STOMACH UPSEI? END INDIGtSIION. ; CIS. SOURNESS-PIPE'S DUPEPSIN ;In Five Minutes! No ' Stomach Misery. Heartburn. Gases 5 or Dyspepsia r ; Ton ran eat anything your stomach craves without fear of Indigestion or Dyspepsia, or that your food will ter- J ment or sour on your stomaeh, if you ' n ill take Pape's Diapepsin occasionally. Anything you eat will be digested; • nothing ran ferment or turn into acid, t poison or stomaeh gas, which causes SOCIAL and PERSONAL . FJX-WALTON NUPTIALS TO BE SOLEMNIZED TO NIGHT Wedding in Zion Lutheran Church at Hummelstown This Evening—The Rev. Dr. H. S. Games and the Rev. D. Burt Smith to Officiate Zion Lutheran church at Hummels town will be the scene of a brilliant wedding this evening at 7 o'clock, when Sliss Lillic Walton, daughter of •Mr. and Mrs. Allen K. Walton, of Brownst-one, becomes the wife of Assist ant District Attorney Robert T. Fox, a son of Mr. and Mrs. James G. Fox. The ceremony will be performed bv the Rev. H. S. Games, pastor of the church, as sisted by the Rev. D. Burt Smith, of Easton, a former pastor of Zion Luth eran. The bridal party will include the fol lowing attendants: Miss Carrol Walton as maid of honor, Miss Virginia Fox, Miss Hilpa Schrum aud Miss Shearer, as bridesmaids, and the best man will bo Ross Walters, of this city. Philip M. Mover, Elmer E. Erb, Thomas Fox and Paul Sytes will act as ushers. Immediately after the ceremony a re ception will be held at Locust Farm, the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fox will reside in Hummels town, in their handsome new home, a gift of the bride's father. PARTY FORJSS FRALICU The Misses Horning Give Delightful Affair in Honor of Their House Guest Misses Florence and Miriam Horning entertained at their home, 608 Dauphin street, in compliment to their house g'lest, Miss Rosella Fralich. of Millers burg. Music and games were enjoyed ai.d dainty refreshments served. The guests included Miss Rosella Fraiiek. of Millersburg; Miss Elizabeth Albert, Miss Evelyn EvkenbeVgcr, Miss EJith Hall, Misses Miriam and Florence Horning, Miss Blanche Garverick, Nelson Miller, George Shader, George liittner. Ili-kes Knelt, Derrick Fah ncstoc.k. John Ellicker, Garbcr Wil liams, Frank Machamer, Paul Horn ing and John Horning. Mrs. Horning was assisted bv Mrs. Garverich dur ing the evening. RIHLK ( I.ASS SITPKK Meu of Zion Lutheran Clsurch of Peu brook, to Eutertain I'll. •• Men's Organized Bible Class.'' of the Zion Lutheran church, of Pen broii!;. will have as their guests the Jamilies and friends of the class at an entertainment and oyster supper to be . gi'.en on next Thursday evening. No \ ember If. at 8 o'clock in the town hall. Ihe committee "n arrangements iiave prepared an excellent program for the evening's entertainment, A quantity o! fried oysters, ice cream, cake and numerous side dishes will be prepared to accommodate a large number of invited guests. Birth Announcements Mr. and Mrs. George J. Coloviras, 11>OS Market street. announce the b./th of a daughter, Monday, .Novem ber 16. Mrs. Coloviras was Miss Ber tha Oastro'k, of this city, prior to her marriage. Mr. and Mrs. J. Elmer Sto.kdale, Juniper street, announce the birth of a daughter, Anna Jane, Sun day, November 15. Eshelman-Bowinan Wedding Marietta, Nov. 17.—Miss Elsie E. Bowman was married yesterday morn ing at the parsonage o!' the Grace Re formed ehurch, ljancaster, to Chester G. Esheltnan, of Strasburg, by the pas tor, .the Rev. I). G. Grass, the ring • eremony being used. The couple was unattended and a reception followed at the home of the bride. Returned From Washington, D. C. Raymond Baker, Thirteenth and Ber ryhill streets, returned yesterday from a week-end \isit to Washington, 1). C. I 7 j One Cause of Bad Complexion-the Cure "L.ook at a section of skin under the microscope ami >ou will readily under stand V :iv ( .<1 let'cs g-neraily injure complexion," sajs Dr. tl. Robert Mackenzie. "The skin, smooth as it looks to the naked eye, under the slass exhibits a lacework of tiny holes, mouths of myriads . r little glands. To keep the skin healthy rheso holes must be unobstructed, that the perspiration and natural oil can have free outlet. Should the glands he blr>cked up with irritating gritty particles, a common result of using powders and creams. Nature retaliates by causing sallow ness, roughness, blotches or pimples. "As a substitute for all cosmetics I recommend ordinary meroolized wax. It not only does what the various face preparations are supposed to accomplish but its peculiar'absorbent action frees the pores from the daily accumulation of impurities, also absorbing the rlevi ialined particles of surface skin. This produces a natural, healthy, youthful omplexlon. One ounce of this wax, to be had at any drug store, usually suf fices to rejuvenat" the poorest com plexion. It is put on nightly like cold cream and washed off mornings."— family Physician. j.-Jv Belching, Di>.;.inoss, a Feeling of Full ness after Hating, Nausea. Indigestion (like a lump of lead in stomach), Bil iousness. Heartburn, Water Brash. Pain in Stomach and lntestiuos. Headaches from stomach are absolutely unknown I where Pape's Diapepsin is used. It ! really does all the work of a healthy stomach. It digests your meals when your stomach can't, ft leaves nothing I to ferment, sour and upset the stomach. Get a large fifty-cent case of Pape's ! Diapepsin from your druggist, then eat anything you want without the slightest [discomfort or misery, besides, every I particle of impurity and gas that is in vour stomach and intestines will vanish. Should you be suffering now from In digestion or any stomach disorder, you 'can get relief in five minutes. Adv. MR. AND MRS. WOLF HOSTS Entertained at Their Home Near Mid- j dlesex ill Honor of Their House Guests Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Wolf en- j tertained at their home near Middle-1 sex, in honor ofv Miss Anna Musgrave, j Miss Irene Musgrave and William H. I Musgrave, of Middletown. The house was prettily decorated ! with autumn foliage and flowers and j the guests spent a pleasant evening! with' music and games. At a late hour I refreshments were served to the follow- j ing guests: Misses Anna and Irene Musgrave, I Mae Shambaugh, Edith Zeigler, Kath ryu Zeigler, Viola Brelim, Edna Karns, Ijaura Karns Letha Karns and Messrs. William H. Musgrave, Herbert Zeigler, Ira Snee, Charles Wolf, Lester Wolf, Paul Martin, Herman Bretz, Joe Forten baugh. Mr. and Mrs. Shambaugh aud Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Wolf. CAVE A TURKEY DINNER Mr. and Mrs. Ebersole Entertain in i Celebration of Former's Birth day Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Ueorge Ebersole enter-! tained a number of relatives and I friends at their home, 1314 Sus-que-j hanna street, in celebration of the for- | mer's birthday anniversary. A ttirkcy j sirpper was served to the following | guests: Miss Elizabeth Bankler, Miss Uuth j Jones, Miss \.la Bifctinger, Miss Susan Zeiby, Miss Edith Zerby. o:' Millers- j burg: John Starry, Joseph Smith, Lew is Smith, Harry Steele.• Charles Pot- ■ t tic her, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bankler, Mr. and Mrs. A. Leighton. Mr. and Mrs. i . Kelley, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel | V,looks, of Enola; Mr. and Mrs. Jack.] Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Ebersole. Mr. aud Mrs. Burns Hosts Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burns enter tained at dinner at their home last j evening in honor of their guests, Mr. j and Mrs. ('. I. Cute, and children, Anna j and Joseph, of Panama. Covers were j laid for forty guests. Party for Visitors From Panama j Mr. and Mrs. .lolin J. Kelley, North! Sixth street, entertained at their home, I Fri lay evening, iu honor of Mr. Audi Mrs. I. Cate, of Panama, and Missj May Books, of Pittsburgh. A feature! of the evening's entertainment was the violin and piano selections of Miss; Helen Kelley. Supper was served. House Party at Riverside Miss Helen C. Kauffnian, 818 Lewis' street, Riverside, entertained a nuni-, bev of guests at her home over the i week-end. The party included Miss; Dorothy Laverty. of Philadelphia; .lack Dellav'en aud Walter Leas, of Burkaellj College, I.ewisburg. Entertaining Guests From Panama Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Cate and chil dren, Anna and Joseph, of Panama, arei visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 1 Thomas Burns. Mr. and Mrs. Burn?' and their guests recently motored to Hershey, Lancaster and Philadelphia, where they attended t.he performance I of "Sari," at the Forrest theatre. Musselman-Keene Wedding Marietta. Nov. 17. —Tlio Kev. .1. W. Deshong, pustor of the Lancastei Church of God. yesterday united in marriage Miss Eflfie S. Keene and Harry C. Mussel man. of Lancaster, the ring ceremony being used. They were, unattended. Duing-Baker Wedding Millersville. Nov. 17.—Miss Ruth A. Baker was married Monday even ing to Harry K. Duing. by the Rev. George Reichert, of the United Breth ren church. The ring ceremony was used. The couple were unattended. A reception followed. Clarence Mentz on Trip to South Clarence Mentz. 1503 Berry hi 11! street, left for Philadelphia on Satur! day evening to take the water trip from Philadelphia to Jacksonville, Florida. While there he will visit Key West, Plain Beach, St. Augustine and, other points of interest. He will re, ( turn by the Atlantic Coast line to. Washington. D. ('. De Wet, Head of Rebellion, Wounded London, Nov. 17, 4.35 A. M. — A' Pretoria dispatch to Keuter's Telegram! i Company states that General Christian ' l>e Wet, who headed the recent rebel lion in the Orange Free State and the Western Tranvaal, has teen wounded in! the head. De Wet's followers are re-j ported as much dejected. It is said: they are poorly armed and laek ammu-J nition. Irish Guard General Killed London, Nov. 17, 5,05 A. M.—An-; j iiouncoment is made that Brigadier General Charles Fitzclarence, of the j Irish guards, has been killed in action; at Ypres. He was connected with the: family of the Earl of Munster, and was j 4!) years old. t I HARRISBURG STAR-IN DEPEND KNT, TUESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 17, 1914. News of Persons Who Come and Go Miss Jennie Bricker, 27 8 Briggs streot, left Saturday morning to spend some time with friends in Phoenix ville and Philadelphia. Miss Fannie Housekneeht, of the State Health Department, has return ed to Mont Alto after attending the Vale-Princeton football game Satur day. Miss Pearl Miller, of New Freedom, Md., is the guest of relatives at 3-2 Crescent street. Miss Adeline Wells, of Weilsville, has returned home after spending the week-end with Mrs. Blaine Booser, Regina stree.. Miss Carrie Swnvely, 1420 Market street, has returned home from Head ing and Philadelphia. Miss Bertha Wise, ot' Hunimelstown. is the guest of Miss Anna Brenneman, 210 North Fifteenth street. Lawrence Glass, 40 North Seven teenth street, has returned home from Columbia after a week-end visit with friends. Mrs. William Harper, 351 South Eighteenth street. has returned home from Marietta. The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Kenshaw, Mrs. Hemman, Mrs. \ei non Kister, of Wormleysburg, and Mr. Caldwell, of Porta Rico. attended the missionary meeting at Mechanicsburg yesterday afternoon. Miss Mary Laverty, 122 Sylvan Terrace, has returned home from Phila delphia. Mr. and Mrs. William .Roatli, of Maytown, who have been guests of Mrs. M. Henderson, at Regina street, have gone to Highspire where they will be guests of their daughter, Mrs. Lerch. Mrs. Thomas Burns, of Diilsburg, and Mrs. Curtis G. Nesbit, of Wells ville, were week-end guests of Mrs. Grace Watson, 1111 Penn street. Mrs. Jennie Miller, 1529 North Fourth street, has returned from a visit to her daughter at Carlisle. Miss Alberta Hughes, of Altoona, was a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Ross. 1521 North Sixth street, for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sausser, of MifHinburg, have returned home after a visit with Mr. an 1 Mrs. Harry Kersdiuer, 1725 North Sixth street. Miss Mary Bonsali, of Newport, was a week-end visitor with Miss Anna Stoher, 1726 Fulton street. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spangler and son, Charles, of Rossville, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Nesbit. 1111 Plum avenue. Mrs. Joseph Thompson, of Newville, is the guest of her niece, Miss Louise Mclvor. 1727 North Sixth street. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Orris, of Lin - glestowu, spent the week-end with Mrs. C. L. Sheaft'er, 4y31 Hamilton street. Harry Sites has returned to Phila delphia, after a few days' visit with his father, A. W. Sites, 1003 North Sixth street. Mr. aud Mrs. W. 11. Evans, 267 Sassafrass avenue, spent tl»e week-end with their son. Edward Evans, aud family, at Lancaster. Mrs. Charles Slcntz, 319 Hummel street, has returned home from Allen town. Joseph Calvert has returned to his home in Altoona after spending sev era! days with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Calvert, 351 >outh Eighteenth street. William Burn, 1300 Walnut street, has returned "home from Oxford where he spent several days with relatives. Mrs. J. Hanunacker and children. 1713 Walnut street, are spending a week with relatives in Selinsgrove. Dr. John F. Culp, 211 Locust street, is in Washington, 1). C.. attending the meeting of the American College of Surgeons. Mrs. Charles Ising and Miss Agnes Ising, of Shiremanstown. are guests of Mrs. John Whistler, 322 South Thir teenth street. William Henderson, 2005 Greeu street, is spending several days in Johnstown on business. Russell Tom lin son and William Tom linsou have returned to their home in Chambersburg utter spending the week end with their mother, Mrs. W. Tomliu son, 1619 Regina street. Mr. and Mrs. Raj- Savercoll. of Lew istown, are guests of the former's moth er, 2005 Penn street, for a week. Edward Green, of Brooklyn, N. V.. who has been the guest of his sistar, Mrs. L. T. Wunbaugh. 1808 Penn street, is the guest of relatives iu Bain bridge. Miss Blanche Uood lias gone to her home in Bainbridge after spending a week with her aunt. Mrs. L. T. Wan baugh, 1808 Penn street. Miss Mabel Lockwood, of Indiana, en route to Philadelphia, was the guest of M S.«C. M. Ewing, 1500 North Sixth street, yesterday. Miss N'elie Hepford and Miss Vi nardia Hepford, 204 North Second RUPTURE A|i|»lian«TN I neil uut! Vpprotcil l>> i . s. fiovfrnmrnt—Nin, Here \V. B. SEEI/RY, the noted expert, is returning to Harrisburg anit will be at the Commonwealth Hotel, Tuesday and Wednesday, November 17 and 18, thor oughly equipped and prepared to deal with the most difficult cases. His Spermatic Shield Truss, used and approved by the U. S. Government and the Czar of Russia, will retain any rup ture, affording immediate relief, and frequently closes the opening In a slmrt time. WONDERFUL RESULTS WITH OUT SURGERY OR HARMFUL INJEC TIONS. Clean and durable: no irritat ing leg straps or binding of hips. Examination and advice Free. Pa tients treated on former visits invited to call for attention without charge. Home Office. 1027 Walnut St., Philadel phia. Pa. Cut and keep for reference. adv. DANCING MR. I. Y. WILSOM OF The Dance Des Roses Broadway, New York Will conduct a studio for the in struction of modern daucing in Har risburg and is prepared for a lim ited number of pupils for class and private instruction at moderate prices- Application for rates and appointments will be received by mail by H. J. Barucb, Plaza Hotel, Harrisburg. , / \ Uneeda Biscuit Nourishment—fine fla vor—purity—crispness —wholesomeness. All for s cents, in *the ntoisture-proof package. GRAHAM CRACKERS A food for every day. Crisp, delicious and strengthening. Fresh baked and fre3*n de livered. io cents. SNARAROONS A delightful ntew bis cuit, with a rich and delicious cocoanut fla vor. Crisp and always fresh, io cents. Buy biscuit baked by I I NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY LAlzuays look for that Name street, are spending some time in New York City. Miss Anna Nissley, 222 Hamilton street. has returned from State Col lege, where slie attended a house party. WifRDJIE Professor Alles and liis dancing part ner, Miss Anna Smith, of Young's Mil lion Dollar Pier, of City, will demonstrate the one-step. hesitation waltz and fox trot Thursday evening, November 19, at Wiuterdale. Adv. Condors ill Chile • "ho majestic condor is, air men ex cluded. the largest flying creature in the world. Swift and extraordinarily strong of wing, it figures in the Chilean national arms as a symbol of strength. The following is one of the native de vices for killing it: The hunter, having covered himself with the skin of a newly slain ox, would lie on his back on the ground, while his companion would hide him self not far away. Down would swoop the condor to feast upon the carcass, but directly the claws touched the body they were seized from within the oxskin by strong gloved hands that held tile bird a prisoner. Then the partner would break cover and slay the captive with what Chaucer would have called "a yorde Smerck " from a club. —"Chile—its Land and Peopje." Holiday opening a-ntf souvenir day, Saturday November 21. Grand Union Tea Store, 208 North Second street. adv. Improving the Milk's Quality A certain Glasgow milkman was sus pected of using the pump handle rath er too much before starting out with his milk delivery. The other day as he was standing serving customers in a busy side street a man passing nudg ed him utid whispered, " Ijook out; the sanitary inspector is coming round the corner." Turning off the crank, he rushed for his cream barrel and, filling a huge can from it, opened the milk cask and emptied it in. The "sani tary" r|i»l not come, but the wife of the "tipster" got a splendid supply of rich creamy milk that morning.—i,on don Tatler. At the Photoplay "In Tune With the Wild," a three act Selig wild animal drama featuring Kathlyn Williams famous star of tl>e "Adventures of Kathlyn" series, will be shown to-day along with a two-act Lubin drama, "The Sorceress," and a Vitagraph comedy, "The Evolution of Percival." A program well worth see ing. adv. Ships and Waves When the waves of the ocean are one-half the length of the ship and one-twentieth of the length in height the stress upon the ship itself is very little increased above that in smooth water. But when the waves are of the same length as the ship or one and one-half times its length the stresses are considerable higher than when the ship is in smooth water; hence, in view of the fact that waves are seldom over 500 feet long, the maximum bend ing moments which come upon a ship 900 feet long are much less than those which come nppn one 500 feet long.— Chicago News.' COURT : D4UPBIR COUNTY HAS 25.535 LIABLE FOR MILIIfIRY DUTY 1 Number in District This Year Exceeds That ol 10IS by 2.lo—Many ; Changes Are Noted in the Various Wards, Boroughs and Townships ] i Reports compiled from returns of tho ■ district assessors show that Dauphin county now has 25,535 able-bodied men between the ages ot' 21 and 45 who are lialble for "military duty. This is an increase of 250 over that of last year, When the enrollment totaled 24,986. Thp Eighth ward report shows Dhat this year there are fewer men in that district liable for service with Uncle Sam by eight men. The Ninth ward has the largest representation in the city or county with a total of 2,295, while tho smallest district in the city is the Third ward, which has but-219. In tho county, outside of the city, Susquehanna township takes the town ship higih honors with a total of 1,122, an increase of 60 over last, year, while Rush township has the fewest with 9. There were 11 who qualified last. year. In Bteelton, the largest bor ough in the county, there are 2,086, against 2,145 last year. Swatara township this year has 707, aigainst 884 last year. The decrease is due some what to Paxtang being classed inde pendently of the township with 73 who are liaible for military duty. No More License Tags The last of the 7,250 hunters' li cense tags which County Treasurer A. H. Bailey received last summer was is sued this morning and the Treasurer now is issuing only the certificates. His supply of license tags may not be replenished for several weeks and until that time unlicensed hunters will get only the certificate or receipt of pay ment. Marriage License ' Philip M. Messner, Dauphin county, 1 and Eva M. Cox, Elmira, N. Y. I OFFICERS ARE NOMINATED/ Heptasophs Also Decide to Hold ' 'Booster" Meetings in Nearby Towns Dauphin Conclave, Improved Order of Heptasophs. held a well-attended meeting last night at its rooms, 321 Market Street. The following officers were nominated for the ensuing term: Messrs. Bolger and Seiibert, for archon; N. A. WaJmer, foT financier: Philip German, for secretary; Phillips, for j treasurer and for representative to the j Supremo Convention, to 'be held in j Richmond in June, 1915 The conclave j appointed a committee to meet in con junction with the committees of other ; conclaves, called the visitation commit- i tee, and will meet with the general i committee on November 19 at Sixth : and Cumberland streets at the P. O. E» j hall. A visiting committee from each of | the various conclaves of the Improved ! Order of Heptasophs of Harrisburg and J vicinity has been formed and all the I committees will meet in F. O. E. hall, i Sixth and Cumberland streets, on Thurs j day night, when the association will be formed into a permanent organization ! j and officers will be elected. It has 1 been decided to call it, the Booster Com • mittee of the Allied Association of • j Heptasophs of Harrisburg and Vicin ! it>v. All Heptasophs are invited to at tend on t/he 19th at F. O. E. hall, Sixth and Cumberland streets. The Dauphin Conclave's committee will visit West Fairview this evening, , Steelton on Wednesday evening and East Harrisburg Conclave at Fackler'B hall. Thirteenth and Derry streets, early Thursday evening, where Booster meet- , ings vvill be Jield. Both Together Uttle Miry had been sent to the store by her mother to get some fiv : i paper. She was a long time in return j ing, and the mothe* began to get ; I anxious. Going to the door, she spied i I the little girl coming up the street, and j called to her, "Mary, have you got ! the flypaper?" "No, mother," replied Mary; "it's! got me; but we're coming together." —Lippincott's. Montreal Churches Montreal is very religious. Men kneel on the steps outside the churches. With two galleries all aroun'd, Notre Dame will seat 10,000 people, a.nd at tomes : t'housands StamJ. In tlhe old church of Ronsecours lamps in the form of ships are hung. Some are ancient galleasses, j some brigantines, some modern screw j steamboats with proper "boats hung to: their davits. —New Yor'k World. QUIT NEAT WHEN KIDNEYS BOTHER 1 i Take a Glass of Salts Before Breakfast If Your Back Hurts or Bladder Is Troubling You I No man or woman who eats meat < regularly can make a mistake by flush ing the kidneys occasionally, says a well-known authority. Meat forms uric ; acid which excites the kidneys, they become overworked from the strain, j get sluggish and fail to filter the waste and poisons from the blood, then we get sick. Nearly all rheumatism, headaches. ! liver trouble, nervousness, dizziness, ! sleeplessness and urinary disorders come from slnggish kidneys. The moment you feel a dull ache in the kidneys or your back hurts or if the urine is cloudy, offensive, full of sedi ment, irregular of passage or attended by a sensation of scalding, stop eating | meat and get about four ounces of Jad i Salts from any pharmacy; take a table ' spoonful in a glass of water before , i breakfast and in a few days your kid - I neys will act fine. This famous salts is made from tho acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with litnia, and has been used for generations to flush and etimulate the kidneys, also to neutralize the acids in urine so it no longer causes , irritation, thus ending bladder weak-1 ness. .Tad Salts is inexpensive and cannot ! injure; makes a delightful effervescent < i lithia-water drink which everyone j should take now and then to keep the i I kidneys clean and active and the blood i pure, thereby avoiding serious kidney ! complications. Adv. ) LADIES' BAZAAR Daring Pr.ce Redactions on Ladias' Suits For quick# Belling we ha\c grouped several lots of Ladies' Tall and Winter Suits, selected from our regular stock, and reduced prices to a fraction of actual values. Yon will see thejn on display in our window, and it' you have any conception of value you will be quick to buy. $12.98 Serge Suits, $15.00 Eponge Suits, mn QO i $8.98 "•"o All wool eponge suits in brown, navy, black and Copenhagen, All wool serge suits in navy caracul collar, cuffs and trim and black, guaranteed satin lin- mings, satin lined, skirt made ing, worth $12.98. s t\Q w "'th yoke and side pleats, short J>o UN coat, worth $15.00. d»Q rwo Balr . ee $0.90 SIB.OO Suits, $35 Chiffon Broadcloth Suits, $18.98 $10.98 High-grade imported chiffon broadcloth suits in the wanted l/Ot of suit, in serges, iinfin shades, excellent workmanship, ished worsteds, broadcloths, newest models, silk linings, basket weaves, etc., guaranteed worth $35. Sale (C JO OA satin lining, all shades and mod- price 1 O.VO els, worth sl6 to |/\ QQ Other broadcloth suit?, worth $lB. Sale price, .«P IU. 70 S4O. Sale price 922.98 S4O Velvet Fur Trimmed Suits, $22.98 New models with short coats, made of excellent quality velvet, flowered silk linings, and trimmings of monkey fur, AQ worth $40.00. Bale price, VO • $3.00 Crepe de Chine $1.50 Kimonos, Special Waists, Special Wednesday only, $1.69 Wednesday only, S9s, Whin an accident happened to Paddy O'Raflerty. He stuck his right fut through Miss Flanigan's hoops; The crathur she fainted, and roared, "millia inurther!" Called for her friends, and gathered them all; Tim Dermody swore that he'd go no further. But have satisfaction at Lanigan's ball. Och, arrah, boys, but thin was the ruptions, Meself got a wollup from Phelim McCoo, Soon I replied to his nate introduction, And we kioked up the divil's own philalaloo; t asey, the piper, he was nearly strangled, They squeezed up his bags, chaunters and all; The girls in their ribbons all got entangled, And that put a stop to Lanigan's ball. In the midst of the row, Miss Kavanah fainted, Her face all the while was as red as the rose: The ladies declared her cheeks they were painted, But she'd taken a drop too much, I suppose; faddy Macaty, so hearty and able, When he saw his dear colleen stretched out in the hall, He pulled the best leg out from under the table, And broke all the chancy at Lanigun's ball. EXERCISE AND EATING Remember That a Tired Stomach Is a ! Weak Stomach A good dinner at. night is necessary I (or those whose pleasure or work keeps j them up very late. But for ordinary folk, who dine at 6 or 7 and go to bed j about 10.30, only a light, wholesome) repast should be taken at the end ofj, the day, when muscles or nerves are| more or less exhausted, says a phy-1 lician. A "tired stomach is a weak stom ach" is a golden rule to remember. | Yet how often one hears people say: "I've been rushing about all day, and f am tired to death. I must have a big ! meal to make up for it!" You may put | the big meal into the stomach, but, you ' cannot mako the stomach digest it. A belief lives strong in the heart* and minds of the majority of man : kind, including persons of wenk diges tion, that a quick brisk walk taken | before a meal gets up an appetite and . helps the stomach digest the food. | Now. this is exactly what it doesn't do. Exercise spreads the blood through the body. The oid fashioned middav dinner is not a bad thing.—Washing ton Star. 13.00—NEW YORK AND HKTIIIN— Next Sunday. Pennsylvania Railroad Special train leaves Harrisburg .">.45 a. m. A long day in the greatest American 3