The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, November 13, 1914, Page 13, Image 13

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Oorgas Guarantees the Quality
Oorgas Guarantees the Price
16 N. Third St.
and in the
Penna. Station.
Cigar Special
Official Seal Cigars —A
regular 10-eeet, 3 fur
25c vnlue. Up to the
highest standard for
lie price. If you enjoy
a good cigar try 'em.
5 for 25c
Gorgas sells the kinds that are
pre eminent for purity and flavor.
They are always fresh and satis
Liggett's Chocolates
"The Sweetest Story
Ever Told." Takes first
rank among the finest in
quality. Pure, whole-
Mime, delicious thev
grow in popularity right
'i-lb., l ib., 2-lb. and
.Vlb. boxes.
80<* the lb.
Couth's Candies
I Goth's candies arc pre
| I'erred by ninny and are
making ii host of friends
'« and X-lb. boxes.
SOr and SI.OO
the lb.
Mlegretti Chocolates
Mlcgretti Chocolates
liave aitainel a wide
recitation en merit.
KOT years tliev have
maintained the highest
standard for excellence.
Mary Garden
strictly high grade —
beautifully boxed a
candy that "ill satisfy
those who are discrim
1, 2 and "lb.
SI.OO the lb.
Beile Meade Sweets
v Kclle, Meade Sweets. ]
i hocolates and Hon
Hons have become stand
ard wherever they are
•..ild. Good as the best
anywhere for the price,
and l ib. boxes.
60c*, 80c* and
SI.OO the lb.
Park & Tilford
It will l>e nleasnnt news
to many to know they
•an Lct P:irL & Til
trv'i candies at Oorgas'.
V fine line, always fiesh
an I delicious. »"
I -lb. bo^es.
80r the lb.
Symphony Lawn
The quality required fur
polite correspondence—
M'.perflue in texture aud
Note paper ami en
velopes. white and tint
ed. nicely boxed. An
' nusuallv good paper at
a moderate price,
s y :ii pho ny l.awn
Writing Tablets, white
and Pencils
We carry a liac of Fens,
Ink, Pencils, Fountain
I'ors. Mucilage. Library
Paste, etc.
You will find almost
anything here in this
line anv time you want
ii. Bear in mind this
store is open all day and
all night.
Gorgas Hypcphosphites
Is especially valuable at
this time of the year on
account of its great
tissue and strength
building qualities. It
builds up flesh, blood
and strength and pre
pa es tnose in delicate
health to withstand
r.jugb winter weather
11 is particularly valu
able in throat and Innp
:iflections, anaemia and
lor tile convalescent.
75e bottle
Goods Delivered Pree
Anywhere in the City
Phone Your Order. It's the
Easiest Way.
Bell pbone. 1141
United, (U9
l.oudon, Nov. 13. 3.30 A. M. —The
j "Times'' Flanders correspondent, de
: scribing the Geramn attack at Dix
mudo, says:
"There were only two points, Dix
i mude and Nieuport, whece the Herman's
i could assume the offensive on the
j Vser, all the front between being im
! possible for fighting on account of the
i flood. The force concentrating between
1 I)ixmude and Thorout w,ts chosen for
the attack.
"In the morning the German "bat
teries opened a heavy (ire on the
: French positions and kept it up
; through N most of the day. This can
! nonade was the prelude to :t violent
j infantry attack on the outskirts of
. Dixniude.' The attack was made with
great gallantry and very heavy fight
ing tool-' place.
"The Germans came in overwhelm
ini numbers and toward evening the
j allies were compelled to retire. They
( fell back into the town, destroying the
two bridges in their retreat. The Ger
| mans thus won the bridge head.
"Next morning strong reinforce
tnents were brought up bv both sides
| anil fighting coutiifue 1 in :<n.l dliout
j the town. The course of the after
noon a force of Germans succeeded in
I penetrating into the town and a des
J peratp struggle went on in the streets,
i "The capture of Dixmude or a part \
I of it would be no advantage to the
j Germans. The town is almost entirely
| surrounded by water.''
The correspondent of the "Daily
i Mail,'' telegraphing under date of
Wednesday says that the German posi
tion at Dixmude is very insecure an I i
■ that they probably will be driven out j
j again.
; I'etrogia i, Nov. 13. via London. 2.50
i P. M.—Reports reaching the Russian
. capital from the Turkish border atta h
i increasing importance to the report that '
j the Armenians are playing in the Rus
| sia Turkish way.
' In several towns occupied by the R:is
, s;ans the Armenian students have shown
j themselves ready to join the invading ;
! army, and explained that they had pre
i pared themselves for tne Russian tip
• proacb by constant drilling and by gat ti
; cving arms secretly. All along the line
1 of march, according to these dispatches,
I the Armenian peasants are receiving
the Russian troo«: s with enthusiasm and 1
living theai provisions freely.
Why He Had to Surrender
Tokio, Nov. 13. — Meyer Walde.k,
| who was in command of the German
i forces at Tsing-Tau. according to a d's
i patch from Tsing-Tau to the "Asahi."
has sent a toiegram to Kmperor Wil
liam saying he was compelled to stir
tender on acount of lack of ammuni-1
I tion and the heavv damage inflicted by
I the enemy cn his forts.
Roberts Goiiist to France
Loudori. Nov. 13.—Field Marshal
I Lord Roberts of Kandahar is going to!
: France. The official announcement !
j making this fact public says the fa
mous general is going into the war'
j zone "to see the Indian troops.'' Lord
Roberts was born in Cawnpore, India.
' eighty-two years ago.
•" •-* ;• ■ "* •' |C-V ' "VIC- 'v.". ;
Tlit above illustration, drawn by G. 11. L»avis, special artist for this newspaper, the New York Herald and the
Loudon Sphere, shows tbe daring exploit of Lieutenant Maris, the British aviator who pnrtlally destroyed the Zep
pelin shed at l>usseldorf. "When close to this gignntic structure the daring aviator suddenly put the nose of Ills
machine down. and. though under fire from rifles and high angle artillery, made a daring spiral dive to wltliiu 500
feet of the roof of the shed: bere be dropped bis bombs. So fast was his dive that it Is certain his speed reached
more than 140 miles an hour, and at this impetus he turned and shot upward—bis mission accomplished—with the
velocity of a rocket, and managed to get clear away, observing as he went thut a great gush of flaming gas had leaped
up from the rent roof of the shed to a height of nearly 000 feet, proving that the Zeppelin inside had met its fate.
He theu turned back toward Antwerp, but wben ten miles away the SO-horse power Gnome engine ceased to revolve,
lie was rescued by a Belgian oar and got safely into Antwerp. Since the visit of the aeroplane tbe nerves of the
; inhabitants have been so badly shaken that the general in command lias bad to i*su« a communique rebuking the
I inhabitants aud advising liitui not Uj becuuic so agitated when tlic enemy score.
"Tape's Cold Com
pound" Ends Severe
Colds or Grippe
in Few Hou'S
\ou ••mi end giwppe- aud break up
a severe cold either in head, chost.
body or limbs, by taking a dose of
"Pape's Cold Compound" every two
hours until three doses are taken.
If promptly opens clogged-up nos
trils and air passages in the head, stops
nasty discharge or nose running, re
lieves sick headache, dullness, t'everish
ness, sore throat, sneezing, soreness and
Don't stay stuffed-up! blowing
and snuffling! Kase your throbbing
head—nothing else in the world gives
such prompt relief as "Pape's Cold
Compound," which costs Oulv 25 cents
at any drug store. It acts without
nssistum-e, tastes nice, ami causes no
inconvenience. Ho sure von get the
Londou, Nov. 13. —A dispatch to
the "Standard from Copenhagen
"The Kaiser has clipped off the up
standing ends of his moustache. This
startling change in the monarch's ap
pearance has been observed during the
last day or two. when the emperor
was [lassing through central Germany
on the way to inspect a number
of recruits completing their military
training. The loss of his aggressively
erect moustache robs William II of
much of his former almost ferociously
martial appearance.
"When it was observed some time
after the beginning of the war that
the Kaiser's hair had turned white, uo
one paid much attention to that change
but the removal of the ends of his
moustache has impressed the public
Geneva. Via Paris. Nov. 12. 11.59
P. M. Kmperor William is offering his
marble palace, the Villa of Aehilieiou,
in Corfu, for sale. It was built in
1890-91 for the Kinpress tUizabeth of
Austria at r. cost of $5,000,000 and
has since been improved. A syndicate
o& German and Swiss hotel men wished
to buy Achilleion a few years ago. but
the • were outbid by the Kmperor.
The Emperor's decision to sell the
place, it is stated, is the result of the
uncertain attitude of Greece toward
Germany and Austria. It is said he
fears confiscation of the palace if
Greece joins the allies. A Swiss syn
dicate has been given an option on the
place at a low price.
There are five capital offenses utider
British law —murder, high treason, \ i
raey, fcrson in the port of Ivoudon aud
attempts destroy public arsenals.
When Cross, Feverish
and Sick Give "Cal
ifornia Syrup
of Figs"
Children love this "fruit • laxative."
and nothing else cleanses the tender
stomach, liver and bowels so nicely.
A child simply will not stop playing
to empty the bowels, and tne result is,
they become tightly clogged with waste,
liver gets sluggish, stomach sours, then
your little one becomes cross, half-sick,
feverish, don't eat, sleep or act nat
urally, breath is bail, system full of
cold, has sore throat, stomach-ache or
f diarrhoea. Listen. Mother! See if
tongue is coated, then give a teaspoon
i ful of "California Syrup of Pigs," and
in a few hours all the constipated waste,
spur bile aud undigested food passes out
of the system, and you have a well,
playful child again.
Millions of mothers give "California
: Syrup of Kigs" berause it is perfectly
'' harmless: children love it, and it never
fails to act on the stomach, liver and
; bowels.
I Ask your druggist for a 50-cent bot
j tie of "California Syrup of Figs," which
: lias full directions for babies, children
of all ages and for grown-ups plainly
printed on the bottle. Beware of coun
j forfeits sold here. Get the genuine.
] made by "California Fig Svrup Com-
I pany." Refuse any other kind with
contempt. Adv.
j Pekiu, China. Nov. 1 3.—There is now
j in session at Kiakhta, Siberia, a coufer
i encc concerning the present situation
of at which the three inter
j ested powers are represented each by
■ a delegate. The Chinese delegate is said
jto be maintaining an uncompromising
There have been rumors in Pekln
i emanating from German sources, that
ji.hinrse troops in Mongolia were mpv
i ing toward the Russian border and an
effort, has been made to connect this ac
tivity with the deadlock of the con
ferees. Inquiries, however, have brought
j denials from the Chinese authorities of
this military activity, ana the reports
I are elsewhere discredited.
Lebanon Charities lor War and Home
Lebauon, \ox. 13.—Lebanon will do
i its share toward the relief of the suf
i fering aud destitute in war stricken
Europe and will not neglect home char
j ities. Tiiis was assured when an emer
| gencv relief committee was organized
\ yesterday by the members of a num
j ber of prominent organizations of this
I city. The Lebanon Branch Needlework
| Guild of America, Daughters of the
I American Revolution, Woman's Club,
j Associated Charities and Visiting
Nurse Association were represented at
j the meeting. The meeting was called
■ by Mrs. Horace Brock, of Mt. Leban
: on. The committee will open local
I headquarters next Monday.
Conviction Grows in
Paris That German j
Offensive Is Draw
ing to a Close
Present Violent Effort of the Germans j
in Ypres Region Did Not Succeed ,
However, in Breaking the Enemy's ji
Paris, Nov, 13, 7 A. M.—The eon- ,
victiou is growing here that the period '|
of the German strategic offensive is
drawing to a close and that the war
on both the western aud eastern fronts
is about to eater its third phase.
The present violent effort in the
\prcs region it may have succeeded in
betiding the allies' line in a few places,!
has not .vet, according to either French j
or Uerman reports, succeeded in break !
ing it, and it seems impossible that the!
attempt can be repeated under the
same conditions. Even success at this)
point might prove merely momentary j
like that at St. Mihiel on the Meuse'
six weeks ago.
fearful Carnage in the Trenches
But lieiieral .loffre, the French com
manaer-in-chief, is fully alive to the ;
importance of this position and ae* ,
cording to an officer just returned from
1 pros, that eventuality lias been pre-',
pared lor. At \ pres and its environs, j
although the artillery of the Germans >
is formidable, that of the allies is still j'
more so and causes fearful carnage in r
the enemy's trenches. The light in this!
region is largely an artillery duel with !
the infantry remaining in tile trenches.!
They can only approach the enemv by
boiing tunnels, which are converted
into trenches by piercing the roof.
However, important the operations ,
in J landers may bo, they arc now over
shadowed both in extent and the in
fluent they may have on the war as a '
whole by the eastern campaign.
Russia's Effectiveness Looked For
Colonel Feyler, editor of the "Swiss!
Military Review," and one of the best!
known military specialists declares i
that "Russia is now about to bring to
bear all her effectiveness, and if it is!
realized that she intervenes at a mo-1
ment when in Flanders German levies j
of the third line, young soldiers with |
six weeks' training are being brought!
into action, the full significance of the'
operations on the eastern front will be!
recognized." • ;
Austro-German Armies Advancing
"Three Austro-German armies," iie l
continues, "are advancing toward thei
angles of Thorn and Cracow. The
Russian commander seems to be accen-'
tuating the defense in the latter diree- j
tion. If he succeeds the results will |
be far reaching. The Austrian army
will be cut off from the Germans anil J
forced to accept battle with their!
backs against the Carpathians.
"In addition there is prospect of aj
battel in the center of the line from]
Posen to Breslau toward which the Ger- J
man army of Silesia seems to be di-i
rected in retreat and at a more or less I
early date West Prussia will be threat
ened by way of Thorn."
Thanksgiving Offering
Special for Saturday only, a large j
double roaster and one pound of bak
ing powder for 50 cents.
Grand Union Tea Store,
208 u. Second St.
Only One Farmer An Exception to the
Hule in Montgomery County
Pottstown, Nov. 13. —Farmers and j
dealers in this section have broken all
j records by confiding the cheering news
! that the past summer was a favorable >
! one for the raising of turkeys. Thei
birds are selling at 22 cents "a pound,!
j live weight, and the Thanksgiving!
'price, unless some of the usual calam-i
i ities to the turkey crop very conven
j iently happen along, will be around I
I 28 cents, dressed.
However, since the above optimistic I
| review was made Jonas L.udwig, near I
1 Swamp, comes to the front with the j
j doleful tale that 175 out of his flock
of 200 nearly full grown turkeys have
succumbed to some disease.
Husting Now 1,109 Ahead for Wis
, consin Senate Seat
Milwaukee, Nov. 13.—Paul O. Hust
ing, Democrat, gained 220 votes in the
. recount in Pepin county of the vote;
i for United States Senator, it was of- |
j ficiallv made known yesterday. He now
! has a net advantage over Governor P. |
iE. McGovern, Republican, of 1,109 !
| votes. This includes revised returns!
j from fifty-two counties and the!
J changes necessitated by the recount in!
j Superior and Pond dti Lac and by thei
; official canvass reported by the city ,
of Milwaukee.
Governor McGovern iias made on ;
the recount net gains of 92. .Nineteen
counties still are to report officiallyf
1 at Madison.
Daughters of Confederacy Elect !
Savairiah. Ga.. Nov. 13.—Mrs.
Daisy At. Laurin Stevens, of Brandon,l
Miss,, was re-elected president general j
of the United Daughters of the Con-'
federacy at the general convention yes-i
terday. • ' j
Caught In Mine Mixer
Mahanoy City, Nov. 13.—Crawling!
into a concrete mixer \to clean it at 1
Lawrence colliery, Michael Suduiek
had a thrilling escape when somebody j
j started the machine and he was whirl-!
! ed around and around. When rescued.)
nearly all of his elothing hail been !
! torn, from his 'body. He was badly j
1 bruised.
One Miner Killed, One (Dying I
Shamokin, Nov. 13.—Michael Shi ;
ko was killed by a fall of coal at the ,
Alaska colliery yesterday, while Prank!
Ricgel was fatally injured from the
same cause at the Gimlet mine, as was
Anthonv Yerk, at the Cameron mine. |
Be the
Whistle FBJ®
Not the / IpAi
Echo! A W
Wear a'Tailored j JK
Original Not a L
Clothing Copy
Merchant tailoring Is the — -
wide standard. fllj
AH clothiers aim to Imitate I
and claim to equal made-to- II) 111
measure RarmenU.
That's both n compliment and
a confession. (SET THE ORIGI
Essex Tailoring
Get the fabric, the lit, the finish,
the fashion, the "air" that are In- ▲ -
tensely Individual. because the £T» Ar~
garment* are shaped expreosly for Tk/1 •"v
you. Get, also, the new woof fab- kiz^lVZ
A Lot of Sample Balmacaans $15.00 to $45.00.
To-morrow Special, SIO.OO and $15.00
Essex Woolen Mills
14 North Third Street
Open evenings until 9 E. J. REININGER. Prop.
+ ♦♦♦»♦♦+ » ♦ ♦ ♦>♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦-♦♦ » » » ♦ • » 4
♦ Germans made n violent attack on Ypres, according to the of- «
♦ ficial reports from Berlin and Paris, while other despatches say the *
♦ town is in flames. The French declare the attack was checked, while ♦
, the Germans admit their progress is slow, but say they have cap- *
J tured more than five hundred French, colored and English prisoners ♦
« and several machine guns. ♦
4> > ♦ ♦♦♦ ♦ *«♦ ♦ ♦ *»*»«-»♦•*«»««»»* ««««««, ♦ ♦♦■•
* *
25c Oleomargarine
Columbus Oleomargarine stands at the head of the list as a substitute
for butter. We have selected this brand of Oleo believing it to be su
perior in quality and flavor. It has the butter taste.
l ib. prints, 20c 2-lb. prints 40c i
5-lb. prints 98c 9 - lb. prints $1.70
We also have a grade at 20c lb. Special price, 18c lb., 5 lbs.. 80c
New York State Cream Cheese, 22c lb.
Gold Reo Coffee, 2 lbs. for 25c
Santos Coffee, a good drinker, 18c lb.
Old <ro)> Santos, blended to suit your taste, v 2!lc lb.
Vou will find a marked saving on our entire line of groceries.
The above prices good Saturday, November 14, only.
Our stores are located as follows:
19O;S Derry, Bell Phone 805 L Cor. t:tth and Swatara
1518 N. Sixth Bell phone I7IBL Bell phone ;s(>7;{W
Cor. 11th and Begina Cor. ;»rd and Chestnut
Bell phone 2:51) IJ * BTO phone 17.">:{R
met— iim m i im, m a—■wmw'P
; Satisfactory==Refreshing== Healthful *i
\ Its delicious snappy flavor commends it to lovers ;►
lof good beer. «.
t Brewery thoroughly equipped. \\
Unexcelled for Purity and Excellence. \>
► Bell 820 L ORDER IT Independent 318 ![