I The Star-Independent's Great Bargain «d Educational Page 1 WE WILL PAY YOU TO READ THESE ADVERTISEMENTS 0 S This page contains bargains—the very best of the season—offered by Harrisburg's reliable merchants. You cannot afford to miss them. Read every advertisement on this page and then tell f 1 us what bargain you find to be the best bargain and why. For the best letter the Star-Independent will pay $3.00 in Cash; for the second best, $2.00 and for the third best SI.OO. Address all letters v jjj B to The Bargain Editor, The Star-Independent, and send them in not later than Monday noon of next week. Anyone can compete. We will publish the prize letters, with the names and addresses g » B in our news columns. Letters not to contain more than 150 words. agwwaaHEißa aaca— l^ia—BßHE V ♦ * Bushel Pennsylvania Potatoes 85c ♦ <• 10 lbs. Granulate*! Sugar ®Oc + + % lb. 60e Tea * * 1 lb. 35c Coffee •••• «5c * * 3 lbs. Country tieutleinan Corn 30c •} " <• 4. Value *2.<>o | Special, $2.15 | is. S. POME-ROY,! + MARKET SQUARE GBOCER CVT V VVVVVY V V V V V V »' VV -V * • • /■ \ For the Invalid Whether it be an lee Cap. Air j Cushion, or miuor invalid requisite, , allow us to show them to you. Quality High. Prices l.ow Satisfactory Service Agency for Worthiuijton Quality W heel Chairs. Catalogue free. FORNEY S DRUG STORE •|J<t MARKET STREET X <» /' Our Special Bargain for this j week is a $5.00 Gent's Gold Filled Watch Fob for $3.00 See it in Our Window L. A. FAUNCE Eye Specialist and Jeweler tit 14 North Third Street F. E. RIDENOUR,! 1221 N. Third St. Fresh Cut, Flowers Always ou Hand Funeral Designs a- Specialty H. SCHAMPAN Custom Tailor Cleaning and Pressing at Be&sonabie Prices :;»<> REILY ST.. HARRISBtTF.6, PA. ;• <• <* »> •> •> •> <- '• ■> •> v ♦> -I* •> »I«•> •> ♦> •> i* *? -I* Gcod Pies and Cakes Start something. If they don't serve them. Made by Atticks & Atticks 217 Broad Street BARGAINS For Hunters Liberty Shells with high brass. 65c box. Red Top Hunting Caps, 75c each. We still have a few single 'tarrel guns for $3.00. Bogar Hardware Company 1316 N. Third Street Near Broad Street Market Open Evenings 1 * 75-cent Hand Painted Plates, 45 cents H. G. SEIBERT, Jeweler 1902 North Sixth Street •J. A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A AAA, vv*vvv v v * v v «S» v•>v * * v vv*v <• v * v<• <« "J v ❖ "S 1 <♦+•*• v*<»vv• ♦ * * v v ! THURSDAY ONLY * - - i * . 5 * Packer's Tar Soap, I , _ . .. % St ni, _ , . the 2 ior 16c * % Japanese Shampoo Comb., J * j GOLDEN SEAL DRUG STORE { | II S. Market Square * !> Peoples Bakery 557 Woodbine Street Our goods and prices are alwav right. TITZELL A BARGAIN Next week we will continue selling MAXOTIRKfi AT MONKY-BAVING hkui mo.\s This is vour opportunity for getting a high grade article at a low figure. SHAFFER SALES CO., SO-HN S. C A MICRON ST. OVERHOLT ! RYE Whiskey BOTTLED IN BOND SI.OO FULL QUABTS JOHN J. FINN Both Phones. I-I MABKET ST. / Fancy Baking Try Our Pies and Cakes Always a Bargain J. M. Sheaffer 905 N. Third St. > *>> <• :• •> •> ♦•»•{•♦+•!><••**<•<"(••>■> <• {• Reason No. 5 % ! QviW cigars in Uuinidore form. Take '•! them home and in passing thein to •5* your guests please note the smile of ? approval. <$ C. E. BAIB & SONS. Makers % * G* *4* 5c Frozen Mints Chewing Gum This Thursday at 2 packs for 5c GRUNDEN'S Drug Store Sixth and Boas Streets r > Where did you get that Fine Dome? At Webb's Klectrie Store. He certainly has a tine lot of dome* at greatly reduced prices and he also puts your gas and electric fixtures in tine working order. Give him a trial and be convinced. C. E. WEBB 234 S. Thirteenth St. r > MAE ' S \ Shampooing, Treaimenl, / Jt E<C ' L r Jjtf 34 N. 3d St. . Second Floor r Make Christ King Stough campaign singing books at the Central Book Store ' i-9 Market Street. Harrisburg, Fa • A A A A AAJUA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A W HARRISBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT. WEDNESDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 18, 1914. (PHOTOGRAPHS] Far Ghrisimas Presents Special styles and finishes. \o | dark days at the MUSSEB STUDIO, j rain or shine, early or late, we eati ,i make you first-class work. Studio open Thanksgiving day. IB N. THIBD STBEET •j v J Beautiful Electric Art Glass Dome, with chain, liung anywhero in Harris- I burg for $6.00 Dauphin Electrical Supplies Company * John S. Musser, President 4ii4 Market Street, Harrisburg, Fa. ■ i j We are sole agents in Harrisburg for i SOROSIS SHOES J for Men, Women and Children. Let your next pair be Sorosis. CREGO, 13 N Thlrd Bt —————— j ' Scrapple, 7<* pan Pudding, 13£ lb. j HULL BROS. 1718 NORTH THIBD STBEET \ We will soil this coming week a few beautiful art showers and domes for two-thirds less than they are sold elsewhere. The Columbia Electric Co. 13th and Market Sts. *■ National Ca&h Registers | Total adders S4O aud up. Sold on I easy payments. Call at show room, Xo. 103 Market ; street, and >;et demonstration of our | Money and Labor-saving Machines. N. R. Black, Sales Agent Both Phones I s Photo Finishing for the Amateur r J. A. KEPPLE PHOTOGRAPHER H Room 10. 29 N. SECOND STREET | HARRISBURG, FA. I Special Friday (20th) >1 8 Cakes P. & G. Naptha > Soap } 25 <• Not lesa tiiau 30c in other goods i not including sugar or soap must bo j purchased at same time. Weis Pure Food Store 1313 MARKET STREET V ' , \ \ Bell Phone 2105 Thanksgiving Baking Bargain for Thursday Not a Seed Raisins .". 10c lb. Citron, Lemon and Orange Peel, lb. Mince Meat, "Atmore's," 21bs. for 25C Currants, lb. 18. B. DRUM, 1801 -03 N. 6th St. i S / / N Special Sale for 10 Days Only $32.00 Suits $22.00 Overcoats, $35.00 N. Zimmerman Allison Tailor 7 N. THIRTEENTH SXBEET ' WRITERS OF THE WINNING LETTERS laillna«4 From First I'age. number, but all. Certainly that which | benefits the rawt must be the best bar ! gain. Miss Pearl Crow. 612 Mac lay Street . Second Prize-winner Bargain Editor: j Dear Sir — Bargains in more ways than one are j tho substantial reductions in prices of 1 perfumery at the Uolden Heal drug I store. Thesri reductions are on su#h : standard perfumes as Colgate's and ( Rickseeker's, leaders of the perfumery ' world. A bargain, to be honestly called a bargain, must be a standard quality i at a minimum of cost, henee when SPECIAL NOTICE: The names signed to all prize winning letters must be published in full. Bargains at the SECURITY TRUST COMPANY 36-38 North Third Street , are gotten by IXCREASE j and not by REDUCTION, i Every dollar deposited j increases at 4 per eent. per I annum. All you save in j other business purchases j can be deposited here, I making your total savings j at BIG BARGAIN. Our BARGAINS be -1 come an INVESTMENT | for you. TRY THEM. I Better Clothes—Less Money t 111 . 1 Hot Air Treatments as given at the SHOPE SANITARIUM is superior to HOT STRINGS in the treatment of Rheumatism, Stiff Joints, Bright's or Kidney Dis ease, Nervous Diseases, Obesity, Sciatica, all forms of Neuralgia. Lung and Skin Diseases, and Acute and Chronic Alcoholism. Write for illustrative literature. No. 1700 N. Second Street, Harrisburg, Pa. i v M ' New $650 Grand Piano, $455 A new Grand Piano, 1 ft. i> inches long and 4 ft. 0 inches wide, at the | price of a good upright. $25 Cash and STO Monthly Beach included. J. H. Troup Music Heust 15 So. Market Sq. * j r > Thursday, Friday and Saturday of This Week WE WILL OFFER A THREE PIECE SPANISH LEATHER SUIT *85.00 Value for $65.00 A Handsome laving Room Suit Buttorff & Co. NEW CUMBERLAND, PA. 'standard perfumes are advertised at! i prices lose than half the ordinary cost.| backeA by the reputation of an estab -| I lished firm, this must be the best l>av ! I gain, inasmuch as it fulfills the require-' I ments of a bargain—quality, reputation i of seller and minimum of cost. A. R. Bodmer. Third Prize-winner ■ The Bargain Editor: 1 Dear Sir — 1 The Security Trust Company offers! the best; bargain. Any ambitious per son can save $1 to open a bank ac count aud can increase it dollar bv dol lar at regular times. Every dollar saved is a stepping' stone to financial independence, security against, want in old age and protection for the inevit able rainy day. A bank account is a silent partner i that never grows tired, makes DO mis r \ Better Shoes for Less Money | Try ns next time and be ! convinced. LAPPLEY'S, Fourth and Kelker Sts. ■ Your Curtains Laundered I You will want your lace cur- ■' tains laundered at housecleauing j * t time. , 3' M> We will wash them very care- <J| 1 fully, starch them just right, and Si f', have them straight, with the cor- i'| uers perfectly shaped. I Call us up or give your cur- ]>! jJ, tains to our driver. Arcade Laundry <;j 3; Logan & Granite Aves. | % Both Phonos 3j| Gray Bonnet 5c Cigar has made a hit. U.~> box, SI.I •> 50 box, I CHAS. H. KOCH 35 N. Second Street r . : French made lingerie COMBINATIONS Lace and embroidery trimmed. La Pcrle SPECIALTY SHOP ! 204 Locust Street, Next to Orpiietim iN „ * \ WHEN IT COMES TO COFFEE j Thr Bett Tent I* In the Cop—Try our 2il«\ 25c unci It Or Coft're j and be convinced that every pound is a I bargain. J. G. SCHAEFER 1 THE HOME OF GOOD COFFEE 4 S. Tlilrtrrnth St. 801 l ukaur ItSJtK I. HOERNER'S {Size 81x90 Seamless Bheet. 69<? 310 BROAD STREET ! / Will You Exchange SIOO for $9,000 to $15,000? You can earu this amount of 1 money by tsking the Shorthand and | Bookkeeping Course at School of Commorco 15 S. MARKET SQUARE 'f v ' Horlachers Allenfown Beer Is Nine Months Old HANLEN BROS. BOTH PHONES *■ takes and always brings in dividends. Mrs. Samuel M. Taylor, 903 North Second "Street. Wept as His Stock Was Killed Lebanon, Nov. 18. —While Simon Tice, a North Lebanon township farm er, tenant on the Pennsylvania Steel Company's farm, wept like a child, yes- I terday morning, agents of the State of I Pennsylvania, killed and buried fifteen cows, two bulls, nine heifers, a sow and a litter of pigs to stamp out the hoof and inouth disease. Arrested for Highway Robbery Lebanon, Nov. 18. —John Brewer, of this city, and Leroy Haas and Wayne Arnold, of Hebron, are under arrest, being charged as members of the gang that Friday night beat and robbed H«ry Stannn. a local street railway conductor, securing $J 6 in cash. ■5- •> & •> <• *!• <• * •> *• •> <• <• •> •> i-*: | IS THIS A BARGAIN? | I THE COMMERCIAL BANK! t s | 1222 and 1224 North Third Street, Harrisburg, Pa., * | Will Pay You 4 Per Cent, on § Savings Accounts i >+»!« •!♦•&►!. % A K% .% A.% AA .% K*. ,',A.'..•.aa.'.J.A AAA AA •.A.'.AJ.A V* * * -:•> •: <• V ■> ■> + ■ v One $450.00 Used Stieff i Piano. One $250.00 Used Cabinet ; Player and $25.00 worth ! of Player Rolls for $300.00 i lj Can You Beat It? I i Stieff Piano Warerooms I v FOR Pure Wine,, Liquors and Beer SEE JOHN G. WALL Cor. Sixth and Cumberland Sts. j Both Phones Auto Delivery ; C. T. FERNBAUGH r Fine Cakes , Insist on your Groceryinau furnish ing them. Retail and wholesale. 1631 N. Sixth Street A A A » A A A A AAA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A - ***> ** * v** ❖<« # * *** ****** ** * * *** **** ** > +<• ****«•**«** t Tomatoes, \ * *»' PgOC j «£» 1 Com', ' 3 cails for 25 * I 2 Baked Beans, , , a do7pn f t Kidney Beans, \ 0r a dozen 1 * , t Sauer Kraut, * if POLLECK'S GROCERY STORES : 1 * WHERE QUALITY COUNTS [j. % ' Harrisburg and Steelton * All Kinds of Safety Razor Blades RESHARPENED 25c per dozen, at FORNEY'S DRUG STORE i Bring this ad in on Fri day and get 25 per cent, discount on' Old Dutch Enamel. Ryder's Brighten-Up Stores 44 N. Third St. Broad St. GQ2 Buy the Best for the Money Yingling's Celebrated Pottsville Beer and Porter Bottled by CHAS. S. BUX Both Phones 81H-820 Market St. I A BARGAIN FOR ALL HILL PEOPLE f ? Save Your Car Fare • >:• •» * We win start our * ! CHRISTMAS SAYINGS FUND 1 December 29,1914 •fr Vou can join any time after that. Open every Saturday evening. * I The East End Bank! % Thirteenth and Howard Streets * * 9 We Refinish Chandeliers The Nuss Mfg; Co. I 11TH and MULBERRY STREETS A S3O Bicycle for $21.75 This Week Only Chester B. Smith 1815 N. Third Street i f—— i 1 A SPECIAL U-prougcd Slioll Hair Pins with fancy gold and silver tops. Price, 50<f* ! RiNK^ BACH -V!) JEWELER AND p UESiGHTOPECIAUST 1213 N. THIRD ST. *• ' If" * Electrical Contractor House Wiring a Specialty All kinds of electrical | repair work given prompt attention. Bell phone 3430. JOHN W. SNYDER •J»ii Market Street, Leraoyne, Pa. *- Singeing Massagting Star Barber Shop CHAS. H. EAPP, Propr. 430 Market Street Children's Hair Cutting a Specialty All Work Guaranteed Union Shop Crude Oil Shampoo f , \ SPECIAL THIS PEANUT ICE-CREAM WALHEK&MESSIMER 411 N. Second Si Families and Parties Supplied on Short No tice. ; 1 j A line of Jewelry of the best quality at the lowest prices, considering that quality is always n big bargain at W. R. ATKINSON Jeweler 1423 N. THIRD STREET
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers