The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, November 12, 1914, Page 12, Image 12

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j i)v^
Another Busy Shopping Day Wlth Such Rare Friday Specials
No Friday Specials Serving Trays ExtraOfdiliarV Of Eveniflg GOWtIS Women's Ribbed Vests Men's Shirts and
l| Sent C. 0. D.. or Mail or 69e mahogany finished tap- J O . Women's 39c and 50c white Pajamas
•Phone orders Filled. sSHi^Hday^ni^ 8 . Embracing Many Beautiful Models . "<•»'* *'•«» khrip.
_ . D 1 , KYidnv milv Finery ami \\ achusett neßli-
Friday sale of si .oo S4O to SSO Dresses Are Now -a-
JTZ%f Priced at $25 to S3O w—Jsr&Wf
t'rimmeTwith »?«and!*n slightly damaged; excellent Women's 38c blaek lisle out Aim's SI.OO flannelette pn
. '■! i\ 9 V*9 > tor draining dishes. Regular Iho styles aIV tl'llO reproductions ot the size hose; fashioned feet. Spe- jamas, all si/.es. Special Fri
end '*4 95 Special Friday ~ U!> ' s l ,tvial Friday only, JftMm SOW 118 that are now being shown by the 'ial Friday only 25C 'ay only 79c
only, SI.OO ** . aiis hotises that are tort una to to Women's 79c blaek silk Men's one-piece flannelette
erD.ves Pomerov & Stewart 11 1 -\l4 l - inch white en- \ >T\. i be open for business; the materials are ot hose; fashioned feet. Special pajamas, sizes 15 to 18. Spe
SeoondVlo'oV. Front. amelled frame mirror with \ \ \\ ' a quality that is to be found only ill the llUlk- Friday only, 50c cia! Friday only 95<
■" mmm ~" ! i 1 1 'ii- < -i !i \\/ \ \ . my i. > t troeks ot the highest eharaeter, and t,ir Dive*. Pomeroy & stewnri, Dives, Pomerov & stowart,
IT.P.*V -~ n 8 s c parat r £*•' \ f — 1 VA \ the finishing touehes show that mark of skill street Floor.
Men's Store, Street Floor.
„ . „ toil: t>9e value, Special h'i- \f M I ■ ■ .........
Friday Sale of j av on!v V. —J that only the artist eau give to a gown. _______________________
Shapes at 25c £s,' '« ' 11,.. th™> W to #3O Men's Lisle Hose $3.95 Scrim Curtains,
About UK< untrimmed hats lI\VJ \AWjmA«° ,v,ls »-» and «J0 will occur to-mor- Men's 26,. black ».ul <»..
in velvet and plush, many ——— ____________ * \ row. lisle hose; seaiultos. Special, Jpl.«»o
tnrban etle-t>. values t<> Travelillff Ba&S Evening dresses of maize ehiffon and silk moire; circular F ridaj onlv 15C eern scrim curtains
*lA>. Special Friday only. 6 ; kirl #,ul chiffo " " oun, '° wi,h ,unU '' Specially price.! m Dives, Pomerov & Stewart. with Irish point border, 2^
—i> ®* •? »a'o cowhide leather bags. ji a W3.00 street Floor. yards long. Speeial Friday
M'Divej. Pomeroy i Stewart Special Vri- v One style is of salmon satin and chiffon with pointed silver only, |>aii"
Second Floor. Front. dav oillv 52.9S 5C i V.ll* >\ net and fur band trimming; the waist is finished with silver —n .
it..-;, ■' BllHi? ii " ""*• Fur Trimmed Juliets
_ _ . ,i , , . • , |, • j iA ■1 gAI j IV;! 18 .j \ >iik oropo dress in a delioate rioh pink and rose, with
RlbbOll Spcciclls ' rriua\ •■ Wm Sj|f\ /SBIJ » j, »\ ' ironlnr and silk fringe trimming: the waist sof W onion s SI.OO blaok tVlt
only 514.0S ,1 W | .1 tile lace, draped in rose ehiffou. Spot' ally priced at I J Juliets, back fur trimmed; I r , I
All silk taffeta and moire „ v sa fetv razor blade /ll Hf' A I |Bi''S I \ V light blue crepe meteor dress i* verv charming with its hand turn soles; all sizes 4to Curtain bClim, 25^
rinoons; 4to •> inches wide : croppers. Special Fridav /! U(1 V V vA/JJll'jj II 1 "" st ,® f ,vhiu ! ~ot Hnd chiffo,,: rtnish ° a nith lace bands. 8. Special Friday only, 85< lM »c to :i!)c curtain scrim in
m a full range of colors; val- „i, W M t!!* '/ ii Specially priced at ...,. .9a,v00 , „ . . . -
SM».i-il Kri lav ' nl > • 5W ' /'llill flf mil V I »Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart i ru. cream and while, fancy
\ {'V L'Jt 1 ifji - Street Floor—Rear. ■ order and plain center. Kpe
onh. jartl WO UV razor hones. Special Mvl M m ■Vfh layf-iMMB ered floral net. Specially priced at (Uio.oo « rial Friday only yard 250
Satin taffeta ribbons; Ito '" ' ' ,P ®f> J," '»«■ ' fflff IVhite chiffon and satin empire dress: black panne velvet 1 t Dues, Pomeroy & Stewart
I'.J inches wide: values to N.iuare. i/W Afi «T ,a : r.i : e a-.-.d l-and linislied in monkey fur and Wading. Spe- Women's $2 00 Shoes
10c. Speeial Friday only. Special Friday only, .. sf>o /jWi f£'f J'jjJ " al v ,>ru ' e<l llt san.oti
vard, .. 5o st>.()s C as heaters Spec al trrl Black satin gown with long overskirt of black silk net; SI.OO ______________________
i- ; i «o o'o V r the waist follows the bolero effect aud is finished with gradu- e\r i
t. Dives. I otneroy \ Stewart. ' a - • 5»0.a1S atiug bands of black velvet and satin sash. Specially priced Women's $2.00 black kid Clearance Ot Velvet
street Floor. 15e oyster openers. Spe- (J at S' skin shoes; button and lace -p . , , .
————_ia! Friday only, 10c V - - Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor—3 Elevators ' .styles; sizes 'J l o to 4. Spe- onapCS £ riaay at
Women's Neckwear >et<. Special Friday Black Dress Goods Speci . u Values $1 95 to $3 95 Blouseg) "• 1^;f°;;;7 r y _;^ a t ; wnrt ' About -m mitrimmed lints
In a large range of styles: .... ii i.i.,. i <vi_ _ . „_ ' ' ' ' u velvet, ,dus'.i and velvet
I slightly soiled : v alues lip to | : »<v decorated elnna crack-1 ■.,•'l, !/ l |iv 111 Towels SOC 1 __________ land luitter's plus i p;o in r|
"»oc. Special Fridaj only. er i^ rs and chocoate pots. ! k > ,u .!' "■' 111 co !, .... . Ohnoo pecial clearance Friday at
Special Friday only. 30*' lav oul>. >ard owO He red border buck tow- \ oile or batiste blouses, Misses LdCe Shoes, «JoC aud These sliapes
, : xv , wßives. Pomeroy i Stewart 7oc black Panama, all wool, r.' s *', x '' h ! u s " ' ''iji'*] trimming of hand emhroid- Misses' blaek kid skin '» v <' been reduced from 98e,
i repe de vinue \\ indsor - ■ r ridav only, 4 tor -.*f cry, bunch Jucks. lace inser- , . . . , , ii m „„ i 4 i ir,
ties in ombre shadings Spe- ] f inches wide. Special
.•ial Fridav otilv. . 250 ' .uiyonh.yard oJc large size bleached Regular price *1 95 *» % ami soles, sizes 11' -j to _. t«-Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
———— — -.-.1, , Turkish bath towels, all 4it i>.-, v«„, . ■ Friday only tK>O Millinerv, Soeond Floor.
" D vo, Pomerov & Stewart Women's Handkerchief* V" jack poplin: silk whi Social Friday onlv W<>. None sent on approval ' t , Three Kievators.
Street Floor. "Omen saanaKerCuieiS and wool; 40 inches wide. '• 1"*<» and none exchanged. Special M Dives. Pomeroy A Stewart
J Hemstitched colored bor- Special Friday oiily, yard. _ ' Friday only, .. 950 Street Floor—Rear.
————————— tier handkerchiefs with fancy ; ' of> lie bleached I'urkish bath MrDives. Pomerov & Stowart Corset Specials
Men's Handkerchiefs comer designs in blue, pink 51.25 black unHuisliedwor- .owelsjheuuinH l . Special Fri- Second Floor-Th*ree Kiev ators. Children's Lace Shoes , ,
and lavender. \ alues up to sted: 54 inches wide. Spe- dav onlv l-'.jC OlUlCiren s Jjdte onueb Red fern, Rengo Belt and
Fancy initial handker- 10c. Special Friday only. 4 -ial Fridav only, vard. 890 15e aud 19c part linen buck Children's *1.25 black kid American Lady corsets, brok
•iuets: lull hue of initials. tor 10c towels- slightlv imperfect Black Silk Snecialc lace shoes; Goodyear welted eu sizes, $5.00 values. Spe
-5 • Children's h hedcot- »'»' ***«& Black Silk Specials • Mleß . tiß(i ; 3to 8. Spoml ial Friday ¥3.r,0
~ - * 111 . ton handkerchiefs, worth 3e i 1 \ 1 11 blaek messaliiie, 36 Friday only, TSC Dives, L'omeroy & Stewart *
63* Special Fridav onlv, 3 for Wll .v. yard M.b.) w Dives. Pomeroy * Stewart. inches wide. Special Friday M . n . p t „ t , Second Floor-Three Klcvators.
. „ . , ' • • ' _ l street l'lnor i , ~J ■, tn Dives. Pomerov A. Stewart,
t D.'. es. Pomeroy .*c Stewart 5f tr Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, 1 only, yard boO Street Floor' Rear.
Street Floor. _ Street Floor. _________ ,
tr Dive. Joneroy & Stewart, $1.50 black faille or ben-
street Floor. u » gaiine. 36 inches wide. Spe- Short Cambric Skirts
— Boys Blouse Waists pvi.inv „ n iv v»r,i Infants' Shoes
Beaded Nets T.inino- «?r>ppial<! • oniy, Jara, Short cambric skirts, cam-
Embroideries Roys *l.l< ) wool blouse $1.19 Infants' 75c brown kid skin brie ruffle, hemstitched hem.
Beaded nets. 42 inches 20c blaek satine, 36 inches aists. Special Friday only. a Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, button shoes made on broad '-pecial Friday only, 25£
>vide. in brown, navy. grey. Cambric corset cover em- wide. Special Friday only. o9c Street Floor. toe lasts, haiul turned soles, p iveg p omolov & stowart
lampagne, reseda and light broidery, in cross bar effects, card 13' L .e tr Dives. Pomeroy i Stewart, ———————————— sizes Ito 5. Special Frnlny second Floor—Three Klevato'ra.
i'. ; values to 52.-.H). Spe- values to 2->c. Special Fri- - i l , ~ . . Men's store, street Floor. only o9c
yard, 98< lay only, yard ISc Specia Friday only^vand/ 11 49c to 98c Fancies, arDives, Pomeroy 4 Stewart
Valenciennes laces and in- Swiss embroidery galloons, 39c " Thousands of fancies in V "'"" Cambric Gowns
•t rtions. Ito 2>o inches wide. ' 2.t0 o inehes wide: values «Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart Men S Golf Caps white, black and colors in a Cambric irowns hMi or V
values to 10c. Special Fri- ro oOc. Special Friday only, Street Floor. Al . - n .-- .. elearanee Fridav at w »r» uu tamnric gowns, High or V
v oniv vard 5 c vard 19c ————Mens oOc and IOC golf tUal «<?aiante r rinav at Women's Rubbers shaped neck, bunch tucks
- - aps: assorted shapes and At\ ... trims yoke, neat ruffle trims
Camisole laces. 14 inches wPives. Pomeroy & Stewart 1 _ , colors. Special Fridav onlv, | tjf \\ omen s 50c rubbers with neck and sleeves. Regular
in shadow effects: values to Street Floor. Wash Dress Matenals ' 350 bigh or low heels; a gootl Wj Special Friday
;«i <oe : al Fridav ,>nlv .. fcrDives, Pomeroy & Stewart wearing rubber. Special Fri- ol ,i
• 2oe silting ill solid shades: "■ Lines. Pomeroy & Stewart, Millinery, Second I'loor. j av o „| v ~3Bc '
CJVipatQ atifl Pillnur f icac for school and house dresses. Men's Store, Street Floor. • 1 lirec Elevator 9, *« Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
CTDives. Pomeroy & Stewa.n «4na rUiOW UOSCS Special Friday only, yard, —————or Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor—Three Elevators.
Street Floor. 59c bleached sheets: 76x90 7 1 •_.£ ——— ______________ ——Street Floor Rear. .
inches. ~>nerial Fridav onlv -r. 1 «.. , Hnrspf flnvprs —— _ _— _
white "rounds with colored , . Pnrtnin T awn Men S UniOll Suits
Colored Dress Weaves ivw. %*i w Carton. U«
: f wool I'hallU. * V " d «' '*• ' ,J " W. U .../ armholes; %
wde; in light shades. Spe- * - lSe crepes in white t. Dives Pomerov i Stewart none exchanged. Special Pri- and blue colorings. Special on,> 7< *
ial triday only. yard,, ,29c Jb-in -h unbleached muslin, grounds. Special Friday only. Men's store, street FKor. ' day only, IOC Friday only, yard «r Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
oOc serge. 36 inches wide. " luaiitv. S|>e< ial liida> ~...12< —Nainsook corset covers, . Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, stieet 1 looi.
I Special Friday only. yard. 12' percales: 36 inches , embroidery edge and ribbon Third Floor Three Elevators. ZZZZIZZZZIZZ^^^ZIZ^^Z
35c 40-inch unbleached muslin. wide. Special Fridav onlv. Men's Work Gloves trims neck and armholes. TTr n „._. T r„;„„ a„;+«,
IV Shpnhord-. hL- io 10e quality. Special Fridav yard .9'.,'c ' Special Friday only 25C ~ TTTT Women S Union Suits
inches »»'>• "' =«• 25c s, lk 0Tp »„,,,, s ilk ami - W f
- k^,
sl.2"i Redona erene- >4 norai designs. Special hri- , , ■■ cial Friday only, each,.
nehes wide: liavv and brown. day onlv. yard 8c *IOO white »tan,,,ed ehem- p """"f
Spec,al Friday only, yard | 45c Brooms, 33C oOe erepe de chine, one-balf Auto Hoods i»/L°ly ' 69f \ »„.TIW
. silk: 36 inches wide. Special . j. ,'. ~,
$1 50 ail wool .-natinod \i 4-X' parlor brooms: sewed Fridav onlv. vard .....15c r- JT» J a J Women s $1.50 wool auto _>jc macrome cord, in white .
im-h»s wide 5,,,..,'. ;r,.V - !our times. Special FYidav _ Linens and Bed Spreads hoods, red ami navy, adjust- alß l colors. Special 1< rit lay
only, yard. . 69c onl >* 330 S!liT b P- d , er ' 75c all linen table damask, veil attached. Special stamoed Vre'pe iS White Goods Reduced
, . eu ngtires. Special Fridav • , .... . , ~ .' nday only SI.OO st»i.uu stamped crepe ofle nlnin white fluvnn
$1.25 serge: 50 inches wide. »"D-re«, 4 Stewart only, yard 19c i ine . N1 ■ pecial Fri- - * gowns. Special Friday only, inches wide Sneci il Fri'dav
aU wool: in navy. Speeial Basement. .. . . da - v 011 »" Women 'sand Misses' auto «{)0 121 C
F'ritlav onlv vard _ 25e siik muslin. Speeial i • i hoods, mercerized, with veil es Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart '
rrulaj only, yard Jsc Friday onlv. vard. ... 12'..c iOe fine grade mercerized attached, white with pink or Third Elevators. nainsook lor wom
sl.2o mixed suiting, ao Miscellaneous Items .>- ■ , table damask: <2 inches wide. blue trimming Special Fri- e " ? ' '"ldi-cn s wear, 10
and ;>4 inches wide. Special 2oe plain
Friday only, yard 69c 25c granite preserving ket- h v, de. Special Friday _ only, pa. on 5Qc Floss Cushions, I >iei eto a customer. Speeial I
•1.00 broadcloth; 50 inches s P«'i»l Friday only >«!•.-••• •••*»* *1.25 crochet bed spreada, »iv,. r.m„. ? t steww. 50c flosa filled enahionah, Sii. P hT,',„'.Vit®^
wide: in all shades. Special 10f 'sS«rLf 72*86 inches. Specia! Men, store, street Fjoor. pink and lavender with red. in m iIS A
Friday only, yard - ——— Speeial Friday only, .. 39<
M(vl _, j n u-ieker fratnos i ~ —_________ tar Dives, Pomerov & Stewart P| SptAldl r 1 lua.y onlj,
*3.00 coatings. ->4 inches Fridav onlv on « .» $1.39 and $1.69 bleached Qhnr+inonnolotto <Sb-iT.+«, Third Flo °'— Th «e Elevators. piece 98<
wide. Special Friday only. Friday only 4 oC 39c Guimpes, 2o<* damask table eloths, 66x66 Short Flannelette Skirts 15c to 19c white goods, in
yard 82.45 $1.39 round or oval white Sleeveless euimnes in tie inches; slightly imperfect. short flannelette skirts, ~ ~ ~ " c j, ud J , madras ' P if l l . le , f"?
*3.00 eoating: 54 inches in nickel ured net vvith collars Special Friday only. .. ,95c pink or light blue, hemstich- Cardigan Jackets checked lawns. Special Fri
w'de. Special Friday only, frame. Specml Friday only. :J9e values Special Fridav 10e bleached linen finish ed hem trims flounce. Spe- Women's SI.OO cardigan tla £_ on >'
yard 81.89 89C o„lv P «Si JOc bleached men finish g jackets: grey and black. Spe- 2oc fine underwear nam-
M . niVM p ...... , 0 3o * toweling. Special, yard, 8f u.u ruua. on.y, c-ial Fridav onlv ... 69C • ;uok - Special Friday only,
Street Floor. & ,^ mero - v & stewart Dives, Pomeroy i Stewart, » Dives, Pomeroy k Stewart «ar Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, its Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart yard 19£
' semen . Street Floor. Street Floor. Second Floor —Three Elevators. Men's Store, Street Floor. Street Floor.
===== i