12 NEWS OF THE SPO RECORDS MAY BE SMASHED IN YALE-PRINCETON CAME Bij University Elevens Meet To-day For Fourteenth Tune—Neither Goal Line Has Been Crossed For Touchdown Siuce 1011 Now York, Nov. 14.—The football teams of Princeton and Yaie L'uiversi ti«.s play their aniiuHi game at Prince toa this afternoon. Several interesting coincidents mark this particular meet- of the elevens. To begin with it is the fortieth game between the uni versities, the series having been start i i in t:>73. During tuis long stretch oi ytars not a single dispute of suf li.ient importance to threaten the at.iletic relations of the two varsity r.vals has developed. As if in celebra tion of this splendid spirit of sports manship. Vale will, as the opponent of Princeton, figure prominently in the formal opening of the Palmer Memor ial stadium the Tigers' new football amphitheatre. This huge structure, second only in si/.e to the new Vale "Bowl," with its seating capacity for 41,000 spectators will permit the Princeton management to accommodate a larger gathering ot football followers than has heretofore witnessed any one game between these two university teams. According to the statements of Treasurer George h'. Murray, the Palmer stadium will be tilled this afternoon every seat having been sold and r.s a result the gross gate receipts will aggregate SBO,OOO. This' sum is considerable in excess of any previous game receipts and as it is di \ led equally between the athletic as sociations of the two universities will go far toward meeting the expenses incurred by various sport teams which! annually lost money, such as the crews and track teams. With new records for attendance I an t gate receipts assured close follow ers of football are predicting that the recent record of no touchdown games v .1 also be wiped out. Not since the I'J 1 1 game has either university cross ei her rival's line for a touchdown. In! t Ia t year -Sani White pi:'ked up a Vale fumble and ran sixty odd yards, scor ing Princeton's winning points. In 1912 the game ended iu a t> to 6 tie. ea h eleven scaring two field goals, the most sensational being Piimpelly's forty-nine yard drop kick which tied the S'-ore for Vale in the closing min utes of the game. Last season Hobey Baker dropped a successful field goal for the Tigers and Guernsey did like wise for Vale. According to the experts the swift, open and dashing attack of the two teams this autumn warrants tii- belief that one or both will suc ceed iu carrying the i'sil across the o::>onents line. O:: enthusiastic P-'inceton supporter has gone so far as to predict that the honor will fall to quarterback Ames, the >on of the fa mous "Snake"' Ames now coaching at Princeton, whose ninety and sixty-five yard runs against Harvard iu the ISS9 g; me are gridiron classics. While tlr< pressing prophecv hard t fact stands out" that Princeton football is celebrated for developing family sta -s from generation to gen eration. The names of the Poes, Hnl others have won places in the <"iinge and black honor roil and hardly .■I is played which does not pro duce some sensational player or play. It is tlvs feature as well as the tradi tions which surround the series that makes the annual Princeton-Vale game one of the football events of the year. | • ioing back over the records it * seen that each season the teams have met I 11 interesting games regardless of the' a :;io>t ronstant changes in the rules, j When Princeton and Yale lined up in the initial game of the series in 1573, the contest was played under the "Rules of 1873'' which were a! iii.nlorficariou of the association cole. Tli'ee years later the Intercollegiate! •ales were adopted but an arbitrary a • lit.en was made to the effect that go:: Is only should count as in previous reasons. In ISS2 the rules were amend ed s 0 that two safeties equalled a. touchdown and a year later the point scoring system, now in vogue, was PSCKET CIGAR N v \ LIGHTER, -j? ' dust what the aver , age man needs. ' Cigar Lighter and Pencil Combined. Clip attached so it can be fastened to coat or vest pocket. Price 25e. Sent everywhere. Hoke Novelty Co., 421 N. st)th St., Pliila., Pa. Agents wanted. CHICHESTER S PILLS rT*/P iF"i SOU) it WUGGiSrS EVEJJYWIOI ASK FOR-* Lancaster's Favorite Brew RIEKER'S BEER JNO. G. WALL, Agt. Harrisburg, Pa. Frank J. Rieker, Mgr. —mm—mmm—mmmmmmm lirst used. Previous to that year Yale hail won two games, Princeton two ami tour were ties. Since 1883 Yale has won eighteen games; Princeton eight niul live hail ended in tie con tests. During these comparatively modern years of the game Vale has scored 213 points to Princeton's 130. This prepondrance of points in favor of the Blue is due to the fact that most of Yale's victories have been double figure ones. In sixteen out of eighteen victories Vale scored in double figures, the largest score being made in IS9O when Princeton was crushed 32 to 0. The Tigers biggest score was made in lSPti when Vale fell before the Orange and Hlack by a s,ore of 2 I to 6. A recapitulation of the entire series of thirty-nine games since 1873. therefore, shows that Yale has won twenty games; Princeton ten and nine have resulted in ties. The startling announcement that Connie Mack had asked waivers on the Philadelphia Athletics trio o. pitchers Bender, Plank and Coombs, furnished a sensational climax to a sensational baseball season. Many explanations, aside from the rather vague one put forward by Mack, have been offered but the only reasonable certainty is that Mack a* well as the magnates of tiie American League knew full well that Bender and Plank at least, wouli never leave the junior major league. I oonibs, because of his long illness, is considered a negligible quantity. Plank has a grand pitching average o ' .(546 and a world's series average of .1!" siuce joining the Athletics. Bender has a better record, his league pitching average for twelve years being .650, and bis world's series average .534. Notwithstanding their age from a baseball standpoint, it is likely that !>oth will be placed with other Ameri can League clubs during the shifts and readjustments sure to take place this ! winter. In connection with the announce ment of the date of the next annual meeting of the National 1 ollegiate Athletic Association, to be held at Chicago. December 20, the association has issued, a statement regarding the right an I wrong views of athletic sport. In part it is as follows; "Athletic sport, if honorably and "iseljj conducted, can hold its own in any institution of learning; but to gain a position of dignity, it must be saved from many ot" its "friends, and main tained on so high a level that uo rea sonable man can question its value. Rightly administered it strengthens the weak, improves the weak placed in the strong, clears the brain, teaches boys aud young men to respect their bodies and to know the relation of a clean, vigorous body to an active mind and an honorable life. Rightly con ducted it is a school of manly skill, courage, honesty, self-control and even of courtesy: wrongly conducted it is a school of bad manners, vulgarity, trickv evasion, brutality—the ideas not of a sportsman, but of a sporting man. "We are constantly told that in England men play for the sako of playing, whereas in America men play for the sake of winning. The more se rious the question of winning, the more serious the need of winning honorably. S|Hirt in America is not mere fun; it is a test of character, and nothing that makes the player less a gentle man belongs to it. The football "player who wantonly injuries his rivals, the baseball player who persists in shout ing to rattle his opponents, the school 1)0y or student who takes monev for summer base ".ill and conceals the fact, should be put out of the team. Nor should any school or any college have secrets as to the legitimacy of its : athletic representatives. Federals Top Centrals The Federals won from the Centrals in the Holtzman League match last evening by 82 pins. Burger was hign man. The score: FEDERALS Mall 91 114 121—*326 Banks 91 92 7 6 259 i B »ir 86 11 7 79 282 i " i I' e SV 92 127 306 Burger .... 119 121 108— 348 Totals .. 474 536 511—1521 CENTRALS V™ 9fi 72 105— 273 1 borne ... 90 S5 92 268 Hank .... ins 73 93 «74 Miller .... 103 119 107— 320 liable 100 107 S8 295' Totals .. 497 456 486—1439 1 Houck and Wagner to Box Leo Houck, Lancaster's favorite, will . box Ki.l Wagner, of Wilkes-Barre, | Monday night in the windup at the, Lancaster Athletic Club. York at Armory To-night. The York basketball five will open ! a scries of six games 011 the Armorv ! floor this evening with the Harrisburg j team. Breitbenner, a former Eastern j Leaguer, will be with the York team. ! McOord and (iaffnev will be in theillar- ' risburg lineup. r -N'on-frreasy Toilet Cream—Keeps the Sktn Soft and Velvety In Rough Weather. An Exquisite Toilet prey, aratlon. 25c. GOKGAS DRITi STORE* IS Si. Third St.. anil F. It. R. statlea TTARRISBURG STAR-LN DKKKNDENT, SATURDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 14, 1914. ACCIES SURPRISE STATE Scientific Farmers' Touchdown Big Enough to Win—Tobin Gets in Oame State College. Pa., Nov. 14.—The Michigan Agricultural College football eleven celebrated its first invasion of the Fast by defeating Pennsylvania State here yesterday by the score of 6 to 3. Lamb scored a placement goal for State and Julian tallied a touchdown lor the Aggies. The Aggies played a magnificent game throughout, her backs, Julian, Deprato and H. Miller, tearing through State's right tackle for long gains. Smith, left tackle, also played a won derful game for the westerners. State was twice held for downs in side the Aggies' 3 yard line. Captain Tobin. of Pennsylvania State, only four days out of hosp.ta , was rushed into the game, but his ef forts were futile. The lineup: state College. Aggies. Morris I. K Henning Keatt I, T Smith Miller L (! Straight Wood ( Vaughn McDowell KG ... Vandcrvoort Lamb R T Blacklock Barron RE Cliaddock James q B O. Miller W eltv Ii H R Deprato Verger R H 11 H. Milter Dippe . PB Jul an Score by periods: State College . . 0 0 3 o—3 Michigan Aggies 0 6 0 o—60 —6 Referee, Beunis, Pennsylvania. Um pire, Cooney, Princeton. Head lines man. Crooks, Pennsylvania. Time of periods, 15 minutes each. State College i scoring, goal from placement. Lamb. Michigan Aggies scoring, touchdown, Julian. Substitutions, for Pennsylvania States, Kwing for Verger, Verger for Weltv, Tobin for Dippe, Edgerton far Tobin, Dippe for Higgius, Seamein for McDowell, Kwing for Dippe, Higgius for Barron, Barron for Higgins, Searu ey tor Lamb. Toeke for Miller, Swain for Barron: for Aggies, Ljveland for Vandervoort. PHILS WILLJOT EE SOLO Vice President Chandler Explains That Rumor Started Herrmann's Inquiry Philadelphia, Nov. 14.—The Phillies are not for sale, but they can be bought if anyone wants to come across! with a satisiactorv price was the sum | and substance of a statement made by T. ( handler, vice president of the Philadelphia baseball club, last night. I Mr. I handler spoke in replv to the j report that the Ward Brothers, of the Brooklyn Feds, were trying to purchase the Phillies, Mr. Chandler said: "All that we know about the matter is that -Mr. Baker, our president, received a telegram from Garry Hen-maun asking if he would sell the Phillies. Mr. Baker' replied that he would sell almost any-j thing he had if he got his price. Fur ther than that we know uothiuig. "I was with Mr. Baker dav before yesterday and up to that time'no offer had been made for the Phillies bv the ! Wards or anyone else. The Phi Hit's are: not on the market and if we should sell! the club the purchaser would have to pay a very good price. We have the grounds here, a ncculus for a good team and above all we are in a good ball tow-n, so why should we lie anxious to sell. We have no intention of do ing so." The minor that the Wards were aft er the Phillies originated at New York. The story had it that a conference j would be held in this city last night to talk over the deal. It is supposed that j Garry Herrmann, who seems to have' taken upon himself the work of bring-, jug the Federals and organized base- 1 ball together, had sent out the feeler to the Phillies. Herrmann is anxious to i secure National or American League clubs for Weeghman and the Wards, I who furnish the sinens of war of the' Federal League. It" Weeghman can get the Chicago Cubs and the Wards "an Eastern club the first step towards bringing all factions into harmonv i would be taken. SCOUT IRWIN VISITS PLANK Yankees' Representative Talks With Pitcher at Gettysburg Home I Gettysburg, Pa., Nov. 14.—Follow ing persistent rumors concerning Ed die Plank joining th e New York Amer icans next year, the visit to Gettysburg yesterday of Arthur Irwin, scout for the Yankees, is regarded as particularly significant, although the result of the conference wa.« kept a deep secret. Yesterday morning Irwin visited Plank at his home on the farm, a short distance from town, where lie was closeted with the great left-hander for several hours, finally returning to town, and left on the -first train out. He would give out no statement before his de parture, evidently wishing Plank to make known what he desired. When Plank was seen regarding Irwin's visit, he said: "I cannot tell you a word. Some time before spring I will have something to say, and then my Gettysburg friends will know my plans." That Gettysburg's favorite baseball YALE RELIES ON 1 vtr - ill iNt V . \ * \ J-jZ? KINKIV - VAL£ coach . Va.e is placing great reliance on the ability of Prank Hinkej, head coach, to iand this years eleven on the top rung of the football ladder. Ilinkev has a I ready worked wonders with the teaiu and has whipped together a machine bat man;.- be leve will win the gridiron championship. The present blue eleven n undoubtedly stronger than those which have been turned out from New Haven in re elit years and is a worthy successor to some of the notable football ite ws wnlch have achieved fame and glory for the blue in other years Minkev is a firm believer iu the open styie of play, lie has drilled the eleven oarefullv Iu the use of the lateral nitd forward pass. Its effectiveness has been demon strated iu a majority of the games played at New Haven this vear and it is re garded as responsible In a measure for the wonderful offensive strength of this ifiii a m'li'', ; vln,Wo '"«h. Kuowles. Legore, Wilson aud Scovil have been so well drilled iu the open game that the.v are perhaps without peers a« Its e\ro nents Hinkey b» been giv - full c redit for the fine worl "of the eleven and is undoubtdiy deserving of all praise en ana is star evidently has his plans for next year well mapped out is believed by his many friends here, and the conference of yesterday is a good indication of what is likely to happen. Plank has been approached by more than one of the scouts or managers 0 f various teams, including one from'the Federal l League, and he will have no difficult;* I in arranging a profitable engagement j for himself. FEDERALS WIN OUT Three Now Men on Team Docs Not Stop Thcai In the Elks' match iu the Klks' club house last evening the Federals [ won from the Athletics'by a margin of! j 2,5 pins. Three of the players on the, victorious team were new to match j bowling. The score- ATHLETICS Allen 114 9;; ] y;• T1 0 ' K° ot 178 If. 8 173 5091 Dunn .. .. 151! 102 171 4321 ! >,m \ IS" 147 134 4t!li Leech 131 i 4t 345 ! Totals .. 7(i _• 641 657—2060 FEDERALS ■II. Reese .. l,Vt 1)1 133 3514 i Soutter ... 149 t o,-, | c. Schmidt . 150 l r,s 124 432 s igler .... 123 156 114— 393 1 Stigelman . 154 147 171 47-.; Totals .. 72(1 69.". 667—2088 Barons Defeat Athletics By 154 pins the Barons downed the! Athletics in the 1 B. It. Y. M. C'. A. j Bowling League last evening. Gougler was high man. The 'core: BARONS KHis 175 177 144 Gougler ... 142 199 141— 482.1 Starr ISS 139 190 487 I orbetf .. . 129 122 163 414 Pofftubeiger ISO 175 139 491 j Totals 7X4 812 777 2373 j ATHLETICS Mumnii ... 100 139 14 7 435 I Hoffman .. 156 124 123 40!! ( hard .... 127 140 162 4391 Saul 139 162 141— 412 j Mathias ... ISO 160 189— 510! Totals .. 702 725 792 2219 1 Independent Five Wins Easily The llai risburg Independent basket ball the defeated the Middletown five. ii ijj I j: i I R j STAR-INDEPENDENT. J Jfj j; il > ABRAHAM UN,C"OLN 3AID?So/ITB'RARY 15 COMPLETE UJ ' ! " ' J - * WITHOUT TWO CERTAIN BOOKS—THE BIBLE AND 5W I > ! !|fr)T QUOTATION USED !N LrTERATUPE ®tt! ' ' 1 * I FROM ONE I I ( | The above Certificate 1 ' J; Entitles bearer to tbls 95.00 Illustrated Bible!! > j If presented at the office of Ihii newspaper, toother with the stated amoant that I I covers the necessary EXPENSE items of this great distribution Ineludiag '» clerk hire. cost of packing, checking, express from factory, etc., ate I I [ MAGNIrICcNT (" ke ijlu«tration in announcements. from day to day) is <' < > 111 IICTDATCfI H n .! n * u " Hexible limp leather, with overlapping covers ' 1 ~ ILLUaIKAItI) and title stamped in gold, with numerous full-page plates J ! 11 4K Edition ,n color the world famous Tissot collection, together < > {t *0 Ot the with six hundred superb pictures graphically illustrating ' 1 2 BIBLE ? nd f " al f ,n K P la ' n the verse in the ''K ht of modern Biblical JI JI knowledge and research. The text conforms to the < 1 (( authorized edition, is self-pronouncing, with copious ■ < I 4 marginal references. mans and helps; printed on thin La in ! i • bibio tlat opening at all pages; brautiful, |* Jel" EXPENSE' ' , > readable type. One Free Certificate and the * Item* I I AJ-oan Edition for Catholic;; j p iLLuaiKAieiii the style of binding. Through an exclusive arrangement we t ► , [ BIBLE which is in silk cloth ; have been most fortunate in securing the ( I contains all of the illus- Catholic Bible. Douay Version, endorsed c > 'rations and I . by Cardinal Gibbons and Archbishop ( I ' maps. linr free 1 CI n fJpfnsf (now Cardinal) Farley, as well as by the < > . . rertlll.ate anil "11, JjArtnat various Archbishops of the country. The I I ' ' Illustrations consists of the full-page en- < > < > i° l sta ,h t"h Tl t ,0t a n d .' e il t pictur t lC 11 be ffr O Mme b bindings h as r the Pro- < > , I "! fay l " »* the » an )« Amount Expense Items, with the necessary Free Certificate. < I • > ... MAII. ORDERS—Any bt*>k by parcel post, include~EXTßA 7 cants with la ! I ! | amount'to IL?u2l* ™ "wltT"' d " UnC «' "" ! ! I 8 ;at Middletow'i last evening by the j score of 52 to 7. The lineup: Independents. Middletown. Mct'onnell F Hammond I McCord F . Hippie I Geisel < McCleary j Ford G Judy i D Smith G Kiunev j Field goals, Geisel, 10; McCord, S; ; MeConnell, 5; Ford, 2: Smith, 1; Mc- Cleary, 3. Foul goals, McCord, I; Hain ! mond, 1. Scorer, P. Hammond. Time j keeper, <Smith. SUBURBAN HALIFAX Mrs. C. A. Funk Will Deliver an Ad dress at Lebanon j Special Correspondence. Halifax, _ Nov. 14.—Mr. and Mrs. David Barrv and two children, of i Mcriden, Kansas, spent, several days | the past week with relatives here. This was their first visit cast in six years. | The local school directors attended the teachers institute at Harrislnirg on j Thursday. Mrs. ( . A. Punk will deliver a mis sionary address in the United Brethren I church at Lebanon on Sunday evening. : Mrs. Funk spent several years as a ; missionary in China. Dr. L. R. Marshall and John A. Al | licrt have returned home from a gun (long trip to Milrov, Mifflin county, j There were four in the party and they succeeded in shooting a fine large buck I deer. A teacher's training class is being organized in the United Brethren Sun | day school. j Mrs. (. R. Slmpe has returned home from an extended visit to her sister, I Mrs. L. H. Jackson, at New Brighton, Beaver county. i ELIZABETHVILLE Baseball Carnival Held in the Daniel Building Was a Success Special Correspondence. ; Klizabethville, Nov. 14.—Mrs. M. A. i Miller and sons, Eugene and Donald, spent the week at Shamokin visiting | Mrs. Miller's brother, Preston Lupoid, and family. Mrs. Wilnier Biifrington and children 1 are visiting her parents at Carsonville this week. Miss Maggie Novinger, of Philadel phia, is tlio guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Forney. The Rev. ])r. A. D. Wolfinger. of Philadelphia, Hold secretary of Ursinus College, preached very fine sermons in the Reformed church tho past week. James Miller and daughter, Mrs. Affiles Bolton, visited Henry Hoffman and wife, Mrs. Rebecca Matter, N. C. Mattor and family, in Halifax town ship. \V. R. Snyder and son, Stanley, are spending some time in New York on business. I David Barry and family, of Kansas, 'are visiting John Barry and other rela tives here and in Armstrong Valley. A. K. Grove and Charles \V. Muttis are in the Centre county mountains hunting for deer. William Dubendorf joined a part\ of hunters bound for Centre county. The baseball carnival held in the Daniel building was the most successful held in many years. The room was dec orated with the beauties of autumn and the bagpipe orchestra received encore after encore. The fishing pond, the guessing booth and the auction were very attractive. Many persons from Lykens and other neighboring towns were there ami seemed to enjoy the evening greatly. MARYSVILLE Mrr. S. Speck, by Tailing From a Stop ladder, Broke Her Arm Sp ec ial Co rr es pontic nee. Marysville, Nov. 14. —Frank, the sen of Mr. And Mrs. John Hummel, was run over by an auto owned by itoy Messinger Wednesday evening. The condition"of the boy is not serious. Mrs. 8. Speck fell off a stepladder and broke her arm yesterday. Harry Kouch, of Newport, spent some time in town. Scott S. Leiby is spending a few davs with his uncle. J. I!. Leiby. of Newport. Mrs. Charles 11. Bonnesen, of Wheel ing, W. V'a., spent Monday and Tues day with her mother-in-law, Mrs. Marie Bonnesen. Mrs. Morris Howard and daughters, Beatrice and Marguerite, of Sfeelton, spent Tuesdav with Mrs. I'. M. Miller. Mrs. W. \\. Huhi, of Baltimore is spending some time with her aunt, Mrs L. C. Wox. Miss Katie lless, of Baltimore, spent Wednesday with her aunt, Mrs. Kate Eppler. NEW BLOOMFIELD Stork Visited the Home of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Slieaffer Special Correspondence. New Bloomfield, Nov. H. —Mr. and Mrs. 11. H. Sheafler announced the birth of a sou on Monday, November 9. M. B. Rush, of New Providence, shipped from this place 4,9 70 pounds of guineas and chickens. Benjamin Shenffer. of AVheatfield township, was u visitor in town on Tuesday. (■oorge Stroup, of Jackson township, spent the beginning of the week in town. Mrs. ('. B. Leiter and little grand son, William J. Lebo, spent some time in Newport. Evangelistic services were held this week beginning at 7.00 p. m. everv night in the Methodist church. Mrs. Kate Ousslcr returned home Tuesday from visiting in West Fair view, Carlisle and Greason, Pa. \\. H. Ernest, of Madison township, was in town Monday on business. ■Mrs. \V. H. Thomas, of this place, | spent Tuesday with Robert Thebes and | family in Centre township. MILLERSTOWN Miss Nellie Diffenderfcr, Who Was 111, Is Improving ! .Special Correspondence, f Millrrstown, Nov. 14.—Mips Edith Rounslev was in Newport on Thurs day. Mrs. Howard Ward was a visitor in j Harrisburg on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. James Tiounslev have gone to Altoona to visit their son, Lelaud Rounslev, and family. Mr. and Mrs. \V. D. Bollinger were visitors in Harrisburg on Thursday. Miss Nellie Diffendafer, who has been ill, is improving. | The Rev, Charles MeCurdy, of Thoinpsontown, will preach in the Methodist church on Sunday evening. : His subject will be, "The Last Great I War." MECHANICSBURG Local Teachers' Institute Held in High School Building i Special Corresponds if." Mechanicsburg, Nov. 14.—A local Teachers' Institute is being held to day in the high school building. The Institute is in charge of County Super intendent Professor J. K. Green. A good program was prepared. Dr. Lsh man, principal of the Cumberland Val ley Normal School, is on the program for an address. At the meeting of the Woman's Club held last evening, Mrs. K. A. Do Erehn and Miss Katharine S. Wheeloek were elected delegates to represent the club in the second annual Pennsylvania Industrial Welfare and Efficiency Con ference to be held in Harrisburg No vember 17, 18 and 19. A Missionary Institute will bo held in the itirst U. B. church on Monday afternoon and evening. M rs. M. L. Nissley, of Hunintclstown, is the guest of her mother, M rs. Jen nie Hummel, at the American House. Mrs. Samuel Smith, of York, is vis iting her aunt, Mrs. J. K. Hinkle, West Main street. Mrs. A. 0. Richwine, of Harrisburg, spent yesterday here, the guest of Mrs. J. L. Young, West Main street. Mrs. R. H. Thomas, Jr., spent yes terday in Carlisle. Miss Alice Wheelock, of Hughesville, is visiting her sister, Miss Katharine Wheelock, of the faculty of Irving Col lege. Professor Ralph and Mrs. Jaeoby, East Marble street, announced the birth of a daughter. NEW CUMBERLAND Harry C. Bowers Dies in Polyclinic Hospital Special Correspondence. New Cumberland, Nov. 14.—Harry C. Bowers died a* 11 o'clock yesterday at the Polyclinic hospital, Harrisburg, where he was taken on Wednesday suf fering with a severe attack of pneu monia. He was only ill one week, hav ing attended the Stough meeting last Friday evening, lie was 48 years of ago and is survived by a widow and six children, Flory, Bessie, Esther, Clarence, Harvev and Rotiert, all at home. Mr. Bowers was a member of the Church ot God, the men's Bible class. Odd Fellows Lodge No. 114 7 and the Improved Order of America. Hi» funeral will take place on Tuesday aft ernoon at 2 o clock from his late homo, Second and Reno streets. The services will be conducted l).y the Rev. 8. N. Hood, pastor of the Church of God. On Thursday evening the ladies' Aid Society of St. Paul's Lutheran church held a meeting at the home of Mrs, Stalll in New Market. James HotT, of Lykens, is visiting his grandmother, Mrs. M. J. Hoff. Mrs. James Smith and son, of Hazle ton, are guests of tJie farmer's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Wear, Third street. Miss Marv Stall I, a teacher in the public schools at York, who is on her way home from State College, is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Kohr. Mrs. Harrv Smith, of Knoxville, 111., and Mrs. John Bent 7., of Leniovne, were guests ot Mr. and Mrs. George Sjahr on Thursday. .Mrs. M. Cumlbler, of iHighspire; Miss Cook and Mr. Cook, of Harris burg, and Miss Sylvia Whitman, of Step I ton, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. K. (Nivin on Thursday. Mrs. Brown, Mrs. William Erney and daughter, Helen spent soveral days l with friends in Dover. BERRYSBURO The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman Return From Slatlngtou Special ('orr»»Bpon<lence. Berry .-.'burg, Nov. 14. —/Mrs. Cath erine Maice, who had 'been visiting tier son, the Rev. George Moire, of Balti more, returned home on Tuesday. I lie Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman, who had been visiting friends iu Slatington, returned home Thursday. 'Mrs. Barret and son, Gordon, oif Ly kens. were tin* gueffts of 'Mrs. Barret's arents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Joseph Bender, for a few days. Mrs. Bergstresser left for Harrisburg to spend t>he winter with 'her son, Ros -1 lie teachers who hail been attending institute at 'Harristourg this week re turned home last evening. Grant Ilartman and Peter Dei:bl«r were callers at Harrisburg on Thurs- Maud Bowman visited (friends at Ly kens for a few days. Catherine Mattis, of Elizalbothville, is visit! lit; her grandparents, (Mr. and Mrs. William Bowman. Shoots a Ten-Pronged Buck lid ward Bauersfeld, brewmaster at | the Fink Brewing Company, shot a tcn | pronged deer yesterday in the neighbor lioixl of Cash town, Ailams county. The buck weighed 210 pounds. The Cash town Gun i lull tendered tho successful gunner a reception. Mr. Bauersfeld will give a venison dinner to his friends iu the near future. Pay Days Announced The following pay days have been | announced by the Pennsylvania Rail road Company to affect the employes ol tho Middle Division, tho last half of November: Friday, November 20; Sat urday, November 21: Monday, Novem ber 23; Tuesday, November 24, and Wednesday, November 25. The com pany specifically declares that all em ployes must get their pay direct from the pay car %nless unabie to do so through illness or other causes. To Help Confer Degree ! _ State Capital bodge, No. 70, r. O. 0. has accepted an invitation from | Evergreen Lodge, No. 2-05, I. O. O. P., of Duncannon, to pay tho latter a visit this evening for the purpose of con ferring the first degree. The State Capi tal degree staff, with other member* of the lodge, will leave on "the 7.30 train for Duncannon. Second Oldest Woman Is Dead .Marietta, Nov. i4.—l\lrs. Barbara, wife of George Leader, the second old est woman in this section, died yester day morning, aged 80 years, after a year of intense suffering from cancer. She was married GO years ago to Mr. Leader, Her maiden'name was Mel linger, and her lather, Jacoib (Mellinger, was one of the pioneers of the town. Besides her husband, a son, residing in !-teelton, survives* She was for sixl?- two years a member of the Methodist church. Lack of Water Becoming Alarming Marietta, Nov. 14.—The lack of wa ter is becoming quite alarming in this section and Uhiekies Mill, just below town, is on fire, supposed to have start ed by sparks from a passing locomo tive. With the high wind blowing, the fire is dangerous and may spread to the town. 'Men are at work fighting it. On | the \ ork county hills, a fire was statr ed by several boys playing with matches, but luckily it was extinguished before much damage was done. Convention of Sunday Schools Upper J,eaco<ck, Nov. 14.—The Sun day schools of this section of Lancas ter county hold a largely attended con vention yesterday iu'tJhe Lutheran ehurch and many from a distance were in attendance. The Rev. J. H. Hillegas had charge. The Rev. J. L. Hunt, of Bangor, addressed the afternoon session on "The 'Method of Teaching Christ.'' The choir was augmented for the <»> casion with voices and instruments. The 1 Rev. George W. Gensler, of Columbia, had charge of the afternoon session. Annville Republicans Jubilate Aunville, Nov. 14.—The Republicans of this plave had a big political jubilee on Thursday evening and also serenaded the two successful candidates in their 'home town, Aaron S. Kreider, Who was re-elected to Congress from tho Eight eenth district, comprising Ldbannn, Dauphin and Oum'berland counties,' and N. 1. K. I'ri. h, elected as one of the members of the Ijegislature. Lebanon County's Big Pickle Raiser Lebanon, Nov. 1 4.—Albert 'Barnhart, a. prominent farmer, who conducts a large farm near Foutana, has establish ed a record among the farmers of Leb anon county for the cultivation and salo of pickles. During the past sum mer he sold 5J,000 pickles in the Leb anon markets. Man Loses Hand In Fodder Machine Lebanon, Nov. 14. —While o||H»rating a corn fodder cutting machine yester day Archibald Wentling, a farmer, of Mt. Nobo, t'his county, had his right hand so severely injured t'ha't it wns found necessary to amputate it at the wrist. •'iSSHI ffiUjflHran* mm- MP Owl *dy hu cured cisti JmSW *f Filling Sickness, y&m W K<" Ep#«p«y. rrompt iSjB nt relief guifinteed. I PAY EXPRESSAGE *ss* 81 rw w FIEE TRIAL I BOTTLE, you Wm |M out end RETURN VjM mm 29 SlE*® US® Oflj Sw• r n ililementt HBi ind hundreds of tnttmonliU on file. Give AGE ind FULL PARTICULARS. Dr. l'\ Harvey Hoof, Dept. 11J6, Sta tion N, New York
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