The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, November 13, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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    + w ¥ WW y. TTVTTTTT^.^,
► CALL 1991-ANY STK" ' ~ ~ ~Z ~ * _ _ _ CALL 1991-ANY *=&* ■* '
JR| FOUNDED 1871 Saturday Hours: Open at D 0 YOU REALIZE /I IROUNDID IFL7. 7! '
; J/fcA 9 A.M. Closes 9P. M That days . JSXWMOfIA :
I Many Price Economies in Warm Winter Apparell omorrow J
[ Saturday Brings Timely Suggestions in Displaying A Handsome Fur ;
Unusual Offerings Leather Qoods "Royal Society" MlAZiyk Set Can Be Bought :
• T\ are timely for those who are looking for- - . - - / Wv\ - . _ ®
m Dress Silks »■„•<!,„,hei,„Mavs. Embroid?red '(''jß.] At a Saving
, Silk Crepe de Chines at yd.—value Leather collar hugs and boxes, sui• n>>lo —.. - _ 4 \ . ® ! ,
$1.50; in naw; King's blue, Sevres blue. for gifts, at SI.OO to 52.00 Pi f*/*fkO AT, CtA \ / No doubt you have admired a certain
I* Russian and' prune; a beautiful silkv Military brushes in 1nn.1,,,• , , ICI/TO W# \Jai lllClllO \ / set of furs m preference to any other To- <
I, ... Mi 1 1 a l \ biu.hes in leathu «asis. at JI J nfforinn Thom A# flno / morrow we will place on sale a number ot <
i- Satin Charmeuse at 99r yd.—value $1.26: 91-00 u rD s n sets at very special and probably <
k in navy and taupe only leather traveling cases, with complete Half Regular Prices ' you will find your tavorite among the lot.
i, Cheney Brcs.' Shower-proof Foulards at fittings, at $1.65 to $6.95 Fortune favored us in securing this ® re y Kit Coney Set at—animal ;
59c yd.—value 85c; beautiful styles in Leather hand bags with coin purse and wholesale sample lino, including a large j neck piece; Empire muff, lined with grey
r all the wanted shades. mirror, at SI.OO to $6.95 variety of pieces worked in all the rich- _ satin; splendidquality.
| Silk Brocade and Silk Crepe de Chine at Leather hand bass for childr™ with ness and beauty of "Royal Society." Genuine Hudson Seal Set at $44.50 *
V 99<* yd.—value $3.00; 40 inches wide, in coin nurse and mirror at "iftc ami «1 OO The majoritv of these pieces will be i sed [ j choker cravat with fur buttons; Empire *■
| brown, blue, black and taupe. coin purse and mum. at 000 and SI.OO f o r ho!idav gifts, to which they're well f// muff with cuffs and fur button; hand- V
ji,. Satin Messaline at yd. -value $1.00; j aiD or BOWMAN ' S- j adaptable. j / // // some silk lining. _ \
E -Mi inches wide: black only. '• . New anil popular stitches will be found, j // /J | Genuine Black Lynx Set at $43.00 —
I Satin Messaline at 89C yd.—value $1.25: 1 OllF LfiAdftf" WjlifA aud in the lot are beautiful large brown animal shawl, edged and lined with ■>
.r ' inehes wide: black only. and white and scarfs, luncheon U ! black silk; finished with animal head
r Black Peau de Soie at 99c yd.—value TWrml onlroic 0 + cloths and doilies: waists, dresses; bureau j Empire muff, shirred silk <
y $1.25; yard wide. ** UUI OidlllkCto dt «|pO sets, pin cushions; white, grey and brown TT f< J _ _X TVT ends finished with heads and tails. 4
y Black Satin Charmeuse at 99c yd.—value Come in nink- mi M I J I so * a pillows; towels; night gowns and JiXimdlTvUS 01 131 | Brown Isabella Coney Set at $17.00 — <
i $1.75; 40 inches wide. f|l l?? a J dainty things mr the baliy. - , „ consisting of Empire muff and satin lin- <
Satin Foulards at 69c yd.—value $1.50; There are al'on mnnv N ' ' It would hardly be possible to mention ! XT e in J a L s^aw ' -
g"od range of shades in wistaria, rose. kets that t « lul . • ' 1 all the reductions, but whatever the orig-
taupe and brown; 40 inches wide. ment Sl ° HS ( al ' P r ice ninv be, they will be sold at just A _ j lined with fur button; near seal semi- 4
y Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S.* Main Kim RnwvfAvc one-half. A!'! in good condition. A.riTlVofl l wlllll barrel muff, shirred silk ends; choice <
► Mai" J loor—BOWMAN S. Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. ' quality. <
| Overcoats, Suits, Balmacaans These Smart New' I
_ It/I'll* Hl' J I New York market, where he has gathered
Purchased From Four Millinery Models for Women in '
; JRrf XV Prominent New York Will Not Last Long SfJSf h,ve "*■ ,or,wiee,hitmnch Va . e I
* Clothing Manufacturers at $3.00 and "° d " re " i,e b»oi» with <
'n,„ r , .. , velours, plain, fancy and checked. Of the u. Q<l . „„„„ nn , , s . . ..
l>; * splendid suits and overcoats were \ ot a few times have you purchased a smart mixtures, there are too many to de- ! S" him fv Lw 1 r tops; Dame ,
/ m lt?l prices way below normal. Can- hat for hnlf or less than the regular price scribe-we invite you to see themf ' f '
Mm\ Z *T» !i 0m the J>°" thevn ". ,e r h f n,s - bllt "«"«">• tw » three months after ! The plush coats have touches of fur- , uA° hm, »H HH T l,> but ® n l bo,, I ts Wltl }
► /Mm h a h t ' h<> m ® nufa etureiTs with thou- that particular style had been introduced. and look like fur all over. The fur fabrics I »° PS I - Welted soU '® an , d <
► feW V IZt l w.T.°. a 8 ~s mtf - O, V { l U '" Wh -V '«« this when the very latest are rich in appearance and very service- ; 5 ""
RLw l vS;. '.'J'feL J&ffl au SL ' 1 ' 1 t 01,1 ." laU : 'ndeed in model can be secured for the same price able. They are pure mohair and rain or ", v '' ~ , ........«$ »
m M-- M .hese new up-to-the-nuniite over- vou would pay for an almost out-of-season snow do not affect them. Some have weasel I « black overgaiters, oOc value;
V \ Hi: i'i ¥WV 3j r ; "I'd Balmacaans, and they go style. j collars or fitch. Others have Marten or Pfl & *n li V'-'" 4
» ill Zu.ll to - morrow at ,lu,s " ,wo exceptional At $3.00 and $3.50 we are offering imitation Ermine. I I oVei * aiter8 ' ,n
► 1 PL 'AttSr " large black velvet hats in the identical The rough cloths for motoring or busi- 11 T1 " , a "''''';/
► - nr oor \\ MAN a.
k illl iiuf/ro \ iXV' jkl 11 111 l Smartly trimmed with ostrich feathers and ably priced. Zibelines in all the colors # ~
► //\ vfr* *' * bands, Xumidi aigrettes, fur and gros- are very good, too. And big plaids as well nCW NcckWCBF CfCatiOPS
11 /lra l iifil l fX \; '•/ •> -,o u nrl <bj*{ *iii luimo, u .... e grain ribbons. A glimpse at the window as checks in black, white and colors will t „ .. , i
► 11/ «&' ■/// MY /.'/ -Ti—ou ana balmacaans. ,1 u , e > Dainty vestees ot ace or organdie, at 4
ll' Mil m "nllri if $12.50 Tartan check suits display will convince you. hnd favors. t S2 rtrt
k |. n : I IIJ ' nWhl' HlllkA sls 00 donblp-hrea«tP<l ,iv..i...r»ot« Every hat in the lot is desirable and if And the prices—you will find good coats „„,i , » 1 ( '.» i
► /—V JL. 1. V - here as low as $5.98 —and'3n excellent 1 , . 4 ' e ,D . a assoi 1 -
► I & I 'M Wf striptdXts d om!S b« models, or you will find coats at #50.00. «
. I ft'l IB tH II \\ Ilic.v were made to sell for »J.0I) to mis. The full range between $7.50, $8.98, SIO.OO. | L-. ,i° c !
: | R IF \ CIO SO * lsM ' Mso> * 2oM ' s2soo AND 23 :
I F 111 JIH 111 1 ' I{p ' 11 Floor BOWMAN'S. Ribbons for the Made-Lip Gift 4
I 111 111 l ttllll coats' 01 ' aUd s,B '°° double " bl ' tastc d over- fTX O * t»l n SI.OO double faced ribbons, moire on '
ill :li 111 M 1 I I Serviceable Gloves one Side and satin on the other, 7 inches <
F KB M ML SBMSJJIST? 1 OVEREOALS - V IK I X Ci Inr Wide; in brown, green, American Beauty,
► ; QV M\ m | ?-00 and $16.a0 Balmacaans. ■ W \ for Street Wear white and wistaria. Yard, S()C .
I L-h $ men sand youth's suits. / ,fllA \ 0 , ,- -, \, , -50 c ombre ribbons, 6 inches wide. Yard, J
i Third Floor _ BcnvMAVS 2 ; t : lasp u ld Gloves ,n blaek ' W 25c
* l / v .A / and tan. Pair, SI.OO - fl -i u « ■ ■ , 4
► _ . \ S Fownes' French Kid Gloves, black with ! w 'de taffeta ribbons, 9 inches
► kvprv M/ITI
► Audi! win oeverai iimeiy X mfilYr\\y 2- c ias P FreAd qZ* in
. WT ft -n t all shades; pair, $1.50 and $1.85 ———_— 4
W U'llt OL OupplV and 18-button length French-Kid
" r mi _f.fV J viwiwvw Exceotional Sale nf Giovesat... $3.00t054.75 P r.
* ni" I Slllr Result in Bovs'Suits Ovprrnatc nJ • I r*i . J--* i Bacmo Capeskin Gloves in black, white, 4
Ui 111C&C OllA KJSUII mDOyS SUITS, uvercoats, Osirich Plumes at $3.25 tan and grey, at .. .$1.25 to $2.00 pr.
■ 4- CViJv+o Balmacaans, Mackinaws Beinq V 01,,,. 4f;iin Kayser's 2-clasp Chamoisette Gloves, in 4
. X* iOllv uilirXS _.c , . , * alue <1?c).00 to s<.oo ! all shades and white with black embroid
; Ottered at Quite Unusual Prices Seldom have you seen a plume of the ery, at
► v\ hen uorn with the vest, they give the 1M ~ same quality and size, offered for less than Kayser's 16-button Chamoisette and o\ V>~,
► appearance of all silk shirts. They have Boys Mackinaw Coats at .$4.95-value twice the price of these. | leatherette gloves in plain white and white i M Vfi
the popular trench cufts and come in $/.o0; in grey, blue, red and tan plaids; There are endless ways that plumes can with black embroidery at 75«> and $1.25 K/r 1 Mr-A
smart patterns. Special at sl.49—value sizes Bto 18 years. be used on the new models and very de- u ... / V 1 '*•
J .. n . .. . , . „ , Boys' Balmacaans at $2.98, $3.50, colors are shown, includingT Handkerchiefs Iy/V I \
r>erc4le S vei\ SS atti , activ!' U na^t'^nVa 8 a >!jt $3.98 and yp to $7.50—0f chinchilla. c"' King (.eorge Sand 1 Colored initial handkerchiefs, 6in a box, i
Z< wit COilt tweed, and Kersey; sizes « reeu Orange Reseda j 25* ,6771^1
N'ew Neckwear, four-in-hands in knitted .to 10 years. .\h" s tard B'wn Lavender i Madeira embroidered handkerchiefs, at j 8?/ /JL '
and cut silk, at 25c and 50c. Boys' Overcoats at $1.98, $2.98, White Pastel Shades Black ~ , u - . , 7 '
.Monito Half Hose, silk lisle in medium $3.50, and up to $6.95-Chinehilla. | Crepe de chine handkerchiefs, in all col- Vlj <
► and lightweight; black and colors; double Meltons and Kerseys, with military and 55 /L Cm ors, at 25c i 4
► soles and high spliced heels. Silk lisle at shawl collars, sizes tu 8 years. {flfQQfll l~ IX fU F&S Main Floor BOUMAX ' S - n . D . . . , L n , <
' '! Boys' Suits at $2.98- ot aii woo, .-nssi- "de o7bl h" hi y u'kei P "'ed»ud n T in the Baby
; Hni^iiiid gtiriers.'itt SALE iind 50V' J 6 T OI2JEARS"' 1 NM ' ,OUT P»J' 8 »I>«J. taciud». COMPLETE LINES OF
► wlib'T W» * "!.T'»mSw ™KS 1 # Si« t !S I Boys'Si l ' 81 !* 2 - 9 ®'* 3 - 50 -* 3 - 08 "" 1 ' Bfh Seats wltl, rubber.eo». OnVX" HOSieTV The followlns babies will receive ,
► SI."HI value. »t 81.*19. j s4.9s— Oliver Twist, Vestee suits, ered brackets, heavily niekel-plated, fits J J awards in accordance with our offer
y Men's Flannel Shirts with and French Blouse and Russian Sailors; any size bath tub; toilet paper holder; bath forWOTTIPTI ATld Cllilll "TPTI during Baby Week:
military collars, in blue gn v and lan at ,nade of ******* "orduroys and velvets. | tub soap holder: wall soap holder; turn- lOr " omeil dlia First Prize-$5.00 Coat, for the heay- <
S o ' 50 ' i Third Floor BOWMAN'S 'bier and tooth brush holder; combination Cotton, in plain black, white and split feet, iest baby up to 6 months of age, won by
Men's and Hovs' ('oat SiviTtm in ,11 ' " glass and soap holder; three-prong folding at SMc, 39c and 50c pr. May Adeline Blumenstein, Camp Ilill/ •< dnu "J'J.>s voai owedttHs, 111 all j , tnw _i „ n ..u rhnii-o IQ> Plain and silk lisle, at 25c. 39c and 50c pr. a. r> r ii
- the wanted styles, at SI.OO, $1.50, ___ _« \ ~L i • r ' i ,i Thread silk, at 50c, SI.OO and $1.50 pr. Second Prize—s4.oo Diess, for the 4
► $1.98, 82.50, $2.98 and ui> to 87.00 Wp Plaro nn , combination aluminum double Heavy weight cotton, at 585 c pr. heaviest baby 6 months to one year— <
. .MenWorkiii" (iloves lined ami nnlin Ull boiler roaster and steamer, consisting of (Regular and extra sizes.) won by Robert H. Madenford, 1532
cd at nair SI OO « n ,i «1 «tn " Wall DOMK one six-quart Berlin kettle, one 2V 2 -quart children's cotton and silk lisle, in black and Green street.
r p&Sfi'.K. sale Wall Paper 1?k . d h h „„i 0,„.u,,, ,^ b , a rilbed , „ r , .»,hetbw fourth t .. «
Night Shirts; niglit shirts a 1 7oC AtTlfllllTt"iTlo r tn 4 ''Y V' \ ;'' ' t , Children's black cotton hose, fine ribbed, dou- prizes will be given in each, as the win-
and 81.00, I'ttimmm it «l no .....i o Japanned tin toot tub: white inside, blc heels and toes; all sizes, i2Hc pr. ning contestants were of practically the i
ei 'I) ,1 Jl A -1 at Bo >' b ' bla(,k cotton hose, fine ribbed, double same Weight. 1 j
' , «3 )0.0D aX the Special knees, at. liSHc, 10c and 35c pr. TViirH P riv*> ill nn » , „
Made of heavy cotton; ribbjed; fleece- - - _» • rfESSSXtm. Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. , 1? Bonnet, tor the <
► lined. Peeler or silver finish. Sale Price -JlPSSliffby heaviest baby girl Ito 2 years—won
Main FIoor— BOWMAN js "" « w i by Elizabeth Fannace, 1314 Third street,
C _ d£-| Qfj Laces and JNetS and Eleanor Lowder, 320 S. Cameron i
MA« '« C*| TT«I'AM ' C.o'i.- Clunv Laces for doilies and center pieces—a I street. .
El'ivll Ssl UHlOli wllluS „. large assortment to select from, yard, oc to :15c Fourth Prize—s4.oo Sweater Set 4
Ox J r\ -i . Nine rolls and twenty yards of Ne ts, white, cream and ecru, 36 inches to 72 (white), for the heaviest baby boy, Ito
Saturday Only, at 79c cut-out border to match. su f- Imßm MVk & l '?s 1
IK Mens heavy cotton fleece liued shirts and ficient to COVei" the average room '>i'\ \ inches wide, .yard, SI.OO to *2.75 aress unknown, ana Kienard Cramer,
/ drawers, plain and ribbed, at 80c '{II inoli nloin m.l„ , "l Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Mifflin, Pa. *
Men's 50c heavy cotton fleece lined shirts and '. "1 pljllH pUlp Oatmeal paper. Vnil'll Wplcnmo TViooo Qmin *
drawers; seconds, a, 43c in fast color, brown, tan and old Soao Soetial* Welcome These Snug
4«J5r rosc - «>« Combination k Little Coats for Baby {
Men's natural wool, heavy weight underwear, WOllld Sell for $3.35—1( \ lOl'l'OW '""iSlfflW* ' ca ! ies s 1 K 0 soa P' Including nice quality broadcloths, chin
at $1.<M»,»1.50,*1.*5 and $2.00 <ml .. (61 Q7 . I ~ ; nil *4 CO. 10 cakes Ivory soap 38tf chillas, crduroys, boucles; velvets and plush . <
Muusing union suits for men; eotton fleece ' '«" JpX.s>«. ASK TOl tl'Ce tcflof Ull IVlOp 3* 0"C ' 10 cakes P. &G. Naptha soap in something like twenty smart styles, de- i
lined lit $1.0«; natural wool mixe(d at $1.50, booklet 3S advertised. Always ready for Use 011 all floors—a' 10 cakes Fels Xaptha soap. 38<p signed this Winter for little girls, 2 to 6
I priees. 0 « "" ■