' I BWhen you are afflicted with ■ the painful discomforts of I E Indigestion remember that Beeeham's Pills are spe- ■ eially adapted to give you speedy, safe E Eand reliable relief, while this same mar- ■ j velous family remedy has' well proved its ■ power to drive away the headache, the B lassitude, the low spirits, the bad dreams I Cand other distressing symptoms of ■ H Beeeham's Pills have earned their world-wide repute as thebestcorrective Hal of disorders of the organs of digestion, pF and they deserve this great fame now | A just as they have deserved it through « all the more than sixty years they §| have been bringing health and comfort I and strength to suffering humanity. gj| MTry a few doses for your own H health's sake and see what a differ- p! ent person you will feel after your I ■ system has been cleared of impur- wi your blood purified, your ■ stomach toned, your liver stimulated, j|| your kidneys and bowels regulated. *Tlie Largest Sale of Any Medieine [hrcctxov* or t pre a I xxtlu? to i:OWn are with ft fry box. SOCIAL and PERSONAL MISS WALTERS HOSTESS Gave a Charming Dance in Winterdale Last Bveuing. Attended by M.tny Guests x *.ss . ..>aiiPi \\ aito - ga\e a d.tu e at ; u"? oven; 11 jj. Looker s or v - «v for the uiiiein* The £\u >;> ir: uiiie l: •- -i I\1! >. Mi>- Fi> eiu o Faaaa. Mis* Vera Via Hon.. Miss E»t - mikh. Nli»« Sa-a Weitzei. Mini Marfo Stacker. Hisi Frances Ctfrbett. iSB Mark Melville, Mi** 'Dorothy I ... Mias Louise Fisaer. Miss, ' btfMte Keistor, Miss Ferol Stevens, tfias Margaret Baeoa, lite Mary* i'. Mis. (Catherine MeClaakajr, Mrs. Mary Miles. Mian Ijouise (.Yoier. Miss £asner Hutuaa. Miss Katheriue Naujjh- • ton. AU.-s i-.ii atoeth Kline. Mi-- Ma . ! W M -- r ;.u,, .0 Melville. Alias Edith Trjiij*. Miss Anna Baron, j t •- - M -- Kmnieline - Miss Vliea Le Com,>te. Miss Mtliaa Fisher. Miss Sell Sweeaey, Mis-" -i- ?tli IK-iioney. Miss Fannie l!. v. K. !l i i hiu'si. I K~ kmau. W illia'n ■I *! a Klineiiue, I . A. Dcloae, >. i<. .VssVv. Stewart. IV. !>; . Thomas W. Cain I. .1-.. K.- nan. Jo Maguire. .li> iM. Fletcher, Preston Crowell, John O on i■ I . C ore Coletr s: . C. W. Hnnes. Eu >.i!io IK-ioiic. aal F. Catoo, t;. R. Win ! sor. A. J. Eyler. H H. Lent'.. W. J. Cotisii. v . L. M'lie:. Edward Moore. L.e i.j lensto.n. Ri.-'aard Heagv, F. B. Ha ry, Harry Shreiner, .1. J. Daley. . •;«! -on. t'rarle? Ba r nit :. Mrs. 1 harlea Walters, Mr. and M>-<. Neai M< arthy. Mr. aial M->. « . A. Linblad. MFTS FOR KHIHK KI.FU' Kit- hen Shower Given for Miss Kath erine Weaver Vi>- R> . line I'ra\«.>augh a . : len «-b»wcr at her home. ISI3 <:reet. las* even:! in hono* of Mi-- K;:therine Weaver, r hose marri age to Pl|al Firman will be an event : • the near future. The bri>i> <- ft was •>i.> -e--.| : n; of n.any s-retty jifts and les's spent a pleasant evening with ntns. - and sanies. Refreshments were ser.e.i to the follow nj: Miss Kataerim- Weaver. Kalh- i eriue Sniee. Miss Ethel Davies. Ross At kit. son. Dennis Cocklin, C. G. Har ■isiii. Paul FSirman. Mr. and Airs. li<o:£e I. Fair.iil and Miss Drawoaugh. Daute for the Debutantes Mrs. Frank -'ayne is entertaiuing a* ; the Country Club a; a dance this even inu uni( liaientar;. :o Miss Dora Wiek ershani Coe and Miss Louise Carnev, two attractive * bub. The decora tion in ibe ball oon< will be of sreeii a.l white. One hundred and Sfiv i'iests will atten i. RUPTURE A p|>lianrrn I **-iJ nnd tpprovfrf b> t. >. ('Otrramrm—\«n ilrrr W R SEELEY. the not»d e\pe. t, :s ! •• turning to Harrisburg and will be at ■n- Comroonwealih Hotel. Tuesiav and I Wednesday. November 17 and IS, thor-, oughly equipped and prepared to deal | with tie most difficult eas?" "Is Spermat; Shioli Trjss. used and ' approved by the U. S. tjovernment and. the Czar ox Kussia. will retain anv rup- I vur- affording immediate relief and I trequenily -'Jos-s ;he opening in a short t.me. B'OXUKRITL RKSI'LTS WITH- ' OI'T SLRGKRY Olt HARMFUL I TION-'. ''lear and durable, no irritat- I mg ies straps or binding of hips. Examination and advice Free. Pa- ! tients- treated on former visits invited i to .-all for attention without charge. , Home Office. lO'.'T Walnut St.. Philadel phia. Pa. Cut and keep for reference. adv. ' ENTERM FOR NIECE Mi. and Mrs. Aa-ronson Give Dance for Miss Ijillian Marks, of New- York v iii.i Mr?, Charles Aaronson en tertained at their home. 257 Korster ! street. '.a<t evening in compliment to j their nieee. Miss Lillian Marks, of Br , klyu, N V. Musi dancing wo o enjoyed after which supper was T-ie tuests included Mi» Helen : Maeyer. Mis< Etta Gardner, Miss Mary * "iie M -ses Snulinau, >!:«, Ti.lie Bas .1. >: -? Tiiiie Freedman, M -- Anna ■ Owromik. Miss Bertha Foreman. M:s<j •leanette Aa:o;.son, Dr. il. Bronde. Mae ; • Ir\ n Kubin. Joseph CUster,; Walter .Stern. Harry Faller. of Phila-' dc.ph'a. anj Mr. au<t Mrs. Charle*j Aaron son. PSRTY FOB iM J. C. KIRBV Was Given a Delightful Surprise by Her Many Friends at Her Home A ir ittfill >tirpr se psr* v was yj, t; in honor of Mr-, .lames G. Kirov. 333 Sc ath Second street. Steeltau. ia<t evening. I'.ie quests spi lit a pleasant e - . enirg ilur.ng which Mrs. Kirbv was presented with a beautiful bouquet of roses. At a late hour refreshments were server to the following guests; Mrs. Atticks. Mrs. Baker, of Harris burg: Mis- Audrey Levanture. of Ob?r 'i: Mrs. Bailey. Mrs. \\. Weisenford, t Mrs. Browu. Mrs. T. J. Kirby. Miss Elizabeth Kirby. Master James Kirov, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Kirby, of >teelton: Mrs. Ruder, Mrs. I«aura Ruder. Mrs. Gutshawl and Mrs. Tagit. I. A DIES' A 11) SOCIETY 11KT • Were Entertained at the Home of Mrs. D. Cooper The Hebrew Indies' Aid Society was entertained at the home of Mrs. I). ' Cooper. 40> . umberland street, vester i daj afternoon. The follon iug members were present. Mrs. E. Goldstein. Mrs. M. Grcsj. Mrs. Kay. Mrs. Veaner, Mrs. L. Cohan, Mrs. A. liaronzik. Mrs. Sehampan. Mrs. He rout. Mrs. P. (jaronzik, Mrs. Marcus, Mrs. J. Aronson, Mrs. D. Cohan. Mrs! A. Isaacman. Mrs. M. Brenner. Mrs. A. j Cohan and Mrs D. Cooper. Mrs. George B. Kunkel to Entertain Mrs. (jeorge B. Kunkel will give a tea and dance at the Countrv Club Saturday. November 28. complimentary to Miss Mary Meyers, daughter of V -. nn.i Mrs. William K. Meyers, who will be formally introduced at a tea and dinner dance at the home of her par ents. 213 North Front street. Fridav, • 1 November 27. Van Riper-Hursh Wedding Announcement is made of the mar riage of Miss Edna Hursh. of Fresno. • a'., and Philiji C.- Van Riper. 412 South Cameron street, a clerk in the U. S. army, stationed at Fresno. The wedding took place October 21 at Fresno. Rutt-Stoltzfus Beartowa. Nov. 14.—(Miss Rtbev.a *. Htoltzfus. of this place, was married yesterday to John J. Rutt. of near Lan t aster, by the Rev. J. Highby, pastor ' of Olivet Baptist church, at the home j of the bride. They were unattended. I TTARRISBURC; STAR-INDEPENDENT, SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 14. 1914. ART CLUB HEID A MEETING j Members Met »t the Home of Mrs. I Andrew Patterson Yesterday Afternoon | t I Merabeis of the Art Olttb met y ester i , day afternoon at th>» homo of Mrs. An ! I drew Patu-rson, 1423 North Front 1 street. This war the members will ' | study American history, and a; the meeting yesterday the work for the winter was outlined The lisi of members include.*- Mrs. I John H Fager, ,lr„ Mrs. Willium L I Kellar. Mrs Fred Su-bei. Miss Martha I Snavely. Mis. Arthur A. Herr. Mrs. ■ Walter K. Dietrich. Mrs. Al. K. Thounas. Mrs. Charles B. Fager. Jr., Mis. Arthur I H. Hull and Mis. Patterson. )IISS MTUXTmk HOSTESS Entertained at a Channg Dish Party iu Honor of Her Guest Miss Anna MeClintoek entertained! at her home, 106 Hoas street, last even ing in compliment to Miss Zula Keode. of Carlisle. The rooms were prettily decorated j and the guests spent a pleasant even i iiig with music an i games after which a ehating dish supper was- served. The guests included Misses Mary Lichtenberger, Minnie Van Camp. Ida Burkey, Zula Reede, Kdith Van Camp, v/atherine Van lamp, Anna MeClintoek, j Messrs. James MeClintoek, Glenn Todd, lof Carlisle; Dr. Lyman. George White. Curtis Zimmerman and Richard Ijogan. kI\<;">SKKVAMS MKKT Interesting Program Presented by the Members | \ meeting of the Servants of theKiug ; of Market square Presbyterian church . was Ijekl last evening. Miss Helen I Strayer had charge ot the Mission | arses' Life, that oi William Taylor, j and was assisted by Miss Lillian Spcakuian M ~ Dorothy Steele. Miss Katherme Al i.nger. Miss Dorotnv Ar uol'l, and M Sarah Nunenia ,er. i Henry Van Dyke's "Lost Word" was ; tolJ in an interesting way by Miss Katherine Fuhnestoek. Xliss" Belle Middaugh «aug. A bazar will be held ! on Friday. November 20. at a store j room at the Masonic Temple. Announce Birth of Daughter Mr. aii i Mrs. L E. Stewart. 2,'.:!> l<ogan street, announce the birth of a daughter, Dorothy Leone. Wednesday, November 11. Mrs. Stewart was Mws Marie l.eoue Biker prior to her mar riage. Returned From Month's Visit Mrs. Alvin I. Miller. 15 South Third j street, has returned from a month's vis tit in Philadelphia and New York. Mrs. ; Miller ha« .is he: guest her sister. Miss j M. Ellen Hays, of Bhippensburg. Obleuder-Withers Wedding Marietta Nov. 14.—Miss Ha el I Withers a- married to-day to Howard Oblemler. of Lancaster, at the parson j age of Grace Lutheran church by the .pastor, the Rev. Dr. Haupt, the ring ceremony iieing used. They were uu j attended and « reception followed at !t be home oi the bride. Home From European Tnp C. R. Deminn. of Philadelphia, who J has just returned from a two months' : business trip to Germany and Holland, is spending the week-end as the guest ! of N'oimjn Lichtenberger, 1810 North Sixth street. Announce Birth of a Sou Mr. and Mrs. Lesle McCreath. of the Riverside apartments, announce the birth of a son. Friday. No vc m be:- 13. FIX It \ DEATH-PROOF Tries Six Thousand Volts and Tweut;.'- foot Fall on Head > ork. "a. Nov l—six thousand volts of electricity an 1 a plunge of 20 feet headforemost u 'on an iron rail vould not kill 14-yeir-cld Edwar I Kro.or" >pr:ng G ove, though either would have been thought enough to do it. The boy \ companions thought -j and. in fact. I.? i aircody bundled what they regarded as the lifeless bo ly of ;aeir chum upon a small exp-ess wag on to haul it to his home when tiie "corpse" came lo life The boy was seated on the overhead Western Maryland railroa i bridge, near the borough, when one of his legs, dangling over the edge, came in con tact wi*h the highly charged trolie wire beneath. Immediately he was hurled to the trolley track, 20 feet below, striking violently on his head. ' 1 Up" A "Step | Awaits the individual whose physical and men tal powers fit him to grasp opportunities. Uiglit food plays a big part. Grape-Nuts —made of prime wheat and malted barley, con tains in eorreet propor tions the elements nec essary for building strong bodies and keen brains. This delicious food is long baked easily di gested and nourishing. A daily ration of Grape-Nuts along with other food is good for ambitious folks. " There's a Reason " I«- t Uneeda Biscuit I < Nourishment—fine fla vor—purity—crispness —wholesomeness. All for s cents, in the moisture-proof package. GRAHAM CRACKERS A food for every day. j Crisp, delicious ana strengthening. Fresh baked and fresh de livered. xo cents. SNAPAROONS A delightful rttw bis , cuit. with a rich and delicious cocoanut fla vor. Crisp and always fresh, io cents. Buy biscuit baked by 1 NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY I . A hvays look for that Same i j News of Persons Who Come and Go George I'.io.v and daughter. Do' otliy, of Wiiliaii.stowu, a e spending the week .. t v. t!i Mr. ami Mrs. .1. C. Keigle, 144 6 Market street. A. i . Turner, of Boston. Mass.. is spending 'he week-en.l with M-s. Em ma M. Turner. 220S North Fifth street. , Dr. .1. McCarthy, o' Westfield,; Mass.. i« t;,e weekend with' a former classmate. Dr. R. ,1. Keigle. 14 46 Market street. Mrs. William Gerdes, .'l9 Reilv street, ai laughter. Miss Anna j Gerdes. are visiiiug the former's i • lau^hte'. Mi -, i.. L. Bowman, at Jack-' sonville, Fia. They will also visit St.! Pete < j rg and other points South. Mr. yo.i M ... Waiter P. Maguire. 5 Sontii Front street, have gone to Prin -e- 1 ion. wne r -o they attended the Yale | Prin eton game to-dav. M.»s la Fleming, 11] State I 9i~(cT, I<M: yester :ay for Princeton, I in aer.- s. l e attended the Prom iast and witne?.-ed the Yale-Princeton foot ' ■ •all game to day. From Princeton she! will go to La wren eviile, X. .J, to spend the winter ;Vs the triost* of her rela tives, Mr. an I Mrs. William Robin sou. Mr. and Mrs. W. Oni.e Hictok :!d, j -01 North Front street, with the:r son.' William O. Hiekok. ith, and Heurv 01: i sted left yesterday for Philadelphia and attended the \ ale-Princeton "sine to-day. * • Robert Gait Goldsborougn. of Frout I and Forster streets, left yesterday to! join h:s wile who has i>een spending tlie i past v.ee-. ti N"» York City anil both • witnessed the ale-Prineeten game to-, day at Princeton. Mr. and Mrs. Horace G. Durbin, of New Kens ngton, have Seen guests for tsie |'.:s- lew days of-Mrs. James Dur bin. 717 N'oeth Sixth street. Miss Anne Fissell, Sls Nort n sixth street, left to-day to attend the Yale- Princeton football game at Princeton. Mrs. James Pennell. 1325 North Sixth street, < ent Thurs lav iu Tyrone. The Rev. Harry N. Bickel. of Potts v:lle. spent yesterday at the home of h : s brother. C. <M. Bickel. 1509 North Sixth street. Mrs. *11(1 Meredith and son, P. F. Meredith. 1 4 06 North Sixth street, have returned home from a visit to Three Springs. Mrs. Anna A. Womer. of York' springs. Pa., s visiting her sister. Mrs. I 1 . B. Haul man. 72 North Fourteenth street. Mr. and John li. Sauter. 128 SOLD '* Do "' '"M ON THEIR 36 Doses 25c MERITS A All Druggist: For Headache, Neuralgia j Quick, Sure, Safe v 11 Locust street, have returned home from , a week's visit with the latter's parents at I.a [waster Mrs. W. R. Chandler. 510 Keily itreet, spent Thursday iu Tyrone. Mrs. J. K. Gerringer, of Buffalo, aft er a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Wil liam Gosh, 132 Ijocust street, left to-day for a visit to Klmira en route to her home. Jerome Hamilton. 346 Hummel I street, witnessed the Yale Princeton football game at Princeton to-day. 1 Miss Alice Parthemore. 221 Wood- I bine street, is attending a house party at State College. Miss Virginia Sample anil Miss Belle Sample have returned to their home, 1506 Green street, after a year spent in Colorado. Mrs. M. .1. Mulcahy, 2354 Kilerslie j street, has returned home from Phila j delphia. Miss Lillian Silverman has returned ' to her home in Altoona, after spending several weeks with Miss Til lie Freed , i man. 203 Harris street. Miss Auua Bacon, 216 North street.' ' is in Princeton, N. J., attending the j Vale Princeton football game. On her ■ way home Miss Bacon will spend sev j eral days in Philadelphia. Miss Sabra Clark, of Dauphin, has | returned home after a brief stay with j i Miss Man F.li/.abeth Middleton, 12 1 I Smte street. Mi>s June Stoufl'er. of Lancaster. ! i has returned after a visit with her i sister. Mrs. Robert C. Midilaugh. of; Camp Hill. John W. Nuneniaker, 332 1 2 Crcs j cent street, has returned from a gun j ning trip to l.awreneeville, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Frad W. Fletcher, j 2344 Derry street, has returned from la»vv renceville. * Miss Sarah F.llen Cummings. of j | Orescent street, will return on Sunday I from Hot Springs, N. C., where she | I spent the year. i Miss Bertha Haversiiek. of Millers ! burg, has returned home after spending | a week in this city attending the j ■ Dauphin County Institute. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Meredith ami j | three daughters. 1406 North Sixth ! j street, have returned from a several I days' visit to Three Springs, Hunting ! don county. Mrs. Frank Miliigau and son, Frank Milligan, Jr.. of Newport, spent yes ' terdav with Mr. and Mrs. John Sheats, of Camp Hill. Miss Marian Prawim.igii. tsl ii North street, left to-day for State Col J lege where she will be the guest of her i brother, J. Wilbur Drawibaugh. Audi i will be a guest at a fraternity house ; | party. 1 Miss Blanche Garveri.h. 62 7 Dau j phin street, is the guest of her grand parents at Lucknow. Paul Butler, of Gary. lad., is the I : guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. C Tnggart, in Steelton, en route to Wilkes-Barre. | where he will spend some time with : j. relatives. Miss Lillian Marks has gone to m-r I ! home in Brooklyn. N. V.. after spend -j ; iug some time with her auut. Mrs.] 'Charles Aronson, 257 Forster street. I George Sechrist and son, Harry Se ! ehrist. of Fourteenth and Swatara j . streets, are spending several days with I relatives in Perry county. | Mrs. Albert Beattv and Mrs. Walter Cook, of Altoona. are guests of Mrs. I David Barringer, IS4O Derry street. en route to Chanibersburg and Hagers ! town. Mrs. Frank Dunkle. of New York, is the guest of her parents. Mr. and j Mrs. J. M. Garverieli, at the Country j I Club Lane Miss Margaret Ramsey Boas. 124 j Walnut street, has gone to State Col-1 lege to attend a house party. Miss | Elizabeth Heitmiller. a classmate at Bristol school, Washington, 1). ae- I companied her. Visiting Friends in York Paul E. DotVtrieli, of Middletown, spent last night at York visiting | friends. African Ostrich Farm Open The Afrienn Ostrich Farm at Pax • j tang is now admitting visitors. The ' buildings and enclosure were eomplet | ed several weeks ago and twenty full i grown ostrichs have been placed on j exhibition. A number of people visited : | the farm during the past week and I . were very well pleased with the ex I ! hibit. The ostrichs are said to be i among the finest shown anvwhere, ! The Daily Fashion Hint. | i j&jgk H a LI ' SH Bor 1.- Fur lueed jlroji sUiits arc attractive j letail In the latest models. Tills eos- Music is of black velvet. It bes vest .-oiicr a.al drop skirt facing of dyed .sc.it. rue •.■age* nre bound with i lutin, •»* s.rn the turbaued edges <( - w [HARRISBURG LIGHT] apOWERLffI. I Do not fail to visit our booth while attending the Exhibition of the Depart ment of Engineers, Labor and Industry. All Household Appliances Sole at a Bargain during show week See our display of Edi son's latest type of MAZDA 1 LAMP 1 • il THEY SURELY ARE THE j| SUN'S ONLY RIVAL The light from these lamps will attract you to location. % -JJ A 1.1 MOW BASIS 20 I'KR » EXT. Fifty-fifty Salary Split Too Much for Wife, Judge Holds New York. Nov. 14—It's all oft' \ with the tifty-tiftv split in the alimony game. Twenty per cent, of a husband's j salary is all a wife whe gets a divorce i ought to expect, according to a ruling j of Supreme Court Justice Uuy yester- i day in the suit of Mrs. Pauline 1.. Berrv agiiiust William Harrison Berry, buyer for a big department store. Mrs. Berry, seuking a divoree. said she thought she ought to get sls a week alimony. 'What is your husband's salary. Madam?'" asked the Judge. "He earns SSO a week," the witness | replied. '1 shall order him to pay you $lO | a week,'' Justice Guy said. "We must | keep the machinery in working order. If there is no inducement for a man to work when he has to pay alimony he is likely to give up working." Mrs. Berrv had been granted $6 a week when she tiled her suit, in which she accused her husband of too great friendliness for another woman. I'pou Jacob Feinstone's testimony that he had followed Ber>'y to the I'nion Square hotel and a door was slammed in his face when he tried to force his way into the room occupied by the defend- \ ant and a womau companion, Justice Guy took the suit under advisement. | Panama-Pacific Midway The midway at the Panama-Pacific: exposition is to be called "El Cami- j no." The word is Spanish for high- I way. Its use for the exposition street j set aside for concessions is intended te j recall "El (amino Real," the king's highway, built by the Spaniards the length of the State, with a mission marking the end of each day's .jour ney. I.i! 1 miM NAT WILLS, KINO OF TRAMPS, >l7 THE ORPHEUM NEXT WEEK NAT M. WILLS .Mr. Nat XI. Wills, one of the liest ; known vaudeville headliners on the : Keith circuit, will bo at the Orpheum next week. As the "King of Tramps," ' Mr. Wills iloes H monologue that is ( I.VKKNS \ AI.LISV COAI. SHIPMENT The shipment of coal over the Sum mit Branch Hull road for the week end ing Xovember 7. 1911, together with a omparlson with the corresponding week last year, was as follows: Short Mountain Colliery Week Year Tons Tons IS 14 5,419.11 200.559.U3 191 4,742. I 9 252,465.00 Increase, 676.12 Decrease 51.K05.17 Summit Ilrniich < ollirrv 191 I 6.193.16 263,036. li 191;; 5,647.00 261,684.15 increase 546.16 1.351.17 Total 191 11,613.07 (63.595.1 i 1913, . . 10,389.19 514,149.15 Increase 1,223.08 Decrease 50,354.0# At the Photoplay Although Franz rates his abUjty as a composer very highly, hie wife, Anna, is the real source of his inspiration. A song suggested by Anna ibringe Franz fame and fortune. The man hastens to his publisher, with whom the song finds instant favor. Adv. Women in Business Life The following figures from the de partment of labor show how women are represented in the business life of the United States: Stenographers, 238,077; teachers and professors, 327,635; physicians and surgeons, 7,- 300; clergy, 7,395; architeots, design ers and draftsmen, 1,037; lawyers, I,* 010; agricultural pursuits, 770,055; various professions, 4!!9.497; various I trades, 481,159. Ideal Feminine Form The Medicean Venus is five feet five inches iu height, and this is held by many sculptors and artists to be the most admirable feminine stature. For a woman of five feet live inches 138 pounds is the proper weight, and if siie be well formed she can stand another ten pounds without greatly showing it. declared to be a continuous laugh of 20 minutes' ilurstion. Homer Mason and Marguerite Keeler, who two sea ;ons ag opresented a sketch called "In and Out," will also be on the bill iin a new offering.—Ad\. 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers