The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, November 18, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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Ex-Officials of Dauphin Districts One
and Two, P. O. S. of A., Held an In
teresting Meeting in the Hall of
Steelton Camp Last Evening
.V reorganization of the Past Presi-
Ants' Assoviatiou of the P. O. S. of A.,
composed of the First an<l Second Dau
phin districts, was effected in the hall
of Washington Camp No. 102, S'teelton,
last evening.
The following officers were elected:
President, H. D. Shoemaker, Camp 371,
Aliddletown; vice president, Elmer O.
Livingston. Camp 502, Enhaut; record
ing secretary, L. Ira Cargill, Camp 102,
Stoeltoa; financial secretary, Harrv Mic
Swine, Camp 716, Harrisburg; treas
urer, Joseph W. Brioker, Canup 102,
Steel ton; .lames Wolf, Camp
S, Harrisburg; guard. D. V. Nunemak
<r, Camp 302, Knhaut.
A similar organization was formed
several years ago, but interest in the
affair died out and the meeting held last
night was to revive and put new life in
the organisation, which is composed of
pa-st presidents of camps in
districts, Nos. 1 and 2. The next meet
ing ot° the organization will be held in
the hall of Washington Camp N'o. 371,
•Middleitown, Fridav evening, Dei'emiber
Body Was Taken to Lancaster County
for Interment
Funeral servies lor A. I!. Hess were
held at his late home. 28 North Fourth
street, yesterday afternoon. TSic Rev.
Dr. Forney. Harrisi>urg, a life-long
friend of Mr, lless and who had :been
requested to officiate in the event of
death, had charge of the services.
Dr. Forney was assisted by the Rev.
(i. W. Gctz, ot' the Main Street Church
of Cod. and by the Rev. .!. H. lioyor,
of the First MethAd4st church. Other
ministers at the services were the Rev.
.1. M. Waggoner, formerly pastor of the
'Main Street church; the Rev. A. K.
Wier, of the. Centenary F. 'B. church,
and the Rev. C. li. Segeiken, of the First
Presbyterian '.hutch. Interment took
place to-day in the old faaiilv burying
ground at Ceuter. ljanca«ter county.
Funeral services for Mrs. Emma C.
Smith w«rc held last evening at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. .T. L. Browu,
3H7 Swatara street. The Rev. « buries
A. Huyette, pastor of the First Reform
el church. officiated and interment was
ma le in Newport to -dav.
The regular midweek prayer meeting
will be held this evening in the First
Reformed cfourch at 7.45 o'clock.
The Steeltoii Lyceum will hold the
second of a series of dances in the Ben
ton Catholic Club hall, North Front
s;rcct. Friday evening at 8.34) o'clock.
Wioger's orchestra will furnish the mu-
Class Xo. 4 'held a birthday surprise
party last evening at the home of Mrs.
Kate C. Rodkey, 419 Catherine
in honor of the 57tli anniversary of her
The deer hunters of Steelton Clrnb
'broke cam"p near Fayettevilie yesterday
aud returned to flie borough last even
ing, bringing with them a four and a
seven pronged buck. Tae venisou will
tie used in the menu at the time of the
annual clut) banquet to be 'held iu De
cember. .
Mrs. .Jacob "Mephey. Pine str.eet. wife
of the Borough Highway Commissioner,
received a broken atrkle in a fall on
North iHarrisbttrg street Monday even
Earl Rodkey, after spending a few
days with his mother in the borough,
has resumed his studies at the Over
brook school for the blind, Philadel
Mrs. Charles Hol-liman and MTS.
Pearl Ga'ixle. North Front street, spent
to j day wit'll Harrisburg friends.
Ilarrv Laudis, Charles Pisle, Harvey
Parthemore. of the oorousjli, and Rae
league, of Harrisburg, left this mormug
for Shermansdale, where they will spend
one wee'k 'hunting.
Miss Maggie Smith and Miss' Minerva
Herman. Hed Lion, are spending one
week with Mr. and Airs. M. F. Harlan,
Felton street.
'Mrs. William Hand and da.ighter,
Dorothy, Highspire. spent yesterday
witfh Mr-. Thomas Gibb, South Second
p Original No. 6 Extra |f
b Non-RBfil!aiilß Device
Dedication of New Hygienic School
Building Will Be Held in Near Fu
ture—Colored Sbolars Will Bender
Fine Program
Principal Charles Howard, in charge
of the Hygienic schools, will meet with
the local School Board at its next meet
ing when arrangements will be made for
the dedication of the new 'Hygienic
building which has just 'been completed
and which will be occupied by the
scholars next week.
One of the features of the exercises
will be the presentation o< a big United
States flag to the school by Washing
ton Camp No. Patriotic Sons of
America, which has given a flag for
every school building in town. A rep
resentative of Washington Camp will
formally presenit the flag to the school
during the exercises.
Firemen Use Chemicals in Stopping
T_he_ borough firemen were summoned
to 765 South Third street, yesterday
afternoon shortly after 2 o'clock to ex
tinguish a blazing chimney. Before t'bis
was accomplished sparks from the chim
nev had set fire to the roof and a small
hole was burned before the chemicals
:put out the blaze. The damaged build
ing forms one of a row of houses which
are owned toy Mark Mumma.
Miss Wilcox, the visiting nurse em
Dloved by tire Steelton Civic Club, will
be in her office from 8 a. m. to 9
a. m.. from 1 p. m. to 1.30 p. a
Obevliu, Nov. 18.—Mrs. Elizabeth
Livingston entertained a number of
persons at her hame, l leasaut avenue,
with a pound so.ial last evening.
Mrs. Harry Esbeuanr has returned
from MillerSburg. where she spent one
week with her daughter, (Mrs. George
Miss Clara l'reck and Miss Mary
Rcigler, Millers'ourg, spent Sunday a's
guests cl tMias Kftio Rupley.
Miss Effie Rupley has gone to Millers
burg to spend several weeks with
A'committee of Salem Lutheran Sun
day s'hool is preparing an interesting
program to be rendered by the school
at the Christmas services.
Continued From First Fagt,
ance in the war upon the entente pow
ers, convinced officials here it would
be well to have both ships remain in
the Mediterranean for the present and
both have been going from port to port
in Turkish waters or thUse nearby.
The Safety of Americans
So far Ambassador Morgenthau's re
ports concerning the safatv of Ameri
cans have been reassuring. An under
current of uneasiness was created, how
ever. early this month when the Turk
ish commande.' at Beirut addressed a
note to the American Consul General,
which he intended for the information
OJ. the French and British governments,
declaring that for every Mussulman
killed in a bombardment of any un
fortified port three British or French
subjects would be put to death, and
added that he could not take the re
sponsibility for any uprising against
( hiistians which might follow such an
It was pointed out at the time that
bombardment of any open and unforti
fied towns was unlikely, as it is pro
hibited by The Hague convention,
i hose Turkish officials who remain at
the embassy here were confident that
jf the Tennessee had been tired upon
it was the act of some local official,
which would quickly be taken u.p by
Constantinople government. Fur
ther tin n calling for inquiries from
other American officials in the vicinity,
it appeared that Washington was await
ing further reports from the Tennessee
herself before proceeding. It became
known also that England and France
were asking their commanders in the
Mediterranean for information of the
Theory of Washington Officials
The theory of the officials here is
that Captain Decker had been ashore
at Smyrna to pay his respects to Consul
General Horton and that the Consul,
who had returned the visit, was being
taken ga<-k to Smyrna when the launch
was tired upon. Ft was pointed out
that in making a visit to Smvrna the
ordinary procedure for the Tennessee
to take would be to anchor outside the
harbor and send a lunch ashore. An
other view is that the tiring may not
have been inteuded as an unfriendly
act, but merely as a warning that, the
port was closed. This is said to be a
usual form of notifying a foreign ves
sel that a port is closed when other
notification has not been made. Vour
lah is about ten miles from Smvrna.
The cruiser North Carolina is at Beirut,
on the coast of Asia Minor, about 500
miles awav.
To Make Complete Investigation •
Secretary Daniels immediately noti- j
tied Acting Secretary Lansing of the 1
firing and that official immediately
callej upon Ambassador Morgenthau at
Constantinople to make a complete in
vestigation. Communication, however,
between Constantinople and the United
States is very slow. The latest message
from Mr. Morgenthau, received yester
day, was dated November 12. It
made no mention of any disturbances.
As Captain Decker's report mentioned
the fact that anxiotv had been felt for
the safety of the American consulate
at Smyrna, the opinion was expressed
in some quarters t>hat the launch might
have beeu taking a guard from the
Tennessee to protect the consulate and
such Americans and other foreigners
w*ho would naturally seek asylum in
that quarter.
Report Shots Fired at Launch
Chios, Agcan Sea, Nov. 17.—The!
American armored cruiser Tennessee ar
rived in this port to-day. It is stated
that yesterday, while the captain of
the Tennessee was in the ship's launch,
which was flying the American fla«, on
hiß way to pay the customary visits j
on the Turkish officials at Smyrna, i
The Use of Bisurated
Magnesia lor
Stomach Troubles
In these days of almost universal In
digestion, dyspepsia and other stymach
trouhle, the recent announcement by a
great specialist that pure blsuratad
magnesia is an almost Infallible rem
edy for nearly all forms of stomach
trouble, will come as a welcome sur
prise to all sufferers. A teaspoonful
In a little water immediately after eat
ing, or whenever pain Is felt, neutral
izes the excess add, and Instantly
stops the fermentation and pain. Those
who use bisttr&ted magnesia regularly
for a week or two usually lind that the
trouble has entirely disappeared, and
normal dlg&sMon is completely re
stored. adv.
three solid shots were fired ou the boat
by the forts.
The American Ambassador, Henry
Morgenthau. without investigating the
incident, it is said, immediately ordered
the Tennessee from Turkish waters at
the request of the Turkish officials.
Chios, at which port the cruiser
Teunessee lias arrived,"is the capital of
the island of the same name,
about four miles off the coast of Asia
Minor and near the Gulf of Smyrna.
The island formerly belonged to Tur
key, but as a result of the Balkan war
was turned over to Greece. A great
portion of the population 0f,60,000 are
Dispatches from Athens yesterday re
ported that the Tennessee had arrived
at the port of Vurla, in the Gulf of
Smyrna, and that her appearance had
put a stop to the ill-treatment of Brit
ish, Russian and French residents.
The authorities of Smyrna, the dispatch
added, fearing a bombardment, had left
for the interior.
Captain Benton Clark Decker is iu
command of the Tennessee, which left
New York on August 6 with nearly
$6,000,000 in gold on board for the
relief of the American tourists strande.l
in Europe. The warship first went to
England and then to France and finally
entered the Mediterranean, where she
visited several ports itv- pursuance of
her relief work.
Berlin, Via The Hague and London,
Nov. 18. 10.25 A. M. —An official war
bulletin given ofit in Berlin to-day sets
forth that the operations on the east
ern front arn progressing favorably.
The Germans apparently are using their
victory at Wloclawek to the greatest
advantage. The Russian armies de
feated near Lipno yesterday arc prob
ably in the vicinity of Plock, and the
forces defeated near Wloclawek are
now at Kutno and Lesehytea.
For the continuation of operations,
the bulletin goes on to say. it will be
of the greatest importance for the Ger
man troops from the region of Solday
to make further progress against the
right w'ng of the main Russian army.
If the Russains intend to retire behind
the Vistula such a retreat, considering
the extremely bad conditions of the
roads, would bo most difficult, conse
quently the Russians probably will pre
fer to make a definite stand when the
German and Austrian forces attack.
The papers of Berlin declare again
to-day that the fall of Belgrade, Serv
ia, is imminent.
According to a statement given out
in Venna, the fortress of Przemysl, now
being besieged by the Russians, is pro
visioned for twelve months.
Continued From First Page.
tendance quite large. The faqt that
Governor Tener was scheduled to be
present proved the magnet. Governor
Tener was greeted with applause as ho
entered the hall and was introduced by
Commissioner Jackson.
The Governor made a felicitous
speech in which lie referred to the work
that is being done in Pennsylvania
through the Bureau of Labor and In
dustry in the direction of ameliorating
the working conditions for artisans, and
especially that part of it that relates
to the welfare and safety of those who
toil in whatever occupation. The Gov
ernor referred to the work along tlie?c
lines that had been taken up by other
countries and states and said it is a
great pleasure to know that Pennsyl
vania is not behind in th e good work.
The Governor expressed much satis
faction at the large attendance and
said it augured much good for the fu
ture, but be told the conference that
much remains to be done for the good
of all. He complimented those present
for their disinterestedness in coming
here to talk matters over with a view
that the welfare and the efficiency of
the people might be advanced, ' and
closed by expressing the hope that their
stay in Harrisburg might be in the
highest degree beneficial.
At the close of the Governor's re
marks, F. Herbert Snow, president of
the Engineer's Society of Pennsylva
nia, presented the Governor with the
certificate of membership in the Asso
ciation, and in doing go. said:
Mr. Snow 's Remarks
''Your Excellency, the engineers of
the State have viewed with increasing
admiration, during your term as Gov
ernor, your attitude toward their pro
fession and your efforts and accomplish
ments relative to matters with which
engineers are concerned. We believe
that the things done by you arc funda
mental and that therefrom other things
will follow for our especial profit and
the general welfare of the Common
are *°° often
when their blood is
really starved. They need that
blood - strength which comes
from medicinal nourishment
No drugs can make blood.
SCOTT'S EMULSION ia a highly
concentrated blood-food and every
drop yields returns in strengtheaing
both body and brain. a.
If yea are frail, languid, 2K&
delicate or nervous, take \JI)
Scott'B Emulsion after meals FW
for one month. No Alcohol. JjJy
I We Win A New Victory I
In Overcoatdom! I
NEVER in all our service to this I
community have we known a garment to I
g - achieve so instant and decisive a success as I
has the Klavicle—the new overcoat produc- I
tion from America's greatest overcoat I
The House of Kuppenheimer I
Me n who are accustomed to the better I
|Ef|7 things in clothes and who know real excellence when I
pSv they see it, are honoring the , Klavicle with their in- I
' # m/ dorsement and their choice. ■
I 1! OHllr K "Incontestably the high-water mark of I
! :j J;! ill }/f overcoat tailoring" is their verdict. I
If I ! I'll With its dashing, militaristic style, its capa- 1
| | a — iH n/ I alt 4 i cious lines, its painstaking workmanship, the Klavicle I
• I fp j; i|ij I lil \ is admirably cut out for the task of ministering to your I
ijlij I 111 I comfort, your ease and your appearance through the I
. j I ||h \ wintry days that loom ahead. I
j! |j|i nl ly 1 The man who would make his overcoat I
| |'! 1 selection without seeing the Klavicle is the same man I
k!~4iliil W- -J who would tour America without seeing the Yellow ■
I r ifflill/ ~~ stone, the Niagara or Pike's Peak. I
| I ilj pi The Klavicle, in foreign and domestic over- I
I |j S coatings—Chinchillas, Elysians, Vicunas, Boucles and ■
j i ll . fancy Cheviots at S
• S2O $25 ® 3O I
j 304 Market Street Harrisburg, Pa. n
wealthi Please recall as you may look
from time to time upon this testimonial
of our esteem that it represents the
unanimous vote of those engineering
citizens of the Commonwealth who are
banded together from every nook and
corner of the State for the purpose
of promoting the development of the
hidden treasures of the earth that were
placed there by a beneficent Creator
when the everlasting hills were founded
and of applying them through nature's
jaws for the benefit —-as originally in
tended —notoori r the r>w, hut for the
benefit of all mankind.
'' These ainio of the society have
tbeen exemplified in your conduct of
those pulblic affairs to w ( hich 1 have re
ferred, and it is mv-duty and privilege
uofr to hand to you this token of the
highest, tribute within the powers of the
Engineers' Society of Pennsylvania to
The Morning Sessions
The Safety section of the conference
met in the hall of the House this
morning, with I'alph C. Richards, of
Chicago, as chairman. The following
addresses wero made:
"Suggested Safety Regulations in
the Textile Industry," John Golden,
president of the United Textile Work
ers of America; ''Machine Tools and
Power Transmission Machinery," W.
P. Eales, supervising inspector. Trav
elers' Insurance Co., Philadelphia, ami
William H. Johnston, president. Inter
national Association of Machinists; dis
cussion, M. M. Sheedy, safety inspector,
Pennsylvania railroad; "Woodworking
Machinery,'' Richard H. Gunagan, Fi
delity and Casualty Company, New
York, and James Wilson, .president Pat
ternmakers'#League of North America;
discussion, Dr. F. I). the J. G.
Brill Co.. Philadelphia; "Fire Exits,"
H. W. Forster, Independence Inspec
tion Bureau, Philadelphia; discussion,
S. A., Dies, Burenu of Building In
spection, Pittsburgh.
Owing to the absence of several of
the speakers, the meeting of the iHy
gienic section in the House caucus room
was post [toned. The Welfare section
met in the Senate chamber, with
Charles P. Neill, of New York, as
chairman, and followed the following
" Immigration," Miss Frances A.
Kellor. managing director of the legis
lative committee of the North Amer
ican Civic for Immigrants, and
Klmer Creenwalt. U. S. Immigration
Commissioner, former president »f the
Pennsylvania State Federation of La
bor; "Child Labor Legislation," Jas
per Yeates Brinton, president of the
Pennsylvania Child Labor Association,
and Mrs. Sarah A. Conboy, internation
al organizer of the United Textile
Workers' Union.
At lust night r n general session of
the con'ferencc, held in the House, K.
W. Campbell, president of the National
Safety Conference, presided, and the
topics for discussion were "The Value
of Comprehensive Statigtk-s in Safety
Work'' and ''Ouganiziug Fire Drills.'
R. H. Newbern, of the Pennsylvania
railroad insurance department, led tlie!
discussion on the first topic and Lewisj
T. Brandt, Commissioner of Labor ofj
New Jersey, introduced the second. An
interesting feature was the lantern |
slide exhibit of safety pictures and i
safety appliances. It is proposed tot
show these same pictures in the moving j
picture theatres of Harrisburg when j
visited by the school children this week
ns object lessons to the little folks. |
Half of One Per Cent. Is Not Payable
on Amounts of Policies as Stated (
A mis-statement which appeared tin-|
intentionally in a news item from Car-!
lisle published yesterday in the Star-
Independent's Cumberland Valley news j
has attracted attention and calls for!
The Emergency Relief Stamp tax on j
fire insurance is not one-half of one per j
cent, on the amount of insurance, but ;
on the periodical premiums.
Brazil's Coffee
. A Portuguese, Joao Alberto Castcllo
Biauco, is said to have planted the first
coffee tree in Rio de Janeiro in 1760,
and from this small beginning has de
veloped the industry which has made
Brazil the greatest coffee producer of
the world.
End Itching Scalp and Stop Falling
Hair—At Once
There is one sure wa.v that never i
fails to remove dandruff completely and
that is to dissolve it. This destroys it j
entirely. To do this, just get about four j
ouaces of plain, ordinary liquid arvon; j
apply it at night when retiring; use |
enough to inoistefi the scalp and rub it!
in gently with the fiinger tips.
By morning most, if not all, of your |
dandruff will be gone, and three or four,
more applications wil completely dis
solve ami entirely destroy every single i
sign and trace of it no matter how much >
dandruff you' may have.
You will find, too, that all itching
and digging of the scalp will stop in
stantly, and your hair will bo fluffy,
lustrous, glossy, silky and soft and look
and feel a hundred times better.
If you want to keep your hair look
ing rich, do by all means get rid of
dandruff for nothing destroys the hair
so quickly. Tt not only starves the hair
and makes it fall out, but it makes it
stringy, straggly, dull, dry, brittle and
lifeless, and everybody notices it. Yrfu
can get liquid arvon at any drug store.
It is inexpensive, and four ounces is all
you will need. This simple remedy hus
never been known to fail. Adv.
, m . ; ;
Philadelphia Division—lo4 crew to
|go first after 4 p. m.s 128, 116, 118,
| 115, 105, 127, 119, 124.
I Engineers for 128. 115.
Firemen for 116, 105.
Conductor for 124.
Brakemen for 118, 105, 127, 119,
! (2).
i Mutineers up: Minnich, Buck, (>al
higher, Seitz, Hubler, Ileisinger, Kel
ley, Supplee, Foster, Happersett, Brue
baker, Heindman, Martin, Gibbons,
Hogentogler, Mauley, Welsh, Sellers,
Brooke, Uenneeke.
Firemen up: Robinson, Copeland,
Moulder, Libhart, Mahoney, Wilson,
Mi' Curdy, Balsbaugh, W. Myers, Wea
ver, Bartoi), Cover, Chronistor, Kautz,
Martin, Houser. Herman, Huston, Farm
er! Kestreves, Shaffer, Hogau, Everhart.
Flagmen up: Mellinger, Banks.
Brakemen up: File, Bussor, Sweikert,
Coleman. Wiland, Kope, Knnpp, Hub
bard, Desch, Gouse, Dearolf.
Middle Division —23 5 crew to go
first after 12.45 p. nu*
Laid off: 22, 25.
Preference; 3.
Fireman for 3.
Engineers up: Free, Simonton, Ma
gill, Wissler, Minnick, Hertzler, Moore,
Yard Crews— Engineers up: Shaver,
Landis, Hoyler, Hohenshelt, Breneman,
Thomas, Houser, Meals, Stahl, Silks,
Crist, Harvey, Saltsman, Kuhn, Snyder,
Firemen up: Boyle, Shipley, Crow,
Revie, Uish, liostciorf, Schieffer, Rauch,
Weiglo, Lackey, Cookerly, Maeyer,
Snell, Bartolet, (Jetty, Hart, Barkey,
Sheets, Bair, Evde, Essig, Ney, Myers*
Engineers wanted for 70*7, 1831,
1270, 1820.
Firemen wanted for 707, 11 71, 118,
Philadelphia Division —2lo crew to
go first after 3.4 5 p. m.: 244, 233,
248, 228, 249, 239, 208, 214, 221,
241, 230, 238, 213.
Engineers for 208, 213, 214. 238,
239. *
Firemen for 213. 214, 229. W
Conductors for 232, 233, 238.'
Flagmen for 232, 244.
Braiomen for 208, 213, 214. 228,
239, 241, 244.
Conductor up: Forney.
Flagman up: Brinser.
Brakemen up: Kone, Lutz. Fair.
Jacobs, Vftndling, Malsced, Knight,
Gouily, Mumniaw, Carroll, Werts, Tay-
lor, Rice, Shuler Summey.
Middle Division —22l crew to go
first after 3 p. m.: 250, 244, 231,
Twelve crews laid off at Altoona; 17
to come in.
Laid off: 107, 104, 115.
P., H. & P.—After 4p. rn.: 22, 19,
17, 5, 7, 18, 2, 8, 14, 3, 17, 23, 20.
Eastbound —'After 3.12 p. m.: 52,
58, 59, 01, 63, 54, 67, 51, 60, 64.
Engineers up: Plotz, Riohwino,
Glass Fetrow, Maesimore, Lape, Tipton.
Brakemen up: Shearer, Heckmau,
Painter, Holbert, Greaff, Stain, iMaurer,
Eight Picked for Oratorical Contest
The preliminaries of the junior boys
oratorical contest were held last night
at the Central High School. Out of
the thirteen contestants, eight were
chosen to speak in the final contest to
be held on Wednesday, November 25.
The boys have been under the training
of Miss Swart* for the last month. The
following are those who will speak in
the final contest: Harold Houtz, Georgoi
Kling, Homer Kreider, Horace Nune
macker, Alan Carter, Harold Amus,
Robert Michael and Harold Eckert.
One Way
'"Mr. Interlocutor, can yoa toll me
how one may make ice water without.
"No, Mr. Boneß, I cannot. Will you
tell us howt"
"Peel an onion, and that will make
your e/cs water."—Cincinnati En
Well Known Politician Nearly Bald
Now Has New Growth of Hair
Tells How He Did It
A western politician, well known on
account of his baldness and his ready
wit, surprised his friends by appearing
with a new growth of hair. Many of
his friends did not know him, and
others thought he had a wig. On be
ing asked how he did it, he made the
following statement: "I attribute the
growth of my hair to the following
simple recipe which any lady or gen
tleman can mix at home. To a half
pint of water add 1 or.. of Bay Rum, a
small box of Barbo Compound and
oz. v of Glycerine. Apply to the
two or three times a week with tl)«
finger tips. It not only promotes the
growth of the hair, but removes dap
liruff, scalp lutmors and prevents the
hair from falling out. It darkens
streaked, faded, gray hair and makes
the hair soft and glossy. Those ingrodi
ents caii be purchased at any drug store
at very little cost and mixed at home."