4 I SAFETY FIRST ] Pennsylvania Welfare and « mm ■■a w Industrial Efficiency EXHIBIT j The Department of Labor and the Engineers' Society of Pennsylvania have brought to Harrisburg eighty-five exhibitors represent ing manufacturers from all sections of the country whose products represent the highest type of safe and efficient machines and 111 appliances for the betterment of industrial plants, public utilities, offices, and the home. The welfare of the factory worker is the concern ot everyone. Come to the exhibition. Examine the machines and 'devices. Ask all the questions you want to; that is what our exhibitors' representatives are here for. The Exhibit is not only instructive but you will enjov the music, beautiful illumination and decoration, and the pleasant meeting with men who are experts in their individual lines. A Model Post Office and Telephone ' Exchange in actual operation have been installed and everything needful to make this the finest and most complete exhibition of any kind in Pennsylvania. Chestnut Street Auditorium, Nov. 16-20 10 A. M to 10 P. M. Admission 10c, Except Wednesday Evening 25c j | SUBURBAN , r . ... - —— HUMMELSTOWN Mr? Samuel Stephenson Dies at the Karnsburg Hospital .nl Cor: **pur.m-: HumnteUtowu, Nov. !6.—Mr-. >am u;i Stephenson .;eeud the week on a hunting trip. The choir of Zion Lutherau church uudei the direction or' the chorister,! Mis. O. K. Gjod. will render :t niusicalej HI the church on Sunday evening, .No vember ... The choir will be agisted by Ctarraee sigier. or Harnsjurg. i Harry ~nyde.. wt»o resided in the p'oerty of .losejili s. Earley. on soutu vVater street, has move! to the resi-. deuce of "is parents. Mr. and Mrs. ; K. H. Snyder. South Hanover street. The lecture on the woman suffrage to be given in the parish house of Z'.on Lutheran church this evening by Mrs. Maoel Cronise Jones. of Harris burg, promises ro be largely attended. The lecture will i>« given under rhe auspiees o.' me Women's Christian Temperance Union. Several hundred people attended the opening of the fair in Hummels lown hall. Saturday evening. The fair' is being neid by the Chemical Fire Company and the Acme band and will i continue for two weeks. A large num ber of useful articles v ill be sold dur-, :ng the fair and concerts rendered: every evening by the baud. Francis Hampton entertained a number of young people at the home o; his sister, Mrs. D. I. Sa-saman. est High street, on Friday evening. Various games were enjoyed by the guest; aifd during the evening rcfresn •licnt* were served. Those present were Misaes Zelir.a. Burridge, Ma:* Ella Hrrtwell, Miriam Wagner. Lavenia Barridge, Dorothy Hartwell, Hoover k Eby, Caaries Kaylor. William McHol k land, Arthur Shope and Francis Hamn! I ton. ' i Miss Kuth Mover, of Hearreepondence. Hershev, N« v . 16. —A. E. Vingst. who resides on Chocolate avenue,' picked some tine ripe strawberries in his garden a few days ago. They were of good sii-.e and had a line flavor. Erra Light, who resides with his son, Ellsworth Lig'ht, on one of the dairv ■* farms ncai this place. is a remarkable mau ior his age. Although 70 years of age. ho lia« worked in the Harvest flehl during the (>ast summer and at [■repent husks 70 shocks of corn a day. I This is a record that is not excelled by many. NEW CUMBERLAND Welcome Rain Breaks Drought and Allays Dust on Strests Special CoriospurUeiiue. New Cumberland, Nov. 16.—The ' rain which was so badly needed arriv- -- ed ou Saturday, and it rained all iiav Minday. Tbe streets had been very dusty as the water in the reservoir was so low th:;t no sprinkling was allowed. On Saturday the teachers of thc ! borough schools and Klkwood attend ed the teachers' local institute in Me ohariicpburg. Members of Trinity L'nite.l Brethren congregation attended the group meet ing he.d in the interest of missions at , Mechanicsburg to-day. Miss Kno,ta Deseuberger s class! composed of fifty-four pupils will bold ! a piano recital in Trinity United Brethren church next Tbursd-v even ing. I he teachers of the Methodist dav s-aool will meet this evening in the Sunday school room. Plans will be] made for the coming bazar at the! meeting. Miss Kuth Kilniare gave a party at. her home on keno street, ou | Thursday evening, after which lunch j ton was served. The guests were Misses Delia Leonard, Blanche Cross. -Carrie , Cratzer. Kathryn Johnson. lane Hitter. Huth Yeoman, of Harrisburg} Anna Wolf, llighspire: .1. ifupert. Mr. Evans. M. Medley, .1. A. ilyle, Harris burg: F. N. Burns. Harper Sunday Nes • Cumberland. y! j Miss Kftie Ko<-li and Miss Edith | j Beaver spent Saturday and Sunday; with Miss Lena Mills- at Boiling i ' Spring. Mrs. ,1. Budv aaii daughter, of Vork j county, visited friends here on Satur-' ; day. J. Grimes Milev. who' has been spending the past two months in Ohio, West Virginia and Kentucky, returned home. Mrs. Hulf: and daughter, of Harris-' burg, visited friends here on , day. ' •! ALL I. S. "DRY'' BY 1920 : That's the Prediction of Mrs. Ella A. Boole, Temperance Leader Atlanta. Ua . Nov. 16.—Delegates at | tending the National Woman's Chris-' tian Temperance CniOn inahat the keystone of sue- ' cess was their knowledge of what thev could not do."' Adv. " ■ At the Orpheum Nat M. Wills, one of tbe most cele-1 brated comedians on the American •rtage. heads a -bill of startling excel-1 lence at the Orpheum this week. The i magic .word, "Wills,"' suggests the brightest of witticisms to those who ' have come to know tbe artist and his! appearance at the Orpheum this week j is indeed noteworthy- While new to Orpheaiii audiences, Mr. Will* appeared i at the Majestic theatre last season,! starring in Ziegfeld s l-\>liies. and he i is considered one o? the brightest lights i that travel the Keith circuit. Homer! Mason and Marguerite Keelc- and i 1 company return this week in a new comedy called "Married." This at - j [tractive company appeared at the Or-{ i pheum se\ crnl seasons ago in a splen > did comedy-called "In anil Out," that i has oft been declared the best comedy j I sketch ever served up at that play-i I house. "In and Out' - was so called because | the scene kept constantly changing! | from the outside to tne inside of a' j dwelling of the better class, and on the j j outside Mr. Mason, as an intoxicated i clubman, was making the effort of his life to make his key fit to gain entrance. | Inside, seated by her cOfcy fireplace, | wifey" had gone to sleep awaiting! his return. The situations that arose in '"ln and Out - ' will be remembered ' bv all who saw it. Marie Fit/.gibbon, | | a dainty songbird, will be another j pleasing addition, while The Berrens, j 1 who are said to have the best musical j novelty extant, will also be an addition. | i Other clever turns will be included in 1 |I he lineup. Adv. j At the Colonial ! Something novel, tuneful and really ' : clever is promised in a production j I called '"A Dream of the Orient," al pretentious musical comedy that heads the vaudeville festivities at the Colon ] ial for the first half of the week. Ten j j players are required for the piece, tuno • t'ul song hits are interpolated and the! ; art has a gorgeous costume and seqjye | j divestment. Cook and the Masou I Twins, comedian and prefv girls, 'will j offer a refined song, dance aud patter j I skit: .loe Hardman, the popular monol i I ogist, will unload a knapsack of bright j j gags, and Hose and Severin will appear ! lin a potipouri of comedy songs and i | dances. "I liove the Nurses," a prod i j net of the Eclectic Feature Film Com- i I 'any, will be a special attraction in j 'the way of "movies" at the Colonial I j for the first half of the week. Adv. 318. W ILSON " WOINCED" President. Calling on Bister. Meets Ele vator Boy Who Obeyed Orders New York, Xov. 16. —Two automo- j I biles drew up in front of the Hotel i | Anderson on West Eightieth street yes-! i terday afternoon and half a dozen men I ste, ,>ed out of t'heni aud into the hotel. Fliey walKcd rig>lit into the elevator I and asked to be taken to the apart- I ment of Mrs. A. Wilson Howe, the sis ! ter of President Wilson. '•So. sir," said Rupert, the elevator | boy. "Y'ain't gwine up unless you's' j 'qonnced.'' ''All right, then.'' , ! "Who'll 1 "nouncef" asKed Rupert. | "Mr. Wilson." ' As Kupert went to the telephone i board one of the set "t service men • ' added: j "The President of the United j | States.'' Rupert, who has a West Indiau j training, stood up straight mid made-; j his explanation: j "Ah don "t care. ■Miss Anderson, the; ! owner, said jus' th' other day I wa'n't 1 to leave no one upstairs Vept thev's! j noun r ed, not even the President of ! j the United States." . Aged Retired Fanner Dies on Visit Nickel Mines, Nov. 15.—John W.j ; Showaker, 72 years old, a retired farm | er, died Saturday at Belvidere, Xew j-Jersey, while on a visit, from inlirnii (ties of age. He was a member of the) ! Episcopal church. His wife, six cliil | ureu and a mini bet of grandchildren ! I survive. WINTER ( LOTHLNW Little Talks on Health and Hygiene by Samuel G. Dixon, M. D„ LL. D., Commissioner of Health fhe season has arrived when tho : thoughtful housewife gets out her hus- J band's "flannels" ami her own. l"ii | 'ortuuately many people dress accord- I iug to the calendar and if the weather ! happens to be unseasonable, so muHi ! the worse for the weather, i Winter means heavy clothes an,l too often heavy underclothes. Of course | the question of the occupation of the | individual is a factor in winter dress j but the great majority of people spend their time in steam-heated homes and i offices where the temperature is littio j lower in winter than in summer. For those who live or work iu a j temperature of from 68 to 70 degrees | t'ahrenheit the wearing of heavv under t clothes is not only fraught with con siderable discomfort but it is apt t.i ! lead to colds. To keep the skin dry and j to give it air are the two necessai-v re j ijuisitics iii sensible and healthful dress j nig of the body. A certain amount of respiration is i constantly going on through the pores |of the skin to equalize the bodily heat. • It the underclothing is too heavy and | tight fitting, it does not permit, of sul' I ficient circulation of air. Au excess of ; heal or a little unusual exercise will j cause perspiration. If in this condition there is exposure to cold, the overheat ed parts may become chilled, an.l a cold | ensues. When some circulation of air is per mitted. perspiration is disposed of bv evaporation and the skin remains drv. .Old people, babies and those with weak : hearts should always bo clothed with i thin woolen underwear that they mav i be kept warm and the evaporation "iv |en off slowly by the wool. l,i going jtrom a warm indoor temperature into I the colli outer air heavy outside gar j ments should be worn which can be laid aside on re-entering the heated rooms. It is becoming more and more tlio j custom for imloor workers to wear lighter weight under garments in wiut£i and to depend more upon their outer | clothing to protect them from th t! cold when exposed. »' DEER, 17 BEAR KILLED Clinton County Yields Heavy Bags of 'Big Game ! Lock Haven, Pa., Nov. IG.—Ninety four deer and seventeen bears were kiil j ed in Clinton comity up to dat»v accord : iug to a carefully kepit record. Of tnis number, about one fourth of the big game senired was killed in Sugar Yaf ! ley, Within sixteen miles of this city, j They were probably driven 'into that I section by hunters iu Lycoming or other i sections of this county. No serious accidents have been re i ported. Beat Full Crew BIU by Big Vote St. Louis. Nov. 16.—A 'bill providing | full crews for all traius, recently vote.l !on as a proposed amendment to the State constitution, was defeated by a vote of more than two to one, according to complete returns made public last nignt.