to Postoffice and Al
low Familiarities
Tarrytown. X. Y., Nov. 19.-—John
P. Rockefeller's deer are becoming as
neighborly at Pocaotjco Hills as their
1 owner. Every morning at least six ot
them follow the mail man to the post
I office and to the railroad station
j he attends to Mr. Rockefeller's busi
| The deer roam around the street un
molested ana often allow oersons to
I pet them. Mr. Roeket'elle- delights in
j seeing theai around his estate.
C. H. Johnson Blames Politicians For
t QO.OOO Under-serving Cared For
Syracuse. Nov. 19. —The annual con
, vent ion of the State Sbciety for the
i Prevention of Cruelty to (."hildren and
Animals opened here 'yesterday. Charles
H. Johnson, of Yonkers, in his opeuing
address said that orphans' homes and
asylums of the country are harboring
100.000 children who are not'orphans
in the strict sense o: the word, and he
placed the blame therefore upon poli- j
• The speaker did not attack any spe
; cific institution. His object seeme 1 to be
to arouse sentiment sgain«t such en
croachments so that plans utilise! n
caring for healthy and, in a kindly
sense. " undeserving" children might
be .sed for treatment for physical ani
mental defectives.
The Hague. Via London. Nov. 19.
j4.1l A. M.—A Russian staff officer.
■ passing through here, has this to say
aa to the cause of the present German
success in Poland:
''The Russiau army in Poland main
tains three times as many cavalrymen
las the Germaus. This cavalry swarmed
I after the retreating Germans and when
the Germans suddenly stopped the Rus
; sian cavalry was dashed to pieces like
, migrating birds flying against a rock.
"Meanwhile the main body of the
Russian*. 1.600,000 men, whose abso
! lute purpose is to beat the Austrian*
decisively, is proceeding unmolested to
attack Cracow, leaving a smaller de
tachment to besiege Prsemysl.
"Thereafter." the officer concluded,
"the Russians do not intend to at-_
tempt to cross the Carpathians but fol
lowing the Odor river will make their
j main attack ou Germany by way of
j Oppeln, Breslau and Glagau."
Loudon, Nov. 19. 3.22 A. M'A
, week ago." says the "Daily Mail's"
Dunkirk correspondent, "the Germans
noticed tiiat the fire from the English
warships spared the houses ou the sea
j front at Middelkerke. whereupon they
took up quarters in them.
"This fact become known to the
j British who suddenly bombarded the
i houses from ti\e ships at once. The
German casualties were enormous, the
ieiui alone being estimated at l.i-OD."
tt; Canadian Soldiers Rejected
Edinburgh, via London, Nov. 19.
3.23 A.M.—Forty-six soldiers who had
been rejected from the Canadian con
tingent as ineligible presumably on ae
! count of German or Austrian national
ity. arrived in Glasgow Wednesday un
| der au armed escort of Canadian
troops. They are embarked on a Don
aldson liner for Canada.
A simple prescription made up of a
| combination of pure vegetable oils is
i producing wonderful results for suf
| ferers from stomach, liver and in
j testinal troubles. The remedy, which is
j sai I to have originated in France, where
i it has been used for years by the peas
1 antry, was introduced into this country
I by George H. Mavr. a leadiug Chicago
I druggist, who cured himself of severe
j stomach, liver and intestinal troubles
by its use. Those who have used it say
. the first dose is sufficient to convince
any one of its remarkable merit, ami
that within twenty-four hours the suf
ferer feels like a new person. This
i medicine, which has become known as
, Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy, is
j now sold by tirst-class druggists every-
I where. It is now sold here by Geo. A.
Gorgas, lfi North Third street aud
I P^im^^avKi^a^road^SU^
Mi is Amanda Kerr, a Missionary. Is
Visiting Friends
I Special Correspondence. *
Landisbarg, -Nov. 19. Edward
Stum had his hand smashed while
hauling wood on Saturday.
■Mr. aud Mrs. Wells Stewart au
i i!ounce the birth of a son.
Peter M. Lightncr left to spend the
i winter in Florida.
J. K. Hummel and wife, of Harris |
burg, are visiting rhtir daughter. Mrs.!
F. V. Roc key.
•Mrs. Mary Sowers, of Carlisle, is vis
i itiag her sister. Mrs. Susan Burtnett.
Frank Shiek. of is vis
iting relatives here.
The Ladies' Aid Society of the Re
formed church will hold a bake Wed
nesday, November 25, at the buine of
Mrs. George I'attersou.
William Lightner aud wife, of near
Loysvilie. seen; the week-end with his
' mother. Mrs. Joanna Uightner.
William Rice died at the home of
His daughter. Mrs. Walborn, at Bear's
I Mil! Monday nigtn.
M'ss Amanda Kerr, a Presbyterian
missionary from India, is visiting rela
tives in town.
Get Away With Lumberman's Cash
But Town Is on Guard
Wiiliamsport, Nov. 19.—Thomas G.
Ward, a lumbar operator, was beaten
and robbed in his office at Norwich by;
two robbers, who stole a portion of tUc
funds intended for his woodsmen's
pay. Warl shot at fhe robbers ani. it
is believed, wounded one. He narrowly
escaped being shot himself, as did also
i his SOB. ljuay. who came to his aid
when he tussled with the gunmen.
' A letter lost by one ot the robbers
in the straggle derailed plans for a
. number of robberies in Norwich.
Safety Inspector Gives Illustrated Lec
ture at the Colonial
In the neighborhood of one thousand
srnool children attended a special per-:
formauce in the Colonial Theatre yes
terday afternoon, when an illustrated
lecture on "Safety First" was deliv
ered by H. L. Btowneil. safety inspec
tor of the Chicago Surface Street Rail
ways. The lecture was accompanied
; bv a series of interesting motioa pic-
I tures showing a wide variety of acci-j
, ients that occur from time to to
pedestrians and street car patrons
1 which could be avoi ted by greater care
on the part of the street car operative
or the passenger or pedestrian.
Mr. Brownell s lecture was un.ier the
auspices of the Welfare and Efficiency i
' Convention being held in Harrisburg, j
and proved so thoroughly interesting
as weil a- instructive, that the Co i
lonial Theatre management requested
Mr. Browneli to deliver parts of his j
lecture to the regular Colonial audience
Ito night. Mr. Browneli consented to
this, an t at 7 o'clock this evening the
, picture* will be shown, and Mr. Browro
■ ell will give his taik.
I Sues for Death of Son
Lebanon, >"ov. 19. —The Ann vi lie
and Palmyra Electric Light Company
is the defenaant in a SIO,OOO damage
suit instituted in the local Common
Pleas Court yesterday by S. H. Moyer,
of Palmyra, as attorney for Grant 8.
' Krail, whose son. Harvey K. Krall, was
i electrocuted by contact with a live
1 eleetrie wire stretched across the com-
I pan v's poles.
"P ape's Diapepsin*
Ends All Stomach
Distress in Five
You don't want a slow remedy when
your Momach is bad—or au uncertain
one—or a harmful one—your stomach
is too valuable: you mustn't injure it
with drastic drugs.
Tape's Dinpepsin is noted for its
speed in giving relief: its harmless
ness; its certain unfailing action in
regulating sick. sour, gassy stomachs.
Its millions of cures iu indigestion,
dyspepsia, gastritis and other stomach
trouble has made it famous the world
Keep this perfect stomach docto? in
your home—keep it handy —get a large
fifty-cent case from any drug store and
then if anyone should eat something
which doesn't agree with them; if
what they eat lays like lead, ferments
and sonre and forms gas: causes head
ache. dizziness aud nausea; eructa
tions of acid and undigested food—
remember as soon as Pape's Diapepsin
conies in contact witn the stomach all
such distress vanishes. Its promptness,
certainty and ease in overcoming the
worst stomach disorders is a revelation
to those why trv it. Adv.
London. Nov. 19.—A Belgian refu
gee who has arrived from Antwerp tells
of alleged anti-Aiuericau feeling among
German soldiers there. He says:
'' I believ o some day there will be
trouble betweeu the Germans and Amer
icans. I heard that German soldiers
tore down an American flag from au
office of the Re i Star Line, where some
American goods were «tored. They tore
it iu half and destroyed it.
"The American Consul came and de
manded the flag, and when the Germans
could uot produce it. the Consul de
manded that they buy a new one. When
this was ooue he hoisted it and tore
down the German flag, treating it the
same way his own flag had been treat
Petrograd, Nov. 19.—The following
statement *as issued last evening by
j the <ieueral .ytaff of the Russ:an Navy:
I "Ou tae morning of Tuesday a tier-1
man squadron of two cruises, ten tor- ;
pedo boats and several other vessels ap- '
peare ! before Libau. Tue Germans
the citv and harbor, setting
tire to several •buildings.''
ljibau is a Russian naval station and '
seaport on the Baltic with a population '
of about 75.000. It has an artificial 1
harbor improved in recent years by j
means of works on a great scale. Besides j
being an in* ortant grain-shipping and
emigrant port. Libau is known for its
factories and has some repute as a wa
tering pla«.e.
British Loss two m Africa
Loudon. Nov. 19.—The Karl of
Crew© disclosed iu the House of Lords
yesterday that iu East Africa the In
dian troops are ueing employed against
the Germans. That there hasibeen heavy
fighting is shown by the fact that the!
Britisn casualties to date number 900.
Russian Myth Exploded
Nov. 19. —The "*Russ.;tn ,
wyth, wak-h ga:neft widespread circu-j
lation some months ago to tiie effect 1
that a Russian force of 80.000 men
frcui Aruaagel had been lauded ini
'-otiau 1 au 1 thence moved to j
was officially buried in the House of;
Commons yesterday by a definite an- j
uouti. ement that no Russian troops ever
had moved through Great Britain for j
the western arena of the contlict.
Emperor 's Cash for War
Loadon. Xov. 19. —A dispatch from!
Vienna aunou»ces thax Kni|>eror Frau-'
cis Joseph of Austria has subscribed
11,000,000 To the Austrian war loan.
Tne Berlin "i-okal Anzeiger" authori
tatively denies reports that the Duke of
Brunswick has been wounded, is a pris
oner or is missing.
Earon Congleton Killed
iA>adon, Xov. 19.—According to
casualty lists dated November 11, 12
and 13, twenty-five more British offi
cers have been kiiied an»i 6Uv wounded.
Fourteen officers are reported missing.
Among the killed is Henry flligh For
tescue Parnell. fifth Barou Congleton,
a lieutenant in the Grenadier Guards.
In the list of wounded is th nemae of
Brigadier General Frederick C. fShaw,
commanding the Ninth infantry.
Look Years Younger! Use the Old-:
tune Sage Tea and Sulphur
and Nobody Will Snow
You can turn gray, faded hair beau-;
tifully dark and lastrons almost over;
night if you'll get a 50-ceiit bottle of
"Wyeth's Sage and Kutphur Compound" 1
at any drug store. Million* of bottles
of this old, famous bage Tea Recipe are
soid annually, says a well-known drug
gist here, because it darkens the hair so
naturally and evenly that no one can
tell it has been applied.
Those who**; hair is turning gray, be
coming faded, dry, scraggly and thin
ba\e a surprise awaiting them, because
after one or two applications the gray
hair vanishes and your lock* become
luxuriantly dark and beautiful—all
dandruff goe>. scalp itching and falling
hair stops.
This is the age of youth. Gray
haired. unattractive folks aren't wanted
aronnd, so get busy with Wyeth's Rage
and Sulphur to-night and you'll be de
lighted with your dark, handsome hair
and your youthful appearance within
a few days. Adv.
Rub Pain Right Out
With Small Trial
Bottle of Old "St.
Jacob's Oil"
Rheumatism is "pain only." Not
one case in fifty requires internal
treatment. Stop drugging. Rub sooth
ing. penetrating "St. Jacob's Gil" right
into vour sore, stiff, aching joints and
muscles, and relief comes instantly.
"St. Jacob's Oil" is a harmless rheu
matism cure which never disappoints
and cannot burn the skin.
Limber up! Quit complaining! Get
a small trial bottle of old, honest
"St. Jacob's Oil" at any drug store, and
in just a moment you'll be free from
rheumatic pain, soreness, stiffness and
swelling. Don't suffer! Relief awaits
you. "St. Jacob's Oil" has cured mil
lions of rheumatism sufferers in the
last half century, and is just as good
for sciatica, lumbago, back
ache, sprains. ' Adv.
Ijoudou. Nov. 19.—Pending alter
ations to the map of Kurope, the map
making business is at a standstill, ac
cording to an official of one of the larg
est map-making concerns of ljondon He
said yesterday that such extensive
changes are sure to follow the «ar that
many scientific publications are beiug
held up until the eud of the conflict.
'"lt would be a certain loss of money
to issue publications with the present
maps," he said. "We are printing only
a sufficient number of maps of Kurope
to meet the trade demand.
Silk Workers Aid Belgians
Ijvneaster, Pa.. Nov. 19.-—Employes
of the Schwarrenbaeh, Iluber A Co. s
silk mill at Columbia by collection
among themselves have purchased eight
barrels oi' flour and will send them to
Philadelphia for shipment to the starv
ing Belgians.
Suubury Aids Relief Fund
Sunburv. I'a.. Nov. 19. —Collections
are being taken iu the schools here for
the Uelgiau relief fund. More than S4OO
has already been collected. The tier
mania Club, composed of native Ger
mans. have already forwarded more
than $1,500 to Germany for relief of
Italian Reporters at Front
Rome, Nov. 19.—The German Em
-1 bassv at Rome has invited a party of
Italian journalists to make a month's
excursion to Germany at the German
Government's expense. The excursion
will include visits to battlefields, in
spection of Zeppelins and other sight
Lisbon Has Gen. Joffre Avenue
Lisbon. Tia Paris. Nov. 19. —An ave
nue in Lisbon has been named iu honor
of General Joffre. the commander-in
cliief of the French annies.
Snrelv use Hyomei: it quickly clears
the head, stops the disagreeable nasal
discharges, soothes aud heals the in
flamed lining of the air passages—you
feel better at once.
When your nostrils are clogged, you
suffer with dull headaches, or have that
constant frog in the throat, Hyomei is
the remedy that will give the quickest,
most effective and lasting relief possible
—it goes right to the cause of the trou
ble and quickly ends your misery. Yon
simply breathe Hyomei using the small
inhaler that comes with every complete
Hyomei immediately reaches all the
raw and inflamed tissues liniug the
nose and throat driving out the poison
ous secretions and healing the sore
spots—dull headaches vanish—you
breathe freely. Even the worst cases
respond quickly. It Is impossible to
use Hyomei and not be immediately
Hyomei can be had from H. C. Ken
nedy, and is very inexpensive. Adv.
i "•«
This photograph «ho*n the arrival of 1,600 German pruoncn a t the Brituh training camp at
AUerahot. Endaad. The priaooen were captured in the recent fighting in Northern France and Bel
! gram.
Compelled to Evacuate
After Attack by the
British Troops and
French Sailors
Attack by the Allied Forces Was Made
at Night—Germans Abandoned
Many Guns, Ammunition and Stores
aa They Fled
Paris, Nov. IS. 11.11 P. M.—A
brilliant attack by British troops and
French sailors caused the Germans to
evacuato Schoorbakke. Belgium, which
is practically surrounded hv the water
from the broken dykes according to
news reaching here from the battle
front. Because of the tlood only two
roa»i« were open to the town and on one
of these the British approached in two
armored automobiles.
It WHS a night attack and the Ger
mans in the town immediately turned
their attention to them. Meanwhile
the bluejackets, who had made rafts on
flat bottomed boats, crossed the water
and took th t > Germans in the rear, fore
ing them to flee by the one road still
left open. The Germans abandoned
many guns, ammunition and stores and
their dead and wounded.
There is some anxiety her<? as to just
what has happened at Chauvoncourt. a
village near t>t. Mihiel on the bor
raine frontier. On Tuesday the French
official communication reported that the
French troops had occupied the western
part of Chauvoncourt, aud yestordav 's
official statement, said that this part of
the tfiwn had been blown up by the
Germans who apparently had mined the
place before they retired. How severe
ly the French troops suffered by this
exploit is not yet known. Ohauvoncourt,
which contained vast French military
buildings and stores, is on the right
bank of the Meuse. It has been occu
pied by the Germans for some time and
is an important link between Argonne
and Met;-..
The Belgian army is drawing a sup- j
ply of new officers in large, part from !
the Belgian civic guard. According to ]
a member of the Belgian war office at
Havre, the civic guard is composed of I
men who have seen service in the army
aud are well qualified to become of
Figures are not yet available re
garding the results of the mobilization
of the Belgian class of 1915'0r regard-.'
ing the call for volunteers, but it is j
known that the young men refugees j
iu Holland, Kngland and France are'
responding with great readiness and I
London, Nov. 19, 3.12 A. M.—
"German cruisers and torpedo boat:
destroyers bombarded the naval har
bor here Tuesday for over four hours," j
says the "Dail Mail's" Liliou, Kussia,
correspondent. "Several factories were
damaged and a petroleum reservoir;
was shelled and destroyed by fire. The
railway station and some houses in the
poorer parts of the town aNo suffered, j
"The Germans sank several small I
cargo steamers at the entrance to that ;
harbor. Five persons were killed by
shells. including a woman and over;
thirty persons wounded."
Petrograd. Nov. 19.—An official com- j
munication issued by the general staff I
of the Caucasian army dated November I
17 states that Turkish reinforcements
have been sent to the frontier of the \
province of Batum where some skir
mishes have taken place. The state
ment follows:
"In the valley of Olti Su, a column
of Russian? attacked an l dispersed the
enemy in the direction of Erzerum.
"On November 15 the Russian troops
took by assault the town of Dutali. an
important point on the road of com (
"I want every Asthma sufferer in
Harrisburg to try my treatment entirely
at my risk*-" l>r. Rudolph HchitVmunn
unnouuees. "Go to George A. Gorgns,
16 North Third street ami Pennsyl
vania Railroad Station, ami get a 50
cent paekuge of in\ Asthmudnr and
should it tail to gi\e instant relief,
the druggist will cheerfully refund your
money without any question whatever."
The Doctor says further, "No matter
how violent the attack, how obstinate
the case or what else has failed, my
Ast limador or Asthmndor Cigarettes
will give instant relief, usually in 10
seconds hut always within 11» minutes.
Hundreds of unsolicited testimonials
abundantly prove what my remedy has
done, but 1 know it will do the same
for others. 1 am so positively certain
that it will produce instant relief and
will be found the best remedy ever
used that 1 have no fears of authorising
the druggist to give this guarantee or
of his being called ujion for the re
funding of money." No risk whatever
is run in buying this remedy under this
positive guarantee.
Persons living elsewhere will be sup
plied under the snine gun run tee by their
local druggist or direct by Dr. l{. Srliifl
matin, St. J'anl. Minn.
munication in the valley of Euphrates.
On all other points there is no change.' l
London, Nov. 19. 2.05 A. M.—The
"Post's" l'ctrograd correspondent
"Emperor William is staking his all
upou tho great battle in Poland, lie
has brought his finest troops from
France, borrowed the best cacnlry,
namely, the Hungarian horse, depleted
his garrisons by moving their gun"
wherever possible and now strikes for
victory or d'eath.
"Having based all his hopes on
crushing France, he now is similarly
turning on Kussia, and this battle must
decide the fate of Germany's whole ad
Blast Furnaces at Crematories
Flushing, Via lxmdon, Nov. 19.
Numerous trains laden with bodies of
the German dead are going to Seraing.
It. is believed that they will lie cre
mated in the blast furnaces there.
To Cure :t Colli In One l»nv
Tablets. Druggists refund money if it
fails to cure. K. W. UROVK'S signa
ture is on each box. '.*6 c.
Another Arrest in Bobbery Case
l<ehanon. Nov. 19. —Charles Krniii
bine, of Hebron, was arrested yester
day by Constables H. S. Stiefl" and I).
Cooper, charged with being implicated'
| in the robbery of Harry Stamm, a lev
cal street, railway conductor, of s2i! uu
! last Friday night.
I An Old, Family Cough £
f Remedy, Home-Made f
I *
J Easily Prepared Costa Very £
.v Little* but Is I'toaipt, Jiur*
and Kffectlve
By making this pint of old-time cough
syrup at home you not only save about
$2. as compared with the readv-made
kind, but you will also have a much more
prompt and positive remedy in e\erv wav.
It overcomes the usual coughs, throat ami
chest colds in 24 hours—relieves even
whooping cough quickly—and is excellent,
too, for bronchitis, bronchial asthma,
hoarseness and spasmodic croup.
Get from any drug store 2>4 ounces of
Pinex (")0 cents worth), pour it into a
pint bottle and fill the bottle with plain
granulated sugar syrup. Full directions
with Pinex. Keeps perfectly and tastes
can feel this take hold of a coush
or cold in a way that means business. It
quickly loosens the dry, hoarse or pain
ful cough and heals the inflamed mem
branes. It also has a remarkable effect
in overcoming the persistent loose cough
hv stopping the formation of phlegm io
the throat and bronchial tubes.
1 he effect of Pine on the membranes is
known by almost every one. Pinex is a
most valuable concentrated compound of
genuine Norway pine extract combined
with guaiacol and other natural healing
pine elements.
ihere are many worthless imitations
of this famous mixture. To avoid dis
appointment, ask your druggist for "2\z
ounces of Pinex," and do not accept any
thing else.
A guarantee of absolute satisfaction,
or money promptly refunded, goes with
this preparation. The Pinex Co.. Ft.
Wayne, Ind. '