CONSTIPATION. COLDS, HEADACHES. REGULATE YOUR BOWELS! 10 CENTS T\irred tongue. Bad Colds, Indiges- . tion. Sallow Skin and Miserable Hoad- I aches come from a torpid liver and con stipated bowels, which cause your stom- I ach to become filled with undigested food, which sours and ferments like j garbage in a swill barrel. That's the i first step to untold misery—indigestion, ' foul gases, bad breath, yellow skin, I IO CINT SOXCS-ANY DRUG STORE •v- " , HOUSEHOLD TALKS Henrietta D. Grauel The Waste Product fity dwollers, more than rural folks, ! realize that, the products allowed to ' waste on the farms of this country are 1 nitticient to ! money refunded. It not only increases' the flow of digestive juices, but surely and safely builds up and strengthens the stomach walls so that what you eat is cared for as nature intended. It's needless for you to suffer with indigestion, heartburn, biliousness, sour, gassy or upset stomach, for Mi-o-na | tablets surely give prompt and lasting | relief and perfectly harmless. Adv. —[NEW YORK I—> Special Low Rate Excursion Sunday, November 22 | Famous Broadway; Towering Office Buildings, TOO feet high; Central Park; Riverside Drive; ; Grant's Tomb; Metropolitan Art Gallery; Brooklyn Bridges. SPECIAL TRAIN LE/AVES Hu. rl.burg 5.45 a. m. CliristUana 7,12 a.m. ; ' 5.51 a.m. "arkefeburs, 7.20 a.m. M.ddletown, 6.00 a.m. Coatejsvllle 7.29 a.m. ui i w " 6.11! a.m. BowndnKtown 7.38 a.m. I Alt. Joy 6.23 a.m. Pennsylvania Station, New Lancaster 6.4 3 a.m. York, arrive, 10.35 a.m. Returning, leaves New York (Pennsylvania Station), 6.50 p. m. j SO.O« r A» u i $9.00 WWrrM Suada " I Ticket* on nale heglnolnp November JO, iee fljr«rn. Connuit ticket Agrntn. PENNSYLVANIA! RAILROAD j severe colds, everything that is horrible I and nauseating. A Cascaret to-night j will surely straighten you out by uioru : ing—a 10-cent box will keep your head 1 clear, stomach sweet, liver and bowels | regular and make von feel cheerful and bully for months. • Don't forget your children—their lit 'tle insides need a good, gentle, cleans- I ing, too, occasionally. I whose parents cannot afford to buy them an apple or who do not have the 1 good food they need. The hundreds who I are hungry in Chicago and other large | cities to-day would not need to be if all the vacant, land in and around the city was cultivated. If fruit trees were planted wherever a fruit tree would grow doctors would soon go out of busi ness for the fresh fruit is the best med icine in the world. But another thing worth thinking | about, that Mr. Benson suggests, is I that this high cost of living we hear so i much about is based upon the cost of the meat diet, which is the most harm ! ful as well as most expensive article |of our food. "Now,""'says this clear- I headed young man, "if fruit and veg- I etables were raised more freely the cost of living could be computed from j the vegetable end of the proposition j and we would at once become an eco nomical nation." Mr. Benson is working for more i canning days on the farm, days like I threshing day when the men and wosien j will both come to co-operative canners j bringing their products with them ano can the good country produce in open [canneries. This is done in some states j now, to some extent, and is most suc cessful. The closed boiler or sterilizer, tin can capper machine and other can | fling necessities being used in common j fry the farmers in a certain eighbor -1 li ood. (To-morrow 1 shall give you Mr. Ben son's newest directions for using the wimijfall apples. These apples are allowed to lie in the orchards, | for the price paid for them by eider {mills'and apple butter makers does not :pay for their handling. (To be continued.) Boody, 'of Rupert, Teeeivct for -the Guernse.vdffle fruit, farms of Columbia county. The assets are $2,000 and li abilities 8,000. $8,000,000 Worth of Stamps Washington. Nov. 1 S. —Thirty-two of postage stamps for the holiday rush, valued at more than $8,000,000. were on their way yesterday from Washington to postofli.-es throughout the country. Mure than $2,400,000 worth was sent to Philadelphia and sl,- 422,820 wortfh to 410 postoflices in the SonMi and Middle West. To New Yofk was sent $4,071,000 worth of the stam'ps. Will Go to Naval Academy Pottsville, Nov. 18.—In the com petitive examination established by Congressman Lee for representation from this Congressional district in the Xaval Academy at Annapolis, two Mi nersville boys were successful, Daniel M. McGurl gets the appointment and •lolni McCrystal will be the alternate. Hunter Wounds Companion Shamokin, N6v. 18.—Harvey Miller and Martin Joines were on a hunting trip near here; yesterday when Miller saw a pheasant. He fired at it as liis companion ste/pped in front of the gun. A bullet entered Jones' back causing e serious wound. HARRTSBTTRfi STAR-INDEPENDENT. WEDNESDAY EVENIVO, \OVFMBER IR. 1914 BOY Q?i LARK SLEW FARMER Had Been Drinking With Comrades and Only Meant to Scare Hay- Wagon Driver Greensburg, Pa., Nov. 18.—"It was [ who fired t'he bullet tihat killed Arthur Wedge, the farmer, near Latrobe, Thurs day uight; but 1 did iy>t commit mur der intentionally," said Ernest Reaping, better known a* "Ini-ih" Reeping, as he stood trembliug with fear behind the bars in the Westmoreland county jail. Ves," said the * A Medicine for All Mankind must be a tonic and stimulant for re newing the natural, healthy activi ties of the stomach and digestive or gans, preventing waste*of the tissues, B strengthening the whole body and brightening the faculties. Tnousauds make it a rule to "Get Duffy's and Keep Well." w hen you I'eel weak 118 or worn out and need build litMUhl iog up, follow the advice of BMUB those whom it has made well, ask ytrar drug- IL !n!9 Iwajwgil apst or deal- Wk •▼TT'VT'ri V V WWVW WW W ▼ '•* WWWWWy¥¥ W> V■» f » lyir I "Safety First"—A slogan CA j!) ' r ,ress Shields, „ ' .. 7* < y 10i* Inside Belting, col- , , ore and black, yd 1< Z Z~~ v j. paper S( ' win « Xpp " Flannels, Cretonnes and Sheeting H \ 10c Embroidered Edges. a x tt aj a .. _ . , ~ boit 5c At Very Attractive Prices Ta ;;;, ,)le, '° lml,a Cott 1 °" < S ' i.v oair Braid Iu connection with the Notions, we are offering ""' < | * |» ins " pa j r warm flannels, stylish cretonnes, and sheeting of good Children's 10c Garters. I > " quality. A 11" in the rear of elevators. W i 10c Gold Plated Safety I 50c Grey Wool Merino atl Sc Tcwnville Cballics at s inches wide; full pieces; for box and quilt coverings; S • •••./ ! * ne ? v,r shirts, skirts ai.d nianv patterns; no dressing. ... , . . , ... ► 10c piece Black Mohair j comforts. 50c Baby Flannel at yd. K'c.vard Weighted Upe i ► Skirt Braid 5< 29c White Wool Flannel at —:56 inches wide, cream, ► 19? yd.—27 ches wide, wool; shrunk iea< v for use. I v , ~, _ . j ► •5c dozen Snap Fasten- with pink border; for worn- Quilt Patches at 19c* pack. pair ' tloe Jrees ' < ► ers dozen en's aud children's under- j Comfort Cotton at 50<- < 1 j wear. .opens up to the size of your :ioc « ,oz - Basting Cotton, A 50c Sewing Boxes, 25<" Baby Flannel at 10? yd.—in comfort; no lapping neces- 20c y , j | pink, blue, white, cream and sary. ► 10c cubes Colored Head I sLkir Lockwcod Sheeting- at 9e yd. •»<• paper Pointed Pins, < ► p. l" c Shaker Flannel at 12' .<$ —4;> inches wide; in rem- < y '' i yd.—36 inches wide; white nant lengths. i . lA ,. ~ ~ ~ m . only.. Tubing at yd.—42 inches pin-on Collar Sup- 4 KW-yard Spool Blink 10c Quting Flannel at GUf wide; full pieces; value 19c porters, 2 for , ► Sewing Silk | yd.—in remnant lengths. and 21c. ► ~ _ ~T t . 12c Flajinel at 9<* yd.—:J6 JCc Dallas Sheeting at 24c yd. 5c Colored Plead Pin-. ? i ► I'JC Hancy Pin Cushions, j inches wide; neat stripes —Bl inches wide- s special for cards s(' i ' ► lU< 1 and plaids. Thursday only. ' : < l ~. , " . i 10c Shaker Flannel at 6' 32c Pepperell Sheetina at 2-i-r* 15c pair Pomp Bows, s«* < 12Uc and loc pair Silk yd.-fine for children's; yd.-90 inches wide; special < Dress Sluelils lOy i wear. for the one day only. box Black Pins, " . r I 10c Outing Flannel at 5? yd. 12y a c Sheeting at 8«* yd.—4o * K o pair Black Shoe Laces, —dark colors only; in Ito i inches wide; unbleached; doz. Black Safety i ► lengths, metal tips, , 2 yard lengths; some match. sheer quality. Pius tip i y , : : . 121/ 2 C Cretonnes at 8f yd.— 10c to 15c Muslin at vd. < y ''"/.en darning j n light and dark patterns; | —Masonville, Ilill and"Fear- 'sc Snnbonuets at . tuu •* 1 in oriental and floral de- ; less muslins in the lot. ► . . -i sigus; named Stratford, for 45c Sheets at 25£ —size 72x90 50c dozen Sanitary \ap .. s ®. eather-stitt'h 1 comforts. inches. Sold only to those kills i j Braid. - lor of n c Canton Flannel at 7 purchasing at Domeslic ! > -.r- —heavy nap, full pieces. counter. Box Wire Hair Pins, 4 i j > 2jc Sanitary Belt, 15c - . 4 i ij** * * * I EPISCOPAL SYNOD OPENS ! Many Dignitaries and Laymen Attend Session at Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, Nov. 18. —The first ! ilfiy's session of the third province of I the Episcopal Synod opened yesterday ' morning in Calvary Episcopal church, East End, with prominent church dig nitaries and laymen present from the Bethlehem, Delaware, Erie, Harris- I burg, Maryland, Pennsylvania, South ern Virginia, Virginia tml Washington dioceses. Each bishop of these dioceses is a member of the synod. From each diocese there are also four clerical and four lay deputies. In attendance are the Kight Rev. ! Phillip M. Rhinelauder, the Kight Rev. ! Thomas J. Garland, the Rev. L. X. | Caley, the Rev. H. F. Fuller, the Rev. I J. lieWoif Perry, all of Philadelphia, ! and the Rev. G. G. Bartlett, of Jeukin | town. The laymen present jrom ..iJ Quaker City are Henry Boonell, George R. Bower, W. W. Frazier and Dr. J. Nicholas Mitchell. The feature of yesterday's session was an address by the Right Rev. Dr. Beverly D. Tucker, coadjutor bishop of Southern Virginia diocese, condemning "all the shame and horror" of the European war. The religious services at the opening of the session were con ducted by Bishop Cortlandt White head of the Pittsburgh diocese. At the evening session the Rev. Arthur s. Lloyd, I). l->.. and William B. Butler spoke on "Missionary Activi ties/' ROOSEVELT PRIVATE CITIZEN One of the Privatest Sort, He Adds, For Sake of Emphasis ' New York, Nov. 18.—Theodore Roosevelt, private citizen. Thee is the latest role that the ex President of the United States has adopted. He declared yesterday that that is the only capacity in which he is going to appear until further notice. When reporters sought to interview him, he said: "1 am a private citizen of the pri vatest sort—and I haven't a thing to say about anything." He meant it, too. All attempts to get him to comment on the election or anything els t > were futile. When the Colonel was interviewed the day after election he said that he wouldn't comment ou the returns un til they were all in. They were all in yesterday, but he had no comment to make. Three Parties Wiped Out St. Paul, Nov. 18. — The Progressive, Socialist and Independent Labor parties failed to ge: sufficient votes in Minne sota at the recent general election to entitle them to legal standing as polit ical organizations, completed unoflicial returns showed vesterdav. Archbishop Blenk Out of Danger Chicago. Nov. 18. Archbishop .lames Blenk. of New Orleans, who was taken to a hospital here last week, was pronounced out of danger by his physician yesterday. He will remain at the hospital for some time, how ever, for treatment. Coast Citrus Jrop 932,000,004) Los Angeles, >[ov. IS.—California's citrus crop for the 1914-15 season is estimated at 4,">,0 i 00 cars, valued at ap proximately $32,000,000 by G. H.iPow ell, general manager of the California fruit t Growers' Exchange. This is practically the same valuation as last vear. j BEER TAKES A MAN'S MIND Remembers Only His Name After Drinking KM) Glasses a Day j Cincinnati, Nov. 18. —His mind 'i I blank as the result, it is said, of drink ! ing 100 beers daily, is the condition in j which .lohn Wuerster, driver of a brew | ery wagon, finds himself to-day. Over i indulgence in 'beer is held responsible for his condition. The man's plight \ was brought to the attention of the j public yesterday in- an announcement | to the effect that at Monday night's | meeting of the Academy of Medicine i Dr. Robert Ingram exhibited Wuerster, j who is a patient at the Cincinnati bos I pital. Wuertser remembers his name, but I his mind is a blank, as far as his pres ent activities are concerned, the phy | sieian says. WED AFTER «0 YEARS Romance of Six Decades Ago Culmi nates in Marriage j South Norwalk, Conn., Nov. I B.—\ j romance which has survived the jolts ! of GO years, including two marriages J for each participant, had its culmina llion here yesterday in the marriage of | Adino Ezekial Brooks, 80 years old, and i Mrs. Annie O. Baker, 74. In 1854, when they were boy and I girl sweethearts in New York, Mr. Brooks anil Mrs. Baker had a little j tiff, which led to their separation. Each j was married twice and through all the I years tihev have corresponded. They j said that yesterday was the happiest of { all their life. RESCUE WORKER A SUICIDE Accused by 15-year-old Girl, He Shoots Himself Los Angeles, Nov. 18. —Herbert W. j Lewis, head of the Children's Homo j Aid Society of California, committed suicide in a park yesterday by taking poison. Lewis was arrested on Monday on complaint of a 15-year-old girl in his charge. He was to have appeared in court yesterday* on a habeas corpus pro ceedings. He was 55 years old, a man of family and of more than State wide | prominence in the work of rescuing I waifs and reclaiming wayward girls. He had protested his innocence of the | offense charged against him. WEIGH YOURSELF BEFORE USINC Weigh yourself before commencing to use Samose, the great flesh-forming food. The wonderful sale of this prepa ration since first introduced in Harris 1 burg and the remarkable results fol lowing its use have made H. ('. Ken : nedv such an enthusiastic believer in ! the great value of Samose that he gives j his personal guarantee to refund the ! money if Sainose will not make thin people fat and restore strength and ! health to those who use it. This is a strong guarantee, but 11. C. Kennedy has seen so many of his cus tomers who a few weeks ago looked like walking skeletons become plump and well, through the use of Bai»'ose that he feels he cannot say too much to induce people to try it. This marvelous flesh-forming food is assimilated as soon as it is takeu into the stomach, makes good rich blood, tones up the weakened system, helps to assimilate the food and makes the user plump, well and rosy. Adv. C.V. NE DIG UP REMAINS OF IN WHO FELL AT GETTYSBURG Fragments of Clothing, Boots and a Brass Button Indicate That They Had Been Members of the Union Army Gettysburg, Nov. IS. —Lying little more than fifteen inches below the sur face, the bones of two soldiers were found n't the southwestern edge of town by William H. .Johns, who is en gaged in doing some work about his property on Steinwehr avenue. The re mains, it is believed, are those of two I'nion men. The discovery was made bv Mr. Jones while he was digging a ditch to lay a water pipe. The larger bones were found, the limbs of both soldiers being fairly well preserved. The boots of the one were still there, though the toes were missing, evidently cut oil" by a plow. The land has been cultivated for years and why the bones were not turned up before is hard to understand. With the bones were found part of an 'old army hat, a number of teeth and a brass button, indicating that, one of the men 'belonged to a Union com mand. No money and no personal ef fects were found with the liones. Missed Cat, Hit Cow Waynesboro, Nov. 18.— A boy from town, while hunting on the land ten anted by Stover Kriedley, west of town, shot at a cpt that he mistook for a rabbit and accidentally hit one of Mr. Priedley's cows that was in pas ture. Fortunately the hunter was a good distance from the animal and the shot didn't penetrate deeply, leaving the cow only slightly injured. Township Exonerated by Jury Carlisle, Nov. 18, —A verdict in fa vor of 'the defense was returned t« a jury in common pleas court liere late yesterday in the suit of Cumberland County against Kast Pennsboro Town ship. The action was a claim made •by the county against the township for the cost of repairing a certain stretch of township road. The jury found that the township did uot agree to bear a portion of thv "ost, of the road-build ing, as was alleged by the plaintiff. An apipeal will be taken by counsel representing the county and argument presented to the court for the purpose of having decided technical points which it is contended are involved in the controversy. Ministers to Aid Belgians Carlisle. I'a.. Nov. IS. The United Ministers of Carlisle have arranged for a house-to house canvass and extension of a campaign over Cumberland county to gather funds and supplies for the suffering Belgians. The committee in charge is W. A. Hutchison, chairman; the Kevs. F. T. Plummer. E. H. Kellogg, M. A. Kennelly and A. R. Steck. Tiued for Swearing Hagerstown, Nov. 18.—Henry Mor rison, who keefps bar in the Curtis sa loon, North Jonathan street, was fined yesterday by Justice Ankenev $1 on the charge of swearing on the street. The fine was paid. Morrison pleaded guilty, but said that John Seeord, who had sworn out the warrant for hiiu. had fllso sworn 5 ou the street, and secured a warrant for him. In commenting on the case Justice Ankeney said there is entirely l *' too much swearing on the street anil every one found doing the samp should "be arrested. Close Hearing on Will Case Chamberslburg, Nov. IS.—The trial ot the Huhrman will ease in common pleas court, with Judge Charles V. Henry, of Lebanon county, specially presiding, was concluded yesterdav. Charles A. Bnhrman. who died in RouV erville, was found to be a person of weak mind and some time after this action lie made a will, which was ad mitted to prdbate. Action was then brought to establish the validity of t he will. Decision is pending. Senator Hoke to Address Elks ('arlisle, Nov 18. —For the annual "Lodge of Sorrow," in which the mem bers of the Carlisle Lo ige of Elks will hold memorial services in honor of their ilea I brothois, Senator .1 olin W. Hoke, of < hamber-jburg. has been secured iw orator. The services will this year b.; held ou Sunday, December (i. There also will be a number of musical selec tions, both vocal and instrumental. Senator Stone's Plurality 54,517 1 Jefferson City, Mo., Nov. 18. —Sena- tor William .1. Stone, Democrat, had t plurality of 3 4,517 when he was re* elected to the Senate November I!, ac cording to the official returns announced by the Secretary of State yesterday. Dog Fires Gun, Wounding Master Millville, \. J., Nov. IS.-~W4vil« gunning for rabbits in South Millville late yesterday, Kobert Foster was shot, in the foot 'by his own gun. He was taken to the Viueland hospital, where two of his toes were amputated. Fos. ter had wounded a rabbit and laid hi'i gun down to catch it. One of the dogfc struck the gun with its foot and it was discharged. Boy Hunter Shoots Himself Lancaster, Nov. 18.—While rabbit, hunting. Felix l-andis, of Eden, It! years old, wa sshot in the hip by the accidental discharge of his gun and is now in the Lancaster general hospital in a serious condition. PARK SIDE HOSPITAL Open to maternity cases of all reputable physicians. Trained nurses in attendance. 1900-02 04 Market Street Both Phones