10 GIRLS! HAVE BEAUTirtIL LUSTROUS. FLUFFY HAIR- 25 CENT DANDFRII No More Dandruff or Falling Hair—A Real Surprise Awaits You To be possessed of a head of heavy, beautiful hair; soft, lustrous, Huffy, wavy and free from dandruff is merely a matter of using a little Danderiue. It is easy and inexpensive to have nice, soft iiair and lots of it. Just get a 25-cent bottle of Knowtton's Danderine now—all drug stores recom mend it—apply a little as directed and within ten minutes there will be an SUBURBAN HERSHEY L. W. Meekins Appointed Librarian of Hershey Free Public Library Special Correspondence. Hershey, Nov. 13.—George Dechert, of Lebanon, the new janitor of the school building, moved into his new house opposite the department store on Tuesday. The Hershey Transit Company has ordered two large "pav-as-you-enter" etreet cars. Dr. George L. Cole, of California, will deliver an address on "The Story of Old Mike," in the Central Theatre on Sunday afternoon. A farewell surprise was given to the Bev. I. Moyer Hershey by ten members of the Men's Club at his home on Co coa avenue. Revival services will commence in Fishbum's United Brethren church, near this place, on Sunday evening. The services will be in charge of the pastor, th& Rev. G. W. Hallman, of Annville. L. W. Meekins has been appointed librarian of the Hershey Free Public Library. He is a graduate of Johns Hopkins University of the class of 1913, and has been in Europe. ELIZABETHVILLE Newly Appointed U. B. Minister Will Reside on Broad Street Special Correspondence. Elizabethville, Nov. 13. —Evan Deibler is spending the week at the home of Charles Cooper, Harrisburg. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Beard visited relatives at Tower City Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoffman and child, of Williamstown, visited D. D. Jlelt and family Sunday. The Rev. S. L. Rhoads. the new United Brethren minister, is moving into the new double dwelling of Solo mon Shutt's on Broad street. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Michael, of Millersburg, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Davis, of Wiconisco, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Swab Saturday and Sunday. ■ Roy Schriver spent some time at Philadelphia. Miss Frances Swab, a vocalist, is visiting relatives in Harrisburg this week. Mrs. H. F. Lahr, of Jersey City, vis ited M. A. Miller and family several days. Mary McLauaclian is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Harrv Stine, at Palmyra. Misses Leona and Mary Minnich. of I .ykens, were guests of Mr. Constan rine and family who live on the D. W. Lfomberger farm. WEST FAIRVIEW E | liday Social at Mrs. Edna Spur rier's for Two ■ ri' Correspondence. West Fairview. Nov. 13.—A birth * day party was held at the home of Mrs. 1'.,1n a Spurrier, -Third street. Wednes day evening in honor of both Mrs. Spurrier and her son, Arthur. A good time was had in the playing ot' games and eating of refreshments of various kinds. Those present were Mrs. Charles Lilly, Mr. and Mis. Russell Cranforil, Mrs. Albeit Marzolf, Mrs. Elmer Erb, Mrs. Edward Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Ueorge Harro, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Shaull, Mrs. Joseph Wilt. Mrs. Amos Fox. Mrs. B. S. Boley, Herbert Ander son, Mrs. Viola Spurrier, Misses Annie Davis, Jane Boley, Priscilla Lilly, Al verna Richmond, Annie Ensley, Anna belle Boley, Margaret Gambei. Ruth Harro. Esther Wilt. Mabel Shaull. Eve How Thin People Can Get Fat Increase in Weight Ten Pounds or More A Physician's Advice "I'd certainly give most anything to be able to fat up a few pounds and stay that way," declares every excessively thin man or woman. Such a result is not impossible. " despite past failures. Thin people are victims of mal-nutri tion, a condition which prevents the tatty elements of food from Vieing taken up by the blood as they are when the powers of nutrition are normal. In stead of getting into the blood, all the fat and flesh producing elements stay in the intestines until thev pass from the body as waste.'. To correct thts condition and to pro duce a healthy normal, amount of fat the nutritive processes must be artifi cially supplied with the power which na ture has denied them. This can best be accomplished by eating a Sargol tablet with every meal. Saragol is a scientific combination of six of the best strength giving, fat-producing elements known to the medical profession. Taken with meals, it mixes with the food and turns the sugars and starches info rich, ripe nourishment for the tissues and blood aud its rapid effect is remarkable. Re ported gains of from ten to twenty-five pounds in a single month are by no moans infrequent. Yet its action is per fectly natural and absolutely harmless. Sargol is sold bv Geo. A. Gorgas and other good druggists everywhere and every package contains a guarantee of weight increase or money back. Caution: While Sargol has produced remarkable results in the treatment of nervous indigestion and general stom ach disorders, it should not, owing to its remarkable flesh producing effect, be used bv those who are not willing to increase their weight teu pounds or more. Adv. ippearance of abundance; freshness, fluftiness and an incomparable gloss and lustfe and try as you will you cauuot find a trace of dandruff or falling hair; but your real surprise will be al'ter about two weeks' use, when von will see new hair—line and downy at first — yes—but really new hair —sprouting out all over your scalp—Danderine is, we believe, the only sure hair grower; destroyer of dandruff and cure for itchy scalp and it never fails to stop falling hair at once. J If- you want to prove how pretty and soft your hair really is, moisten a cloth with a little Danderine and carefully draw it through your hair —taking one small strand at a time. Your hair will I be soft, glossy and beautiful in just a 'ew moments a delightful surprise awaits everyone who tries this. Adv. ■ lyn Martim Samuel Spurrier. Fred | Shaull, John Lilly, Eugene Marzolf, John Books. Simon Shultz, Jacob Waehtman, Maurice Harro, Norman i Spurrier, Walter Wilt, Arthur Spurrier, Kdward Daison and Mrs. Edna Spur j rier. A birthday surprise party was given I in honor of Miss Edna Barnhajt ou her j sixteenth birthday at her horn? on Main . street. Refreshments were served to the followiug: Miss Elnora Orris, Esther ' Potter, Minnie Davis, Grace Bamhart, } Edna Barnhart, Jennie Miller, Henry Walter, Charles Glessner, John Brandt, ] Earl Davis, Edward Myers, Philip I Fordney, Ross Wellers and Ross San derson. , I Mrs. Mark Swab and daughter, of ! Elizabethville. are guests of I. W. Mat j ter, Main street. B. S. Bole.v and F. J. Riggs are ou a j hunting expedition to Lancaster eouu ! l.v . WILLIAMSTOWN Cupid Very Busy This Week—Captured Two Couples | Special Correspondence. Williamstown, Nov. 13.—.Miss Mary j Heckert and "Rhea Bowers, of Millers burg, were callers in town on Tues day. Mrs. Albert Moftett is very ill with | penumonia. William Hand, of Wiconisce, called on his daughter, Mrs. John Polm. Wed- I nesday. Miss Amy >Hoke, of Millersburg, re turned home after spending a week with Helen Blvler. Mrs. Florence Row and Mrs. Jonathan Hawk attended the funeral of a reia tive at Lvkens yesterday. IMr. and Mrs. Robert Baird and Mr. and Mrs. A. Walkinsliaw motored to Schuylkill Haven on Saturday in the former's aultomo > bile. George W. Price and Ruth Zimmer man. both of town, surprised their many friends by their recent marriage. Mrs. Thomas Dnndo returned from j a brief visit to Marietta. Helen Messner, Rut'h Kemp. Dora I Fry and Beulah Wofl'enden called on J friends in Lykens* on Tuesday. Clarence Lenker, of towu. and Leona | Thompson, of Tower City, were mar : tied Saturday evening by the Rev. Mr. j Hart. DUNCANNON Horace Harper Substitute Mail Carrier Ou R. F. D. No. 3, This Week ; Special Correspondence, i Duncannon. Nov. 13.—Mrs. William | Lathlane and daughter, Mrs. Charles : Jones spent Wednesday in Harrisburg. : The latter will leave for Wilkes-Barre | Thursday, where she will spend some time. i The Rev. W. W. ftlioll made a busi-1 J ness trip to Newport Tuesday. | Miss Anna Wills, Miss Edna .Ten-; | kyn and Mr. and Mrs. Jennings motor-1 led to Harrisburg Tuesday evening. \ Mrs. C. E. Jones entertained the I Ladies 'Mite Society of the M. E., j church Tuesday evening. I Mrs. W. W. Sholl and Miss Elsie j 1 Bostley have returned from a visit j among friends in Harrisburg. George Hartzel, an aged resident.' | died 011 Tuesday morning about 4 j o'clock. The direct cause of his death j i is unknown. L [ Misses Ellen and Mary Beard, of i | Middletown, are guests of'their grand j parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hetriek. Horace Harper is mail carrier on R.' ; D. No. 3, this week in the absence of! ! the regular carrier, Max B. Lightner. I HALIFAX Boyer School to Be Equipped With Electric Light Plant I Special Correspondence I Halifax. Nov. 13.—Charles Musser | !on Thursday moved his family from | ! the Mattis farm, near town, to the j Crather house on Second street. Tile new Boyer Memorial school I building will be equipped with an elec- : ] trie light plant next week, the contract' j having been let to a New York firm. | | George O. Sheesley, of Matamoras, J ou Wednesday took charge of the Hali- j j fax bakery and will operate same. ! j Frank Brubaker spent Tuesday at Harrisburg. Harry L. Miller on Thursday re- j | sumed his employment as a clerk in the i i office of the Ensminger Lumber Com I j pany, Harrisburg, after having been ' j confined to his home in this place by j I illness for several weeks. Miss Laura Audre, who spent the j ; past several months Mr. and Mrs. I | George A. Fetfrerhoff, left Wednesday I I for her home in Kenosha, Wisconsin. | Joseph Smith has moved his family j from Harrisburg to this place, occupy ! iug the Krick house on Fifth street. ! BLAIN i Women's Missionary Society of the Lutheran Church Met Wednesday Spcial Correspondence. Blain, Nov. 13.—The Women's Home and Foreign Missionary Society |of the Lutheran church, met at the ! home of Miss Ella Gutshall, Wedues ; day. David and S. W. Gutshall returned j from visiting in Kansas and lowa on j Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. James Berrier and j three children, of Lancaster, spent last week with friends here. Dr. .T. H. Bryner, of Harrisburg, j spent the last few days with friends of this place. James Shumaker and wife, left on | Mondav to visit their son. Dallas ; Shumaker. at Paxtang. and their daughter, Mrs. W. F. Hoffman, of But let. Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Isor'Kistler, of New-! H AftttTSmTPn «TaR-T\ T T)F.PENpi?NT. port, are visiting the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 8. G. Smith. Miss Jennie Weaver, of Elliottsburg, is visitiag her cousin, Miss Lourene Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bistline and son, Willis, of Pittsburgh, spent the week-end with Mrs. Sallie Kreamer. HUMMELSTOWN Mrs. Mabel Cronise Jones to Speak on Woman Suffrage Special Corr»isnondence Hummelstown, Nov. 13. Mrs. Charles L-.ub and children have re turned from Baltimore, where they spent a week with relatives. Joseph Habbyshaw, of Campbells town, is spending several days with Frank Shone. Mrs. Emma 11 offer was a visitor in Harrisburg yesterday. Robert Behney is spending several days at the home ot* Vernon Sellers at Steeltou. Mr. aud Mrs. Hiram L'. LiOcguaker and children. Clarence, Allen, l'ark, Helen and Hiram. Jr., and Miss Rath erine Keen, of SteeltOn. were guests of Mr. Lougnaker's sister, Mrs. W. B. Shope, yesterday. Mrs. Mabel Cronise Jones, of har risburg, will lecture ou woman suffrage iu the parish house of Zion Lutheran church on Monday evening. The lec ,ture is being given under the auspices of the Women's Christian Temperance I'nion. . MIDDLETOWN Funeral of Mrs. Fanuie Herr Will Be Held To-morrow Spot'ia) Correspondence Middle town, Nov. 13.—Mrs. Maggie Palmer and Mrs. D. H. Palmer attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Leah Sipe at York yesterday. J. H. Fratts spent yesterday at Har risburg as the guest of his son, Abrani Frn'tts. Mrs. Alice Hoffman and mother, Mrs. Mary Lynch and Miss Bessie Lynch spent yesterday at Columbia us the .guests of relatives. Mrs. Ed. Sliireman and child spent yesterday at Harrisburg. J. P. Ackerman attended the direct ors' meeting at Harrisburg vesterdav. The 8. S. D. H. Clu'b chanced off three large pennants yesterda'v, which were won by C. A. Seltzer, holding tick' et No. 115; S. C. Peters, ticket No. 88, and Arthur Brinser, ticket No. 84. The funeral of the late Mrs. Fannie Herr will be held tomorrow morning, with services at the home of her son, Jacob, on Main street, at 8.15 o'clock, and the body will be taken to Martie ville, Lancaster county, on the 9.37 train, where services will be held in the M. E. church at 2 o'clock. Inter ment will be made in the cemetery ad joining the church. Mrs. Mary Bowman di*d at her home on Pine street early Thursday morning from a complication of dis eases. Besides her husband, she is sur vived by two children, Harry anil Ber nice; three sisters, Emma and Katie Keister, at home, and Mrs. Bessie Neese, of town, and a brother, Francis Keister, of Enola. Funeral arrange ments will be given in to-morrow even ing's paper. Jerome Palmer, who spent the past several days in town, returned to his work at Hershev, Pa., on Wednesday. Mrs. Scott Sides is visiting her son, Winfield. at State College for several days. She is accompanied by Miss Alice Sides. Charles Philips has returned home from a- business trip to C'hambersburg. ' Mrs. Reverdv Johnson is visiting rel atives at Baltimore, Mil., for a week. Mr. anil Mrs. T. O. Eekenrode spent yesterday at Harrhburg. The first basketball game of the I season will be played in the Luna I rink this evening "between the Rescue : Hose Company team and the P. li. 15. IV. M. 1. A. team, of Harrisburg, Aj walkaroiuid, headed by the Rescue I | band, will take place. A good game is | looked for. Mrs. C. E. Bowers entertained the I Social Circle at her home .on Swatara | street Thursday afternoon. John Steadman and wife spent yes terday at Harrisburg. Mrs. R. A. Leach moved her house j ! hold goods from Port Royal to tosvi: I yesterday. MILLERSTOWN The Rev. C. Y. Himes Holding Revival! Services at Marsh Run j Special Correspondence, j Millerstown, Nov. 13.—Mrs. J. C. i j Hall has returned home from a visit at , Green Park and Elliottsburg. Sapiuel Taylor is visiting his daugh-i j er, Mrs. E. B. Camerou in Thonipson- I town. William Hopple, of Philadelphia, j j visited his brother. H. L. Hopple, on ; Monday. Mrs. Margaret Snyder is visiting in j Harrisburg. The Rev. C. Y. Himes is holding re-I vival services at Marsh Run. ' Mrs. Mary Pellow is visiting her j daughter, Mis. Calvin Cox, in New- | ! port. LINGLESTOWN ' Church Services Are . Announced for i Next Sunday j Special Correspondence. Linglestown, Nov. 13.—Services 'will be held in Wenrich's church on I I Sunday afternoon by the Lutheran pas-1 ! tor, the Rev. Mr. 'Bittuer. | Services will be held in the Church i i of God on Sunday evening by the pas-1 i tor. the Rev. George Sigler. Services will be 'held in the United j j Brethren church on Sunday morning - j bv the pastor, the Rev. Clyde Lynch.' Mrs. Wellington Zimmerman and' ; daughter. Mary, spent Monday with j friends at Harrisburg. 1 Ml", and Mrs. Horst, of Luck i i ■ Keep Your Lungs Strong This advice is doubly important with j the knowledge that every three minutes some one in the United States sqccumbs to consumption and many refuse to I realize they are afflicted until it is too late. It is after colds or sickness, from over- i work, confining duties or when general weakness exists that tubercular germs thrive because the resistive powers of the body.are weakened. Only with fresh air, sunshine and abundant rich blood can one hope to arrest their progress, and the concen- i trated fats in Scott's Emulsion furnish fuel for rich blood, and its rare nourish ment helps strengthen the lungs while it builds up the forces. If you work indoors, tire easily, feel languid or run-down Scott's Bmulsion is the most strengthening food-medicine known and is free from alcohol or-stupe fying drugs. Avoid substitutes. ! 14-41 Scatt * Jtowuc. Bloomicld, M. J., 1 FRIDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 13. 1914. | "SAFETY FIRST"—In Clothing Buying' What's tha Use of Taking Any Chances When You Can Buy Guaranteed Clothing at This Store and Have the Satisfaction of Knowing You Are SAFE You don't have to be a judge of clothing j \/1 •' in order to get a "square deal" here. You I W simply pick out the style, the material, the £oyf {l \ color that strikes your fancy. We assume H-.. j all the responsibility of fit, wearing qual- W j i ities and general goodness of the clothes, J 0 llf *jj/ and if for any reason they do not prove j l^\|7 j satisfactory, you can have a new garment ® ' or your money back. I Jl * I ■ You can also have your bill charged if you J I j| ' \ wish at Cash Prices. and thereby test the / j wearing quality while wearing them. / \ Specials to-morrow in Balmacaan, j /;! \ Mackinaw and Chesterfield Overcoats for / / ( | bovs, youths and men. j ll ( Mo Question About VALUE. We lap <Jk j] Are in Position to Serve You Best fe Wk I Consider our 45 years' experience, our l\ 78 stores and our location and save a $5 bill' on that Overcoat you expect to buy v 3? jrf Vw to-morrow. Balmacaans, . $6.75 to S3O YOUR ] Light Weight Overcoats, $7.75 to $35 j Mackinaws, . $3.75 to $25 OWN ; Chesterfield Overcoats, $9.98 to $45 | Boys' O'coats, $1.98 to sls ; TERMS j Fur Lined Overcoats, $21.75 to $65 ; SPECIAL PRICE IN SUITS AND HATS TO-MORROW „.™ GATELV & FITZGERALD SUPPLY CO. ! rUnlMoncno 29-31-33-35 SOUTH SECOND STREET CLOTSI!£SS i Location Means a Great Saving To You < '---ffT now, were the recent guests of Daniel Pelty. Miss Emma S>tuckev, of Highspire, spent Tuesday wifh friends here. Mrs. Samuel (irubb and son, of Pen brook, visited friends here on Thurs day. Mr. and 'Mrs. Charles Lenker, of Har risburg, on Sunday were the guests of '.Mr. and Mrs. William Lenker. Mrs. Mary Gross is seriously ill at her home. Miles shope, of Hoernerstown, spent Monday as the guest of Mrs. Faunie Shaffner. Alice Kabiuk on Tuesday visited friends at Harrieburg. \iiss Salome Feeser, o!' Harrisburg, on Tuesday was tiie guest of Mr. and Mrs. Miles Bolton. IM-r. and Mrs. Ralph Fetrow moved to the home of Brook Po.teiger, West Han over township. Andrew Hetzel spent Tuesday with friends at Harrisburg. Paul fjenker, of Harrisburg, is spend ing t'his week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William Oassel. Miss Martha Gvav'aill spent Monday and Tuesday vvitli friends af Harris burg. The Churi-h of God purchased a pi ano from Mt Spangler this week. Miss Florence Roberts, of Philadel phia, was the recent guest of the Rev. George Sigler anil family. Mrs. Robert Hocker an I daughter spent Wednesday with friends at Har risburg. Mr. and Mrs. B. K. Mit.'hell spent a few days of this week as the guests of friends at Enola. Mrs. H. D. Koons visited friends at Harrisburg on Wednesday. Mrs. William Look and Mrs. George Goss visited friends at Harrisburg on Thursday. Mrs. Gardner Thomas visited friends at Harrisburg on Thursday. Mrs. Charles Reimert and daughter, Katharine, are spending several days this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hain, at Haiuton. Mrs. William Albert, of Harrisburg, was the guest of her mother, Mrs. Ma tilda Shuey, 011 Thursday. Fleck Mixell spent Sunday with friends at Hagerstown, Md. U. B. L?ese purchased a large truck automobile this week. Miss Ellen Levan spent a few days of this week with friends at Harris burg. Mrs. Mary Keeser spent Thursday with friends at Harrisburg. Master R%ss Care, of Steelton. spent a few days of this week as the guest of C. B. Care and family. Mr. Reivhel ami family, 01 near .Pen- brook, moved on Monday to the Bowers farm which Mr. Reichel recently pur chased. Captain Nevin W. Moyer, of Mor ganza, spent a few days of this week as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Unger. NEW CUMBERLAND Sunshine Band Will Meet at Pauline Wright'B Home Special Correspondence. New ( irm'berland, Nov. 13.—Tiie Sun shine band, composed of twenty-nine little girls of Trinity United Brethren Sunday school. iMrs. W. A. Cookerly, teacher, will meet at the home of Paul ine Wright this evening at 7 o'clock after a short business session. A social hour will be spent. William Knnis has returned home from a trip to Northern and Central Pennsylvania. (Mr. Ennis is assist-,int. engineer of the sewerage department of the State Board of Health. He met with a narrow esca'pe While riding in a large touring car with t'lie president and superintendent of the water com pany at Emporia. The machine went down an embankment thirty feet high. The occupants escaped with slight in juries, Mr. Ennis having his hand hurt. Miss .lanet Reilf went to State Col lege yesterday to attend a house party at one of the fraternity houses where sfhe is a guest. A concrete pit ifc being bailt at the Susquehanna woolen mill to filter the dye liquor after it comes from the dye house. Mr. and Mrs. Parker Minter have re turned from a visit to their grand mother, IMrs. Anna Speck, at Wellsville. Mrs. J. A. Sprenkel and Mrs. Ballets spent the day with relatives in Har risburg, 'Mrs. Annie VVililer. who has been visiting friends in Hipphsjiire, "has re turneil home. Mrs. John Fisher, of Kuoia, visited her mother, Mrs. Catherine Slha,fTer, yes terday. •Mrs. .Jennie Philfee, of Philadelphia, is the guest of lier brother, Curt.in My ers. at Elkwood. •Mrs. Harry Gam'ber, of Harrisburg, spent yesterday with M{s. Daniel Beek iey. Miss Bertie Burkholder was summon ed to Harriftburg 011 account of the death of her aunt, Mrs. Smith. Following is the order of church services: Baughinan Memorial M. K.—Sunday school at 9.20. Preaching at 10.00. Epworth 'League at 6.30. Preaching at ".30. l'rinity I*. B.- Sunday xnool at 9.30. Preaching at 10.30. Jr. C. E. at 2 o'clock. Sr. C. E. at, 6 o'elo-k. Preaching at 7 p. in. Clmrc'h of CI oil —.Sunday school at 0.15. Preaching at 10.30. Christian Endeavor at 6 o'clock. Preaching at 7 p. m. St. Paul's Lutheran—Sunday school at 9 a. in. Preaching at 10. Christian Endeavor at 6 o'clock. MECHANICS}? L-RG Miss Violet Beitzel Gives Interesting Pipe Organ Recital Special Corresponds i ' Mechanicsburg, Nov. 1 3. A very tine pipe organ recital was given last .even ing in the First I'nited Bretiiien chuivl: by Min Violet Beitzel, organist ot' the i-'lniicli. Miss Beit;:el was assisted by Mrs. (iaire Harnish, soprano soloist. Another very interesting evangelis tie service wns held last evening in the 'Methodist church. A very important meeting was held 'by the local lodge of the Knights of Pythias last evening when three pages were advanced to the esquire rank. A meeting of the Woman's Foreign Missionary 'Society of the 'Methodist Church was 'liel I yesterday afternoon at the home of JMrs. K. 11. Snavel.v. East Main street. A local teachers' institute will be held here to-morrow. Mrs.(Margaret Eberly is visiting rela tives in Rending. Announcements have been received here of the marriage of Russell Buy Sollen'herger and Ida Javue Elizabeth Adams, on Monday, November 9, at Fort Pierce, Florida. Mir. an I Mrs. Sol len'bergpr will h? at home after Decern tier 1 at Fort Pierce, Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Sollenberger are former residents of this county. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sollenberger. near R,oxibury. The bride .was a teacher in the schools of the county several years. Miss Beatrice Clouser, of Harrifburg, •has returned home after a visit of sev eral days to her uncle an,l aunt, Mr. and 'Mrs. Calvin denser, South Washington street. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel E. Basi nore are in Lancaster to-day attending the meet ing of the Pennsylvania German So ciety. Miss Florence Hart,man, of Harris burg, visited friends here yesterday. Mr. and (Mrg. Abram Mu'miper, of Fr bana, Ohio, are visiting relatives in this place and vicinity. Mrs. Edwin Clouser is visiting rela fives in Harriaburg. Miss Myrtle Clouser returned to her home n H-n'risburg ;• <■ t IM !:i. uftc a visit o' several 'lavs to relatives in i i ■» place. atives ; n En" De.-iiu, M>'s. And-«'.v Staui'oa.igii returned hump yivtcr v. Lite Daily Fashion Hint. , Dancing gown on pretty line* I:»»» skirt is of white satiu. I lie cordage < t white tulle. There is a double n.ii: ft black nut. ami lace. Wide dark bin* girdle, with pink rose thrust In II ( I; :r, edge .let slrauilw Oil cui's.ifce. Joel k'tili r.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers