The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, November 12, 1914, Page 9, Image 9

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"Pape's Diapepsin''
Makes Sick. Sour.
Gassy Stomachs
Feel Fine
„ Time it! In five minutes all stomach
.distress " ill no. No iudigestion. heart
bum. soumoss or belching of gas. acid,
or eructations of undigested food, no
dizziness, bloating, fool breath or head
Pape's Diapepsin is noted for its
speed iu regulating- upset stomachs.
It is the surest, quickest and most cer
tain indigestion remedy in the whole
world, and besides it is harmless.
Millions of men and women uow eat
their favorite foods without fear —
they know Tape's Diapepsin will save
them from any stomach misery.
Please, for your sake, get a large
fifty-cent case of Pape's Diapepsin
from any drug store and put your
stomach right. Don't keep on being
miserable —life is too short—you are
not here long, so make your stay agree
able. Eat what you like and digest it;
enjoy it, without dread of rebellion iu
the stomach.
Pape's . Diapeps n belongs in your
home anyway. Should one of the fatn
ilv eat something which don't agree
with them, or in case of an attack of
indigestion. dyspepsia, gastritis or
stomach derangement at daytime or dur
ing the night, it is handy to giw the
quickest, surest relief knpwn. A< Iv.
Players to Be Given a Chance to See
College Game
hi order that the players will -be
able to witness the Gettysburg-Bucknell
game st Island Park Saturday after
noon, tiio Harrisburg Academv game
with the Lebanon Valley ( oll«ge Re
serves v.ill lie piayed at 10.30 o'clock
in the morning. This is the last sched
uled game on Academy's list and Man
ager Bailey is now trying to s hedule
another game for November 21.
Scrimmage practice was held this
afternoon i:. preparation for the game.
A \ictory Saturday will make the sea
son a success.
Canonsburg, Nov. IU. —In a tail
down a flight of stairs at her home,
Mrs. Joseph Simons, a well-known »o
ciety woman, was seriously injured
yesterday morning, while her S-mouth
old son, who was in her arms, was
tatally hurt, dying shortly afterward.
As a result of her injuries, combin
ed with the shock of her child's death,
Mrs. Simons is at her home in a se
rious condition, with several physicians
in attendance. Mrs. Simons was com
ing down to breakfast.
Our Gilt to You ol This I
$5.00 Bible
No difference how many Bibles you now have, this one MAKES PLAIN
the subjects by pictures printed with the tvpe; so of all others, this is the
USEFUL Bible for all. PRESENTED by
to its readers,
who will ever be
grateful for the
In addition to the 600 beautiful text illus nwnn,•+nnit'T7 nf
trations are full page plates of the famous uppUillUUty 01-
'lissot pictures in handsome colors. As fored htr tli i o
I'M ward W. Bok, editor of the "I.adie> fam leieCl Oy tfllS
Home Journal," says: "This Bible is not a JSSSL , 0 - rnn rl Prlnnn
meaningless picture book. The illustrations to cuuld "
tional distribu-
Judged From Stories j
Told by Eyewitness
es Arriving From the
Battle Front
Say French Bluejackets at Dixmude
Were Finally Compelled to Give
Way Under the Fierce Attacks of
the Kaiser's Forces
Paris. Nov 12, l A. M.—The bat
tle in Flanders is as far as ever from
a decision, according to the official com
niuiufutions and judged from stories
iolil by eyewitnesses arriving from the
battle front. The Germans have given
an emphatic denial ot the reports that |
thev were in retreat by carrying Dix I
liiude, on the per, 12 miles north of
pres and on the road to Dunkirk,
which the Germans are striving to at
tain. Prench bluejackets at Dixmude ,
had helii the town against them in the
iace oi fierce attacks for the past week,
hut wore finally compelled to give wav.
The allies' attempts to drive the Ger
mans out again have thus far failed.
Rest of Front Unchanged
On the vest of the front, as far as
the river l.ys. the situation, according
to 'atest advices, remains practically ,
As the principal action latterly lias j
centered to a large extent around Dix
mude, the Germans are entitled to '
claim the advantage, but the French
are strong posted in the vicinity and
the possession of the villages so far
has availed them bur little.
The setback at Dixmude. in the opin .
ion expressed hero, is somewhat com
pensated lor by the progress made bv
the Belgians along the Nieuport-Osteud i
road. If followed up this advance'
."i patently would threaten the German
Fresh Masses of Germans
East and south of Ypres the Ger
mans seem to luue found fresh masses .
ot troops to hurl into the murderous :
fray, but the allies seem to be holding
their own. The country is undulating,
well wooded and covered with a multi
tude of farms which are surrounded
iby large elms. The villages are few
and small and most of the population 1
is centered on these farms, which are j
distant from eac'i other at the nios; !
from two to three hundred yards, i
These innumerable and solidly 'built :
brick houses, with their walled country j
yards and sometimes deep ditches, j
make excellent bases for small detach- j
ments and play an important part in
Set Back Your
Old Time Vim
Kellogg's Sanitone Wafers Ee vitalise
New Nerve Energy Into Eun-
Down Hen and Women.
j Why not get out of life the beßt
life has to pive. and awaken the joy
| ous .ipibitions of days of yore? KeI
IOKR'S Sanitone Wafers revitalize and
I strengthen. put vim In vimless, i
played out nerves, and cheer in mud-
Kellosi'i Sanitone Wafers Make Me Feel
Like a Younu Colt That Won't Stand
Still Without Hitchin*.
died brains. .Men and women lagged
out from worry—oserwork or other j
causes, net strong and happy right off— ;
fret qui; k a 'tlon that puts them right.
l*m't be weary, weak and listless, just I
from sheer nerve-strain or exhaustion. !
j Don't live a life that's just one pain
after another. Kellogg's Sanitono Waf- '
ers will strengthen your nerve vitality, j
and. with vital nerve power restored,
you will experience the courage of per
fect healt! . SI.OO a box at druggists, i
Send your name and address to-day
with >i\ cents in stamps to help pay
! postage ard packing for a free 50 c trial
l»o\ of Kellogg's Sanitone Wafers, to
I'. J. Kellogg Co., :!7-7 Iloft'master
Bloc*-. Battle Creek. Michigan.
The regular SI.OO size of Kellogg's
Sanitone Wafers are for sale in Har
risbnrg at C. T Ue »rgc. 1 t» N. :* -«l St.:
C. Potts. 1101 N. :ird St.; C. M. For
• uey, successor t<» Forney & Knouse. 126
Market St.: .1. !i. Park, Jr.. t»2l Race
St.; 4". K. Keller, in.", Market St.: W. F,
j Steever. 14th ami Walnut Sts.
No free boxes from druggists.
tho long; battle. The struggle i< taking
place among the farms in the direction
■>t" the border towns of Conies. Warrick
and Menin.
The combats around l.a Bassee and
| Arras, when the British are operating.
have shown no decisive changes. The
; German onslaught here has been «■.,
eessfuUv and steadfastly maintained,
the British repelling attack after at
Aviators on tlie Move
Aviators report the movement of
I troops and heavy guns on a large scale
: in the interior of Belgium, some going
toward Germany, others toward Ant
werp and yet others toward Courtrai.
The explanation of this movement ap
pears to ho that soli,l troups, capable
; of operating in the open, are beiug sent
i to Prussia, their places in tho
trenches being taken by less trained
j men. The gunt> going to Antwerp, if
j is believed here, are due to a desire to
i have a strong flank position ngau'st the
allies in case tliey advance on Brus
j sels.
j The object ot' the continuous (Jer
j man attack; in Beigiuju anil the Ar-
Flush the Kidneys at Once Wlien Back- 1
achy or Bladder Bothers—Meat
Forms Uric Acid
No man or woman who oats moat reg
ulurly can make a mintage by flushing
the kidneys occasionally, says a well
known authority. Moat forms uric acid ;
which clogs tho kidney pore so they j
sluggishly til tor or strain only part of !
tho waste and poison from the blood, 1
then you got sick. Nearly all rheuma
tism, headaches, liver trouble, uervous
iioi-s. constipation, dizziness, sleepless
ne> liladder disorders come from slug- '
j;ish kidneys.
Ihe iiiom nt you Tool a dull ache in J
t hi* kidneys or your back hurts, or if ,
the urine is cloudy, otlensive, full of 1
sediment, irregular of passage or at- 1
tended by a sensation of scolding, get
about 'our ounces of rail Salts from auy
; pliable pharmacy and take a table
•poonful in a glass ..t' water before
breakfast for a few days and your kid
. novs will then act lii:o. This famous j
salts is made from tho acid of grapes!
and lemon .juice, .combined with lithia j
and has been iistM for generations to j
'flush clogged kiflney* and stimulate!
them to activity, also to neutralize tho j
! acids in urine so it no longer causes irri- 1
j tat ion, thus ending bladder disorders. I
■lad Salts is inexpensive and can- I
J not injure: makes a delightful offer-I
vescent lithia-water drink which all reg
iular moat eaters should take now and
then to keep the kidneys clean and the.
blood pure, thereby avoiding serious
kblney complications. Adv.
inentieres region, according to some of!
the French military critics, is to
achieve a real victor . which will oblige
the allies left to tall back and reor-|
gaiiizo and repair its losses. The Ger
mans would then leave as small a 'or'o
as tho\ doomed safe to hold the allies
and sen 1 f'.io rest against Russia.
Paris. Nov. 11'.—The "Petit .lour
nal -:e -th it the Duke of Brunswick,
tho '•on in-law of "it" K::'se". has been
lost ::r.d that -vatciie- among the dfad
and wounded in France and Belgium
have not revealed any information re
garding liii:,.
The Dili ' ess. 'he Princess Victoria
Louise ot Prussia, begged the Kaiser
to institute special searches and these
were made, but without result.
Krlist Augustus. Duke of Brunswick
and Luneburg. was married to the Prin
ces,- \ ictoria Louise, only daughter of
the Kaiser, ut Berlin on May 24, 191-1.
The Duke, who is a Prince Royal of
Great, Britain and Ireland, is a son of
the Duke of Cumberland, who was a
.-on ot King George V. of Hanover. The
Duke was horn on November 17, ISSJ.
and is a Colonel of Hussars in the Prus
sian army.
The Duchess gave birth to a son on
, March IS, 1914.
A dispatch from The Hague was
printed on O.'tober 22 giving the re
port that anxiety was felt in Bruns
wick for the safety of the Duke, who.
according to the reports, had been cut
off from the German lines while lead
ing the Zioten Hussars on the French
frontier. The fear was expressc I that
the Duke had been taken prisoner. The
Duchess at that time sorting for
her father's military headquarters to
make inquiries for her liusbaud.
Tl T«> \r,.VNl>o\ I'LANS
London. Nov. 12. — .V dispatch to the
"Daily Telegraph" from Home savs:
"The Nieu Freie Pre*se," the Viennese
organ, sjiys the Turks ha\e renounced
their idea of attacking the Sue ■ l ana'
because they fear lost by so doing tiiuy
might endanger the interests of Italy
Italy would be thereby compelled, the
paper says, to abandon l\er neutrality.
A .iispatch to th • liiclwmge Tele
graph Company from Athens says:
"It is learned that a conspiracy has
been discovered in Constantinople
against the Germans and Young Turks.
The chief conspirators were arrested
and shot.
"The population of the Ottoman
capital is becoming very excited as a
result of the Turkish defeats on Sun
da\. A number o : German non-com
missioned officers were attacked.''
•-10 never retail.' scanial."
"No i"
" Always wholesales it. " —iPhila lei
liia Ledger.
' « ■HBjJtt?'? £• , VSh jj '* to«> * *%&.*}&#*■ * 4^**->*ali
I Venice, via Paris, Nov. 12, 3.10 A. j
■ M. —Austriau manufacturers are find 1
ing increasing difficulty in procuring,
j materials from abroad. Neutral states j
constantly are restricting the classes of;
wares permitted to be exportcJ. Ru
mauiu ijas >iist addeil petroleum to the
prohibited district. This creates a seri-1
ous situation for Austria since the
: Russiau occupation of Ga'icia has in i
terfered greatly with the working of;
! the oil wells there. For weeks past it I
I lias been virtually impossible for pri-1
vate persons to Obtain gasolino for auto i
General Potiorek, commander of the i
Austrian army operating against the j
Servians, has issued a general order to
the Fifth and Sixth armies fighting inj
! Servia to do t'heir utmost to "break the
last resistance of t'heir op)ioueiits and i
lend the campaign before winter sets
in with all tho terrible sufferings which ,
I would follow.
, The only news appearing in the i
Vienna press from the GaUcian scene;
of war is the official announcement that ;
the postoflice has suspended entirely j
| the parcel post service for Galieia.;
I Cholera is steadily increasing in Vi
-1 enna. On Monday 29 ca*es were re
1 ported.
Deal, Hug., via London. Nov. 12,1
2.:!0 \. M.—Thousands of people wit
i nessed t'iie sinking off Deal of tiie Brit
' ish toipedo gunboat Niger by a German
submarine while lying in the Downs op-1
posite the pier head.
At noon a lotnl roar of an explosion
1 was heard, dense columns of black
I suioke were seen to arise and the Niger
almost immediately began to go down
'by the bows. Though partially bidden
'by clouds of smoke and steam the stern
of the Niger was seen to rise gradually
in the air until the greater length <,»f
' her keel was visible. Then she slid
slo'.riv and gracefully 'beneath t'ho water
• twenty minutes after she was struck.
I Her boilers burst immediately before
she disappeared and caused a further j
rush of steam.
Nearly all of the crew were below at!
• dinner when the tortedo struck the ship;
and orders to close the water tight doors j
were shouted from the bridge. When
the crew Hew to obey ouo of them tub- j
served the white foam following the
■ourse of Übe torpedo. The explosion
followed and a large hole was made!
just before the bridge in the forward of the s'hip.
Boats were immediately launched,
including two lifeboats and the crew, j
including Captain Mais and the ofti
cors, were rescued. Three of the sur- •
vivors are injured and it is reported !
that two men are missing. This is the
first time a German submarine has pen '
• '.rated the Downs where nearly a nun
i 11 red ships w-":'e at anchor at the time |
, of t'he disaster.
| Charged With Jumping Board Bill
| Lebanon, Nov. 12.—The Philadel!
I phia police yesterday communicate e
I I with the police of Lebanon informing
the latter that the former arrested John,
" Hopkins, who wat an amateur baseball
pitcher here last summer. Hopkins isj
j charged with jumping a board bill in
this city.
Some very remarkable results are
11 being obtained by treating stomach,
! liver and intestinal troubles with pure
■! vegetable oils, which exert a cleaning,
; soothing and purifying action upon the
, ■ lower bowels, removing the obstructions
I of poisonous fetal matter and gases and
preventing their absorption by the
! blood. This done, the food is allowed
! free passage from the stomach, for
! mentation ceases and stomach troubles
! ; quickly disappear.
George H. Mayr, for twenty years a
' | leading < iiicago druggist, cured himself
and many of his friend® of stomach,
' j liver and intestinal troubles of years'
- I standing by this tieatment, and so suc
cessful was the remedy he devised that
': it lias siuce been placed in tiie hands of
druggists all over the country, who have
1 I sold thousands of bottles.
' ! Though absolutely harmless, the ef
| feet of the medicine is sufficient to con
vince auy one of its remarkable effect
■ iveuess, ami within 24 hours the suf
ferer feels like a new person. Mayr's
Wonderful Stomach Remedy is now sold
| it ere by Geo. A. Gorgas, 16 North Third
! street aud Pennsylvania Railroad Sta
! tion. Adv.
"The Quality Store"
Any Ladies' or Misses' Suits in the store, including tlic famous
STYLE-CRAFT make at just ONE HALF PRICE. This is without
question one of the greatest offers ever made at this season o:' the year..
None were purchased specially for sale purposes but are our regular
high-grade, superior-quality stock. All sizes—every prevailing color—
every fashion-approved model. Each garment boars the original price
ticket and will be sold regardless of cost at ONE-HALF PRICE.
Ladies' Tailored Waists in white 10c Unbleached Canton Flannel
and cream madras—made with de- with heavy twill back and well
tachable collar and cuffs—excellent fleeced. Special for Friday at. per
values at #1.25. Special for Friday yard, 71/ g*
at, each 79*
:IK inch Unbleached Muslin, me-
Odd pairs of Ruffled Musiiu Cur- diuin weight, nice even cloth, worth
tains, 2>« yards long and 40 inches Tc. Special for Friday at, por yard,
wide—slightly soiled and only (t)
one pair of a kind. Regularly SI.SO.
Special for Friday at, per pair,
srft,; Dress Ginghams in blue, gray,
*>" V pink and dark stripes and checks—
makes splendid school dreases; worth
40-incli Colored Bordered Scrims tOc. Special for Friday at, per
for curtains—excellent patterns and yard,
all new Fall goods. Worth 23c. / 2
Special for Friday at. per yard,
-| rjj. Ladies' medium weight Union
* Suits, high neck, and long sleeves,
ankle length—all sizes; SI.OO qual-
Ruffled Net aud Scrim Curtains, ity. Special for Friday at . .
:5 yards long and 40 and 45 inches _ "
Aide —splendid selection. Regularly _, _ _
$2.00 to $4.00 values. Special for , styles ° lef f Gowns. em "
Friday at. per pair CI 00 b , rol ? ery , trlmme J*' low "ck and
<5 A -Ou sliort sleeves. The regular SI.OO
values. Special for Friday at 6Q#^>
oxl2 Body Brussels Rugs—only
:! in the lot—beautiful colorings WARREN'S Featherbone Shaped
and exquisite designs—all new ana airtU e Forms—all sizes. Special for
pcrlect goods. A *27.50 value. Friday at, each KJ.
Special for Friday at, each,
$22.t)0 Plain Net and Lace Plaitings in
cream and white—different widths
Large size hemmed Huck Towels —2sc and 50c values. Special for
with pretty neat red borders—splen- Friday at, 12V d* and *£\t»
did for every day uso—worth 12He.
Special for Friday at. each, . . .... _ . . _ .
•»f White Voile and Organdie Collars.
embroidered in all colors—Dutch
Large double bed size Spreads. and flare styles—2sc and 50c val
nicely hemmed, good heavy quality ues. Special Friday at ONE-HALF
—Marseilles patterns—sell regular PRICE.
ly at $1.50. Special for Friday at,
each 51.19 Men's "KADY" Suspenders—wide j
f * and narrow lisle web—regularly
All pure Linen Damask Table BOc ' Speclal for Frid;,y at ' pcr . p i! 1 '
Cloths, size M<lx«<>. full bleached *ss*
and hemmed—excelleut patterns—a
regular SI.BO value. Special for Men's "PIONEER" Suspenders,
Friday at, each, 'SJJ.39 narrow lisle and also heavy work
v * kinds—regularly 25c. Special for
Large size Bod Comfortables filled Frlda y at < P el " P alr 17^
with good clean white cotton, cov-
ered with pretty chintz on both PHOENIX Knitted Mufflers in
sides—sells regularly for $1.75. black, white and gray. Special for
Special for Friday at, each. Friday—
sl.39 50c quality at, each. ... 290
Large all-over kimono sleeve
Aprons made of good serviceable . , .«.«.» nTi, «,
quality percale in checks, figures and ' . , Soap,
stripes, also plain blue —made in J? Special lor Friday at,
medium, large and extra large sizes p c O*
—has pocket—worth 50c. Speclal Palm Olive Soap. Special for Fri
for Friday at, each, 39* day at :$ cakes for I
London, >,'ov. 12, 0.05 A. M.-—A
"Daily Express'' correspondent, on the
Belgian frontier sends the following dis
"Great precautions are being taken
to prevent access to Antwerp and com
Humiliation with that city.
■'o:i Tuesday Michael Doyle, special
iigtMit of the American Treasury De-
I artinent, left Rotterdam in a motor car
with dispatches for the Amerieau lega
tion at Brussels. The German minister
at The Hague, specially instructed him
to follow a circuitous route through
'Breda. Thorout. Aersrhot and Louvain
instead of taking the shorter road
through Malines which is closed. This
shows that remarkable military activity
is proceeding at Antwer'p.''
Berlin. Nov. 1 2 (by wireless). —
Lieutenant General Hellingrath, inspec
tor of German military roads, with
headquarters at i antbrai, in northern
France, is making public exhibitions of
j dum dtim bullets found on British pris
oners and also of British rifles equipped
with a contrivance to cut off and per-
I forate the points of bullets.
| The above information was given out
officially to the press in Berlin vestcr
! day.
Candidate Received, Promised, Ex
pended and "Got'' Nothing
Washington, D. Nov. 12.
j Charles 11. s. Robinson. of Hoxbur.v,
' Mass., who ran for Congress in his dis
trict on the Republican ticket, filed his
| report at the Capitol yesterday. It
«aiti: "1 received nothing, promised
1 nothing, expended nothing, got iioth-
I ing."
Richard Olnev, 2d, of Boston, who
; was elected to riie House, tiled a state
ment showing that he received contri
butions of $123 and spent $1,048 in
iiis campaign.
Many of the campaign reports have
been coining in irregularly and in poor
shape. Sonic of the candidates failed
i to swear to thoir statements.
I woiii I rather sit on a pnni|vlsin an.t
have it all to i.iv self than be crowded
on a velvet cushion. —Thoreau.f