The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, November 17, 1914, Page 9, Image 9

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May Not B« Mixed Up in Program.
However—Alfred J. 1011. Jr., Re
elected President and Bubieu Made
New York, Nov. 17.—Subjects of vi
tai interest to athletics iu this country
were discussed at the auuual meeting
oi toe Amateur Athletic I'nion of the
I'u.ted States yesterday. The dele
gates. representing all the divisional
associations in the union, were busilv
engaged preparing reports for the main
-essiou. and last night they attended a
President \if red ,T. I.;; 1 j r ., 0 f Bos
ou. was unanimously reelected and
•lohn Kiliott. Francisco: George P.
H'.vltng. Philadelphia: Charles A.
Van, Chicago, and George A. Turner,
Ua : i more, were elected vice presidents.
Frederi-St W. Kubie.i, president of
the Metropolitan Associat on. the only
nominee for secretary-treasurer. was
unanimously elected to the office, made
vacant by the death of James E. Sulli
> an. v. ho for over 20 years was a
dominant factor iu everything oertaiu
ittg to national and international track
and field athletics. The uuiou voted
to jj ve $2,500 to a fund which is be
ing raisei for the i»urpose of erecting
a Sullivan memorial.
All the national championships of
the organization, with one exception,
we e awarded to the Panama-Pacific
imposition tor 1915. The exception
■v is the n itimta! boxing championships,
which vi!' be held at Boston. The win
ners o". tae oolitic championship* will
be -cut to «*an Francisco later on.
however. to take part in the exposition
•*ttti !i,-:onsb! ■> bouts.
T ■>' receipts from all sources amount
ed to anil the disbursements
■veie The balance in the
'.te,;- 1 - or tb.> union now >s 5 3,-
» U>. ;:s ajatnst $1'1.705.02 one year
Several uwidMata to the constitu
tion r ' oiosed and discussed at the
:i'w;. j, but only three of tlieni were
.'he most radical of these
ouv i which women are enabled
o tor swimming events >on
iiiu.i ■ ■-, -.;*iv?ly to women competitors.
The laws o she uniou heretofore pro-
Mi:";'! a ! registering in aa> dc
• •art cut sp«» r : tinder the union's
, ur ■"diction.
>-ene I- ru - V] s,> tion 14, relating
to eati'cs. -as amended to rea i as t'ol
• The entries for all amateur ath
•et ;r.e haiupiouships. both nation
al and assoi iution. *hati close with the
chairman of the championship commit
tee. o- sueii r erson as he may desiguate
f. - t; put. ■< The winne- <■•_' a
junior championshi shall be permitted
"o . ii.ete iti any event in the senior
chanipicnshit < iu the same ear upon
paying fci* entrv fee. The ehatnpion
-ai > co: at. tree shall ha< e power to sus
pen 1 any athlete who fai > to pav his
entry fee.
Iv.ile XI. relating to professions eon
'.sts and exhibitions, which i as cause'.
.- deal of ife -iv a re-, entiy, "Tas
hauled to rea l:
•Professional contests or exhibitions
siall be allowed a: _;ante*. meetings o:'
entertainments held under the aus
pices of the A. A. U. A regul»rly-em
•loyed instructor, however, may take
i art with h s . upils in group exhibt
ons o-t' No competition shall be
held between an amateur and 3 profes
sional. and where both amateur and pro
fessional eonte--* ■! t» he'd »t the same
.•'•ante aud same day all amateur events
must cither precede the professional
events, or vice versa."
Y • «ccr-:tarv was instructed to give
U" d:f s" not' e to the Natioua! Oath
i: A'tia ■ - Athletic League of the
-itr eiir.' o: its alliances *uth the
A. A. V.. i asou given -'or this
drik.-t actios being continued inactiv
rv in. on the part of the
ia'. w.k- League.
V • was u'ven :o ;he Paeifi*
Northwest. Southern Pacific. Inter
b "i ii,an. u-d Rocky Mountain Associa
tions to hold a Par West ehampioc-
Permiss'on also was granted to
add tLie < iiual Zone to the Southern
itic Association.
V. S. S. Wyommg Wins Knox Trophy
Washington. D. C.. Nov. 17.—The
battleship Wyoming, Captain J. H.
Mennon. litis been awarded the "Knox
Trapfv." offered by the Sons of the
Revolution o Massachusetts to the
battleship making the best record in
gunnery da-iug the -urrent year.
Non-cr®aay Tallet Cream—Keeps th#
<'icin Soft and Velvety in Kouya
Weather. An Exquisite Toilet Prep
aration, Sac
IK >. Third and P. ft. R. St*Hon
Lancaster's Favorite Brew
JNO. G. WALL, Agt.
Harrisburg, Pa. Frank J. Rieker, Mgr.
French Authority Thinks United States !
Will Hold Meet
Paris. Nov. 17. —The Olympic games
in 191S may be held in the I'nited
States. Barou Pierre de I'otibertiu,
preaident of the International commit
tee. says if circumstances, material or
sentimental, prevent their being hel4
in Kuropo in IPI6. they cannot be |
poned uutil l!* 20. as sugge«tevl. but that j
they might be held in America.
The war. Barou de Couberttn thinks, i
will not have anything more rhan a I
t>rief. temporary effect upon sporti&g \
IVati.-e. Individual records will suffer i
b«rause such stars as Jean Benin, the j
great runner, have fallen at the front,
and others, no doubt, will follow The j
younger element will not reach their >
highest form for three years or more. :
out eventually, the Baron thinks, the i
war will prove to have been si iticenr
ive to physical training.
Casino League Same Won by Small
The Orpheunis won from the Alphas
n the Casino League match on the
Casino alleys last evening by a mar- i
gin of 34 pins. Berger. Morrison and
Pnnis bowled well. The score:
Krnis .... 175 194 1!»S ii5S '
Mart/. .... 145 152 !o9— 43'!'
Burger ... 151 125 207 — 453
MattorlT .. Ist> 152 15S— 41» t>
Morrison .. !Sl 203 178— 562 ■
Totals . . SOS S2•> 580—2515!
ORl'll fell" MS
Ross 171 IS2 202—533
Hargest .. 17" 13S 176 — 457 ,
W.A.Miller 169 U9 16S— 456 i
Beck 151 164 162 477
Wilson ... 173 169 202 54 4 |
Totals .. S3" SO2 910—25 U !
Feds Put Up Feeble Game and Lose
by ->'<» Pins
In the regular game in the Elks''
Bowling l.esgie la-" evening; the Arti
sans downed the Feda by the decisive
margin or' 2SO s. Steigleman, with
200. had t 1 .-'-.rhest single game score.
The score: .
C. Schmidr 143 112 129 3SI
H. Reese . 112 10 7 110— 329
Sootier .. . 120 I2S 125 373
Sigler . .. 14S 131 166—443
Steigienrau. 133 200 1 17 — 4SO
Totals 654 67S 677—2009
Knauff ... 114 173 163 4?>o
Palmer .. . 134 129 160 — 423
Pa IK 175 132 162 459
Hoffman . . 147 127 125 399
Behuev IS2 150 166 49S
Totals 752 731 776—2289;
P. R. R. Y. M. C. A. Alleys Scene of
Good Bowling
In a R. R. T. M. C. A. match last
evening the Bisons won from the Ath
letics by 4 6 pins. Chard and Oawford
tie i for h ill game honors. The
Ford 168. 143 162 — 473
> rawfofd .. 123 114 192 431
Keller 152 155 115— 422
Adams .... 173 158 122 433
Hostetter . . IS2 191 138 — 531
Totals .. SO2 761 749—2312
Mum ma 142 130 17>— 470
C-hard .... 122 150 192 — 464
Hoffman 101 135 140 — 396
Felke- . . !SS 149 IS7 499
Mathias . 125 148 164 437
Totais . . 653 752 561—2266
Holtznsan Le?sue Gaines Won by Small
Margin of ;»5 Pins
The CVutrats won three games in its
match on the Holtsnian alleys last '
evening with the Americans, raking
the match by 33 pins. Gowdy anl,
O 'Learv were stars. The «<ore:
Fox 109 101 133 343
Thome 97 105 131—'333
Goudv .... 126 137 94 357
Port" S9 111 78— 278
Gable 117 S2 73 274:
Totais .. 53S 536 311—1585
blaster 119 103 111— 233
Natiian ... 118 S4 _S4 — 2§6
Yoder ... 72 83 87— 242
Peffer 116 110 130— 356
O Leary .. 109 134 90— 333
Totals .. 534 314 502—1550
Basketball at Academy
Coach Tatem yesterday issued a a>l
for candidates for the basketball team
at the Harrisburg Academy, and a
large number reported. Practice will
be held -a the gymnasium. The first
game will be played December 5.
Penbrook Defeated York Team
The Penbrooii A. C. defeated the
Bethany team, of York, in a well'
played football game at' Penbrook by
the s ore of 26 to 2.
Try Fourth One for Murder
Lancaster, Pa.. Nov. 17.—Tony'
Mastereerne is on trial here for the
murder of Tony Coilata, the fourth man
tried for the offense, three having ai-:
ready been convietea in the first de
Eastern Visit of Ban Johnson Said to
Presage Naming of back's lieu
tenant as Leader of Yankees—Far
rail to Stay in Baseball
Ne» York, Xov. 17.—1; is expected'
j that, as a result of a visit waich Pre&i
i dent Bau Johnson, of the American '
League, will make here aud iu Philade)
j phia during the next few days, Ira
Thomas, captain of the Athletics, Con i
jme 'Mack's first lieutenant, will t>t'
j named as manager of the Yankees for
: next season. At the recent meeting of
I the American League in Chicago, the
club owners decided that something
1 shouki be done at once to give the
\ankees a high class manager aud a
■Stronger team, if the American League)
hoped to rival the patronage of the NH
I tional league iu th>s city.
It is understood that several men
twve beeu considered for the place, aud
that Johnson s in favor of Thomas,
j on account of hh> knowledge of Alack's
methods and his wide experience with
world's championship teams. Thomas
j has been retained bv Mack for the last
I couple of seasons in the ■capacity of
Icoach and adviser, but as the lean lead
ed also has Harry Davis acting in tae | •
same capacity. :t is believed that John
! son will engineer the deal so that
j Thomas 'an come here as manager.
; Johnson, who left Chicago Sunday
■ aigat, has not yet made his presence
i known in this city, and it is believed
'that he will visit Philadelphia before
Yomirg here. At the offices or' the New-
York Americans yesterlav all knowl
j edge of Johnson 's coming or of his;
I plans was denied.
Another purpos 1 of Johnson's visit
is said to be the ttansi'er of the stock
in the Yanki'es owned by William S.
Dev-ery. Th ■ latter, it is stated, has
tired of baseball, aad lost considerable j
money on the Jersey City drib, of the j
t International' League, last season. He j
is said to I>e willing to sell out his New-
York stock at a reasonable figure, -but.
from aii amounts, it is launel to re
raiu -rank -T. I'arrell as president of
II »e club. At the American league meet
ing 'ast week Farreil was elected a
•ueui'ber of the board of directors of the
eagiie. which in licates that he expects
to stay in base'oall.
Leo Houck Too Strong for the Wilkes
Barre Boxer
Lancaster, Pa.. Nov. 17. — Before t.iei
Lancaster Athletic Club last eveuin;,
Lee Houck an.l Kid Wagner, of Wilkes
Barre. battled ha-1 through six rotiniis.
The men were in goo«I trim and it was
■ a fast tisjht from start to finish.
Houck was slow at first and Wag
uer went ax'tei- aim hard, but neither
lad any advantage in the opening
round. Wagner pushed I.eo hard in the
second round and beat him to the ropes,
and honors we* with the Wilkes-Barre
lighter. lictK'k let '.ooee strong iu the
tfiurd and ai-iei off the honors. In the
fourth ae ha 1 Wagner groggy, biu chc
" bell saved him. Leo had the better of
: the argument in Uie fifth and iu the last
round, though Wagner put r.r a game
tight and was bested by onlv a small:
Father and Two Sons Arrested in
Niagara Pails. Ont„ Nov. 17.—r'o
seph Snyder* aud his two sous. Riehar
and Arthur, are under arrest at tn"
Forty-fourth Regiment Armory, charge i
with high treason in attempting to taite
Austrian reservists across the border to;
I the American side. They are liable to
' a death penalty.
The Snyders have beeu un<ie- sur
: veillance !'o- some time and wye
caught ,n a trap. They were offered S4O
j to laud four Austrian* on the American'
?tde. The money was paid atii four
1 supposed Austrian* were brought to
! them. A squad of miiitiamen surround
ed the party an j imprisoned tne Sny
ders in the armory. The case is in the
bauds of the military.
An American Ruth Now to I
; Bethlehem. Pa.. Nov. 17.—Mrs. Han
nah Deck Woodriug, of Freemansburg. *
yesterday i-clebrated her one hundred
and first birthday anniversary, in splen
did health. When she w*as young she
worked in the grain fields along with
'he men. and received 37 cents a day.
Winter Again in Altoona
Aitoona. Pa.. Nov. 17. —vSnow fiur
I ties covered the ground with a thin
white mantle last night. They accoai
■ yanied a big drop ;u temperature, fol
| lowiuii yesterday'" rain.
and make | r °* •«*««aoon" I
money i wai ai i ■ <i t
tamnai » T» Wi*. i# Ita i if a.
wmSnSZ**. JOSHUA P. H. POTT# j
IISCSt. Wuhittf. P.C IS. DwrWraSt.. dictf
Q{:txr££f:j£3. * t\:s
Correct Cut-away shape to
satisfy fashion's edict and
the Easy-Tie-Slide-Space
to satisfy comfort and
convenience, found in all
I'nited Shirt JL Co'.lit.Co., Tro>, N. V.
Jim*** (..• \:c:-
E. Stabley, of York, Visited His Son
Over Sunday .
Special Correspondence.
Fisiierville, Nov. 17.—Mrs. Alvin
Parmer and Miss Minnie Speece, of
Halifax, spent a. day in town last week.
Lloyd Marsh left for Philadelphia
last week where he has employment.
William J. Bordner. of Millersinirg,
was in town ou business last Friday.
William Reinberger. of Halifax, a
former resident of this place, was in
town 'ast Thursday visiting his many
Mrs. Isaac Kerstotter and MissSatl e
Radel aud Mrs. William Wilbert s;>en t
a few days at Lykens last week.
Services for next Sunday are as fol
lows: Preaching at Knders a? 10 a.
m.. Fetterhoff at - p. at. and Fishervilla
a: 7.30 p. m. These services will con
tinue during the week each evening.
The Lord's Supper will be held at 10
a. ut. oa Sunday. :he 29th. The Sunday
school has decided to ha\e a Christmas
service on Christmas D:iy. The Rev.
J. F. >tac'ev. .
Mr. and Mrs. W. it. Miller and Mrs.
Lydia Bowman and granddaughter, mo
torad to Her".ton on Saturday where
they v >,te i old acqua'-trait es.
Mrs. 'Ha. 1 y t>. Keitcr has gone to a
Harrisonrg hospital where she has un
dergone an operation.
F. Loudermilch and family were at
'tar.i- • g on Saturday.
K. of York, visited ii 5 son.
the Rev. J. F. St., dev. over Sunday.
•I. Bixier was a; Ha-risburg oa
Monday 011 business.
School Teachers Hold Annual Turkey
Dinner at A vale u Cottage
Special Correspondence.
Dauphin. Nov. 17.—The following
teachers of the Harrisburg public
schools heid their annual turkey din
ner in Avalon cottage 011 Saturday:
Professor an i Mrs. Edward Rose. Pro
fessor Brehm. Professor Macheu. Misses
Io!a Vrich, Jane Dase. Maude Robin
son. Delia Simouetti. Hsieti Krall,
Blanche Paul, Elizabeth Baker. Rhedna
Stauibaugb, Minnie Kreider, Anna
Swope. Minerva ilepford. Jane Deibler,
Ruth Bratton, Josephine Koser, Lillie
Pentz. Bertha Pent.. Helen Reynol Is.
Rhedna Mayers. Mabel Meeklev, La
Vene Grove, Miss Brown, Miss Wells,
Miss tKerholser. Miss Woof and Mrs.
William Mayers.
Toe bazar and food saie held in I.
O. O. F. hall on Saturday afternoon
and evening was a success in every
way. The hall was beautifully decorat
ed with autumn leaves an.i ferns, aud
bouquets of chrysanthemums. ai> i each
booth was laden with food aud canned
goods of all description.
Mr. and Mrs. Jonas --halter and
children are visiting at Weikert.
The Rev. George F. Baker, of Au
well. N. J.. visited hi, f a rent*. the Rev.
I'. M. and Mrs. Baker, last week.
Mrs. George M. Wolfe and niece,
Miss Mary Grimm, spent last week at
H. C. M-i.artv, of Wiiiiamsport. wa»
in town Fri iuv. aientiue. William Douglass
and Aaron Shaker have returned from
a hunting trip to Weikert, Pa.
Mrs. C. W. Bowman aud children
have returned to their home, at Reno
vo. after spen ing a week with Mr. and
Mrs. G. M. Kinter.
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Reed and sou,
Russeil, spent Sunday in Fowl's Val
S. V. diaries Wenfall Visit Wash
ington Sunday Correspondence. Nov. 17. —'J. >V. Wesu'all
and <"baric- Wesa'all a.-eotkiacied the
Pennsylvania railroad excursion to
Wasniugton. D. ' .. on Scnt.av.
Mrs. M. iC. Behm spent Saturday at
Mr>. J. M. ■» a rover soent Sunday
with friends at Mahantongo.
Miss Mary Yanetta. of McClellan,
s>pent Sunday at the home of 'Mr. and
Mrs. C. C. Bender.
Irwin 1.. Wagner, o.f Harrieburg,
•< eat Sunday in town with his sister.
Mrs. H. Stewart Potter.
i-Uarles Mitter. of Watsontown, was
home with .lis family over Sunday.
Misses Marion aud Helen Louder
tr.'lk visited frieads in Harrisburg on
Saturday evening.
Mrs. William Fetternoff and children,
of Lueknow.i visited relatives in town
on Sunday.
ElniT E. Daugnerty is spending the
week in Harrisburg.
Body of George McCafferty's Daughter
Taken to Duncannon for Burial
Special Correspondence.
Hershey. Nov. 17.—P. X. Kasson
and Ewing Cain have gone to Wheeler
ville, Sullivan county, on a gunning
Mrs. W. F. R. Muncie anil childreu
are visiting relatives at TXtrwberland,
The Rev. 0. G. Rotnig is spending a
week at Tower City.
Emma Gertrude, the 7-year-old daugh
ter of George MeCaffertv, died on Sun
day morning. The funeral was held on
Tueaday morning. The body was taken
to Duucauuon for burial.
The Itev. N. 1. Linebaujjjh delivered
an address at the Rally Day servi'ces
on Sunday afternoon at Fontans.
v Thomtts Spangler, uf Lel'anou, has,
secured a position at the Hrmhey care.
O. W. Sueath is friends at
i Newport - .
Misses Ruth aud Agues Lent:: spent
Sunday at their homo at Jonestown,
Miss Esther E'bersole, of M't. Joy,
is the guest of 'Miss Mary Painter.
M". and Mrs. Thomas Black visited
relatives at Heading on Sunday.
Harry tiaveratu-k aft envied the flow 1
! er sttiow at Lancaster ou Saturday.
Michael Farliug la Buildiu* an Addi
tion to His Business Stand
Special Correspondence.
Linglestowu. Nov. IT.— Michael
1 Failing is building an addition to Vis
: place of business, an extension of some
1 SO feet, under the management of Car
penter Berger.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Wal
mer, with interment in Saoop's church
| cemetery, Saturday afternoon was
largely attended.
Mrs. J. A. Shepler spent Saturday
1 with friends at Uarrisburg.
Mjss Martha BuekwaVter, of Irving
j College, Mecuanicsburg, was the week
i end guest of Miss (Marion Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fox, of Prog
j ress. and Mr. aud Mrs. John Haiti, of
I Hainton, spent Sunday as the guests
j of Mr. aud Mrs. John T. Fox.
Charles George moved on Monday to
the home of Mrs. Marv Rhein. vacated
by the Justice of the 'Peace.
Harry l.ook. of Uarrisburg, and
j .Miss Miranda Kelso, of Chambers burg;
Miss Helen Vox, of Pleasant View;
i Miss Lillian Haiti, of Hainton, and
! Mrs. Charles Reimert and daughter,
i Catherine, of town, spent Sunday as
the g.tetis o. Mr. and Mrs. John Fox.
Mr. and Mr«. John Crttm and son,
Koss: Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Seiler and
! daughter, Vera, took an automobile trip
!to Annville and spent the day with
j friends.
Mr. ttiul Mrs. Karl Nye and daugh
ters. Katharine, \lary and Kiuma, ot'
Cofifertown, on Sunday were the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. John Keller.
Miss Marlon S>inith, Miss Hulda
Longenecker and Miss Verna Juillard
spent Thursday as the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. John Wirst.
Mrs. Sallie Harper, of Cloverly
| Heights, was the recent guest of Mr.
i and Mrs. Monroe Kile.
(Miss Ruth Geyer, of Middletown,
! spent several days as the guest of her
grandmother. Mrs. Rebecca Baker, and
' family.
j William Spangler, of Penbrook. 011
; Sunday was the guest of Ross l-ook.
Mrs. Mabel Beirfbower. of Carlisle, is
spending several days of this week the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Koons.
Mrs. Austin Schauer and daughter.
Anna, spent ft few days with friends
. at Harri.-jurg.
Miss Vesta Koous spent last week
I the guest of her grandparents at Car
Mr. and Mrs. John Look, of West.
Hano. er township, spent Sunday as the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Cmm.
Norman Ditlow. of' Camp Hill, on
Sunday was Lie guest of Mr. and Mis.
| Charles Koons.
Philadelphia Woman Pays Visit in the
Interest of Suffrage
1 Sp?cial Correspondence.
Milierstown. Nov. 17. —Miss Lil
-1 iian Howard, of Philadelphia, was in
town ou Friday in the interest of the
; Woman Suffrage Association, with
headquarters at Harrisburg.
Miss Mary Gordon, of Fannettsburg.
lis visiting Mrs. S. C. Alexander.
H. E. Walker has returned home
from a week's hunting trip in Juni
ata county.
Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Rubin spent sev
eral days in Baltimore.
Mrs. A. H. Ulsh was in Newport on
| Saturday.
The Rev. Mr. McCurdy, of Thomp
sontowD. preached in the Methodist
i church on Sunday evening. ,
Mrs. William Walker ha« returnc!
home from Reed's Gap. where she vis
ited her mother, Mrs. Mary Hutchin
son. *
Mrs. Hess. One of the Oldest Residents
of Borough, Dies
Special Correspondence.
Elizabethtown. Nov. IT.— Mrs. Hess,
widow of the late Frederick Hess, died
Sunday morning at the home of her
roc. Harry Hess., on Park street. Death
being due to intirmities incident to her
advanced year*. She ha'd attained the
age of four score years and was one
of the oldest residents of the borough.
SBe is survived by the following chil
dren: Mrs. Anios Rutt. Harry, Amos
and Benjamin Hess, of town, and -Mrs.
John Baker, of Laudisville. >She was a
member of the Mennonite church. The
funeral took place this morning.
Word has been received here that a
family formerly residing in the vi,-la
ity of Elizabethtown, .vho emigrated
to Canada several years ago. that un
der the enforcement of a conscription
act. three' of the sans were drafted
into the military service. During the
Civil war in this country non-combat
ants could be exempted for military
services by taikng the oath of having
conscientious scruples to perform mili
tarv dutv.
The fair held under the auspices of
the tire company for ten days, closed
on Saturday evening. It was well pat
ronized and proved to be a financial
Charles A. Coble has been appointed
to the position at the Masonic Home
vacated by Ross W. N'issley, of Hum
mel stow n.
Peter Ensminger, track foreman on
the Columbia and Marietta division of
the P. R. R., was badly injured when
a hugh bolder came rotliag down
Chi.-kles Rock. He was track foreman
here a number of years ago.
W. H. Engle, one of the managers
of, the Kreider Shoe Company, met with
an accident on Satur.iav resulting in
the laceration of the face by coining
in contact with a wire fence.
While toe family of Harry Wood
burn were eating supper they were
startled bv a terrific explosion in the
kitchen stove followed by a shower
of coal which fell on the table. Tne
cause of the explosion is thought to
be due to a gun cap being mixed in
the coal.
The following members of the Rod
and Gun Club left Saturday for theiT
camp in Clinton county: B. F. Gouch
nauer. Sam Parver. Harry Garman,
Wayne Garrett, Mart Lindemuth, Dr.
H. S. Bloujh. of this place; Harry
Gouchnauer. of Mt. Joy; Charles Far
eisoys, or MatietU. They expect to be .
gone about three Weeks. *
Funeral of Mrs. Stephen.sou to Take
Place To-morrow Momirn;
Special Ccrro»?'OUiler- •
llunimelstuwn, Nov, IT.— The fu
ueral ot' Mrs. Samuel Stephenson, who
died at t'ue Harrisburg hospital Sun-
Jay afternoon, will take plat' from
ti»e homo of Jacob Brehni, South Rail
road street, on Wednesday morning at
3 o'clock. Services will bo held iu "he
Oberliu church ami will be conducted
by the Rev. Samuel K. Brehni. Inter l
meat will be made in the Oberliu cem
Mr. aud Mrs. George \V. Karmauy
have loturned from Harrisburg where
they spent several days with Mr. and
Mrs. .lohu Shelly.
Mrs. J. H. Wise aud daughter. Miss
Bertha Wise, spent yesterday after
uoon in Harrisburg.
The Rev. D. Burt Smith, o' Easton,
former pastor of Zion Lutheran church,
is spending several days with friends
iu town.
Mrs. T. W. Fegely was a visitor in
Harris-burg yesterday.
William Laml'ts aud lame; Barclay
are ser\ ins ss jurymen at Harrisburg
this week.
Mrs. U rover C. Busei spent yester
Clay afternoon in Harrisburg.
Mrs. Mabel t'ronise Jones, of T1 ar I
risburg, delivered a lecture on Worn
au Suffrage in the parish house of
iiiou Lutheran church last evening.
There was a large attendance.
Miss Pearl Beliuey spent Sunday j
j with friends at Hershey.
Mrs. M. L. Nissley spent yesterday
afternoon in Harrisburg.
• The fair being held in Hummelstown
hall by the Chemical Fire Company
and Acme band attracted a large crowd i
of people last evening and numerous:
were disponed of. Concerts are ;
rendered each evening by the band.
The third anniversary of the junior;
congregation of the Reformed church
will be observed next Sunday morn
ing. The annual meeting of the cou
gregatiou will be held in the social;
room of the church on Saturday after ;
noon, when a party will be given for!
the little folks. All the members of!
the congregation are expected to be
present. ,
Mrs. Kdward Weitzel and children,
have returned to their home in Harris
burg after spending several days with
the former's parents. Mr. aud Mrs.
Edward Rboads.
! Harrisburg Hospital Extends Thanks
for Liberal Donations
Special Correspondence.
New Cumberland, -Nov. 17.—0n Sat- j
urdav afternoon tlie Keeuer A. ('. toot
ball team played with the New Cum
berland team on the athletic grounds, j
The game resulted in a score ot' 6 to 0 '
i in favor of the visiting team.
On Wednesday afternoon at I'.Ub
| Miss Palmer will make an address in
Trinity United Brethren Inuvii to!
; which all are invited.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith, Geary j
j street, announce the birth of a daugh
j ter. boru Satordav evening, November i
! 14.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Zimmerman and
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cookerlv spent
j Friday iu New York.
The Harrisburg hospital thanks the,
people of New Cumberland for their
| general gift of jellies and fruit for their i
:t«e. which consisted of the following: !
214 gia«ses of jelly, " 2 quart jars of
fruit, 3 1 quart jars of fruit, 7 1 -pint
! jars of fruit. 5 1 quart jars of jam,
j making a total of 261 articles.
Mrs. .T. V. Adams, wife of the Rev.
1 Mr. Adams, who had au operation per I
• formed on her throat at the Western
Maryland ho>-_ ital at Cumberland, M.1..
, the past week, is improving.
Mrs. Joseph Prowell, of Steelton.
j speut yesterday w ; th her parents. Mr.
I and Mrs. George 'Matiiias.
Harry Nauss. of Harrisburg. was the
! guest of his sister. Mrs. Harry Kauf
i man. yesterday.
Mrs. William Beader .ami 'laugiiter*.
V olet and Mary, of Beauiog. spent sev-1
• ctal days ith : Hrs. Bender 's parents, i
Mr. and Mrs. J. Shuler. Fourth
i street. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Shuler and ,
two children, of Knola. were guests of j
Mr. and Mrs. Sh'uler ou Sunday. j
Mrs. Myers and laughter. Delia, of
| Hagerstown. Md., are visiting friends
, ;i New Cumberland auj New iMur-
Inclement Weather Causes Postpone
ment of Communion Services
] Special Correspondence ■
Berrsyburg, Nov. 17. —John Dupiel.j
; of Hershey. is visiting his .;areuts, Mor
ris Daniel and family, for a few days.
Mrs. Harry 'Deibler was tlie guest of j
her sister, Mrs. Kate IM«ssner, of Har- '
j risfburg, over Sunday.
Alice Deibler, of Philadelphia, is vis
• iting Robert Deibler and family.
Mr. and 'Mrs. John'Campbell visited!
friends at Dornserf over Sundae.
Mr. and Mrs. :Swartz visited at the i
home of < harles Lebo and family.
The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Huyett who
uad been visiting relatives at Lancas
ter for a few weeks, returned home ou ,
1 Saturday.
On account of tiie rainy weather ou
Sunday evening the Communion serv • !
-•es iu the United Brethren church were
postponed until a later date.
Rtviva« services are being held iu
i the l". B. church during the week.
■Maud Bowman visited her sister,
Mrs. Charles iMattis, of Eiizabethville,
! over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Miller attended i
'the funeral of Mrs. Miller's father,
! Jacob Lenker. at Pillow on Monday.
! Florence Hoover returned home yes-'
terday morning after spending the week.,
with relatives ar ElizabethviHe.
•Mr. and/Mrs. Jacob Wefker attended
the funeral of Ja»-ot> linker at Pillow
ou 'Monday.
ment at Harrisburg Hospital
I Special Correspondence.
Middletown, Nov. 1 7. Mr. and
Mr*. Ballard Sehiefer, Ware Sehiefer,
of town, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry |
j Sehiefer. of Highspire, spent yesterday
iat Hershey as the guests of Otto
Sehiefer, who is one of the boys <)t the
Hershey Home.
The Susquehanna school building on
South Wood" street, will be closed for
several days on account of one of the
sections in the heating plant being
I busted and will require a naw one.;
John Thomas is doing the work.
George Carr transacted business at
Harrisburg yesterday.
The second entertainment of the
star course held in the Realty theatre!
•last evening, was greeted bv a large
crowd and was the Clara Wallace
cert Company.
Samuel Sh'roy has rented the Brandt
property on \\ itherspoon avenue, wdiero
he will keen house.
Klias Fa'linger, of town, was taken
to the Harrisburg hospital on Moudav
afternoou where he will undergo treat
Tile I nion Drill team and several
members, of the company attendej the last evening at Hlghspire.
The remains ot' the late Mrs. Fannie
"err were taken to Martinville, Lan
caster county ou 1 Saturday morning,
where services were held in the M. K,
' church, at rhat place at 2 o'clock. The
Itec. J. iSork oQiciated. Interment was
made iu the cemetery adjoining the
church. Those who attended the fu
neral trom town were Mr. and Mrs.
Jacob llerr, Levi Pickel and wife.
Irwin Pickel. Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Raymond Gingrich and the .Misses
1 o.a, Mary, and Ivy Gingrich, Miss
Sadie Grebs, of Harrisburg, aud Mrs.
Maine Suavely, of town, attended the
Mineral of the iate Michael Giugrieh,
held at her lute home at tnis
afternoon. S, B. Gingrich was unable
to attend the fuiteral of his brother, on
account of illness.
D. \\. HuuUberger received a car
load ot potatoes yesterday morning
w.»ich he is selling at 7tl cents per
bushel in five bushel lots.
The M \. C. football team will plav
the varsity team of the Gettysburg
College at the latter place ou Saturday
• The tirst game of the Middletown
basketball team will open up this even
ing iu the M. A. C. rooms aud will he
! ° v tlle Rt'seue and Win, roft and the
Liberty and Tenuis Club teams.
Several members of Washington
j Camp No. 371, will attend the special
meeting of the Past Presidents' Asso
j ciation at Steelton .this eveuhtg.
•Miss Ada Detweiler has returned
home from a week's visit to relatives
j iu Philadelphia.
The Revival Services in Methodist
Church Is Growing in Interest
| Sy • ,al Corresponds ,i •
Meehaniesburg, Nov. 17. -The re
vival services which have been in pro
gress iu the Methodist church the past
, four weeks are growing in interest and
i will be continued this week. The meet
:ngs are in charge ot' the pastor, the
. Rev. ,1. J. I!esh. Last evening several
.members of the personal workers' com
-1 nuttoe ot the Stough evangelistic cam
j paign, iu Harrisburg, weve present ;• n.l
assisted in the services. The address of
the evening was by one of the visitor-.
Mr. Wolbcrt, who spoke on the words
"Up Went Away," Matt. 1H:22. W.
I F. Whiteomb and other visitors o? ;li '
s tongh workers also spoke and brought
I added enthusiasm to the meeting.
A very interesting Missionary litsii
! tutc was held yesterday afternoon and
I evening in the First United Brethren
chujeli. The Institute was in charge of
the Kev. S. s. Hough, D. D„ of Dayton,
I 0„ secretary of the Foreign MNsionarv
'■ Society of the United Brethren church.
: Dr. Hough gave the address of the aft-
I eruoon and also at the evening
I session. In the evemng the Rev. .1. R.
I Caldwell, of Juuua Diaz, Porto Rico,
gave au address telling of the Mission
work iu that country ami the Uev.
I Klyoshi aha, of Tokio. Japan, toid of
| his conversion from Buddhism to * lirisr
: tianjt.v.
Lynn M. Irvine, of this pla-'e. was
' yesterday admitted to practice as an
attorney in the Cumberland County
Courts. Mr. Irv ine is a graduate of th •
high school, of this place, the Median
I iesburg Normal and Claasieal School,
and of the law department of the Uni
' versity of, \ irginta. lie is a member
I of the bar of tl»o Supreme Court of Vir
i gin in and will shortly be admitted t i
the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, hav
ittg successfully passed the State L>o ir I
examination-some mouths ago.
The funeral ot' iliss Lizzie Meily w;,s
held this afternoon from the home of
the Misses Hasiett. West Locust street.
Services were conducted by her pastjr,
the Rev. John Adam, of St. Paul'*
Reformed church. Interment was made
| in Trindle Spring cemetery.
Dr. Kaun, veterinary surgeon, of this
, piace, yesterday discovered foot and
i mouth disease in twelve animals in the
Lease aud Nailer stock yard, ou South
York "treet. The -:tock yard ha* been
George E. Lloyd. Miss Ida Kast,
H. H. Mercer an i .1. L. Shelly, attor
j neys of this place, attended court in
1 < arlisle yesterday.
Mrs. J. >i. Attick has returned from
a visit to relatives in Harrisburg.
I Dr. W. W. Strong, of this place, has
j accepted a position iu the faculty of
• the Carnegie Institute, at Pittsburgh.
Dr. Strong was formerly a member of
j the faculty of Johns Hopkins Univer
t sity.
■ Guilty of Small Theft.s in Queens; Has
Baby in Arms
New \ ork, Nov. 17.—Despite her
plea for mercy. Mrs. Fannie Lebowit/.,
30 years old, 15 Tompkins avenue,
Brooklyn, who carried a baby a few
j months old iu her arms, was yesterday
j.sentenced to five years and six months'
' imprisonment in Auburn prison by
Judge Humphrey in the Queens county
Mrs. Lebowitz had pleaded guilty to
i four indictments charging her with hav
ing entered four houses in Maspeth and
Eitnhurst and stealing small sums of
money. -She told Judge Humphrey that
she really didn't mean to steal and
: she wanted to go back to her home aud
j her tour children.
Judge Humphrey allowed her to with
i draw her plea of guilty to three of the
indictments and, as she had already
served a term in prison for theft, he
was unable to suspeud sentence, but
gave her the lightest sentence he could
o-i the indictment. She was led from
the court room sobbing.
It was said that her husband has i
place of responsibility in Manhattan,
but has been unable to break his wife
of her habit of committing small thefts.
Siguor Calogeras Appointed Minister
of Agriculture
Rio De Janeiro, Nov. 17.—The new
Brazilian Cabinet has been completed
with the apopintment of Deputy Calo
geras as ilinister of Agriculture. The
< abinet is headed by Dr. Ijauro Muller
as Minister of Foreign Affairs.
The previous Cabinet resigned last
• winter, when President, da Fonseca, who
was ill, retired from the capital, refus
ing either to resume oftlce or to resign.
Later the Cabinet reconsidered. Prcsi
; dent Gomez, former Vice President, was
t inaugurated Sunday.