12 (' , ■ —. ( (V, Q # 4 We are co-operating in every way possible to promote the splendid work her fine table linens is now taking an KTSjJ ;} c . a kos Ivory Soap, .. .'. 13c V iT\. _ 1 inventory of what she needs to complete \-; J her preparations for the festive ,'*y SI.OO fly — v , Thanksgiving hoard. Our Linen See- r, !° nhove combination enables von to buy 7 pound* granu —J\ tion alwavs plans months and months Jiw "''wmiorr m»K >v h C AT« l it ' i i • 4 M- SSSt —' Ol,h PORK AND SALMON AND SARDINES \ \ ahead tor such occasions and imports . RKANS. ;S regular io>-cans, . .sac „, A , , x V \s \ its goods direct from the Liuen centers HtTtH !l rTTT ftwy »o* p»ok CORN, s r w», j«M». w ue; ►- 'V "\ Vy ) of Europe. We invite critical house- |s3|||| n r "\«onTn» TIUUWM V 001,1 !^ cl BA *MNa» »» >«»y feistj 1 A 1 '-V , . . .... I II \ * \ V.. Asyillll TOMATOhS, No. 1 onname dressing, can, 1.-, c wives to inspect these qualities. ■- ' \ cans, «c; down nsc RAISINS AND CURRANTS n/" I I.inert damask, 70 inches. fleur-de-lis, prapo, spot —————— —I j VI francv h L.ORI DA URAPK FRUIT, New ShhDEl' RAISINS, |iaok --00-V. ' and ivy lent' patterns, yard 75c Damask Nankin*? !' 1\ , l '° JU,OV t ' T " it ' Special, ric; '•■ • • ••'••• ••• • • «!«c s \ Fine bleached linen damask. TO ini'lie*. yard, ..80c || li\ ■I I dor,on BU t . t ' w I.KAN hi (HiRRANTS, - ' lN,ra fi ' u " - r!ul ° linon vlamaak, 72 inches, many l.inen damask napkins— FAMOUS FLAO CANNED GOODS '%Wv dVtPS ' In® V ~~ ?i J patterns inoludins: spot. rose, dais v. chrysanthemum 18x18 inches, dozen, jl f ( p n . ...10c VfcL>-r , IV and scroll, vard. . . .. . »1.00 Sl.aS to 51.50 | ,| ; ~ J LA « TOX, VWKS ' «hole. I ' Oc N Double damask. 72 inches wide. vard. 20x20 inches, dozen, |\ m\ U solid, packed in large tins, can. 15c; | "A NT A ( LARA IRI NES, 2 11KM., 1 #1.35. •!.:» to »1.50 *!•«» to S&.10 h .|, n dozen $1.70; ,«> DVT . . ar,c *K.»e«-rs. T . %T , . 22x22 inches, down, ? ! / M II "PI.AG" MAIN'K CORN, the . K oue 1 A, ' ThORNIA 1 KArH Ks - Luncheon Napkins »•-•"«« to $5.00 |t / M II verv finest, can. 15c; down, *1.70 i" "" When the Wind Blows— n I j*™, b .. ** I "U/U A Luncheon Cloths Pattern Cloths ,»"*%?'& VV 1 lt-"C"U"C"U line damask luncheon cloths, social sue for tea p, nt , qualities Scotch, Irish and German ilamask ,iow ' n sl.lO Its time to think of an overcoat. We've snappv S^ n ?!T. .»sc. to «.oo cloth- GiPs^^S^v'r!, . BBEF !. Balmacaans in grey Scotch mixtures ami brown «,« . to «.«o - mffii?ham,* if tweeds, blue chinchilla, grey storm cloth and grev rvouna 2 x .5 vardß nw.tH>, S4.(h> to $7.50 Sugar cured BACON, sliced, ib.. tliot- .MM >\nll\- rqliiao ot AH * Haudseme round pattern table cloths, scalloped, vards, round designs SB.OO to $9.00 ... vl n » quality sliced HA r,V values at Jpo.UU. 2 \ ards in diameter. Sfcl.OS, $8.50, 54.00 to S.VOtt 2 4x2 H yards, round designs. .. .*5.00 to *IO.OO WAIIAN PINEAPPLE; large- LEBANON BOLOGNA, lb. i*No The DOV WHUtS tlio Stvlo thcit dnd woiirs—n Bill- vards iu diameter. ; Napkins in matching patterns —22x22 and 24x24 sanitary tins. Special, is;tc; LUNCHEON LOAF, lb * 28c macaan. 'Here they are designed and tailored ex- *4.00. *.-,00. *e.oo and »7.00 inches, presslv for boys. tr DlVeß ' Poraero > & Stewart, street Floor, Rear. New FLORIDA ORANGES, thin "ot ground: Mb. cans! .^.4o^ Grey overplaid worsted. 1 skinned and juicy, dozen, ..,.17C' "BANQUET*' COPVRE) now l>e # j rti _ Fancj Peniuiylvaaia APPLES* '®B denKwutrated at oat booth, n>., BoTS Tartan cassimere and worsted. Feck, ll>c ;)o c Those Warm Mackinaws aS»"r.s J M:M t- to IS years. J . . . ... New CALIFORNIA WALNUTS drawing tea. lb.. ' «.»- Bovs* Oliver Twist, Russian and Blouse Suits in brown and blue velvet. ilOiW N \NOOI 318l # 111 pIAUI cllUl IflllCV pIUIuS i\TO Oil SB 10 111 OUT Moil S lb 2~,c Basket fired JAPAN TEA* lb blue serfw. brown »erpe. black and white check cassimere and worsted. Wear Section. Street t'loOl". PAPER SHELL ALMONDS," ib.. ' * ,; ft „ siws 2*ii to 10 years and a9c p ure COCOA: absolutely the lx'.t •r^r.Tome^rStewan. nMhing^s^trFL'r.'Retr— s eSvSom This is J ust a hint to men and young men who spend much time outdoors and CHEESE j'° b( - hl>i< - 2 »>»■', ... awe TV T -pTZ 1 r~- — r7\ —rr- • want a warm comfortable overcoat - I^^SRT;^/Sflopr, wk . ;{oc | New 1 ltles Join OUC riction Prices, $4.50, $5.9S and $7.50. LONOHORN CHKKSK, ib., The following fic- «- Dives. Pomeroy i- Stewart. Street Floor. OCT T * „ tion successes have OTyiOS I_/Ill^orio OLD ROSE reprinted to sell at 1 Blouses $195 I -.W 4 50r I \ v f Clever Creations in Persian Lawn, ~ - Sff i - J '- r»8 .h « -JMSk Voile and Allover Embroidery W ♦ The Seem Garden ! jEfc Persian lawn blouse; front trimmed with cluster fuoks em it aT I S® of Molly M ft 1 v T broidery panels and lace insertion; bunch tucks trim back• turn s- Isaagj The — - A nrrr^( /V 0 . tiont back trimmed with box pleats; laee. The Call of the North Between Two Thieves y /U lull H. I' 111 11/1///1/////1 * / — >. insertion vestee, pleated collar; long sleeves trimmed with turn- The Price She Paid Seven Keys to Baldp \t« • \ back cuffs, «| qr: ?^L?ngMortage stop v oi|e bio,we front trimmed with hand iace Tl»eir Yesterdays The Call of the Cumberland? ' • W ' rtion organdy collar trimmed with hand embroider# and The Winning of Barbara Worth The Silver Horde ,c"- C Q r T"' 1 T rW> e : s ' eey es trimmed with pointed cuffs trimmed with The Shepherd of the Hills At Good Old Siwash V-/0 1 lace insertion and lace edge o ' An expert fitter is giving special attention to the ' 39 were $4.9.", 3 were $7.50 $5.00 Beacon Blanket Bath Robes, $3.95 peculiar needs of small women and growing school >sßjPsEm]== -were $3.95 1 was $7 95 ikA Beacon blanketbath robes with border; turn-over collar and girls. ti were 3 were $5.95 '■°P e B ,rdle ; lavender, grey or tan. Regular price, $3.00. Spe fef Dive«. Poir.eror \ Stewart. Second Floor—Three Elevators. 1 4:10 1111 0 01 1' ' ' v 1 TIU.W were Sb.DO ' • Kldmiown batl ' robes; turn-over collar or square neck: tin - The dirt Wow T">v . i \n inmiediatp elpflrannp nf mUlmoi-r ished with satin trimming; yoke styles with box back or. finished Demonstration / # is m ule imner-itive hv th - ronni ' f at waist with ,- ope girdle; Copenhagen, rose, Ai-ierican Beauty, otroy, the fabric Of V|T TL; c \A/^^lr I XXA % •• ""Perdtlvt b> the 1 equi- \> lavender or grey. 93.50, $5.00, 55.95 and S7 50 Sr ra 1 his Week OI \\\ % Sltion for space for holi- Boudoir caps of net, organdy, all over lace, Crepe de Chine or jjll// (4||||| Frflntv day goods. A /\ silk embroidered; lace or ribbon trimmed, Ilk J 411 rne rrantz t Z/W k «*, 75*, *i.oo to »s.oo ». b -c^ n : K: : li Premier % 1 C/iL M TT} ~ fu Cleaner K j Qualities of Kid Gloves I .rnfi'S mT*tk T That Appeal to Women P /[ Hill phone and a Frantz Pre- ' Trefousse 2-clasp kid gloves, best quality suede, pique seams. i_ fc )/ l» home for a practical dem- kid gloves in white, tan, grey and black, — ring any obligation to buy. kj&> iL ' One-clasp kid gloves in white, tan and bla'k, pkiue C SI r r C/|r^ W «• Stewart. NOV **9Br kid gloves in black, white, tan and'g^y/ *I.OO '' JJ SITUATION ON RUSSIAN FRONT AS SUMMED UP BY SCRIBE FOR 'DAILY MAIL' London. Nov. 17. 3.2S A. M.—Tele graphing from Petrograd under date of (Monday evening she correspondent of the Mai!" thus sums up the titaation on the Russian front: '"The Germans at the present mo re nc are experiencing the truth ot the homely proverb that "yoa cannot eat yoar cake and still cave it.* Last week rbey withdrew troops from the East Trass an front and hurried them to Tho-c. ivfai.-a »a« threatened by -be: rapid Russian advance. This move has I fceen for the moment successful in; cheeking that advance. "Marching along both banks of the A istula the Germans took refuge at Kleahava, only twenty miles distanct from Thorn, and waited there for rein forcements. .Soon these began to arrive and moved up the valley of the Vis tula with tie double oojeot of relieving ; pressure from the Russian forces mak ing toward Thorn and also threatening j the Dank of the Russian army which liad been making such rapid progress' toward the frontier in tae neighborhood 1 cf Soldau. ''Emperor William sent urgent com-, uands to his generals and also addressed I a i>er«on appeal to his soldiers not to let Prussia again be invaded. The only way of carrying out the imperial order [ was to shift troops from LVCK wbere the I nature of the county, all lakes and! marshes, makes Russian prcgres> vcrv slow. This maneuver has" certainlv aused the Russians to give wav on the Vistula valley bat the effect'in Kast Prussia fcas been the opposite of that es;red. The Russians there are push- j icg forward at every point and the inhabitants are fleeing before them.'" I Denial From Berlin by Wireless Berlin, Nov. 17, by wirelss to Sav ville) —The German government has issued a denial of the retort that Ger many had refused American aid for the suffering population of Belgium. On the contrary the government is highlv j pieased with this American assistance and instructions to Ulis effect have been sent to Count Von Bcrnstorff. the Ger- i man Ambassador at Washington. Prince of Wales Off to the Front London. Nov. 17.—The Prince of Wales crossed from Folkestone to Bou logne las: night on his wap to the front. Not Much "Are you putting away oometning for a rainy day, Totnmyf" asked the, httle boy 's rant as she saw him at his little savings bank. "No, ma'am.'' was Tommy's raply. ■'There asn t no ball games on rainy days!''—Yoniters Statesman. It Was Alive John—l 'll oring you a fork. sir. Tne Customer—What for? John—The' ■'heese. sir. The Customer—A fork's j no good. Bring a revolver.—London I Sketch. TTAKRTSBrRO STAR-INDEPENDENT, NOTHING IS SUDDEN Events Seem So Only Because We Do Not Foresee Them The mind is often said to be illumi nated by a sudden idea or the will to come to a sudden resolution. The sud denness is not only apparent to the on looker: it is felt by the subject him self. when light seems to Slash into his aiind or his will to determine itself 011 an instant. He may talk of inspiration, meaning the unrelated act of some pow er outside himseif. Just so we talk of the suddenness of lightning, the sudden ness of an earthquake. We imagine eartquakes and lightning flashes as un related. independent haj»penings and forget that every earthquake and everv flash of lightning is the manifestation of an immutable and slowlv working law and could, had men but knowledge enough, have been foretold from the ages. Things are sudden only because we do not foresee them, and their su iden ness is no inherent quality in them selves; it is lent them by our igno rance. The striking of a mat» b may be as sudden as a flash of lightning and the fall of a pin as sudden as a pistol shot, but ill normal conditions they do not make us "jump," because the conditions are the state of our nerves and tlie relative force of the impact upon our senses. A camel falig suddenly under the last straw, but it is*lhc pre vious slow piling of all the other straws that is the cause of his broken back. Nothing is. in reality, more sudden than anything else; it is from ourselves, from our lack of comprehension and prepara tion, that the lightning, the earthquake TrESBAY EVENTNO, NOVEMBER 17. 1914. and the pistol shot borrow their sud denness.—London Times. The Myrtle Warbler The myrtle warbler breeds in the northern and eastern parts of the Unit ed States, but migrates through every woodland path and is so numerous that it is familiar to every observer. More than three-fourths of its food consists of insects, practically all of which are ifarmful. The bird is small, nimble and successfully attacks inserts too minute to be prey for larger birds. These in sects are its chief items of food. Antiquity of the Grape The native country of the grapevine is the region around the Caspian sea extending through Armenia and as far west as the Crimea. The grape has been cultivated from the remotest antiquity, being mentioned in the Hebrew scrip tures and in all of the most ancient writings. Jupiter in Mythology In Roman mythology Jupiter was the supreme deity. the head and front of the whole system, god of the air aud king of the celestials. He waa primarily a divinity of the sky and the origi nator of all atmospheric- changes and weather conditions. His weapon was the thunderbolt and one of his titles was Jupiter Tonans, thundering Jupi ter. Heavy or continuous rain was at tributed to Jupiter Pluvius, rainv or rain sending Jupiter. When the earth became parched with heat and was in sore need of rain Romans invoked the great God as "Jupiter Pluvius." SAVE THE SOIL Don't Let the Rains Wash the Value able Plant Food Away If you knew that it takes nature 10.000 years to form a root of soil maybe yon would have a higher opin ion of Mother Earth and be more care ful how you drain your garden or field. If you saw a granary full of rat holes you would* suspect a careless farmer. But a field left to wash away by the unchecked rush of surplus sur face water after a downpour is fully as wasteful. The only difference is that here the waste is of plant food before it g*ets into the grain. If your garden field is on a slope, terrace it; if on a level, plant it not in straight rows, but in circles. And in •both cases tile# drain it, for the stuff that washes away is precisely the stuff that your crops most need. Once gone it is expensive to replace. When you stop to think that every thing depends on thg soil, clearly the soil ia worth saving.—Seattle Star. A Dog Story We brought from Scotland a collie about six months old. He was allow ed to be with us at the breakfast ta ble, but never to be fed in the dining room. This rule was enforced by my daughter. I was the only member of the family that ever broke over the rule. And often when I offered him a tempting bone he would' glance across the table, and if lie caught the forbidding eye he would resist the temptation. But one morning she left the table abruptly. Kab followed her into the hall and watched her until she had closed the door of her study. Then he scampered back, nudged my elbow, as if to say, "Now is our time,'' seized the bone and was soon crunching it with the greatest satis faction.—London Spectator. Experience "We learn by experience," said the ready made philosopher. "That's true," remarked Mr. tlrowcher. "We get a lot of informa tion from experience, but it doesn't seem to help. What's the good of knowing what the weather was day be fore yesterdayt"—Washington Star. Land Measure One acre contains 160 square rods, 4,840 square yards, 43.560 square feet. The side of a square must measure as follows to contain Ten acres, 660 feet; one acre, 208.71; half acre, 147.58; third acre, 120.50; fourth acre, 104.38; eighth aide, 73.79. Methodical She ought to make a good business woman.'' " What makes you think so?" "She doesn't insist on getting down to the depot an hour 'before it's time for her train to start."—Detroit Free Press. Rivals Knicker—You have a boy in college and a girl cultivating her voicef Boiker —Yes. and I don't know which has the better yell.—Brooklyn I^ife. SHOEMAKING IN AMERICA Massachusetts Now Turns Out Nearly Half the World's Product Thomas Beard, arriving by the May flower in 16-9, was the first shoemak er to come from England to America. He settled at Salem, Mass. More than $250,000,00*0 is now in vested in American ahoemaking and more than 200.000 wage earners are employed. Before 1850 practically every s'hoe making process was a hand process. Lynn, Mass, with over 100 factories, is the leading shoe city of the world. Of the world's boots and shoes inoro than 47 per cent, are made in Massa chusetts. .lohn Brooks Nichols, of Lynn, adapt ed the Howe sewing machine to new the uppers of shoes in 1851, and this was the first important step in the ap plication of machinery to shoemaking. William P. Trowbridge, at Felton ville, now a part of Marlborough, Mass., applied to the shoemaking machinery of 1855. Steam anil water power came later. The poet whittier was a shoemaker in his youth. Henry Wilson, eighteenth vice president of the United States, was "the Natick cobbler" and was always proud of his shoemakiDg days. Bbenezer Breed of "Lynn is cerdited with securing by personal influence the first protective tariff on shoes. He was a merchant of Revolutionary times. August Destouv, a New York me chanic, invented in 1862 the firtft curv ed needle to sew turn shoe.—From "A Primer of Boots and Shoes,'' Compiled by Danniel S. Knowltoo.