The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, November 14, 1914, Page 8, Image 8
8 New Vtt\| \ JISM Brand New {QI7C VVvJ 1 J 1115 Tearing C«r at 90 (9 4 The Car Behind the Greatest / Automobile Value Ever Offered \ I It is Um car ytfif should bay. Why? % / It's equal t« any car telling at (2000 upwards. 1 f It's constructed along conservative, substantial lines. 1 m It's built far "Raa! Service." 1 I It's a fast, powerful, handsome, medium weight ear, combining all the high-priced 1 ■ features found on high-prirad cars. I There are large leather pockets on the inside ef each of the doers, and with door I i handles concealed leaves the exterior a clean finish. * I The proportion of power to weight givee a great surplus aver that necessary to ' ■ care for all requirements of road driving. | Exhaustive road tests to which this car has been subjected show the motor to be J smooth running, silent, flexible and economical—a great hill climber—just those things 5 that every particular owner desires embodied in the car be buys. jl I Let us demonstrste this wonderful car to you—it will convince you that it is what you j I have been looking for. I Come see us today, or write and well sand catalogue with name and full description of I 600 Used Can—AU Standard Make*—At Very Attractive Prices (Gorson's Automobile Exchange \ I 238-240 N. BROAD ST., PHILADELPHIA, PA. / V Sinn roa MAIMAIN nnxßTiK nricv m sn.«v W*NTKS J AUTO TIRES AND TUBES 1 EVERY WELL-KNOWN BRAND ; We carry a complete stock of tires and tubes iti ..all sizes. All tires carry a standard guarantee. Prices lower than usual, (loodyear. Kelly-Springfield. Nassau, Capitol and Imperial. We carry auto accessories at reduced prices, (let our prices. On Sale On the Third Floor I BOWMAN'S I Auto Transportation Machine Shop No. 5 North Cameron St., Harrisburg, Pa, Repair and Remodel Automobiles of Every Make. All Work Guaranteed. Let Us Estimate on Your Repairs. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT When in trouble ou the road, 'plione us—Bell 'Phone 1710 and p we will tow you in free of charge. TRe C. A. Fair Carriage 1 and Auto Works East End Mulberry Street Bridge I Manufacturer :.nd repairer of Auto Tops, Bodies and Springs of all makes. Quality is our motto. ? Automobile Painting—Rubber Tiring, etc. PROMPT ATTENTION MOTORCYCLE NOTES Lieutenant Commander Max B. Nor ton. gt' the English submarines, is an enthusiastic motorcyclist. And in times of peace he spends much time 011 the two-wheeler. .loe Ksler. of Quinny, 111., the motor-1 ''.vcle globe-trotter, has no; given up 1 1 lie 30,000-mile world tour which lie j had planned tor this fall, but expects j to start, out as soon as the European; troubles are settled. Peoria, 111., is planning to leave noth iiig undone to land the 1915 convention of the Federation of American Motor c vclists. <- l now get more business in this territory than any one ever did be ifttlbr (Hires 1451 Zarker Street Sterling Auto Tire Co. MOTORING fore, says Elmer Riley, a salesman, of Atchison, Kuit. Kilev has recently pur chased a motorcycle,' and says that on i' he can make as high as thirty towns a day. A run from Asheville, X. to At lanta, (ia., is being planned for Thanksgiving Day by the Asheville Mo torcycle Clulb. The Canadian government has or dered 500 American motorcycles to equip the dispatch riders of the troops they are raising to send to England. Bmii Perry, the winner of last year's 300-mile motorcycle race at Savannah, is expecting to again take part in a similar event on Thanksgiving Day. San Antonio Meet Riders from all over the United States will be a9ked to participate in the big motorcycle meet which is to be pulled off by t'he San Antonio (Tex.) Motorcycle Club. About 75 members of the club were present at an enthusi astic, meeting to make arrangements for the event, which will probably be held the latter part of Novemlber. A num ber of contests both for and twin machines will be staged. HARRISBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT, SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 14, 1914. THE MAYNES COMPANY LIGHT 6 CABRIOLET ■ ■ : n "l-'or winter and summer driving, | in rain or shine, for a ,jaunt through \ the country or a trip to the theatre, ; the cabriolet is the ideal ear for gen- | oral utility." states Geo. P. Mc.Farland, i of the llarrisbiug Auto Company, dis- ' tributors in this territory for the j Haynes, America's first car. "In response to the great demand for a cur of this type the Havnes coin ' pany has announced a light six cabrio let. "Because of its many advantages the cabriolet is destined to become very popular. It may be converted from a roadster to a coupe or vice versa in less than a minute's time by a person > within the car. "When used as a roadster the plate j glass windows arc dropped into recesses I POWERFUL BRAKES ARE ON ALL THE OVERLAND MODELS Easy Eidina; Quality of Car Enhanced by Extra Long Springs—Neat Elec trical Switch Box Is an Innovation to Popular Car Or/ all Overland models, the brakes are large and powerful, with a braking surface ample for ain 11ii heavier car, proving a factor of safety much appre ciated by the driver. The easy riding quality of tiie car is enhanced by extra long springs, half elliptic in front and 53-inch t'hree-quar ter elliptic in the rear. The rear springs are slung under the axle aud work on swivel seats, allowing the maximum freedom of motion, the siprings only be ing required to support the weight of the car ami are riot called upon to take the driving strain of the rear wheels as in some cars of other design. An innovation which adds much to the simplicity of c-oration is ths neat electrical switch box. This control is attached to the steering column just be low the IS inch black walnut wheel, placing ignition, lighting, starting ami horn controls within comfortable reach of the driver's hand. Provision lias been made whereb-v the switches may be locked either on or oft'. The wires leading from the s.\itch box are c:i closed in a single casing, and are easily traced as insulation is of an individual color. Witfb this construction the steering column is anchored at two separate points—to tho frame and instrument board. The latter fastening, placed so close to the wheel, holds it securely and eliminates ail vibration at any speed. This adds materially to the east of oper ation. The exterior appearance of the car is essentially plain and simple, suggesting character and stability in proportion to the severity of the lines. It has a roomy streamline body with long sweeping curves, leading in tin unbroken line fm;n the radiator to the full belled ton neau ha-T. j■ n • '... .. .... sll ,n Jeffery Chesterfield i.ight t>. . . SIOSO Jeft'ery Big 6, $2400 Jeffery Trucks Chassis, SI3OO to SIOSO .Teffery 4-Wheel Drive Trucks, . .$2750 Vim IIMIO lb. Ueli\ or ■■ ranging I ron $035 to $725 All Prices F. O. B. Factory Bentz Landis Auto Co., 1808 LOGAN ST. RIVERSIDE GARAGE Rear 1417, 19 and 21 North Frojit Street GEO. B. BENTXiEY, Proprietor A modern brick structure, central j location for storage with Practical Mechanical Service ; llarrisbnrg Agents for PAIGE CARS Correct in design, construction j and price. Demonstration by Appointment Bell Phone 3731 R 'in the doors and the curtains are kept in a carrying space built into the back |of the seat. The collapsible lop is nmde of leather and is braced in such a man iner as to stretch out all wrinkles when 'in the coupe position giving the smooth, icven appearance of sheet metal. I "In the Havnes cabriolet a compart ment is provided in the back of the [driver's seat, out of the way and yet easily accessible, for carrying gloves, parcels, and other small articles; and ample space is provided at the rear for carrying suit cases, grips, etc. "The cabriolet will help solve the | problem of a great many people who i epintain two cars—one for summer jnnd one for winter use—inasmuch as it is comfortable for all seasons of the ' vea r." , JEFFEM S!XJS ft WONDER Romarkablo Performance When Only ! Eleven Seconds Elapse to Reach Speed of 35 Miles par Hour A stop watch was used and held in : the hands of Judge W. ( . Graves, now 'superintendent- of the State reformatory !at Poritiac, 111., with instructions to snup the watch the instant the car start ed to move and to stop when it reached i a speed of thirty live miles per hour, j The Judge announced the elapsed time |as eleven seconds flat. He was also i shown speed rauging from ;! to 55 miles j per hour on direct drive. In the recently conducted endurance I run from rhicago to Peoria, a distance of 160 miles, A. M. Robbing, president i °f the Centaur Motor Company, of Chi ! cago, driving a Jeffery six as a pilot ear, used ten gallons of gasoline find one quart of lubricating oil. thus aver aging sixteen miles to a gailon of gaso line. These are unquestionable facts, anil they make interesting reading for au tomobile buyers who will have to con s'der the motor questi >n carefully dur ing the coining se:ison. PLAN AN ECCNOIWY CONTEST Harrisburg Motor Club Arranging lor Interesting Event to Take Place Thanksgiving Day An economy contest has been I piauned for Thanksgiving Day, Thurs j day, November 26, 19 14, io Gettysburg, \ ork. Columbia, Mt. Jov and return tp j Harriaburg If is to be held under the auspices of the Harrisburg Motor C lub. It is expected that all the leading automo bile makes of the 191 a models will be entered. There will be about 25 cars contesting. Much interest has already been awakened and the claims of the j various manufacturers will have a full j opportunity of demonstration. ■ The start will be made at T a. m. I Details of the contest can be obtained j at the office of the motor club. King Albert a Motorcyclist King Albert of Belgirm is said to j be by far the most "human" King of j all Europe. He is a born athlete "and loves practically every sort of outdoor sport, he is an enthusipstic automobil ist, motorcyclist, equestrian, hunter and fisherman. On his hunting and fishing trips His Royal Higness finds the mo torcycle to be of especial value. With i the necessary fishing tackle or hunting j paraphernalia strapped securely to the I t'.vo-wheeler, the King can speeil awav | from the cares of state tor a few hours' | quiet sport. And on the motorcycle he j can visit unfrequented hunting grounds j which are not easily reached with any I other vehicle. Motorcycle Enforces Law Motorcycle Patrolman Harry Asinuth, 'of Milwaukee, recently made a most daring arrest of a violator of the speed 1 ordinance. Chugging along at a rate ) of :!0 miles an hour, Asmuth overtook jthe speeder, vauited from the saddle of ! iiis motorcycle to the running hoard of j the ear and put the driver under arrest.. Twenty-five dollars and costs was the ] sentence the culprit got in police court. Origin of "Navvy" Workers | The seventeenth century canals or navigations gave rise to the "navvy,'V a term very slowly evolved from ''nav gy tor.'' There arc many country pub li • houses in England still existing that testify to the navvy's early designation on their sign, "The Navigators' Arms," which depicts a brawny laborer with a spade in one hand and a foam I irig pot of beer in the other. But I you may search England through and i through and you will not find a "Nav jvy's Anns.'' Curiously enough, while I the navvy who makes our roads now ; obtained his designation from digging j out canals, the canals were all legally | classified as roads in a great bodv of ! statutes—the "roads acts." But what | would have been his nickname if rail- I i ways had come before waterways#— ! | London Globe Blow Little Softened "We won't discharge you, Mr. Per | I kins," said the manager. 'We shall al- | loy you to tender your resignation." "Tendering it won't make it one bib the less tough," gloomily, returned the man who was laid off.—Boston Tran script. A Whole Hour Mrs. Newly wed —Just think, dear, ■ we've been married nearly an hour ami we haven't had a cross word.—Buffalo] ' Express. This big Overland Model SO with all modern equipments delivered to you freights paid for $1,110.00. Roadster 81,085.00. Model 81 Overland, same design only smaller, all equipments, delivered, all freight paid, $885.04). Roadster 8830.00. Biggest value ever offered in any automobile. I Don't put out the cash for any automobile until you have tried these wonderful Overland models. First carload of •Si's just received this week and now ready for your inspec tion at our show room, Third and Boyd streets. Andrew Redmond » P. S. chandler Light 6, smoothest ear on the road, speed 3 to 55 miles per hour, 16 miles to a gallon of gasoline. 700 miles to a gallon of oil, 7,000 miles to a set of tires. Weight 2885. Price delivered 91,035.00. Try this wonderful ear. I PAIGE "36" COVERS 158 MILES IN 15HR5..17 IWIN. New Record Hung Up Tor Run From 1 Oakland to Lake Tahoe and Back • Remarkable Motor Car Achieve ment on Coast The Pacific coast is buzzing over a I recent motor car achievement which is | said to far eclipse anything in the way j of a spectacular demonstration of j roadabilitv that has yet been recorded I in that section of the country. A new | record has been hung up for a run j from Oakland to Lake Tahoe and back i the distance, 458 miles of hard, give' and take going, having been covered I by a 1915 Paige stock "36" touring! car in 15 hours and 17 minutes elapsed time. This record, which California writ-! ers say is bound to stand for some j time to come, is duly attested by join-1 petent witnesses who took the time of arrival and departure, and the Paige I has been awarded the Lynne Stanley | perpetual challenge cup offered by an j Oakland merchant. The test was tried out under the j auspices of Don Lee, one of the coun try's best known distributors. Mr, Lee recently took on the Paige line for j California and his purpose in going! after the Stanley cup was to demon strate in a convincing manner the truth of the claims he makes for Paige | staunchness, reliability and general I readability. The Paige "36" left Oakland at 11.30 in the morning, an automobile newspaper editor taking their time. They arrived at Tallac, Lake Tahoe, at 10.55 a. m. and in thirteen minutes, I just time enough for an authority to! record their time, they were on the return journey, reaching Oakland, at the point from which they started, at 6.48 p. m. Anticipating the hardships and se verity of making this trip in record time it was deemed necessary that four experienced drivers make up the cars crew. It was a case of "turn-about" at the wheel for even an old hand soon became exhausted piloting the dashing car along rugged and treacherous mountain trails at high speed. Not a particle of mechanical trouble j was experienced, and not a puncture j suffered. Only those who are familiar | with the country traversed in this 458 j mile drive, can appreciate just what it i means to make this record. The route across the state over the hazardous roads of the Sierra Nevada mountains, with all sorts of roads and grades and miles of ruts, holes and dust, is a dif- WAYNES LITTLE $1485 RED TRUCKS AND Pleasure HARRISBURG AUTO CO. *■ - WHEN OTHERS FAIL To Remedy Your Electrical Troubles CALL The Electrical Dep't. of the OTIS ELEVATOR CO. Armature Winding, Generators, Fans, in Fact—lf It's Electrical, WE REPAIR IT Years of Practical Electrical Experi ence Backs Us Up No. 28 S. 3d St. HARRISBURG, PA. Bell Phone 3508-L * VULCANIZING Expert Work Only 1451 Zarker Street Sterling Auto Tire Co. ficult_ and very trying one. To make it in 15 hours means a car is put to the severest test imaginable. AMUSEMENTS MAJESTIC This afternoon aud evening, "Sep tember Mom." Friday, November 20, Hose Stalil in "A Perfect Lady." ORPHEUM Every afternoon and evening, high class vaudeville. COLONIAL Daily continuous vaudeville and pic tures. * K "September Morn" Rowland and Clifford's big LaSalle opera house, Chicago, success is comin" in all its glory to the Majestic this afternoon and evening. Dancers of the tango and hesitation waltz kind. A large bunch of principals well known to the music loving public and identi fied with all big musical comedv suc cesses which includes such names as Aat Philips, Hazel Shannon, Adelvn fcstee, William Cameron, John Patton, rred Dußois and others. The music is of the catchy, whist ling kind that sends you home in a joy till mood. Among the many son<r 'hits (sung only in "September Morn") wc " n(1 : ",Wheu a Little Boy Loves a Lit tle Girl; "In Berlin;" oh. You Sep temjer Morn; ' ''Everybody's Tan"o ," A Spare-Rib ' Prom the Butcher shop of Life;" "Beautiful Dreams I m Dreaming;" "The Sun Shade Girl;" " Where Is the Pleasure in Wine and Sang if the Woman Is Not There?" af|v "A Perfect Lady" (-'banning Pollock and Rennold Wolf are the authors of "A Perfect Lady." the new play in which Rose Stahl will appear at the Majestic, Fridav even nig. Messrs. Pollock and Wolf have been writing together for manv sea sons and they have » notable iist of plays to their credit. In fact their as sociation is the one instance which can at present be recalled in which two American authors have successfully collaborated on more than one suc cessful piece. There has been much curiosity as to how the authors work together and which author writes cer tain scenes, but they are wise young men and both take the glory only in conjunction with one another.'They are not going to let the public into the sec ret of their methods if they can help it. Mr. Pollock was first a newspaper man, then a press agent, and at last, an author. Mr. Wolf has long been one of the best known newspaper men in the country and in addition, has an established reputation as an after din ner wit. a , )v> At the Orpheum After tonight, Miss 'Ruth Rove, easily the most popular girl who has appeared on the vaudeville stage this season; we miss Bart McHugh's rat tling juvenile musical comedy called "The Lawn Party;" also the wonder ful Arabian tumblers and four or five other acts of considerable reputation and talent. Nat M. Wills, the happy tramp, seems almost sufficient in an nouncing next week's headliner. The name of Mr. Wills is known all over the civilized world and everywhere he appears he is hailed as the "king of funmakers." And while this will Ire Mr. Wills' first lonal appearance in vaudeville, it will not be his first visit in ITarrisburg for it will be recalled that he was the star of Ziegfeld's Fol lies, when that organization appeared at the Majestic theatre last season. Nat is a genius of humor with a treas ury rich in comicalities and almost every performance finds his mirth run ning along new lines. Homer Mason and Marguerite Keel er and company, who presented a com edy sketch called "In and Out" at the Orpheum .about three seasons ago, re turn next week in their newest offer ing called "Married." "In and Out." when it appeared at the Orpheum was declared by critics to be the best com edy playlet ever shown at the Or pheum. It will be remembered that the scene constantly shifted from the out side of the house to the inside and the theme dealt with a drunken hus band of the better class coming home to his wife, who has fallen asleep at her fireside while waiting his return. Mr. Mason's monologue with the "lit tle key" on the front door steps was an especially clever bit of the act. A wealth of big Keith names are grouped around these two big acts. adv. ] At the Colonial "How Jack l-ioved Jill," is the title of a breezy ami clever musical comefly that heads the bill at the Colonial for the last half of the week. About tiie daintiest pony ballet that has been seen in Harrisburg for many a ■ lav constitute the chorus of the play let. The theme is novel, even if it is old. anil the principal players are es pecially pleasing. Ford, Hayes anil Watts do a clever mixture of sonj:, dance, piano playing and e\ en a few clever acrobatics; the Devon Sisters are a nifty pair in a song and dance specialty and Harry and Augusta Tyr pin have something new in a corned* skit with singing. The Colonial's mov ing picture features are also receiving much favorable comment among pa trons of the Busy Corner. adv. WHEN A MAN LIES He Breathes Differently From When H# Tells the Truth When you are telling a lie von breathe differently from when vou arc telling the tru'tih. T'he difference was discovered by means of some tests made upon liis students 'bv Processor Benussi of Graz. He prepar<i<l cards bearing letters, figures and diagrams and distributed these among his pupils. These were requvred to describe the cards correctlv. except in certain cases when the cards were marked with a red star and the students receiving them were required to describe them falsely. Each student was watched carefully by his fellows, who, ignorant-of the nature of the card, tried to .judge from his manner whether he was telling tho truth or not. The watchers were unable to judge with anv certainty. But before each man began his test, the time occupied in inspiration and expiration was measured, and the mea> urement was taken again itmmediatelv after he finished. It was found that the utterance of a false statement alwavs increased and the utterance of a true statement always diminialhed, the quotient obtained by dividing the time of inspiration by the time of expira tion. Dr. Anton 'Rose, 'commenting in Die Umschau on these results remarks that the discovery furnishes a certain cri terion between truth and falsehood. For even a clever lmr is ii'kely to fail in au attempt to escape detection 'by breath ing irregularly, Professor Benusai ha v. ing discovered that men are unaible vol untarily to change their respiration so as to affect the result. G-UAB.DING THE DIAMONDS Thousands of Miles of Barbed Wir# Inclose Kimberley's Mines Machinery and barbed wire have supplanted the rude methods of break ing up diamond bearing blue earth and protecting the valuable finds omploved twenty years ago in the South African diamond mines. Thedepths of the strange, crater shaped hole in which the peculiar dia mond bearing earth is confined ara now penetrated by shafts, reaching hundreds of feet down into the earth, with forty foot levels. The broken earth is removed in closed trucks to the surface, where, after a season of exposure to sun and atmosphere strewn on the ground, it is hauled to the mills. Here pulsators finally locate the dia monds on grease covered inclined ta bles, to which the diamonds adhere, while loose sand, earth and gravel are washed away by water. Acres of ground covered by broken earth brought up from the mines con tain possibly millions of dollars' worth of gems, and these treasure troves are protected by high fences of barbed with, with intricate arrangements at the corners and at the gates. About 4,000 miles of wire are used in the de fenses about t'he Kimberle.y mines. New York Press. Just Practicing "Sou, you mustn't carve your name on the piano. Another such episode and I'll punish you severely." '' Dad, how can you expect me to carve my name in the temple of fame when you won't let me get any prac tice ?' ' —Seattle Post-InteHigenceh. Musical Term ''Do you know anvthing about inn eic? •- '•Yes," replied Mr. Growcber. '' What's a rest ?'' ''The time it takes 'em to change l lie record in the music machine next door.''—Washington Star. American Merchants Unite in praising The capacity Of the AUTOCAR for Continuous Service. Ask any Owner the Reason. Delivery improved, E'onomy secured, L)wer delivery costs, I 'creased delivery area, V aluable customers gained, Eficient in all seasons; R suit— Y )arly profits increased. Vouched for by Enterprising and H ird-headed Individuals and Concerns who are Looking for Elicient Ssrvice It will cost you nothing to beconn informed why the purchase of an Auto car will mean bigger business to you. ANDREW REDMONII Third and Boyd Sts. Harrisburg, Pa.