The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, November 13, 1914, Page 11, Image 11

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    You have v | '
\OWf\ oranges that didn't have any JI
ggfMfj \\ \V\ fla y° r - "^ e pulp was dry —f I
'--Li Vv—-—4 stringy and the juice—well, there £
\ wasn t muc h of it but what there was you found
fyi J to be flat and sour. Not much pleasure in eating f
ff Iv 4 1 oranges like that! The fruit was inaipid and taste
\ J less because it didn't ripen on the trees.
?':f\ / a ' n y°u have eaten the other kind of Florida oranges \,
\V> >\
' Vr,. v / oranges tasted so good— urn! How you smacked your \
#\i " : " v " ' ,ps at the if delightful flavor! They were so line, simply \
W because the growers had left them on the trees until fully ripe. \
/ «,«,«.« „#♦!.. f „ To advance their own interests by protecting those of the con- \
/ me " . the fruit, progressive orange and grapefruit growers of Florida some years ago formed a \
/ t OrS r ,ZatlOn - J he members are pledged to ship only tree ripened fruit, that has Sen \
f handled with extreme care from tree to railroad. None but white-gloved workers prepare this St I
f for market it never is touched by human hands before shipment. In the packing houses of the or
ganization no child labor is employed. The name and trade mark of this growers' mutual body is
This mark in tfßMlfc BHfc I Hn — Mk. t n
£ excmano "I A
■ BB 9fl HI sweet fruit
IfW TA"k V ? orida ? ran 2 es are ripe before winter. Only a limited number of Parson Brown oranges /
\ U*hl P WhiC \ ri ?° n m the fall are grown in Florida. The greater part of the /
\ p ciherTho STfir a good vl d >P " P rodl,ced b - v numbers of the Florida /
\ FWnTt™ had « fine orange grove. The Citrus Exchange. Whet, you buy Parson /
\ \nvpmk oranges mature in October and Brown oranges in boxes that carry the Ex- §
\iSe brf„™ 1 i C r d J 't y th " se «""'«■»•* you may bo ,u 2 they ~e /
\ TV ' b f om % alto gether true to name and will be found ripe and sweet. /
\ Iff '?u °- 1,0 °, fher Ask your dealer for Florida Citrus Exchange /
A whi tl!It i 0 i r . vari , etu * 3 show Parson Brown oranges and you will be /
/\ \ of e 't™« fruit recipes, telling how to use and i i
Correspondence of the Associated Press, i
Berlin. Nov. 13, An interesting cx
of things connected with lhe war
b. to be seen at the International Book
imposition at Leipsiv. Because of its
popularity. this branch was ordered
kept open after :he close of the exposi
tion proper. The German government
regards it as necess;;rv to the education
of the people and as lilting a mission, j
One section is devoted to prominent ]
ly displayed copies of foreign papers!
*;th absurd or deliberately false re
ports eoneerning Germany.' These re-!
1/OJ'ts are heavily bordered and beside
ijarh is a translation. German newspa
|)ws from cities occupied by the Rus- :
sians are also displayed, containing the I
proclamations and orders of the "Bus- I
sian commanders and blank columns
where the Kussian censor prohibited j
the publication of certain articles.
A collection of articles from the bat- ,
tlegrounds ot Belgium includes five val
■ - ■
"Shoes That Wear"
Market Square
At Prices Rare
What Do We Mean
by Prices Rare?
JUST THlS—Scarce, Un
common, Unusual—
Made So by the Workmanship, Quality and
Wear Our Shoes Possess.
; NOTICE, Our High Grade Shoes Are Selling at 50c,
75c, 98c, $1.25,51.50 and $ 1.98 Per Pair, lor Children.
I Boys' and Girls', Men's and Women's, Dress or Work
ing Shoes at $1.98, $2.48, $2.98 and $3.48 With |
Character to Every Shoe.
A Rare Opportunity for You on
SATURDAY or Any Other Day
20 th Century Shoe Co.
Market Square |
! . i
liable old miniature paintings saved by
a German soldier from i barniug cha
i teau in Hastiere, near Dinant.
Literature evoked by the war is rep
| resented by a large collection. It in
cludes cartoons from hostile publica
tions, letters and post cards from the
front —one of the latter consisting of .
a section cut from a Belgian aeroplane
; which had been brought down —and
various engravings and paintings.
Anothei section is given over to uni
forms. projectiles, captured weapons,
j and flags. The collection includes a .
knout taken from a Cossack
London, Nov. 13, 2.40 P. M.—Jarvis
; E. Bell, of New York, the first member
j of the American Commission lor Relief j
;in Belgium to return from Belgium
j since the distribution of relief began,j
' states that, instead of hampering the j
| efforts to rejieve the starving pornila- j
' tionl the German authorities are doing !
their utmost to assist the commission
i in its work.
The Belgian-Dutch border now is
practically closed to passenger traffic,
only persons of official business being
permitted to pass, but members of the
commission are allowed to travel back
. and forth without the slightest hind
In Belgium the shipments of food
stuffs consigned to the American Min
ister. Brand Whitloek. and in care of
the commission are permitted to pro
j ceed with minimum delay. The Ger
man officials have treated the members
I ot' the commission with great considera
Mr. Bell praises equally the Dutch
! officials for their assistance in the mat
] ter of food shipments. In the case of
j the Coblenz the first American relief
! ship to arrive, the officials suspended
| the law momentarily and for the first
time in histoiy a ship was permitted to
I discharge her cargo at a Dutch port
j on Sundav.
"I am an income tax collector, sir,
j called."—
j '•lam an artist.''
I beg you pariiirti" (with
! draws)-—'London Tatler.
Artists Unqualified for j
Roles in War Zone
Feel Most the Rigors
of Martial Law
During First Days of War Many of
These Artists Were Allowed to Sing
on the Streets, and Many Good 1
Ones Eked Out an Existence
Correspondence of the Associate. U P? ess. ;
Paris. Nov. 13.—Poor dramatic art-|
ists unqualified for roles in the theatre 1
of war are among those who feel most '
the rigors of martial law. One of the I
baritones of the Opera C'oinique is dri.'r
iug a taxicab. Others have been driven
j to seek the most menial occupations.
During the first days of the war mauy
[of these artists were allowed to sins;
| in the streets, and really good artists
| were heard .in the courts of apartment
liiuldings, but on account of the crowds I
they drew this means of eking out an
I existence was forbidden.
Notoriety of "Can-Can" Gone
One familiar with the night life of
j Paris would hardly seek patriotic emo
jtions at that music hall to which the
"Can-Can" gave a certain notoriety,
: 'tnd yet this place until recently closed
! was nightly the scene of impressive in
i cideuts characteristic of the few dis
j traditions the city offers. All amuse
ments, if they msiv be so called, are
! ensored to the feeling of the moment.
At the music hall in question the or
chestra struck up "The Marseillaise."
A tall Algerian rifleman rose from a
front seat. His right hand was in a !
sling and'it seemed to embarrass him.
He hesitated an instant and then his
left went up in an impressive gesture
to his red fez. While he stood "at
attention" a little trooper in the blue
red trimmed Belgian cap clapped his j
liauds, jumped to his feet and saluted.
The entire audience was up then and
the theatre resounded with the inspiring
strains of the battle hymn.
Belgian Trooper 3heds Tears
When the last notes died away the
ceiling rang with applause, but above
the din cries were heard of ''La Brab
anconne! La Brabanconne!'' A big |
tear rolled down the cheek of the little
Belgian trooper as he listened to his !
national anthem, but neither he nor the I
Algerian rifleman moved a muscle. |
Tliev stood there 'at attention" until I
the English and ftusisan hymns had I
been played, until the lights faded and
the moving pictures appeared on the ■
Moving pictures are ruthlessly cut i
out whenever they strike a lightor vein j
than prescribed bv the authorities and. |
for the same reason, have failed the !
feeble attempts that have been made to
bring the cafe concert back to life.
Orchestra Concerts Allowed
Orchestral concerts are allowed, but
they, too, must conform to the regula
tions and the programs invariably in
clude the patriotic airs of the allied na
tions, military marches, marching songs j
aud generally such familiar airs as call |
up elevated sentiments. German com-j
positions are rigorously barred.
In spite of the small number of even-
I ing entertainments, the audiences are '
not large and they are chiefly made ,ip ;
of foreigners remaining in Paris. '
Their attitude for the most pan it dig
nified; in the rare cases where they |
I have failed to be so the place has I
I promptly been closed. •
Berlin, Nov. 13 (bv Wireless).—ln
; eluded in the information given out in ,
j oSicial quarters to-dav concerning war j
! activities m different parts of the fight
ing arc*nj% is the following:
I "Turkish headquarters report that j
| tho Turks have captured the fortitica- !
! tions of El-Arish, iu Egypt, close to |
j the Turkish frontier. They also bo- i
; tame possessed of four English field j
| guns aud certain telegiaph material.
"In the Caucasus the Turks ha ve in -
| flic-ted further defeat on the ltussians,
I who lost numerous prisoners.
"The Anstrians have surprised and
| defeated the Russians north of CV.erno
i witz; in this lighting the Russians sus
! tained heavy losses. The Arabians of
! N'ejtl and Mecca are mobilizing agains;
I the English."
Warsaw. Russian Poland, Via Petro
) grad and l.oudun, Nov. 1?», 2.38 i\ M.I
| —Representatives of the Petrograd Re
! lief Fund for Poland arrived here to
; day from the capital with fifty car- ,
| loads of provisions for destitute faini- | '
lies and 200,000 rubles ((130,000) in
money for the relief of the needy.
Russian soldiers,continue to unearth |
near Warsaw German machine guns,
rifles and ammunition which had been
concealed by the forces of t:ni|>eror
William in mounds on the battlefields,
which had tieen }(iven the appearance
of gttives. The presumption here is
that the Germans intended to utilize i
this material in a contemplated new at
tack on Warsaw.
Pekin, Nov. 13.—A Japanese mili- j
tarv report received in Pekin sets forth |
that the casualties to the Japanese i
army before Tsing-Tau were something j
over 1,500. But, according to reports j
from Tsing-Tau itself received in Pe
kin before the Gorman wireless ceased
operating, this number does -not repre
sent the correct total. The. British lost'
12 men killed and til men wounded.
The Japanese recital indicates that |'
the German losses were small for the 1
reason that. t|ie German garrison sur
rendered as soon as the Japanese in- j
fantry stormed the trenches. '
Does the Xmas Piano or Player=
Piano Question Interest You ?
Have you musical ambitions lor your children ?
Do you want to give them the advantages of a musical
education, and have you decided to select the NEW piano
between now and Xmas?
to 51,050, any of which are sale to choose and certann to
It Will Be a Pleasure to Show You Our Stock and You
Will Find It Profitable to Come and Look
And den't miss hearing the new Edi
son Diamond Disc and Vict or-Vict rota.
your home with the best musrt: ever
written, played or sung by the world's
IRMm either satisfy yourself as to which is Best,
hßslp'' Ililii by making side-by-side comparisons, here.
'is'• * Choice oi any instrument and a suitable
number oi records may now be made,
and the complete outfit sent home at once
Visit the store to-morrow. Special complimentary
demonstrations will be givenduringtheday and eve
ning. You are welcome without the slightest obliga
The J. H. Troup Music House
Troup Building 15 S. Market Square
1 lie British torpedo gunboat Niger was torpedoed by a submarine In the Downs, accordhig to an official an
nouncement from Loudon. The Niger fouudcred. but all the officers aud crew were saved. Two men were Beretely
and two slightly injured. The Niger was built iu 1832, displaced 850 tons and carried a complement of,„
uiun. She was -10 feet long uud was capable of making a speed or nineteen kuols.
Lancaster's Favorite Brew
Harrisburg, Pa. Frank J. Rieker, Mgr.
Read the Star-Independent