The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, November 13, 1914, Page 12, Image 12

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N . j| ' i some real tobacco! I
||§& 3 If you're a red-blooded citizen, you beat it across the fl|
j?j| fields to a tidy of Prince Albert and get some B
Diffenbaugh Goes in at Halfback in
Place of Bingham—Snieltzer
Back in the Game
On a.-count of the injury to Biny
'ham ou Saturday in tho Steel ton game
further changes in the Central High '
K 'hool team were mnrle necessary. Dif
fenbaugh, the lineman who was Shifted
to the 'backtield after Bingham 's retire
meiit and showed some prowess as a !
line plunger will be given a change at I
halfback in the Stevens Trade school i
game .it Lancaster to-morrow.
If Diffenbaugh can be taught to han
dle the ball safely 'be should make a
valuable man in his new position, lie ,
can get steam up at the start and shows
promise as a backJiekl man. Houtz will
again be at quarterback and run the 1
team from that position. Roth will play i
a halfback position and Smeltzer will
start at fullback. He has been out of
practice this week on account of a j
wrenched ankle, whk'h injury is now!
fully cured.
There is little hope of any injured |
j layer on the Central team getting into j
shape for the remainder oi the games i
outside of Rote, who was injured in the
J ' 1
wwaaft "»'■ '■"■Hl Mil IIIIIHII I lilllJ—Hll M lilt I ' F'l I'M,ll I
50c A Week—Can You Beat It ?
Full Line of Xmas Goods Now On Display 4-
Cor. Fourth and Chestnut Sts. - - Harrisburg
1 -'-11 in n ■ Twrr rnrwirmwi^
| tiist Steelton game. Hi 9 shoulder is
mending and it i< believed he will be
üb!e to get into the Thanksgiving Day j
-•traggle against Tech."
Golf at Country Club
A "graveyard" match for ladies!
will lie played at the Harrisliurg Coun
try Club to-morrow morning, starting,
at 10 o'clock. In the afternoon a
men's match against bogey will be
DR. KLUGH, Specialist
Pliyslclnn nnd Snrero*
20(5 Wnlnat St.. flurrlnhurjc. Pa
Phpsws of nomfn and inrns npfclnt,
prlvntf, "pptifio, nrrvoim nml chronic
<llaeri*c*. (»fiipr«l office ivork. Consul*
ration free and confidential. Medlclnt
furnished. Work guaranteed. Charges
moderate. iIU ycura' experience.
I)R. KLL'CiH, tlie nell-knoun specialist
Team Will Be Cheered On Departure
To-morrow—Beck Will Be
Iu the Game
The Tecn eleven will have lis hands,
full tn Hi arm v afternoon in the game
at \Y illianisport with tiio Williamsport
' High school team. The latter has made
an enviable record thi* season, num
bering among 't* victories one over
Steelton High bv the decisive « ore ot"
: 30 to 0.
Hut then Tech defeated Steelton but
! not quite >o lwdlv, so it will be seen
| from comparative scores at least that
l it is not going to I' l any walkover for
: the local team. Coa -h Dunkle has had
the teams out each afternoon hard at
work perfecting plays for the coming
game. All of the players with the
exception of Bock are in excellent
j _ "THE. CLP. RE-l ! *A *3 Lcl"' "Hi
IRE MEDYf'°lTmenl
condition. Beck s shoulder is rapidly I
mending and be will got into thej
A victory over Wiliiamsport fori
Ttvli would widWi its scope for cham
pionship honors for the '' Milliotiairs "
have been licking everything this sea j
soa and lay claim to a sort ot' chain
pionship title themselves. Te.'li rooters
are planning a royal - end off for their j
, team early to-morrow morning.
Yale Receives Applications for
Seats—(ifl.OlH) to Be Filled
Now Haven. Conu,, .Nov. I 3.—Tiierc j
have been 72,lS.iL' applications for the
69,000 seats in the new bowl for the j
Valp-Harvard football game next week.;
according to an announcement yevter j
i day by tiie Vale ticket office. About j
all the 6,200 public applications have I
| been returned in order tfhat Vale gra.l
nates may be accommodated. Applies
tions are still pouring in, luit are 'being
. refused.
Harvard has a' ;>lied for 25.000 seats;
■ Vale graduates 2 7,322 and the Univer
sity 11,042. The Vale oniu'ittoe of 21
lias an allotment pf 3,268 seats.
Bisons Win by «."> Pins
Tiio Bisons won from the Giants in
the I', li. R. V. M. C. match last
night, taking two of the three games
and winning bv a margin of 65 pins. I
The -vores: 0
Miller .... 120 116 426 392,
■ rawford .. 172 153 137 462 !
Keller .... 13:1 173 1 i 7!i — 4 7.". :
j Richmond . 161 163 1 60— 493
l or,l 210 169 219 598 I
Totals .. 796 804 520—2420 i
(il \NTS
! Martin ... 132 131 188— 451
i Smith .... 145 122 1 ,Vs 432 !
|Chard .... 9S 155 134 387 j
Pagau .... 127 157 178— 462j
j flyers .... 106 166 201 533
i Totals . . 668 731 556 2355!
Ssuators Drop Colonials
The Senators won from the Colonials
in last night's Casino League match by !
I 173 pins. Gourley set up a new single j
■ game score of 266. The score:
l.laeabj ... 19 1 179 Is 9 559
j Kruger ... 127 Is 7 166 4SO
iilosterter . 13!S 152 ISO- 4 70!
; Weber .... 151 193 192 — 536
j Blick .... 323 1,48 139 510
Totals . . S3O 5..9 5i»6—2555 ■
I bach 1 59 200 20!j — 56S :
| Renioiite. . . 162 157 1 41— 460 |
i stigelinan . 159 T62 172 493
Guurley ... 186 266 169 621
Montgomery 207 191 ISS 586 I
Totals .. 972 966 879—2728 j
, Turks and Tartars of Seller School to
j The lirst hockey game of the season
I for the .Seller school girls will be j
| played on Friday, November 20. The J
j opposing teams are the Turks and the ]
Tartars. The teams are as follows:
| Harris L W Revnders j
| Davis LI ftrandt J
i lllurlock C Hurlock j
Steele R 1 .... Rutherford )
| Bishop R \V Bishop I
1 Bailey L II B Ziegler
| Bailcv I' II I! Cooper j
Bullitt R II R Bui lev |
Cox 1,1'8..: Hiekok
Da\ is 1! F B Olmsted !
Disinukes G Davis |
j Topham, Lewisburg's Fullback, Injured :
In Practice and May Be Kept Out— ,
J. C. Hollenbach Selected as the .
Ilarrisburg will see a college t'ootUal 1 i
I game with all its trimmings to-morrow
! afternoon, when Gettysburg and Buck- j
nell meet at Island Park. While the
i (iettvrinirg lon m will <b© in the game
with its entire strength news comes
l rem l«ewi>il>iug tiiat Topham, tho full
, back, was injured so badly in practice
: last evening that it is feared he will
| not be a'ble to got in the game.
This will damage Bucknell's chances
! somewhat as Topham is one of the fast- i
i os; college players in the State, ille ; s
JI master on the forward pass and is .
I a hai'd line plunger. After making a
j pretty run in the game against the
| s-'iuibs ho was Pbrown to the ground by
! the ''rub's fulMiaek, receiving his in
j ,iury. Scrimmage inietice was •railed oil j
shortly after tha f .
Final arrangements for the game j
i were conupleU'd yesterday. The ens! ,
! stands at Island Park—the left Hold
i bleachers to be exact—'have been re
j served and tickets can bo had at Mos
sersinith's .store. \ section has been
reserved for the ljewi»i>urg collegians;
i in this stand.
The Gettysburg followers to the !
I number of 4tM) will come hero to wit- j
! n ess the game. They will tie acconi
i pan Led by their justly celebrated stu-
I dent band A parade will form at the
; Pennsylvania railroad station on arrival
in:- before noon and the student; will
march to the Commonwealth hotel, the
headquarters i f the eleven. Tho\ will
march later to the field, h is expected!
, that the ißucknell band will also a com I
paiiy tho ro< .or:? froni l^wkuurg.
•I. Hollenbach, of the I'niversity ;
I of Pennsylvania, brotlher of the famous j
1 "'Bill" illollem >:ieh. now coaching'
I State, will reel'ree the game. Signiuth.
i of Lafayette, will umpire, ami l.inti, of
! University of. Pennsylvania, will i>o j
head linesman, men from each school
: operating the ten-yard lines. Piny will
start at :i o'clock.
! The most elaborate seating arrange .
inents for any game ever held on the ]
I Tri State grounds have 'been made and
jit is expected that, tlie largest football j
j crowd of the season wiil witness the ]
, game, is making arrange
meuts for the game and students will
; act as ushers.
At Gettysburg
Gettysburg, Pa., Nov. IS.-' Pin ling
| touches were put on the Gettysburg j
team last night for the Buckuell game
oil Saturday. A long, hard practice was j
held ill which eve . apparent weakness
; received its attention. Considerable i
' time was devoted to tackling, as some |
i of the men need more work along tjiat
line, but, on tho whole, the team has ■
I shown considerable Improvement s.nce ;
| the last game. Forward passes com :
1 manded a good deal of attention, while i
especial stress was put upon the playn
I and formations to be used against Buck !
j nell. A long and vicious scrimmage end j
led the pra'ctice, ill which the varsitx •
-showed more snaiji tlian it has for a long
! time.
At Buckuell
l.i wisburg. Pa.. Nov. II!. Mtlioug 1
j Buckuell had a very short scrimmage .
practice last evening, it will likely .
prove a costly one. as Topham. the cap- j
j tain and fallback, was injured ?o badly I
1 it is feu -ed that he will be unable I
to go into the Gettysburg game at Har- j
i risburg to-morrow, lie was injured aft
, er making a pretty run. being thrown to j
! the ground b.v the scrub fullback. It!
is possible that he may play, but nor !
ATLANTA, 21-i in. high
WHITBY. Vi in. hint.
2 tor 2ii crrf« r'ifll. r*~l>nf?T A Inc. Makers i
We ask no fancy prices fur
our garments: inexpensiveness
is one of their attractions. They
; appeal to men who study econ
j omy as well as those who want
the utmost in quality and style.
Suits and O'eoats
to Order
sls UP
13 N. Fourth Street
1 «■ .
t „ IV✓ prefer to make a
customer rather than |f||
just a single sale
IK " . j When you come Ij^^fc,. ;| V
here for a suit of SOI- i'A aUi
|Jp* clothes or an overcoat
| our object is to make you HgSHI|
I a permanent customer of |
We know of no 11118
better way to do |
it'than by 1
I selling you " 1
I #|7 I
I USKJ Clothes fJ/ S
The same price the world over."
| Big economics, caused by buying and manufac- i
g turing on a great scale, keep the price down to sl7. I
1 The low price causes a large sale. "While we make I
|j less per suit and overcoat we make more customers. |i
fWc have other clothes, too, but we suggest that you (1
begin by looking at STYLEi'LUS suits and overcoats— F|
all stylet>, all fabrics. Come in!
| 320 Market Street |t
pio'bable. His injury put damper on
j t!.l* work of tin- varsity, the players not j
going into it with the customary vigor, j
' t-Vrhtwuajre pra • r;.• o was called oil' short- 1
i ly after Topliam wits hurt.
i Garry Herrmann and Charles Weegh
nian in Short Conference—Peace
May Result
Chicago. Nov. 13.—Oarry Herr i
niujin and Charles Weeghmau met ear
; ly yesterday afternoon and held a
j short conference and then adjourned !
I to meet again. Nothing was given out ;
j concerning the nature of their discus-'
j sion, although it was supposed to l>e
j concerning the sale of the Cubs to the!
j local man.
The meeting was supposed to lie for
the purpose of submitting the proposi
tions of the .Federal anil organized;
leagues and placing, them in such shape j
that they could be discussed with Pres
ident Johnson and other magnates at
the later meeting. Both men seemed to i
' indicate that peace looked probable,'
j although they refused to discuss the!
question in any form.
1 ■ m
i Womr
i? not enough to" pay^for
6hoes. You haven't worn The Hk *ana^**
! MEW ARK Shoe, or you *#352 VALUE
j would have learned long ago gjjfl ■
that $2.50 is an ample price
to pav ior shoes. Realize ™' I
that you are buying of the
MAKERS when you buy The f" "■■■-—i
| NEWARK. Shoe at and / j R
that the dollar you SAVE by J 1
your enterprise i» the RE- x v# \ !
■ —H.\I<KIMB( H<; im wcii
316 MARKET ST., Near Dewberry St.
Otlirr Newark Store* .\enrb yt York, Heading, Altoonn. Bnltlinure
M\ll. OHIIIOIIS ril.l.Kl) BY p\l{(!)l,s POST
Open Saturday evenings until IO.;JO to accommodate our cuatomors.
I Postmaster Thornton Buys $12,423,100
Worth for "Christmas Trade"
Philadelphia, .Nov. 13.-- An order
$2,423,100 worth of stamps, the largest
single requisition ever seat to Washing
; ton. was made yesterday bv Postmaster
I Thornton, in preparing for the Christ
mas rush. When an order for sl,7tiit.-
I ISt! in stani s was sent in last Xuvcnt,
) ber it was considered a record break
er, and one thought not likely to un
: surpassed for a long time.
Mr. Thornton attributes the deniaud
! to the popularity of the parcel post. If
I the business in this ■department con
tinues to increase, it is expected that
| the next. < hristmas order will be for
more than $3,000,000.
Carvers' Tonic Tablets
For nerves, weakness and nervous
prostration, 50 cents at druggists.
Washington Party's Future Plans
The Washington party in Dauphin
I county is not discouraged over the re
suit of the last election. At a meeting
of the Progressive League, hehj'iii head
quarters last night, plans were discussed
for continuing the party's work in the
; next campaign and the leaders propose
: to be active.